path: root/exportclight/ExportClight.ml
diff options
authorXavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@inria.fr>2015-03-14 10:35:25 +0100
committerXavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@inria.fr>2015-03-14 10:35:25 +0100
commit890141acb930bdb6f985244f81833331382f7b66 (patch)
treecc32d6be06feaebca5076727f5531959e8e37530 /exportclight/ExportClight.ml
parent67e8b783c7e794d995675a332f118533e6a9b14a (diff)
parent3e01154d693e1c457e1e974f5e9ebaa4601050aa (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into struct-passing
Diffstat (limited to 'exportclight/ExportClight.ml')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/exportclight/ExportClight.ml b/exportclight/ExportClight.ml
index e4d1ce53..51dd0757 100644
--- a/exportclight/ExportClight.ml
+++ b/exportclight/ExportClight.ml
@@ -132,9 +132,20 @@ let coqfloat p n =
let coqsingle p n =
fprintf p "(Float32.of_bits %a)" coqint (Floats.Float32.to_bits n)
-(* Types *)
+let coqN p n =
+ fprintf p "%ld%%N" (N.to_int32 n)
+(* Raw attributes *)
-let use_struct_names = ref true
+let attribute p a =
+ if a = noattr then
+ fprintf p "noattr"
+ else
+ fprintf p "{| attr_volatile := %B; attr_alignas := %a |}"
+ a.attr_volatile
+ (print_option coqN) a.attr_alignas
+(* Types *)
let rec typ p t =
match attr_of_type t with
@@ -143,9 +154,9 @@ let rec typ p t =
| { attr_volatile = true; attr_alignas = None} ->
fprintf p "(tvolatile %a)" rtyp t
| { attr_volatile = false; attr_alignas = Some n} ->
- fprintf p "(talignas %ld%%N %a)" (N.to_int32 n) rtyp t
+ fprintf p "(talignas %a %a)" coqN n rtyp t
| { attr_volatile = true; attr_alignas = Some n} ->
- fprintf p "(tvolatile_alignas %ld%%N %a)" (N.to_int32 n) rtyp t
+ fprintf p "(tvolatile_alignas %a %a)" coqN n rtyp t
and rtyp p = function
| Tvoid -> fprintf p "tvoid"
@@ -176,16 +187,10 @@ and rtyp p = function
| Tfunction(targs, tres, cc) ->
fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Tfunction@ %a@ %a@ %a)@]"
typlist targs typ tres callconv cc
- | Tstruct(id, flds, _) ->
- if !use_struct_names
- then fprintf p "t%a" ident id
- else fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Tstruct %a@ %a@ noattr)@]" ident id fieldlist flds
- | Tunion(id, flds, _) ->
- if !use_struct_names
- then fprintf p "t%a" ident id
- else fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Tunion %a@ %a@ noattr)@]" ident id fieldlist flds
- | Tcomp_ptr(id, _) ->
- fprintf p "(Tcomp_ptr %a noattr)" ident id
+ | Tstruct(id, _) ->
+ fprintf p "(Tstruct %a noattr)" ident id
+ | Tunion(id, _) ->
+ fprintf p "(Tunion %a noattr)" ident id
and typlist p = function
| Tnil ->
@@ -193,12 +198,6 @@ and typlist p = function
| Tcons(t, tl) ->
fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Tcons@ %a@ %a)@]" typ t typlist tl
-and fieldlist p = function
- | Fnil ->
- fprintf p "Fnil"
- | Fcons(id, t, fl) ->
- fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Fcons %a@ %a@ %a)@]" ident id typ t fieldlist fl
and callconv p cc =
if cc = cc_default
then fprintf p "cc_default"
@@ -323,6 +322,10 @@ let rec expr p = function
(name_binop op) expr a1 expr a2 typ t
| Ecast(a1, t) ->
fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Ecast@ %a@ %a)@]" expr a1 typ t
+ | Esizeof(t1, t) ->
+ fprintf p "(Esizeof %a %a)" typ t1 typ t
+ | Ealignof(t1, t) ->
+ fprintf p "(Ealignof %a %a)" typ t1 typ t
(* Statements *)
@@ -420,115 +423,14 @@ let print_ident_globdef p = function
| (id, Gvar v) ->
fprintf p "(%a, Gvar v_%s)" ident id (extern_atom id)
-(* Collecting the names and fields of structs and unions *)
-module TypeSet = Set.Make(struct
- type t = coq_type
- let compare = Pervasives.compare
-let struct_unions = ref TypeSet.empty
-let register_struct_union ty =
- struct_unions := TypeSet.add ty !struct_unions
-let rec collect_type = function
- | Tvoid -> ()
- | Tint _ -> ()
- | Tlong _ -> ()
- | Tfloat _ -> ()
- | Tpointer(t, _) -> collect_type t
- | Tarray(t, _, _) -> collect_type t
- | Tfunction(args, res, _) -> collect_type_list args; collect_type res
- | Tstruct(id, fld, _) ->
- register_struct_union (Tstruct(id, fld, noattr)) (*; collect_fields fld*)
- | Tunion(id, fld, _) ->
- register_struct_union (Tunion(id, fld, noattr)) (*; collect_fields fld*)
- | Tcomp_ptr _ -> ()
-and collect_type_list = function
- | Tnil -> ()
- | Tcons(hd, tl) -> collect_type hd; collect_type_list tl
-and collect_fields = function
- | Fnil -> ()
- | Fcons(id, hd, tl) -> collect_type hd; collect_fields tl
-let rec collect_expr e =
- collect_type (typeof e);
- match e with
- | Econst_int _ -> ()
- | Econst_float _ -> ()
- | Econst_long _ -> ()
- | Econst_single _ -> ()
- | Evar _ -> ()
- | Etempvar _ -> ()
- | Ederef(r, _) -> collect_expr r
- | Efield(l, _, _) -> collect_expr l
- | Eaddrof(l, _) -> collect_expr l
- | Eunop(_, r, _) -> collect_expr r
- | Ebinop(_, r1, r2, _) -> collect_expr r1; collect_expr r2
- | Ecast(r, _) -> collect_expr r
-let rec collect_exprlist = function
- | [] -> ()
- | r1 :: rl -> collect_expr r1; collect_exprlist rl
-let rec temp_of_expr = function
- | Etempvar(tmp, _) -> Some tmp
- | Ecast(e, _) -> temp_of_expr e
- | _ -> None
+(* Composite definitions *)
-let rec collect_stmt = function
- | Sskip -> ()
- | Sassign(e1, e2) -> collect_expr e1; collect_expr e2
- | Sset(id, e2) ->
- begin match temp_of_expr e2 with
- | Some tmp -> name_temporary tmp id
- | None -> ()
- end;
- collect_expr e2
- | Scall(optid, e1, el) -> collect_expr e1; collect_exprlist el
- | Sbuiltin(optid, ef, tyl, el) -> collect_exprlist el
- | Ssequence(s1, s2) -> collect_stmt s1; collect_stmt s2
- | Sifthenelse(e, s1, s2) -> collect_expr e; collect_stmt s1; collect_stmt s2
- | Sloop(s1, s2) -> collect_stmt s1; collect_stmt s2
- | Sbreak -> ()
- | Scontinue -> ()
- | Sswitch(e, cases) -> collect_expr e; collect_cases cases
- | Sreturn None -> ()
- | Sreturn (Some e) -> collect_expr e
- | Slabel(lbl, s) -> collect_stmt s
- | Sgoto lbl -> ()
-and collect_cases = function
- | LSnil -> ()
- | LScons(lbl, s, rem) -> collect_stmt s; collect_cases rem
-let collect_function f =
- collect_type f.fn_return;
- List.iter (fun (id, ty) -> collect_type ty) f.fn_params;
- List.iter (fun (id, ty) -> collect_type ty) f.fn_vars;
- List.iter (fun (id, ty) -> collect_type ty) f.fn_temps;
- collect_stmt f.fn_body
-let collect_globdef (id, gd) =
- match gd with
- | Gfun(External(_, args, res, _)) -> collect_type_list args; collect_type res
- | Gfun(Internal f) -> collect_function f
- | Gvar v -> collect_type v.gvar_info
-let define_struct p ty =
- match ty with
- | Tstruct(id, _, _) | Tunion(id, _, _) ->
- fprintf p "@[<hv 2>Definition t%a :=@ %a.@]@ " ident id typ ty
- | _ -> assert false
-let define_structs p prog =
- use_struct_names := false;
- TypeSet.iter (define_struct p) !struct_unions;
- use_struct_names := true;
- fprintf p "@ "
+let print_composite_definition p (Composite(id, su, m, a)) =
+ fprintf p "@[<hv 2>Composite %a %s@ %a@ %a@]"
+ ident id
+ (match su with Struct -> "Struct" | Union -> "Union")
+ (print_list (print_pair ident typ)) m
+ attribute a
(* Assertion processing *)
@@ -605,14 +507,18 @@ let print_program p prog =
fprintf p "%s" prologue;
Hashtbl.clear temp_names;
all_temp_names := StringSet.empty;
- struct_unions := TypeSet.empty;
- List.iter collect_globdef prog.prog_defs;
define_idents p;
- define_structs p prog;
List.iter (print_globdef p) prog.prog_defs;
+ fprintf p "Definition composites : list composite_definition :=@ ";
+ print_list print_composite_definition p prog.prog_types;
+ fprintf p ".@ @ ";
fprintf p "Definition prog : Clight.program := {|@ ";
fprintf p "prog_defs :=@ %a;@ " (print_list print_ident_globdef) prog.prog_defs;
- fprintf p "prog_main := %a@ " ident prog.prog_main;
+ fprintf p "prog_public :=@ %a;@ " (print_list ident) prog.prog_public;
+ fprintf p "prog_main := %a;@ " ident prog.prog_main;
+ fprintf p "prog_types := composites;@ ";
+ fprintf p "prog_comp_env := make_composite_env composites;@ ";
+ fprintf p "prog_comp_env_eq := refl_equal _@ ";
fprintf p "|}.@ ";
print_assertions p;
fprintf p "@]@."