path: root/cparser
diff options
authorXavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@college-de-france.fr>2021-08-22 13:29:36 +0200
committerXavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@college-de-france.fr>2021-08-22 13:29:36 +0200
commitd2595e3afb8c38a3391a66c3fc3f7a92fff9eff4 (patch)
treef3c8fba9ffffee5924dadd803fcebdc3520c9361 /cparser
parentd97caa16d15b0faca8386a060ec2bfaedad3cdab (diff)
parent47fae389c800034e002c9f8a398e9adc79a14b81 (diff)
Merge branch 'bitfields' (#400)
Diffstat (limited to 'cparser')
5 files changed, 46 insertions, 654 deletions
diff --git a/cparser/Bitfields.ml b/cparser/Bitfields.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index ad6e1696..00000000
--- a/cparser/Bitfields.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,581 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *)
-(* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of *)
-(* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *)
-(* This file is also distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* Elimination of bit fields in structs *)
-(* Assumes: nothing. *)
-open Machine
-open C
-open Cutil
-open Transform
-(* Info associated to each bitfield *)
-type bitfield_info =
- { bf_carrier: string; (* name of underlying regular field *)
- bf_carrier_typ: typ; (* type of underlying regular field *)
- bf_pos: int; (* start bit *)
- bf_size: int; (* size in bit *)
- bf_signed: bool; (* is field signed or unsigned? *)
- bf_signed_res: bool; (* is result of extracting field signed or unsigned? *)
- bf_bool: bool (* does field have type _Bool? *)
- }
-(* invariants:
- 0 <= pos < bitsizeof(int)
- 0 < sz <= bitsizeof(int)
- 0 < pos + sz <= bitsizeof(int)
-let carrier_field bf =
- { fld_name = bf.bf_carrier; fld_typ = bf.bf_carrier_typ;
- fld_bitfield = None; fld_anonymous = false }
-(* Mapping (struct/union identifier, bitfield name) -> bitfield info *)
-let bitfield_table =
- (Hashtbl.create 57: (ident * string, bitfield_info) Hashtbl.t)
-let is_bitfield structid fieldname =
- Hashtbl.find_opt bitfield_table (structid, fieldname)
-(* Mapping struct/union identifier -> list of members after transformation,
- including the carrier fields, but without the bit fields.
- structs and unions containing no bit fields are not put in this table. *)
-let composite_transformed_members =
- (Hashtbl.create 57: (ident, C.field list) Hashtbl.t)
-(* Signedness issues *)
-let unsigned_ikind_for_carrier nbits =
- if nbits <= 8 then IUChar else
- if nbits <= 8 * !config.sizeof_short then IUShort else
- if nbits <= 8 * !config.sizeof_int then IUInt else
- if nbits <= 8 * !config.sizeof_long then IULong else
- if nbits <= 8 * !config.sizeof_longlong then IULongLong else
- assert false
-let is_signed_enum_bitfield env sid fld eid n =
- let info = Env.find_enum env eid in
- if List.for_all (fun (_, v, _) -> int_representable v n false) info.Env.ei_members
- then false
- else if List.for_all (fun (_, v, _) -> int_representable v n true) info.Env.ei_members
- then true
- else begin
- Diagnostics.warning Diagnostics.no_loc Diagnostics.Unnamed
- "not all values of type 'enum %s' can be represented in bit-field '%s' of struct '%s' (%d bits are not enough)"
- eid.C.name fld sid.C.name n;
- false
- end
-(* Packing algorithm -- keep consistent with [Cutil.pack_bitfield]! *)
-let pack_bitfields env sid ml =
- let rec pack accu pos = function
- | [] ->
- (pos, accu, [])
- | m :: ms as ml ->
- match m.fld_bitfield with
- | None -> (pos, accu, ml)
- | Some n ->
- if n = 0 then
- (pos, accu, ms) (* bit width 0 means end of pack *)
- else if pos + n > 8 * !config.sizeof_int then
- (pos, accu, ml) (* doesn't fit in current word *)
- else begin
- let signed =
- match unroll env m.fld_typ with
- | TInt(ik, _) -> is_signed_ikind ik
- | TEnum(eid, _) -> is_signed_enum_bitfield env sid m.fld_name eid n
- | _ -> assert false (* should never happen, checked in Elab *) in
- let signed2 =
- match unroll env (type_of_member env m) with
- | TInt(ik, _) -> is_signed_ikind ik
- | _ -> assert false (* should never happen, checked in Elab *) in
- let is_bool =
- match unroll env m.fld_typ with
- | TInt(IBool, _) -> true
- | _ -> false in
- pack ((m.fld_name, pos, n, signed, signed2, is_bool) :: accu)
- (pos + n) ms
- end
- in pack [] 0 ml
-let rec transf_struct_members env id count = function
- | [] -> []
- | m :: ms as ml ->
- if m.fld_bitfield = None then
- m :: transf_struct_members env id count ms
- else begin
- let (nbits, bitfields, ml') = pack_bitfields env id ml in
- if nbits = 0 then
- (* Lone zero-size bitfield: just ignore *)
- transf_struct_members env id count ml'
- else begin
- (* Create integer field of sufficient size for this bitfield group *)
- let carrier = Printf.sprintf "__bf%d" count in
- let carrier_ikind = unsigned_ikind_for_carrier nbits in
- let carrier_typ = TInt(carrier_ikind, []) in
- (* Enter each field with its bit position, size, signedness *)
- List.iter
- (fun (name, pos, sz, signed, signed2, is_bool) ->
- if name <> "" then begin
- let pos' =
- if !config.bitfields_msb_first
- then sizeof_ikind carrier_ikind * 8 - pos - sz
- else pos in
- Debug.set_bitfield_offset id name pos carrier (sizeof_ikind carrier_ikind);
- Hashtbl.add bitfield_table
- (id, name)
- {bf_carrier = carrier; bf_carrier_typ = carrier_typ;
- bf_pos = pos'; bf_size = sz;
- bf_signed = signed; bf_signed_res = signed2;
- bf_bool = is_bool}
- end)
- bitfields;
- { fld_name = carrier; fld_typ = carrier_typ; fld_bitfield = None; fld_anonymous = false;}
- :: transf_struct_members env id (count + 1) ml'
- end
- end
-let rec transf_union_members env id count = function
- | [] -> []
- | m :: ms ->
- (match m.fld_bitfield with
- | None -> m::transf_union_members env id count ms
- | Some nbits ->
- let carrier = Printf.sprintf "__bf%d" count in
- let carrier_ikind = unsigned_ikind_for_carrier nbits in
- let carrier_typ = TInt(carrier_ikind, []) in
- let signed =
- match unroll env m.fld_typ with
- | TInt(ik, _) -> is_signed_ikind ik
- | TEnum(eid, _) -> is_signed_enum_bitfield env id m.fld_name eid nbits
- | _ -> assert false (* should never happen, checked in Elab *) in
- let signed2 =
- match unroll env (type_of_member env m) with
- | TInt(ik, _) -> is_signed_ikind ik
- | _ -> assert false (* should never happen, checked in Elab *) in
- let pos' =
- if !config.bitfields_msb_first
- then sizeof_ikind carrier_ikind * 8 - nbits
- else 0 in
- let is_bool =
- match unroll env m.fld_typ with
- | TInt(IBool, _) -> true
- | _ -> false in
- Hashtbl.add bitfield_table
- (id, m.fld_name)
- {bf_carrier = carrier; bf_carrier_typ = carrier_typ;
- bf_pos = pos'; bf_size = nbits;
- bf_signed = signed; bf_signed_res = signed2;
- bf_bool = is_bool};
- { fld_name = carrier; fld_typ = carrier_typ; fld_bitfield = None; fld_anonymous = false;}
- :: transf_union_members env id (count + 1) ms)
-let transf_composite env loc su id attr ml =
- if List.for_all (fun f -> f.fld_bitfield = None) ml then
- (attr, ml)
- else begin
- if find_custom_attributes ["packed";"__packed__"] attr <> [] then
- Diagnostics.error loc "bitfields in packed structs not allowed";
- let ml' =
- match su with
- | Struct -> transf_struct_members env id 1 ml
- | Union -> transf_union_members env id 1 ml in
- Hashtbl.add composite_transformed_members id ml';
- (attr, ml')
- end
-(* Bitfield manipulation expressions *)
-let left_shift_count bf =
- intconst
- (Int64.of_int (8 * !config.sizeof_int - (bf.bf_pos + bf.bf_size)))
- IInt
-let right_shift_count bf =
- intconst
- (Int64.of_int (8 * !config.sizeof_int - bf.bf_size))
- IInt
-let uintconst_hex v =
- { edesc = EConst(CInt(v, IUInt, Printf.sprintf "0x%LXU" v));
- etyp = TInt(IUInt, []) }
-let insertion_mask bf =
- let m =
- Int64.shift_left
- (Int64.pred (Int64.shift_left 1L bf.bf_size))
- bf.bf_pos in
- (* Give the mask an hexadecimal string representation, nicer to read *)
- uintconst_hex m
-let eshift env op a b =
- let ty = unary_conversion env a.etyp in
- { edesc = EBinop(op, a, b, ty); etyp = ty }
-let ebinint env op a b =
- let ty = binary_conversion env a.etyp b.etyp in
- { edesc = EBinop(op, a, b, ty); etyp = ty }
-(* Extract the value of a bitfield *)
-(* Reference C code:
-unsigned int bitfield_unsigned_extract(unsigned int x, int ofs, int sz)
- return (x << (BITSIZE_UINT - (ofs + sz))) >> (BITSIZE_UINT - sz);
-signed int bitfield_signed_extract(unsigned int x, int ofs, int sz)
- return ((signed int) (x << (BITSIZE_UINT - (ofs + sz))))
- >> (BITSIZE_UINT - sz);
-let bitfield_extract env bf carrier =
- let e1 = eshift env Oshl carrier (left_shift_count bf) in
- let ty = TInt((if bf.bf_signed then IInt else IUInt), []) in
- let e2 = ecast ty e1 in
- let e3 = eshift env Oshr e2 (right_shift_count bf) in
- if bf.bf_signed_res = bf.bf_signed
- then e3
- else ecast (TInt((if bf.bf_signed_res then IInt else IUInt), [])) e3
-(* Assign a bitfield within a carrier *)
-(* Reference C code:
-unsigned int bitfield_insert(unsigned int x, int ofs, int sz, unsigned int y)
- unsigned int mask = ((1U << sz) - 1) << ofs;
- return ((y << ofs) & mask) | (x & ~mask);
-If the bitfield is of type _Bool, the new value (y above) must be converted
-to _Bool to normalize it to 0 or 1.
-let bitfield_assign env bf carrier newval =
- let msk = insertion_mask bf in
- let notmsk = {edesc = EUnop(Onot, msk); etyp = msk.etyp} in
- let newval_casted =
- ecast (TInt(IUInt,[]))
- (if bf.bf_bool then ecast (TInt(IBool,[])) newval else newval) in
- let newval_shifted =
- eshift env Oshl newval_casted (intconst (Int64.of_int bf.bf_pos) IUInt) in
- let newval_masked = ebinint env Oand newval_shifted msk
- and oldval_masked = ebinint env Oand carrier notmsk in
- ebinint env Oor newval_masked oldval_masked
-(* Initialize a bitfield *)
-(* Reference C code:
-unsigned int bitfield_init(int ofs, int sz, unsigned int y)
- unsigned int mask = (1U << sz) - 1;
- return (y & mask) << ofs;
-If the bitfield is of type _Bool, the new value (y above) must be converted
-to _Bool to normalize it to 0 or 1.
-let bitfield_initializer bf i =
- match i with
- | Init_single e ->
- let m = Int64.pred (Int64.shift_left 1L bf.bf_size) in
- let e_cast =
- if bf.bf_bool then ecast (TInt(IBool,[])) e else e in
- let e_mask = uintconst_hex m in
- let e_and =
- {edesc = EBinop(Oand, e_cast, e_mask, TInt(IUInt,[]));
- etyp = TInt(IUInt,[])} in
- {edesc = EBinop(Oshl, e_and, intconst (Int64.of_int bf.bf_pos) IInt,
- TInt(IUInt, []));
- etyp = TInt(IUInt, [])}
- | _ ->
- assert false
-(* Associate to the left so that it prints more nicely *)
-let or_expr_list = function
- | [] -> intconst 0L IUInt
- | [e] -> e
- | e1 :: el ->
- List.fold_left
- (fun accu e ->
- {edesc = EBinop(Oor, accu, e, TInt(IUInt,[]));
- etyp = TInt(IUInt,[])})
- e1 el
-(* Initialize the carrier for consecutive bitfields *)
-let rec pack_bitfield_init id carrier fld_init_list =
- match fld_init_list with
- | [] -> ([], [])
- | (fld, i) :: rem ->
- match is_bitfield id fld.fld_name with
- | None ->
- ([], fld_init_list)
- | Some bf ->
- if bf.bf_carrier <> carrier then
- ([], fld_init_list)
- else begin
- let (el, rem') = pack_bitfield_init id carrier rem in
- (bitfield_initializer bf i :: el, rem')
- end
-let rec transf_struct_init id fld_init_list =
- match fld_init_list with
- | [] -> []
- | (fld, i) :: rem ->
- match is_bitfield id fld.fld_name with
- | None ->
- (fld, i) :: transf_struct_init id rem
- | Some bf ->
- let (el, rem') =
- pack_bitfield_init id bf.bf_carrier fld_init_list in
- (carrier_field bf,
- Init_single {edesc = ECast(bf.bf_carrier_typ, or_expr_list el);
- etyp = bf.bf_carrier_typ})
- :: transf_struct_init id rem'
-(* Add default initialization for carrier fields that are not listed in the output of
- [transf_struct_init]. This happens with carrier fields that contain no named
- bitfields, only anonymous bitfields. *)
-let rec completed_struct_init env actual expected =
- match actual, expected with
- | [], [] -> []
- | (f_a, i) :: actual', f_e :: expected' when f_a.fld_name = f_e.fld_name ->
- (f_a, i) :: completed_struct_init env actual' expected'
- | _, f_e :: expected' ->
- (f_e, default_init env f_e.fld_typ) :: completed_struct_init env actual expected'
- | _, [] ->
- assert false
-(* Check whether a field access (e.f or e->f) is a bitfield access.
- If so, return carrier expression (e and *e, respectively)
- and bitfield_info *)
-let rec is_bitfield_access env e =
- match e.edesc with
- | EUnop(Odot fieldname, e1) ->
- begin match unroll env e1.etyp with
- | TUnion (id,_)
- | TStruct(id, _) ->
- (try Some(e1, Hashtbl.find bitfield_table (id, fieldname))
- with Not_found -> None)
- | _ ->
- None
- end
- | EUnop(Oarrow fieldname, e1) ->
- begin match unroll env e1.etyp with
- | TPtr(ty, _) | TArray(ty, _, _) ->
- is_bitfield_access env
- {edesc = EUnop(Odot fieldname,
- {edesc = EUnop(Oderef, e1); etyp = ty});
- etyp = e.etyp}
- | _ ->
- None
- end
- | _ -> None
-(* Expressions *)
-let rec transf_exp env ctx e =
- match e.edesc with
- | EConst _ -> e
- | ESizeof _ -> e
- | EAlignof _ -> e
- | EVar _ -> e
- | EUnop(Odot s, e1) ->
- begin match is_bitfield_access env e with
- | None ->
- {edesc = EUnop(Odot s, transf_exp env Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
- | Some(ex, bf) ->
- transf_read env ex bf
- end
- | EUnop(Oarrow s, e1) ->
- begin match is_bitfield_access env e with
- | None ->
- {edesc = EUnop(Oarrow s, transf_exp env Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
- | Some(ex, bf) ->
- transf_read env ex bf
- end
- | EUnop((Opreincr|Opredecr) as op, e1) ->
- begin match is_bitfield_access env e1 with
- | None ->
- {edesc = EUnop(op, transf_exp env Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
- | Some(ex, bf) ->
- transf_pre env ctx (op_for_incr_decr op) ex bf e1.etyp
- end
- | EUnop((Opostincr|Opostdecr) as op, e1) ->
- begin match is_bitfield_access env e1 with
- | None ->
- {edesc = EUnop(op, transf_exp env Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
- | Some(ex, bf) ->
- transf_post env ctx (op_for_incr_decr op) ex bf e1.etyp
- end
- | EUnop(op, e1) ->
- {edesc = EUnop(op, transf_exp env Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
- | EBinop(Oassign, e1, e2, ty) ->
- begin match is_bitfield_access env e1 with
- | None ->
- {edesc = EBinop(Oassign, transf_exp env Val e1,
- transf_exp env Val e2, ty);
- etyp = e.etyp}
- | Some(ex, bf) ->
- transf_assign env ctx ex bf e2
- end
- | EBinop((Oadd_assign|Osub_assign|Omul_assign|Odiv_assign
- |Omod_assign|Oand_assign|Oor_assign|Oxor_assign
- |Oshl_assign|Oshr_assign) as op,
- e1, e2, ty) ->
- begin match is_bitfield_access env e1 with
- | None ->
- {edesc = EBinop(op, transf_exp env Val e1,
- transf_exp env Val e2, ty); etyp = e.etyp}
- | Some(ex, bf) ->
- transf_assignop env ctx (op_for_assignop op) ex bf e2 ty
- end
- | EBinop(Ocomma, e1, e2, ty) ->
- {edesc = EBinop(Ocomma, transf_exp env Effects e1,
- transf_exp env Val e2, ty);
- etyp = e.etyp}
- | EBinop(op, e1, e2, ty) ->
- {edesc = EBinop(op, transf_exp env Val e1, transf_exp env Val e2, ty);
- etyp = e.etyp}
- | EConditional(e1, e2, e3) ->
- {edesc = EConditional(transf_exp env Val e1,
- transf_exp env ctx e2, transf_exp env ctx e3);
- etyp = e.etyp}
- | ECast(ty, e1) ->
- {edesc = ECast(ty, transf_exp env Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
- | ECompound(ty, i) ->
- {edesc = ECompound(ty, transf_init env i); etyp = e.etyp}
- | ECall(e1, el) ->
- {edesc = ECall(transf_exp env Val e1, List.map (transf_exp env Val) el);
- etyp = e.etyp}
-and transf_read env e bf =
- bitfield_extract env bf
- {edesc = EUnop(Odot bf.bf_carrier, transf_exp env Val e);
- etyp = bf.bf_carrier_typ}
-and transf_assign env ctx e1 bf e2 =
- bind_lvalue env (transf_exp env Val e1) (fun base ->
- let carrier =
- {edesc = EUnop(Odot bf.bf_carrier, base); etyp = bf.bf_carrier_typ} in
- let asg =
- eassign carrier (bitfield_assign env bf carrier (transf_exp env Val e2)) in
- if ctx = Val then ecomma asg (bitfield_extract env bf carrier) else asg)
-and transf_assignop env ctx op e1 bf e2 tyres =
- bind_lvalue env (transf_exp env Val e1) (fun base ->
- let carrier =
- {edesc = EUnop(Odot bf.bf_carrier, base); etyp = bf.bf_carrier_typ} in
- let rhs =
- {edesc = EBinop(op, bitfield_extract env bf carrier, transf_exp env Val e2, tyres);
- etyp = tyres} in
- let asg =
- eassign carrier (bitfield_assign env bf carrier rhs) in
- if ctx = Val then ecomma asg (bitfield_extract env bf carrier) else asg)
-and transf_pre env ctx op e1 bf tyfield =
- transf_assignop env ctx op e1 bf (intconst 1L IInt)
- (unary_conversion env tyfield)
-and transf_post env ctx op e1 bf tyfield =
- if ctx = Effects then
- transf_pre env ctx op e1 bf tyfield
- else begin
- bind_lvalue env (transf_exp env Val e1) (fun base ->
- let carrier =
- {edesc = EUnop(Odot bf.bf_carrier, base); etyp = bf.bf_carrier_typ} in
- let temp = mk_temp env tyfield in
- let tyres = unary_conversion env tyfield in
- let settemp = eassign temp (bitfield_extract env bf carrier) in
- let rhs =
- {edesc = EBinop(op, temp, intconst 1L IInt, tyres); etyp = tyres} in
- let asg =
- eassign carrier (bitfield_assign env bf carrier rhs) in
- ecomma (ecomma settemp asg) temp)
- end
-(* Initializers *)
-and transf_init env i =
- match i with
- | Init_single e -> Init_single (transf_exp env Val e)
- | Init_array il -> Init_array (List.rev (List.rev_map (transf_init env) il))
- | Init_struct(id, fld_init_list) ->
- let fld_init_list' =
- List.map (fun (f, i) -> (f, transf_init env i)) fld_init_list in
- begin match Hashtbl.find composite_transformed_members id with
- | exception Not_found ->
- Init_struct(id, fld_init_list')
- | ml ->
- Init_struct(id, completed_struct_init env (transf_struct_init id fld_init_list') ml)
- end
- | Init_union(id, fld, i) ->
- let i' = transf_init env i in
- match is_bitfield id fld.fld_name with
- | None ->
- Init_union(id, fld, i')
- | Some bf ->
- Init_union(id, carrier_field bf, Init_single (bitfield_initializer bf i'))
-(* Declarations *)
-let transf_decl env loc (sto, id, ty, init_opt) =
- (sto, id, ty,
- match init_opt with None -> None | Some i -> Some(transf_init env i))
-(* Statements *)
-let transf_stmt env s =
- Transform.stmt
- ~expr:(fun loc env ctx e -> transf_exp env ctx e)
- ~decl:(fun env (sto, id, ty, init_opt) -> transf_decl env s.sloc (sto, id, ty, init_opt))
- env s
-(* Functions *)
-let transf_fundef env loc f =
- Transform.fundef transf_stmt env f
-(* Programs *)
-let program p =
- Hashtbl.clear bitfield_table;
- Hashtbl.clear composite_transformed_members;
- Transform.program
- ~composite:transf_composite
- ~decl: transf_decl
- ~fundef:transf_fundef
- p
diff --git a/cparser/Bitfields.mli b/cparser/Bitfields.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ac42495..00000000
--- a/cparser/Bitfields.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *)
-(* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of *)
-(* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *)
-(* This file is also distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-val program: C.program -> C.program
diff --git a/cparser/Cutil.ml b/cparser/Cutil.ml
index 2dcf193d..d3a830ce 100644
--- a/cparser/Cutil.ml
+++ b/cparser/Cutil.ml
@@ -449,34 +449,6 @@ let rec equal_types env t1 t2 =
let compatible_types mode env t1 t2 =
match combine_types mode env t1 t2 with Some _ -> true | None -> false
-(* Naive placement algorithm for bit fields, might not match that
- of the compiler. *)
-let pack_bitfields ml =
- let rec pack nbits = function
- | [] ->
- (nbits, [])
- | m :: ms as ml ->
- match m.fld_bitfield with
- | None -> (nbits, ml)
- | Some n ->
- if n = 0 then
- (nbits, ms) (* bit width 0 means end of pack *)
- else if nbits + n > 8 * !config.sizeof_int then
- (nbits, ml) (* doesn't fit in current word *)
- else
- pack (nbits + n) ms (* add to current word *)
- in
- let (nbits, ml') = pack 0 ml in
- let (sz, al) =
- (* A lone bitfield of width 0 consumes no space and aligns to 1 *)
- if nbits = 0 then (0, 1) else
- if nbits <= 8 then (1, 1) else
- if nbits <= 16 then (2, 2) else
- if nbits <= 32 then (4, 4) else
- if nbits <= 64 then (8, 8) else assert false in
- (sz, al, ml')
(* Natural alignment, in bytes *)
let alignof_ikind = function
@@ -520,15 +492,13 @@ let rec alignof env t =
let alignof_struct_union env members =
let rec align_rec al = function
| [] -> Some al
- | m :: rem as ml ->
- if m.fld_bitfield = None then begin
+ | m :: rem ->
+ if m.fld_name = "" then
+ align_rec al rem
+ else
match alignof env m.fld_typ with
| None -> None
| Some a -> align_rec (max a al) rem
- end else begin
- let (s, a, ml') = pack_bitfields ml in
- align_rec (max a al) ml'
- end
in align_rec 1 members
let align x boundary =
@@ -605,43 +575,63 @@ let sizeof_union env members =
Bitfields are taken into account for the size and offset computations
but not given an offset.
Not done here but in composite_info_def: rounding size to alignment. *)
let sizeof_layout_struct env members ma =
- let align_offset ofs a =
- align ofs (if ma > 0 && a > ma then ma else a) in
- let rec sizeof_rec ofs accu = function
+ let align_bit_offset pos a =
+ align pos (8 * (if ma > 0 && a > ma then ma else a)) in
+ let record_field name pos =
+ assert (pos mod 8 = 0);
+ (name, pos / 8) in
+ (* pos is the current position in bits *)
+ let rec sizeof_rec pos accu = function
| [] ->
- Some (ofs, accu)
+ Some (pos, accu)
| [ { fld_typ = TArray(_, None, _) } as m ] ->
(* C99: ty[] allowed as last field *)
begin match alignof env m.fld_typ with
| Some a ->
- let ofs = align_offset ofs a in
- Some (ofs, (m.fld_name, ofs) :: accu)
+ let pos = align_bit_offset pos a in
+ Some (pos, record_field m.fld_name pos :: accu)
| None -> None
- | m :: rem as ml ->
- if m.fld_bitfield = None then begin
- match alignof env m.fld_typ, sizeof env m.fld_typ with
- | Some a, Some s ->
- let ofs = align_offset ofs a in
- sizeof_rec (ofs + s) ((m.fld_name, ofs) :: accu) rem
- | _, _ -> None
- end else begin
- let (s, a, ml') = pack_bitfields ml in
- sizeof_rec (align_offset ofs a + s) accu ml'
+ | m :: rem ->
+ begin match alignof env m.fld_typ, sizeof env m.fld_typ with
+ | Some a, Some s ->
+ begin match m.fld_bitfield with
+ | None ->
+ let pos = align_bit_offset pos a in
+ sizeof_rec (pos + s * 8)
+ (record_field m.fld_name pos :: accu)
+ rem
+ | Some width ->
+ (* curr = beginning of storage unit, in bits
+ next = one past end of storage unit, in bits *)
+ let curr = pos / (a * 8) * (a * 8) in
+ let next = curr + s * 8 in
+ let pos' =
+ if width <= 0 then align pos (a * 8)
+ else if pos + width <= next then pos + width
+ else next + width in
+ sizeof_rec pos' accu rem
+ end
+ | _, _ ->
+ None
in sizeof_rec 0 [] members
let sizeof_struct env members ma =
match sizeof_layout_struct env members ma with
| None -> None
- | Some(sz, offsets) -> Some sz
+ | Some(bitsize, offsets) -> Some ((bitsize + 7) / 8)
(* Compute the offsets of all non-bitfield members of a struct. *)
let struct_layout env attrs members =
let (ma, _, _) = packing_parameters attrs in
match sizeof_layout_struct env members ma with
- | Some(sz, offsets) -> offsets
+ | Some(bitsize, offsets) -> offsets
| None -> []
(* Compute the offset of a struct member *)
diff --git a/cparser/PackedStructs.ml b/cparser/PackedStructs.ml
index 6bea4b92..f3a45785 100644
--- a/cparser/PackedStructs.ml
+++ b/cparser/PackedStructs.ml
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ let set_alignas_attr al attrs =
(* Rewriting field declarations *)
let transf_field_decl mfa swapped loc env struct_id f =
- if f.fld_bitfield <> None then
- error loc "bitfields in packed structs not allowed";
(* Register as byte-swapped if needed *)
if swapped then begin
+ if f.fld_bitfield <> None then
+ error loc "byte-swapped bit fields are not supported";
let (can_swap, must_swap) = can_byte_swap env f.fld_typ in
if not can_swap then
fatal_error loc "cannot byte-swap field of type '%a'"
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ let transf_field_decl mfa swapped loc env struct_id f =
(* Reduce alignment if requested *)
if mfa = 0 then f else begin
+ if f.fld_bitfield <> None then
+ error loc "bit fields in packed structs are not supported";
let al = safe_alignof loc env f.fld_typ in
{ f with fld_typ =
change_attributes_type env (set_alignas_attr (min mfa al)) f.fld_typ }
diff --git a/cparser/Parse.ml b/cparser/Parse.ml
index d88d439b..a54af0cc 100644
--- a/cparser/Parse.ml
+++ b/cparser/Parse.ml
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ let transform_program t p =
- |> run_pass Bitfields.program 'f'
|> run_pass Unblock.program 'b'
|> run_pass PackedStructs.program 'p'
|> run_pass StructPassing.program 's'
@@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ let parse_transformations s =
(function 'b' -> set "b"
| 's' -> set "s"
- | 'f' -> set "bf"
| 'p' -> set "bp"
| _ -> ())