path: root/debug/DwarfPrinter.ml
diff options
authorBernhard Schommer <bschommer@users.noreply.github.com>2015-04-15 12:15:12 +0200
committerBernhard Schommer <bschommer@users.noreply.github.com>2015-04-15 12:15:12 +0200
commit1150b687acf225e0f6063de45379c3d5fbc54524 (patch)
tree0661131709c95dc77a5c0583f66caf219a84e8cf /debug/DwarfPrinter.ml
parent03ad26aa9d2762655b508f7142d0aed9916da83b (diff)
parente42febd5a88c2bf04227f1cd4ead947c51989ec1 (diff)
Merge pull request #37 from AbsInt/dwarf
Added the Dwarf v2 debugging information for global variables and functions for the Diab Backend.
Diffstat (limited to 'debug/DwarfPrinter.ml')
1 files changed, 502 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debug/DwarfPrinter.ml b/debug/DwarfPrinter.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dec3279e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debug/DwarfPrinter.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Bernhard Schommer, AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH *)
+(* *)
+(* AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. This file *)
+(* is distributed under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial *)
+(* License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* Printer for the Dwarf 2 debug information in ASM *)
+open DwarfTypes
+open DwarfUtil
+open Printf
+open PrintAsmaux
+open Sections
+(* The printer is parameterized over target specific functions and a set of dwarf type constants *)
+module DwarfPrinter(Target: DWARF_TARGET)(DwarfAbbrevs:DWARF_ABBREVS):
+ sig
+ val print_debug: out_channel -> dw_entry -> unit
+ end =
+ struct
+ open Target
+ open DwarfAbbrevs
+ (* Byte value to string *)
+ let string_of_byte value =
+ sprintf " .byte %s\n" (if value then "0x1" else "0x0")
+ (* Print a label *)
+ let print_label oc lbl =
+ fprintf oc "%a:\n" label lbl
+ (* Helper functions for abbreviation printing *)
+ let add_byte buf value =
+ Buffer.add_string buf (string_of_byte value)
+ let add_abbr_uleb v buf =
+ Buffer.add_string buf (Printf.sprintf " .uleb128 %d\n" v)
+ let add_abbr_entry (v1,v2) buf =
+ add_abbr_uleb v1 buf;
+ add_abbr_uleb v2 buf
+ let add_file_loc buf =
+ let file,line = file_loc_type_abbr in
+ add_abbr_entry (0x3a,file) buf;
+ add_abbr_entry (0x3b,line) buf
+ let add_type = add_abbr_entry (0x49,type_abbr)
+ let add_name = add_abbr_entry (0x3,name_type_abbr)
+ let add_byte_size = add_abbr_entry (0xb,byte_size_type_abbr)
+ let add_high_pc = add_abbr_entry (0x12,high_pc_type_abbr)
+ let add_low_pc = add_abbr_entry (0x11,low_pc_type_abbr)
+ let add_declaration = add_abbr_entry (0x3c,declaration_type_abbr)
+ let add_location loc buf =
+ match loc with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some (LocConst _) -> add_abbr_entry (0x2,location_const_type_abbr) buf
+ | Some (LocBlock _) -> add_abbr_entry (0x2,location_block_type_abbr) buf
+ (* Dwarf entity to string function *)
+ let abbrev_string_of_entity entity has_sibling =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 12 in
+ let add_attr_some v f =
+ match v with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some _ -> f buf in
+ let prologue id =
+ let has_child = match entity.children with
+ | [] -> false
+ | _ -> true in
+ add_abbr_uleb id buf;
+ add_byte buf has_child;
+ if has_sibling then add_abbr_entry (0x1,sibling_type_abbr) buf;
+ in
+ (match entity.tag with
+ | DW_TAG_array_type e ->
+ prologue 0x1;
+ add_attr_some e.array_type_file_loc add_file_loc;
+ add_type buf
+ | DW_TAG_base_type b ->
+ prologue 0x24;
+ add_byte_size buf;
+ add_attr_some b.base_type_encoding (add_abbr_entry (0x3e,encoding_type_abbr));
+ add_name buf
+ | DW_TAG_compile_unit e ->
+ prologue 0x11;
+ add_abbr_entry (0x1b,comp_dir_type_abbr) buf;
+ add_high_pc buf;
+ add_low_pc buf;
+ add_abbr_entry (0x13,language_type_abbr) buf;
+ add_name buf;
+ add_abbr_entry (0x25,producer_type_abbr) buf;
+ add_abbr_entry (0x10,stmt_list_type_abbr) buf;
+ | DW_TAG_const_type _ ->
+ prologue 0x26;
+ add_type buf
+ | DW_TAG_enumeration_type e ->
+ prologue 0x4;
+ add_attr_some e.enumeration_file_loc add_file_loc;
+ add_byte_size buf;
+ add_attr_some e.enumeration_declaration add_declaration;
+ add_name buf
+ | DW_TAG_enumerator e ->
+ prologue 0x28;
+ add_attr_some e.enumerator_file_loc add_file_loc;
+ add_abbr_entry (0x1c,value_type_abbr) buf;
+ add_name buf
+ | DW_TAG_formal_parameter e ->
+ prologue 0x34;
+ add_attr_some e.formal_parameter_file_loc add_file_loc;
+ add_attr_some e.formal_parameter_artificial (add_abbr_entry (0x34,artificial_type_abbr));
+ add_location e.formal_parameter_location buf;
+ add_attr_some e.formal_parameter_name add_name;
+ add_location e.formal_parameter_segment buf;
+ add_type buf;
+ add_attr_some e.formal_parameter_variable_parameter (add_abbr_entry (0x4b,variable_parameter_type_abbr))
+ | DW_TAG_label _ ->
+ prologue 0xa;
+ add_low_pc buf;
+ add_name buf;
+ | DW_TAG_lexical_block _ ->
+ prologue 0xb;
+ add_high_pc buf;
+ add_low_pc buf
+ | DW_TAG_member e ->
+ prologue 0xd;
+ add_attr_some e.member_file_loc add_file_loc;
+ add_attr_some e.member_byte_size add_byte_size;
+ add_attr_some e.member_bit_offset (add_abbr_entry (0xd,bit_offset_type_abbr));
+ add_attr_some e.member_bit_size (add_abbr_entry (0xc,bit_size_type_abbr));
+ (match e.member_data_member_location with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some (DataLocBlock __) -> add_abbr_entry (0x38,data_location_block_type_abbr) buf
+ | Some (DataLocRef _) -> add_abbr_entry (0x38,data_location_ref_type_abbr) buf);
+ add_attr_some e.member_declaration add_declaration;
+ add_name buf;
+ add_type buf
+ | DW_TAG_pointer_type _ ->
+ prologue 0xf;
+ add_type buf
+ | DW_TAG_structure_type e ->
+ prologue 0x13;
+ add_attr_some e.structure_file_loc add_file_loc;
+ add_attr_some e.structure_byte_size add_byte_size;
+ add_attr_some e.structure_declaration add_declaration;
+ add_name buf
+ | DW_TAG_subprogram e ->
+ prologue 0x2e;
+ add_attr_some e.subprogram_file_loc add_file_loc;
+ add_attr_some e.subprogram_external (add_abbr_entry (0x3f,external_type_abbr));
+ add_high_pc buf;
+ add_low_pc buf;
+ add_name buf;
+ add_abbr_entry (0x27,prototyped_type_abbr) buf;
+ add_attr_some e.subprogram_type add_type;
+ | DW_TAG_subrange_type e ->
+ prologue 0x21;
+ add_attr_some e.subrange_type add_type;
+ (match e.subrange_upper_bound with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some (BoundConst _) -> add_abbr_entry (0x2f,bound_const_type_abbr) buf
+ | Some (BoundRef _) -> add_abbr_entry (0x2f,bound_ref_type_abbr) buf)
+ | DW_TAG_subroutine_type e ->
+ prologue 0x15;
+ add_attr_some e.subroutine_type add_type;
+ add_abbr_entry (0x27,prototyped_type_abbr) buf
+ | DW_TAG_typedef e ->
+ prologue 0x16;
+ add_attr_some e.typedef_file_loc add_file_loc;
+ add_name buf;
+ add_type buf
+ | DW_TAG_union_type e ->
+ prologue 0x17;
+ add_attr_some e.union_file_loc add_file_loc;
+ add_attr_some e.union_byte_size add_byte_size;
+ add_attr_some e.union_declaration add_declaration;
+ add_name buf
+ | DW_TAG_unspecified_parameter e ->
+ prologue 0x18;
+ add_attr_some e.unspecified_parameter_file_loc add_file_loc;
+ add_attr_some e.unspecified_parameter_artificial (add_abbr_entry (0x34,artificial_type_abbr))
+ | DW_TAG_variable e ->
+ prologue 0x34;
+ add_attr_some e.variable_file_loc add_file_loc;
+ add_attr_some e.variable_declaration add_declaration;
+ add_attr_some e.variable_external (add_abbr_entry (0x3f,external_type_abbr));
+ add_location e.variable_location buf;
+ add_name buf;
+ add_location e.variable_segment buf;
+ add_type buf
+ | DW_TAG_volatile_type _ ->
+ prologue 0x35;
+ add_type buf);
+ Buffer.contents buf
+ let abbrev_start_addr = ref (-1)
+ let curr_abbrev = ref 1
+ (* Function to get unique abbreviation ids *)
+ let next_abbrev () =
+ let abbrev = !curr_abbrev in
+ incr curr_abbrev;abbrev
+ (* Mapping from abbreviation string to abbrevaiton id *)
+ let abbrev_mapping: (string,int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7
+ (* Look up the id of the abbreviation and add it if it is missing *)
+ let get_abbrev entity has_sibling =
+ let abbrev_string = abbrev_string_of_entity entity has_sibling in
+ (try
+ Hashtbl.find abbrev_mapping abbrev_string
+ with Not_found ->
+ let id = next_abbrev () in
+ Hashtbl.add abbrev_mapping abbrev_string id;
+ id)
+ (* Compute the abbreviations of an entry and its children *)
+ let compute_abbrev entry =
+ entry_iter_sib (fun sib entry ->
+ let has_sib = match sib with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some _ -> true in
+ ignore (get_abbrev entry has_sib)) (fun _ -> ()) entry
+ (* Print the debug_abbrev section using the previous computed abbreviations*)
+ let print_abbrev oc =
+ let abbrevs = Hashtbl.fold (fun s i acc -> (s,i)::acc) abbrev_mapping [] in
+ let abbrevs = List.sort (fun (_,a) (_,b) -> Pervasives.compare a b) abbrevs in
+ fprintf oc " .section %s\n" (name_of_section Section_debug_abbrev);
+ let lbl = new_label () in
+ abbrev_start_addr := lbl;
+ print_label oc lbl;
+ List.iter (fun (s,id) ->
+ fprintf oc " .uleb128 %d\n" id;
+ output_string oc s;
+ fprintf oc " .uleb128 0\n";
+ fprintf oc " .uleb128 0\n") abbrevs;
+ fprintf oc " .sleb128 0\n"
+ let debug_start_addr = ref (-1)
+ let entry_labels: (int,int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7
+ (* Translate the ids to address labels *)
+ let entry_to_label id =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find entry_labels id
+ with Not_found ->
+ let label = new_label () in
+ Hashtbl.add entry_labels id label;
+ label
+ (* Helper functions for debug printing *)
+ let print_opt_value oc o f =
+ match o with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some o -> f oc o
+ let print_file_loc oc f =
+ print_opt_value oc f print_file_loc
+ let print_flag oc b =
+ output_string oc (string_of_byte b)
+ let print_string oc s =
+ fprintf oc " .asciz \"%s\"\n" s
+ let print_uleb128 oc d =
+ fprintf oc " .uleb128 %d\n" d
+ let print_sleb128 oc d =
+ fprintf oc " .sleb128 %d\n" d
+ let print_byte oc b =
+ fprintf oc " .byte 0x%X\n" b
+ let print_loc oc loc =
+ ()
+ let print_data_location oc dl =
+ ()
+ let print_ref oc r =
+ let ref = entry_to_label r in
+ fprintf oc " .4byte %a\n" label ref
+ let print_addr oc a =
+ fprintf oc " .4byte %a\n" label a
+ let print_array_type oc at =
+ print_file_loc oc at.array_type_file_loc;
+ print_ref oc at.array_type
+ let print_bound_value oc = function
+ | BoundConst bc -> print_uleb128 oc bc
+ | BoundRef br -> print_ref oc br
+ let print_base_type oc bt =
+ print_byte oc bt.base_type_byte_size;
+ (match bt.base_type_encoding with
+ | Some e ->
+ let encoding = match e with
+ | DW_ATE_address -> 0x1
+ | DW_ATE_boolean -> 0x2
+ | DW_ATE_complex_float -> 0x3
+ | DW_ATE_float -> 0x4
+ | DW_ATE_signed -> 0x5
+ | DW_ATE_signed_char -> 0x6
+ | DW_ATE_unsigned -> 0x7
+ | DW_ATE_unsigned_char -> 0x8
+ in
+ print_byte oc encoding;
+ | None -> ());
+ print_string oc bt.base_type_name
+ let print_compilation_unit oc tag =
+ print_string oc (Sys.getcwd ());
+ print_addr oc (get_start_addr ());
+ print_addr oc (get_end_addr ());
+ print_uleb128 oc 1;
+ print_string oc tag.compile_unit_name;
+ print_string oc ("CompCert "^Configuration.version);
+ print_addr oc (get_stmt_list_addr ())
+ let print_const_type oc ct =
+ print_ref oc ct.const_type
+ let print_enumeration_type oc et =
+ print_file_loc oc et.enumeration_file_loc;
+ print_uleb128 oc et.enumeration_byte_size;
+ print_opt_value oc et.enumeration_declaration print_flag;
+ print_string oc et.enumeration_name
+ let print_enumerator oc en =
+ print_file_loc oc en.enumerator_file_loc;
+ print_sleb128 oc en.enumerator_value;
+ print_string oc en.enumerator_name
+ let print_formal_parameter oc fp =
+ print_file_loc oc fp.formal_parameter_file_loc;
+ print_opt_value oc fp.formal_parameter_artificial print_flag;
+ print_opt_value oc fp.formal_parameter_location print_loc;
+ print_opt_value oc fp.formal_parameter_name print_string;
+ print_opt_value oc fp.formal_parameter_segment print_loc;
+ print_ref oc fp.formal_parameter_type;
+ print_opt_value oc fp.formal_parameter_variable_parameter print_flag
+ let print_tag_label oc tl =
+ print_ref oc tl.label_low_pc;
+ print_string oc tl.label_name
+ let print_lexical_block oc lb =
+ print_ref oc lb.lexical_block_high_pc;
+ print_ref oc lb.lexical_block_low_pc
+ let print_member oc mb =
+ print_file_loc oc mb.member_file_loc;
+ print_opt_value oc mb.member_byte_size print_byte;
+ print_opt_value oc mb.member_bit_offset print_byte;
+ print_opt_value oc mb.member_bit_size print_byte;
+ print_opt_value oc mb.member_data_member_location print_data_location;
+ print_opt_value oc mb.member_declaration print_flag;
+ print_string oc mb.member_name;
+ print_ref oc mb.member_type
+ let print_pointer oc pt =
+ print_ref oc pt.pointer_type
+ let print_structure oc st =
+ print_file_loc oc st.structure_file_loc;
+ print_opt_value oc st.structure_byte_size print_uleb128;
+ print_opt_value oc st.structure_declaration print_flag;
+ print_string oc st.structure_name
+ let print_subprogram oc sp =
+ let s,e = get_fun_addr sp.subprogram_name in
+ print_file_loc oc sp.subprogram_file_loc;
+ print_opt_value oc sp.subprogram_external print_flag;
+ print_opt_value oc sp.subprogram_frame_base print_loc;
+ fprintf oc " .4byte %a\n" label s;
+ fprintf oc " .4byte %a\n" label e;
+ print_string oc sp.subprogram_name;
+ print_flag oc sp.subprogram_prototyped;
+ print_opt_value oc sp.subprogram_type print_ref
+ let print_subrange oc sr =
+ print_opt_value oc sr.subrange_type print_ref;
+ print_opt_value oc sr.subrange_upper_bound print_bound_value
+ let print_subroutine oc st =
+ print_opt_value oc st.subroutine_type print_ref;
+ print_flag oc st.subroutine_prototyped
+ let print_typedef oc td =
+ print_file_loc oc td.typedef_file_loc;
+ print_string oc td.typedef_name;
+ print_ref oc td.typedef_type
+ let print_union_type oc ut =
+ print_file_loc oc ut.union_file_loc;
+ print_opt_value oc ut.union_byte_size print_uleb128;
+ print_opt_value oc ut.union_declaration print_flag;
+ print_string oc ut.union_name
+ let print_unspecified_parameter oc up =
+ print_file_loc oc up.unspecified_parameter_file_loc;
+ print_opt_value oc up.unspecified_parameter_artificial print_flag
+ let print_variable oc var =
+ print_file_loc oc var.variable_file_loc;
+ print_opt_value oc var.variable_declaration print_flag;
+ print_opt_value oc var.variable_external print_flag;
+ print_opt_value oc var.variable_location print_loc;
+ print_string oc var.variable_name;
+ print_opt_value oc var.variable_segment print_loc;
+ print_ref oc var.variable_type
+ let print_volatile_type oc vt =
+ print_ref oc vt.volatile_type
+ (* Print an debug entry *)
+ let print_entry oc entry =
+ entry_iter_sib (fun sib entry ->
+ print_label oc (entry_to_label entry.id);
+ let has_sib = match sib with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some _ -> true in
+ let id = get_abbrev entry has_sib in
+ print_sleb128 oc id;
+ (match sib with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some s -> let lbl = entry_to_label s in
+ fprintf oc " .4byte %a-%a\n" label lbl label !debug_start_addr);
+ begin
+ match entry.tag with
+ | DW_TAG_array_type arr_type -> print_array_type oc arr_type
+ | DW_TAG_compile_unit comp -> print_compilation_unit oc comp
+ | DW_TAG_base_type bt -> print_base_type oc bt
+ | DW_TAG_const_type ct -> print_const_type oc ct
+ | DW_TAG_enumeration_type et -> print_enumeration_type oc et
+ | DW_TAG_enumerator et -> print_enumerator oc et
+ | DW_TAG_formal_parameter fp -> print_formal_parameter oc fp
+ | DW_TAG_label lb -> print_tag_label oc lb
+ | DW_TAG_lexical_block lb -> print_lexical_block oc lb
+ | DW_TAG_member mb -> print_member oc mb
+ | DW_TAG_pointer_type pt -> print_pointer oc pt
+ | DW_TAG_structure_type st -> print_structure oc st
+ | DW_TAG_subprogram sb -> print_subprogram oc sb
+ | DW_TAG_subrange_type sb -> print_subrange oc sb
+ | DW_TAG_subroutine_type st -> print_subroutine oc st
+ | DW_TAG_typedef tp -> print_typedef oc tp
+ | DW_TAG_union_type ut -> print_union_type oc ut
+ | DW_TAG_unspecified_parameter up -> print_unspecified_parameter oc up
+ | DW_TAG_variable var -> print_variable oc var
+ | DW_TAG_volatile_type vt -> print_volatile_type oc vt
+ end) (fun e ->
+ if e.children <> [] then
+ print_sleb128 oc 0) entry
+ (* Print the debug abbrev section *)
+ let print_debug_abbrev oc entry =
+ compute_abbrev entry;
+ print_abbrev oc
+ (* Print the debug info section *)
+ let print_debug_info oc entry =
+ let debug_start = new_label () in
+ debug_start_addr:= debug_start;
+ fprintf oc" .section %s\n" (name_of_section Section_debug_info);
+ print_label oc debug_start;
+ let debug_length_start = new_label () (* Address used for length calculation *)
+ and debug_end = new_label () in
+ fprintf oc " .4byte %a-%a\n" label debug_end label debug_length_start;
+ print_label oc debug_length_start;
+ fprintf oc " .2byte 0x2\n"; (* Dwarf version *)
+ print_addr oc !abbrev_start_addr; (* Offset into the abbreviation *)
+ print_byte oc !Machine.config.Machine.sizeof_ptr; (* Sizeof pointer type *)
+ print_entry oc entry;
+ print_sleb128 oc 0;
+ print_label oc debug_end (* End of the debug section *)
+ (* Print the debug info and abbrev section *)
+ let print_debug oc entry =
+ print_debug_abbrev oc entry;
+ print_debug_info oc entry
+ end