path: root/driver
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authorXavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@inria.fr>2015-02-08 16:41:45 +0100
committerXavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@inria.fr>2015-02-08 16:41:45 +0100
commitf2b1c25aa56a27836652aef3feeee0856c04235c (patch)
tree7eeecd66c8c69f5c17d567a1f8320bec89eff49d /driver
parent30dd68d627f68cca0c2addd006d853379ad720cf (diff)
Interpreter produces more detailed trace, including name of semantic rules used.
Cexec: record names of rules used in every reduction. Interp: print these rule names in -trace mode. Also: simplified the exploration in "-all" mode; give unique names to states. Csem: fix name of reduction rule "red_call".
Diffstat (limited to 'driver')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/driver/Interp.ml b/driver/Interp.ml
index ab22cebb..2725dbfe 100644
--- a/driver/Interp.ml
+++ b/driver/Interp.ml
@@ -254,28 +254,14 @@ let compare_state s1 s2 =
compare (rank_state s1) (rank_state s2)
-(* Sets of states already explored *)
+(* Maps of states already explored. *)
-module StateSet =
- Set.Make(struct
- type t = state * Determinism.world
- let compare (s1,w1) (s2,w2) = compare_state s1 s2
+module StateMap =
+ Map.Make(struct
+ type t = state
+ let compare = compare_state
-(* Purging states that will never be reached again based on their memory
- next block. All states with nextblock <= the given nextblock are
- removed. We take advantage of the fact that StateSets are sorted
- by increasing nextblock, cf. the definition of compare_state above. *)
-let rec purge_seen nextblock seen =
- let min = try Some(StateSet.min_elt seen) with Not_found -> None in
- match min with
- | None -> seen
- | Some((s, w) as sw) ->
- if P.le (mem_state s).Mem.nextblock nextblock
- then purge_seen nextblock (StateSet.remove sw seen)
- else seen
(* Extract a string from a global pointer *)
let extract_string m blk ofs =
@@ -435,7 +421,7 @@ and world_vstore ge m chunk id ofs ev =
let do_event p ge time w ev =
if !trace >= 1 then
- fprintf p "@[<hov 2>Time %d: observable event:@ @[<hov 2>%a@]@]@."
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>Time %d: observable event:@ %a@]@."
time print_event ev;
(* Return new world after external action *)
match ev with
@@ -497,11 +483,10 @@ let diagnose_stuck_state p ge w = function
| ExprState(f,a,k,e,m) -> ignore(diagnose_stuck_expr p ge w f a k e m)
| _ -> ()
-(* Exploration *)
+(* Execution of a single step. Return list of triples
+ (reduction rule, next state, next world). *)
-let do_step p prog ge time (s, w) =
- if !trace >= 2 then
- fprintf p "@[<hov 2>Time %d: %a@]@." time print_state (prog, ge, s);
+let do_step p prog ge time s w =
match Cexec.at_final_state s with
| Some r ->
if !trace >= 1 then
@@ -513,89 +498,71 @@ let do_step p prog ge time (s, w) =
| None ->
let l = Cexec.do_step ge do_external_function do_inline_assembly w s in
- if l = [] || List.exists (fun (t,s) -> s = Stuckstate) l then begin
+ if l = []
+ || List.exists (fun (Cexec.TR(r,t,s)) -> s = Stuckstate) l
+ then begin
pp_set_max_boxes p 1000;
fprintf p "@[<hov 2>Stuck state: %a@]@." print_state (prog, ge, s);
diagnose_stuck_state p ge w s;
fprintf p "ERROR: Undefined behavior@.";
exit 126
end else begin
- List.map (fun (t, s') -> (s', do_events p ge time w t)) l
+ List.map (fun (Cexec.TR(r, t, s')) -> (r, s', do_events p ge time w t)) l
-let rec explore_one p prog ge time sw =
- let succs = do_step p prog ge time sw in
+(* Exploration of a single execution. *)
+let rec explore_one p prog ge time s w =
+ if !trace >= 2 then
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>Time %d:@ %a@]@." time print_state (prog, ge, s);
+ let succs = do_step p prog ge time s w in
if succs <> [] then begin
- let sw' =
+ let (r, s', w') =
match !mode with
| First -> List.hd succs
| Random -> List.nth succs (Random.int (List.length succs))
| All -> assert false in
- explore_one p prog ge (time + 1) sw'
+ if !trace >= 2 then
+ fprintf p "--[%s]-->@." (camlstring_of_coqstring r);
+ explore_one p prog ge (time + 1) s' w'
-(* A priority queue structure where the priority is inversely proportional
- to the memory nextblock. *)
-module PrioQueue = struct
- type elt = int * StateSet.elt
- type queue = Empty | Node of elt * queue * queue
- let empty = Empty
- let singleton elt = Node(elt, Empty, Empty)
- let higher_prio (time1, (s1, w1)) (time2, (s2, w2)) =
- P.lt (mem_state s1).Mem.nextblock (mem_state s2).Mem.nextblock
- let rec insert queue elt =
- match queue with
- | Empty -> Node(elt, Empty, Empty)
- | Node(e, left, right) ->
- if higher_prio elt e
- then Node(elt, insert right e, left)
- else Node(e, insert right elt, left)
- let rec remove_top = function
- | Empty -> assert false
- | Node(elt, left, Empty) -> left
- | Node(elt, Empty, right) -> right
- | Node(elt, (Node(lelt, _, _) as left),
- (Node(relt, _, _) as right)) ->
- if higher_prio lelt relt
- then Node(lelt, remove_top left, right)
- else Node(relt, left, remove_top right)
- let extract = function
- | Empty -> None
- | Node(elt, _, _) as queue -> Some(elt, remove_top queue)
- (* Return true if all elements of queue have strictly lower priority
- than elt. *)
- let dominate elt queue =
- match queue with
- | Empty -> true
- | Node(e, _, _) -> higher_prio elt e
-let rec explore_all p prog ge seen queue =
- match PrioQueue.extract queue with
- | None -> ()
- | Some((time, sw) as tsw, queue') ->
- if StateSet.mem sw seen then
- explore_all p prog ge seen queue'
- else
- let succs =
- List.rev_map (fun sw -> (time + 1, sw)) (do_step p prog ge time sw) in
- let queue'' = List.fold_left PrioQueue.insert queue' succs in
- let seen' = StateSet.add sw seen in
- let seen'' =
- if PrioQueue.dominate tsw queue''
- then purge_seen (mem_state (fst sw)).Mem.nextblock seen'
- else seen' in
- explore_all p prog ge seen'' queue''
+(* Exploration of all possible executions. *)
+let rec explore_all p prog ge time states =
+ if !trace >= 2 then begin
+ List.iter
+ (fun (n, s, w) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>State %d.%d: @ %a@]@."
+ time n print_state (prog, ge, s))
+ states
+ end;
+ let rec explore_next nextstates seen numseen = function
+ | [] ->
+ List.rev nextstates
+ | (n, s, w) :: states ->
+ add_reducts nextstates seen numseen states n (do_step p prog ge time s w)
+ and add_reducts nextstates seen numseen states n = function
+ | [] ->
+ explore_next nextstates seen numseen states
+ | (r, s', w') :: reducts ->
+ let (n', nextstates', seen', numseen') =
+ try
+ (StateMap.find s' seen, nextstates, seen, numseen)
+ with Not_found ->
+ (numseen,
+ (numseen, s', w') :: nextstates,
+ StateMap.add s' numseen seen,
+ numseen + 1) in
+ if !trace >= 2 then begin
+ fprintf p "Transition state %d.%d --[%s]--> state %d.%d@."
+ time n (camlstring_of_coqstring r) (time + 1) n'
+ end;
+ add_reducts nextstates' seen' numseen' states n reducts
+ in
+ let nextstates = explore_next [] StateMap.empty 1 states in
+ if nextstates <> [] then explore_all p prog ge (time + 1) nextstates
(* The variant of the source program used to build the world for
executing events.
@@ -680,7 +647,6 @@ let execute prog =
| Some(ge, s) ->
match !mode with
| First | Random ->
- explore_one p prog1 ge 0 (s, world wge wm)
+ explore_one p prog1 ge 0 s (world wge wm)
| All ->
- explore_all p prog1 ge StateSet.empty
- (PrioQueue.singleton (0, (s, world wge wm)))
+ explore_all p prog1 ge 0 [(1, s, world wge wm)]