diff options
33 files changed, 604 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/.depend b/.depend
index 0f786903..394d99ec 100644
--- a/.depend
+++ b/.depend
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ backend/Locations.vo backend/Locations.glob backend/Locations.v.beautified: back
$(ARCH)/Conventions1.vo $(ARCH)/Conventions1.glob $(ARCH)/Conventions1.v.beautified: $(ARCH)/Conventions1.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/AST.vo common/Events.vo backend/Locations.vo
backend/Conventions.vo backend/Conventions.glob backend/Conventions.v.beautified: backend/Conventions.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/AST.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/Conventions1.vo
backend/LTL.vo backend/LTL.glob backend/LTL.v.beautified: backend/LTL.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Conventions.vo
-backend/Allocation.vo backend/Allocation.glob backend/Allocation.v.beautified: backend/Allocation.v lib/FSetAVLplus.vo $(ARCH)/Archi.vo lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Ordered.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Lattice.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Memdata.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/Kildall.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Conventions.vo backend/RTLtyping.vo backend/LTL.vo
+backend/Allocation.vo backend/Allocation.glob backend/Allocation.v.beautified: backend/Allocation.v lib/FSetAVLplus.vo $(ARCH)/Archi.vo lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Ordered.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Lattice.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Memdata.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/Kildall.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Conventions.vo backend/RTLtyping.vo backend/LTL.vo
backend/Allocproof.vo backend/Allocproof.glob backend/Allocproof.v.beautified: backend/Allocproof.v $(ARCH)/Archi.vo lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Ordered.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Lattice.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/RTLtyping.vo backend/Kildall.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Conventions.vo backend/LTL.vo backend/Allocation.vo
backend/Tunneling.vo backend/Tunneling.glob backend/Tunneling.v.beautified: backend/Tunneling.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/UnionFind.vo common/AST.vo backend/LTL.vo
backend/Tunnelingproof.vo backend/Tunnelingproof.glob backend/Tunnelingproof.v.beautified: backend/Tunnelingproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/UnionFind.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo backend/Tunneling.vo
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ cfrontend/Cstrategy.vo cfrontend/Cstrategy.glob cfrontend/Cstrategy.v.beautified
cfrontend/Cexec.vo cfrontend/Cexec.glob cfrontend/Cexec.v.beautified: cfrontend/Cexec.v lib/Axioms.vo lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/AST.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Determinism.vo cfrontend/Ctypes.vo cfrontend/Cop.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo cfrontend/Csem.vo cfrontend/Cstrategy.vo
cfrontend/Initializers.vo cfrontend/Initializers.glob cfrontend/Initializers.v.beautified: cfrontend/Initializers.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/AST.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo cfrontend/Ctypes.vo cfrontend/Cop.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo
cfrontend/Initializersproof.vo cfrontend/Initializersproof.glob cfrontend/Initializersproof.v.beautified: cfrontend/Initializersproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/AST.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Events.vo common/Smallstep.vo cfrontend/Ctypes.vo cfrontend/Cop.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo cfrontend/Csem.vo cfrontend/Initializers.vo
-cfrontend/SimplExpr.vo cfrontend/SimplExpr.glob cfrontend/SimplExpr.v.beautified: cfrontend/SimplExpr.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/AST.vo cfrontend/Ctypes.vo cfrontend/Cop.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo cfrontend/Clight.vo
+cfrontend/SimplExpr.vo cfrontend/SimplExpr.glob cfrontend/SimplExpr.v.beautified: cfrontend/SimplExpr.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/AST.vo cfrontend/Ctypes.vo cfrontend/Cop.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo cfrontend/Clight.vo
cfrontend/SimplExprspec.vo cfrontend/SimplExprspec.glob cfrontend/SimplExprspec.v.beautified: cfrontend/SimplExprspec.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Memory.vo common/AST.vo cfrontend/Ctypes.vo cfrontend/Cop.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo cfrontend/Clight.vo cfrontend/SimplExpr.vo
cfrontend/SimplExprproof.vo cfrontend/SimplExprproof.glob cfrontend/SimplExprproof.v.beautified: cfrontend/SimplExprproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Smallstep.vo common/Globalenvs.vo cfrontend/Ctypes.vo cfrontend/Cop.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo cfrontend/Csem.vo cfrontend/Cstrategy.vo cfrontend/Clight.vo cfrontend/SimplExpr.vo cfrontend/SimplExprspec.vo
cfrontend/Clight.vo cfrontend/Clight.glob cfrontend/Clight.v.beautified: cfrontend/Clight.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/AST.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo cfrontend/Ctypes.vo cfrontend/Cop.vo
diff --git a/arm/CBuiltins.ml b/arm/CBuiltins.ml
index 17aa5115..00de4df7 100644
--- a/arm/CBuiltins.ml
+++ b/arm/CBuiltins.ml
@@ -55,3 +55,7 @@ let builtins = {
let size_va_list = 4
let va_list_scalar = true
+(* Expand memory references inside extended asm statements. Used in C2C. *)
+let asm_mem_argument arg = Printf.sprintf "[%s, #0]" arg
diff --git a/arm/TargetPrinter.ml b/arm/TargetPrinter.ml
index df17e595..c77572db 100644
--- a/arm/TargetPrinter.ml
+++ b/arm/TargetPrinter.ml
@@ -1003,9 +1003,9 @@ module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
(Int32.to_int (camlint_of_coqint al)) args
| EF_annot_val(txt, targ) ->
print_annot_val oc (extern_atom txt) args res
- | EF_inline_asm txt ->
- fprintf oc "%s begin inline assembly\n" comment;
- fprintf oc " %s\n" (extern_atom txt);
+ | EF_inline_asm(txt, sg, clob) ->
+ fprintf oc "%s begin inline assembly\n\t" comment;
+ PrintAnnot.print_inline_asm preg oc (extern_atom txt) sg args res;
fprintf oc "%s end inline assembly\n" comment;
5 (* hoping this is an upper bound... *)
| _ ->
diff --git a/backend/CMparser.mly b/backend/CMparser.mly
index 69b70e72..f62e05d4 100644
--- a/backend/CMparser.mly
+++ b/backend/CMparser.mly
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ let mkef sg toks =
if sg.sig_args = [] then raise Parsing.Parse_error;
EF_annot_val(intern_string txt, List.hd sg.sig_args)
| [EFT_tok "inline_asm"; EFT_string txt] ->
- EF_inline_asm(intern_string txt)
+ EF_inline_asm(intern_string txt, sg, [])
| _ ->
raise Parsing.Parse_error
diff --git a/backend/CSE.v b/backend/CSE.v
index 2c0c5f33..e9006d4f 100644
--- a/backend/CSE.v
+++ b/backend/CSE.v
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ Definition transfer (f: function) (approx: PMap.t VA.t) (pc: node) (before: numb
| Ibuiltin ef args res s =>
match ef with
- | EF_external _ _ | EF_malloc | EF_free | EF_inline_asm _ =>
+ | EF_external _ _ | EF_malloc | EF_free | EF_inline_asm _ _ _ =>
| EF_builtin _ _ | EF_vstore _ | EF_vstore_global _ _ _ =>
set_unknown (kill_all_loads before) res
diff --git a/backend/PrintAnnot.ml b/backend/PrintAnnot.ml
index 995f22dd..88f5d8d6 100644
--- a/backend/PrintAnnot.ml
+++ b/backend/PrintAnnot.ml
@@ -148,7 +148,29 @@ let print_annot_val print_preg oc txt args =
print_annot_text print_preg "<internal error>" oc txt
(List.map (fun r -> AA_base r) args)
-(* Print CompCert version and command-line as asm comment *)
+(** Inline assembly *)
+let re_asm_param = Str.regexp "%%\\|%[0-9]+"
+let print_inline_asm print_preg oc txt sg args res =
+ let operands =
+ if sg.sig_res = None then args else res @ args in
+ let print_fragment = function
+ | Str.Text s ->
+ output_string oc s
+ | Str.Delim "%%" ->
+ output_char oc '%'
+ | Str.Delim s ->
+ let n = int_of_string (String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1)) in
+ try
+ print_preg oc (List.nth operands n)
+ with Failure _ ->
+ fprintf oc "<bad parameter %s>" s in
+ List.iter print_fragment (Str.full_split re_asm_param txt);
+ fprintf oc "\n"
+(** Print CompCert version and command-line as asm comment *)
let print_version_and_options oc comment =
fprintf oc "%s File generated by CompCert %s\n" comment Configuration.version;
diff --git a/backend/Regalloc.ml b/backend/Regalloc.ml
index 3a7f5d99..c286e946 100644
--- a/backend/Regalloc.ml
+++ b/backend/Regalloc.ml
@@ -510,6 +510,9 @@ let add_interfs_live g live v =
let add_interfs_list g v vl =
List.iter (IRC.add_interf g v) vl
+let add_interfs_list_mreg g vl mr =
+ List.iter (fun v -> IRC.add_interf g v (L (R mr))) vl
let rec add_interfs_pairwise g = function
| [] -> ()
| v1 :: vl -> add_interfs_list g v1 vl; add_interfs_pairwise g vl
@@ -578,7 +581,20 @@ let add_interfs_instr g instr live =
add_interfs_pairwise g res;
add_interfs_destroyed g across (destroyed_by_builtin ef);
begin match ef, args, res with
- | EF_annot_val _, [arg], [res] -> IRC.add_pref g arg res (* like a move *)
+ | EF_annot_val _, [arg], [res] ->
+ (* like a move *)
+ IRC.add_pref g arg res
+ | EF_inline_asm(txt, sg, clob), _, _ ->
+ (* clobbered regs interfere with live set
+ and also with res and args for GCC compatibility *)
+ List.iter (fun c ->
+ match Machregsaux.register_by_name (extern_atom c) with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some mr ->
+ add_interfs_destroyed g across [mr];
+ add_interfs_list_mreg g args mr;
+ if sg.sig_res <> None then add_interfs_list_mreg g res mr)
+ clob
| _ -> ()
| Xannot(ef, args) ->
diff --git a/cfrontend/C2C.ml b/cfrontend/C2C.ml
index fd10efb4..b6b9defe 100644
--- a/cfrontend/C2C.ml
+++ b/cfrontend/C2C.ml
@@ -114,18 +114,14 @@ let currentLocation = ref Cutil.no_loc
let updateLoc l = currentLocation := l
-let numErrors = ref 0
let error msg =
- incr numErrors;
- eprintf "%aError: %s\n" Cutil.printloc !currentLocation msg
+ Cerrors.error "%aError: %s" Cutil.formatloc !currentLocation msg
let unsupported msg =
- incr numErrors;
- eprintf "%aUnsupported feature: %s\n" Cutil.printloc !currentLocation msg
+ Cerrors.error "%aUnsupported feature: %s" Cutil.formatloc !currentLocation msg
let warning msg =
- eprintf "%aWarning: %s\n" Cutil.printloc !currentLocation msg
+ Cerrors.warning "%aWarning: %s\n" Cutil.formatloc !currentLocation msg
let string_of_errmsg msg =
let string_of_err = function
@@ -831,6 +827,30 @@ and convertExprList env el =
| [] -> Enil
| e1 :: el' -> Econs(convertExpr env e1, convertExprList env el')
+(* Extended assembly *)
+let convertAsm loc env txt outputs inputs clobber =
+ let (txt', output', inputs') =
+ ExtendedAsm.transf_asm loc env txt outputs inputs clobber in
+ let clobber' =
+ List.map intern_string clobber in
+ let ty_res =
+ match output' with None -> TVoid [] | Some e -> e.etyp in
+ (* Build the Ebuiltin expression *)
+ let e =
+ let tinputs = convertTypArgs env [] inputs' in
+ let toutput = convertTyp env ty_res in
+ Ebuiltin(EF_inline_asm(intern_string txt',
+ signature_of_type tinputs toutput cc_default,
+ clobber'),
+ tinputs,
+ convertExprList env inputs',
+ convertTyp env ty_res) in
+ (* Add an assignment to the output, if any *)
+ match output' with
+ | None -> e
+ | Some lhs -> Eassign (convertLvalue env lhs, e, typeof e)
(* Separate the cases of a switch statement body *)
type switchlabel =
@@ -891,7 +911,9 @@ let rec convertStmt ploc env s =
| C.Sdo e ->
add_lineno ploc s.sloc (swrap (Ctyping.sdo (convertExpr env e)))
| C.Sseq(s1, s2) ->
- Ssequence(convertStmt ploc env s1, convertStmt s1.sloc env s2)
+ let s1' = convertStmt ploc env s1 in
+ let s2' = convertStmt s1.sloc env s2 in
+ Ssequence(s1', s2')
| C.Sif(e, s1, s2) ->
let te = convertExpr env e in
add_lineno ploc s.sloc
@@ -940,11 +962,11 @@ let rec convertStmt ploc env s =
unsupported "nested blocks"; Sskip
| C.Sdecl _ ->
unsupported "inner declarations"; Sskip
- | C.Sasm txt ->
+ | C.Sasm(attrs, txt, outputs, inputs, clobber) ->
if not !Clflags.option_finline_asm then
unsupported "inline 'asm' statement (consider adding option -finline-asm)";
add_lineno ploc s.sloc
- (Sdo (Ebuiltin (EF_inline_asm (intern_string txt), Tnil, Enil, Tvoid)))
+ (Sdo (convertAsm s.sloc env txt outputs inputs clobber))
and convertSwitch ploc env is_64 = function
| [] ->
@@ -1211,7 +1233,7 @@ let public_globals gl =
(** Convert a [C.program] into a [Csyntax.program] *)
let convertProgram p =
- numErrors := 0;
+ Cerrors.reset();
stringNum := 0;
Hashtbl.clear decl_atom;
Hashtbl.clear stringTable;
@@ -1236,9 +1258,7 @@ let convertProgram p =
prog_main = intern_string "main";
prog_types = typs;
prog_comp_env = ce } in
- if !numErrors > 0
- then None
- else Some p'
+ if Cerrors.check_errors () then None else Some p'
with Env.Error msg ->
error (Env.error_message msg); None
diff --git a/cfrontend/Cexec.v b/cfrontend/Cexec.v
index 7c00ab47..aba3c094 100644
--- a/cfrontend/Cexec.v
+++ b/cfrontend/Cexec.v
@@ -405,18 +405,18 @@ Hypothesis do_external_function_complete:
do_external_function id sg ge w vargs m = Some(w', t, vres, m').
Variable do_inline_assembly:
- ident -> Senv.t -> world -> list val -> mem -> option (world * trace * val * mem).
+ ident -> signature -> Senv.t -> world -> list val -> mem -> option (world * trace * val * mem).
Hypothesis do_inline_assembly_sound:
- forall txt ge vargs m t vres m' w w',
- do_inline_assembly txt ge w vargs m = Some(w', t, vres, m') ->
- inline_assembly_sem txt ge vargs m t vres m' /\ possible_trace w t w'.
+ forall txt sg ge vargs m t vres m' w w',
+ do_inline_assembly txt sg ge w vargs m = Some(w', t, vres, m') ->
+ inline_assembly_sem txt sg ge vargs m t vres m' /\ possible_trace w t w'.
Hypothesis do_inline_assembly_complete:
- forall txt ge vargs m t vres m' w w',
- inline_assembly_sem txt ge vargs m t vres m' ->
+ forall txt sg ge vargs m t vres m' w w',
+ inline_assembly_sem txt sg ge vargs m t vres m' ->
possible_trace w t w' ->
- do_inline_assembly txt ge w vargs m = Some(w', t, vres, m').
+ do_inline_assembly txt sg ge w vargs m = Some(w', t, vres, m').
Definition do_ef_volatile_load (chunk: memory_chunk)
(w: world) (vargs: list val) (m: mem) : option (world * trace * val * mem) :=
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ Definition do_external (ef: external_function):
| EF_memcpy sz al => do_ef_memcpy sz al
| EF_annot text targs => do_ef_annot text targs
| EF_annot_val text targ => do_ef_annot_val text targ
- | EF_inline_asm text => do_inline_assembly text ge
+ | EF_inline_asm text sg clob => do_inline_assembly text sg ge
Lemma do_ef_external_sound:
diff --git a/cfrontend/PrintCsyntax.ml b/cfrontend/PrintCsyntax.ml
index 882272b8..39de282b 100644
--- a/cfrontend/PrintCsyntax.ml
+++ b/cfrontend/PrintCsyntax.ml
@@ -236,6 +236,8 @@ let rec expr p (prec, e) =
expr (prec1, a1) (name_binop op) expr (prec2, a2)
| Ecast(a1, ty) ->
fprintf p "(%s) %a" (name_type ty) expr (prec', a1)
+ | Eassign(res, Ebuiltin(EF_inline_asm(txt, sg, clob), _, args, _), _) ->
+ extended_asm p txt (Some res) args clob
| Eassign(a1, a2, _) ->
fprintf p "%a =@ %a" expr (prec1, a1) expr (prec2, a2)
| Eassignop(op, a1, a2, _, _) ->
@@ -262,6 +264,8 @@ let rec expr p (prec, e) =
(extern_atom txt) exprlist (false, args)
| Ebuiltin(EF_external(id, sg), _, args, _) ->
fprintf p "%s@[<hov 1>(%a)@]" (extern_atom id) exprlist (true, args)
+ | Ebuiltin(EF_inline_asm(txt, sg, clob), _, args, _) ->
+ extended_asm p txt None args clob
| Ebuiltin(_, _, args, _) ->
fprintf p "<unknown builtin>@[<hov 1>(%a)@]" exprlist (true, args)
| Eparen(a1, tycast, ty) ->
@@ -277,6 +281,32 @@ and exprlist p (first, rl) =
expr p (2, r);
exprlist p (false, rl)
+and extended_asm p txt res args clob =
+ fprintf p "asm volatile (@[<hv 0>%S" (extern_atom txt);
+ fprintf p "@ :";
+ begin match res with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some e -> fprintf p " \"=r\"(%a)" expr (0, e)
+ end;
+ let rec inputs p (first, el) =
+ match el with
+ | Enil -> ()
+ | Econs(e1, el) ->
+ if not first then fprintf p ",@ ";
+ fprintf p "\"r\"(%a)" expr (0, e1);
+ inputs p (false, el) in
+ fprintf p "@ : @[<hov 0>%a@]" inputs (true, args);
+ begin match clob with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | c1 :: cl ->
+ fprintf p "@ : @[<hov 0>%S" (extern_atom c1);
+ List.iter
+ (fun c -> fprintf p ",@ %S" (extern_atom c))
+ cl;
+ fprintf p "@]"
+ end;
+ fprintf p ")@]"
let print_expr p e = expr p (0, e)
let print_exprlist p el = exprlist p (true, el)
diff --git a/common/AST.v b/common/AST.v
index d2926178..2550844b 100644
--- a/common/AST.v
+++ b/common/AST.v
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ Inductive external_function : Type :=
(** Another form of annotation that takes one argument, produces
an event carrying the text and the value of this argument,
and returns the value of the argument. *)
- | EF_inline_asm (text: ident).
+ | EF_inline_asm (text: ident) (sg: signature) (clobbers: list ident).
(** Inline [asm] statements. Semantically, treated like an
annotation with no parameters ([EF_annot text nil]). To be
used with caution, as it can invalidate the semantic
@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ Definition ef_sig (ef: external_function): signature :=
| EF_memcpy sz al => mksignature (Tint :: Tint :: nil) None cc_default
| EF_annot text targs => mksignature targs None cc_default
| EF_annot_val text targ => mksignature (targ :: nil) (Some targ) cc_default
- | EF_inline_asm text => mksignature nil None cc_default
+ | EF_inline_asm text sg clob => sg
(** Whether an external function should be inlined by the compiler. *)
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ Definition ef_inline (ef: external_function) : bool :=
| EF_memcpy sz al => true
| EF_annot text targs => true
| EF_annot_val text targ => true
- | EF_inline_asm text => true
+ | EF_inline_asm text sg clob => true
(** Whether an external function must reload its arguments. *)
@@ -642,6 +642,7 @@ Proof.
generalize ident_eq signature_eq chunk_eq typ_eq zeq Int.eq_dec; intros.
decide equality.
apply list_eq_dec. auto.
+ apply list_eq_dec. auto.
Global Opaque external_function_eq.
diff --git a/common/Events.v b/common/Events.v
index 15bf4e12..3bec15db 100644
--- a/common/Events.v
+++ b/common/Events.v
@@ -1449,10 +1449,10 @@ Axiom external_functions_properties:
(** We treat inline assembly similarly. *)
-Parameter inline_assembly_sem: ident -> extcall_sem.
+Parameter inline_assembly_sem: ident -> signature -> extcall_sem.
Axiom inline_assembly_properties:
- forall id, extcall_properties (inline_assembly_sem id) (mksignature nil None cc_default) nil.
+ forall id sg, extcall_properties (inline_assembly_sem id sg) sg nil.
(** ** Combined semantics of external calls *)
@@ -1479,8 +1479,8 @@ Definition external_call (ef: external_function): extcall_sem :=
| EF_free => extcall_free_sem
| EF_memcpy sz al => extcall_memcpy_sem sz al
| EF_annot txt targs => extcall_annot_sem txt targs
- | EF_annot_val txt targ=> extcall_annot_val_sem txt targ
- | EF_inline_asm txt => inline_assembly_sem txt
+ | EF_annot_val txt targ => extcall_annot_val_sem txt targ
+ | EF_inline_asm txt sg clb => inline_assembly_sem txt sg
Theorem external_call_spec:
diff --git a/common/PrintAST.ml b/common/PrintAST.ml
index 52aa963a..76305d02 100644
--- a/common/PrintAST.ml
+++ b/common/PrintAST.ml
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ let name_of_external = function
sprintf "memcpy size %s align %s " (Z.to_string sz) (Z.to_string al)
| EF_annot(text, targs) -> sprintf "annot %S" (extern_atom text)
| EF_annot_val(text, targ) -> sprintf "annot_val %S" (extern_atom text)
- | EF_inline_asm text -> sprintf "inline_asm %S" (extern_atom text)
+ | EF_inline_asm(text, sg, clob) -> sprintf "inline_asm %S" (extern_atom text)
let rec print_annot_arg px oc = function
| AA_base x -> px oc x
diff --git a/cparser/C.mli b/cparser/C.mli
index 71ab1d4d..72e1f787 100644
--- a/cparser/C.mli
+++ b/cparser/C.mli
@@ -190,6 +190,10 @@ and init =
| Init_struct of ident * (field * init) list
| Init_union of ident * field * init
+(** GCC extended asm *)
+type asm_operand = string option * string * exp
(** Statements *)
type stmt = { sdesc: stmt_desc; sloc: location }
@@ -210,7 +214,7 @@ and stmt_desc =
| Sreturn of exp option
| Sblock of stmt list
| Sdecl of decl
- | Sasm of string
+ | Sasm of attributes * string * asm_operand list * asm_operand list * string list
and slabel =
| Slabel of string
diff --git a/cparser/Cabs.v b/cparser/Cabs.v
index 920f4603..6d9e95d5 100644
--- a/cparser/Cabs.v
+++ b/cparser/Cabs.v
@@ -180,6 +180,12 @@ Definition init_name_group := (list spec_elem * list init_name)%type.
(* e.g.: int x, y; *)
Definition name_group := (list spec_elem * list name)%type.
+(* GCC extended asm *)
+Inductive asm_operand :=
+| ASMOPERAND: option string -> bool -> list char_code -> expression -> asm_operand.
+Definition asm_flag := (bool * list char_code)%type.
** Declaration definition (at toplevel)
@@ -209,7 +215,7 @@ with statement :=
| DEFAULT : statement -> cabsloc -> statement
| LABEL : string -> statement -> cabsloc -> statement
| GOTO : string -> cabsloc -> statement
- | ASM : bool -> list char_code -> cabsloc -> statement
+ | ASM : list cvspec -> bool -> list char_code -> list asm_operand -> list asm_operand -> list asm_flag -> cabsloc -> statement
| DEFINITION : definition -> statement (*definition or declaration of a variable or type*)
with for_clause :=
diff --git a/cparser/Cabshelper.ml b/cparser/Cabshelper.ml
index 9d4a91f6..5e6a19d0 100644
--- a/cparser/Cabshelper.ml
+++ b/cparser/Cabshelper.ml
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ begin
| LABEL(_,_,loc) -> loc
| GOTO(_,loc) -> loc
| DEFINITION d -> get_definitionloc d
- | ASM(_,_,loc) -> loc
+ | ASM(_,_,_,_,_,_,loc) -> loc
let string_of_cabsloc l =
diff --git a/cparser/Cleanup.ml b/cparser/Cleanup.ml
index 09eaff9b..254f6fed 100644
--- a/cparser/Cleanup.ml
+++ b/cparser/Cleanup.ml
@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ let add_decl (sto, id, ty, init) =
add_typ ty;
match init with None -> () | Some i -> add_init i
+let add_asm_operand (lbl, cstr, e) = add_exp e
let rec add_stmt s =
match s.sdesc with
| Sskip -> ()
@@ -98,7 +100,9 @@ let rec add_stmt s =
| Sreturn(Some e) -> add_exp e
| Sblock sl -> List.iter add_stmt sl
| Sdecl d -> add_decl d
- | Sasm _ -> ()
+ | Sasm(attr, template, outputs, inputs, flags) ->
+ List.iter add_asm_operand outputs;
+ List.iter add_asm_operand inputs
let add_fundef f =
add_typ f.fd_ret;
diff --git a/cparser/Cprint.ml b/cparser/Cprint.ml
index ee8002d4..4ceaa016 100644
--- a/cparser/Cprint.ml
+++ b/cparser/Cprint.ml
@@ -364,6 +364,27 @@ let full_decl pp (sto, id, ty, int) =
fprintf pp ";@]"
+let asm_operand pp (label, constr, e) =
+ begin match label with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some l -> fprintf pp "[%s] " l
+ end;
+ fprintf pp "%a (%a)" const (CStr constr) exp (0, e)
+let asm_operands pp = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | op1 :: ops ->
+ fprintf pp "@[<hov 0>%a" asm_operand op1;
+ List.iter (fun op -> fprintf pp ",@ %a" asm_operand op) ops;
+ fprintf pp "@]"
+let asm_flags pp = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | fl1 :: fls ->
+ fprintf pp "@[<hov 0>%a" const (CStr fl1);
+ List.iter (fun fl -> fprintf pp ",@ %a" const (CStr fl)) fls;
+ fprintf pp "@]"
exception Not_expr
let rec exp_of_stmt s =
@@ -429,8 +450,21 @@ let rec stmt pp s =
fprintf pp "@[<v 2>{@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]" stmt_block s
| Sdecl d ->
full_decl pp d
- | Sasm txt ->
- fprintf pp "asm(%a);" const (CStr txt)
+ | Sasm(attrs, txt, [], [], []) ->
+ fprintf pp "asm%a(%a);" attributes attrs const (CStr txt)
+ | Sasm(attrs, txt, outputs, inputs, []) ->
+ fprintf pp "asm%a(@[<hov 0>%a@ :%a@ :%a@]);"
+ attributes attrs
+ const (CStr txt)
+ asm_operands outputs
+ asm_operands inputs
+ | Sasm(attrs, txt, outputs, inputs, flags) ->
+ fprintf pp "asm%a(@[<hov 0>%a@ :%a@ :%a@ : %a@]);"
+ attributes attrs
+ const (CStr txt)
+ asm_operands outputs
+ asm_operands inputs
+ asm_flags flags
and slabel pp = function
| Slabel s ->
diff --git a/cparser/Elab.ml b/cparser/Elab.ml
index 612103a6..a1dd552b 100644
--- a/cparser/Elab.ml
+++ b/cparser/Elab.ml
@@ -270,6 +270,11 @@ let elab_constant loc = function
| CONST_STRING(wide, s) ->
elab_string_literal loc wide s
+let elab_simple_string loc wide chars =
+ match elab_string_literal loc wide chars with
+ | CStr s -> s
+ | _ -> error loc "wide character string not allowed here"; ""
(** * Elaboration of type expressions, type specifiers, name declarations *)
@@ -498,13 +503,16 @@ and elab_cvspec env = function
| CV_RESTRICT -> [ARestrict]
| CV_ATTR attr -> elab_attribute env attr
+and elab_cvspecs env cv_specs =
+ List.fold_left add_attributes [] (List.map (elab_cvspec env) cv_specs)
(* Elaboration of a type declarator. C99 section 6.7.5. *)
and elab_type_declarator loc env ty = function
| Cabs.JUSTBASE ->
(ty, env)
| Cabs.ARRAY(d, cv_specs, sz) ->
- let a = List.fold_left add_attributes [] (List.map (elab_cvspec env) cv_specs) in
+ let a = elab_cvspecs env cv_specs in
let sz' =
match sz with
| None ->
@@ -520,7 +528,7 @@ and elab_type_declarator loc env ty = function
Some 1L in (* produces better error messages later *)
elab_type_declarator loc env (TArray(ty, sz', a)) d
| Cabs.PTR(cv_specs, d) ->
- let a = List.fold_left add_attributes [] (List.map (elab_cvspec env) cv_specs) in
+ let a = elab_cvspecs env cv_specs in
elab_type_declarator loc env (TPtr(ty, a)) d
| Cabs.PROTO(d, (params, vararg)) ->
begin match unroll env ty with
@@ -1933,6 +1941,13 @@ and elab_definitions local env = function
let (decl2, env2) = elab_definitions local env1 dl in
(decl1 @ decl2, env2)
+(* Extended asm *)
+let elab_asm_operand loc env (ASMOPERAND(label, wide, chars, e)) =
+ let s = elab_simple_string loc wide chars in
+ let e' = elab_expr loc env e in
+ (label, s, e')
(* Contexts for elaborating statements *)
@@ -2118,14 +2133,14 @@ let rec elab_stmt env ctx s =
{ sdesc = Sskip; sloc = elab_loc loc }
(* Traditional extensions *)
- | ASM(wide, chars, loc) ->
- begin match elab_string_literal loc wide chars with
- | CStr s ->
- { sdesc = Sasm s; sloc = elab_loc loc }
- | _ ->
- error loc "wide strings not supported in asm statement";
- sskip
- end
+ | ASM(cv_specs, wide, chars, outputs, inputs, flags, loc) ->
+ let a = elab_cvspecs env cv_specs in
+ let s = elab_simple_string loc wide chars in
+ let outputs = List.map (elab_asm_operand loc env) outputs in
+ let inputs = List.map (elab_asm_operand loc env) inputs in
+ let flags = List.map (fun (w,c) -> elab_simple_string loc w c) flags in
+ { sdesc = Sasm(a, s, outputs, inputs, flags);
+ sloc = elab_loc loc }
(* Unsupported *)
diff --git a/cparser/ExtendedAsm.ml b/cparser/ExtendedAsm.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8751291b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cparser/ExtendedAsm.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
+(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
+(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* Partial emulation of GCC's extended inline assembly (experimental). *)
+(* The [transf_asm] function in this module takes a full GCC-style
+ extended asm statement and puts it in the form supported by
+ CompCert, namely:
+ - 0 or 1 output of kind "r"
+ - 0, 1 or several inputs of kind "r".
+ Inputs and outputs of kind "m" (memory location) are emulated
+ by taking the address of the operand and treating it as
+ an input of kind "r".
+ Inputs of kind "i" and "n" (integer immediates) are evaluated
+ at compile-time and textually substituted in the asm template.
+ Extended asm statements that do not fit the forms above are rejected
+ with diagnostics. *)
+open Printf
+open Machine
+open C
+open Cutil
+open Env
+open Cerrors
+(* Renaming of labeled and numbered operands *)
+module StringMap = Map.Make(String)
+let name_of_label ?(modifier = "") lbl pos =
+ match lbl with
+ | None -> (* numbered argument *)
+ sprintf "%%%s%d" modifier pos
+ | Some l -> (* named argument *)
+ sprintf "%%%s[%s]" modifier l
+let set_label_reg lbl pos pos' subst =
+ StringMap.add (name_of_label lbl pos) (sprintf "%%%d" pos') subst
+(* These are the modifiers used by GCC for ARM:
+ %Rxxx is the most significant half of a register pair
+ %Qxxx is the least significant half of a register pair.
+ They are not documented, and it is unclear whether other GCC ports
+ have this feature and with which syntax. *)
+let set_label_regpair lbl pos pos' subst =
+ StringMap.add (name_of_label ~modifier:"R" lbl pos) (sprintf "%%%d" pos')
+ (StringMap.add (name_of_label ~modifier:"Q" lbl pos)
+ (sprintf "%%%d" (pos' + 1))
+ subst)
+let set_label_mem lbl pos pos' subst =
+ StringMap.add (name_of_label lbl pos)
+ (CBuiltins.asm_mem_argument (sprintf "%%%d" pos'))
+ subst
+let set_label_const lbl pos n subst =
+ StringMap.add (name_of_label lbl pos) (sprintf "%Ld" n) subst
+(* Operands of 64-bit integer type get split into a pair of registers
+ on 32-bit platforms *)
+let is_reg_pair env ty =
+ match unroll env ty with
+ | TInt(ik, _) -> sizeof_ikind ik > !config.sizeof_ptr
+ | _ -> false
+(* Transform the input operands:
+ - add "&" for inputs of kind "m"
+ - evaluate constants for inputs of kind "i" and "n" *)
+let re_valid_input = Str.regexp "[a-zA-Z]+$"
+let rec transf_inputs loc env accu pos pos' subst = function
+ | [] ->
+ (List.rev accu, subst)
+ | (lbl, cstr, e) :: inputs ->
+ let valid = Str.string_match re_valid_input cstr 0 in
+ if valid && String.contains cstr 'r' then
+ if is_reg_pair env e.etyp then
+ transf_inputs loc env (e :: accu) (pos + 1) (pos' + 2)
+ (set_label_regpair lbl pos pos' subst) inputs
+ else
+ transf_inputs loc env (e :: accu) (pos + 1) (pos' + 1)
+ (set_label_reg lbl pos pos' subst) inputs
+ else
+ if valid && String.contains cstr 'm' then
+ transf_inputs loc env (eaddrof e :: accu) (pos + 1) (pos' + 1)
+ (set_label_mem lbl pos pos' subst) inputs
+ else
+ if valid && (String.contains cstr 'i'
+ || String.contains cstr 'n') then begin
+ let n =
+ match Ceval.integer_expr env e with
+ | Some n -> n
+ | None -> error "%aError: asm argument of kind '%s' is not a constant"
+ formatloc loc cstr;
+ 0L in
+ transf_inputs loc env accu (pos + 1) pos'
+ (set_label_const lbl pos n subst) inputs
+ end else begin
+ error "%aUnsupported feature: asm argument of kind '%s'"
+ formatloc loc cstr;
+ transf_inputs loc env (e :: accu) (pos + 1) (pos' + 1)
+ (set_label_reg lbl pos pos' subst) inputs
+ end
+(* Transform the output operands:
+ - outputs of kind "=m" become an input (equal to the address of the output)
+let re_valid_output = Str.regexp "=[a-zA-Z]+$"
+let transf_outputs loc env = function
+ | [] ->
+ (None, [], StringMap.empty, 0, 0)
+ | [(lbl, cstr, e)] ->
+ if not (is_modifiable_lvalue env e) then
+ error "%aError: asm output is not a modifiable l-value" formatloc loc;
+ let valid = Str.string_match re_valid_output cstr 0 in
+ if valid && String.contains cstr 'r' then
+ if is_reg_pair env e.etyp then
+ (Some e, [], set_label_regpair lbl 0 0 StringMap.empty, 1, 2)
+ else
+ (Some e, [], set_label_reg lbl 0 0 StringMap.empty, 1, 1)
+ else
+ if valid && String.contains cstr 'm' then
+ (None, [eaddrof e],
+ set_label_mem lbl 0 0 StringMap.empty, 1, 1)
+ else begin
+ error "%aUnsupported feature: asm result of kind '%s'"
+ formatloc loc cstr;
+ (None, [], set_label_reg lbl 0 0 StringMap.empty, 1, 1)
+ end
+ | outputs ->
+ error "%aUnsupported feature: asm statement with 2 or more outputs"
+ formatloc loc;
+ (* Bind the outputs so that we don't get another error
+ when substituting the text *)
+ let rec bind_outputs pos subst = function
+ | [] -> (None, [], subst, pos, pos)
+ | (lbl, cstr, e) :: outputs ->
+ bind_outputs (pos + 1) (set_label_reg lbl pos pos subst) outputs
+ in bind_outputs 0 StringMap.empty outputs
+(* Check the clobber list *)
+let check_clobbers loc clob =
+ List.iter
+ (fun c ->
+ if Machregsaux.register_by_name c <> None
+ || c = "memory" || c = "cc"
+ then ()
+ else error "%aError: unrecognized asm register clobber '%s'"
+ formatloc loc c)
+ clob
+(* Renaming of the %nnn and %[ident] placeholders in the asm text *)
+let re_asm_placeholder =
+ Str.regexp "\\(%[QR]?\\([0-9]+\\|\\[[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\\]\\)\\|%%\\)"
+let rename_placeholders loc template subst =
+ let rename p =
+ if p = "%%" then p else
+ try
+ StringMap.find p subst
+ with Not_found ->
+ error "%aError: '%s' in asm text does not designate any operand"
+ formatloc loc p;
+ "%<error>"
+ in
+ Str.global_substitute re_asm_placeholder
+ (fun txt -> rename (Str.matched_group 1 txt))
+ template
+(* All together *)
+let transf_asm loc env template outputs inputs clobbers =
+ let (outputs', inputs1, subst1, pos, pos') =
+ transf_outputs loc env outputs in
+ let (inputs', subst) =
+ transf_inputs loc env inputs1 pos pos' subst1 inputs in
+ check_clobbers loc clobbers;
+ (rename_placeholders loc template subst, outputs', inputs')
diff --git a/cparser/Parser.vy b/cparser/Parser.vy
index a058a8d1..7c0bfb55 100644
--- a/cparser/Parser.vy
+++ b/cparser/Parser.vy
@@ -97,6 +97,12 @@ Require Import List.
%type<gcc_attribute_word> gcc_attribute_word
%type<name * list string> old_function_declarator direct_old_function_declarator
%type<list string (* Reverse order *)> identifier_list
+%type<list asm_flag> asm_flags
+%type<option string> asm_op_name
+%type<asm_operand> asm_operand
+%type<list asm_operand> asm_operands asm_operands_ne
+%type<list asm_operand * list asm_operand * list asm_flag> asm_arguments
+%type<list cvspec> asm_attributes
%start<list definition> translation_unit_file
@@ -820,10 +826,50 @@ jump_statement:
(* Non-standard *)
- { let '(wide, chars, _) := template in ASM wide chars loc }
- { let '(wide, chars, _) := template in ASM wide chars loc }
+| loc = ASM attr = asm_attributes LPAREN template = STRING_LITERAL args = asm_arguments RPAREN SEMICOLON
+ { let '(wide, chars, _) := template in
+ let '(outputs, inputs, flags) := args in
+ ASM attr wide chars outputs inputs flags loc }
+| /* empty */
+ { [] }
+| CONST attr = asm_attributes
+ { CV_CONST :: attr }
+| VOLATILE attr = asm_attributes
+ { CV_VOLATILE :: attr }
+| /* empty */
+ { ([], [], []) }
+| COLON o = asm_operands
+ { (o, [], []) }
+| COLON o = asm_operands COLON i = asm_operands
+ { (o, i, []) }
+| COLON o = asm_operands COLON i = asm_operands COLON f = asm_flags
+ { (o, i, f) }
+| /* empty */ { [] }
+| ol = asm_operands_ne { rev' ol }
+| ol = asm_operands_ne COMMA o = asm_operand { o :: ol }
+| o = asm_operand { [o] }
+| n = asm_op_name cstr = STRING_LITERAL LPAREN e = expression RPAREN
+ { let '(wide, s, loc) := cstr in ASMOPERAND n wide s (fst e) }
+| /* empty */ { None }
+| LBRACK n = OTHER_NAME RBRACK { Some (fst n) }
+ { let '(wide, s, loc) := f in (wide, s) :: nil }
+| f = STRING_LITERAL COMMA fl = asm_flags
+ { let '(wide, s, loc) := f in (wide, s) :: fl }
(* 6.9 *)
diff --git a/cparser/Rename.ml b/cparser/Rename.ml
index 2b7ec2ca..0d533b56 100644
--- a/cparser/Rename.ml
+++ b/cparser/Rename.ml
@@ -150,6 +150,8 @@ let decl env (sto, id, ty, int) =
match int with None -> None | Some i -> Some(init env' i)),
+let asm_operand env (lbl, cstr, e) = (lbl, cstr, exp env e)
let rec stmt env s =
{ sdesc = stmt_desc env s.sdesc; sloc = s.sloc }
@@ -170,7 +172,11 @@ and stmt_desc env = function
| Sreturn a -> Sreturn (optexp env a)
| Sblock sl -> let (sl', _) = mmap stmt_or_decl env sl in Sblock sl'
| Sdecl d -> assert false
- | Sasm txt -> Sasm txt
+ | Sasm(attr, txt, outputs, inputs, flags) ->
+ Sasm(attr, txt,
+ List.map (asm_operand env) outputs,
+ List.map (asm_operand env) inputs,
+ flags)
and stmt_or_decl env s =
match s.sdesc with
diff --git a/cparser/pre_parser.mly b/cparser/pre_parser.mly
index ef356d3a..44a06f8a 100644
--- a/cparser/pre_parser.mly
+++ b/cparser/pre_parser.mly
@@ -616,7 +616,43 @@ jump_statement:
+| ASM asm_attributes LPAREN string_literals_list asm_arguments RPAREN SEMICOLON
+ {}
+| /* empty */
+| CONST asm_attributes
+| VOLATILE asm_attributes
+ {}
+| /* empty */
+| COLON asm_operands
+| COLON asm_operands COLON asm_operands
+| COLON asm_operands COLON asm_operands COLON asm_flags
+ {}
+| /* empty */
+| asm_operands_ne
+ {}
+| asm_operands_ne COMMA asm_operand
+| asm_operand
+ {}
+| asm_op_name string_literals_list LPAREN expression RPAREN
+ {}
+| /*empty*/ {}
+| LBRACK i = general_identifier RBRACK { set_id_type i OtherId }
+| string_literals_list
+| string_literals_list COMMA asm_flags
diff --git a/driver/Interp.ml b/driver/Interp.ml
index 2725dbfe..b16d2cae 100644
--- a/driver/Interp.ml
+++ b/driver/Interp.ml
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ let do_external_function id sg ge w args m =
| _ ->
-let do_inline_assembly txt ge w args m = None
+let do_inline_assembly txt sg ge w args m = None
(* Implementing external functions producing observable events *)
diff --git a/ia32/CBuiltins.ml b/ia32/CBuiltins.ml
index 765f5b18..b1be612b 100644
--- a/ia32/CBuiltins.ml
+++ b/ia32/CBuiltins.ml
@@ -70,3 +70,7 @@ let builtins = {
let size_va_list = 4
let va_list_scalar = true
+(* Expand memory references inside extended asm statements. Used in C2C. *)
+let asm_mem_argument arg = Printf.sprintf "0(%s)" arg
diff --git a/ia32/Machregsaux.ml b/ia32/Machregsaux.ml
index 8403746a..3083cf3e 100644
--- a/ia32/Machregsaux.ml
+++ b/ia32/Machregsaux.ml
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
open Machregs
let register_names = [
- ("AX", AX); ("BX", BX); ("CX", CX); ("DX", DX);
- ("SI", SI); ("DI", DI); ("BP", BP);
+ ("EAX", AX); ("EBX", BX); ("ECX", CX); ("EDX", DX);
+ ("ESI", SI); ("EDI", DI); ("EBP", BP);
("XMM0", X0); ("XMM1", X1); ("XMM2", X2); ("XMM3", X3);
("XMM4", X4); ("XMM5", X5); ("XMM6", X6); ("XMM7", X7);
("ST0", FP0)
diff --git a/ia32/TargetPrinter.ml b/ia32/TargetPrinter.ml
index 58b7aa37..ca07a172 100644
--- a/ia32/TargetPrinter.ml
+++ b/ia32/TargetPrinter.ml
@@ -871,9 +871,9 @@ module Target(System: SYSTEM):TARGET =
(Int32.to_int (camlint_of_coqint al)) args
| EF_annot_val(txt, targ) ->
print_annot_val oc (extern_atom txt) args res
- | EF_inline_asm txt ->
- fprintf oc "%s begin inline assembly\n" comment;
- fprintf oc " %s\n" (extern_atom txt);
+ | EF_inline_asm(txt, sg, clob) ->
+ fprintf oc "%s begin inline assembly\n\t" comment;
+ PrintAnnot.print_inline_asm preg oc (extern_atom txt) sg args res;
fprintf oc "%s end inline assembly\n" comment
| _ ->
assert false
diff --git a/powerpc/Asmexpand.ml b/powerpc/Asmexpand.ml
index 47895cb1..aec8f66e 100644
--- a/powerpc/Asmexpand.ml
+++ b/powerpc/Asmexpand.ml
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ let expand_instruction instr =
expand_builtin_memcpy (Z.to_int sz) (Z.to_int al) args
| EF_annot_val(txt, targ) ->
expand_annot_val txt targ args res
- | EF_inline_asm txt ->
+ | EF_inline_asm(txt, sg, clob) ->
emit instr
| _ ->
assert false
diff --git a/powerpc/CBuiltins.ml b/powerpc/CBuiltins.ml
index 8840d2c3..222a4d94 100644
--- a/powerpc/CBuiltins.ml
+++ b/powerpc/CBuiltins.ml
@@ -90,3 +90,7 @@ let builtins = {
let size_va_list = 12
let va_list_scalar = false
+(* Expand memory references inside extended asm statements. Used in C2C. *)
+let asm_mem_argument arg = Printf.sprintf "0(%s)" arg
diff --git a/powerpc/TargetPrinter.ml b/powerpc/TargetPrinter.ml
index b3d228b3..b05b29c0 100644
--- a/powerpc/TargetPrinter.ml
+++ b/powerpc/TargetPrinter.ml
@@ -284,10 +284,14 @@ module Target (System : SYSTEM):TARGET =
let ireg_or_zero oc r =
if r = GPR0 then output_string oc "0" else ireg oc r
- (* [preg] is only used for printing annotations.
- Use the full register names [rN] and [fN] to avoid
- ambiguity with constants. *)
let preg oc = function
+ | IR r -> ireg oc r
+ | FR r -> freg oc r
+ | _ -> assert false
+ (* For printing annotations, use the full register names [rN] and [fN]
+ to avoid ambiguity with constants. *)
+ let preg_annot oc = function
| IR r -> fprintf oc "r%s" (int_reg_name r)
| FR r -> fprintf oc "f%s" (float_reg_name r)
| _ -> assert false
@@ -327,7 +331,7 @@ module Target (System : SYSTEM):TARGET =
(int_of_string (Str.matched_group 2 txt))
end else begin
fprintf oc "%s annotation: " comment;
- PrintAnnot.print_annot_stmt preg "R1" oc txt targs args
+ PrintAnnot.print_annot_stmt preg_annot "R1" oc txt targs args
(* Determine if the displacement of a conditional branch fits the short form *)
@@ -646,9 +650,9 @@ module Target (System : SYSTEM):TARGET =
fprintf oc "%a:\n" label (transl_label lbl)
| Pbuiltin(ef, args, res) ->
begin match ef with
- | EF_inline_asm txt ->
- fprintf oc "%s begin inline assembly\n" comment;
- fprintf oc " %s\n" (extern_atom txt);
+ | EF_inline_asm(txt, sg, clob) ->
+ fprintf oc "%s begin inline assembly\n\t" comment;
+ PrintAnnot.print_inline_asm preg oc (extern_atom txt) sg args res;
fprintf oc "%s end inline assembly\n" comment
| _ ->
assert false
diff --git a/test/raytracer/config.h b/test/raytracer/config.h
index 49361dc5..009c125e 100644
--- a/test/raytracer/config.h
+++ b/test/raytracer/config.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
+#ifndef M_PI
+# define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
typedef float flt;
diff --git a/test/regression/Makefile b/test/regression/Makefile
index 206670b5..1ffe586c 100644
--- a/test/regression/Makefile
+++ b/test/regression/Makefile
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ TESTS_DIFF=NaNs
EXTRAS=annot1 commaprec expr2 expr3 expr4 extern1 funct2 funptr1 \
pragmas ptrs1 ptrs2 struct1 struct2 struct3 \
struct4 struct5 struct6 struct9 struct10 types1 seqops \
- singlefloats emptydecl
+ singlefloats emptydecl extasm
# Test known to fail
diff --git a/test/regression/extasm.c b/test/regression/extasm.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a69b3e79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regression/extasm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+/* Testing extended asm.
+ To run the test, compile with -S and grep "TEST" in the generated .s */
+int clobbers(int x)
+ int y;
+ asm("TEST0 out:%0 in:%1" : "=r"(y) : "r"(x) : "cc"
+#if defined(__i386__)
+ , "eax", "edx", "ecx"
+#elif defined(__arm__)
+ , "r0", "r1", "r2"
+#elif defined(__PPC__)
+ , "r3", "r4", "r5"
+ return y;
+int main()
+ int x;
+ void * y;
+ long long z;
+ double f;
+ char c[16];
+ /* No inputs, no outputs */
+ asm("TEST1 %%");
+ /* r inputs */
+ asm("TEST2 in:%0" : : "r" (x));
+ asm("TEST3 in:%0,%1" : : "r" (x), "r" (f));
+ /* r output */
+ asm("TEST4 out:%0" : "=r" (x));
+ /* r inputs and outputs */
+ asm("TEST5 out:%0 in:%1" : "=r" (f) : "r" (y));
+ /* m inputs */
+ asm("TEST6 in:%0" : : "m" (c[2]));
+ asm("TEST7 out:%0 in:%1,%2" : "=r"(x) : "m" (c[0]), "r" (y));
+ /* m output */
+ asm("TEST8 out:%0 in:%1" : "=m" (c[4]) : "r" (f));
+ /* i input */
+ asm("TEST9 in:%0,%1,%2" : : "r"(x), "i"(sizeof(x) + 2), "r"(y));
+#ifdef FAILURES
+ asm("FAIL1 in:%0" : : "i"(x));
+ /* 64-bit output */
+ asm("TEST10 out: high %R0,lo %Q0" : "=r" (z));
+ /* 64-bit input */
+ asm("TEST11 out:%0 in:%1,high %R2,lo %Q2,%3"
+ : "=r"(x) : "r"(y), "r"(z), "r"(f));
+#ifdef FAILURES
+ asm("FAIL2 out:%0" : "=r"(z));
+ asm("FAIL3 in:%0" : : "r"(z));
+ /* Named arguments */
+ asm("TEST12 a:%[a] b:%[b] c:%[c]" : : [a]"i"(12), [b]"i"(34), [c]"i"(56));
+ asm("TEST13 a:%[a] x:%[x]" : [x]"=r"(x) : [a]"i"(78));
+ asm("TEST14 a:%[a] in2:%1 c:%[c]" : : [a]"i"(12), "i"(34), [c]"i"(56));
+#ifdef FAILURES
+ asm("FAIL4 a:%[a]" : "=r"(x) : [z]"i"(0));
+ /* Various failures */
+#ifdef FAILURES
+ asm("FAIL5 out:%0,%1" : "=r"(x), "=r"(y));
+ asm("FAIL6 in:%0" : : "g"(x));
+ asm("FAIL7 out:%0" : "=r" (x+1));
+ return 0;