diff options
-rw-r--r--test/c/Results/initializersbin239 -> 277 bytes
3 files changed, 165 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/cfrontend/Cil2Csyntax.ml b/cfrontend/Cil2Csyntax.ml
index 2df07fa7..914f5cad 100644
--- a/cfrontend/Cil2Csyntax.ml
+++ b/cfrontend/Cil2Csyntax.ml
@@ -28,7 +28,147 @@ open Csyntax
let varinfo_atom : (BinPos.positive, Cil.varinfo) Hashtbl.t =
Hashtbl.create 103
+(* Evaluate compile-time constant expressions. This is a more
+ aggressive variant of [Cil.constFold], which does not handle
+ floats. *)
+exception NotConst
+let mkint64 k v =
+ match Cil.kinteger64 k v with Const cst -> cst | _ -> assert false
+let mkint k v =
+ mkint64 k (Int64.of_int v)
+let mkfloat k v =
+ let v' =
+ match k with
+ | FFloat -> Int32.float_of_bits (Int32.bits_of_float v)
+ | _ -> v in
+ CReal(v', k, None)
+let bool_val = function
+ | CInt64(v, _, _) -> v <> 0L
+ | CReal(v, _, _) -> v <> 0.0
+ | CStr s -> true
+ | CWStr s -> true
+ | _ -> assert false (* CChr, CEnum already expanded *)
+let rec eval_expr = function
+ | Const cst ->
+ eval_const cst
+ | SizeOf ty ->
+ (try mkint IUInt (bitsSizeOf ty / 8)
+ with SizeOfError _ -> raise NotConst)
+ | SizeOfE e ->
+ eval_expr (SizeOf (typeOf e))
+ | SizeOfStr s ->
+ mkint IUInt (1 + String.length s)
+ | AlignOf ty ->
+ (try mkint IUInt (alignOf_int ty)
+ with SizeOfError _ -> raise NotConst)
+ | AlignOfE e ->
+ eval_expr (AlignOf (typeOf e))
+ | UnOp(op, e, ty) ->
+ eval_unop op (eval_expr e) ty
+ | BinOp(op, e1, e2, ty) ->
+ eval_binop op (eval_expr e1) (eval_expr e2) ty
+ | CastE(ty, e) ->
+ eval_cast ty (eval_expr e)
+ | Lval lv -> raise NotConst
+ | AddrOf lv -> raise NotConst
+ | StartOf lv -> raise NotConst
+and eval_const = function
+ | CChr c -> charConstToInt c
+ | CEnum(e, _, _) -> eval_expr e
+ | cst -> cst
+and eval_unop op v ty =
+ match op, Cil.unrollType ty, v with
+ | Neg, TInt(ik, _), CInt64(v, _, _) -> mkint64 ik (Int64.neg v)
+ | Neg, TFloat(fk, _), CReal(v, _, _) -> mkfloat fk (-. v)
+ | BNot, TInt(ik, _), CInt64(v, _, _) -> mkint64 ik (Int64.logxor v (-1L))
+ | LNot, TInt(ik, _), _ -> mkint ik (if bool_val v then 0 else 1)
+ | _, _, _ -> raise NotConst
+and eval_binop op v1 v2 ty =
+ match op, Cil.unrollType ty, v1, v2 with
+ | PlusA, TInt(ik, _), CInt64(v1, _, _), CInt64(v2, _, _) ->
+ mkint64 ik (Int64.add v1 v2)
+ | PlusA, TFloat(fk, _), CReal(v1, _, _), CReal(v2, _, _) ->
+ mkfloat fk (v1 +. v2)
+ | MinusA, TInt(ik, _), CInt64(v1, _, _), CInt64(v2, _, _) ->
+ mkint64 ik (Int64.sub v1 v2)
+ | MinusA, TFloat(fk, _), CReal(v1, _, _), CReal(v2, _, _) ->
+ mkfloat fk (v1 -. v2)
+ | Mult, TInt(ik, _), CInt64(v1, _, _), CInt64(v2, _, _) ->
+ mkint64 ik (Int64.mul v1 v2)
+ | Mult, TFloat(fk, _), CReal(v1, _, _), CReal(v2, _, _) ->
+ mkfloat fk (v1 *. v2)
+ | Div, TInt(ik, _), CInt64(v1, _, _), CInt64(v2, _, _)
+ when ik <> IULongLong && v2 != 0L ->
+ mkint64 ik (Int64.div v1 v2)
+ | Div, TFloat(fk, _), CReal(v1, _, _), CReal(v2, _, _) ->
+ mkfloat fk (v1 /. v2)
+ | Mod, TInt(ik, _), CInt64(v1, _, _), CInt64(v2, _, _)
+ when ik <> IULongLong && v2 != 0L ->
+ mkint64 ik (Int64.rem v1 v2)
+ | Shiftlt, TInt(ik, _), CInt64(v1, _, _), CInt64(v2, _, _)
+ when v2 >= 0L && v2 < 64L ->
+ mkint64 ik (Int64.shift_left v1 (Int64.to_int v2))
+ | Shiftrt, TInt(ik, _), CInt64(v1, _, _), CInt64(v2, _, _)
+ when v2 >= 0L && v2 < 64L ->
+ mkint64 ik (if isSigned ik
+ then Int64.shift_right v1 (Int64.to_int v2)
+ else Int64.shift_right_logical v1 (Int64.to_int v2))
+ | Lt, _, _, _ -> eval_comparison (<) v1 v2
+ | Gt, _, _, _ -> eval_comparison (>) v1 v2
+ | Le, _, _, _ -> eval_comparison (<=) v1 v2
+ | Ge, _, _, _ -> eval_comparison (>=) v1 v2
+ | Eq, _, _, _ -> eval_comparison (=) v1 v2
+ | Ne, _, _, _ -> eval_comparison (<>) v1 v2
+ | BAnd, TInt(ik, _), CInt64(v1, _, _), CInt64(v2, _, _) ->
+ mkint64 ik (Int64.logand v1 v2)
+ | BXor, TInt(ik, _), CInt64(v1, _, _), CInt64(v2, _, _) ->
+ mkint64 ik (Int64.logxor v1 v2)
+ | BOr, TInt(ik, _), CInt64(v1, _, _), CInt64(v2, _, _) ->
+ mkint64 ik (Int64.logor v1 v2)
+ | LAnd, TInt(ik, _), _, _ ->
+ mkint ik (if bool_val v1 && bool_val v2 then 1 else 0)
+ | LOr, TInt(ik, _), _, _ ->
+ mkint ik (if bool_val v1 || bool_val v2 then 1 else 0)
+ | _, _, _, _ ->
+ raise NotConst
+and eval_comparison op v1 v2 =
+ let cmp =
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | CInt64(v1, ik1, _), CInt64(v2, ik2, _) ->
+ let shift v = Int64.sub v 0x8000_0000_0000_0000L in
+ if ik1 = IULongLong || ik2 = IULongLong
+ then compare (shift v1) (shift v2)
+ else compare v1 v2
+ | CReal(v1, _, _), CReal(v2, _, _) ->
+ compare v1 v2
+ | _, _ ->
+ raise NotConst
+ in mkint IInt (if op cmp 0 then 1 else 0)
+and eval_cast ty v =
+ match Cil.unrollType ty, v with
+ | TInt(ik, _), CInt64(v, _, _) -> mkint64 ik v
+ | TInt(ik, _), CReal(v, _, _) ->
+ if ik = IULongLong then raise NotConst else mkint64 ik (Int64.of_float v)
+ | TFloat(fk, _), CReal(v, _, _) -> mkfloat fk v
+ | TFloat(fk, _), CInt64(v, ik, _) ->
+ if ik = IULongLong then raise NotConst else mkfloat fk (Int64.to_float v)
+ | TPtr(_, _), CInt64(_, _, _) -> v (* tolerance? *)
+ | TPtr(_, _), CStr s -> v (* tolerance? *)
+ | TPtr(_, _), CWStr s -> v (* tolerance? *)
+ | _, _ -> raise NotConst
+(* The parameter to the translation functor: it specifies the
+ translation for integer and float types. *)
module type TypeSpecifierTranslator =
@@ -36,10 +176,6 @@ module type TypeSpecifierTranslator =
val convertFkind: Cil.fkind -> floatsize option
module Make(TS: TypeSpecifierTranslator) = struct
@@ -545,11 +681,15 @@ and convertTypGen env = function
warning "array type of unspecified size";
Tarray (convertTypGen env t, coqint_of_camlint 0l)
| Some e ->
- match Cil.constFold true e with
- | Const (CInt64 (i64, _, _)) ->
- Tarray (convertTypGen env t,
- coqint_of_camlint (Int64.to_int32 i64))
- | _ -> unsupported "size of array type not an integer constant"
+ begin try
+ match eval_expr e with
+ | CInt64 (i64, _, _) ->
+ Tarray (convertTypGen env t,
+ coqint_of_camlint (Int64.to_int32 i64))
+ | _ -> unsupported "size of array type not an integer constant"
+ with NotConst ->
+ unsupported "size of array type not constant"
+ end
| TFun (t, argListOpt, vArg, _) ->
if vArg then unsupported "variadic function type";
@@ -867,42 +1007,20 @@ let rec initDataLen accu = function
(** Convert a [Cil.init] into a list of [AST.init_data] prepended to
the given list [k]. Result is in reverse order. *)
-(* Cil.constFold does not reduce floating-point operations.
- We treat here those that appear naturally in initializers. *)
type init_constant =
| ICint of int64 * intsize
| ICfloat of float * floatsize
| ICstring of string
| ICnone
-let rec extract_constant e =
- match e with
- | Const (CInt64(n, ikind, _)) ->
- ICint(n, fst (convertIkind ikind))
- | Const (CReal(n, fkind, _)) ->
- ICfloat(n, convertFkind fkind)
- | Const (CStr s) ->
- ICstring s
- | CastE (ty, e1) ->
- begin match extract_constant e1, convertTyp ty with
- | ICfloat(n, _), Tfloat sz ->
- ICfloat(n, sz)
- | ICint(n, _), Tfloat sz ->
- ICfloat(Int64.to_float n, sz)
- | ICint(n, sz), Tpointer _ ->
- ICint(n, sz)
- | ICstring s, (Tint _ | Tpointer _) ->
- ICstring s
- | _, _ ->
- ICnone
- end
- | UnOp (Neg, e1, _) ->
- begin match extract_constant e1 with
- | ICfloat(n, sz) -> ICfloat(-. n, sz)
- | _ -> ICnone
- end
- | _ -> ICnone
+let extract_constant e =
+ try
+ match eval_expr e with
+ | CInt64(n, ikind, _) -> ICint(n, fst (convertIkind ikind))
+ | CReal(n, fkind, _) -> ICfloat(n, convertFkind fkind)
+ | CStr s -> ICstring s
+ | _ -> ICnone
+ with NotConst -> ICnone
let init_data_of_string s =
let id = ref [] in
diff --git a/test/c/Results/initializers b/test/c/Results/initializers
index 67be47f4..7285bb7d 100644
--- a/test/c/Results/initializers
+++ b/test/c/Results/initializers
Binary files differ
diff --git a/test/c/initializers.c b/test/c/initializers.c
index da45e5bb..5fa4fd4a 100644
--- a/test/c/initializers.c
+++ b/test/c/initializers.c
@@ -23,6 +23,11 @@ struct {
double v;
} x10 = { { 'v', 7 }, 2.718 };
+float x11 = 1 + 1 / 3.14159;
+double x12 = 1 / 3.14159 + 1;
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
int i;
@@ -43,6 +48,8 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv)
printf("}, %.3f }\n", x9.z);
printf("x10 = { { '%c', %d }, %.3f }\n",
x10.u.y, x10.u.z, x10.v);
+ printf("x11 = %.10f\n", x11);
+ printf("x12 = %.10f\n", x12);
return 0;