diff options
-rw-r--r--cil-1.3.5.tar.gzbin0 -> 1139611 bytes
22 files changed, 2688 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 4a248089..51e2fa29 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
INCLUDES=-I lib -I common -I backend -I cfrontend
@@ -52,10 +53,17 @@ proof: $(FILES:.v=.vo)
$(MAKE) proof
+ $(MAKE) cil
$(MAKE) -C extraction extraction
$(MAKE) -C extraction depend
$(MAKE) -C extraction
+ tar xzf $(CILDISTRIB)
+ for i in cil.patch/*; do patch -p1 < $$i; done
+ cd cil; ./configure
+ $(MAKE) -C cil
$(COQDOC) --html -d doc $(FLATFILES:%.v=--glob-from doc/%.glob) $(FILES)
doc/removeproofs doc/lib.*.html doc/backend.*.html
diff --git a/caml/Camlcoq.ml b/caml/Camlcoq.ml
index b0bb4ff9..ab111c11 100644
--- a/caml/Camlcoq.ml
+++ b/caml/Camlcoq.ml
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ let rec positive_of_camlint n =
if n = 0l then assert false else
if n = 1l then Coq_xH else
if Int32.logand n 1l = 0l
- then Coq_xO (positive_of_camlint (Int32.shift_right n 1))
- else Coq_xI (positive_of_camlint (Int32.shift_right n 1))
+ then Coq_xO (positive_of_camlint (Int32.shift_right_logical n 1))
+ else Coq_xI (positive_of_camlint (Int32.shift_right_logical n 1))
let z_of_camlint n =
if n = 0l then Z0 else
diff --git a/caml/Cil2Csyntax.ml b/caml/Cil2Csyntax.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74bf0eb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caml/Cil2Csyntax.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,863 @@
+CIL -> CabsCoq translator
+open Cil
+open Camlcoq
+open AST
+open Csyntax
+module type TypeSpecifierTranslator =
+ sig
+ val convertIkind: Cil.ikind -> (intsize * signedness) option
+ val convertFkind: Cil.fkind -> floatsize option
+ end
+module Make(TS: TypeSpecifierTranslator) = struct
+(** Exception raised when an unsupported feature is encountered *)
+exception Unsupported of string
+(** Pre-defined constants *)
+let constInt32 = Tint (I32, Signed)
+let constInt32uns = Tint (I32, Unsigned)
+let const0 = Expr (Econst_int (coqint_of_camlint Int32.zero), constInt32)
+(** Identifiers for struct and union fields *)
+let fieldTable = Hashtbl.create 47 (* hash-table *)
+let fieldNum = ref Int32.one (* identifier of the next field *)
+(** Other global variables *)
+let currentLocation = ref Cil.locUnknown
+let mainFound = ref false
+let currentGlobalPrefix = ref ""
+let stringNum = ref 0 (* number of next global for string literals *)
+let stringTable = Hashtbl.create 47
+(** ** Functions related to [struct]s and [union]s *)
+(** Return a unique integer corresponding to a [struct] field *)
+let ident_of_string str =
+ try Hashtbl.find fieldTable str
+ with Not_found -> let id = positive_of_camlint !fieldNum in
+ Hashtbl.add fieldTable str id;
+ fieldNum := Int32.succ !fieldNum;
+ id
+(* Return the type of a [struct] field *)
+let rec getFieldType f = function
+ | Fnil -> raise Not_found
+ | Fcons(idf, t, rem) -> if idf = f then t else getFieldType f rem
+(** ** Some functions over lists *)
+(** Apply [f] to each element of the OCaml list [l]
+ and build a Coq list with the results returned by [f] *)
+let rec map_coqlist f l = match l with
+ | [] -> CList.Coq_nil
+ | a :: b -> CList.Coq_cons (f a, map_coqlist f b)
+(** Keep the elements in a list from [elt] (included) to the end
+ (used for the translation of the [switch] statement) *)
+let rec keepFrom elt = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (x :: l) as l' -> if x == elt then l' else keepFrom elt l
+(** Keep the elements in a list before [elt'] (excluded)
+ (used for the translation of the [switch] statement) *)
+let rec keepUntil elt' = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | x :: l -> if x == elt' then [] else x :: (keepUntil elt' l)
+(** Keep the elements in a list from [elt] (included) to [elt'] (excluded)
+ (used for the translation of the [switch] statement) *)
+let keepBetween elt elt' l =
+ keepUntil elt' (keepFrom elt l)
+(** Reverse-append over Coq lists *)
+let rec revappend l1 l2 =
+ match l1 with
+ | CList.Coq_nil -> l2
+ | CList.Coq_cons(hd, tl) -> revappend tl (CList.Coq_cons (hd, l2))
+(** ** Functions used to handle locations *)
+(** Update the current location *)
+let updateLoc loc =
+ currentLocation := loc
+(** Convert the current location into a string *)
+let currentLoc() =
+ match !currentLocation with { line=l; file=f } ->
+ f ^ ":" ^ (if l = -1 then "?" else string_of_int l) ^ ": "
+(** ** Functions used to handle string literals *)
+let name_for_string_literal s =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find stringTable s
+ with Not_found ->
+ incr stringNum;
+ let symbol_name =
+ Printf.sprintf "_%s__stringlit_%d"
+ !currentGlobalPrefix !stringNum in
+ let symbol_ident = intern_string symbol_name in
+ Hashtbl.add stringTable s symbol_ident;
+ symbol_ident
+let typeStringLiteral s =
+ Tarray(Tint(I8, Unsigned), z_of_camlint(Int32.of_int(String.length s + 1)))
+let global_for_string s id =
+ let init = ref CList.Coq_nil in
+ let add_char c =
+ init := CList.Coq_cons(
+ AST.Init_int8(coqint_of_camlint(Int32.of_int(Char.code c))),
+ !init) in
+ add_char '\000';
+ for i = String.length s - 1 downto 0 do add_char s.[i] done;
+ Datatypes.Coq_pair(Datatypes.Coq_pair(id, !init), typeStringLiteral s)
+let globals_for_strings globs =
+ Hashtbl.fold
+ (fun s id l -> CList.Coq_cons(global_for_string s id, l))
+ stringTable globs
+(** ** Translation functions *)
+(** Convert a [Cil.ikind] into a pair [(intsize * signedness)] *)
+let convertIkind ik =
+ match TS.convertIkind ik with
+ | Some p -> p
+ | None -> raise (Unsupported (currentLoc() ^ "integer type specifier"))
+(** Convert a [Cil.fkind] into a [floatsize] *)
+let convertFkind fk =
+ match TS.convertFkind fk with
+ | Some fs -> fs
+ | None -> raise (Unsupported
+ (currentLoc() ^ "floating-point type specifier"))
+(** Convert a [Cil.constant] into a [CabsCoq.expr] *)
+let rec convertConstant = function
+ | CInt64 (i64, _, _) ->
+ let i = coqint_of_camlint (Int64.to_int32 i64) in
+ Expr (Econst_int i, constInt32)
+ | CStr s ->
+ let symb = name_for_string_literal s in
+ Expr (Evar symb, typeStringLiteral s)
+ | CWStr _ ->
+ raise (Unsupported (currentLoc() ^ "wide string literal"))
+ | CChr c ->
+ let i = coqint_of_camlint (Int32.of_int (Char.code c)) in
+ Expr (Econst_int i, constInt32)
+ | CReal (f, _, _) ->
+ Expr (Econst_float f, Tfloat F64)
+ | (CEnum (exp, str, enumInfo)) as enum ->
+ (* do constant folding on an enum constant *)
+ let e = Cil.constFold false (Const enum) in
+ convertExp e
+(** Convert a [Cil.UnOp] into a [CabsCoq.expr]
+ ([t] is the type of the result of applying [uop] to [e]) *)
+and convertUnop uop e t =
+ let e' = convertExp e in
+ let t' = convertTyp t in
+ let uop' = match uop with
+ | Neg -> Eunop (Oneg, e')
+ | BNot -> Eunop (Onotint, e')
+ | LNot -> Eunop (Onotbool, e')
+ in
+ Expr (uop', t')
+(** Convert a [Cil.BinOp] into a [CabsCoq.expr]
+ ([t] is the type of the result of applying [bop] to [(e1, e2)], every
+ arithmetic conversion being made explicit by CIL for both arguments] *)
+and convertBinop bop e1 e2 t =
+ let e1' = convertExp e1 in
+ let e2' = convertExp e2 in
+ let t' = convertTyp t in
+ let bop' = match bop with
+ | PlusA -> Ebinop (Oadd, e1', e2')
+ | PlusPI -> Ebinop (Oadd, e1', e2')
+ | IndexPI -> Ebinop (Oadd, e1', e2')
+ | MinusA -> Ebinop (Osub, e1', e2')
+ | MinusPI -> Ebinop (Osub, e1', e2')
+ | MinusPP -> Ebinop (Osub, e1', e2')
+ | Mult -> Ebinop (Omul, e1', e2')
+ | Div -> Ebinop (Odiv, e1', e2')
+ | Mod -> Ebinop (Omod, e1', e2')
+ | Shiftlt -> Ebinop (Oshl, e1', e2')
+ | Shiftrt -> Ebinop (Oshr, e1', e2')
+ | Lt -> Ebinop (Olt, e1', e2')
+ | Gt -> Ebinop (Ogt, e1', e2')
+ | Le -> Ebinop (Ole, e1', e2')
+ | Ge -> Ebinop (Oge, e1', e2')
+ | Eq -> Ebinop (Oeq, e1', e2')
+ | Ne -> Ebinop (One, e1', e2')
+ | BAnd -> Ebinop (Oand, e1', e2')
+ | BXor -> Ebinop (Oxor, e1', e2')
+ | BOr -> Ebinop (Oor, e1', e2')
+ | LAnd -> Eandbool (e1', e2')
+ | LOr -> Eorbool (e1', e2')
+ in
+ Expr (bop', t')
+(** Test if two types are compatible
+ (in order to cast one of the types to the other) *)
+and compatibleTypes t1 t2 = true
+ let isArithmeticType = function
+ | Tint _ | Tfloat _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ let isPointerType = function
+ | Tpointer _ | Tarray _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ (t1 = t2)
+ || (isArithmeticType t1 && isArithmeticType t2)
+ || match (t1, t2) with
+ | (Tpointer Tvoid, t) | (t, Tpointer Tvoid) -> isPointerType t
+ | (Tint _, t) | (t, Tint _) -> isPointerType t
+ | _ -> false
+(** Convert a [Cil.CastE] into a [CabsCoq.expr]
+ (fail if the cast is illegal) *)
+and processCast t e =
+ let t' = convertTyp t in
+ let te = convertTyp (Cil.typeOf e) in
+ if compatibleTypes t' te then
+ let e' = convertExp e in
+ Expr (Ecast (t', e'), t')
+ else failwith (currentLoc() ^ "processCast: illegal cast")
+(** Convert a [Cil.exp list] into an [CamlCoq.exprlist] *)
+and processParamsE = function
+ | [] -> Enil
+ | e :: l ->
+ let (Expr (_, t)) as e' = convertExp e in
+ match t with
+ | Tstruct _ | Tunion _ -> raise (Unsupported (currentLoc() ^
+ "function parameter of type struct or union"))
+ | _ -> Econs (e', processParamsE l)
+(** Convert a [Cil.exp] into a [CabsCoq.expr] *)
+and convertExp = function
+ | Const c -> convertConstant c
+ | Lval lv -> convertLval lv
+ | SizeOf t -> Expr (Esizeof (convertTyp t), constInt32uns)
+ | SizeOfE e -> let ty = convertTyp (Cil.typeOf e) in
+ Expr (Esizeof ty, constInt32uns)
+ | SizeOfStr str -> raise (Unsupported
+ (currentLoc() ^ "size of a string literal"))
+ | AlignOf t -> raise (Unsupported
+ (currentLoc() ^ "GCC alignment directive"))
+ | AlignOfE e -> raise (Unsupported
+ (currentLoc() ^ "GCC alignment directive"))
+ | UnOp (uop, e, t) -> convertUnop uop e t
+ | BinOp (bop, e1, e2, t) -> convertBinop bop e1 e2 t
+ | CastE (t, e) -> processCast t e
+ | AddrOf lv -> let (Expr (_, t)) as e = convertLval lv in
+ Expr (Eaddrof e, Tpointer t)
+ | StartOf lv ->
+ (* convert an array into a pointer to the beginning of the array *)
+ match Cil.unrollType (Cil.typeOfLval lv) with
+ | TArray (t, _, _) ->
+ let t' = convertTyp t in
+ let tPtr = Tpointer t' in
+ let e = convertLval lv in
+ (* array A of type T replaced by (T* )A *)
+ Expr (Ecast (tPtr, e), tPtr)
+ (* array A replaced by &(A[0]) *)
+ Expr (Eaddrof (Expr (Eindex (e, const0), t')), tPtr)
+ | _ -> failwith (currentLoc() ^ "convertExp: StartOf applied to a \
+ lvalue whose type is not an array")
+(** Convert a [Cil.lval] into a [CabsCoq.expression] *)
+and convertLval lv =
+ (* convert the offset of the lvalue *)
+ let rec processOffset ((Expr (_, t)) as e) = function
+ | NoOffset -> e
+ | Field (f, ofs) ->
+ begin match t with
+ | Tstruct fList ->
+ begin try
+ let idf = ident_of_string f.fname in
+ let t' = getFieldType idf fList in
+ processOffset (Expr (Efield (e, idf), t')) ofs
+ with Not_found ->
+ failwith (currentLoc() ^ "processOffset: no such struct field")
+ end
+ | Tunion fList ->
+ begin try
+ let idf = ident_of_string f.fname in
+ let t' = getFieldType idf fList in
+ processOffset (Expr (Efield (e, idf), t')) ofs
+ with Not_found ->
+ failwith (currentLoc() ^ "processOffset: no such union field")
+ end
+ | _ -> failwith
+ (currentLoc() ^ "processOffset: Field on a non-struct nor union")
+ end
+ | Index (e', ofs) ->
+ match t with
+ | Tarray (t', _) -> let e'' = Eindex (e, convertExp e') in
+ processOffset (Expr (e'', t')) ofs
+ | _ -> failwith
+ (currentLoc() ^ "processOffset: Index on a non-array")
+ in
+ (* convert the lvalue *)
+ match lv with
+ | (Var v, ofs) ->
+ let id = intern_string v.vname in
+ processOffset (Expr (Evar id, convertTyp v.vtype)) ofs
+ | (Mem e, ofs) ->
+ match Cil.unrollType (Cil.typeOf e) with
+ | TPtr (t, _) -> let e' = Ederef (convertExp e) in
+ processOffset (Expr (e', convertTyp t)) ofs
+ | _ -> failwith
+ (currentLoc() ^ "convertLval: Mem on a non-pointer")
+(** Convert a [(Cil.string * Cil.typ * Cil.attributes)] list
+ into a [typelist] *)
+and processParamsT convert = function
+ | [] -> Tnil
+ | (_, t, _) :: l ->
+ let t' = convert t in
+ match t' with
+ | Tstruct _ | Tunion _ -> raise (Unsupported (currentLoc() ^
+ "function parameter of type struct or union"))
+ | _ -> Tcons (t', processParamsT convert l)
+(** Convert a [Cil.typ] into a [coq_type] *)
+and convertTyp = function
+ | TVoid _ -> Tvoid
+ | TInt (k, _) -> let (x,y) = convertIkind k in Tint (x, y)
+ | TFloat (k, _) -> Tfloat (convertFkind k)
+ | TPtr (t, _) -> Tpointer (convertTyp t)
+ | TArray (t, eOpt, _) ->
+ begin match eOpt with
+ | Some (Const (CInt64 (i64, _, _))) ->
+ Tarray (convertTyp t, coqint_of_camlint (Int64.to_int32 i64))
+ | Some _ -> raise (Unsupported
+ (currentLoc() ^ "size of array type not an integer constant"))
+ | None -> raise (Unsupported
+ (currentLoc() ^ "array type of unspecified size"))
+ end
+ | TFun (t, argListOpt, vArg, _) ->
+ (* Treat unprototyped functions as 0-argument functions,
+ and treat variadic functions as fixed-arity functions.
+ We will get type mismatches at applications, which we
+ compensate by casting the function type to the type
+ derived from the types of the actual arguments. *)
+ let argList =
+ match argListOpt with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some l -> l
+ in
+ let t' = convertTyp t in
+ begin match t' with
+ | Tstruct _ | Tunion _ -> raise (Unsupported (currentLoc() ^
+ "return value of type struct or union"))
+ | _ -> Tfunction (processParamsT convertTyp argList, t')
+ end
+ | TNamed (tinfo, _) -> convertTyp tinfo.ttype
+ | TComp (c, _) ->
+ let rec convertFieldList = function
+ | [] -> Fnil
+ | {fname=str; ftype=t} :: rem ->
+ let idf = ident_of_string str in
+ let t' = convertCompositeType [c.ckey] t in
+ Fcons(idf, t', convertFieldList rem) in
+ let fList = convertFieldList c.cfields in
+ if c.cstruct then Tstruct fList else Tunion fList
+ | TEnum _ -> constInt32 (* enum constants are integers *)
+ | TBuiltin_va_list _ -> raise (Unsupported
+ (currentLoc() ^ "GCC built-in function"))
+(** Convert a [Cil.typ] within a composite structure into a [coq_type] *)
+and convertCompositeType env = function
+ | TNamed (tinfo, _) -> convertCompositeType env tinfo.ttype
+ | TPtr _ -> Tpointer Tvoid
+ | TArray (ta, eOpt, _) ->
+ begin match eOpt with
+ | Some (Const (CInt64 (i64, _, _))) ->
+ let ta' = convertCompositeType env ta in
+ Tarray (ta', coqint_of_camlint (Int64.to_int32 i64))
+ | Some _ -> raise (Unsupported
+ (currentLoc() ^ "size of array type not an integer constant"))
+ | None -> raise (Unsupported
+ (currentLoc() ^ "array type of unspecified size"))
+ end
+ | TFun (t, argListOpt, vArg, _) ->
+ if vArg then raise (Unsupported (currentLoc() ^ "variadic function"))
+ else
+ let argList =
+ match argListOpt with
+ | None ->
+ print_string ("Warning: " ^
+ currentLoc() ^ "unknown function signature\n");
+ []
+ | Some l -> l
+ in
+ let convert = convertCompositeType env in
+ let t' = convert t in
+ begin match t' with
+ | Tstruct _ | Tunion _ -> raise (Unsupported (currentLoc() ^
+ "return value of type struct or union"))
+ | _ -> Tfunction (processParamsT convert argList, t')
+ end
+ | TComp (c, _) ->
+ if List.mem c.ckey env then
+ failwith (currentLoc() ^
+ "convertCompositeType: illegal recursive structure");
+ let rec convertFieldList = function
+ | [] -> Fnil
+ | {fname=str; ftype=t} :: rem ->
+ let idf = ident_of_string str in
+ let t' = convertCompositeType (c.ckey :: env) t in
+ Fcons(idf, t', convertFieldList rem) in
+ let fList = convertFieldList c.cfields in
+ if c.cstruct then Tstruct fList else Tunion fList
+ | t -> convertTyp t
+(** Convert a [Cil.varinfo] into a pair [(ident * coq_type)] *)
+let convertVarinfo v =
+ updateLoc(v.vdecl);
+ let id = intern_string v.vname in
+ Datatypes.Coq_pair (id, convertTyp v.vtype)
+(** Convert a [Cil.varinfo] into a pair [(ident * coq_type)]
+ (fail if the variable is of type struct or union) *)
+let convertVarinfoParam v =
+ updateLoc(v.vdecl);
+ let id = intern_string v.vname in
+ let t' = convertTyp v.vtype in
+ match t' with
+ | Tstruct _ | Tunion _ -> raise (Unsupported (currentLoc() ^
+ "function parameter of type struct or union"))
+ | _ -> Datatypes.Coq_pair (id, t')
+(** Convert a [Cil.exp] which has a function type into a [CabsCoq.expr]
+ (used only to translate function calls) *)
+let convertExpFuncall e tfun eList =
+ match tfun with
+ | TFun (t, argListOpt, vArg, _) ->
+ let params = processParamsE eList in
+ let (Expr (efun, tfun)) as e' = convertExp e in
+ begin match argListOpt, vArg with
+ | Some argList, false ->
+ if List.length argList = List.length eList then (e', params)
+ else failwith
+ (currentLoc() ^ "convertExpFuncall: wrong number of arguments")
+ | _, _ ->
+ (* For variadic or unprototyped functions, we synthesize the
+ "real" type of the function from that of the actual
+ arguments, and insert a cast around e'. *)
+ begin match tfun with
+ | Tfunction (_, tret) ->
+ let rec typeOfExprList = function
+ | Enil -> Tnil
+ | Econs (Expr (_, ty), rem) ->
+ Tcons (ty, typeOfExprList rem) in
+ let tfun = Tfunction (typeOfExprList params, tret) in
+ (Expr (Ecast(tfun, e'), tfun), params)
+ | _ -> failwith
+ (currentLoc() ^ "convertExpFuncall: incorrect function type")
+ end
+ end
+ | _ -> failwith (currentLoc() ^ "convertExpFuncall: not a function")
+(** Convert a [Cil.instr list] into a [CabsCoq.statement] *)
+let rec processInstrList l =
+ (* convert an instruction *)
+ let convertInstr = function
+ | Set (lv, e, loc) ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ begin match convertTyp (Cil.typeOf e) with
+ | Tstruct _ | Tunion _ -> raise (Unsupported (currentLoc() ^
+ "struct or union assignment"))
+ | t -> Sassign (convertLval lv, convertExp e)
+ end
+ | Call (lvOpt, e, eList, loc) ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ begin match Cil.unrollType (Cil.typeOf e) with
+ | TFun (t, _, _, _) as tfun ->
+ let t' = convertTyp t in
+ let (efun, params) = convertExpFuncall e tfun eList in
+ let e' = Expr (Ecall (efun, params), t') in
+ begin match lvOpt with
+ | None -> Sexpr e'
+ | Some lv ->
+ let (Expr (_, tlv)) as elv = convertLval lv in
+ begin match tlv with
+ | Tstruct _ | Tunion _ -> raise (Unsupported
+ (currentLoc() ^ "struct or union assignment"))
+ | _ ->
+ if tlv = t' then
+ Sassign (elv, e')
+ else
+ (* a cast must be inserted *)
+ if compatibleTypes tlv t' then
+ Sassign (elv,
+ Expr (Ecast (tlv, e'), tlv))
+ else failwith
+ (currentLoc() ^ "processCast: illegal cast")
+ end
+ end
+ | _ -> failwith (currentLoc() ^ "convertInstr: illegal call")
+ end
+ | Asm (_, _, _, _, _, loc) ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ raise (Unsupported (currentLoc() ^ "inline assembly"))
+ in
+ (* convert a list of instructions *)
+ match l with
+ | [] -> Sskip
+ | [s] -> convertInstr s
+ | s :: l -> Ssequence (convertInstr s, processInstrList l)
+(** Convert a [Cil.stmt list] into a [CabsCoq.statement] *)
+let rec processStmtList = function
+ | [] -> Sskip
+ | [s] -> convertStmt s
+ | s :: l -> Ssequence (convertStmt s, processStmtList l)
+(** Return the list of the constant expressions in a label list
+ (return [None] if this is the default case)
+ (fail if the constant expression is not of type integer) *)
+and getCaseList lblList =
+ match lblList with
+ | [] -> Some []
+ | Label (_, loc, _) :: l -> updateLoc(loc); getCaseList l
+ | Default loc :: _ -> updateLoc(loc); None
+ | Case (e, loc) :: l ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ begin match convertExp e with
+ | Expr (Econst_int n, _) ->
+ begin match getCaseList l with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some cl -> Some (n :: cl)
+ end
+ | _ -> failwith (currentLoc() ^ "getCaseList: case label does not \
+ reduce to an integer constant")
+ end
+(** Convert a list of integers into a [CabsCoq.lblStatementList] *)
+and processCaseList cl s lrem =
+ match cl with
+ | [] -> failwith
+ (currentLoc() ^ "processCaseList: syntax error in switch statement")
+ | [n] -> LScase (n, s, lrem)
+ | n1 :: l -> LScase (n1, Sskip, processCaseList l s lrem)
+(** Convert a [Cil.stmt list] which is the body of a Switch structure
+ into a [CabsCoq.lblStatementList]
+ (Pre-condition: all the Case labels are supposed to be at the same level,
+ ie. no nested structures) *)
+and processLblStmtList switchBody = function
+ | [] -> LSdefault Sskip
+ | [ls] ->
+ let s = processStmtList (keepFrom ls switchBody) in
+ begin match getCaseList ls.labels with
+ | None -> LSdefault s
+ | Some cl -> processCaseList cl s (LSdefault Sskip)
+ end
+ | ls :: ((ls' :: _) as l) ->
+ if ls.labels = ls'.labels then processLblStmtList switchBody l
+ else
+ begin match getCaseList ls.labels with
+ | None -> raise (Unsupported (currentLoc() ^
+ "default case is not at the end of the switch structure"))
+ | Some cl ->
+ let s = processStmtList (keepBetween ls ls' switchBody) in
+ let lrem = processLblStmtList switchBody l in
+ processCaseList cl s lrem
+ end
+(** Convert a [Cil.stmt] into a [CabsCoq.statement] *)
+and convertStmt s =
+ match s.skind with
+ | Instr iList -> processInstrList iList
+ | Return (eOpt, loc) ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ let eOpt' = match eOpt with
+ | None -> Datatypes.None
+ | Some e -> Datatypes.Some (convertExp e)
+ in
+ Sreturn eOpt'
+ | Goto (_, loc) ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ raise (Unsupported (currentLoc() ^ "goto statement"))
+ | Break loc ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ Sbreak
+ | Continue loc ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ Scontinue
+ | If (e, b1, b2, loc) ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ let e1 = processStmtList b1.bstmts in
+ let e2 = processStmtList b2.bstmts in
+ Sifthenelse (convertExp e, e1, e2)
+ | Switch (e, b, l, loc) ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ Sswitch (convertExp e, processLblStmtList b.bstmts l)
+ | While (e, b, loc) ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ Swhile (convertExp e, processStmtList b.bstmts)
+ | DoWhile (e, b, loc) ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ Sdowhile (convertExp e, processStmtList b.bstmts)
+ | For (bInit, e, bIter, b, loc) ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ let sInit = processStmtList bInit.bstmts in
+ let e' = convertExp e in
+ let sIter = processStmtList bIter.bstmts in
+ Sfor (sInit, e', sIter, processStmtList b.bstmts)
+ | Block b -> processStmtList b.bstmts
+ | TryFinally (_, _, loc) ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ raise (Unsupported (currentLoc() ^ "try...finally statement"))
+ | TryExcept (_, _, _, loc) ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ raise (Unsupported (currentLoc() ^ "try...except statement"))
+(** Convert a [Cil.GFun] into a pair [(ident * coq_fundecl)] *)
+let convertGFun fdec =
+ let v = fdec.svar in
+ let ret = match v.vtype with
+ | TFun (t, _, vArg, _) ->
+ if vArg then raise (Unsupported (currentLoc() ^ "variadic function"))
+ else
+ begin match convertTyp t with
+ | Tstruct _ | Tunion _ -> raise (Unsupported (currentLoc() ^
+ "return value of type struct or union"))
+ | t' -> t'
+ end
+ | _ -> failwith (currentLoc() ^ "convertGFun: incorrect function type")
+ in
+ let args = map_coqlist convertVarinfoParam fdec.sformals in (* parameters*)
+ let varList = map_coqlist convertVarinfo fdec.slocals in (* local vars *)
+ let s = processStmtList fdec.sbody.bstmts in (* function body *)
+ if v.vname = "main" then mainFound := true;
+ Datatypes.Coq_pair
+ (intern_string v.vname,
+ Internal { fn_return=ret; fn_params=args; fn_vars=varList; fn_body=s })
+(** Auxiliary for [convertInit] *)
+let rec initDataLen accu = function
+ | CList.Coq_nil -> accu
+ | CList.Coq_cons(i1, il) ->
+ let sz = match i1 with
+ | Init_int8 _ -> 1l
+ | Init_int16 _ -> 2l
+ | Init_int32 _ -> 4l
+ | Init_float32 _ -> 4l
+ | Init_float64 _ -> 8l
+ | Init_space n -> camlint_of_z n in
+ initDataLen (Int32.add sz accu) il
+(** Convert a [Cil.init] into a list of [AST.init_data] prepended to
+ the given list [k]. *)
+let rec convertInit init k =
+ match init with
+ | SingleInit e ->
+ begin match Cil.constFold true e with
+ | Const (CInt64(n, ikind, _)) ->
+ begin match convertIkind ikind with
+ | (I8, _) ->
+ CList.Coq_cons(Init_int8 (coqint_of_camlint (Int64.to_int32 n)), k)
+ | (I16, _) ->
+ CList.Coq_cons(Init_int16 (coqint_of_camlint (Int64.to_int32 n)), k)
+ | (I32, _) ->
+ CList.Coq_cons(Init_int32 (coqint_of_camlint (Int64.to_int32 n)), k)
+ end
+ | Const (CReal(n, fkind, _)) ->
+ begin match convertFkind fkind with
+ | F32 ->
+ CList.Coq_cons(Init_float32 n, k)
+ | F64 ->
+ CList.Coq_cons(Init_float64 n, k)
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ raise (Unsupported (currentLoc() ^
+ "this kind of expression is not supported in global initializers"))
+ end
+ | CompoundInit(ty, data) ->
+ let init = (* in reverse order *)
+ Cil.foldLeftCompoundAll
+ ~doinit: (fun ofs init ty k -> convertInit init k)
+ ~ct: ty
+ ~initl: data
+ ~acc: CList.Coq_nil in
+ (* For struct or union, pad to size of type *)
+ begin match Cil.unrollType ty with
+ | TComp _ ->
+ let act_len = initDataLen 0l init in
+ let exp_len = camlint_of_z (Csyntax.sizeof (convertTyp ty)) in
+ assert (act_len <= exp_len);
+ let init' =
+ if act_len < exp_len
+ then let spc = z_of_camlint (Int32.sub exp_len act_len) in
+ CList.Coq_cons(Init_space spc, init)
+ else init in
+ revappend init' k
+ | _ ->
+ revappend init k
+ end
+(** Convert a [Cil.initinfo] into a list of [AST.init_data] *)
+let convertInitInfo ty info =
+ match info.init with
+ | None ->
+ CList.Coq_cons(Init_space(Csyntax.sizeof (convertTyp ty)), CList.Coq_nil)
+ | Some init ->
+ convertInit init CList.Coq_nil
+(** Convert a [Cil.GVar] into a global variable definition *)
+let convertGVar v i =
+ updateLoc(v.vdecl);
+ let id = intern_string v.vname in
+ Datatypes.Coq_pair (Datatypes.Coq_pair(id, convertInitInfo v.vtype i),
+ convertTyp v.vtype)
+(** Convert a [Cil.GVarDecl] into a global variable declaration *)
+let convertExtVar v =
+ updateLoc(v.vdecl);
+ let id = intern_string v.vname in
+ Datatypes.Coq_pair (Datatypes.Coq_pair(id, CList.Coq_nil),
+ convertTyp v.vtype)
+(** Convert a [Cil.GVarDecl] into an external function declaration *)
+let convertExtFun v =
+ updateLoc(v.vdecl);
+ match convertTyp v.vtype with
+ | Tfunction(args, res) ->
+ let id = intern_string v.vname in
+ Datatypes.Coq_pair (id, External(id, args, res))
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+(** Convert a [Cil.global list] into a pair whose first component,
+ of type [(ident * coq_function) coqlist], represents the definitions of the
+ functions and the second component, of type [(ident * coq_type) coqlist],
+ the definitions of the global variables of the program *)
+let rec processGlobals = function
+ | [] -> (CList.Coq_nil, CList.Coq_nil)
+ | g :: l ->
+ let (fList, vList) as rem = processGlobals l in
+ match g with
+ | GType _ -> rem (* typedefs are unrolled... *)
+ | GCompTag _ -> rem
+ | GCompTagDecl _ -> rem
+ | GEnumTag _ -> rem (* enum constants are folded... *)
+ | GEnumTagDecl _ -> rem
+ | GVarDecl (v, loc) ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ (* Functions become external declarations,
+ variables become uninitialized variables *)
+ if Cil.isFunctionType v.vtype
+ then (CList.Coq_cons (convertExtFun v, fList), vList)
+ else (fList, CList.Coq_cons (convertExtVar v, vList))
+ | GVar (v, init, loc) ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ (fList, CList.Coq_cons (convertGVar v init, vList))
+ | GFun (fdec, loc) ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ (CList.Coq_cons (convertGFun fdec, fList), vList)
+ | GAsm (_, loc) ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ raise (Unsupported (currentLoc() ^ "asm statement"))
+ | GPragma (_, loc) ->
+ updateLoc(loc);
+ print_string ("Warning: " ^
+ currentLoc() ^ "pragma directive ignored\n");
+ rem
+ | GText _ -> rem (* comments are ignored *)
+(** Eliminate forward declarations of globals that are defined later *)
+let cleanupGlobals globs =
+ let defined =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun g def ->
+ match g with GVar (v, init, loc) -> v.vname :: def
+ | _ -> def)
+ globs [] in
+ List.filter
+ (function GVarDecl(v, loc) -> not(List.mem v.vname defined)
+ | g -> true)
+ globs
+(** Convert a [Cil.file] into a [CabsCoq.program] *)
+let convertFile f =
+ currentGlobalPrefix :=
+ Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename f.fileName);
+ stringNum := 0;
+ Hashtbl.clear stringTable;
+ let (funList, defList) = processGlobals (cleanupGlobals f.globals) in
+ let funList' = match f.globinit with
+ | Some fdec -> CList.Coq_cons (convertGFun fdec, funList)
+ | None -> funList in
+ let defList' = globals_for_strings defList in
+ if not !mainFound then (* no main function *)
+ print_string ("Warning: program has no main function! (you should \
+ probably have used ccomp's -nomain option)\n");
+ { AST.prog_funct = funList';
+ AST.prog_vars = defList';
+ AST.prog_main = intern_string "main" }
diff --git a/caml/Main2.ml b/caml/Main2.ml
index 41815758..713af82b 100644
--- a/caml/Main2.ml
+++ b/caml/Main2.ml
@@ -1,5 +1,105 @@
open Printf
-open Datatypes
+(* For the CIL -> Csyntax translator:
+ * The meaning of some type specifiers may depend on compiler options:
+ the size of an int or the default signedness of char, for instance.
+ * Those type conversions may be parameterized thanks to a functor.
+ * Remark: [None] means that the type specifier is not supported
+ (that is, an Unsupported exception will be raised if that type
+ specifier is encountered in the program).
+module TypeSpecifierTranslator = struct
+ open Cil
+ open Csyntax
+ (** Convert a Cil.ikind into an (intsize * signedness) option *)
+ let convertIkind = function
+ | IChar -> Some (I8, Unsigned)
+ | ISChar -> Some (I8, Signed)
+ | IUChar -> Some (I8, Unsigned)
+ | IInt -> Some (I32, Signed)
+ | IUInt -> Some (I32, Unsigned)
+ | IShort -> Some (I16, Signed)
+ | IUShort -> Some (I16, Unsigned)
+ | ILong -> Some (I32, Signed)
+ | IULong -> Some (I32, Unsigned)
+ | ILongLong -> (***Some (I32, Signed)***) None
+ | IULongLong -> (***Some (I32, Unsigned)***) None
+ (** Convert a Cil.fkind into an floatsize option *)
+ let convertFkind = function
+ | FFloat -> Some F32
+ | FDouble -> Some F64
+ | FLongDouble -> (***Some F64***) None
+module Cil2CsyntaxTranslator = Cil2Csyntax.Make(TypeSpecifierTranslator)
+let prepro_options = ref []
+let save_csyntax = ref false
+let preprocess file =
+ let temp = Filename.temp_file "compcert" ".i" in
+ let cmd =
+ sprintf "gcc %s -D__COMPCERT__ -E %s > %s"
+ (String.concat " " (List.rev !prepro_options))
+ file
+ temp in
+ if Sys.command cmd = 0
+ then temp
+ else (eprintf "Error during preprocessing.\n"; exit 2)
+let process_c_file sourcename =
+ let targetname = Filename.chop_suffix sourcename ".c" in
+ (* Preprocessing with cpp *)
+ let preproname = preprocess sourcename in
+ (* Parsing and production of a CIL.file *)
+ let cil =
+ try
+ Frontc.parse preproname ()
+ with
+ Frontc.ParseError msg ->
+ eprintf "Error during parsing: %s\n" msg;
+ exit 2 in
+ Sys.remove preproname;
+ (* Restore source file name before preprocessing *)
+ cil.Cil.fileName <- sourcename;
+ (* Cleanup in the CIL.file *)
+ Rmtmps.removeUnusedTemps ~isRoot:Rmtmps.isExportedRoot cil;
+ (* Conversion to Csyntax *)
+ let csyntax =
+ try
+ Cil2CsyntaxTranslator.convertFile cil
+ with
+ | Cil2CsyntaxTranslator.Unsupported msg ->
+ eprintf "Unsupported C feature: %s\n" msg;
+ exit 2
+ | Failure msg ->
+ eprintf "Error in translation CIL -> Csyntax:\n%s\n" msg;
+ exit 2 in
+ (* Save Csyntax if requested *)
+ if !save_csyntax then begin
+ let oc = open_out (targetname ^ ".csyntax") in
+ PrintCsyntax.print_program (Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc) csyntax;
+ close_out oc
+ end;
+ (* Convert to PPC *)
+ let ppc =
+ match Main.transf_c_program csyntax with
+ | Datatypes.Some x -> x
+ | Datatypes.None ->
+ eprintf "Error in translation Csyntax -> PPC\n";
+ exit 2 in
+ (* Save PPC asm *)
+ let oc = open_out (targetname ^ ".s") in
+ PrintPPC.print_program oc ppc;
+ close_out oc
let process_cminor_file sourcename =
let targetname = Filename.chop_suffix sourcename ".cm" ^ ".s" in
@@ -9,10 +109,10 @@ let process_cminor_file sourcename =
match Main.transf_cminor_program
(CMparser.prog CMlexer.token lb)) with
- | None ->
+ | Datatypes.None ->
eprintf "Compiler failure\n";
exit 2
- | Some p ->
+ | Datatypes.Some p ->
let oc = open_out targetname in
PrintPPC.print_program oc p;
close_out oc
@@ -29,12 +129,36 @@ let process_cminor_file sourcename =
sourcename msg;
exit 2
-let process_file filename =
- if Filename.check_suffix filename ".cm" then
- process_cminor_file filename
- else
- raise (Arg.Bad ("unknown file type " ^ filename))
+(* Command-line parsing *)
+let starts_with s1 s2 =
+ String.length s1 >= String.length s2 &&
+ String.sub s1 0 (String.length s2) = s2
+let rec parse_cmdline i =
+ if i < Array.length Sys.argv then begin
+ let s = Sys.argv.(i) in
+ if s = "-dcsyntax" then begin
+ save_csyntax := true;
+ parse_cmdline (i + 1)
+ end else
+ if starts_with s "-I" || starts_with s "-D" || starts_with s "-U"
+ then begin
+ prepro_options := s :: !prepro_options;
+ parse_cmdline (i + 1)
+ end else
+ if Filename.check_suffix s ".cm" then begin
+ process_cminor_file s;
+ parse_cmdline (i + 1)
+ end else
+ if Filename.check_suffix s ".c" then begin
+ process_c_file s;
+ parse_cmdline (i + 1)
+ end else begin
+ eprintf "Unknown argument `%s'\n" s;
+ exit 2
+ end
+ end
let _ =
- Arg.parse [] process_file
- "Usage: ccomp <options> <files>\nOptions are:"
+ parse_cmdline 1
diff --git a/caml/PrintCsyntax.ml b/caml/PrintCsyntax.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff2af16d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caml/PrintCsyntax.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+(** Pretty-printer for Csyntax *)
+open Format
+open Camlcoq
+open CList
+open Datatypes
+open AST
+open Csyntax
+let name_unop = function
+ | Onotbool -> "!"
+ | Onotint -> "~"
+ | Oneg -> "-"
+let name_binop = function
+ | Oadd -> "+"
+ | Osub -> "-"
+ | Omul -> "*"
+ | Odiv -> "/"
+ | Omod -> "%"
+ | Oand -> "&"
+ | Oor -> "|"
+ | Oxor -> "^"
+ | Oshl -> "<<"
+ | Oshr -> ">>"
+ | Oeq -> "=="
+ | One -> "!="
+ | Olt -> "<"
+ | Ogt -> ">"
+ | Ole -> "<="
+ | Oge -> ">="
+let name_inttype sz sg =
+ match sz, sg with
+ | I8, Signed -> "signed char"
+ | I8, Unsigned -> "unsigned char"
+ | I16, Signed -> "short"
+ | I16, Unsigned -> "unsigned short"
+ | I32, Signed -> "int"
+ | I32, Unsigned -> "unsigned int"
+let name_floattype sz =
+ match sz with
+ | F32 -> "float"
+ | F64 -> "double"
+(* Naming of structs and unions *)
+type su_kind = Struct | Union
+let struct_union_names = ref []
+let struct_union_name_counter = ref 0
+let register_struct_union kind fld =
+ if not (List.mem_assoc (kind, fld) !struct_union_names) then begin
+ incr struct_union_name_counter;
+ let s =
+ match kind with
+ | Struct -> sprintf "s%d" !struct_union_name_counter
+ | Union -> sprintf "u%d" !struct_union_name_counter in
+ struct_union_names := ((kind, fld), s) :: !struct_union_names
+ end
+let struct_union_name kind fld =
+ try List.assoc (kind, fld) !struct_union_names with Not_found -> "<unknown>"
+(* Declarator (identifier + type) *)
+let name_optid id =
+ if id = "" then "" else " " ^ id
+let parenthesize_if_pointer id =
+ if String.length id > 0 && id.[0] = '*' then "(" ^ id ^ ")" else id
+let rec name_cdecl id ty =
+ match ty with
+ | Tvoid ->
+ "void" ^ name_optid id
+ | Tint(sz, sg) ->
+ name_inttype sz sg ^ name_optid id
+ | Tfloat sz ->
+ name_floattype sz ^ name_optid id
+ | Tpointer t ->
+ name_cdecl ("*" ^ id) t
+ | Tarray(t, n) ->
+ name_cdecl
+ (sprintf "%s[%ld]" (parenthesize_if_pointer id) (camlint_of_coqint n))
+ t
+ | Tfunction(args, res) ->
+ let b = Buffer.create 20 in
+ if id = ""
+ then Buffer.add_string b "(*)"
+ else Buffer.add_string b (parenthesize_if_pointer id);
+ Buffer.add_char b '(';
+ let rec add_args first = function
+ | Tnil -> ()
+ | Tcons(t1, tl) ->
+ if not first then Buffer.add_string b ", ";
+ Buffer.add_string b (name_cdecl "" t1);
+ add_args false tl in
+ add_args true args;
+ Buffer.add_char b ')';
+ name_cdecl (Buffer.contents b) res
+ | Tstruct fld ->
+ "struct " ^ struct_union_name Struct fld ^ name_optid id
+ | Tunion fld ->
+ "union " ^ struct_union_name Union fld ^ name_optid id
+(* Type *)
+let name_type ty = name_cdecl "" ty
+(* Expressions *)
+let parenthesis_level (Expr (e, ty)) =
+ match e with
+ | Econst_int _ -> 0
+ | Econst_float _ -> 0
+ | Evar _ -> 0
+ | Eunop(_, _) -> 30
+ | Ederef _ -> 20
+ | Eaddrof _ -> 30
+ | Ebinop(op, _, _) ->
+ begin match op with
+ | Oand | Oor | Oxor -> 75
+ | Oeq | One | Olt | Ogt | Ole | Oge -> 70
+ | Oadd | Osub | Oshl | Oshr -> 60
+ | Omul | Odiv | Omod -> 40
+ end
+ | Ecast _ -> 30
+ | Eindex(_, _) -> 20
+ | Ecall(_, _) -> 20
+ | Eandbool(_, _) -> 80
+ | Eorbool(_, _) -> 80
+ | Esizeof _ -> 20
+ | Efield _ -> 20
+let rec print_expr p (Expr (eb, ty) as e) =
+ let level = parenthesis_level e in
+ match eb with
+ | Econst_int n ->
+ fprintf p "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Econst_float f ->
+ fprintf p "%F" f
+ | Evar id ->
+ fprintf p "%s" (extern_atom id)
+ | Eunop(op, e1) ->
+ fprintf p "%s%a" (name_unop op) print_expr_prec (level, e1)
+ | Ederef e ->
+ fprintf p "*%a" print_expr_prec (level, e)
+ | Eaddrof e ->
+ fprintf p "&%a" print_expr_prec (level, e)
+ | Ebinop(op, e1, e2) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 0>%a@ %s %a@]"
+ print_expr_prec (level, e1)
+ (name_binop op)
+ print_expr_prec (level, e2)
+ | Ecast(ty, e1) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(%s)@,%a@]"
+ (name_type ty)
+ print_expr_prec (level, e1)
+ | Eindex(e1, e2) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>%a@,[%a]@]"
+ print_expr_prec (level, e1)
+ print_expr_prec (level, e2)
+ | Ecall(e1, el) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>%a@,(@[<hov 0>%a@])@]"
+ print_expr_prec (level, e1)
+ print_expr_list (true, el)
+ | Eandbool(e1, e2) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 0>%a@ && %a@]"
+ print_expr_prec (level, e1)
+ print_expr_prec (level, e2)
+ | Eorbool(e1, e2) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 0>%a@ || %a@]"
+ print_expr_prec (level, e1)
+ print_expr_prec (level, e2)
+ | Esizeof ty ->
+ fprintf p "sizeof(%s)" (name_type ty)
+ | Efield(e1, id) ->
+ fprintf p "%a.%s" print_expr_prec (level, e1) (extern_atom id)
+and print_expr_prec p (context_prec, e) =
+ let this_prec = parenthesis_level e in
+ if this_prec >= context_prec
+ then fprintf p "(%a)" print_expr e
+ else print_expr p e
+and print_expr_list p (first, el) =
+ match el with
+ | Enil -> ()
+ | Econs(e1, et) ->
+ if not first then fprintf p ",@ ";
+ print_expr p e1;
+ print_expr_list p (false, et)
+let rec print_stmt p s =
+ match s with
+ | Sskip ->
+ fprintf p "/*skip*/;"
+ | Sexpr e ->
+ fprintf p "%a;" print_expr e
+ | Sassign(e1, e2) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hv 2>%a =@ %a;@]" print_expr e1 print_expr e2
+ | Ssequence(s1, s2) ->
+ fprintf p "%a@ %a" print_stmt s1 print_stmt s2
+ | Sifthenelse(e, s1, Sskip) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>if (%a) {@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]"
+ print_expr e
+ print_stmt s1
+ | Sifthenelse(e, s1, s2) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>if (%a) {@ %a@;<0 -2>} else {@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]"
+ print_expr e
+ print_stmt s1
+ print_stmt s2
+ | Swhile(e, s) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>while (%a) {@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]"
+ print_expr e
+ print_stmt s
+ | Sdowhile(e, s) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>do {@ %a@;<0 -2>} while(%a);@]"
+ print_stmt s
+ print_expr e
+ | Sfor(s_init, e, s_iter, s_body) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>for (@[<hv 0>%a;@ %a;@ %a) {@]@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]"
+ print_stmt_for s_init
+ print_expr e
+ print_stmt_for s_iter
+ print_stmt s_body
+ | Sbreak ->
+ fprintf p "break;"
+ | Scontinue ->
+ fprintf p "continue;"
+ | Sswitch(e, cases) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>switch (%a) {@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]"
+ print_expr e
+ print_cases cases
+ | Sreturn None ->
+ fprintf p "return;"
+ | Sreturn (Some e) ->
+ fprintf p "return %a;" print_expr e
+and print_cases p cases =
+ match cases with
+ | LSdefault Sskip ->
+ ()
+ | LSdefault s ->
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>default:@ %a@]" print_stmt s
+ | LScase(lbl, Sskip, rem) ->
+ fprintf p "case %ld:@ %a"
+ (camlint_of_coqint lbl)
+ print_cases rem
+ | LScase(lbl, s, rem) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>case %ld:@ %a@]@ %a"
+ (camlint_of_coqint lbl)
+ print_stmt s
+ print_cases rem
+and print_stmt_for p s =
+ match s with
+ | Sskip ->
+ fprintf p "/*nothing*/"
+ | Sexpr e ->
+ fprintf p "%a" print_expr e
+ | Sassign(e1, e2) ->
+ fprintf p "%a = %a" print_expr e1 print_expr e2
+ | Ssequence(s1, s2) ->
+ fprintf p "%a, %a" print_stmt_for s1 print_stmt_for s2
+ | _ ->
+ fprintf p "<impossible>"
+let name_function_parameters fun_name params =
+ let b = Buffer.create 20 in
+ Buffer.add_string b fun_name;
+ Buffer.add_char b '(';
+ let rec add_params first = function
+ | Coq_nil -> ()
+ | Coq_cons(Coq_pair(id, ty), rem) ->
+ if not first then Buffer.add_string b ", ";
+ Buffer.add_string b (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) ty);
+ add_params false rem in
+ add_params true params;
+ Buffer.add_char b ')';
+ Buffer.contents b
+let print_function p id f =
+ fprintf p "%s@ "
+ (name_cdecl (name_function_parameters (extern_atom id)
+ f.fn_params)
+ f.fn_return);
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>{@ ";
+ coqlist_iter
+ (fun (Coq_pair(id, ty)) ->
+ fprintf p "%s;@ " (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) ty))
+ f.fn_vars;
+ print_stmt p f.fn_body;
+ fprintf p "@;<0 -2>}@]@ @ "
+let print_fundef p (Coq_pair(id, fd)) =
+ match fd with
+ | External(_, args, res) ->
+ fprintf p "extern %s;@ "
+ (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) (Tfunction(args, res)))
+ | Internal f ->
+ print_function p id f
+let print_init p = function
+ | Init_int8 n -> fprintf p "%ld,@ " (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Init_int16 n -> fprintf p "%ld,@ " (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Init_int32 n -> fprintf p "%ld,@ " (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Init_float32 n -> fprintf p "%F,@ " n
+ | Init_float64 n -> fprintf p "%F,@ " n
+ | Init_space n -> fprintf p "/* skip %ld*/@ " (camlint_of_coqint n)
+let print_globvar p (Coq_pair(Coq_pair(id, init), ty)) =
+ match init with
+ | Coq_nil ->
+ fprintf p "extern %s;@ "
+ (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) ty)
+ | Coq_cons(Init_space _, Coq_nil) ->
+ fprintf p "%s;@ "
+ (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) ty)
+ | _ ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>%s = {@ "
+ (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) ty);
+ coqlist_iter (print_init p) init;
+ fprintf p "};@]@ "
+(* Collect struct and union types *)
+let rec collect_type = function
+ | Tvoid -> ()
+ | Tint(sz, sg) -> ()
+ | Tfloat sz -> ()
+ | Tpointer t -> collect_type t
+ | Tarray(t, n) -> collect_type t
+ | Tfunction(args, res) -> collect_type_list args; collect_type res
+ | Tstruct fld -> register_struct_union Struct fld; collect_fields fld
+ | Tunion fld -> register_struct_union Union fld; collect_fields fld
+and collect_type_list = function
+ | Tnil -> ()
+ | Tcons(hd, tl) -> collect_type hd; collect_type_list tl
+and collect_fields = function
+ | Fnil -> ()
+ | Fcons(id, hd, tl) -> collect_type hd; collect_fields tl
+let rec collect_expr (Expr(ed, ty)) =
+ match ed with
+ | Econst_int n -> ()
+ | Econst_float f -> ()
+ | Evar id -> ()
+ | Eunop(op, e1) -> collect_expr e1
+ | Ederef e -> collect_expr e
+ | Eaddrof e -> collect_expr e
+ | Ebinop(op, e1, e2) -> collect_expr e1; collect_expr e2
+ | Ecast(ty, e1) -> collect_type ty; collect_expr e1
+ | Eindex(e1, e2) -> collect_expr e1; collect_expr e2
+ | Ecall(e1, el) -> collect_expr e1; collect_expr_list el
+ | Eandbool(e1, e2) -> collect_expr e1; collect_expr e2
+ | Eorbool(e1, e2) -> collect_expr e1; collect_expr e2
+ | Esizeof ty -> collect_type ty
+ | Efield(e1, id) -> collect_expr e1
+and collect_expr_list = function
+ | Enil -> ()
+ | Econs(hd, tl) -> collect_expr hd; collect_expr_list tl
+let rec collect_stmt = function
+ | Sskip -> ()
+ | Sexpr e -> collect_expr e
+ | Sassign(e1, e2) -> collect_expr e1; collect_expr e2
+ | Ssequence(s1, s2) -> collect_stmt s1; collect_stmt s2
+ | Sifthenelse(e, s1, s2) -> collect_expr e; collect_stmt s1; collect_stmt s2
+ | Swhile(e, s) -> collect_expr e; collect_stmt s
+ | Sdowhile(e, s) -> collect_stmt s; collect_expr e
+ | Sfor(s_init, e, s_iter, s_body) ->
+ collect_stmt s_init; collect_expr e;
+ collect_stmt s_iter; collect_stmt s_body
+ | Sbreak -> ()
+ | Scontinue -> ()
+ | Sswitch(e, cases) -> collect_expr e; collect_cases cases
+ | Sreturn None -> ()
+ | Sreturn (Some e) -> collect_expr e
+and collect_cases = function
+ | LSdefault s -> collect_stmt s
+ | LScase(lbl, s, rem) -> collect_stmt s; collect_cases rem
+let collect_function f =
+ collect_type f.fn_return;
+ coqlist_iter (fun (Coq_pair(id, ty)) -> collect_type ty) f.fn_params;
+ coqlist_iter (fun (Coq_pair(id, ty)) -> collect_type ty) f.fn_vars;
+ collect_stmt f.fn_body
+let collect_fundef (Coq_pair(id, fd)) =
+ match fd with
+ | External(_, args, res) -> collect_type_list args; collect_type res
+ | Internal f -> collect_function f
+let collect_globvar (Coq_pair(Coq_pair(id, init), ty)) =
+ collect_type ty
+let collect_program p =
+ coqlist_iter collect_globvar p.prog_vars;
+ coqlist_iter collect_fundef p.prog_funct
+let print_struct_or_union p ((kind, fld), name) =
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>%s %s{@ "
+ (match kind with Struct -> "struct" | Union -> "union")
+ name;
+ let rec print_fields = function
+ | Fnil -> ()
+ | Fcons(id, ty, rem) ->
+ fprintf p "%s; @ " (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) ty);
+ print_fields rem in
+ print_fields fld;
+ fprintf p "@;<0 -2>}@]@ "
+let print_program p prog =
+ struct_union_names := [];
+ struct_union_name_counter := 0;
+ collect_program prog;
+ fprintf p "@[<v 0>";
+ List.iter (print_struct_or_union p) !struct_union_names;
+ fprintf p "@ ";
+ coqlist_iter (print_globvar p) prog.prog_vars;
+ fprintf p "@ ";
+ coqlist_iter (print_fundef p) prog.prog_funct;
+ fprintf p "@]@."
diff --git a/cil-1.3.5.tar.gz b/cil-1.3.5.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c19144e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cil-1.3.5.tar.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/cil.patch/astslicer.ml.patch b/cil.patch/astslicer.ml.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e8d01954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cil.patch/astslicer.ml.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+*** ../cil/src/ext/astslicer.ml 2006-05-21 06:14:15.000000000 +0200
+--- ../cil_patch/src/ext/astslicer.ml 2006-06-20 17:24:22.000000000 +0200
+*** 1,3 ****
+--- 1,5 ----
++ (* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. *)
+ (*
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2002,
+*** 97,103 ****
+--- 99,110 ----
+ Printf.fprintf out ")\n" ;
+ incr i
+ | Switch(_,b,_,_)
++ (*
+ | Loop(b,_,_,_)
++ *)
++ | While(_,b,_)
++ | DoWhile(_,b,_)
++ | For(_,_,_,b,_)
+ | Block(b) ->
+ emit base i st_ht s ;
+ decr i ;
+*** 371,377 ****
+--- 378,389 ----
+ doBlock b2 base'' i'' inside ;
+ incr i
+ | Switch(_,b,_,_)
++ (*
+ | Loop(b,_,_,_)
++ *)
++ | While(_,b,_)
++ | DoWhile(_,b,_)
++ | For(_,_,_,b,_)
+ | Block(b) ->
+ let inside = check base i default in
+ mark ws s inside ;
diff --git a/cil.patch/cabs2cil.ml.patch b/cil.patch/cabs2cil.ml.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12a81ca5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cil.patch/cabs2cil.ml.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+*** ../cil/src/frontc/cabs2cil.ml 2006-05-21 06:14:15.000000000 +0200
+--- ../cil_patch/src/frontc/cabs2cil.ml 2006-07-25 10:45:51.136500945 +0200
+*** 1,3 ****
+--- 1,7 ----
++ (* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. *)
++ (* MODIF: Return statement no longer added when the body of the function
++ falls-through. *)
+ (*
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2002,
+*** 816,828 ****
+ (fun s ->
+ if s.labels != [] then
+ raise (Failure "cannot duplicate: has labels");
+ (match s.skind with
+! If _ | Switch _ | Loop _ | Block _ ->
+ raise (Failure "cannot duplicate: complex stmt")
+ | Instr il ->
+ pCount := !pCount + List.length il
+ | _ -> incr pCount);
+ if !pCount > 5 then raise (Failure ("cannot duplicate: too many instr"));
+ (* We can just copy it because there is nothing to share here.
+ * Except maybe for the ref cell in Goto but it is Ok to share
+ * that, I think *)
+--- 820,835 ----
+ (fun s ->
+ if s.labels != [] then
+ raise (Failure "cannot duplicate: has labels");
++ (*
+ (match s.skind with
+! If _ | Switch _ | (*Loop _*)
+! While _ | DoWhile _ | For _ | Block _ ->
+ raise (Failure "cannot duplicate: complex stmt")
+ | Instr il ->
+ pCount := !pCount + List.length il
+ | _ -> incr pCount);
+ if !pCount > 5 then raise (Failure ("cannot duplicate: too many instr"));
++ *)
+ (* We can just copy it because there is nothing to share here.
+ * Except maybe for the ref cell in Goto but it is Ok to share
+ * that, I think *)
+*** 838,843 ****
+--- 845,851 ----
+ let canDrop (c: chunk) =
+ List.for_all canDropStatement c.stmts
++ (*
+ let loopChunk (body: chunk) : chunk =
+ (* Make the statement *)
+ let loop = mkStmt (Loop (c2block body, !currentLoc, None, None)) in
+*** 845,850 ****
+--- 853,885 ----
+ postins = [];
+ cases = body.cases;
+ }
++ *)
++ let whileChunk (e: exp) (body: chunk) : chunk =
++ let loop = mkStmt (While (e, c2block body, !currentLoc)) in
++ { stmts = [ loop ];
++ postins = [];
++ cases = body.cases;
++ }
++ let doWhileChunk (e: exp) (body: chunk) : chunk =
++ let loop = mkStmt (DoWhile (e, c2block body, !currentLoc)) in
++ { stmts = [ loop ];
++ postins = [];
++ cases = body.cases;
++ }
++ let forChunk (bInit: chunk) (e: exp) (bIter: chunk)
++ (body: chunk) : chunk =
++ let loop = mkStmt (For (c2block bInit, e, c2block bIter,
++ c2block body, !currentLoc)) in
++ { stmts = [ loop ];
++ postins = [];
++ cases = body.cases;
++ }
+ let breakChunk (l: location) : chunk =
+ { stmts = [ mkStmt (Break l) ];
+*** 959,964 ****
+--- 994,1000 ----
+ (************ Labels ***********)
++ (*
+ (* Since we turn dowhile and for loops into while we need to take care in
+ * processing the continue statement. For each loop that we enter we place a
+ * marker in a list saying what kinds of loop it is. When we see a continue
+*** 971,980 ****
+--- 1007,1035 ----
+ let startLoop iswhile =
+ continues := (if iswhile then While else NotWhile (ref "")) :: !continues
++ *)
++ (* We need to take care while processing the continue statement...
++ * For each loop that we enter we place a marker in a list saying what
++ * chunk of code we must duplicate before each continue statement
++ * in order to preserve the semantics. *)
++ type loopMarker =
++ DuplicateBeforeContinue of chunk
++ let continues : loopMarker list ref = ref []
++ let startLoop lstate =
++ continues := lstate :: !continues
++ let continueDuplicateChunk (l: location) : chunk =
++ match !continues with
++ | [] -> E.s (error "continue not in a loop")
++ | DuplicateBeforeContinue c :: _ -> c @@ continueChunk l
+ (* Sometimes we need to create new label names *)
+ let newLabelName (base: string) = fst (newAlphaName false "label" base)
++ (*
+ let continueOrLabelChunk (l: location) : chunk =
+ match !continues with
+ [] -> E.s (error "continue not in a loop")
+*** 990,995 ****
+--- 1045,1051 ----
+ [] -> E.s (error "labContinue not in a loop")
+ | While :: rest -> c
+ | NotWhile lr :: rest -> if !lr = "" then c else consLabel !lr c !currentLoc false
++ *)
+ let exitLoop () =
+ match !continues with
+*** 5465,5473 ****
+--- 5521,5534 ----
+ * then the switch falls through. *)
+ blockFallsThrough b || blockCanBreak b
+ end
++ (*
+ | Loop (b, _, _, _) ->
+ (* A loop falls through if it can break. *)
+ blockCanBreak b
++ *)
++ | While (_, b, _) -> blockCanBreak b
++ | DoWhile (_, b, _) -> blockCanBreak b
++ | For (_, _, _, b, _) -> blockCanBreak b
+ | Block b -> blockFallsThrough b
+ | TryFinally (b, h, _) -> blockFallsThrough h
+ | TryExcept (b, _, h, _) -> true (* Conservative *)
+*** 5512,5518 ****
+ | Break _ -> true
+ | If (_, b1, b2, _) ->
+ blockCanBreak b1 || blockCanBreak b2
+! | Switch _ | Loop _ ->
+ (* switches and loops catch any breaks in their bodies *)
+ false
+ | Block b -> blockCanBreak b
+--- 5573,5579 ----
+ | Break _ -> true
+ | If (_, b1, b2, _) ->
+ blockCanBreak b1 || blockCanBreak b2
+! | Switch _ | (*Loop _*) While _ | DoWhile _ | For _ ->
+ (* switches and loops catch any breaks in their bodies *)
+ false
+ | Block b -> blockCanBreak b
+*** 5522,5527 ****
+--- 5583,5589 ----
+ List.exists stmtCanBreak b.bstmts
+ in
+ if blockFallsThrough !currentFunctionFDEC.sbody then begin
++ (*
+ let retval =
+ match unrollType !currentReturnType with
+ TVoid _ -> None
+*** 5537,5542 ****
+--- 5599,5605 ----
+ !currentFunctionFDEC.sbody.bstmts <-
+ !currentFunctionFDEC.sbody.bstmts
+ @ [mkStmt (Return(retval, endloc))]
++ *)
+ end;
+ (* ignore (E.log "The env after finishing the body of %s:\n%t\n"
+*** 5738,5743 ****
+--- 5801,5807 ----
+ doCondition false e st' sf'
+ | A.WHILE(e,s,loc) ->
++ (*
+ startLoop true;
+ let s' = doStatement s in
+ exitLoop ();
+*** 5746,5753 ****
+--- 5810,5836 ----
+ loopChunk ((doCondition false e skipChunk
+ (breakChunk loc'))
+ @@ s')
++ *)
++ (** We need to convert A.WHILE(e,s) where e may have side effects
++ into Cil.While(e',s') where e' is side-effect free. *)
++ (* Let e == (sCond , eCond) with sCond a sequence of statements
++ and eCond a side-effect free expression. *)
++ let (sCond, eCond, _) = doExp false e (AExp None) in
++ (* Then doStatement(A.WHILE((sCond , eCond), s))
++ = sCond ; Cil.While(eCond, (doStatement(s) ; sCond))
++ where doStatement(A.CONTINUE) = (sCond ; Cil.Continue). *)
++ startLoop (DuplicateBeforeContinue sCond);
++ let s' = doStatement s in
++ exitLoop ();
++ let loc' = convLoc loc in
++ currentLoc := loc';
++ sCond @@ (whileChunk eCond (s' @@ sCond))
+ | A.DOWHILE(e,s,loc) ->
++ (*
+ startLoop false;
+ let s' = doStatement s in
+ let loc' = convLoc loc in
+*** 5757,5764 ****
+ in
+ exitLoop ();
+ loopChunk (s' @@ s'')
+! | A.FOR(fc1,e2,e3,s,loc) -> begin
+ let loc' = convLoc loc in
+ currentLoc := loc';
+ enterScope (); (* Just in case we have a declaration *)
+--- 5840,5866 ----
+ in
+ exitLoop ();
+ loopChunk (s' @@ s'')
++ *)
++ (** We need to convert A.DOWHILE(e,s) where e may have side effects
++ into Cil.DoWhile(e',s') where e' is side-effect free. *)
++ (* Let e == (sCond , eCond) with sCond a sequence of statements
++ and eCond a side-effect free expression. *)
++ let (sCond, eCond, _) = doExp false e (AExp None) in
++ (* Then doStatement(A.DOWHILE((sCond , eCond), s))
++ = Cil.DoWhile(eCond, (doStatement(s) ; sCond))
++ where doStatement(A.CONTINUE) = (sCond ; Cil.Continue). *)
++ startLoop (DuplicateBeforeContinue sCond);
++ let s' = doStatement s in
++ exitLoop ();
++ let loc' = convLoc loc in
++ currentLoc := loc';
++ doWhileChunk eCond (s' @@ sCond)
+! | A.FOR(fc1,e2,e3,s,loc) ->
+! (*begin
+ let loc' = convLoc loc in
+ currentLoc := loc';
+ enterScope (); (* Just in case we have a declaration *)
+*** 5784,5789 ****
+--- 5886,5920 ----
+ exitScope ();
+ res
+ end
++ *)
++ (** We need to convert A.FOR(e1,e2,e3,s) where e1, e2 and e3 may
++ have side effects into Cil.For(bInit,e2',bIter,s') where e2'
++ is side-effect free. **)
++ (* Let e1 == bInit be a block of statements
++ Let e2 == (bCond , eCond) with bCond a block of statements
++ and eCond a side-effect free expression
++ Let e3 == bIter be a sequence of statements. *)
++ let (bInit, _, _) = match fc1 with
++ | FC_EXP e1 -> doExp false e1 ADrop
++ | FC_DECL d1 -> (doDecl false d1, zero, voidType) in
++ let (bCond, eCond, _) = doExp false e2 (AExp None) in
++ let eCond' = match eCond with
++ | Const(CStr "exp_nothing") -> Cil.one
++ | _ -> eCond in
++ let (bIter, _, _) = doExp false e3 ADrop in
++ (* Then doStatement(A.FOR(bInit, (bCond , eCond), bIter, s))
++ = Cil.For({bInit; bCond}, eCond', bIter, {doStatement(s); bCond})
++ where doStatement(A.CONTINUE) = (bCond ; Cil.Continue). *)
++ startLoop (DuplicateBeforeContinue bCond);
++ let s' = doStatement s in
++ exitLoop ();
++ let loc' = convLoc loc in
++ currentLoc := loc';
++ (forChunk (bInit @@ bCond) eCond' bIter (s' @@ bCond))
+ | A.BREAK loc ->
+ let loc' = convLoc loc in
+ currentLoc := loc';
+*** 5792,5798 ****
+--- 5923,5932 ----
+ | A.CONTINUE loc ->
+ let loc' = convLoc loc in
+ currentLoc := loc';
++ (*
+ continueOrLabelChunk loc'
++ *)
++ continueDuplicateChunk loc'
+ | A.RETURN (A.NOTHING, loc) ->
+ let loc' = convLoc loc in
diff --git a/cil.patch/cfg.ml.patch b/cil.patch/cfg.ml.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9629d46c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cil.patch/cfg.ml.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+*** ../cil/src/ext/cfg.ml 2006-05-21 06:14:15.000000000 +0200
+--- ../cil_patch/src/ext/cfg.ml 2006-06-20 17:42:04.000000000 +0200
+*** 1,3 ****
+--- 1,5 ----
++ (* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. *)
+ (*
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2003,
+*** 156,162 ****
+--- 158,169 ----
+ then
+ addOptionSucc next;
+ cfgBlock blk next next cont
++ (*
+ | Loop(blk,_,_,_) ->
++ *)
++ | While(_,blk,_)
++ | DoWhile(_,blk,_)
++ | For(_,_,_,blk,_) ->
+ addBlockSucc blk;
+ cfgBlock blk (Some s) next (Some s)
+ (* Since all loops have terminating condition true, we don't put
+*** 184,190 ****
+--- 191,202 ----
+ | Block b -> fasBlock todo b
+ | If (_, tb, fb, _) -> (fasBlock todo tb; fasBlock todo fb)
+ | Switch (_, b, _, _) -> fasBlock todo b
++ (*
+ | Loop (b, _, _, _) -> fasBlock todo b
++ *)
++ | While (_, b, _) -> fasBlock todo b
++ | DoWhile (_, b, _) -> fasBlock todo b
++ | For (_, _, _, b, _) -> fasBlock todo b
+ | (Return _ | Break _ | Continue _ | Goto _ | Instr _) -> ()
+ | TryExcept _ | TryFinally _ -> E.s (E.unimp "try/except/finally")
+ end
+*** 201,207 ****
+--- 213,224 ----
+ begin
+ match s.skind with
+ | If (e, _, _, _) -> "if" (*sprint ~width:999 (dprintf "if %a" d_exp e)*)
++ (*
+ | Loop _ -> "loop"
++ *)
++ | While _ -> "while"
++ | DoWhile _ -> "dowhile"
++ | For _ -> "for"
+ | Break _ -> "break"
+ | Continue _ -> "continue"
+ | Goto _ -> "goto"
diff --git a/cil.patch/check.ml.patch b/cil.patch/check.ml.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7fe183f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cil.patch/check.ml.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+*** ../cil/src/check.ml 2006-05-21 06:14:15.000000000 +0200
+--- ../cil_patch/src/check.ml 2006-06-21 11:13:35.000000000 +0200
+*** 1,3 ****
+--- 1,5 ----
++ (* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. *)
+ (*
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2002,
+*** 661,667 ****
+ (fun _ ->
+ (* Print context only for certain small statements *)
+ match s.skind with
+! Loop _ | If _ | Switch _ -> nil
+ | _ -> dprintf "checkStmt: %a" d_stmt s)
+ (fun _ ->
+ (* Check the labels *)
+--- 663,669 ----
+ (fun _ ->
+ (* Print context only for certain small statements *)
+ match s.skind with
+! (*Loop _*) While _ | DoWhile _ | For _ | If _ | Switch _ -> nil
+ | _ -> dprintf "checkStmt: %a" d_stmt s)
+ (fun _ ->
+ (* Check the labels *)
+*** 704,710 ****
+--- 706,731 ----
+ | None, _ -> ignore (warn "Invalid return value")
+ | Some re', rt' -> checkExpType false re' rt'
+ end
++ (*
+ | Loop (b, l, _, _) -> checkBlock b
++ *)
++ | While (e, b, l) ->
++ currentLoc := l;
++ let te = checkExp false e in
++ checkBooleanType te;
++ checkBlock b;
++ | DoWhile (e, b, l) ->
++ currentLoc := l;
++ let te = checkExp false e in
++ checkBooleanType te;
++ checkBlock b;
++ | For (bInit, e, bIter, b, l) ->
++ currentLoc := l;
++ checkBlock bInit;
++ let te = checkExp false e in
++ checkBooleanType te;
++ checkBlock bIter;
++ checkBlock b;
+ | Block b -> checkBlock b
+ | If (e, bt, bf, l) ->
+ currentLoc := l;
diff --git a/cil.patch/cil.ml.patch b/cil.patch/cil.ml.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a49b73d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cil.patch/cil.ml.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+*** ../cil/src/cil.ml 2006-05-21 06:14:15.000000000 +0200
+--- ../cil_patch/src/cil.ml 2006-07-25 10:57:30.686790845 +0200
+*** 1,3 ****
+--- 1,6 ----
++ (* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. *)
++ (* MODIF: useLogicalOperators flag set to true by default. *)
+ (*
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2003,
+*** 63,69 ****
+ * print output for the MS VC
+ * compiler. Default is GCC *)
+! let useLogicalOperators = ref false
+ module M = Machdep
+--- 66,72 ----
+ * print output for the MS VC
+ * compiler. Default is GCC *)
+! let useLogicalOperators = ref (*false*) true
+ module M = Machdep
+*** 684,692 ****
+ | Goto of stmt ref * location (** A goto statement. Appears from
+ actual goto's in the code. *)
+ | Break of location (** A break to the end of the nearest
+! enclosing Loop or Switch *)
+ | Continue of location (** A continue to the start of the
+! nearest enclosing [Loop] *)
+ | If of exp * block * block * location (** A conditional.
+ Two successors, the "then" and
+ the "else" branches. Both
+--- 687,695 ----
+ | Goto of stmt ref * location (** A goto statement. Appears from
+ actual goto's in the code. *)
+ | Break of location (** A break to the end of the nearest
+! enclosing loop or Switch *)
+ | Continue of location (** A continue to the start of the
+! nearest enclosing loop *)
+ | If of exp * block * block * location (** A conditional.
+ Two successors, the "then" and
+ the "else" branches. Both
+*** 701,706 ****
+--- 704,710 ----
+ you can get from the labels of the
+ statement *)
++ (*
+ | Loop of block * location * (stmt option) * (stmt option)
+ (** A [while(1)] loop. The
+ * termination test is implemented
+*** 713,718 ****
+--- 717,726 ----
+ * and the second will point to
+ * the stmt containing the break
+ * label for this loop. *)
++ *)
++ | While of exp * block * location (** A while loop. *)
++ | DoWhile of exp * block * location (** A do...while loop. *)
++ | For of block * exp * block * block * location (** A for loop. *)
+ | Block of block (** Just a block of statements. Use it
+ as a way to keep some attributes
+*** 1040,1046 ****
+--- 1048,1059 ----
+ | Continue(loc) -> loc
+ | If(_, _, _, loc) -> loc
+ | Switch (_, _, _, loc) -> loc
++ (*
+ | Loop (_, loc, _, _) -> loc
++ *)
++ | While (_, _, loc) -> loc
++ | DoWhile (_, _, loc) -> loc
++ | For (_, _, _, _, loc) -> loc
+ | Block b -> if b.bstmts == [] then lu
+ else get_stmtLoc ((List.hd b.bstmts).skind)
+ | TryFinally (_, _, l) -> l
+*** 1524,1533 ****
+--- 1537,1549 ----
+ let mkWhile ~(guard:exp) ~(body: stmt list) : stmt list =
+ (* Do it like this so that the pretty printer recognizes it *)
++ (*
+ [ mkStmt (Loop (mkBlock (mkStmt (If(guard,
+ mkBlock [ mkEmptyStmt () ],
+ mkBlock [ mkStmt (Break lu)], lu)) ::
+ body), lu, None, None)) ]
++ *)
++ [ mkStmt (While (guard, mkBlock body, lu)) ]
+*** 3448,3453 ****
+--- 3464,3471 ----
+ ++ self#pExp () e
+ ++ text ") "
+ ++ self#pBlock () b)
++ (*
+ | Loop(b, l, _, _) -> begin
+ (* Maybe the first thing is a conditional. Turn it into a WHILE *)
+ try
+*** 3484,3489 ****
+--- 3502,3540 ----
+ ++ text "ile (1) "
+ ++ self#pBlock () b)
+ end
++ *)
++ | While (e, b, l) ->
++ self#pLineDirective l
++ ++ (align
++ ++ text "while ("
++ ++ self#pExp () e
++ ++ text ") "
++ ++ self#pBlock () b)
++ | DoWhile (e, b, l) ->
++ self#pLineDirective l
++ ++ (align
++ ++ text "do "
++ ++ self#pBlock () b
++ ++ text " while ("
++ ++ self#pExp () e
++ ++ text ");")
++ | For (bInit, e, bIter, b, l) ->
++ ignore (E.warn
++ "in for loops, the 1st and 3rd expressions are not printed");
++ self#pLineDirective l
++ ++ (align
++ ++ text "for ("
++ ++ text "/* ??? */" (* self#pBlock () bInit *)
++ ++ text "; "
++ ++ self#pExp () e
++ ++ text "; "
++ ++ text "/* ??? */" (* self#pBlock() bIter *)
++ ++ text ") "
++ ++ self#pBlock () b)
+ | Block b -> align ++ self#pBlock () b
+ | TryFinally (b, h, l) ->
+*** 4705,4713 ****
+--- 4756,4781 ----
+ | Return (Some e, l) ->
+ let e' = fExp e in
+ if e' != e then Return (Some e', l) else s.skind
++ (*
+ | Loop (b, l, s1, s2) ->
+ let b' = fBlock b in
+ if b' != b then Loop (b', l, s1, s2) else s.skind
++ *)
++ | While (e, b, l) ->
++ let e' = fExp e in
++ let b' = fBlock b in
++ if e' != e || b' != b then While (e', b', l) else s.skind
++ | DoWhile (e, b, l) ->
++ let b' = fBlock b in
++ let e' = fExp e in
++ if e' != e || b' != b then DoWhile (e', b', l) else s.skind
++ | For (bInit, e, bIter, b, l) ->
++ let bInit' = fBlock bInit in
++ let e' = fExp e in
++ let bIter' = fBlock bIter in
++ let b' = fBlock b in
++ if bInit' != bInit || e' != e || bIter' != bIter || b' != b then
++ For (bInit', e', bIter', b', l) else s.skind
+ | If(e, s1, s2, l) ->
+ let e' = fExp e in
+ (*if e queued any instructions, pop them here and remember them so that
+*** 5180,5186 ****
+--- 5248,5262 ----
+ peepHole1 doone tb.bstmts;
+ peepHole1 doone eb.bstmts
+ | Switch (e, b, _, _) -> peepHole1 doone b.bstmts
++ (*
+ | Loop (b, l, _, _) -> peepHole1 doone b.bstmts
++ *)
++ | While (_, b, _) -> peepHole1 doone b.bstmts
++ | DoWhile (_, b, _) -> peepHole1 doone b.bstmts
++ | For (bInit, _, bIter, b, _) ->
++ peepHole1 doone bInit.bstmts;
++ peepHole1 doone bIter.bstmts;
++ peepHole1 doone b.bstmts
+ | Block b -> peepHole1 doone b.bstmts
+ | TryFinally (b, h, l) ->
+ peepHole1 doone b.bstmts;
+*** 5214,5220 ****
+--- 5290,5304 ----
+ peepHole2 dotwo tb.bstmts;
+ peepHole2 dotwo eb.bstmts
+ | Switch (e, b, _, _) -> peepHole2 dotwo b.bstmts
++ (*
+ | Loop (b, l, _, _) -> peepHole2 dotwo b.bstmts
++ *)
++ | While (_, b, _) -> peepHole2 dotwo b.bstmts
++ | DoWhile (_, b, _) -> peepHole2 dotwo b.bstmts
++ | For (bInit, _, bIter, b, _) ->
++ peepHole2 dotwo bInit.bstmts;
++ peepHole2 dotwo bIter.bstmts;
++ peepHole2 dotwo b.bstmts
+ | Block b -> peepHole2 dotwo b.bstmts
+ | TryFinally (b, h, l) -> peepHole2 dotwo b.bstmts;
+ peepHole2 dotwo h.bstmts
+*** 5887,5892 ****
+--- 5971,5977 ----
+ [] -> trylink s fallthrough
+ | hd :: tl -> (link s hd ; succpred_block b2 fallthrough ))
++ (*
+ | Loop(b,l,_,_) ->
+ begin match b.bstmts with
+ [] -> failwith "computeCFGInfo: empty loop"
+*** 5894,5899 ****
+--- 5979,6011 ----
+ link s hd ;
+ succpred_block b (Some(hd))
+ end
++ *)
++ | While (e, b, l) -> begin match b.bstmts with
++ | [] -> failwith "computeCFGInfo: empty loop"
++ | hd :: tl -> link s hd ;
++ succpred_block b (Some(hd))
++ end
++ | DoWhile (e, b, l) ->begin match b.bstmts with
++ | [] -> failwith "computeCFGInfo: empty loop"
++ | hd :: tl -> link s hd ;
++ succpred_block b (Some(hd))
++ end
++ | For (bInit, e, bIter, b, l) ->
++ (match bInit.bstmts with
++ | [] -> failwith "computeCFGInfo: empty loop"
++ | hd :: tl -> link s hd ;
++ succpred_block bInit (Some(hd))) ;
++ (match bIter.bstmts with
++ | [] -> failwith "computeCFGInfo: empty loop"
++ | hd :: tl -> link s hd ;
++ succpred_block bIter (Some(hd))) ;
++ (match b.bstmts with
++ | [] -> failwith "computeCFGInfo: empty loop"
++ | hd :: tl -> link s hd ;
++ succpred_block b (Some(hd))) ;
+ | Block(b) -> begin match b.bstmts with
+ [] -> trylink s fallthrough
+*** 5985,5991 ****
+ let i = get_switch_count () in
+ let break_stmt = mkStmt (Instr []) in
+ break_stmt.labels <-
+! [Label((Printf.sprintf "switch_%d_break" i),l,false)] ;
+ let break_block = mkBlock [ break_stmt ] in
+ let body_block = b in
+ let body_if_stmtkind = (If(zero,body_block,break_block,l)) in
+--- 6097,6103 ----
+ let i = get_switch_count () in
+ let break_stmt = mkStmt (Instr []) in
+ break_stmt.labels <-
+! [Label((Printf.sprintf "switch_%d_break" i),l,false)] ;
+ let break_block = mkBlock [ break_stmt ] in
+ let body_block = b in
+ let body_if_stmtkind = (If(zero,body_block,break_block,l)) in
+*** 6026,6039 ****
+ s.skind <- handle_choices (List.sort compare_choices sl) ;
+ xform_switch_block b (fun () -> ref break_stmt) cont_dest i
+ end
+ | Loop(b,l,_,_) ->
+ let i = get_switch_count () in
+ let break_stmt = mkStmt (Instr []) in
+ break_stmt.labels <-
+! [Label((Printf.sprintf "while_%d_break" i),l,false)] ;
+ let cont_stmt = mkStmt (Instr []) in
+ cont_stmt.labels <-
+! [Label((Printf.sprintf "while_%d_continue" i),l,false)] ;
+ b.bstmts <- cont_stmt :: b.bstmts ;
+ let this_stmt = mkStmt
+ (Loop(b,l,Some(cont_stmt),Some(break_stmt))) in
+--- 6138,6152 ----
+ s.skind <- handle_choices (List.sort compare_choices sl) ;
+ xform_switch_block b (fun () -> ref break_stmt) cont_dest i
+ end
++ (*
+ | Loop(b,l,_,_) ->
+ let i = get_switch_count () in
+ let break_stmt = mkStmt (Instr []) in
+ break_stmt.labels <-
+! [Label((Printf.sprintf "while_%d_break" i),l,false)] ;
+ let cont_stmt = mkStmt (Instr []) in
+ cont_stmt.labels <-
+! [Label((Printf.sprintf "while_%d_continue" i),l,false)] ;
+ b.bstmts <- cont_stmt :: b.bstmts ;
+ let this_stmt = mkStmt
+ (Loop(b,l,Some(cont_stmt),Some(break_stmt))) in
+*** 6043,6048 ****
+--- 6156,6217 ----
+ break_stmt.succs <- s.succs ;
+ let new_block = mkBlock [ this_stmt ; break_stmt ] in
+ s.skind <- Block new_block
++ *)
++ | While (e, b, l) ->
++ let i = get_switch_count () in
++ let break_stmt = mkStmt (Instr []) in
++ break_stmt.labels <-
++ [Label((Printf.sprintf "while_%d_break" i),l,false)] ;
++ let cont_stmt = mkStmt (Instr []) in
++ cont_stmt.labels <-
++ [Label((Printf.sprintf "while_%d_continue" i),l,false)] ;
++ b.bstmts <- cont_stmt :: b.bstmts ;
++ let this_stmt = mkStmt
++ (While(e,b,l)) in
++ let break_dest () = ref break_stmt in
++ let cont_dest () = ref cont_stmt in
++ xform_switch_block b break_dest cont_dest label_index ;
++ break_stmt.succs <- s.succs ;
++ let new_block = mkBlock [ this_stmt ; break_stmt ] in
++ s.skind <- Block new_block
++ | DoWhile (e, b, l) ->
++ let i = get_switch_count () in
++ let break_stmt = mkStmt (Instr []) in
++ break_stmt.labels <-
++ [Label((Printf.sprintf "while_%d_break" i),l,false)] ;
++ let cont_stmt = mkStmt (Instr []) in
++ cont_stmt.labels <-
++ [Label((Printf.sprintf "while_%d_continue" i),l,false)] ;
++ b.bstmts <- cont_stmt :: b.bstmts ;
++ let this_stmt = mkStmt
++ (DoWhile(e,b,l)) in
++ let break_dest () = ref break_stmt in
++ let cont_dest () = ref cont_stmt in
++ xform_switch_block b break_dest cont_dest label_index ;
++ break_stmt.succs <- s.succs ;
++ let new_block = mkBlock [ this_stmt ; break_stmt ] in
++ s.skind <- Block new_block
++ | For (bInit, e, bIter , b, l) ->
++ let i = get_switch_count () in
++ let break_stmt = mkStmt (Instr []) in
++ break_stmt.labels <-
++ [Label((Printf.sprintf "while_%d_break" i),l,false)] ;
++ let cont_stmt = mkStmt (Instr []) in
++ cont_stmt.labels <-
++ [Label((Printf.sprintf "while_%d_continue" i),l,false)] ;
++ b.bstmts <- cont_stmt :: b.bstmts ;
++ let this_stmt = mkStmt
++ (For(bInit,e,bIter,b,l)) in
++ let break_dest () = ref break_stmt in
++ let cont_dest () = ref cont_stmt in
++ xform_switch_block b break_dest cont_dest label_index ;
++ break_stmt.succs <- s.succs ;
++ let new_block = mkBlock [ this_stmt ; break_stmt ] in
++ s.skind <- Block new_block
+ | Block(b) -> xform_switch_block b break_dest cont_dest label_index
+ | TryExcept _ | TryFinally _ ->
diff --git a/cil.patch/cil.mli.patch b/cil.patch/cil.mli.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0e0363e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cil.patch/cil.mli.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+*** ../cil/src/cil.mli 2006-05-21 06:14:15.000000000 +0200
+--- ../cil_patch/src/cil.mli 2006-06-21 10:56:23.555126082 +0200
+*** 1,3 ****
+--- 1,5 ----
++ (* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. *)
+ (*
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2002,
+*** 918,927 ****
+ * statement. The target statement MUST have at least a label. *)
+ | Break of location
+! (** A break to the end of the nearest enclosing Loop or Switch *)
+ | Continue of location
+! (** A continue to the start of the nearest enclosing [Loop] *)
+ | If of exp * block * block * location
+ (** A conditional. Two successors, the "then" and the "else" branches.
+ * Both branches fall-through to the successor of the If statement. *)
+--- 920,929 ----
+ * statement. The target statement MUST have at least a label. *)
+ | Break of location
+! (** A break to the end of the nearest enclosing loop or Switch *)
+ | Continue of location
+! (** A continue to the start of the nearest enclosing loop *)
+ | If of exp * block * block * location
+ (** A conditional. Two successors, the "then" and the "else" branches.
+ * Both branches fall-through to the successor of the If statement. *)
+*** 932,943 ****
+--- 934,956 ----
+ * among its labels what cases it implements. The statements that
+ * implement the cases are somewhere within the provided [block]. *)
++ (*
+ | Loop of block * location * (stmt option) * (stmt option)
+ (** A [while(1)] loop. The termination test is implemented in the body of
+ * a loop using a [Break] statement. If prepareCFG has been called,
+ * the first stmt option will point to the stmt containing the continue
+ * label for this loop and the second will point to the stmt containing
+ * the break label for this loop. *)
++ *)
++ | While of exp * block * location
++ (** A [while] loop. *)
++ | DoWhile of exp * block * location
++ (** A [do...while] loop. *)
++ | For of block * exp * block * block * location
++ (** A [for] loop. *)
+ | Block of block
+ (** Just a block of statements. Use it as a way to keep some block
diff --git a/cil.patch/dataflow.ml.patch b/cil.patch/dataflow.ml.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87b00de6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cil.patch/dataflow.ml.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+*** ../cil/src/ext/dataflow.ml 2006-05-21 06:14:15.000000000 +0200
+--- ../cil_patch/src/ext/dataflow.ml 2006-06-20 17:28:35.000000000 +0200
+*** 1,3 ****
+--- 1,4 ----
++ (* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. *)
+ module IH = Inthash
+ module E = Errormsg
+*** 219,225 ****
+ | Goto _ | Break _ | Continue _ | If _
+ | TryExcept _ | TryFinally _
+! | Switch _ | Loop _ | Return _ | Block _ -> curr
+ in
+ currentLoc := get_stmtLoc s.skind;
+--- 220,227 ----
+ | Goto _ | Break _ | Continue _ | If _
+ | TryExcept _ | TryFinally _
+! | Switch _ | (*Loop _*) While _ | DoWhile _ | For _
+! | Return _ | Block _ -> curr
+ in
+ currentLoc := get_stmtLoc s.skind;
diff --git a/cil.patch/dataslicing.ml.patch b/cil.patch/dataslicing.ml.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cebf2e3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cil.patch/dataslicing.ml.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+*** ../cil/src/ext/dataslicing.ml 2006-05-21 06:14:15.000000000 +0200
+--- ../cil_patch/src/ext/dataslicing.ml 2006-06-21 11:14:58.866051623 +0200
+*** 1,3 ****
+--- 1,5 ----
++ (* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. *)
+ (*
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004,
+*** 357,365 ****
+--- 359,373 ----
+ | Return (eo, l) -> sliceReturnExp eo l
+ | Switch (e, b, sl, l) -> Switch (sliceExp 1 e, sliceBlock b,
+ List.map sliceStmt sl, l)
++ (*
+ | Loop (b, l, so1, so2) -> Loop (sliceBlock b, l,
+ applyOption sliceStmt so1,
+ applyOption sliceStmt so2)
++ *)
++ | While (e, b, l) -> While (sliceExp 1 e, sliceBlock b, l)
++ | DoWhile (e, b, l) -> DoWhile (sliceExp 1 e, sliceBlock b, l)
++ | For (bInit, e, bIter, b, l) ->
++ For (sliceBlock bInit, sliceExp 1e, sliceBlock bIter, sliceBlock b, l)
+ | Goto _ -> sk
+ | _ -> E.s (unimp "statement")
diff --git a/cil.patch/formatparse.mly.patch b/cil.patch/formatparse.mly.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09e161b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cil.patch/formatparse.mly.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+*** ../cil/src/formatparse.mly 2006-05-21 06:14:15.000000000 +0200
+--- ../cil_patch/src/formatparse.mly 2006-06-20 16:22:57.000000000 +0200
+*** 1,3 ****
+--- 1,5 ----
++ /* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. */
+ /*(* Parser for constructing CIL from format strings *)
+ (*
+ *
+*** 1352,1357 ****
+--- 1354,1360 ----
+ mkCast e !upointType
+ else e
+ in
++ (*
+ mkStmt
+ (Loop (mkBlock [ mkStmt
+ (If(e,
+*** 1360,1366 ****
+ (Break loc) ],
+ loc));
+ $5 mkTemp loc args ],
+! loc, None, None)))
+ }
+ | instr_list { (fun mkTemp loc args ->
+ mkStmt (Instr ($1 loc args)))
+--- 1363,1372 ----
+ (Break loc) ],
+ loc));
+ $5 mkTemp loc args ],
+! loc, None, None))
+! *)
+! mkStmt
+! (While (e, mkBlock [ $5 mkTemp loc args ], loc)))
+ }
+ | instr_list { (fun mkTemp loc args ->
+ mkStmt (Instr ($1 loc args)))
diff --git a/cil.patch/mergecil.ml.patch b/cil.patch/mergecil.ml.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc976ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cil.patch/mergecil.ml.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+*** ../cil/src/mergecil.ml 2006-05-21 06:14:15.000000000 +0200
+--- ../cil_patch/src/mergecil.ml 2006-06-20 17:20:05.000000000 +0200
+*** 1,3 ****
+--- 1,5 ----
++ (* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. *)
+ (*
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2002,
+*** 1151,1157 ****
+--- 1153,1164 ----
+ + 41*(stmtListSum b2.bstmts)
+ | Switch(_,b,_,_) -> 43 + 47*(stmtListSum b.bstmts)
+ (* don't look at stmt list b/c is not part of tree *)
++ (*
+ | Loop(b,_,_,_) -> 49 + 53*(stmtListSum b.bstmts)
++ *)
++ | While(_,b,_) -> 49 + 53*(stmtListSum b.bstmts)
++ | DoWhile(_,b,_) -> 49 + 53*(stmtListSum b.bstmts)
++ | For(_,_,_,b,_) -> 49 + 53*(stmtListSum b.bstmts)
+ | Block(b) -> 59 + 61*(stmtListSum b.bstmts)
+ | TryExcept (b, (il, e), h, _) ->
+ 67 + 83*(stmtListSum b.bstmts) + 97*(stmtListSum h.bstmts)
diff --git a/cil.patch/oneret.ml.patch b/cil.patch/oneret.ml.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4c13d52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cil.patch/oneret.ml.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+*** ../cil/src/ext/oneret.ml 2006-05-21 06:14:15.000000000 +0200
+--- ../cil_patch/src/ext/oneret.ml 2006-06-21 11:15:54.000000000 +0200
+*** 1,3 ****
+--- 1,5 ----
++ (* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. *)
+ (*
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2002,
+*** 133,142 ****
+--- 135,159 ----
+ currentLoc := l;
+ s.skind <- If(eb, scanBlock false t, scanBlock false e, l);
+ s :: scanStmts mainbody rests
++ (*
+ | ({skind=Loop(b,l,lb1,lb2)} as s) :: rests ->
+ currentLoc := l;
+ s.skind <- Loop(scanBlock false b, l,lb1,lb2);
+ s :: scanStmts mainbody rests
++ *)
++ | ({skind=While(e,b,l)} as s) :: rests ->
++ currentLoc := l;
++ s.skind <- While(e, scanBlock false b, l);
++ s :: scanStmts mainbody rests
++ | ({skind=DoWhile(e,b,l)} as s) :: rests ->
++ currentLoc := l;
++ s.skind <- DoWhile(e, scanBlock false b, l);
++ s :: scanStmts mainbody rests
++ | ({skind=For(bInit,e,bIter,b,l)} as s) :: rests ->
++ currentLoc := l;
++ s.skind <- For(scanBlock false bInit, e, scanBlock false bIter,
++ scanBlock false b, l);
++ s :: scanStmts mainbody rests
+ | ({skind=Switch(e, b, cases, l)} as s) :: rests ->
+ currentLoc := l;
+ s.skind <- Switch(e, scanBlock false b, cases, l);
diff --git a/cil.patch/ptranal.ml.patch b/cil.patch/ptranal.ml.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b5cf9f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cil.patch/ptranal.ml.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+*** ../cil/src/ext/pta/ptranal.ml 2006-05-21 06:14:15.000000000 +0200
+--- ../cil_patch/src/ext/pta/ptranal.ml 2006-06-21 11:55:25.414890423 +0200
+*** 1,3 ****
+--- 1,5 ----
++ (* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. *)
+ (*
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2002,
+*** 312,318 ****
+--- 314,328 ----
+ | Switch (e, b, sl, l) ->
+ analyze_block b;
+ List.iter analyze_stmt sl
++ (*
+ | Loop (b, l, _, _) -> analyze_block b
++ *)
++ | While (_, b, _) -> analyze_block b
++ | DoWhile (_, b, _) -> analyze_block b
++ | For (bInit, _, bIter, b, _) ->
++ analyze_block bInit;
++ analyze_block bIter;
++ analyze_block b
+ | Block b -> analyze_block b
+ | TryFinally (b, h, _) ->
+ analyze_block b;
diff --git a/cil.patch/usedef.ml.patch b/cil.patch/usedef.ml.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0753163
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cil.patch/usedef.ml.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+*** ../cil/src/ext/usedef.ml 2006-05-21 06:14:15.000000000 +0200
+--- ../cil_patch/src/ext/usedef.ml 2006-06-20 17:36:16.000000000 +0200
+*** 1,3 ****
+--- 1,5 ----
++ (* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. *)
+ open Cil
+ open Pretty
+*** 130,136 ****
+--- 132,141 ----
+ | Return (Some e, _) -> ve e
+ | If (e, _, _, _) -> ve e
+ | Break _ | Goto _ | Continue _ -> ()
++ (*
+ | Loop (_, _, _, _) -> ()
++ *)
++ | While _ | DoWhile _ | For _ -> ()
+ | Switch (e, _, _, _) -> ve e
+ | Instr il ->
+ List.iter (fun i -> ignore (visitCilInstr useDefVisitor i)) il
+*** 165,171 ****
+--- 170,181 ----
+ let u'', d'' = handle_block fb in
+ (VS.union (VS.union u u') u'', VS.union (VS.union d d') d'')
+ | Break _ | Goto _ | Continue _ -> !varUsed, !varDefs
++ (*
+ | Loop (b, _, _, _) -> handle_block b
++ *)
++ | While (_, b, _) -> handle_block b
++ | DoWhile (_, b, _) -> handle_block b
++ | For (_, _, _, b, _) -> handle_block b
+ | Switch (e, b, _, _) ->
+ let _ = ve e in
+ let u, d = !varUsed, !varDefs in
diff --git a/extraction/.depend b/extraction/.depend
index e18eef81..aa7e42aa 100644
--- a/extraction/.depend
+++ b/extraction/.depend
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
../caml/Camlcoq.cmx: Integers.cmx Datatypes.cmx CList.cmx BinPos.cmx \
+../caml/Cil2Csyntax.cmo: Datatypes.cmi Csyntax.cmi ../caml/Camlcoq.cmo \
+ CList.cmi BinInt.cmi AST.cmi
+../caml/Cil2Csyntax.cmx: Datatypes.cmx Csyntax.cmx ../caml/Camlcoq.cmx \
+ CList.cmx BinInt.cmx AST.cmx
../caml/CMlexer.cmo: ../caml/Camlcoq.cmo ../caml/CMparser.cmi \
../caml/CMlexer.cmx: ../caml/Camlcoq.cmx ../caml/CMparser.cmx \
@@ -30,10 +34,20 @@
../caml/Camlcoq.cmx BinPos.cmx BinInt.cmx AST.cmx ../caml/Coloringaux.cmi
../caml/Floataux.cmo: Integers.cmi ../caml/Camlcoq.cmo
../caml/Floataux.cmx: Integers.cmx ../caml/Camlcoq.cmx
-../caml/Main2.cmo: ../caml/PrintPPC.cmi Main.cmi Datatypes.cmi \
- ../caml/CMtypecheck.cmi ../caml/CMparser.cmi ../caml/CMlexer.cmi
-../caml/Main2.cmx: ../caml/PrintPPC.cmx Main.cmx Datatypes.cmx \
- ../caml/CMtypecheck.cmx ../caml/CMparser.cmx ../caml/CMlexer.cmx
+../caml/Main2.cmo: ../caml/PrintPPC.cmi ../caml/PrintCsyntax.cmo Main.cmi \
+ Datatypes.cmi Csyntax.cmi ../caml/Cil2Csyntax.cmo ../caml/CMtypecheck.cmi \
+ ../caml/CMparser.cmi ../caml/CMlexer.cmi
+../caml/Main2.cmx: ../caml/PrintPPC.cmx ../caml/PrintCsyntax.cmx Main.cmx \
+ Datatypes.cmx Csyntax.cmx ../caml/Cil2Csyntax.cmx ../caml/CMtypecheck.cmx \
+ ../caml/CMparser.cmx ../caml/CMlexer.cmx
+../caml/PrintCshm.cmo: Integers.cmi Datatypes.cmi Csharpminor.cmi \
+ ../caml/Camlcoq.cmo CList.cmi AST.cmi
+../caml/PrintCshm.cmx: Integers.cmx Datatypes.cmx Csharpminor.cmx \
+ ../caml/Camlcoq.cmx CList.cmx AST.cmx
+../caml/PrintCsyntax.cmo: Datatypes.cmi Csyntax.cmi ../caml/Camlcoq.cmo \
+ CList.cmi AST.cmi
+../caml/PrintCsyntax.cmx: Datatypes.cmx Csyntax.cmx ../caml/Camlcoq.cmx \
+ CList.cmx AST.cmx
../caml/PrintPPC.cmo: PPC.cmi Datatypes.cmi ../caml/Camlcoq.cmo CList.cmi \
AST.cmi ../caml/PrintPPC.cmi
../caml/PrintPPC.cmx: PPC.cmx Datatypes.cmx ../caml/Camlcoq.cmx CList.cmx \
@@ -76,11 +90,11 @@ CSE.cmi: Specif.cmi Registers.cmi RTL.cmi Op.cmi Maps.cmi Integers.cmi \
Csharpminor.cmi: Zmax.cmi Values.cmi Specif.cmi Mem.cmi Maps.cmi Integers.cmi \
Globalenvs.cmi Floats.cmi Datatypes.cmi CList.cmi BinPos.cmi BinInt.cmi \
-cshmgen.cmi: Peano.cmi Integers.cmi Floats.cmi Datatypes.cmi csyntax.cmi \
+Cshmgen.cmi: Peano.cmi Integers.cmi Floats.cmi Datatypes.cmi Csyntax.cmi \
Csharpminor.cmi CList.cmi AST.cmi
-csyntax.cmi: Zmax.cmi Specif.cmi Integers.cmi Floats.cmi Datatypes.cmi \
+Csyntax.cmi: Zmax.cmi Specif.cmi Integers.cmi Floats.cmi Datatypes.cmi \
Coqlib.cmi CList.cmi BinPos.cmi BinInt.cmi AST.cmi
-ctyping.cmi: Specif.cmi Maps.cmi Datatypes.cmi csyntax.cmi Coqlib.cmi \
+Ctyping.cmi: Specif.cmi Maps.cmi Datatypes.cmi Csyntax.cmi Coqlib.cmi \
CList.cmi AST.cmi
Floats.cmi: Specif.cmi Integers.cmi Datatypes.cmi
FSetAVL.cmi: Wf.cmi Specif.cmi Peano.cmi OrderedType.cmi Int.cmi \
@@ -113,7 +127,7 @@ Mach.cmi: Zmax.cmi Zdiv.cmi Values.cmi Specif.cmi Op.cmi Mem.cmi \
Locations.cmi Integers.cmi Globalenvs.cmi Datatypes.cmi Coqlib.cmi \
CList.cmi BinPos.cmi BinInt.cmi AST.cmi
Main.cmi: Tunneling.cmi Stacking.cmi RTLgen.cmi PPCgen.cmi PPC.cmi \
- Linearize.cmi Datatypes.cmi ctyping.cmi csyntax.cmi cshmgen.cmi \
+ Linearize.cmi Datatypes.cmi Ctyping.cmi Csyntax.cmi Cshmgen.cmi \
Constprop.cmi Cminorgen.cmi Cminor.cmi CSE.cmi Allocation.cmi AST.cmi
Maps.cmi: Specif.cmi Datatypes.cmi Coqlib.cmi CList.cmi BinPos.cmi BinNat.cmi \
@@ -227,18 +241,18 @@ Csharpminor.cmo: Zmax.cmi Values.cmi Specif.cmi Mem.cmi Maps.cmi Integers.cmi \
Csharpminor.cmx: Zmax.cmx Values.cmx Specif.cmx Mem.cmx Maps.cmx Integers.cmx \
Globalenvs.cmx Floats.cmx Datatypes.cmx CList.cmx BinPos.cmx BinInt.cmx \
AST.cmx Csharpminor.cmi
-cshmgen.cmo: Peano.cmi Integers.cmi Floats.cmi Datatypes.cmi csyntax.cmi \
- Csharpminor.cmi CList.cmi AST.cmi cshmgen.cmi
-cshmgen.cmx: Peano.cmx Integers.cmx Floats.cmx Datatypes.cmx csyntax.cmx \
- Csharpminor.cmx CList.cmx AST.cmx cshmgen.cmi
-csyntax.cmo: Zmax.cmi Specif.cmi Integers.cmi Floats.cmi Datatypes.cmi \
- Coqlib.cmi CList.cmi BinPos.cmi BinInt.cmi AST.cmi csyntax.cmi
-csyntax.cmx: Zmax.cmx Specif.cmx Integers.cmx Floats.cmx Datatypes.cmx \
- Coqlib.cmx CList.cmx BinPos.cmx BinInt.cmx AST.cmx csyntax.cmi
-ctyping.cmo: Specif.cmi Maps.cmi Datatypes.cmi csyntax.cmi Coqlib.cmi \
- CList.cmi AST.cmi ctyping.cmi
-ctyping.cmx: Specif.cmx Maps.cmx Datatypes.cmx csyntax.cmx Coqlib.cmx \
- CList.cmx AST.cmx ctyping.cmi
+Cshmgen.cmo: Peano.cmi Integers.cmi Floats.cmi Datatypes.cmi Csyntax.cmi \
+ Csharpminor.cmi CList.cmi AST.cmi Cshmgen.cmi
+Cshmgen.cmx: Peano.cmx Integers.cmx Floats.cmx Datatypes.cmx Csyntax.cmx \
+ Csharpminor.cmx CList.cmx AST.cmx Cshmgen.cmi
+Csyntax.cmo: Zmax.cmi Specif.cmi Integers.cmi Floats.cmi Datatypes.cmi \
+ Coqlib.cmi CList.cmi BinPos.cmi BinInt.cmi AST.cmi Csyntax.cmi
+Csyntax.cmx: Zmax.cmx Specif.cmx Integers.cmx Floats.cmx Datatypes.cmx \
+ Coqlib.cmx CList.cmx BinPos.cmx BinInt.cmx AST.cmx Csyntax.cmi
+Ctyping.cmo: Specif.cmi Maps.cmi Datatypes.cmi Csyntax.cmi Coqlib.cmi \
+ CList.cmi AST.cmi Ctyping.cmi
+Ctyping.cmx: Specif.cmx Maps.cmx Datatypes.cmx Csyntax.cmx Coqlib.cmx \
+ CList.cmx AST.cmx Ctyping.cmi
Datatypes.cmo: Datatypes.cmi
Datatypes.cmx: Datatypes.cmi
Floats.cmo: Specif.cmi Integers.cmi ../caml/Floataux.cmo Datatypes.cmi \
@@ -312,11 +326,11 @@ Mach.cmx: Zmax.cmx Zdiv.cmx Values.cmx Specif.cmx Op.cmx Mem.cmx Maps.cmx \
Locations.cmx Integers.cmx Globalenvs.cmx Datatypes.cmx Coqlib.cmx \
CList.cmx BinPos.cmx BinInt.cmx AST.cmx Mach.cmi
Main.cmo: Tunneling.cmi Stacking.cmi RTLgen.cmi PPCgen.cmi PPC.cmi \
- Linearize.cmi Datatypes.cmi ctyping.cmi csyntax.cmi cshmgen.cmi \
+ Linearize.cmi Datatypes.cmi Ctyping.cmi Csyntax.cmi Cshmgen.cmi \
Constprop.cmi Cminorgen.cmi Cminor.cmi CSE.cmi Allocation.cmi AST.cmi \
Main.cmx: Tunneling.cmx Stacking.cmx RTLgen.cmx PPCgen.cmx PPC.cmx \
- Linearize.cmx Datatypes.cmx ctyping.cmx csyntax.cmx cshmgen.cmx \
+ Linearize.cmx Datatypes.cmx Ctyping.cmx Csyntax.cmx Cshmgen.cmx \
Constprop.cmx Cminorgen.cmx Cminor.cmx CSE.cmx Allocation.cmx AST.cmx \
Maps.cmo: Specif.cmi Datatypes.cmi Coqlib.cmi CList.cmi BinPos.cmi BinNat.cmi \
diff --git a/extraction/Makefile b/extraction/Makefile
index 72bf244a..e4dcdbec 100644
--- a/extraction/Makefile
+++ b/extraction/Makefile
@@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ FILES=\
Coqlib.ml Maps.ml Sets.ml AST.ml Iteration.ml Integers.ml \
../caml/Camlcoq.ml ../caml/Floataux.ml Floats.ml Parmov.ml Values.ml \
Mem.ml Globalenvs.ml \
- csyntax.ml ctyping.ml \
- cshmgen.ml \
+ Csyntax.ml Ctyping.ml Csharpminor.ml Cshmgen.ml \
Op.ml Cminor.ml Cmconstr.ml \
- Csharpminor.ml Cminorgen.ml \
+ Cminorgen.ml \
Registers.ml RTL.ml \
../caml/RTLgenaux.ml RTLgen.ml \
Locations.ml Conventions.ml \
@@ -23,27 +22,30 @@ FILES=\
Mach.ml Stacking.ml \
PPC.ml PPCgen.ml \
Main.ml \
+ ../caml/Cil2Csyntax.ml \
../caml/CMparser.ml ../caml/CMlexer.ml ../caml/CMtypecheck.ml \
- ../caml/PrintPPC.ml ../caml/Main2.ml
+ ../caml/PrintCsyntax.ml ../caml/PrintPPC.ml \
+ ../caml/Main2.ml
EXTRACTEDFILES:=$(filter-out ../caml/%, $(FILES))
-CAMLINCL=-I ../caml
+CAMLINCL=-I ../caml -I ../cil/obj/x86_LINUX
OCAMLC=ocamlc -g $(CAMLINCL)
+OCAMLLIBS=unix.cma str.cma cil.cma
COQINCL=-I ../lib -I ../common -I ../backend -I ../cfrontend
COQEXEC=coqtop $(COQINCL) -batch -load-vernac-source
../ccomp: $(FILES:.ml=.cmo)
- $(OCAMLC) -o ../ccomp $(FILES:.ml=.cmo)
+ $(OCAMLC) -o ../ccomp $(OCAMLLIBS) $(FILES:.ml=.cmo)
rm -f ../ccomp
../ccomp.opt: $(FILES:.ml=.cmx)
- $(OCAMLOPT) -o ../ccomp.opt $(FILES:.ml=.cmx)
+ $(OCAMLOPT) -o ../ccomp.opt $(OCAMLLIBS:.cma=.cmxa) $(FILES:.ml=.cmx)
rm -f ../ccomp.opt
diff --git a/test/c/fft.c b/test/c/fft.c
index 6f24af5e..9edf427b 100644
--- a/test/c/fft.c
+++ b/test/c/fft.c
@@ -9,11 +9,6 @@
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
-extern double cos_static(double), sin_static(double);
-#define cos cos_static
-#define sin sin_static
/* A Duhamel-Hollman split-radix dif fft */
/* Ref: Electronics Letters, Jan. 5, 1984 */
@@ -23,9 +18,9 @@ extern double cos_static(double), sin_static(double);
int dfft(double x[], double y[], int np)
-double *px,*py;
-int i,j,k,m,n,i0,i1,i2,i3,is,id,n1,n2,n4;
-double a,e,a3,cc1,ss1,cc3,ss3,r1,r2,s1,s2,s3,xt,tpi;
+ double *px,*py;
+ int i,j,k,m,n,i0,i1,i2,i3,is,id,n1,n2,n4;
+ double a,e,a3,cc1,ss1,cc3,ss3,r1,r2,s1,s2,s3,xt,tpi;
px = x - 1;
py = y - 1;
@@ -34,33 +29,29 @@ double a,e,a3,cc1,ss1,cc3,ss3,r1,r2,s1,s2,s3,xt,tpi;
while (i < np)
- i = i+i;
- m = m+1;
+ i = i+i;
+ m = m+1;
n = i;
- if (n != np)
- {
- for (i = np+1; i <= n; i++)
- {
- *(px + i) = 0.0;
- *(py + i) = 0.0;
- }
- /*printf("nuse %d point fft",n); */
+ if (n != np) {
+ for (i = np+1; i <= n; i++) {
+ px[i] = 0.0;
+ py[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ /*printf("nuse %d point fft",n); */
n2 = n+n;
tpi = 2.0 * PI;
- for (k = 1; k <= m-1; k++ )
- {
+ for (k = 1; k <= m-1; k++ ) {
n2 = n2 / 2;
n4 = n2 / 4;
e = tpi / (double)n2;
a = 0.0;
- for (j = 1; j<= n4 ; j++)
- {
+ for (j = 1; j<= n4 ; j++) {
a3 = 3.0 * a;
cc1 = cos(a);
ss1 = sin(a);
@@ -71,85 +62,78 @@ double a,e,a3,cc1,ss1,cc3,ss3,r1,r2,s1,s2,s3,xt,tpi;
is = j;
id = 2 * n2;
- while ( is < n )
- {
- for (i0 = is; i0 <= n-1; i0 = i0 + id)
- {
- i1 = i0 + n4;
- i2 = i1 + n4;
- i3 = i2 + n4;
- r1 = *(px+i0) - *(px+i2);
- *(px+i0) = *(px+i0) + *(px+i2);
- r2 = *(px+i1) - *(px+i3);
- *(px+i1) = *(px+i1) + *(px+i3);
- s1 = *(py+i0) - *(py+i2);
- *(py+i0) = *(py+i0) + *(py+i2);
- s2 = *(py+i1) - *(py+i3);
- *(py+i1) = *(py+i1) + *(py+i3);
- s3 = r1 - s2; r1 = r1 + s2;
- s2 = r2 - s1; r2 = r2 + s1;
- *(px+i2) = r1*cc1 - s2*ss1;
- *(py+i2) = -s2*cc1 - r1*ss1;
- *(px+i3) = s3*cc3 + r2*ss3;
- *(py+i3) = r2*cc3 - s3*ss3;
- }
- is = 2 * id - n2 + j;
- id = 4 * id;
- }
+ while ( is < n ) {
+ for (i0 = is; i0 <= n-1; i0 = i0 + id) {
+ i1 = i0 + n4;
+ i2 = i1 + n4;
+ i3 = i2 + n4;
+ r1 = px[i0] - px[i2];
+ px[i0] = px[i0] + px[i2];
+ r2 = px[i1] - px[i3];
+ px[i1] = px[i1] + px[i3];
+ s1 = py[i0] - py[i2];
+ py[i0] = py[i0] + py[i2];
+ s2 = py[i1] - py[i3];
+ py[i1] = py[i1] + py[i3];
+ s3 = r1 - s2; r1 = r1 + s2;
+ s2 = r2 - s1; r2 = r2 + s1;
+ px[i2] = r1*cc1 - s2*ss1;
+ py[i2] = -s2*cc1 - r1*ss1;
+ px[i3] = s3*cc3 + r2*ss3;
+ py[i3] = r2*cc3 - s3*ss3;
+ }
+ is = 2 * id - n2 + j;
+ id = 4 * id;
+ }
/* Last stage, length=2 butterfly */
is = 1;
id = 4;
- while ( is < n)
- {
- for (i0 = is; i0 <= n; i0 = i0 + id)
- {
+ while ( is < n) {
+ for (i0 = is; i0 <= n; i0 = i0 + id) {
i1 = i0 + 1;
- r1 = *(px+i0);
- *(px+i0) = r1 + *(px+i1);
- *(px+i1) = r1 - *(px+i1);
- r1 = *(py+i0);
- *(py+i0) = r1 + *(py+i1);
- *(py+i1) = r1 - *(py+i1);
- }
- is = 2*id - 1;
- id = 4 * id;
+ r1 = px[i0];
+ px[i0] = r1 + px[i1];
+ px[i1] = r1 - px[i1];
+ r1 = py[i0];
+ py[i0] = r1 + py[i1];
+ py[i1] = r1 - py[i1];
+ }
+ is = 2*id - 1;
+ id = 4 * id;
/* Bit reverse counter */
j = 1;
n1 = n - 1;
- for (i = 1; i <= n1; i++)
- {
- if (i < j)
- {
- xt = *(px+j);
- *(px+j) = *(px+i);
- *(px+i) = xt;
- xt = *(py+j);
- *(py+j) = *(py+i);
- *(py+i) = xt;
+ for (i = 1; i <= n1; i++) {
+ if (i < j) {
+ xt = px[j];
+ px[j] = px[i];
+ px[i] = xt;
+ xt = py[j];
+ py[j] = py[i];
+ py[i] = xt;
k = n / 2;
- while (k < j)
- {
- j = j - k;
- k = k / 2;
+ while (k < j) {
+ j = j - k;
+ k = k / 2;
j = j + k;
- for (i = 1; i<=16; i++) printf("%d %g %gn",i,*(px+i),(py+i));
+ for (i = 1; i<=16; i++) printf("%d %g %gn",i,px[i],py[i]);