path: root/driver
diff options
authorXavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@inria.fr>2016-10-01 17:25:18 +0200
committerXavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@inria.fr>2016-10-01 17:25:18 +0200
commite637d041c5c2ee3a3ed395a7dab6c9101e8eb16c (patch)
tree518d558674d3e1c6ff41c46d84c784e727ed5d04 /driver
parentad2a2c862abef3aee701d1bca0524fcbf2d07b30 (diff)
Support for 64-bit architectures: generic support
- Introduce Archi.ptr64 parameter. - Define module Ptrofs of integers as wide as a pointer (64 if Archi.ptr64, 32 otherwise). - Use Ptrofs.int as the offset type for Vptr values and anywhere pointer offsets are manipulated. - Modify Val operations that handle pointers (e.g. Val.add, Val.sub, Val.cmpu) so that in 64-bit pointer mode it is the "long" operation (e.g. Val.addl, Val.subl, Val.cmplu) that handles pointers. - Update the memory model accordingly. - Modify C operations that handle pointers (e.g. addition, subtraction, comparisons) accordingly. - Make it possible to turn off the splitting of 64-bit integers into pairs of 32-bit integers. - Update the compiler front-end and back-end accordingly.
Diffstat (limited to 'driver')
3 files changed, 463 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/driver/Configuration.ml b/driver/Configuration.ml
index 87e29e0f..85a163bf 100644
--- a/driver/Configuration.ml
+++ b/driver/Configuration.ml
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ let linker =
let arch =
match get_config_string "arch" with
- | "powerpc"|"arm"|"ia32" as a -> a
+ | "powerpc"|"arm"|"ia32"|"x86_64"|"x86" as a -> a
| v -> bad_config "arch" [v]
let model = get_config_string "model"
let abi = get_config_string "abi"
diff --git a/driver/Ctydescr.ml b/driver/Ctydescr.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8091257b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver/Ctydescr.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+open Printf
+open Camlcoq
+open Tydesc
+let check ty x = TyIO.check x ty; true
+(* From stdlib *)
+let list t = List t
+let pair t1 t2 = Tuple [t1;t2]
+let rec repr_nat = Sum("nat", [
+ "O", [];
+ "S", [repr_nat]
+let nat = Base {
+ base_name = "nat";
+ base_check = check repr_nat;
+ base_parse = (fun synt s -> assert false);
+ base_print = (fun synt x ->
+ let s = string_of_int (Nat.to_int x) in
+ match synt with
+ | `Coq -> s ^ "%nat"
+ | _ -> s)
+let rec repr_positive = Sum("positive", [
+ "xI", [repr_positive];
+ "xO", [repr_positive];
+ "xH", []
+let positive = Base {
+ base_name = "positive";
+ base_check = check repr_positive;
+ base_parse = (fun synt s -> assert false);
+ base_print = (fun synt x -> Z.to_string (Z.Zpos x))
+let repr_N = Sum("N", [
+ "N0", [];
+ "Npos", [repr_positive]
+let _N = Base {
+ base_name = "N";
+ base_check = check repr_N;
+ base_parse = (fun synt s -> assert false);
+ base_print = (fun synt x ->
+ let y = match x with N.N0 -> Z.Z0 | N.Npos p -> Z.Zpos p in
+ let s = Z.to_string y in
+ match synt with
+ | `Coq -> s ^ "%N"
+ | _ -> s)
+let repr_Z = Sum("Z", [
+ "Z0", [];
+ "Zpos", [repr_positive];
+ "Zneg", [repr_positive]
+let _Z = Base {
+ base_name = "Z";
+ base_check = check repr_Z;
+ base_parse = (fun synt s -> assert false);
+ base_print = (fun synt x ->
+ let s = Z.to_string x in
+ match synt with
+ | `Coq -> s ^ "%Z"
+ | _ -> s)
+(* From Integers *)
+let int = Base {
+ base_name = "int";
+ base_check = check repr_Z;
+ base_parse = (fun synt s ->
+ let (n, s') = get_number s in
+ try (coqint_of_camlint (Int32.of_string n), s')
+ with Failure _ ->
+ raise (Parsing_failure(get_position s, sprintf "bad 'int' literal %S" n)));
+ base_print = (fun synt x ->
+ let s = Z.to_string x in
+ match synt with
+ | `Coq -> "(mkint " ^ s ^ "%Z)"
+ | _ -> s)
+let int64 = Base {
+ base_name = "int64";
+ base_check = check repr_Z;
+ base_parse = (fun synt s ->
+ let (n, s') = get_number s in
+ try (coqint_of_camlint64 (Int64.of_string n), s')
+ with Failure _ ->
+ raise (Parsing_failure(get_position s, sprintf "bad 'int64' literal %S" n)));
+ base_print = (fun synt x ->
+ let s = Z.to_string x in
+ match synt with
+ | `Coq -> "(mkint64 " ^ s ^ "%Z)"
+ | _ -> s)
+(* From Floats *)
+let nan_pl = positive
+let binary_float = Sum("binary_float", [
+ "B754_zero", [bool];
+ "B754_infinity", [bool];
+ "B754_nan", [bool; nan_pl];
+ "B754_finite", [bool; positive; _Z]
+let float = Base {
+ base_name = "float";
+ base_check = check binary_float;
+ base_parse = (fun synt s ->
+ let (n, s') = get_number s in
+ try (Floats.Float.of_bits (coqint_of_camlint64 (Int64.of_string n)), s')
+ with Failure _ ->
+ raise (Parsing_failure(get_position s, sprintf "bad 'float' literal %S" n)));
+ base_print = (fun synt x ->
+ let s = Z.to_string (Floats.Float.to_bits x) in
+ match synt with
+ | `Coq -> "(mkfloat " ^ s ^ "%Z)"
+ | _ -> s)
+let float32 = Base {
+ base_name = "float32";
+ base_check = check binary_float;
+ base_parse = (fun synt s ->
+ let (n, s') = get_number s in
+ try (Floats.Float32.of_bits (coqint_of_camlint (Int32.of_string n)), s')
+ with Failure _ ->
+ raise (Parsing_failure(get_position s, sprintf "bad 'float32' literal %S" n)));
+ base_print = (fun synt x ->
+ let s = Z.to_string (Floats.Float.to_bits x) in
+ match synt with
+ | `Coq -> "(mkfloat32 " ^ s ^ "%Z)"
+ | _ -> s)
+(* From Maps *)
+let ptree a =
+ let rec t = Sum(sprintf "PTree.t[%s]" (describe_ty a), [
+ "Leaf", [];
+ "Node", [t; option a; t]
+ ]) in t
+(* From AST *)
+let ident = positive
+let typ = Sum("typ", [
+ "AST.Tint", [];
+ "AST.Tfloat", [];
+ "AST.Tlong", [];
+ "AST.Tsingle", [];
+ "AST.Tany32", [];
+ "AST.Tany64", [];
+let calling_convention = Record("calling_convention", [
+ "cc_vararg", bool;
+ "cc_structret", bool;
+let default_calling_convention = {
+ dfl_val = AST.cc_default;
+ dfl_print = (function `Coq -> Some "cc_default" | _ -> None)
+let calling_convention_d =
+ Default(calling_convention, default_calling_convention)
+let signature = Record("signature", [
+ "sig_args", list typ;
+ "sig_res", option typ;
+ "sig_cc", calling_convention_d;
+let memory_chunk = Sum("memory_chunk", [
+ "Mint8signed", [];
+ "Mint8unsigned", [];
+ "Mint16signed", [];
+ "Mint16unsigned", [];
+ "Mint32", [];
+ "Mint64", [];
+ "Mfloat32", [];
+ "Mfloat64", [];
+ "Many32", [];
+ "Many64", [];
+let init_data = Sum("init_data", [
+ "Init_int8", [int];
+ "Init_int16", [int];
+ "Init_int32", [int];
+ "Init_int64", [int64];
+ "Init_float32", [float32];
+ "Init_float64", [float];
+ "Init_space", [_Z];
+ "Init_addrof", [ident; int];
+let globvar v = Record(sprintf "globvar[%s]" (describe_ty v), [
+ "gvar_info", v;
+ "gvar_init", list init_data;
+ "gvar_readonly", bool;
+ "gvar_volatile", bool;
+let globdef f v = Sum(sprintf "globdef[%s][%s]" (describe_ty f) (describe_ty v), [
+ "Gfun", [f];
+ "Gvar", [globvar v];
+let external_function = Sum("external_function", [
+ "EF_external", [ident; signature];
+ "EF_builtin", [ident; signature];
+ "EF_vload", [memory_chunk];
+ "EF_vstore", [memory_chunk];
+ "EF_vload_global", [memory_chunk; ident; int];
+ "EF_vstore_global", [memory_chunk; ident; int];
+ "EF_malloc", [];
+ "EF_free", [];
+ "EF_memcpy", [_Z; _Z];
+ "EF_annot", [ident; list typ];
+ "EF_annot_val", [ident; typ];
+ "EF_inline_asm", [ident; signature; list string];
+(* From Values *)
+let block = positive
+let val_ = Sum("val", [
+ "Vundef", [];
+ "Vint", [int];
+ "Vlong", [int64];
+ "Vfloat", [float];
+ "Vsingle", [float32];
+ "Vptr", [block; int];
+(* From Ctypes *)
+let signedness = Sum("signedness", [
+ "Signed", [];
+ "Unsigned", [];
+let intsize = Sum("intsize", [
+ "I8", [];
+ "I16", [];
+ "I32", [];
+ "IBool", [];
+let floatsize = Sum("floatsize", [
+ "F32", [];
+ "F64", [];
+let attr = Record("attr", [
+ "attr_volatile", bool;
+ "attr_alignas", option _N;
+let attr_default = {
+ dfl_val = Ctypes.noattr;
+ dfl_print = (function `Coq -> Some "noattr" | _ -> None)
+let attr_d = Default(attr, attr_default)
+let rec type_ = Sum("type", [
+ "Tvoid", [];
+ "Tint", [intsize; signedness; attr_d];
+ "Tlong", [signedness; attr_d];
+ "Tfloat", [floatsize; attr_d];
+ "Tpointer", [type_; attr_d];
+ "Tarray", [type_; _Z; attr_d];
+ "Tfunction", [typelist; type_; calling_convention_d];
+ "Tstruct", [ident; attr_d];
+ "Tunion", [ident; attr_d];
+and typelist = Sum("typelist", [
+ "Tnil", [];
+ "Tcons", [type_; typelist];
+let struct_or_union = Sum("struct_or_union", [
+ "Struct", [];
+ "Union", [];
+let members = list (pair ident type_)
+let composite_definition = Sum("composite_definition", [
+ "Composite", [ident; struct_or_union; members; attr_d];
+let composite = Record("composite",[
+ "co_su", struct_or_union;
+ "co_members", members;
+ "co_attr", attr;
+ "co_sizeof", _Z;
+ "co_alignof", _Z;
+ "co_rank", nat
+let composite_env = ptree composite
+(* From Cop *)
+let unary_operation = Sum("unary_operation", [
+ "Onotbool", [];
+ "Onotint", [];
+ "Oneg", [];
+ "Oabsfloat", [];
+let binary_operation = Sum("binary_operation", [
+ "Oadd", [];
+ "Osub", [];
+ "Omul", [];
+ "Odiv", [];
+ "Omod", [];
+ "Oand", [];
+ "Oor", [];
+ "Oxor", [];
+ "Oshl", [];
+ "Oshr", [];
+ "Oeq", [];
+ "One", [];
+ "Olt", [];
+ "Ogt", [];
+ "Ole", [];
+ "Oge", [];
+let incr_or_decr = Sum("incr_or_decr", [
+ "Incr", [];
+ "Decr", [];
+(* From Csyntax *)
+let rec expr = Sum("expr", [
+ "Eval", [val_; type_];
+ "Evar", [ident; type_];
+ "Efield", [expr; ident; type_];
+ "Evalof", [expr; type_];
+ "Ederef", [expr; type_];
+ "Eaddrof", [expr; type_];
+ "Eunop", [unary_operation; expr; type_];
+ "Ebinop", [binary_operation; expr; expr; type_];
+ "Ecast", [expr; type_];
+ "Eseqand", [expr; expr; type_];
+ "Eseqor", [expr; expr; type_];
+ "Econdition", [expr; expr; expr; type_];
+ "Esizeof", [type_; type_];
+ "Ealignof", [type_; type_];
+ "Eassign", [expr; expr; type_];
+ "Eassignop", [binary_operation; expr; expr; type_; type_];
+ "Epostincr", [incr_or_decr; expr; type_];
+ "Ecomma", [expr; expr; type_];
+ "Ecall", [expr; exprlist; type_];
+ "Ebuiltin", [external_function; typelist; exprlist; type_];
+ "Eloc", [block; int; type_];
+ "Eparen", [expr; type_; type_];
+and exprlist = Sum("exprlist", [
+ "Enil", [];
+ "Econs", [expr; exprlist];
+let label = ident
+let rec statement = Sum("statement", [
+ "Sskip", [];
+ "Sdo", [expr];
+ "Ssequence", [statement; statement];
+ "Sifthenelse", [expr; statement; statement];
+ "Swhile", [expr; statement];
+ "Sdowhile", [expr; statement];
+ "Sfor", [statement; expr; statement; statement];
+ "Sbreak", [];
+ "Scontinue", [];
+ "Sreturn", [option expr];
+ "Sswitch", [expr; labeled_statements];
+ "Slabel", [label; statement];
+ "Sgoto", [label];
+and labeled_statements = Sum("labeled_statements", [
+ "LSnil", [];
+ "LScons", [option _Z; statement; labeled_statements];
+let function_ = Record("function", [
+ "fn_return", type_;
+ "fn_callconv", calling_convention_d;
+ "fn_params", list (pair ident type_);
+ "fn_vars", list (pair ident type_);
+ "fn_body", statement;
+let fundef = Sum("fundef", [
+ "Internal", [function_];
+ "External", [external_function; typelist; type_; calling_convention_d];
+let repr_program = Record("program", [
+ "prog_defs", list (pair ident (globdef fundef type_));
+ "prog_public", list ident;
+ "prog_main", ident;
+ "prog_types", list composite_definition;
+ "prog_comp_env", composite_env
+type program2 = Program of
+ (AST.ident * (Csyntax.fundef, Ctypes.coq_type) AST.globdef) list
+ * AST.ident list
+ * AST.ident
+ * Ctypes.composite_definition list
+let program2 = Sum("program2", [
+ "mkprogram", [list (pair ident (globdef fundef type_));
+ list ident;
+ ident;
+ list composite_definition]
+let program2_of_program p =
+ Csyntax.(Program(p.prog_defs, p.prog_public, p.prog_main, p.prog_types))
+let program_of_program2 (Program(d,p,m,t)) =
+ Csyntax.(
+ match Ctypes.build_composite_env t with
+ | Errors.Error _ -> assert false
+ | Errors.OK e -> {prog_defs = d; prog_public = p; prog_main = m;
+ prog_types = t; prog_comp_env = e})
+let program = As(program2, {
+ conv_name = "program";
+ conv_check = check repr_program;
+ conv_out = program2_of_program;
+ conv_in = program_of_program2
diff --git a/driver/Driver.ml b/driver/Driver.ml
index b89d93c1..4bd08a88 100644
--- a/driver/Driver.ml
+++ b/driver/Driver.ml
@@ -536,9 +536,12 @@ let _ =
| "arm" -> if Configuration.is_big_endian
then Machine.arm_bigendian
else Machine.arm_littleendian
- | "ia32" -> if Configuration.abi = "macosx"
- then Machine.x86_32_macosx
- else Machine.x86_32
+ | "ia32" -> if Configuration.model = "64" then
+ Machine.x86_64
+ else
+ if Configuration.abi = "macosx"
+ then Machine.x86_32_macosx
+ else Machine.x86_32
| _ -> assert false
Builtins.set C2C.builtins;