path: root/lib/union_find.v
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authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2007-03-02 15:43:35 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2007-03-02 15:43:35 +0000
commitc98440cad6b7a9c793aded892ec61a8ed50cac28 (patch)
treea41e04cc10e91c3042ff5e114b89c1930ef8b93f /lib/union_find.v
parent28e7bce8f52e6675ae4a91e3d8fe7e5809e87073 (diff)
Suppression de lib/Sets.v, utilisation de FSet a la place. Generalisation de Lattice pour utiliser une notion d'egalite possiblement differente de =. Adaptation de Kildall et de ses utilisateurs en consequence.
git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@182 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/union_find.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 484 deletions
diff --git a/lib/union_find.v b/lib/union_find.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 452459fa..00000000
--- a/lib/union_find.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,484 +0,0 @@
-(** A purely functional union-find algorithm *)
-Require Import Wf.
-Require Recdef.
-(** The ``union-find'' algorithm is used to represent equivalence classes
- over a given type. It maintains a data structure representing a partition
- of the type into equivalence classes. Three operations are provided:
-- [empty], which returns the finest partition: each element of the type
- is equivalent to itself only.
-- [repr part x] returns a canonical representative for the equivalence
- class of element [x] in partition [part]. Two elements [x] and [y]
- are in the same equivalence class if and only if
- [repr part x = repr part y].
-- [identify part x y] returns a new partition where the equivalence
- classes of [x] and [y] are merged, and all equivalences valid in [part]
- are still valid.
- The partitions are represented by partial mappings from elements
- to elements. If [part] maps [x] to [y], this means that [x] and [y]
- are in the same equivalence class. The canonical representative
- of the class of [x] is obtained by iteratively following these mappings
- until an element not mapped to anything is reached; this element is the
- canonical representative, as returned by [repr].
- In algorithm textbooks, the mapping is maintained imperatively by
- storing pointers within elements. Here, we give a purely functional
- presentation where the mapping is a separate functional data structure.
-(** The elements of equivalence classes are represented by the following
- signature: a type with a decidable equality. *)
-Module Type ELEMENT.
- Variable T: Set.
- Variable eq: forall (a b: T), {a = b} + {a <> b}.
-(** The mapping structure over elements is represented by the following
- signature. *)
-Module Type MAP.
- Variable elt: Set.
- Variable T: Set.
- Variable empty: T.
- Variable get: elt -> T -> option elt.
- Variable add: elt -> elt -> T -> T.
- Hypothesis get_empty: forall (x: elt), get x empty = None.
- Hypothesis get_add_1:
- forall (x y: elt) (m: T), get x (add x y m) = Some y.
- Hypothesis get_add_2:
- forall (x y z: elt) (m: T), z <> x -> get z (add x y m) = get z m.
-End MAP.
-(** Our implementation of union-find is a functor, parameterized by
- a structure for elements and a structure for maps. It returns a
- module with the following structure. *)
-Module Type UNIONFIND.
- Variable elt: Set.
- (** The type of partitions. *)
- Variable T: Set.
- (** The operations over partitions. *)
- Variable empty: T.
- Variable repr: T -> elt -> elt.
- Variable identify: T -> elt -> elt -> T.
- (** The relation implied by the partition [m]. *)
- Definition sameclass (m: T) (x y: elt) : Prop := repr m x = repr m y.
- (* [sameclass] is an equivalence relation *)
- Hypothesis sameclass_refl:
- forall (m: T) (x: elt), sameclass m x x.
- Hypothesis sameclass_sym:
- forall (m: T) (x y: elt), sameclass m x y -> sameclass m y x.
- Hypothesis sameclass_trans:
- forall (m: T) (x y z: elt),
- sameclass m x y -> sameclass m y z -> sameclass m x z.
- (* [repr m x] is a canonical representative of the equivalence class
- of [x] in partition [m]. *)
- Hypothesis repr_repr:
- forall (m: T) (x: elt), repr m (repr m x) = repr m x.
- Hypothesis sameclass_repr:
- forall (m: T) (x: elt), sameclass m x (repr m x).
- (* [empty] is the finest partition *)
- Hypothesis repr_empty:
- forall (x: elt), repr empty x = x.
- Hypothesis sameclass_empty:
- forall (x y: elt), sameclass empty x y -> x = y.
- (* [identify] preserves existing equivalences and adds an equivalence
- between the two elements provided. *)
- Hypothesis sameclass_identify_1:
- forall (m: T) (x y: elt), sameclass (identify m x y) x y.
- Hypothesis sameclass_identify_2:
- forall (m: T) (x y u v: elt),
- sameclass m u v -> sameclass (identify m x y) u v.
-(** Implementation of the union-find algorithm. *)
-Module Unionfind (E: ELEMENT) (M: MAP with Definition elt := E.T)
- <: UNIONFIND with Definition elt := E.T.
-Definition elt := E.T.
-(* A set of equivalence classes over [elt] is represented by a map [m].
-- [M.get a m = Some a'] means that [a] is in the same class as [a'].
-- [M.get a m = None] means that [a] is the canonical representative
- for its equivalence class.
-(** Such a map induces an ordering over type [elt]:
- [repr_order m a a'] if and only if [M.get a' m = Some a].
- This ordering must be well founded (no cycles). *)
-Definition repr_order (m: M.T) (a a': elt) : Prop :=
- M.get a' m = Some a.
-(** The canonical representative of an element.
- Needs Noetherian recursion. *)
-Section REPR.
-Variable m: M.T.
-Variable wf: well_founded (repr_order m).
-Function repr_aux (a: elt) {wf (repr_order m) a} : elt :=
- match M.get a m with
- | Some a' => repr_aux a'
- | None => a
- end.
- intros. assumption.
- assumption.
-Lemma repr_aux_none:
- forall (a: elt),
- M.get a m = None ->
- repr_aux a = a.
- intros. rewrite repr_aux_equation. rewrite H. auto.
-Lemma repr_aux_some:
- forall (a a': elt),
- M.get a m = Some a' ->
- repr_aux a = repr_aux a'.
- intros. rewrite repr_aux_equation. rewrite H. auto.
-Lemma repr_aux_canon:
- forall (a: elt), M.get (repr_aux a) m = None.
- intros a0.
- apply (repr_aux_ind (fun a a' => M.get a' m = None)).
- auto. auto.
-End REPR.
-(** The empty partition (each element in its own class) is well founded. *)
-Lemma wf_empty:
- well_founded (repr_order M.empty).
- red. intro. apply Acc_intro.
- intros b RO.
- red in RO.
- rewrite M.get_empty in RO.
- discriminate.
-(** Merging two equivalence classes. *)
-Section IDENTIFY.
-Variable m: M.T.
-Hypothesis mwf: well_founded (repr_order m).
-Variable a b: elt.
-Hypothesis a_diff_b: a <> b.
-Hypothesis a_canon: M.get a m = None.
-Hypothesis b_canon: M.get b m = None.
-(** Identifying two distinct canonical representatives [a] and [b]
- is achieved by mapping one to the other. *)
-Definition identify_base: M.T := M.add a b m.
-Lemma identify_base_b_canon:
- M.get b identify_base = None.
- unfold identify_base.
- rewrite M.get_add_2.
- auto.
- apply sym_not_eq. auto.
-Lemma identify_base_a_maps_to_b:
- M.get a identify_base = Some b.
- unfold identify_base. rewrite M.get_add_1. auto.
-Lemma identify_base_repr_order:
- forall (x y: elt),
- repr_order identify_base x y ->
- repr_order m x y \/ (y = a /\ x = b).
- intros x y. unfold identify_base.
- unfold repr_order.
- case (E.eq a y); intro.
- rewrite e. rewrite M.get_add_1.
- intro. injection H. intro. rewrite H0. tauto.
- rewrite M.get_add_2; auto.
-(** [identify_base] preserves well foundation. *)
-Lemma identify_base_order_wf:
- well_founded (repr_order identify_base).
- red.
- cut (forall (x: elt), Acc (repr_order m) x -> Acc (repr_order identify_base) x).
- intro CUT. intro x. apply CUT. apply mwf.
- induction 1.
- apply Acc_intro. intros.
- destruct (identify_base_repr_order y x H1) as [A | [A B]].
- apply H0; auto.
- subst x y. apply Acc_intro. intros z H4.
- red in H4. rewrite identify_base_b_canon in H4. discriminate.
-Lemma identify_aux_decomp:
- forall (x: elt),
- (M.get x m = None /\ M.get x identify_base = None)
- \/ (x = a /\ M.get x m = None /\ M.get x identify_base = Some b)
- \/ (exists y, M.get x m = Some y /\ M.get x identify_base = Some y).
- intro x.
- unfold identify_base.
- case (E.eq a x); intro.
- rewrite <- e. rewrite M.get_add_1.
- tauto.
- rewrite M.get_add_2; auto.
- case (M.get x m); intros.
- right; right; exists e; tauto.
- tauto.
-Lemma identify_base_repr:
- forall (x: elt),
- repr_aux identify_base identify_base_order_wf x =
- (if E.eq (repr_aux m mwf x) a then b else repr_aux m mwf x).
- apply (well_founded_ind mwf
- (fun (x: elt) =>
- repr_aux identify_base identify_base_order_wf x =
- (if E.eq (repr_aux m mwf x) a then b else repr_aux m mwf x)));
- intros.
- destruct (identify_aux_decomp x) as [[A B] | [[A [B C]] | [y [A B]]]].
- rewrite (repr_aux_none identify_base); auto.
- rewrite (repr_aux_none m mwf x); auto.
- case (E.eq x a); intro.
- subst x.
- rewrite identify_base_a_maps_to_b in B. discriminate.
- auto.
- subst x. rewrite (repr_aux_none m mwf a); auto.
- case (E.eq a a); intro.
- rewrite (repr_aux_some identify_base identify_base_order_wf a b); auto.
- rewrite (repr_aux_none identify_base identify_base_order_wf b); auto.
- apply identify_base_b_canon.
- tauto.
- rewrite (repr_aux_some identify_base identify_base_order_wf x y); auto.
- rewrite (repr_aux_some m mwf x y); auto.
-Lemma identify_base_sameclass_1:
- forall (x y: elt),
- repr_aux m mwf x = repr_aux m mwf y ->
- repr_aux identify_base identify_base_order_wf x =
- repr_aux identify_base identify_base_order_wf y.
- intros.
- rewrite identify_base_repr.
- rewrite identify_base_repr.
- rewrite H.
- auto.
-Lemma identify_base_sameclass_2:
- forall (x y: elt),
- repr_aux m mwf x = a ->
- repr_aux m mwf y = b ->
- repr_aux identify_base identify_base_order_wf x =
- repr_aux identify_base identify_base_order_wf y.
- intros.
- rewrite identify_base_repr.
- rewrite identify_base_repr.
- rewrite H.
- case (E.eq a a); intro.
- case (E.eq (repr_aux m mwf y) a); auto.
- tauto.
-(** The union-find data structure is a record encapsulating a mapping
- and a proof of well foundation. *)
-Record unionfind : Set := mkunionfind
- { map: M.T; wf: well_founded (repr_order map) }.
-Definition T := unionfind.
-Definition repr (uf: unionfind) (a: elt) : elt :=
- repr_aux (map uf) (wf uf) a.
-Lemma repr_repr:
- forall (uf: unionfind) (a: elt), repr uf (repr uf a) = repr uf a.
- intros.
- unfold repr.
- rewrite (repr_aux_none (map uf) (wf uf) (repr_aux (map uf) (wf uf) a)).
- auto.
- apply repr_aux_canon.
-Definition empty := mkunionfind M.empty wf_empty.
-(** [identify] computes canonical representatives for the two elements
- and adds a mapping from one to the other, unless they are already
- equal. *)
-Definition identify (uf: unionfind) (a b: elt) : unionfind :=
- match E.eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b) with
- | left EQ =>
- uf
- | right NOTEQ =>
- mkunionfind
- (identify_base (map uf) (repr uf a) (repr uf b))
- (identify_base_order_wf (map uf) (wf uf)
- (repr uf a) (repr uf b)
- (repr_aux_canon (map uf) (wf uf) b))
- end.
-Definition sameclass (uf: unionfind) (a b: elt) : Prop :=
- repr uf a = repr uf b.
-Lemma sameclass_refl:
- forall (uf: unionfind) (a: elt), sameclass uf a a.
- intros. red. auto.
-Lemma sameclass_sym:
- forall (uf: unionfind) (a b: elt), sameclass uf a b -> sameclass uf b a.
- intros. red. symmetry. exact H.
-Lemma sameclass_trans:
- forall (uf: unionfind) (a b c: elt),
- sameclass uf a b -> sameclass uf b c -> sameclass uf a c.
- intros. red. transitivity (repr uf b). exact H. exact H0.
-Lemma sameclass_repr:
- forall (uf: unionfind) (a: elt), sameclass uf a (repr uf a).
- intros. red. symmetry. rewrite repr_repr. auto.
-Lemma repr_empty:
- forall (a: elt), repr empty a = a.
- intro a. unfold repr; unfold empty.
- simpl.
- apply repr_aux_none.
- apply M.get_empty.
-Lemma sameclass_empty:
- forall (a b: elt), sameclass empty a b -> a = b.
- intros. red in H. rewrite repr_empty in H.
- rewrite repr_empty in H. auto.
-Lemma sameclass_identify_2:
- forall (uf: unionfind) (a b x y: elt),
- sameclass uf x y -> sameclass (identify uf a b) x y.
- intros.
- unfold identify.
- case (E.eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b)).
- intro. auto.
- intros; red; unfold repr; simpl.
- apply identify_base_sameclass_1.
- apply repr_aux_canon.
- exact H.
-Lemma sameclass_identify_1:
- forall (uf: unionfind) (a b: elt),
- sameclass (identify uf a b) a b.
- intros.
- unfold identify.
- case (E.eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b)).
- intro. auto.
- intros.
- red; unfold repr; simpl.
- apply identify_base_sameclass_2.
- apply repr_aux_canon.
- auto.
- auto.
-End Unionfind.
-(* Example of use 1: with association lists *)
-Require Import List.
-Module AListMap(E: ELEMENT) : MAP.
-Definition elt := E.T.
-Definition T := list (elt * elt).
-Definition empty : T := nil.
-Fixpoint get (x: elt) (m: T) {struct m} : option elt :=
- match m with
- | nil => None
- | (a,b) :: t =>
- match E.eq x a with
- | left _ => Some b
- | right _ => get x t
- end
- end.
-Definition add (x y: elt) (m: T) := (x,y) :: m.
-Lemma get_empty: forall (x: elt), get x empty = None.
- intro. unfold empty. simpl. auto.
-Lemma get_add_1:
- forall (x y: elt) (m: T), get x (add x y m) = Some y.
- intros. unfold add. simpl.
- case (E.eq x x); intro.
- auto.
- tauto.
-Lemma get_add_2:
- forall (x y z: elt) (m: T), z <> x -> get z (add x y m) = get z m.
- intros. unfold add. simpl.
- case (E.eq z x); intro.
- subst z; tauto.
- auto.
-End AListMap.