diff options
3 files changed, 41 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/cfrontend/C2C.ml b/cfrontend/C2C.ml
index 1a2a4533..14e345bc 100644
--- a/cfrontend/C2C.ml
+++ b/cfrontend/C2C.ml
@@ -342,8 +342,6 @@ let convertTyp env t =
and convertFieldList seen = function
| [] -> Fnil
| f :: fl ->
- if f.fld_bitfield <> None then
- unsupported "bit field in struct or union";
Fcons(intern_string f.fld_name, convertTyp seen f.fld_typ,
convertFieldList seen fl)
@@ -784,6 +782,17 @@ let convertGlobvar env (sto, id, ty, optinit) =
(id', {gvar_info = ty'; gvar_init = init';
gvar_readonly = readonly; gvar_volatile = volatile})
+(** Sanity checks on composite declarations. *)
+let checkComposite env si id attr flds =
+ let checkField f =
+ if f.fld_bitfield <> None then
+ unsupported "bit field in struct or union";
+ if Cutil.find_custom_attributes ["aligned"; "__aligned__"]
+ (Cutil.attributes_of_type env f.fld_typ) <> [] then
+ warning ("ignoring 'aligned' attribute on field " ^ f.fld_name)
+ in List.iter checkField flds
(** Convert a list of global declarations.
Result is a pair [(funs, vars)] where [funs] are
the function definitions (internal and external)
@@ -812,11 +821,14 @@ let rec convertGlobdecls env funs vars gl =
| C.Gfundef fd ->
convertGlobdecls env (convertFundef env fd :: funs) vars gl'
- | C.Gcompositedecl _ | C.Gcompositedef _
- | C.Gtypedef _ | C.Genumdef _ ->
+ | C.Gcompositedecl _ | C.Gtypedef _ | C.Genumdef _ ->
(* typedefs are unrolled, structs are expanded inline, and
enum tags are folded. So we just skip their declarations. *)
convertGlobdecls env funs vars gl'
+ | C.Gcompositedef(su, id, attr, flds) ->
+ (* sanity checks on fields *)
+ checkComposite env su id attr flds;
+ convertGlobdecls env funs vars gl'
| C.Gpragma s ->
if not (!process_pragma_hook s) then
warning ("'#pragma " ^ s ^ "' directive ignored");
diff --git a/cparser/Cprint.mli b/cparser/Cprint.mli
index ce5fb182..d63e341c 100644
--- a/cparser/Cprint.mli
+++ b/cparser/Cprint.mli
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ val print_idents_in_full : bool ref
val print_line_numbers : bool ref
val location : Format.formatter -> C.location -> unit
+val attributes : Format.formatter -> C.attributes -> unit
val typ : Format.formatter -> C.typ -> unit
val simple_decl : Format.formatter -> C.ident * C.typ -> unit
val full_decl: Format.formatter -> C.decl -> unit
diff --git a/cparser/PackedStructs.ml b/cparser/PackedStructs.ml
index ebdd86b6..f926ece2 100644
--- a/cparser/PackedStructs.ml
+++ b/cparser/PackedStructs.ml
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ let byte_swap_fields = ref false
(* Alignment *)
let is_pow2 n =
- n > 0 && n land (n - 1) == 0
+ n > 0 && n land (n - 1) = 0
let align x boundary =
assert (is_pow2 boundary);
@@ -64,6 +64,28 @@ let rec can_byte_swap env ty =
| TArray(ty_elt, _, _) -> can_byte_swap env ty_elt
| _ -> (false, false)
+(* Compute size and alignment of a type, taking "aligned" attributes
+ into account *)
+let sizeof_alignof loc env ty =
+ match sizeof env ty, alignof env ty with
+ | Some sz, Some al ->
+ begin match find_custom_attributes ["aligned"; "__aligned__"]
+ (attributes_of_type env ty) with
+ | [] ->
+ (sz, al)
+ | [[AInt n]] when is_pow2 (Int64.to_int n) ->
+ let al' = max al (Int64.to_int n) in
+ (align sz al', al')
+ | _ ->
+ warning "%a: Warning: Ill-formed 'aligned' attribute, ignored"
+ formatloc loc;
+ (sz, al)
+ end
+ | _, _ ->
+ error "%a: Error: struct field has incomplete type" formatloc loc;
+ (0, 1)
(* Layout algorithm *)
let layout_struct mfa msa swapped loc env struct_id fields =
@@ -74,11 +96,7 @@ let layout_struct mfa msa swapped loc env struct_id fields =
if f.fld_bitfield <> None then
error "%a: Error: bitfields in packed structs not allowed"
formatloc loc;
- let (sz, al) =
- match sizeof env f.fld_typ, alignof env f.fld_typ with
- | Some s, Some a -> (s, a)
- | _, _ -> error "%a: Error: struct field has incomplete type" formatloc loc;
- (0, 1) in
+ let (sz, al) = sizeof_alignof loc env f.fld_typ in
let swap =
if swapped then begin
let (can_swap, must_swap) = can_byte_swap env f.fld_typ in