path: root/doc/coq2html.mll
diff options
authorXavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@inria.fr>2018-06-01 10:40:04 +0200
committerXavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@inria.fr>2018-06-01 10:40:04 +0200
commit24951d885fbadb8f2fa96ea44a6d3b2a397eab00 (patch)
treec048b0745667c4a00298c302948ddf7afdc5deba /doc/coq2html.mll
parentffc03f2dcb24438d2900743848005c9a058e649c (diff)
Use the standalone coq2html tool to generate the HTML documentation
coq2html is now a standalone project (https://github.com/xavierleroy/coq2html) packaged as coq-coq2html in OPAM-Coq.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/coq2html.mll')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 454 deletions
diff --git a/doc/coq2html.mll b/doc/coq2html.mll
deleted file mode 100644
index cdc844dc..00000000
--- a/doc/coq2html.mll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-open Printf
-(** Cross-referencing *)
-let current_module = ref ""
-type xref =
- | Def of string * string (* path, type *)
- | Ref of string * string * string (* unit, path, type *)
-let xref_table : (string * int, xref) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 273
-let xref_modules : (string, unit) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 29
-let path sp id =
- match sp, id with
- | "<>", "<>" -> ""
- | "<>", _ -> id
- | _ , "<>" -> sp
- | _ , _ -> sp ^ "." ^ id
-let add_module m =
- (*eprintf "add_module %s\n" m;*)
- Hashtbl.add xref_modules m ()
-let add_reference curmod pos dp sp id ty =
- (*eprintf "add_reference %s %d %s %s %s %s\n" curmod pos dp sp id ty;*)
- if not (Hashtbl.mem xref_table (curmod, pos))
- then Hashtbl.add xref_table (curmod, pos) (Ref(dp, path sp id, ty))
-let add_definition curmod pos sp id ty =
- if not (Hashtbl.mem xref_table (curmod, pos))
- then Hashtbl.add xref_table (curmod, pos) (Def(path sp id, ty))
-type link = Link of string | Anchor of string | Nolink
-let coqlib_url = "http://coq.inria.fr/library/"
-let re_coqlib = Str.regexp "Coq\\."
-let re_sane_path = Str.regexp "[A-Za-z0-9_.]+$"
-let re_shortname = Str.regexp "^.*\\."
-let shortname m = Str.replace_first re_shortname "" m
-let crossref m pos =
- (*eprintf "crossref %s %d\n" m pos;*)
- try match Hashtbl.find xref_table (m, pos) with
- | Def(p, _) ->
- Anchor p
- | Ref(m', p, _) ->
- let url =
- if Hashtbl.mem xref_modules m' then
- shortname m' ^ ".html"
- else if Str.string_match re_coqlib m' 0 then
- coqlib_url ^ m' ^ ".html"
- else
- raise Not_found in
- if p = "" then
- Link url
- else if Str.string_match re_sane_path p 0 then
- Link(url ^ "#" ^ p)
- else
- Nolink
- with Not_found ->
- Nolink
-(** Keywords, etc *)
-module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
-let mkset l = List.fold_right StringSet.add l StringSet.empty
-let coq_keywords = mkset [
- "forall"; "match"; "as"; "in"; "return"; "with"; "end"; "let";
- "dest"; "fun"; "if"; "then"; "else"; "Prop"; "Set"; "Type"; ":=";
- "where"; "struct"; "wf"; "measure";
- "AddPath"; "Axiom"; "Abort"; "Boxed"; "Chapter"; "Check";
- "Coercion"; "CoFixpoint"; "CoInductive"; "Corollary"; "Defined";
- "Definition"; "End"; "Eval"; "Example"; "Export"; "Fact"; "Fix";
- "Fixpoint"; "Global"; "Grammar"; "Goal"; "Hint"; "Hypothesis";
- "Hypotheses"; "Resolve"; "Unfold"; "Immediate"; "Extern";
- "Implicit"; "Import"; "Inductive"; "Infix"; "Lemma"; "Let"; "Load";
- "Local"; "Ltac"; "Module"; "Module Type"; "Declare Module";
- "Include"; "Mutual"; "Parameter"; "Parameters"; "Print"; "Proof";
- "Qed"; "Record"; "Recursive"; "Remark"; "Require";
- "Save"; "Scheme"; "Induction"; "for"; "Sort"; "Section"; "Show";
- "Structure"; "Syntactic"; "Syntax"; "Tactic"; "Theorem"; "Set";
- "Types"; "Undo"; "Unset"; "Variable"; "Variables"; "Context";
- "Notation"; "Reserved"; "Tactic"; "Delimit"; "Bind"; "Open";
- "Scope"; "Boxed"; "Unboxed"; "Inline"; "Implicit Arguments"; "Add";
- "Strict"; "Typeclasses"; "Instance"; "Global Instance"; "Class";
- "Instantiation"; "subgoal"; "Program"; "Example"; "Obligation";
- "Obligations"; "Solve"; "using"; "Next"; "Instance"; "Equations";
- "Equations_nocomp"
-let coq_tactics = mkset [
- "intro"; "intros"; "apply"; "rewrite"; "refine"; "case"; "clear";
- "injection"; "elimtype"; "progress"; "setoid_rewrite"; "destruct";
- "destruction"; "destruct_call"; "dependent"; "elim";
- "extensionality"; "f_equal"; "generalize"; "generalize_eqs";
- "generalize_eqs_vars"; "induction"; "rename"; "move"; "omega";
- "set"; "assert"; "do"; "repeat"; "cut"; "assumption"; "exact";
- "split"; "subst"; "try"; "discriminate"; "simpl"; "unfold"; "red";
- "compute"; "at"; "in"; "by"; "reflexivity"; "symmetry";
- "transitivity"; "replace"; "setoid_replace"; "inversion";
- "inversion_clear"; "pattern"; "intuition"; "congruence"; "fail";
- "fresh"; "trivial"; "exact"; "tauto"; "firstorder"; "ring";
- "clapply"; "program_simpl"; "program_simplify"; "eapply"; "auto";
- "eauto"
-(** HTML generation *)
-let oc = ref stdout
-let character = function
- | '<' -> output_string !oc "&lt;"
- | '>' -> output_string !oc "&gt;"
- | '&' -> output_string !oc "&amp;"
- | c -> output_char !oc c
-let section_level = function
- | "*" -> 1
- | "**" -> 2
- | _ -> 3
-let start_section sect =
- fprintf !oc "<h%d>" (section_level sect)
-let end_section sect =
- fprintf !oc "</h%d>\n" (section_level sect)
-let start_doc_right () =
- fprintf !oc "<span class=\"docright\">(* "
-let end_doc_right () =
- fprintf !oc " *)</span>"
-let enum_depth = ref 0
-let set_enum_depth d =
- if !enum_depth < d then begin
- fprintf !oc "<ul>\n";
- fprintf !oc "<li>\n";
- incr enum_depth;
- end
- else if !enum_depth > d then begin
- fprintf !oc "</li>\n";
- fprintf !oc "</ul>\n";
- decr enum_depth;
- end
- else if !enum_depth > 0 then begin
- fprintf !oc "</li>\n";
- fprintf !oc "<li>\n"
- end
-let start_doc () =
- fprintf !oc "<div class=\"doc\">"
-let end_doc () =
- set_enum_depth 0;
- fprintf !oc "</div>\n"
-let ident pos id =
- if StringSet.mem id coq_keywords then
- fprintf !oc "<span class=\"kwd\">%s</span>" id
- else if StringSet.mem id coq_tactics then
- fprintf !oc "<span class=\"tactic\">%s</span>" id
- else match crossref !current_module pos with
- | Nolink ->
- fprintf !oc "<span class=\"id\">%s</span>" id
- | Link p ->
- fprintf !oc "<span class=\"id\"><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></span>" p id
- | Anchor p ->
- fprintf !oc "<span class=\"id\"><a name=\"%s\">%s</a></span>" p id
-let space s =
- for _ = 1 to String.length s do fprintf !oc "&nbsp;" done
-let newline () =
- fprintf !oc "<br/>\n"
-let dashes = function
- | "-" -> set_enum_depth 1
- | "--" -> set_enum_depth 2
- | "---" -> set_enum_depth 3
- | "----" -> set_enum_depth 4
- | _ -> fprintf !oc "<hr/>\n"
-let start_verbatim () =
- fprintf !oc "<pre>\n"
-let end_verbatim () =
- fprintf !oc "</pre>\n"
-let start_comment () =
- fprintf !oc "<span class=\"comment\">(*"
-let end_comment () =
- fprintf !oc "*)</span>"
-let start_bracket () =
- fprintf !oc "<span class=\"bracket\">"
-let end_bracket () =
- fprintf !oc "</span>"
-let in_proof = ref false
-let proof_counter = ref 0
-let start_proof kwd =
- in_proof := true;
- incr proof_counter;
- fprintf !oc
- "<div class=\"toggleproof\" onclick=\"toggleDisplay('proof%d')\">%s</div>\n"
- !proof_counter kwd;
- fprintf !oc "<div class=\"proofscript\" id=\"proof%d\">\n" !proof_counter
-let end_proof kwd =
- fprintf !oc "%s</div>\n" kwd;
- in_proof := false
-let start_html_page modname =
- fprintf !oc
-{|<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
-<title>Module %s</title>
-<meta name="description" content="Documentation of Coq module %s" />
-<link href="coq2html.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
-<script type="text/javascript" src="coq2html.js"> </script>
-<body onload="hideAll('proofscript')">
-<h1 class="title">Module %s</h1>
-<div class="coq">
-|} modname modname modname
-let end_html_page () =
- fprintf !oc
-<div class="footer"><hr/>Generated by coq2html</div>
-let space = [' ' '\t']
-let ident = ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_'] ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '0'-'9' '_']*
-let path = ident ("." ident)*
-let start_proof = ("Proof" space* ".") | ("Proof" space+ "with") | ("Next" space+ "Obligation.")
-let end_proof = "Qed." | "Defined." | "Save." | "Admitted." | "Abort."
-let xref = ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '0'-'9' '_' '.']+ | "<>"
-let integer = ['0'-'9']+
-rule coq_bol = parse
- | space* (start_proof as sp)
- { start_proof sp;
- skip_newline lexbuf }
- | space* "(** " ("*"+ as sect)
- { start_section sect;
- doc lexbuf;
- end_section sect;
- skip_newline lexbuf }
- | space* "(** "
- { start_doc();
- doc lexbuf;
- end_doc();
- skip_newline lexbuf }
- | space* "(*"
- { comment lexbuf;
- skip_newline lexbuf }
- | eof
- { () }
- | space* as s
- { space s;
- coq lexbuf }
-and skip_newline = parse
- | space* "\n"
- { coq_bol lexbuf }
- | ""
- { coq lexbuf }
-and coq = parse
- | end_proof as ep
- { end_proof ep;
- skip_newline lexbuf }
- | "(**r "
- { start_doc_right();
- doc lexbuf;
- end_doc_right();
- coq lexbuf }
- | "(*"
- { if !in_proof then start_comment();
- comment lexbuf;
- coq lexbuf }
- | path as id
- { ident (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf) id; coq lexbuf }
- | "\n"
- { newline(); coq_bol lexbuf }
- | eof
- { () }
- | _ as c
- { character c; coq lexbuf }
-and bracket = parse
- | ']'
- { () }
- | '['
- { character '['; bracket lexbuf; character ']'; bracket lexbuf }
- | path as id
- { ident (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf) id; bracket lexbuf }
- | eof
- { () }
- | _ as c
- { character c; bracket lexbuf }
-and comment = parse
- | "*)"
- { if !in_proof then end_comment() }
- | "(*"
- { if !in_proof then start_comment();
- comment lexbuf; comment lexbuf }
- | eof
- { () }
- | "\n"
- { if !in_proof then newline();
- comment lexbuf }
- | space* as s
- { if !in_proof then space s;
- comment lexbuf }
- | eof
- { () }
- | _ as c
- { if !in_proof then character c;
- comment lexbuf }
-and doc_bol = parse
- | "<<" space* "\n"
- { start_verbatim();
- verbatim lexbuf;
- end_verbatim();
- doc_bol lexbuf }
- | "-"+ as d
- { dashes d; doc lexbuf }
- | "\n"
- { set_enum_depth 0; doc_bol lexbuf }
- | ""
- { doc lexbuf }
-and doc = parse
- | "*)"
- { () }
- | "\n"
- { character '\n'; doc_bol lexbuf }
- | "["
- { start_bracket(); bracket lexbuf; end_bracket(); doc lexbuf }
- | "$" [^ '\n' '$']* "$"
- { doc lexbuf }
- | "#" ([^ '\n' '#']* as html) "#"
- { output_string !oc html; doc lexbuf }
- | eof
- { () }
- | _ as c
- { character c; doc lexbuf }
-and verbatim = parse
- | "\n>>" space* "\n"
- { () }
- | eof
- { () }
- | _ as c
- { character c; verbatim lexbuf }
-and globfile = parse
- | eof
- { () }
- | "F" (path as m) space* "\n"
- { current_module := m; add_module m;
- globfile lexbuf }
- | "R" (integer as pos) ":" (integer)
- space+ (xref as dp)
- space+ (xref as sp)
- space+ (xref as id)
- space+ (ident as ty)
- space* "\n"
- { add_reference !current_module (int_of_string pos) dp sp id ty;
- globfile lexbuf }
- | (ident as ty)
- space+ (integer as pos) ":" (integer)
- space+ (xref as sp)
- space+ (xref as id)
- space* "\n"
- { add_definition !current_module (int_of_string pos) sp id ty;
- globfile lexbuf }
- | [^ '\n']* "\n"
- { globfile lexbuf }
-let output_name = ref "-"
-let process_file f =
- if Filename.check_suffix f ".v" then begin
- let pref_f = Filename.chop_suffix f ".v" in
- let base_f = Filename.basename pref_f in
- current_module :=
- "compcert." ^ Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "/") "." pref_f;
- let ic = open_in f in
- if !output_name = "-" then
- oc := stdout
- else
- oc := open_out (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "%") base_f !output_name);
- start_html_page base_f;
- coq_bol (Lexing.from_channel ic);
- end_html_page();
- if !output_name <> "-" then (close_out !oc; oc := stdout);
- close_in ic
- end else
- if Filename.check_suffix f ".glob" then begin
- current_module := "";
- let ic = open_in f in
- globfile (Lexing.from_channel ic);
- close_in ic
- end else begin
- eprintf "Don't know what to do with file %s\n" f;
- exit 2
- end
-let _ =
- Arg.parse [
- "-o", Arg.String (fun s -> output_name := s),
- " <output> Set output file ('%' replaced by module name)"
- ] process_file
- "Usage: coq2html [options] <file.glob> file.v\nOptions are:"