path: root/lib/Integers.v
diff options
authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2013-04-20 07:54:52 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2013-04-20 07:54:52 +0000
commit255cee09b71255051c2b40eae0c88bffce1f6f32 (patch)
tree7951b1b13e8fd5e525b9223e8be0580e83550f55 /lib/Integers.v
parent6e5041958df01c56762e90770abd704b95a36e5d (diff)
Big merge of the newregalloc-int64 branch. Lots of changes in two directions:
1- new register allocator (+ live range splitting, spilling&reloading, etc) based on a posteriori validation using the Rideau-Leroy algorithm 2- support for 64-bit integer arithmetic (type "long long"). git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@2200 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Integers.v')
1 files changed, 430 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Integers.v b/lib/Integers.v
index af9decdb..84b82bfe 100644
--- a/lib/Integers.v
+++ b/lib/Integers.v
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
(** Formalizations of machine integers modulo $2^N$ #2<sup>N</sup>#. *)
Require Import Eqdep_dec.
+Require Import Zquot.
Require Import Zwf.
-Require Recdef.
Require Import Coqlib.
(** * Comparisons *)
@@ -1061,36 +1061,7 @@ Proof.
apply eqm_mult; apply eqm_sym; apply eqm_signed_unsigned.
-(** ** Properties of division and Lemma Ztestbit_same_equal:
- forall x y,
- (forall i, 0 <= i -> Z.testbit x i = Z.testbit y i) ->
- x = y.
- assert (forall x, 0 <= x ->
- forall y,
- (forall i, 0 <= i -> Z.testbit x i = Z.testbit y i) ->
- x = y).
- {
- intros x0 POS0; pattern x0; apply Zdiv2_pos_ind; auto.
- - intros. symmetry. apply Ztestbit_is_zero.
- intros. rewrite <- H; auto. apply Z.testbit_0_l.
- - intros. rewrite (Zdecomp x); rewrite (Zdecomp y). f_equal.
- + exploit (H0 0). omega. rewrite !(Ztestbit_eq 0).
- rewrite !zeq_true. auto. omega. omega.
- + intros. apply H; intros.
- exploit (H0 (Zsucc i)). omega. rewrite !(Ztestbit_eq (Z.succ i)).
- rewrite !zeq_false. rewrite !Z.pred_succ. auto.
- omega. omega. omega. omega.
- }
- intros. destruct (zle 0 x).
- - apply H; auto.
- - assert (-x-1 = -y-1).
- { apply H. omega. intros. rewrite !Z_one_complement; auto.
- rewrite H0; auto.
- }
- omega.
-modulus *)
+(** ** Properties of division and modulus *)
Lemma modu_divu_Euclid:
forall x y, y <> zero -> x = add (mul (divu x y) y) (modu x y).
@@ -1155,8 +1126,6 @@ Proof.
apply one_not_zero.
-Require Import Zquot.
Theorem divs_mone:
forall x, divs x mone = neg x.
@@ -3707,7 +3676,434 @@ Module Wordsize_64.
Proof. unfold wordsize; congruence. Qed.
End Wordsize_64.
-Module Int64 := Make(Wordsize_64).
+Module Int64.
+Include Make(Wordsize_64).
+(** Shifts with amount given as a 32-bit integer *)
+Definition iwordsize': Int.int := Int.repr zwordsize.
+Definition shl' (x: int) (y: Int.int): int :=
+ repr (Z.shiftl (unsigned x) (Int.unsigned y)).
+Definition shru' (x: int) (y: Int.int): int :=
+ repr (Z.shiftr (unsigned x) (Int.unsigned y)).
+Definition shr' (x: int) (y: Int.int): int :=
+ repr (Z.shiftr (signed x) (Int.unsigned y)).
+Lemma bits_shl':
+ forall x y i,
+ 0 <= i < zwordsize ->
+ testbit (shl' x y) i =
+ if zlt i (Int.unsigned y) then false else testbit x (i - Int.unsigned y).
+ intros. unfold shl'. rewrite testbit_repr; auto.
+ destruct (zlt i (Int.unsigned y)).
+ apply Z.shiftl_spec_low. auto.
+ apply Z.shiftl_spec_high. omega. omega.
+Lemma bits_shru':
+ forall x y i,
+ 0 <= i < zwordsize ->
+ testbit (shru' x y) i =
+ if zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) zwordsize then testbit x (i + Int.unsigned y) else false.
+ intros. unfold shru'. rewrite testbit_repr; auto.
+ rewrite Z.shiftr_spec. fold (testbit x (i + Int.unsigned y)).
+ destruct (zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) zwordsize).
+ auto.
+ apply bits_above; auto.
+ omega.
+Lemma bits_shr':
+ forall x y i,
+ 0 <= i < zwordsize ->
+ testbit (shr' x y) i =
+ testbit x (if zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) zwordsize then i + Int.unsigned y else zwordsize - 1).
+ intros. unfold shr'. rewrite testbit_repr; auto.
+ rewrite Z.shiftr_spec. apply bits_signed.
+ generalize (Int.unsigned_range y); omega.
+ omega.
+(** Decomposing 64-bit ints as pairs of 32-bit ints *)
+Definition loword (n: int) : Int.int := Int.repr (unsigned n).
+Definition hiword (n: int) : Int.int := Int.repr (unsigned (shru n (repr Int.zwordsize))).
+Definition ofwords (hi lo: Int.int) : int :=
+ or (shl (repr (Int.unsigned hi)) (repr Int.zwordsize)) (repr (Int.unsigned lo)).
+Lemma bits_loword:
+ forall n i, 0 <= i < Int.zwordsize -> Int.testbit (loword n) i = testbit n i.
+ intros. unfold loword. rewrite Int.testbit_repr; auto.
+Lemma bits_hiword:
+ forall n i, 0 <= i < Int.zwordsize -> Int.testbit (hiword n) i = testbit n (i + Int.zwordsize).
+ intros. unfold hiword. rewrite Int.testbit_repr; auto.
+ assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity.
+ fold (testbit (shru n (repr Int.zwordsize)) i). rewrite bits_shru.
+ change (unsigned (repr Int.zwordsize)) with Int.zwordsize.
+ apply zlt_true. omega. omega.
+Lemma bits_ofwords:
+ forall hi lo i, 0 <= i < zwordsize ->
+ testbit (ofwords hi lo) i =
+ if zlt i Int.zwordsize then Int.testbit lo i else Int.testbit hi (i - Int.zwordsize).
+ intros. unfold ofwords. rewrite bits_or; auto. rewrite bits_shl; auto.
+ change (unsigned (repr Int.zwordsize)) with Int.zwordsize.
+ assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity.
+ destruct (zlt i Int.zwordsize).
+ rewrite testbit_repr; auto.
+ rewrite !testbit_repr; auto.
+ fold (Int.testbit lo i). rewrite Int.bits_above. apply orb_false_r. auto.
+ omega.
+Lemma lo_ofwords:
+ forall hi lo, loword (ofwords hi lo) = lo.
+ intros. apply Int.same_bits_eq; intros.
+ rewrite bits_loword; auto. rewrite bits_ofwords. apply zlt_true. omega.
+ assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity. omega.
+Lemma hi_ofwords:
+ forall hi lo, hiword (ofwords hi lo) = hi.
+ intros. apply Int.same_bits_eq; intros.
+ rewrite bits_hiword; auto. rewrite bits_ofwords.
+ rewrite zlt_false. f_equal. omega. omega.
+ assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity. omega.
+Lemma ofwords_recompose:
+ forall n, ofwords (hiword n) (loword n) = n.
+ intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_ofwords; auto.
+ destruct (zlt i Int.zwordsize).
+ apply bits_loword. omega.
+ rewrite bits_hiword. f_equal. omega.
+ assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity. omega.
+Lemma ofwords_add:
+ forall lo hi, ofwords hi lo = repr (Int.unsigned hi * two_p 32 + Int.unsigned lo).
+ intros. unfold ofwords. rewrite shifted_or_is_add.
+ apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_add. apply eqm_mult.
+ apply eqm_sym; apply eqm_unsigned_repr.
+ apply eqm_refl.
+ apply eqm_sym; apply eqm_unsigned_repr.
+ change Int.zwordsize with 32; change zwordsize with 64; omega.
+ rewrite unsigned_repr. generalize (Int.unsigned_range lo). intros [A B]. exact B.
+ assert (Int.max_unsigned < max_unsigned) by (compute; auto).
+ generalize (Int.unsigned_range_2 lo); omega.
+Lemma ofwords_add':
+ forall lo hi, unsigned (ofwords hi lo) = Int.unsigned hi * two_p 32 + Int.unsigned lo.
+ intros. rewrite ofwords_add. apply unsigned_repr.
+ generalize (Int.unsigned_range hi) (Int.unsigned_range lo).
+ change (two_p 32) with Int.modulus.
+ change Int.modulus with 4294967296.
+ change max_unsigned with 18446744073709551615.
+ omega.
+(** Expressing 64-bit operations in terms of 32-bit operations *)
+Lemma decompose_bitwise_binop:
+ forall f f64 f32 xh xl yh yl,
+ (forall x y i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (f64 x y) i = f (testbit x i) (testbit y i)) ->
+ (forall x y i, 0 <= i < Int.zwordsize -> Int.testbit (f32 x y) i = f (Int.testbit x i) (Int.testbit y i)) ->
+ f64 (ofwords xh xl) (ofwords yh yl) = ofwords (f32 xh yh) (f32 xl yl).
+ intros. apply Int64.same_bits_eq; intros.
+ rewrite H by auto. rewrite ! bits_ofwords by auto.
+ assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity.
+ destruct (zlt i Int.zwordsize); rewrite H0 by omega; auto.
+Lemma decompose_and:
+ forall xh xl yh yl,
+ and (ofwords xh xl) (ofwords yh yl) = ofwords (Int.and xh yh) (Int.and xl yl).
+ intros. apply decompose_bitwise_binop with andb.
+ apply bits_and. apply Int.bits_and.
+Lemma decompose_or:
+ forall xh xl yh yl,
+ or (ofwords xh xl) (ofwords yh yl) = ofwords (Int.or xh yh) (Int.or xl yl).
+ intros. apply decompose_bitwise_binop with orb.
+ apply bits_or. apply Int.bits_or.
+Lemma decompose_xor:
+ forall xh xl yh yl,
+ xor (ofwords xh xl) (ofwords yh yl) = ofwords (Int.xor xh yh) (Int.xor xl yl).
+ intros. apply decompose_bitwise_binop with xorb.
+ apply bits_xor. apply Int.bits_xor.
+Lemma decompose_not:
+ forall xh xl,
+ not (ofwords xh xl) = ofwords (Int.not xh) (Int.not xl).
+ intros. unfold not, Int.not. rewrite <- decompose_xor. f_equal.
+ apply (Int64.eq_spec mone (ofwords Int.mone Int.mone)).
+Lemma decompose_shl_1:
+ forall xh xl y,
+ 0 <= Int.unsigned y < Int.zwordsize ->
+ shl' (ofwords xh xl) y =
+ ofwords (Int.or (Int.shl xh y) (Int.shru xl (Int.sub Int.iwordsize y)))
+ (Int.shl xl y).
+ intros.
+ assert (Int.unsigned (Int.sub Int.iwordsize y) = Int.zwordsize - Int.unsigned y).
+ { unfold Int.sub. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. auto.
+ rewrite Int.unsigned_repr_wordsize. generalize Int.wordsize_max_unsigned; omega. }
+ assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity.
+ apply Int64.same_bits_eq; intros.
+ rewrite bits_shl' by auto. symmetry. rewrite bits_ofwords by auto.
+ destruct (zlt i Int.zwordsize). rewrite Int.bits_shl by omega.
+ destruct (zlt i (Int.unsigned y)). auto.
+ rewrite bits_ofwords by omega. rewrite zlt_true by omega. auto.
+ rewrite zlt_false by omega. rewrite bits_ofwords by omega.
+ rewrite Int.bits_or by omega. rewrite Int.bits_shl by omega.
+ rewrite Int.bits_shru by omega. rewrite H0.
+ destruct (zlt (i - Int.unsigned y) (Int.zwordsize)).
+ rewrite zlt_true by omega. rewrite zlt_true by omega.
+ rewrite orb_false_l. f_equal. omega.
+ rewrite zlt_false by omega. rewrite zlt_false by omega.
+ rewrite orb_false_r. f_equal. omega.
+Lemma decompose_shl_2:
+ forall xh xl y,
+ Int.zwordsize <= Int.unsigned y < zwordsize ->
+ shl' (ofwords xh xl) y =
+ ofwords (Int.shl xl (Int.sub y Int.iwordsize)) Int.zero.
+ intros.
+ assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity.
+ assert (Int.unsigned (Int.sub y Int.iwordsize) = Int.unsigned y - Int.zwordsize).
+ { unfold Int.sub. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. auto.
+ rewrite Int.unsigned_repr_wordsize. generalize (Int.unsigned_range_2 y). omega. }
+ apply Int64.same_bits_eq; intros.
+ rewrite bits_shl' by auto. symmetry. rewrite bits_ofwords by auto.
+ destruct (zlt i Int.zwordsize). rewrite zlt_true by omega. apply Int.bits_zero.
+ rewrite Int.bits_shl by omega.
+ destruct (zlt i (Int.unsigned y)).
+ rewrite zlt_true by omega. auto.
+ rewrite zlt_false by omega.
+ rewrite bits_ofwords by omega. rewrite zlt_true by omega. f_equal. omega.
+Lemma decompose_shru_1:
+ forall xh xl y,
+ 0 <= Int.unsigned y < Int.zwordsize ->
+ shru' (ofwords xh xl) y =
+ ofwords (Int.shru xh y)
+ (Int.or (Int.shru xl y) (Int.shl xh (Int.sub Int.iwordsize y))).
+ intros.
+ assert (Int.unsigned (Int.sub Int.iwordsize y) = Int.zwordsize - Int.unsigned y).
+ { unfold Int.sub. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. auto.
+ rewrite Int.unsigned_repr_wordsize. generalize Int.wordsize_max_unsigned; omega. }
+ assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity.
+ apply Int64.same_bits_eq; intros.
+ rewrite bits_shru' by auto. symmetry. rewrite bits_ofwords by auto.
+ destruct (zlt i Int.zwordsize).
+ rewrite zlt_true by omega.
+ rewrite bits_ofwords by omega.
+ rewrite Int.bits_or by omega. rewrite Int.bits_shl by omega.
+ rewrite Int.bits_shru by omega. rewrite H0.
+ destruct (zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) (Int.zwordsize)).
+ rewrite zlt_true by omega.
+ rewrite orb_false_r. auto.
+ rewrite zlt_false by omega.
+ rewrite orb_false_l. f_equal. omega.
+ rewrite Int.bits_shru by omega.
+ destruct (zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) zwordsize).
+ rewrite bits_ofwords by omega.
+ rewrite zlt_true by omega. rewrite zlt_false by omega. f_equal. omega.
+ rewrite zlt_false by omega. auto.
+Lemma decompose_shru_2:
+ forall xh xl y,
+ Int.zwordsize <= Int.unsigned y < zwordsize ->
+ shru' (ofwords xh xl) y =
+ ofwords Int.zero (Int.shru xh (Int.sub y Int.iwordsize)).
+ intros.
+ assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity.
+ assert (Int.unsigned (Int.sub y Int.iwordsize) = Int.unsigned y - Int.zwordsize).
+ { unfold Int.sub. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. auto.
+ rewrite Int.unsigned_repr_wordsize. generalize (Int.unsigned_range_2 y). omega. }
+ apply Int64.same_bits_eq; intros.
+ rewrite bits_shru' by auto. symmetry. rewrite bits_ofwords by auto.
+ destruct (zlt i Int.zwordsize).
+ rewrite Int.bits_shru by omega. rewrite H1.
+ destruct (zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) zwordsize).
+ rewrite zlt_true by omega. rewrite bits_ofwords by omega.
+ rewrite zlt_false by omega. f_equal; omega.
+ rewrite zlt_false by omega. auto.
+ rewrite zlt_false by omega. apply Int.bits_zero.
+Lemma decompose_shr_1:
+ forall xh xl y,
+ 0 <= Int.unsigned y < Int.zwordsize ->
+ shr' (ofwords xh xl) y =
+ ofwords (Int.shr xh y)
+ (Int.or (Int.shru xl y) (Int.shl xh (Int.sub Int.iwordsize y))).
+ intros.
+ assert (Int.unsigned (Int.sub Int.iwordsize y) = Int.zwordsize - Int.unsigned y).
+ { unfold Int.sub. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. auto.
+ rewrite Int.unsigned_repr_wordsize. generalize Int.wordsize_max_unsigned; omega. }
+ assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity.
+ apply Int64.same_bits_eq; intros.
+ rewrite bits_shr' by auto. symmetry. rewrite bits_ofwords by auto.
+ destruct (zlt i Int.zwordsize).
+ rewrite zlt_true by omega.
+ rewrite bits_ofwords by omega.
+ rewrite Int.bits_or by omega. rewrite Int.bits_shl by omega.
+ rewrite Int.bits_shru by omega. rewrite H0.
+ destruct (zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) (Int.zwordsize)).
+ rewrite zlt_true by omega.
+ rewrite orb_false_r. auto.
+ rewrite zlt_false by omega.
+ rewrite orb_false_l. f_equal. omega.
+ rewrite Int.bits_shr by omega.
+ destruct (zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) zwordsize).
+ rewrite bits_ofwords by omega.
+ rewrite zlt_true by omega. rewrite zlt_false by omega. f_equal. omega.
+ rewrite zlt_false by omega. rewrite bits_ofwords by omega.
+ rewrite zlt_false by omega. f_equal.
+Lemma decompose_shr_2:
+ forall xh xl y,
+ Int.zwordsize <= Int.unsigned y < zwordsize ->
+ shr' (ofwords xh xl) y =
+ ofwords (Int.shr xh (Int.sub Int.iwordsize Int.one))
+ (Int.shr xh (Int.sub y Int.iwordsize)).
+ intros.
+ assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity.
+ assert (Int.unsigned (Int.sub y Int.iwordsize) = Int.unsigned y - Int.zwordsize).
+ { unfold Int.sub. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. auto.
+ rewrite Int.unsigned_repr_wordsize. generalize (Int.unsigned_range_2 y). omega. }
+ apply Int64.same_bits_eq; intros.
+ rewrite bits_shr' by auto. symmetry. rewrite bits_ofwords by auto.
+ destruct (zlt i Int.zwordsize).
+ rewrite Int.bits_shr by omega. rewrite H1.
+ destruct (zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) zwordsize).
+ rewrite zlt_true by omega. rewrite bits_ofwords by omega.
+ rewrite zlt_false by omega. f_equal; omega.
+ rewrite zlt_false by omega. rewrite bits_ofwords by omega.
+ rewrite zlt_false by omega. auto.
+ rewrite Int.bits_shr by omega.
+ change (Int.unsigned (Int.sub Int.iwordsize Int.one)) with (Int.zwordsize - 1).
+ destruct (zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) zwordsize);
+ rewrite bits_ofwords by omega.
+ symmetry. rewrite zlt_false by omega. f_equal.
+ destruct (zlt (i - Int.zwordsize + (Int.zwordsize - 1)) Int.zwordsize); omega.
+ symmetry. rewrite zlt_false by omega. f_equal.
+ destruct (zlt (i - Int.zwordsize + (Int.zwordsize - 1)) Int.zwordsize); omega.
+Remark eqm_mul_2p32:
+ forall x y, Int.eqm x y -> eqm (x * two_p 32) (y * two_p 32).
+ intros. destruct H as [k EQ]. exists k. rewrite EQ.
+ change Int.modulus with (two_p 32).
+ change modulus with (two_p 32 * two_p 32).
+ ring.
+Lemma decompose_add:
+ forall xh xl yh yl,
+ add (ofwords xh xl) (ofwords yh yl) =
+ ofwords (Int.add (Int.add xh yh) (Int.add_carry xl yl Int.zero))
+ (Int.add xl yl).
+ intros. symmetry. rewrite ofwords_add. rewrite add_unsigned.
+ apply eqm_samerepr.
+ rewrite ! ofwords_add'. rewrite (Int.unsigned_add_carry xl yl).
+ set (cc := Int.add_carry xl yl Int.zero).
+ set (Xl := Int.unsigned xl); set (Xh := Int.unsigned xh);
+ set (Yl := Int.unsigned yl); set (Yh := Int.unsigned yh).
+ change Int.modulus with (two_p 32).
+ replace (Xh * two_p 32 + Xl + (Yh * two_p 32 + Yl))
+ with ((Xh + Yh) * two_p 32 + (Xl + Yl)) by ring.
+ replace (Int.unsigned (Int.add (Int.add xh yh) cc) * two_p 32 +
+ (Xl + Yl - Int.unsigned cc * two_p 32))
+ with ((Int.unsigned (Int.add (Int.add xh yh) cc) - Int.unsigned cc) * two_p 32
+ + (Xl + Yl)) by ring.
+ apply eqm_add. 2: apply eqm_refl. apply eqm_mul_2p32.
+ replace (Xh + Yh) with ((Xh + Yh + Int.unsigned cc) - Int.unsigned cc) by ring.
+ apply Int.eqm_sub. 2: apply Int.eqm_refl.
+ apply Int.eqm_unsigned_repr_l. apply Int.eqm_add. 2: apply Int.eqm_refl.
+ apply Int.eqm_unsigned_repr_l. apply Int.eqm_refl.
+Definition mul' (x y: Int.int) : int := repr (Int.unsigned x * Int.unsigned y).
+Lemma decompose_mul:
+ forall xh xl yh yl,
+ mul (ofwords xh xl) (ofwords yh yl) =
+ ofwords (Int.add (Int.add (hiword (mul' xl yl)) (Int.mul xl yh)) (Int.mul xh yl))
+ (loword (mul' xl yl)).
+ intros.
+ set (pl := loword (mul' xl yl)); set (ph := hiword (mul' xl yl)).
+ assert (EQ0: unsigned (mul' xl yl) = Int.unsigned ph * two_p 32 + Int.unsigned pl).
+ { rewrite <- (ofwords_recompose (mul' xl yl)). apply ofwords_add'. }
+ symmetry. rewrite ofwords_add. unfold mul. rewrite !ofwords_add'.
+ set (XL := Int.unsigned xl); set (XH := Int.unsigned xh);
+ set (YL := Int.unsigned yl); set (YH := Int.unsigned yh).
+ set (PH := Int.unsigned ph) in *. set (PL := Int.unsigned pl) in *.
+ transitivity (repr (((PH + XL * YH) + XH * YL) * two_p 32 + PL)).
+ apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_add. 2: apply eqm_refl.
+ apply eqm_mul_2p32.
+ rewrite Int.add_unsigned. apply Int.eqm_unsigned_repr_l. apply Int.eqm_add.
+ rewrite Int.add_unsigned. apply Int.eqm_unsigned_repr_l. apply Int.eqm_add.
+ apply Int.eqm_refl.
+ unfold Int.mul. apply Int.eqm_unsigned_repr_l. apply Int.eqm_refl.
+ unfold Int.mul. apply Int.eqm_unsigned_repr_l. apply Int.eqm_refl.
+ transitivity (repr (unsigned (mul' xl yl) + (XL * YH + XH * YL) * two_p 32)).
+ rewrite EQ0. f_equal. ring.
+ transitivity (repr ((XL * YL + (XL * YH + XH * YL) * two_p 32))).
+ apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_add. 2: apply eqm_refl.
+ unfold mul'. apply eqm_unsigned_repr_l. apply eqm_refl.
+ transitivity (repr (0 + (XL * YL + (XL * YH + XH * YL) * two_p 32))).
+ rewrite Zplus_0_l; auto.
+ transitivity (repr (XH * YH * (two_p 32 * two_p 32) + (XL * YL + (XL * YH + XH * YL) * two_p 32))).
+ apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_add. 2: apply eqm_refl.
+ change (two_p 32 * two_p 32) with modulus. exists (- XH * YH). ring.
+ f_equal. ring.
+End Int64.
Notation int64 := Int64.int.