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2 files changed, 26 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/cparser/Cutil.ml b/cparser/Cutil.ml
index 66ea19e4..30f7294b 100644
--- a/cparser/Cutil.ml
+++ b/cparser/Cutil.ml
@@ -535,40 +535,25 @@ let sizeof_struct env members =
(* Compute the offset of a struct member *)
let offsetof env ty fields =
- let align_field ofs ty =
- let a = match alignof env ty with
- | Some a -> a
- | None -> assert false in
- align ofs a in
- let rec offsetof_rec ofs field rest = function
- | [] -> ofs
- | m :: rem as ml ->
- if m.fld_name = field.fld_name then begin
- match rest with
- | [] -> align_field ofs field.fld_typ
- | _ -> lookup_field ofs field.fld_typ rest
- end else if m.fld_bitfield = None then begin
- match alignof env m.fld_typ, sizeof env m.fld_typ with
- | Some a, Some s -> offsetof_rec (align ofs a + s) field rest rem
- | _, _ -> assert false (* should never happen *)
- end else begin
- let (s, a, ml') = pack_bitfields ml in
- let ofs = align ofs a + s in
- offsetof_rec ofs field rest ml'
- end
- and lookup_field ofs ty = function
- | [] -> align_field ofs ty
- | fld::rest ->
- begin match unroll env ty with
- | TStruct (id,_) ->
- let str = Env.find_struct env id in
- offsetof_rec ofs fld rest str.ci_members
- | TUnion (id,_) ->
- lookup_field ofs fld.fld_typ rest
- | _ -> assert false
- end
+ let rec sub acc name = function
+ | [] -> List.rev acc
+ | m::rem -> if m.fld_name = name then
+ List.rev acc
+ else
+ sub (m::acc) name rem in
+ let offset (ofs,ty) field =
+ match unroll env ty with
+ | TStruct (id,_) ->
+ let str = Env.find_struct env id in
+ let pre = sub [] field.fld_name str.ci_members in
+ begin match sizeof_struct env pre ,alignof env field.fld_typ with
+ | Some s, Some a ->
+ (ofs + align s a),field.fld_typ
+ | _ -> assert false end
+ | _ -> ofs,field.fld_typ
- lookup_field 0 ty (List.rev fields)
+ let fields = List.rev fields in
+ fst (List.fold_left offset (0,ty) fields)
(* Simplified version to compute offsets on structs without bitfields *)
let struct_layout env members =
diff --git a/cparser/Elab.ml b/cparser/Elab.ml
index afdf3969..6256bf1f 100644
--- a/cparser/Elab.ml
+++ b/cparser/Elab.ml
@@ -1646,16 +1646,14 @@ let elab_expr vararg loc env a =
let (ty,env) = elab_type loc env spec dcl in
if Cutil.incomplete_type env ty then
error "offsetof of incomplete type %a" (print_typ env) ty;
- let offset =
- match unroll env ty with
- | TStruct(id,_)
- | TUnion (id,_)->
- let fld = (wrap Env.find_struct_member loc env (id,mem)) in
- if List.exists (fun fld -> fld.fld_bitfield <> None) fld then
- error "cannot compute the offset of bitfield '%s" mem;
- Cutil.offsetof env ty fld
- | _ ->
- error "request offsetof for member '%s' in something not a structure" mem in
+ let fld = match unroll env ty with
+ | TStruct(id,_) ->(wrap Env.find_struct_member loc env (id,mem))
+ | TUnion (id,_)->(wrap Env.find_union_member loc env (id,mem))
+ | _ ->
+ error "request offsetof for member '%s' in something not a structure" mem in
+ if List.exists (fun fld -> fld.fld_bitfield <> None) fld then
+ error "cannot compute the offset of bitfield '%s" mem;
+ let offset = Cutil.offsetof env ty fld in
let offsetof_const = EConst (CInt(Int64.of_int offset,size_t_ikind (),"")) in
{ edesc = offsetof_const; etyp = TInt(size_t_ikind(), []) },env