path: root/backend/ValueDomain.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'backend/ValueDomain.v')
1 files changed, 3692 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend/ValueDomain.v b/backend/ValueDomain.v
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+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import Zwf.
+Require Import Maps.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Floats.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Import Memory.
+Require Import Globalenvs.
+Require Import Events.
+Require Import Lattice.
+Require Import Kildall.
+Require Import Registers.
+Require Import RTL.
+Parameter strict: bool.
+Parameter propagate_float_constants: unit -> bool.
+Parameter generate_float_constants : unit -> bool.
+Inductive block_class : Type :=
+ | BCinvalid
+ | BCglob (id: ident)
+ | BCstack
+ | BCother.
+Definition block_class_eq: forall (x y: block_class), {x=y} + {x<>y}.
+Proof. decide equality. apply peq. Defined.
+Record block_classification : Type := BC {
+ bc_img :> block -> block_class;
+ bc_stack: forall b1 b2, bc_img b1 = BCstack -> bc_img b2 = BCstack -> b1 = b2;
+ bc_glob: forall b1 b2 id, bc_img b1 = BCglob id -> bc_img b2 = BCglob id -> b1 = b2
+Definition bc_below (bc: block_classification) (bound: block) : Prop :=
+ forall b, bc b <> BCinvalid -> Plt b bound.
+Lemma bc_below_invalid:
+ forall b bc bound, ~Plt b bound -> bc_below bc bound -> bc b = BCinvalid.
+ intros. destruct (block_class_eq (bc b) BCinvalid); auto.
+ elim H. apply H0; auto.
+Hint Extern 2 (_ = _) => congruence : va.
+Hint Extern 2 (_ <> _) => congruence : va.
+Hint Extern 2 (_ < _) => xomega : va.
+Hint Extern 2 (_ <= _) => xomega : va.
+Hint Extern 2 (_ > _) => xomega : va.
+Hint Extern 2 (_ >= _) => xomega : va.
+Section MATCH.
+Variable bc: block_classification.
+(** * Abstracting the result of conditions (type [option bool]) *)
+Inductive abool := Bnone | Just (b: bool) | Maybe (b: bool) | Btop.
+Inductive cmatch: option bool -> abool -> Prop :=
+ | cmatch_none: cmatch None Bnone
+ | cmatch_just: forall b, cmatch (Some b) (Just b)
+ | cmatch_maybe_none: forall b, cmatch None (Maybe b)
+ | cmatch_maybe_some: forall b, cmatch (Some b) (Maybe b)
+ | cmatch_top: forall ob, cmatch ob Btop.
+Hint Constructors cmatch : va.
+Definition club (x y: abool) : abool :=
+ match x, y with
+ | Bnone, Bnone => Bnone
+ | Bnone, (Just b | Maybe b) => Maybe b
+ | (Just b | Maybe b), Bnone => Maybe b
+ | Just b1, Just b2 => if eqb b1 b2 then x else Btop
+ | Maybe b1, Maybe b2 => if eqb b1 b2 then x else Btop
+ | Maybe b1, Just b2 => if eqb b1 b2 then x else Btop
+ | Just b1, Maybe b2 => if eqb b1 b2 then y else Btop
+ | _, _ => Btop
+ end.
+Lemma cmatch_lub_l:
+ forall ob x y, cmatch ob x -> cmatch ob (club x y).
+ intros. unfold club; inv H; destruct y; try constructor;
+ destruct (eqb b b0) eqn:EQ; try constructor.
+ replace b0 with b by (apply eqb_prop; auto). constructor.
+Lemma cmatch_lub_r:
+ forall ob x y, cmatch ob y -> cmatch ob (club x y).
+ intros. unfold club; inv H; destruct x; try constructor;
+ destruct (eqb b0 b) eqn:EQ; try constructor.
+ replace b with b0 by (apply eqb_prop; auto). constructor.
+ replace b with b0 by (apply eqb_prop; auto). constructor.
+ replace b with b0 by (apply eqb_prop; auto). constructor.
+Definition cnot (x: abool) : abool :=
+ match x with
+ | Just b => Just (negb b)
+ | Maybe b => Maybe (negb b)
+ | _ => x
+ end.
+Lemma cnot_sound:
+ forall ob x, cmatch ob x -> cmatch (option_map negb ob) (cnot x).
+ destruct 1; constructor.
+(** * Abstracting pointers *)
+Inductive aptr : Type :=
+ | Pbot
+ | Gl (id: ident) (ofs: int)
+ | Glo (id: ident)
+ | Glob
+ | Stk (ofs: int)
+ | Stack
+ | Nonstack
+ | Ptop.
+Definition eq_aptr: forall (p1 p2: aptr), {p1=p2} + {p1<>p2}.
+ intros. generalize ident_eq, Int.eq_dec; intros. decide equality.
+Inductive pmatch (b: block) (ofs: int): aptr -> Prop :=
+ | pmatch_gl: forall id,
+ bc b = BCglob id ->
+ pmatch b ofs (Gl id ofs)
+ | pmatch_glo: forall id,
+ bc b = BCglob id ->
+ pmatch b ofs (Glo id)
+ | pmatch_glob: forall id,
+ bc b = BCglob id ->
+ pmatch b ofs Glob
+ | pmatch_stk:
+ bc b = BCstack ->
+ pmatch b ofs (Stk ofs)
+ | pmatch_stack:
+ bc b = BCstack ->
+ pmatch b ofs Stack
+ | pmatch_nonstack:
+ bc b <> BCstack -> bc b <> BCinvalid ->
+ pmatch b ofs Nonstack
+ | pmatch_top:
+ bc b <> BCinvalid ->
+ pmatch b ofs Ptop.
+Hint Constructors pmatch: va.
+Inductive pge: aptr -> aptr -> Prop :=
+ | pge_top: forall p, pge Ptop p
+ | pge_bot: forall p, pge p Pbot
+ | pge_refl: forall p, pge p p
+ | pge_glo_gl: forall id ofs, pge (Glo id) (Gl id ofs)
+ | pge_glob_gl: forall id ofs, pge Glob (Gl id ofs)
+ | pge_glob_glo: forall id, pge Glob (Glo id)
+ | pge_ns_gl: forall id ofs, pge Nonstack (Gl id ofs)
+ | pge_ns_glo: forall id, pge Nonstack (Glo id)
+ | pge_ns_glob: pge Nonstack Glob
+ | pge_stack_stk: forall ofs, pge Stack (Stk ofs).
+Hint Constructors pge: va.
+Lemma pge_trans:
+ forall p q, pge p q -> forall r, pge q r -> pge p r.
+ induction 1; intros r PM; inv PM; auto with va.
+Lemma pmatch_ge:
+ forall b ofs p q, pge p q -> pmatch b ofs q -> pmatch b ofs p.
+ induction 1; intros PM; inv PM; eauto with va.
+Lemma pmatch_top': forall b ofs p, pmatch b ofs p -> pmatch b ofs Ptop.
+ intros. apply pmatch_ge with p; auto with va.
+Definition plub (p q: aptr) : aptr :=
+ match p, q with
+ | Pbot, _ => q
+ | _, Pbot => p
+ | Gl id1 ofs1, Gl id2 ofs2 =>
+ if ident_eq id1 id2 then if Int.eq_dec ofs1 ofs2 then p else Glo id1 else Glob
+ | Gl id1 ofs1, Glo id2 =>
+ if ident_eq id1 id2 then q else Glob
+ | Glo id1, Gl id2 ofs2 =>
+ if ident_eq id1 id2 then p else Glob
+ | Glo id1, Glo id2 =>
+ if ident_eq id1 id2 then p else Glob
+ | (Gl _ _ | Glo _ | Glob), Glob => Glob
+ | Glob, (Gl _ _ | Glo _) => Glob
+ | (Gl _ _ | Glo _ | Glob | Nonstack), Nonstack =>
+ Nonstack
+ | Nonstack, (Gl _ _ | Glo _ | Glob) =>
+ Nonstack
+ | Stk ofs1, Stk ofs2 =>
+ if Int.eq_dec ofs1 ofs2 then p else Stack
+ | (Stk _ | Stack), Stack =>
+ Stack
+ | Stack, Stk _ =>
+ Stack
+ | _, _ => Ptop
+ end.
+Lemma plub_comm:
+ forall p q, plub p q = plub q p.
+ intros; unfold plub; destruct p; destruct q; auto.
+ destruct (ident_eq id id0). subst id0.
+ rewrite dec_eq_true.
+ destruct (Int.eq_dec ofs ofs0). subst ofs0. rewrite dec_eq_true. auto.
+ rewrite dec_eq_false by auto. auto.
+ rewrite dec_eq_false by auto. auto.
+ destruct (ident_eq id id0). subst id0.
+ rewrite dec_eq_true; auto.
+ rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.
+ destruct (ident_eq id id0). subst id0.
+ rewrite dec_eq_true; auto.
+ rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.
+ destruct (ident_eq id id0). subst id0.
+ rewrite dec_eq_true; auto.
+ rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.
+ destruct (Int.eq_dec ofs ofs0). subst ofs0. rewrite dec_eq_true; auto.
+ rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.
+Lemma pge_lub_l:
+ forall p q, pge (plub p q) p.
+ unfold plub; destruct p, q; auto with va.
+- destruct (ident_eq id id0).
+ destruct (Int.eq_dec ofs ofs0); subst; constructor.
+ constructor.
+- destruct (ident_eq id id0); subst; constructor.
+- destruct (ident_eq id id0); subst; constructor.
+- destruct (ident_eq id id0); subst; constructor.
+- destruct (Int.eq_dec ofs ofs0); subst; constructor.
+Lemma pge_lub_r:
+ forall p q, pge (plub p q) q.
+ intros. rewrite plub_comm. apply pge_lub_l.
+Lemma pmatch_lub_l:
+ forall b ofs p q, pmatch b ofs p -> pmatch b ofs (plub p q).
+ intros. eapply pmatch_ge; eauto. apply pge_lub_l.
+Lemma pmatch_lub_r:
+ forall b ofs p q, pmatch b ofs q -> pmatch b ofs (plub p q).
+ intros. eapply pmatch_ge; eauto. apply pge_lub_r.
+Lemma plub_least:
+ forall r p q, pge r p -> pge r q -> pge r (plub p q).
+ intros. inv H; inv H0; simpl; try constructor.
+- destruct p; constructor.
+- unfold plub; destruct q; repeat rewrite dec_eq_true; constructor.
+- rewrite dec_eq_true; constructor.
+- rewrite dec_eq_true; constructor.
+- rewrite dec_eq_true. destruct (Int.eq_dec ofs ofs0); constructor.
+- destruct (ident_eq id id0). destruct (Int.eq_dec ofs ofs0); constructor. constructor.
+- destruct (ident_eq id id0); constructor.
+- destruct (ident_eq id id0); constructor.
+- destruct (ident_eq id id0); constructor.
+- destruct (ident_eq id id0). destruct (Int.eq_dec ofs ofs0); constructor. constructor.
+- destruct (ident_eq id id0); constructor.
+- destruct (ident_eq id id0); constructor.
+- destruct (ident_eq id id0); constructor.
+- destruct (Int.eq_dec ofs ofs0); constructor.
+Definition pincl (p q: aptr) : bool :=
+ match p, q with
+ | Pbot, _ => true
+ | Gl id1 ofs1, Gl id2 ofs2 => peq id1 id2 && Int.eq_dec ofs1 ofs2
+ | Gl id1 ofs1, Glo id2 => peq id1 id2
+ | Glo id1, Glo id2 => peq id1 id2
+ | (Gl _ _ | Glo _ | Glob), Glob => true
+ | (Gl _ _ | Glo _ | Glob | Nonstack), Nonstack => true
+ | Stk ofs1, Stk ofs2 => Int.eq_dec ofs1 ofs2
+ | Stk ofs1, Stack => true
+ | _, Ptop => true
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+Lemma pincl_ge: forall p q, pincl p q = true -> pge q p.
+ unfold pincl; destruct p, q; intros; try discriminate; auto with va;
+ InvBooleans; subst; auto with va.
+Lemma pincl_sound:
+ forall b ofs p q,
+ pincl p q = true -> pmatch b ofs p -> pmatch b ofs q.
+ intros. eapply pmatch_ge; eauto. apply pincl_ge; auto.
+Definition padd (p: aptr) (n: int) : aptr :=
+ match p with
+ | Gl id ofs => Gl id (Int.add ofs n)
+ | Stk ofs => Stk (Int.add ofs n)
+ | _ => p
+ end.
+Lemma padd_sound:
+ forall b ofs p delta,
+ pmatch b ofs p ->
+ pmatch b (Int.add ofs delta) (padd p delta).
+ intros. inv H; simpl padd; eauto with va.
+Definition psub (p: aptr) (n: int) : aptr :=
+ match p with
+ | Gl id ofs => Gl id (Int.sub ofs n)
+ | Stk ofs => Stk (Int.sub ofs n)
+ | _ => p
+ end.
+Lemma psub_sound:
+ forall b ofs p delta,
+ pmatch b ofs p ->
+ pmatch b (Int.sub ofs delta) (psub p delta).
+ intros. inv H; simpl psub; eauto with va.
+Definition poffset (p: aptr) : aptr :=
+ match p with
+ | Gl id ofs => Glo id
+ | Stk ofs => Stack
+ | _ => p
+ end.
+Lemma poffset_sound:
+ forall b ofs1 ofs2 p,
+ pmatch b ofs1 p ->
+ pmatch b ofs2 (poffset p).
+ intros. inv H; simpl poffset; eauto with va.
+Definition psub2 (p q: aptr) : option int :=
+ match p, q with
+ | Gl id1 ofs1, Gl id2 ofs2 =>
+ if peq id1 id2 then Some (Int.sub ofs1 ofs2) else None
+ | Stk ofs1, Stk ofs2 =>
+ Some (Int.sub ofs1 ofs2)
+ | _, _ =>
+ None
+ end.
+Lemma psub2_sound:
+ forall b1 ofs1 p1 b2 ofs2 p2 delta,
+ psub2 p1 p2 = Some delta ->
+ pmatch b1 ofs1 p1 ->
+ pmatch b2 ofs2 p2 ->
+ b1 = b2 /\ delta = Int.sub ofs1 ofs2.
+ intros. destruct p1; try discriminate; destruct p2; try discriminate; simpl in H.
+- destruct (peq id id0); inv H. inv H0; inv H1.
+ split. eapply bc_glob; eauto. reflexivity.
+- inv H; inv H0; inv H1. split. eapply bc_stack; eauto. reflexivity.
+Definition cmp_different_blocks (c: comparison) : abool :=
+ match c with
+ | Ceq => Maybe false
+ | Cne => Maybe true
+ | _ => Bnone
+ end.
+Lemma cmp_different_blocks_none:
+ forall c, cmatch None (cmp_different_blocks c).
+ intros; destruct c; constructor.
+Lemma cmp_different_blocks_sound:
+ forall c, cmatch (Val.cmp_different_blocks c) (cmp_different_blocks c).
+ intros; destruct c; constructor.
+Definition pcmp (c: comparison) (p1 p2: aptr) : abool :=
+ match p1, p2 with
+ | Pbot, _ | _, Pbot => Bnone
+ | Gl id1 ofs1, Gl id2 ofs2 =>
+ if peq id1 id2 then Maybe (Int.cmpu c ofs1 ofs2)
+ else cmp_different_blocks c
+ | Gl id1 ofs1, Glo id2 =>
+ if peq id1 id2 then Btop else cmp_different_blocks c
+ | Glo id1, Gl id2 ofs2 =>
+ if peq id1 id2 then Btop else cmp_different_blocks c
+ | Glo id1, Glo id2 =>
+ if peq id1 id2 then Btop else cmp_different_blocks c
+ | Stk ofs1, Stk ofs2 => Maybe (Int.cmpu c ofs1 ofs2)
+ | (Gl _ _ | Glo _ | Glob | Nonstack), (Stk _ | Stack) => cmp_different_blocks c
+ | (Stk _ | Stack), (Gl _ _ | Glo _ | Glob | Nonstack) => cmp_different_blocks c
+ | _, _ => Btop
+ end.
+Lemma pcmp_sound:
+ forall valid c b1 ofs1 p1 b2 ofs2 p2,
+ pmatch b1 ofs1 p1 -> pmatch b2 ofs2 p2 ->
+ cmatch (Val.cmpu_bool valid c (Vptr b1 ofs1) (Vptr b2 ofs2)) (pcmp c p1 p2).
+ intros.
+ assert (DIFF: b1 <> b2 ->
+ cmatch (Val.cmpu_bool valid c (Vptr b1 ofs1) (Vptr b2 ofs2))
+ (cmp_different_blocks c)).
+ {
+ intros. simpl. rewrite dec_eq_false by assumption.
+ destruct (valid b1 (Int.unsigned ofs1) && valid b2 (Int.unsigned ofs2)); simpl.
+ apply cmp_different_blocks_sound.
+ apply cmp_different_blocks_none.
+ }
+ assert (SAME: b1 = b2 ->
+ cmatch (Val.cmpu_bool valid c (Vptr b1 ofs1) (Vptr b2 ofs2))
+ (Maybe (Int.cmpu c ofs1 ofs2))).
+ {
+ intros. subst b2. simpl. rewrite dec_eq_true.
+ destruct ((valid b1 (Int.unsigned ofs1) || valid b1 (Int.unsigned ofs1 - 1)) &&
+ (valid b1 (Int.unsigned ofs2) || valid b1 (Int.unsigned ofs2 - 1))); simpl.
+ constructor.
+ constructor.
+ }
+ unfold pcmp; inv H; inv H0; (apply cmatch_top || (apply DIFF; congruence) || idtac).
+ - destruct (peq id id0). subst id0. apply SAME. eapply bc_glob; eauto.
+ auto with va.
+ - destruct (peq id id0); auto with va.
+ - destruct (peq id id0); auto with va.
+ - destruct (peq id id0); auto with va.
+ - apply SAME. eapply bc_stack; eauto.
+Lemma pcmp_none:
+ forall c p1 p2, cmatch None (pcmp c p1 p2).
+ intros.
+ unfold pcmp; destruct p1; try constructor; destruct p2;
+ try (destruct (peq id id0)); try constructor; try (apply cmp_different_blocks_none).
+Definition pdisjoint (p1: aptr) (sz1: Z) (p2: aptr) (sz2: Z) : bool :=
+ match p1, p2 with
+ | Pbot, _ => true
+ | _, Pbot => true
+ | Gl id1 ofs1, Gl id2 ofs2 =>
+ if peq id1 id2
+ then zle (Int.unsigned ofs1 + sz1) (Int.unsigned ofs2)
+ || zle (Int.unsigned ofs2 + sz2) (Int.unsigned ofs1)
+ else true
+ | Gl id1 ofs1, Glo id2 => negb(peq id1 id2)
+ | Glo id1, Gl id2 ofs2 => negb(peq id1 id2)
+ | Glo id1, Glo id2 => negb(peq id1 id2)
+ | Stk ofs1, Stk ofs2 =>
+ zle (Int.unsigned ofs1 + sz1) (Int.unsigned ofs2)
+ || zle (Int.unsigned ofs2 + sz2) (Int.unsigned ofs1)
+ | (Gl _ _ | Glo _ | Glob | Nonstack), (Stk _ | Stack) => true
+ | (Stk _ | Stack), (Gl _ _ | Glo _ | Glob | Nonstack) => true
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+Lemma pdisjoint_sound:
+ forall sz1 b1 ofs1 p1 sz2 b2 ofs2 p2,
+ pdisjoint p1 sz1 p2 sz2 = true ->
+ pmatch b1 ofs1 p1 -> pmatch b2 ofs2 p2 ->
+ b1 <> b2 \/ Int.unsigned ofs1 + sz1 <= Int.unsigned ofs2 \/ Int.unsigned ofs2 + sz2 <= Int.unsigned ofs1.
+ intros. inv H0; inv H1; simpl in H; try discriminate; try (left; congruence).
+- destruct (peq id id0). subst id0. destruct (orb_true_elim _ _ H); InvBooleans; auto.
+ left; congruence.
+- destruct (peq id id0); try discriminate. left; congruence.
+- destruct (peq id id0); try discriminate. left; congruence.
+- destruct (peq id id0); try discriminate. left; congruence.
+- destruct (orb_true_elim _ _ H); InvBooleans; auto.
+(** * Abstracting values *)
+Inductive aval : Type :=
+ | Vbot
+ | I (n: int)
+ | Uns (n: Z)
+ | Sgn (n: Z)
+ | L (n: int64)
+ | F (f: float)
+ | Fsingle
+ | Ptr (p: aptr)
+ | Ifptr (p: aptr).
+Definition eq_aval: forall (v1 v2: aval), {v1=v2} + {v1<>v2}.
+ intros. generalize zeq Int.eq_dec Int64.eq_dec Float.eq_dec eq_aptr; intros.
+ decide equality.
+Definition Vtop := Ifptr Ptop.
+Definition itop := Ifptr Pbot.
+Definition ftop := Ifptr Pbot.
+Definition ltop := Ifptr Pbot.
+Definition is_uns (n: Z) (i: int) : Prop :=
+ forall m, 0 <= m < Int.zwordsize -> m >= n -> Int.testbit i m = false.
+Definition is_sgn (n: Z) (i: int) : Prop :=
+ forall m, 0 <= m < Int.zwordsize -> m >= n - 1 -> Int.testbit i m = Int.testbit i (Int.zwordsize - 1).
+Inductive vmatch : val -> aval -> Prop :=
+ | vmatch_i: forall i, vmatch (Vint i) (I i)
+ | vmatch_Uns: forall i n, 0 <= n -> is_uns n i -> vmatch (Vint i) (Uns n)
+ | vmatch_Uns_undef: forall n, vmatch Vundef (Uns n)
+ | vmatch_Sgn: forall i n, 0 < n -> is_sgn n i -> vmatch (Vint i) (Sgn n)
+ | vmatch_Sgn_undef: forall n, vmatch Vundef (Sgn n)
+ | vmatch_l: forall i, vmatch (Vlong i) (L i)
+ | vmatch_f: forall f, vmatch (Vfloat f) (F f)
+ | vmatch_single: forall f, Float.is_single f -> vmatch (Vfloat f) Fsingle
+ | vmatch_single_undef: vmatch Vundef Fsingle
+ | vmatch_ptr: forall b ofs p, pmatch b ofs p -> vmatch (Vptr b ofs) (Ptr p)
+ | vmatch_ptr_undef: forall p, vmatch Vundef (Ptr p)
+ | vmatch_ifptr_undef: forall p, vmatch Vundef (Ifptr p)
+ | vmatch_ifptr_i: forall i p, vmatch (Vint i) (Ifptr p)
+ | vmatch_ifptr_l: forall i p, vmatch (Vlong i) (Ifptr p)
+ | vmatch_ifptr_f: forall f p, vmatch (Vfloat f) (Ifptr p)
+ | vmatch_ifptr_p: forall b ofs p, pmatch b ofs p -> vmatch (Vptr b ofs) (Ifptr p).
+Lemma vmatch_ifptr:
+ forall v p,
+ (forall b ofs, v = Vptr b ofs -> pmatch b ofs p) ->
+ vmatch v (Ifptr p).
+ intros. destruct v; constructor; auto.
+Lemma vmatch_top: forall v x, vmatch v x -> vmatch v Vtop.
+ intros. apply vmatch_ifptr. intros. subst v. inv H; eapply pmatch_top'; eauto.
+Lemma vmatch_itop: forall i, vmatch (Vint i) itop.
+Proof. intros; constructor. Qed.
+Lemma vmatch_undef_itop: vmatch Vundef itop.
+Proof. constructor. Qed.
+Lemma vmatch_ftop: forall f, vmatch (Vfloat f) ftop.
+Proof. intros; constructor. Qed.
+Lemma vmatch_undef_ftop: vmatch Vundef ftop.
+Proof. constructor. Qed.
+Hint Constructors vmatch : va.
+Hint Resolve vmatch_itop vmatch_undef_itop vmatch_ftop vmatch_undef_ftop : va.
+(* Some properties about [is_uns] and [is_sgn]. *)
+Lemma is_uns_mon: forall n1 n2 i, is_uns n1 i -> n1 <= n2 -> is_uns n2 i.
+ intros; red; intros. apply H; omega.
+Lemma is_sgn_mon: forall n1 n2 i, is_sgn n1 i -> n1 <= n2 -> is_sgn n2 i.
+ intros; red; intros. apply H; omega.
+Lemma is_uns_sgn: forall n1 n2 i, is_uns n1 i -> n1 < n2 -> is_sgn n2 i.
+ intros; red; intros. rewrite ! H by omega. auto.
+Definition usize := Int.size.
+Definition ssize (i: int) := Int.size (if Int.lt i Int.zero then Int.not i else i) + 1.
+Lemma is_uns_usize:
+ forall i, is_uns (usize i) i.
+ unfold usize; intros; red; intros.
+ apply Int.bits_size_2. omega.
+Lemma is_sgn_ssize:
+ forall i, is_sgn (ssize i) i.
+ unfold ssize; intros; red; intros.
+ destruct (Int.lt i Int.zero) eqn:LT.
+- rewrite <- (negb_involutive (Int.testbit i m)).
+ rewrite <- (negb_involutive (Int.testbit i (Int.zwordsize - 1))).
+ f_equal.
+ generalize (Int.size_range (Int.not i)); intros RANGE.
+ rewrite <- ! Int.bits_not by omega.
+ rewrite ! Int.bits_size_2 by omega.
+ auto.
+- rewrite ! Int.bits_size_2 by omega.
+ auto.
+Lemma is_uns_zero_ext:
+ forall n i, is_uns n i <-> Int.zero_ext n i = i.
+ intros; split; intros.
+ Int.bit_solve. destruct (zlt i0 n); auto. symmetry; apply H; auto. omega.
+ rewrite <- H. red; intros. rewrite Int.bits_zero_ext by omega. rewrite zlt_false by omega. auto.
+Lemma is_sgn_sign_ext:
+ forall n i, 0 < n -> (is_sgn n i <-> Int.sign_ext n i = i).
+ intros; split; intros.
+ Int.bit_solve. destruct (zlt i0 n); auto.
+ transitivity (Int.testbit i (Int.zwordsize - 1)).
+ apply H0; omega. symmetry; apply H0; omega.
+ rewrite <- H0. red; intros. rewrite ! Int.bits_sign_ext by omega.
+ f_equal. transitivity (n-1). destruct (zlt m n); omega.
+ destruct (zlt (Int.zwordsize - 1) n); omega.
+Lemma is_zero_ext_uns:
+ forall i n m,
+ is_uns m i \/ n <= m -> is_uns m (Int.zero_ext n i).
+ intros. red; intros. rewrite Int.bits_zero_ext by omega.
+ destruct (zlt m0 n); auto. destruct H. apply H; omega. omegaContradiction.
+Lemma is_zero_ext_sgn:
+ forall i n m,
+ n < m ->
+ is_sgn m (Int.zero_ext n i).
+ intros. red; intros. rewrite ! Int.bits_zero_ext by omega.
+ transitivity false. apply zlt_false; omega.
+ symmetry; apply zlt_false; omega.
+Lemma is_sign_ext_uns:
+ forall i n m,
+ 0 <= m < n ->
+ is_uns m i ->
+ is_uns m (Int.sign_ext n i).
+ intros; red; intros. rewrite Int.bits_sign_ext by omega.
+ apply H0. destruct (zlt m0 n); omega. destruct (zlt m0 n); omega.
+Lemma is_sign_ext_sgn:
+ forall i n m,
+ 0 < n -> 0 < m ->
+ is_sgn m i \/ n <= m -> is_sgn m (Int.sign_ext n i).
+ intros. apply is_sgn_sign_ext; auto.
+ destruct (zlt m n). destruct H1. apply is_sgn_sign_ext in H1; auto.
+ rewrite <- H1. rewrite (Int.sign_ext_widen i) by omega. apply Int.sign_ext_idem; auto.
+ omegaContradiction.
+ apply Int.sign_ext_widen; omega.
+Hint Resolve is_uns_mon is_sgn_mon is_uns_sgn is_uns_usize is_sgn_ssize : va.
+(** Smart constructors for [Uns] and [Sgn]. *)
+Definition uns (n: Z) : aval :=
+ if zle n 1 then Uns 1
+ else if zle n 7 then Uns 7
+ else if zle n 8 then Uns 8
+ else if zle n 15 then Uns 15
+ else if zle n 16 then Uns 16
+ else itop.
+Definition sgn (n: Z) : aval :=
+ if zle n 8 then Sgn 8 else if zle n 16 then Sgn 16 else itop.
+Lemma vmatch_uns':
+ forall i n, is_uns (Zmax 0 n) i -> vmatch (Vint i) (uns n).
+ intros.
+ assert (A: forall n', n' >= 0 -> n' >= n -> is_uns n' i) by (eauto with va).
+ unfold uns.
+ destruct (zle n 1). auto with va.
+ destruct (zle n 7). auto with va.
+ destruct (zle n 8). auto with va.
+ destruct (zle n 15). auto with va.
+ destruct (zle n 16). auto with va.
+ auto with va.
+Lemma vmatch_uns:
+ forall i n, is_uns n i -> vmatch (Vint i) (uns n).
+ intros. apply vmatch_uns'. eauto with va.
+Lemma vmatch_uns_undef: forall n, vmatch Vundef (uns n).
+ intros. unfold uns.
+ destruct (zle n 1). auto with va.
+ destruct (zle n 7). auto with va.
+ destruct (zle n 8). auto with va.
+ destruct (zle n 15). auto with va.
+ destruct (zle n 16); auto with va.
+Lemma vmatch_sgn':
+ forall i n, is_sgn (Zmax 1 n) i -> vmatch (Vint i) (sgn n).
+ intros.
+ assert (A: forall n', n' >= 1 -> n' >= n -> is_sgn n' i) by (eauto with va).
+ unfold sgn.
+ destruct (zle n 8). auto with va.
+ destruct (zle n 16); auto with va.
+Lemma vmatch_sgn:
+ forall i n, is_sgn n i -> vmatch (Vint i) (sgn n).
+ intros. apply vmatch_sgn'. eauto with va.
+Lemma vmatch_sgn_undef: forall n, vmatch Vundef (sgn n).
+ intros. unfold sgn.
+ destruct (zle n 8). auto with va.
+ destruct (zle n 16); auto with va.
+Hint Resolve vmatch_uns vmatch_uns_undef vmatch_sgn vmatch_sgn_undef : va.
+(** Ordering *)
+Inductive vge: aval -> aval -> Prop :=
+ | vge_bot: forall v, vge v Vbot
+ | vge_i: forall i, vge (I i) (I i)
+ | vge_l: forall i, vge (L i) (L i)
+ | vge_f: forall f, vge (F f) (F f)
+ | vge_uns_i: forall n i, 0 <= n -> is_uns n i -> vge (Uns n) (I i)
+ | vge_uns_uns: forall n1 n2, n1 >= n2 -> vge (Uns n1) (Uns n2)
+ | vge_sgn_i: forall n i, 0 < n -> is_sgn n i -> vge (Sgn n) (I i)
+ | vge_sgn_sgn: forall n1 n2, n1 >= n2 -> vge (Sgn n1) (Sgn n2)
+ | vge_sgn_uns: forall n1 n2, n1 > n2 -> vge (Sgn n1) (Uns n2)
+ | vge_single_f: forall f, Float.is_single f -> vge Fsingle (F f)
+ | vge_single: vge Fsingle Fsingle
+ | vge_p_p: forall p q, pge p q -> vge (Ptr p) (Ptr q)
+ | vge_ip_p: forall p q, pge p q -> vge (Ifptr p) (Ptr q)
+ | vge_ip_ip: forall p q, pge p q -> vge (Ifptr p) (Ifptr q)
+ | vge_ip_i: forall p i, vge (Ifptr p) (I i)
+ | vge_ip_l: forall p i, vge (Ifptr p) (L i)
+ | vge_ip_f: forall p f, vge (Ifptr p) (F f)
+ | vge_ip_uns: forall p n, vge (Ifptr p) (Uns n)
+ | vge_ip_sgn: forall p n, vge (Ifptr p) (Sgn n)
+ | vge_ip_single: forall p, vge (Ifptr p) Fsingle.
+Hint Constructors vge : va.
+Lemma vge_top: forall v, vge Vtop v.
+ destruct v; constructor; constructor.
+Hint Resolve vge_top : va.
+Lemma vge_refl: forall v, vge v v.
+ destruct v; auto with va.
+Lemma vge_trans: forall u v, vge u v -> forall w, vge v w -> vge u w.
+ induction 1; intros w V; inv V; eauto with va; constructor; eapply pge_trans; eauto.
+Lemma vmatch_ge:
+ forall v x y, vge x y -> vmatch v y -> vmatch v x.
+ induction 1; intros V; inv V; eauto with va; constructor; eapply pmatch_ge; eauto.
+(** Least upper bound *)
+Definition vlub (v w: aval) : aval :=
+ match v, w with
+ | Vbot, _ => w
+ | _, Vbot => v
+ | I i1, I i2 =>
+ if Int.eq i1 i2 then v else
+ if Int.lt i1 Int.zero || Int.lt i2 Int.zero
+ then sgn (Z.max (ssize i1) (ssize i2))
+ else uns (Z.max (usize i1) (usize i2))
+ | I i, Uns n | Uns n, I i =>
+ if Int.lt i Int.zero
+ then sgn (Z.max (ssize i) (n + 1))
+ else uns (Z.max (usize i) n)
+ | I i, Sgn n | Sgn n, I i =>
+ sgn (Z.max (ssize i) n)
+ | I i, (Ptr p | Ifptr p) | (Ptr p | Ifptr p), I i =>
+ if strict || Int.eq i Int.zero then Ifptr p else Vtop
+ | Uns n1, Uns n2 => Uns (Z.max n1 n2)
+ | Uns n1, Sgn n2 => sgn (Z.max (n1 + 1) n2)
+ | Sgn n1, Uns n2 => sgn (Z.max n1 (n2 + 1))
+ | Sgn n1, Sgn n2 => sgn (Z.max n1 n2)
+ | F f1, F f2 =>
+ if Float.eq_dec f1 f2 then v else
+ if Float.is_single_dec f1 && Float.is_single_dec f2 then Fsingle else ftop
+ | F f, Fsingle | Fsingle, F f =>
+ if Float.is_single_dec f then Fsingle else ftop
+ | Fsingle, Fsingle =>
+ Fsingle
+ | L i1, L i2 =>
+ if Int64.eq i1 i2 then v else ltop
+ | Ptr p1, Ptr p2 => Ptr(plub p1 p2)
+ | Ptr p1, Ifptr p2 => Ifptr(plub p1 p2)
+ | Ifptr p1, Ptr p2 => Ifptr(plub p1 p2)
+ | Ifptr p1, Ifptr p2 => Ifptr(plub p1 p2)
+ | _, (Ptr p | Ifptr p) | (Ptr p | Ifptr p), _ => if strict then Ifptr p else Vtop
+ | _, _ => Vtop
+ end.
+Lemma vlub_comm:
+ forall v w, vlub v w = vlub w v.
+ intros. unfold vlub; destruct v; destruct w; auto.
+- rewrite Int.eq_sym. predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n0 n.
+ congruence.
+ rewrite orb_comm.
+ destruct (Int.lt n0 Int.zero || Int.lt n Int.zero); f_equal; apply Z.max_comm.
+- f_equal; apply Z.max_comm.
+- f_equal; apply Z.max_comm.
+- f_equal; apply Z.max_comm.
+- f_equal; apply Z.max_comm.
+- rewrite Int64.eq_sym. predSpec Int64.eq Int64.eq_spec n0 n; congruence.
+- rewrite dec_eq_sym. destruct (Float.eq_dec f0 f). congruence.
+ rewrite andb_comm. auto.
+- f_equal; apply plub_comm.
+- f_equal; apply plub_comm.
+- f_equal; apply plub_comm.
+- f_equal; apply plub_comm.
+Lemma vge_uns_uns': forall n, vge (uns n) (Uns n).
+ unfold uns, itop; intros.
+ destruct (zle n 1). auto with va.
+ destruct (zle n 7). auto with va.
+ destruct (zle n 8). auto with va.
+ destruct (zle n 15). auto with va.
+ destruct (zle n 16); auto with va.
+Lemma vge_uns_i': forall n i, 0 <= n -> is_uns n i -> vge (uns n) (I i).
+ intros. apply vge_trans with (Uns n). apply vge_uns_uns'. auto with va.
+Lemma vge_sgn_sgn': forall n, vge (sgn n) (Sgn n).
+ unfold sgn, itop; intros.
+ destruct (zle n 8). auto with va.
+ destruct (zle n 16); auto with va.
+Lemma vge_sgn_i': forall n i, 0 < n -> is_sgn n i -> vge (sgn n) (I i).
+ intros. apply vge_trans with (Sgn n). apply vge_sgn_sgn'. auto with va.
+Hint Resolve vge_uns_uns' vge_uns_i' vge_sgn_sgn' vge_sgn_i' : va.
+Lemma usize_pos: forall n, 0 <= usize n.
+ unfold usize; intros. generalize (Int.size_range n); omega.
+Lemma ssize_pos: forall n, 0 < ssize n.
+ unfold ssize; intros.
+ generalize (Int.size_range (if Int.lt n Int.zero then Int.not n else n)); omega.
+Lemma vge_lub_l:
+ forall x y, vge (vlub x y) x.
+ assert (IFSTRICT: forall (cond: bool) x y, vge x y -> vge (if cond then x else Vtop ) y).
+ { destruct cond; auto with va. }
+ unfold vlub; destruct x, y; eauto with va.
+- predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n n0. auto with va.
+ destruct (Int.lt n Int.zero || Int.lt n0 Int.zero).
+ apply vge_sgn_i'. generalize (ssize_pos n); xomega. eauto with va.
+ apply vge_uns_i'. generalize (usize_pos n); xomega. eauto with va.
+- destruct (Int.lt n Int.zero).
+ apply vge_sgn_i'. generalize (ssize_pos n); xomega. eauto with va.
+ apply vge_uns_i'. generalize (usize_pos n); xomega. eauto with va.
+- apply vge_sgn_i'. generalize (ssize_pos n); xomega. eauto with va.
+- destruct (Int.lt n0 Int.zero).
+ eapply vge_trans. apply vge_sgn_sgn'.
+ apply vge_trans with (Sgn (n + 1)); eauto with va.
+ eapply vge_trans. apply vge_uns_uns'. eauto with va.
+- eapply vge_trans. apply vge_sgn_sgn'.
+ apply vge_trans with (Sgn (n + 1)); eauto with va.
+- eapply vge_trans. apply vge_sgn_sgn'. eauto with va.
+- eapply vge_trans. apply vge_sgn_sgn'. eauto with va.
+- eapply vge_trans. apply vge_sgn_sgn'. eauto with va.
+- destruct (Int64.eq n n0); constructor.
+- destruct (Float.eq_dec f f0). constructor.
+ destruct (Float.is_single_dec f && Float.is_single_dec f0) eqn:FS.
+ InvBooleans. auto with va.
+ constructor.
+- destruct (Float.is_single_dec f); constructor; auto.
+- destruct (Float.is_single_dec f); constructor; auto.
+- constructor; apply pge_lub_l; auto.
+- constructor; apply pge_lub_l; auto.
+- constructor; apply pge_lub_l; auto.
+- constructor; apply pge_lub_l; auto.
+Lemma vge_lub_r:
+ forall x y, vge (vlub x y) y.
+ intros. rewrite vlub_comm. apply vge_lub_l.
+Lemma vmatch_lub_l:
+ forall v x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch v (vlub x y).
+ intros. eapply vmatch_ge; eauto. apply vge_lub_l.
+Lemma vmatch_lub_r:
+ forall v x y, vmatch v y -> vmatch v (vlub x y).
+ intros. rewrite vlub_comm. apply vmatch_lub_l; auto.
+Definition aptr_of_aval (v: aval) : aptr :=
+ match v with
+ | Ptr p => p
+ | Ifptr p => p
+ | _ => Pbot
+ end.
+Lemma match_aptr_of_aval:
+ forall b ofs av,
+ vmatch (Vptr b ofs) av <-> pmatch b ofs (aptr_of_aval av).
+ unfold aptr_of_aval; intros; split; intros.
+- inv H; auto.
+- destruct av; ((constructor; assumption) || inv H).
+Definition vplub (v: aval) (p: aptr) : aptr :=
+ match v with
+ | Ptr q => plub q p
+ | Ifptr q => plub q p
+ | _ => p
+ end.
+Lemma vmatch_vplub_l:
+ forall v x p, vmatch v x -> vmatch v (Ifptr (vplub x p)).
+ intros. unfold vplub; inv H; auto with va; constructor; eapply pmatch_lub_l; eauto.
+Lemma pmatch_vplub:
+ forall b ofs x p, pmatch b ofs p -> pmatch b ofs (vplub x p).
+ intros.
+ assert (DFL: pmatch b ofs (if strict then p else Ptop)).
+ { destruct strict; auto. eapply pmatch_top'; eauto. }
+ unfold vplub; destruct x; auto; apply pmatch_lub_r; auto.
+Lemma vmatch_vplub_r:
+ forall v x p, vmatch v (Ifptr p) -> vmatch v (Ifptr (vplub x p)).
+ intros. apply vmatch_ifptr; intros; subst v. inv H. apply pmatch_vplub; auto.
+(** Inclusion *)
+Definition vpincl (v: aval) (p: aptr) : bool :=
+ match v with
+ | Ptr q => pincl q p
+ | Ifptr q => pincl q p
+ | _ => true
+ end.
+Lemma vpincl_ge:
+ forall x p, vpincl x p = true -> vge (Ifptr p) x.
+ unfold vpincl; intros. destruct x; constructor; apply pincl_ge; auto.
+Lemma vpincl_sound:
+ forall v x p, vpincl x p = true -> vmatch v x -> vmatch v (Ifptr p).
+ intros. apply vmatch_ge with x; auto. apply vpincl_ge; auto.
+Definition vincl (v w: aval) : bool :=
+ match v, w with
+ | Vbot, _ => true
+ | I i, I j => Int.eq_dec i j
+ | I i, Uns n => Int.eq_dec (Int.zero_ext n i) i && zle 0 n
+ | I i, Sgn n => Int.eq_dec (Int.sign_ext n i) i && zlt 0 n
+ | Uns n, Uns m => zle n m
+ | Uns n, Sgn m => zlt n m
+ | Sgn n, Sgn m => zle n m
+ | L i, L j => Int64.eq_dec i j
+ | F i, F j => Float.eq_dec i j
+ | F i, Fsingle => Float.is_single_dec i
+ | Fsingle, Fsingle => true
+ | Ptr p, Ptr q => pincl p q
+ | Ptr p, Ifptr q => pincl p q
+ | Ifptr p, Ifptr q => pincl p q
+ | _, Ifptr _ => true
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+Lemma vincl_ge: forall v w, vincl v w = true -> vge w v.
+ unfold vincl; destruct v; destruct w; intros; try discriminate; auto with va.
+ InvBooleans. subst; auto with va.
+ InvBooleans. constructor; auto. rewrite is_uns_zero_ext; auto.
+ InvBooleans. constructor; auto. rewrite is_sgn_sign_ext; auto.
+ InvBooleans. constructor; auto with va.
+ InvBooleans. constructor; auto with va.
+ InvBooleans. constructor; auto with va.
+ InvBooleans. subst; auto with va.
+ InvBooleans. subst; auto with va.
+ InvBooleans. auto with va.
+ constructor; apply pincl_ge; auto.
+ constructor; apply pincl_ge; auto.
+ constructor; apply pincl_ge; auto.
+(** Loading constants *)
+Definition genv_match (ge: genv) : Prop :=
+ (forall id b, Genv.find_symbol ge id = Some b <-> bc b = BCglob id)
+/\(forall b, Plt b (Genv.genv_next ge) -> bc b <> BCinvalid /\ bc b <> BCstack).
+Definition symbol_address (ge: genv) (id: ident) (ofs: int) : val :=
+ match Genv.find_symbol ge id with Some b => Vptr b ofs | None => Vundef end.
+Lemma symbol_address_sound:
+ forall ge id ofs,
+ genv_match ge ->
+ vmatch (symbol_address ge id ofs) (Ptr (Gl id ofs)).
+ intros. unfold symbol_address. destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge id) as [b|] eqn:F.
+ constructor. constructor. apply H; auto.
+ constructor.
+Lemma vmatch_ptr_gl:
+ forall ge v id ofs,
+ genv_match ge ->
+ vmatch v (Ptr (Gl id ofs)) ->
+ Val.lessdef v (symbol_address ge id ofs).
+ intros. unfold symbol_address. inv H0.
+- inv H3. replace (Genv.find_symbol ge id) with (Some b). constructor.
+ symmetry. apply H; auto.
+- constructor.
+Lemma vmatch_ptr_stk:
+ forall v ofs sp,
+ vmatch v (Ptr(Stk ofs)) ->
+ bc sp = BCstack ->
+ Val.lessdef v (Vptr sp ofs).
+ intros. inv H.
+- inv H3. replace b with sp by (eapply bc_stack; eauto). constructor.
+- constructor.
+(** Generic operations that just do constant propagation. *)
+Definition unop_int (sem: int -> int) (x: aval) :=
+ match x with I n => I (sem n) | _ => itop end.
+Lemma unop_int_sound:
+ forall sem v x,
+ vmatch v x ->
+ vmatch (match v with Vint i => Vint(sem i) | _ => Vundef end) (unop_int sem x).
+ intros. unfold unop_int; inv H; auto with va.
+Definition binop_int (sem: int -> int -> int) (x y: aval) :=
+ match x, y with I n, I m => I (sem n m) | _, _ => itop end.
+Lemma binop_int_sound:
+ forall sem v x w y,
+ vmatch v x -> vmatch w y ->
+ vmatch (match v, w with Vint i, Vint j => Vint(sem i j) | _, _ => Vundef end) (binop_int sem x y).
+ intros. unfold binop_int; inv H; auto with va; inv H0; auto with va.
+Definition unop_float (sem: float -> float) (x: aval) :=
+ match x with F n => F (sem n) | _ => ftop end.
+Lemma unop_float_sound:
+ forall sem v x,
+ vmatch v x ->
+ vmatch (match v with Vfloat i => Vfloat(sem i) | _ => Vundef end) (unop_float sem x).
+ intros. unfold unop_float; inv H; auto with va.
+Definition binop_float (sem: float -> float -> float) (x y: aval) :=
+ match x, y with F n, F m => F (sem n m) | _, _ => ftop end.
+Lemma binop_float_sound:
+ forall sem v x w y,
+ vmatch v x -> vmatch w y ->
+ vmatch (match v, w with Vfloat i, Vfloat j => Vfloat(sem i j) | _, _ => Vundef end) (binop_float sem x y).
+ intros. unfold binop_float; inv H; auto with va; inv H0; auto with va.
+(** Logical operations *)
+Definition shl (v w: aval) :=
+ match w with
+ | I amount =>
+ if Int.ltu amount Int.iwordsize then
+ match v with
+ | I i => I (Int.shl i amount)
+ | Uns n => uns (n + Int.unsigned amount)
+ | Sgn n => sgn (n + Int.unsigned amount)
+ | _ => itop
+ end
+ else itop
+ | _ => itop
+ end.
+Lemma shl_sound:
+ forall v w x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.shl v w) (shl x y).
+ intros.
+ assert (DEFAULT: vmatch (Val.shl v w) itop).
+ {
+ destruct v; destruct w; simpl; try constructor.
+ destruct (Int.ltu i0 Int.iwordsize); constructor.
+ }
+ destruct y; auto. simpl. inv H0. unfold Val.shl.
+ destruct (Int.ltu n Int.iwordsize) eqn:LTU; auto.
+ exploit Int.ltu_inv; eauto. intros RANGE.
+ inv H; auto with va.
+- apply vmatch_uns'. red; intros. rewrite Int.bits_shl by omega.
+ destruct (zlt m (Int.unsigned n)). auto. apply H1; xomega.
+- apply vmatch_sgn'. red; intros. zify.
+ rewrite ! Int.bits_shl by omega.
+ rewrite ! zlt_false by omega.
+ rewrite H1 by omega. symmetry. rewrite H1 by omega. auto.
+- destruct v; constructor.
+Definition shru (v w: aval) :=
+ match w with
+ | I amount =>
+ if Int.ltu amount Int.iwordsize then
+ match v with
+ | I i => I (Int.shru i amount)
+ | Uns n => uns (n - Int.unsigned amount)
+ | _ => uns (Int.zwordsize - Int.unsigned amount)
+ end
+ else itop
+ | _ => itop
+ end.
+Lemma shru_sound:
+ forall v w x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.shru v w) (shru x y).
+ intros.
+ assert (DEFAULT: vmatch (Val.shru v w) itop).
+ {
+ destruct v; destruct w; simpl; try constructor.
+ destruct (Int.ltu i0 Int.iwordsize); constructor.
+ }
+ destruct y; auto. inv H0. unfold shru, Val.shru.
+ destruct (Int.ltu n Int.iwordsize) eqn:LTU; auto.
+ exploit Int.ltu_inv; eauto. intros RANGE. change (Int.unsigned Int.iwordsize) with Int.zwordsize in RANGE.
+ assert (DEFAULT2: forall i, vmatch (Vint (Int.shru i n)) (uns (Int.zwordsize - Int.unsigned n))).
+ {
+ intros. apply vmatch_uns. red; intros.
+ rewrite Int.bits_shru by omega. apply zlt_false. omega.
+ }
+ inv H; auto with va.
+- apply vmatch_uns'. red; intros. zify.
+ rewrite Int.bits_shru by omega.
+ destruct (zlt (m + Int.unsigned n) Int.zwordsize); auto.
+ apply H1; omega.
+- destruct v; constructor.
+Definition shr (v w: aval) :=
+ match w with
+ | I amount =>
+ if Int.ltu amount Int.iwordsize then
+ match v with
+ | I i => I (Int.shr i amount)
+ | Uns n => sgn (n + 1 - Int.unsigned amount)
+ | Sgn n => sgn (n - Int.unsigned amount)
+ | _ => sgn (Int.zwordsize - Int.unsigned amount)
+ end
+ else itop
+ | _ => itop
+ end.
+Lemma shr_sound:
+ forall v w x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.shr v w) (shr x y).
+ intros.
+ assert (DEFAULT: vmatch (Val.shr v w) itop).
+ {
+ destruct v; destruct w; simpl; try constructor.
+ destruct (Int.ltu i0 Int.iwordsize); constructor.
+ }
+ destruct y; auto. inv H0. unfold shr, Val.shr.
+ destruct (Int.ltu n Int.iwordsize) eqn:LTU; auto.
+ exploit Int.ltu_inv; eauto. intros RANGE. change (Int.unsigned Int.iwordsize) with Int.zwordsize in RANGE.
+ assert (DEFAULT2: forall i, vmatch (Vint (Int.shr i n)) (sgn (Int.zwordsize - Int.unsigned n))).
+ {
+ intros. apply vmatch_sgn. red; intros.
+ rewrite ! Int.bits_shr by omega. f_equal.
+ destruct (zlt (m + Int.unsigned n) Int.zwordsize);
+ destruct (zlt (Int.zwordsize - 1 + Int.unsigned n) Int.zwordsize);
+ omega.
+ }
+ assert (SGN: forall i p, is_sgn p i -> 0 < p -> vmatch (Vint (Int.shr i n)) (sgn (p - Int.unsigned n))).
+ {
+ intros. apply vmatch_sgn'. red; intros. zify.
+ rewrite ! Int.bits_shr by omega.
+ transitivity (Int.testbit i (Int.zwordsize - 1)).
+ destruct (zlt (m + Int.unsigned n) Int.zwordsize).
+ apply H0; omega.
+ auto.
+ symmetry.
+ destruct (zlt (Int.zwordsize - 1 + Int.unsigned n) Int.zwordsize).
+ apply H0; omega.
+ auto.
+ }
+ inv H; eauto with va.
+- destruct v; constructor.
+Definition and (v w: aval) :=
+ match v, w with
+ | I i1, I i2 => I (Int.and i1 i2)
+ | I i, Uns n | Uns n, I i => uns (Z.min n (usize i))
+ | I i, _ | _, I i => uns (usize i)
+ | Uns n1, Uns n2 => uns (Z.min n1 n2)
+ | Uns n, _ | _, Uns n => uns n
+ | Sgn n1, Sgn n2 => sgn (Z.max n1 n2)
+ | _, _ => itop
+ end.
+Lemma and_sound:
+ forall v w x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.and v w) (and x y).
+ assert (UNS_l: forall i j n, is_uns n i -> is_uns n (Int.and i j)).
+ {
+ intros; red; intros. rewrite Int.bits_and by auto. rewrite (H m) by auto.
+ apply andb_false_l.
+ }
+ assert (UNS_r: forall i j n, is_uns n i -> is_uns n (Int.and j i)).
+ {
+ intros. rewrite Int.and_commut. eauto.
+ }
+ assert (UNS: forall i j n m, is_uns n i -> is_uns m j -> is_uns (Z.min n m) (Int.and i j)).
+ {
+ intros. apply Z.min_case; auto.
+ }
+ assert (SGN: forall i j n m, is_sgn n i -> is_sgn m j -> is_sgn (Z.max n m) (Int.and i j)).
+ {
+ intros; red; intros. rewrite ! Int.bits_and by auto with va.
+ rewrite H by auto with va. rewrite H0 by auto with va. auto.
+ }
+ intros. unfold and, Val.and; inv H; eauto with va; inv H0; eauto with va.
+Definition or (v w: aval) :=
+ match v, w with
+ | I i1, I i2 => I (Int.or i1 i2)
+ | I i, Uns n | Uns n, I i => uns (Z.max n (usize i))
+ | Uns n1, Uns n2 => uns (Z.max n1 n2)
+ | Sgn n1, Sgn n2 => sgn (Z.max n1 n2)
+ | _, _ => itop
+ end.
+Lemma or_sound:
+ forall v w x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.or v w) (or x y).
+ assert (UNS: forall i j n m, is_uns n i -> is_uns m j -> is_uns (Z.max n m) (Int.or i j)).
+ {
+ intros; red; intros. rewrite Int.bits_or by auto.
+ rewrite H by xomega. rewrite H0 by xomega. auto.
+ }
+ assert (SGN: forall i j n m, is_sgn n i -> is_sgn m j -> is_sgn (Z.max n m) (Int.or i j)).
+ {
+ intros; red; intros. rewrite ! Int.bits_or by xomega.
+ rewrite H by xomega. rewrite H0 by xomega. auto.
+ }
+ intros. unfold or, Val.or; inv H; eauto with va; inv H0; eauto with va.
+Definition xor (v w: aval) :=
+ match v, w with
+ | I i1, I i2 => I (Int.xor i1 i2)
+ | I i, Uns n | Uns n, I i => uns (Z.max n (usize i))
+ | Uns n1, Uns n2 => uns (Z.max n1 n2)
+ | Sgn n1, Sgn n2 => sgn (Z.max n1 n2)
+ | _, _ => itop
+ end.
+Lemma xor_sound:
+ forall v w x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.xor v w) (xor x y).
+ assert (UNS: forall i j n m, is_uns n i -> is_uns m j -> is_uns (Z.max n m) (Int.xor i j)).
+ {
+ intros; red; intros. rewrite Int.bits_xor by auto.
+ rewrite H by xomega. rewrite H0 by xomega. auto.
+ }
+ assert (SGN: forall i j n m, is_sgn n i -> is_sgn m j -> is_sgn (Z.max n m) (Int.xor i j)).
+ {
+ intros; red; intros. rewrite ! Int.bits_xor by xomega.
+ rewrite H by xomega. rewrite H0 by xomega. auto.
+ }
+ intros. unfold xor, Val.xor; inv H; eauto with va; inv H0; eauto with va.
+Definition notint (v: aval) :=
+ match v with
+ | I i => I (Int.not i)
+ | Uns n => sgn (n + 1)
+ | Sgn n => Sgn n
+ | _ => itop
+ end.
+Lemma notint_sound:
+ forall v x, vmatch v x -> vmatch (Val.notint v) (notint x).
+ assert (SGN: forall n i, is_sgn n i -> is_sgn n (Int.not i)).
+ {
+ intros; red; intros. rewrite ! Int.bits_not by omega.
+ f_equal. apply H; auto.
+ }
+ intros. unfold Val.notint, notint; inv H; eauto with va.
+Definition ror (x y: aval) :=
+ match y, x with
+ | I j, I i => if Int.ltu j Int.iwordsize then I(Int.ror i j) else itop
+ | _, _ => itop
+ end.
+Lemma ror_sound:
+ forall v w x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.ror v w) (ror x y).
+ intros.
+ assert (DEFAULT: vmatch (Val.ror v w) itop).
+ {
+ destruct v; destruct w; simpl; try constructor.
+ destruct (Int.ltu i0 Int.iwordsize); constructor.
+ }
+ unfold ror; destruct y; auto. inv H0. unfold Val.ror.
+ destruct (Int.ltu n Int.iwordsize) eqn:LTU.
+ inv H; auto with va.
+ inv H; auto with va.
+Definition rolm (x: aval) (amount mask: int) :=
+ match x with
+ | I i => I (Int.rolm i amount mask)
+ | _ => uns (usize mask)
+ end.
+Lemma rolm_sound:
+ forall v x amount mask,
+ vmatch v x -> vmatch (Val.rolm v amount mask) (rolm x amount mask).
+ intros.
+ assert (UNS: forall i, vmatch (Vint (Int.rolm i amount mask)) (uns (usize mask))).
+ {
+ intros.
+ change (vmatch (Val.and (Vint (Int.rol i amount)) (Vint mask))
+ (and itop (I mask))).
+ apply and_sound; auto with va.
+ }
+ unfold Val.rolm, rolm. inv H; auto with va.
+(** Integer arithmetic operations *)
+Definition neg := unop_int Int.neg.
+Lemma neg_sound:
+ forall v x, vmatch v x -> vmatch (Val.neg v) (neg x).
+Proof (unop_int_sound Int.neg).
+Definition add (x y: aval) :=
+ match x, y with
+ | I i, I j => I (Int.add i j)
+ | Ptr p, I i | I i, Ptr p => Ptr (padd p i)
+ | Ptr p, _ | _, Ptr p => Ptr (poffset p)
+ | Ifptr p, I i | I i, Ifptr p => Ifptr (padd p i)
+ | Ifptr p, Ifptr q => Ifptr (plub (poffset p) (poffset q))
+ | Ifptr p, _ | _, Ifptr p => Ifptr (poffset p)
+ | _, _ => Vtop
+ end.
+Lemma add_sound:
+ forall v w x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.add v w) (add x y).
+ intros. unfold Val.add, add; inv H; inv H0; constructor;
+ ((apply padd_sound; assumption) || (eapply poffset_sound; eassumption) || idtac).
+ apply pmatch_lub_r. eapply poffset_sound; eauto.
+ apply pmatch_lub_l. eapply poffset_sound; eauto.
+Definition sub (v w: aval) :=
+ match v, w with
+ | I i1, I i2 => I (Int.sub i1 i2)
+ | Ptr p, I i => Ptr (psub p i)
+(* problem with undefs *)
+ | Ptr p1, Ptr p2 => match psub2 p1 p2 with Some n => I n | _ => itop end
+ | Ptr p, _ => Ifptr (poffset p)
+ | Ifptr p, I i => Ifptr (psub p i)
+ | Ifptr p, (Uns _ | Sgn _) => Ifptr (poffset p)
+ | Ifptr p1, Ptr p2 => itop
+ | _, _ => Vtop
+ end.
+Lemma sub_sound:
+ forall v w x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.sub v w) (sub x y).
+ intros. inv H; inv H0; simpl;
+ try (destruct (eq_block b b0));
+ try (constructor; (apply psub_sound || eapply poffset_sound); eauto).
+ change Vtop with (Ifptr (poffset Ptop)).
+ constructor; eapply poffset_sound. eapply pmatch_top'; eauto.
+Definition mul := binop_int Int.mul.
+Lemma mul_sound:
+ forall v x w y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.mul v w) (mul x y).
+Proof (binop_int_sound Int.mul).
+Definition mulhs := binop_int Int.mulhs.
+Lemma mulhs_sound:
+ forall v x w y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.mulhs v w) (mulhs x y).
+Proof (binop_int_sound Int.mulhs).
+Definition mulhu := binop_int Int.mulhu.
+Lemma mulhu_sound:
+ forall v x w y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.mulhu v w) (mulhu x y).
+Proof (binop_int_sound Int.mulhu).
+Definition divs (v w: aval) :=
+ match w, v with
+ | I i2, I i1 =>
+ if Int.eq i2 Int.zero
+ || Int.eq i1 (Int.repr Int.min_signed) && Int.eq i2 Int.mone
+ then if strict then Vbot else itop
+ else I (Int.divs i1 i2)
+ | _, _ => itop
+ end.
+Lemma divs_sound:
+ forall v w u x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> Val.divs v w = Some u -> vmatch u (divs x y).
+ intros. destruct v; destruct w; try discriminate; simpl in H1.
+ destruct (Int.eq i0 Int.zero
+ || Int.eq i (Int.repr Int.min_signed) && Int.eq i0 Int.mone) eqn:E; inv H1.
+ inv H; inv H0; auto with va. simpl. rewrite E. constructor.
+Definition divu (v w: aval) :=
+ match w, v with
+ | I i2, I i1 =>
+ if Int.eq i2 Int.zero
+ then if strict then Vbot else itop
+ else I (Int.divu i1 i2)
+ | _, _ => itop
+ end.
+Lemma divu_sound:
+ forall v w u x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> Val.divu v w = Some u -> vmatch u (divu x y).
+ intros. destruct v; destruct w; try discriminate; simpl in H1.
+ destruct (Int.eq i0 Int.zero) eqn:E; inv H1.
+ inv H; inv H0; auto with va. simpl. rewrite E. constructor.
+Definition mods (v w: aval) :=
+ match w, v with
+ | I i2, I i1 =>
+ if Int.eq i2 Int.zero
+ || Int.eq i1 (Int.repr Int.min_signed) && Int.eq i2 Int.mone
+ then if strict then Vbot else itop
+ else I (Int.mods i1 i2)
+ | _, _ => itop
+ end.
+Lemma mods_sound:
+ forall v w u x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> Val.mods v w = Some u -> vmatch u (mods x y).
+ intros. destruct v; destruct w; try discriminate; simpl in H1.
+ destruct (Int.eq i0 Int.zero
+ || Int.eq i (Int.repr Int.min_signed) && Int.eq i0 Int.mone) eqn:E; inv H1.
+ inv H; inv H0; auto with va. simpl. rewrite E. constructor.
+Definition modu (v w: aval) :=
+ match w, v with
+ | I i2, I i1 =>
+ if Int.eq i2 Int.zero
+ then if strict then Vbot else itop
+ else I (Int.modu i1 i2)
+ | I i2, _ => uns (usize i2)
+ | _, _ => itop
+ end.
+Lemma modu_sound:
+ forall v w u x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> Val.modu v w = Some u -> vmatch u (modu x y).
+ assert (UNS: forall i j, j <> Int.zero -> is_uns (usize j) (Int.modu i j)).
+ {
+ intros. apply is_uns_mon with (usize (Int.modu i j)); auto with va.
+ unfold usize, Int.size. apply Int.Zsize_monotone.
+ generalize (Int.unsigned_range_2 j); intros RANGE.
+ assert (Int.unsigned j <> 0).
+ { red; intros; elim H. rewrite <- (Int.repr_unsigned j). rewrite H0. auto. }
+ exploit (Z_mod_lt (Int.unsigned i) (Int.unsigned j)). omega. intros MOD.
+ unfold Int.modu. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. omega. omega.
+ }
+ intros. destruct v; destruct w; try discriminate; simpl in H1.
+ destruct (Int.eq i0 Int.zero) eqn:Z; inv H1.
+ assert (i0 <> Int.zero) by (generalize (Int.eq_spec i0 Int.zero); rewrite Z; auto).
+ unfold modu. inv H; inv H0; auto with va. rewrite Z. constructor.
+Definition shrx (v w: aval) :=
+ match v, w with
+ | I i, I j => if Int.ltu j (Int.repr 31) then I(Int.shrx i j) else itop
+ | _, _ => itop
+ end.
+Lemma shrx_sound:
+ forall v w u x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> Val.shrx v w = Some u -> vmatch u (shrx x y).
+ intros.
+ destruct v; destruct w; try discriminate; simpl in H1.
+ destruct (Int.ltu i0 (Int.repr 31)) eqn:LTU; inv H1.
+ unfold shrx; inv H; auto with va; inv H0; auto with va.
+ rewrite LTU; auto with va.
+(** Floating-point arithmetic operations *)
+Definition negf := unop_float Float.neg.
+Lemma negf_sound:
+ forall v x, vmatch v x -> vmatch (Val.negf v) (negf x).
+Proof (unop_float_sound Float.neg).
+Definition absf := unop_float Float.abs.
+Lemma absf_sound:
+ forall v x, vmatch v x -> vmatch (Val.absf v) (absf x).
+Proof (unop_float_sound Float.abs).
+Definition addf := binop_float Float.add.
+Lemma addf_sound:
+ forall v x w y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.addf v w) (addf x y).
+Proof (binop_float_sound Float.add).
+Definition subf := binop_float Float.sub.
+Lemma subf_sound:
+ forall v x w y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.subf v w) (subf x y).
+Proof (binop_float_sound Float.sub).
+Definition mulf := binop_float Float.mul.
+Lemma mulf_sound:
+ forall v x w y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.mulf v w) (mulf x y).
+Proof (binop_float_sound Float.mul).
+Definition divf := binop_float Float.div.
+Lemma divf_sound:
+ forall v x w y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.divf v w) (divf x y).
+Proof (binop_float_sound Float.div).
+(** Conversions *)
+Definition zero_ext (nbits: Z) (v: aval) :=
+ match v with
+ | I i => I (Int.zero_ext nbits i)
+ | Uns n => uns (Z.min n nbits)
+ | _ => uns nbits
+ end.
+Lemma zero_ext_sound:
+ forall nbits v x, vmatch v x -> vmatch (Val.zero_ext nbits v) (zero_ext nbits x).
+ assert (DFL: forall nbits i, is_uns nbits (Int.zero_ext nbits i)).
+ {
+ intros; red; intros. rewrite Int.bits_zero_ext by omega. apply zlt_false; auto.
+ }
+ intros. inv H; simpl; auto with va. apply vmatch_uns.
+ red; intros. zify.
+ rewrite Int.bits_zero_ext by omega.
+ destruct (zlt m nbits); auto. apply H1; omega.
+Definition sign_ext (nbits: Z) (v: aval) :=
+ match v with
+ | I i => I (Int.sign_ext nbits i)
+ | Uns n => if zlt n nbits then Uns n else sgn nbits
+ | Sgn n => sgn (Z.min n nbits)
+ | _ => sgn nbits
+ end.
+Lemma sign_ext_sound:
+ forall nbits v x, 0 < nbits -> vmatch v x -> vmatch (Val.sign_ext nbits v) (sign_ext nbits x).
+ assert (DFL: forall nbits i, 0 < nbits -> vmatch (Vint (Int.sign_ext nbits i)) (sgn nbits)).
+ {
+ intros. apply vmatch_sgn. apply is_sign_ext_sgn; auto with va.
+ }
+ intros. inv H0; simpl; auto with va.
+- destruct (zlt n nbits); eauto with va.
+ constructor; auto. eapply is_sign_ext_uns; eauto with va.
+- destruct (zlt n nbits); auto with va.
+- apply vmatch_sgn. apply is_sign_ext_sgn; auto with va.
+ apply Z.min_case; auto with va.
+Definition singleoffloat (v: aval) :=
+ match v with
+ | F f => F (Float.singleoffloat f)
+ | _ => Fsingle
+ end.
+Lemma singleoffloat_sound:
+ forall v x, vmatch v x -> vmatch (Val.singleoffloat v) (singleoffloat x).
+ intros.
+ assert (DEFAULT: vmatch (Val.singleoffloat v) Fsingle).
+ { destruct v; constructor. apply Float.singleoffloat_is_single. }
+ destruct x; auto. inv H. constructor.
+Definition intoffloat (x: aval) :=
+ match x with
+ | F f =>
+ match Float.intoffloat f with
+ | Some i => I i
+ | None => if strict then Vbot else itop
+ end
+ | _ => itop
+ end.
+Lemma intoffloat_sound:
+ forall v x w, vmatch v x -> Val.intoffloat v = Some w -> vmatch w (intoffloat x).
+ unfold Val.intoffloat; intros. destruct v; try discriminate.
+ destruct (Float.intoffloat f) as [i|] eqn:E; simpl in H0; inv H0.
+ inv H; simpl; auto with va. rewrite E; constructor.
+Definition intuoffloat (x: aval) :=
+ match x with
+ | F f =>
+ match Float.intuoffloat f with
+ | Some i => I i
+ | None => if strict then Vbot else itop
+ end
+ | _ => itop
+ end.
+Lemma intuoffloat_sound:
+ forall v x w, vmatch v x -> Val.intuoffloat v = Some w -> vmatch w (intuoffloat x).
+ unfold Val.intuoffloat; intros. destruct v; try discriminate.
+ destruct (Float.intuoffloat f) as [i|] eqn:E; simpl in H0; inv H0.
+ inv H; simpl; auto with va. rewrite E; constructor.
+Definition floatofint (x: aval) :=
+ match x with
+ | I i => F(Float.floatofint i)
+ | _ => ftop
+ end.
+Lemma floatofint_sound:
+ forall v x w, vmatch v x -> Val.floatofint v = Some w -> vmatch w (floatofint x).
+ unfold Val.floatofint; intros. destruct v; inv H0.
+ inv H; simpl; auto with va.
+Definition floatofintu (x: aval) :=
+ match x with
+ | I i => F(Float.floatofintu i)
+ | _ => ftop
+ end.
+Lemma floatofintu_sound:
+ forall v x w, vmatch v x -> Val.floatofintu v = Some w -> vmatch w (floatofintu x).
+ unfold Val.floatofintu; intros. destruct v; inv H0.
+ inv H; simpl; auto with va.
+Definition floatofwords (x y: aval) :=
+ match x, y with
+ | I i, I j => F(Float.from_words i j)
+ | _, _ => ftop
+ end.
+Lemma floatofwords_sound:
+ forall v w x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.floatofwords v w) (floatofwords x y).
+ intros. unfold floatofwords, ftop; inv H; simpl; auto with va; inv H0; auto with va.
+Definition longofwords (x y: aval) :=
+ match x, y with
+ | I i, I j => L(Int64.ofwords i j)
+ | _, _ => ltop
+ end.
+Lemma longofwords_sound:
+ forall v w x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.longofwords v w) (longofwords x y).
+ intros. unfold longofwords, ltop; inv H; simpl; auto with va; inv H0; auto with va.
+Definition loword (x: aval) :=
+ match x with
+ | L i => I(Int64.loword i)
+ | _ => itop
+ end.
+Lemma loword_sound: forall v x, vmatch v x -> vmatch (Val.loword v) (loword x).
+ destruct 1; simpl; auto with va.
+Definition hiword (x: aval) :=
+ match x with
+ | L i => I(Int64.hiword i)
+ | _ => itop
+ end.
+Lemma hiword_sound: forall v x, vmatch v x -> vmatch (Val.hiword v) (hiword x).
+ destruct 1; simpl; auto with va.
+(** Comparisons *)
+Definition cmpu_bool (c: comparison) (v w: aval) : abool :=
+ match v, w with
+ | I i1, I i2 => Just (Int.cmpu c i1 i2)
+(* there are cute things to do with Uns/Sgn compared against an integer *)
+ | Ptr _, (I _ | Uns _ | Sgn _) => cmp_different_blocks c
+ | (I _ | Uns _ | Sgn _), Ptr _ => cmp_different_blocks c
+ | Ptr p1, Ptr p2 => pcmp c p1 p2
+ | Ptr p1, Ifptr p2 => club (pcmp c p1 p2) (cmp_different_blocks c)
+ | Ifptr p1, Ptr p2 => club (pcmp c p1 p2) (cmp_different_blocks c)
+ | _, _ => Btop
+ end.
+Lemma cmpu_bool_sound:
+ forall valid c v w x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> cmatch (Val.cmpu_bool valid c v w) (cmpu_bool c x y).
+ intros.
+ assert (IP: forall i b ofs,
+ cmatch (Val.cmpu_bool valid c (Vint i) (Vptr b ofs)) (cmp_different_blocks c)).
+ {
+ intros. simpl. destruct (Int.eq i Int.zero). apply cmp_different_blocks_sound. apply cmp_different_blocks_none.
+ }
+ assert (PI: forall i b ofs,
+ cmatch (Val.cmpu_bool valid c (Vptr b ofs) (Vint i)) (cmp_different_blocks c)).
+ {
+ intros. simpl. destruct (Int.eq i Int.zero). apply cmp_different_blocks_sound. apply cmp_different_blocks_none.
+ }
+ unfold cmpu_bool; inv H; inv H0;
+ auto using cmatch_top, cmp_different_blocks_none, pcmp_none,
+ cmatch_lub_l, cmatch_lub_r, pcmp_sound.
+- constructor.
+Definition cmp_bool (c: comparison) (v w: aval) : abool :=
+ match v, w with
+ | I i1, I i2 => Just (Int.cmp c i1 i2)
+ | _, _ => Btop
+ end.
+Lemma cmp_bool_sound:
+ forall c v w x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> cmatch (Val.cmp_bool c v w) (cmp_bool c x y).
+ intros. inv H; try constructor; inv H0; constructor.
+Definition cmpf_bool (c: comparison) (v w: aval) : abool :=
+ match v, w with
+ | F f1, F f2 => Just (Float.cmp c f1 f2)
+ | _, _ => Btop
+ end.
+Lemma cmpf_bool_sound:
+ forall c v w x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> cmatch (Val.cmpf_bool c v w) (cmpf_bool c x y).
+ intros. inv H; try constructor; inv H0; constructor.
+Definition maskzero (x: aval) (mask: int) : abool :=
+ match x with
+ | I i => Just (Int.eq (Int.and i mask) Int.zero)
+ | Uns n => if Int.eq (Int.zero_ext n mask) Int.zero then Maybe true else Btop
+ | _ => Btop
+ end.
+Lemma maskzero_sound:
+ forall mask v x,
+ vmatch v x ->
+ cmatch (Val.maskzero_bool v mask) (maskzero x mask).
+ intros. inv H; simpl; auto with va.
+ predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec (Int.zero_ext n mask) Int.zero; auto with va.
+ replace (Int.and i mask) with Int.zero.
+ rewrite Int.eq_true. constructor.
+ rewrite is_uns_zero_ext in H1. rewrite Int.zero_ext_and in * by auto.
+ rewrite <- H1. rewrite Int.and_assoc. rewrite Int.and_commut in H. rewrite H.
+ rewrite Int.and_zero; auto.
+ destruct (Int.eq (Int.zero_ext n mask) Int.zero); constructor.
+Definition of_optbool (ab: abool) : aval :=
+ match ab with
+ | Just b => I (if b then Int.one else Int.zero)
+ | _ => Uns 1
+ end.
+Lemma of_optbool_sound:
+ forall ob ab, cmatch ob ab -> vmatch (Val.of_optbool ob) (of_optbool ab).
+ intros.
+ assert (DEFAULT: vmatch (Val.of_optbool ob) (Uns 1)).
+ {
+ destruct ob; simpl; auto with va.
+ destruct b; constructor; try omega.
+ change 1 with (usize Int.one). apply is_uns_usize.
+ red; intros. apply Int.bits_zero.
+ }
+ inv H; auto. simpl. destruct b; constructor.
+Definition resolve_branch (ab: abool) : option bool :=
+ match ab with
+ | Just b => Some b
+ | Maybe b => Some b
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+Lemma resolve_branch_sound:
+ forall b ab b',
+ cmatch (Some b) ab -> resolve_branch ab = Some b' -> b' = b.
+ intros. inv H; simpl in H0; congruence.
+(** Normalization at load time *)
+Definition vnormalize (chunk: memory_chunk) (v: aval) :=
+ match chunk, v with
+ | _, Vbot => Vbot
+ | Mint8signed, I i => I (Int.sign_ext 8 i)
+ | Mint8signed, Uns n => if zlt n 8 then Uns n else Sgn 8
+ | Mint8signed, Sgn n => Sgn (Z.min n 8)
+ | Mint8signed, _ => Sgn 8
+ | Mint8unsigned, I i => I (Int.zero_ext 8 i)
+ | Mint8unsigned, Uns n => Uns (Z.min n 8)
+ | Mint8unsigned, _ => Uns 8
+ | Mint16signed, I i => I (Int.sign_ext 16 i)
+ | Mint16signed, Uns n => if zlt n 16 then Uns n else Sgn 16
+ | Mint16signed, Sgn n => Sgn (Z.min n 16)
+ | Mint16signed, _ => Sgn 16
+ | Mint16unsigned, I i => I (Int.zero_ext 16 i)
+ | Mint16unsigned, Uns n => Uns (Z.min n 16)
+ | Mint16unsigned, _ => Uns 16
+ | Mint32, (I _ | Ptr _ | Ifptr _) => v
+ | Mint64, L _ => v
+ | Mfloat32, F f => F (Float.singleoffloat f)
+ | Mfloat32, _ => Fsingle
+ | (Mfloat64 | Mfloat64al32), F f => v
+ | _, _ => Ifptr Pbot
+ end.
+Lemma vnormalize_sound:
+ forall chunk v x, vmatch v x -> vmatch (Val.load_result chunk v) (vnormalize chunk x).
+ unfold Val.load_result, vnormalize; induction 1; destruct chunk; auto with va.
+- destruct (zlt n 8); constructor; auto with va.
+ apply is_sign_ext_uns; auto.
+ apply is_sign_ext_sgn; auto with va.
+- constructor. xomega. apply is_zero_ext_uns. apply Z.min_case; auto with va.
+- destruct (zlt n 16); constructor; auto with va.
+ apply is_sign_ext_uns; auto.
+ apply is_sign_ext_sgn; auto with va.
+- constructor. xomega. apply is_zero_ext_uns. apply Z.min_case; auto with va.
+- destruct (zlt n 8); auto with va.
+- destruct (zlt n 16); auto with va.
+- constructor. xomega. apply is_sign_ext_sgn; auto with va. apply Z.min_case; auto with va.
+- constructor. omega. apply is_zero_ext_uns; auto with va.
+- constructor. xomega. apply is_sign_ext_sgn; auto with va. apply Z.min_case; auto with va.
+- constructor. omega. apply is_zero_ext_uns; auto with va.
+- constructor. apply Float.singleoffloat_is_single.
+- constructor. omega. apply is_sign_ext_sgn; auto with va.
+- constructor. omega. apply is_zero_ext_uns; auto with va.
+- constructor. omega. apply is_sign_ext_sgn; auto with va.
+- constructor. omega. apply is_zero_ext_uns; auto with va.
+- constructor. apply Float.singleoffloat_is_single.
+Lemma vnormalize_cast:
+ forall chunk m b ofs v p,
+ Mem.load chunk m b ofs = Some v ->
+ vmatch v (Ifptr p) ->
+ vmatch v (vnormalize chunk (Ifptr p)).
+ intros. exploit Mem.load_cast; eauto. exploit Mem.load_type; eauto.
+ destruct chunk; simpl; intros.
+- (* int8signed *)
+ rewrite H2. destruct v; simpl; constructor. omega. apply is_sign_ext_sgn; auto with va.
+- (* int8unsigned *)
+ rewrite H2. destruct v; simpl; constructor. omega. apply is_zero_ext_uns; auto with va.
+- (* int16signed *)
+ rewrite H2. destruct v; simpl; constructor. omega. apply is_sign_ext_sgn; auto with va.
+- (* int16unsigned *)
+ rewrite H2. destruct v; simpl; constructor. omega. apply is_zero_ext_uns; auto with va.
+- (* int32 *)
+ auto.
+- (* int64 *)
+ destruct v; try contradiction; constructor.
+- (* float32 *)
+ rewrite H2. destruct v; simpl; constructor. apply Float.singleoffloat_is_single.
+- (* float64 *)
+ destruct v; try contradiction; constructor.
+- (* float64 *)
+ destruct v; try contradiction; constructor.
+Lemma vnormalize_monotone:
+ forall chunk x y,
+ vge x y -> vge (vnormalize chunk x) (vnormalize chunk y).
+ induction 1; destruct chunk; simpl; auto with va.
+- destruct (zlt n 8); constructor; auto with va.
+ apply is_sign_ext_uns; auto with va.
+ apply is_sign_ext_sgn; auto with va.
+- constructor; auto with va. apply is_zero_ext_uns; auto with va.
+ apply Z.min_case; auto with va.
+- destruct (zlt n 16); constructor; auto with va.
+ apply is_sign_ext_uns; auto with va.
+ apply is_sign_ext_sgn; auto with va.
+- constructor; auto with va. apply is_zero_ext_uns; auto with va.
+ apply Z.min_case; auto with va.
+- destruct (zlt n1 8). rewrite zlt_true by omega. auto with va.
+ destruct (zlt n2 8); auto with va.
+- destruct (zlt n1 16). rewrite zlt_true by omega. auto with va.
+ destruct (zlt n2 16); auto with va.
+- constructor; auto with va. apply is_sign_ext_sgn; auto with va.
+ apply Z.min_case; auto with va.
+- constructor; auto with va. apply is_zero_ext_uns; auto with va.
+- constructor; auto with va. apply is_sign_ext_sgn; auto with va.
+ apply Z.min_case; auto with va.
+- constructor; auto with va. apply is_zero_ext_uns; auto with va.
+- destruct (zlt n2 8); constructor; auto with va.
+- destruct (zlt n2 16); constructor; auto with va.
+- constructor. apply Float.singleoffloat_is_single.
+- constructor; auto with va. apply is_sign_ext_sgn; auto with va.
+- constructor; auto with va. apply is_zero_ext_uns; auto with va.
+- constructor; auto with va. apply is_sign_ext_sgn; auto with va.
+- constructor; auto with va. apply is_zero_ext_uns; auto with va.
+- constructor. apply Float.singleoffloat_is_single.
+- destruct (zlt n 8); constructor; auto with va.
+- destruct (zlt n 16); constructor; auto with va.
+(** Abstracting memory blocks *)
+Inductive acontent : Type :=
+ | ACany
+ | ACval (chunk: memory_chunk) (av: aval).
+Definition eq_acontent : forall (c1 c2: acontent), {c1=c2} + {c1<>c2}.
+ intros. generalize chunk_eq eq_aval. decide equality.
+Record ablock : Type := ABlock {
+ ab_contents: ZMap.t acontent;
+ ab_summary: aptr;
+ ab_default: fst ab_contents = ACany
+Local Notation "a ## b" := (ZMap.get b a) (at level 1).
+Definition ablock_init (p: aptr) : ablock :=
+ {| ab_contents := ZMap.init ACany; ab_summary := p; ab_default := refl_equal _ |}.
+Definition chunk_compat (chunk chunk': memory_chunk) : bool :=
+ match chunk, chunk' with
+ | (Mint8signed | Mint8unsigned), (Mint8signed | Mint8unsigned) => true
+ | (Mint16signed | Mint16unsigned), (Mint16signed | Mint16unsigned) => true
+ | Mint32, Mint32 => true
+ | Mfloat32, Mfloat32 => true
+ | Mint64, Mint64 => true
+ | (Mfloat64 | Mfloat64al32), Mfloat64 => true
+ | Mfloat64al32, Mfloat64al32 => true
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+Definition ablock_load (chunk: memory_chunk) (ab: ablock) (i: Z) : aval :=
+ match ab.(ab_contents)##i with
+ | ACany => vnormalize chunk (Ifptr ab.(ab_summary))
+ | ACval chunk' av =>
+ if chunk_compat chunk chunk'
+ then vnormalize chunk av
+ else vnormalize chunk (Ifptr ab.(ab_summary))
+ end.
+Definition ablock_load_anywhere (chunk: memory_chunk) (ab: ablock) : aval :=
+ vnormalize chunk (Ifptr ab.(ab_summary)).
+Function inval_after (lo: Z) (hi: Z) (c: ZMap.t acontent) { wf (Zwf lo) hi } : ZMap.t acontent :=
+ if zle lo hi
+ then inval_after lo (hi - 1) (ZMap.set hi ACany c)
+ else c.
+ intros; red; omega.
+ apply Zwf_well_founded.
+Definition inval_if (hi: Z) (lo: Z) (c: ZMap.t acontent) :=
+ match c##lo with
+ | ACany => c
+ | ACval chunk av => if zle (lo + size_chunk chunk) hi then c else ZMap.set lo ACany c
+ end.
+Function inval_before (hi: Z) (lo: Z) (c: ZMap.t acontent) { wf (Zwf_up hi) lo } : ZMap.t acontent :=
+ if zlt lo hi
+ then inval_before hi (lo + 1) (inval_if hi lo c)
+ else c.
+ intros; red; omega.
+ apply Zwf_up_well_founded.
+Remark fst_inval_after: forall lo hi c, fst (inval_after lo hi c) = fst c.
+ intros. functional induction (inval_after lo hi c); auto.
+Remark fst_inval_before: forall hi lo c, fst (inval_before hi lo c) = fst c.
+ intros. functional induction (inval_before hi lo c); auto.
+ rewrite IHt. unfold inval_if. destruct c##lo; auto.
+ destruct (zle (lo + size_chunk chunk) hi); auto.
+Program Definition ablock_store (chunk: memory_chunk) (ab: ablock) (i: Z) (av: aval) : ablock :=
+ {| ab_contents :=
+ ZMap.set i (ACval chunk av)
+ (inval_before i (i - 7)
+ (inval_after (i + 1) (i + size_chunk chunk - 1) ab.(ab_contents)));
+ ab_summary :=
+ vplub av ab.(ab_summary);
+ ab_default := _ |}.
+Next Obligation.
+ rewrite fst_inval_before, fst_inval_after. apply ab_default.
+Definition ablock_store_anywhere (chunk: memory_chunk) (ab: ablock) (av: aval) : ablock :=
+ ablock_init (vplub av ab.(ab_summary)).
+Definition ablock_loadbytes (ab: ablock) : aptr := ab.(ab_summary).
+Program Definition ablock_storebytes (ab: ablock) (p: aptr) (ofs: Z) (sz: Z) :=
+ {| ab_contents :=
+ inval_before ofs (ofs - 7)
+ (inval_after ofs (ofs + sz - 1) ab.(ab_contents));
+ ab_summary :=
+ plub p ab.(ab_summary);
+ ab_default := _ |}.
+Next Obligation.
+ rewrite fst_inval_before, fst_inval_after. apply ab_default.
+Definition ablock_storebytes_anywhere (ab: ablock) (p: aptr) :=
+ ablock_init (plub p ab.(ab_summary)).
+Definition smatch (m: mem) (b: block) (p: aptr) : Prop :=
+ (forall chunk ofs v, Mem.load chunk m b ofs = Some v -> vmatch v (Ifptr p))
+/\(forall ofs b' ofs' i, Mem.loadbytes m b ofs 1 = Some (Pointer b' ofs' i :: nil) -> pmatch b' ofs' p).
+Remark loadbytes_load_ext:
+ forall b m m',
+ (forall ofs n bytes, Mem.loadbytes m' b ofs n = Some bytes -> n >= 0 -> Mem.loadbytes m b ofs n = Some bytes) ->
+ forall chunk ofs v, Mem.load chunk m' b ofs = Some v -> Mem.load chunk m b ofs = Some v.
+ intros. exploit Mem.load_loadbytes; eauto. intros [bytes [A B]].
+ exploit Mem.load_valid_access; eauto. intros [C D].
+ subst v. apply Mem.loadbytes_load; auto. apply H; auto. generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk); omega.
+Lemma smatch_ext:
+ forall m b p m',
+ smatch m b p ->
+ (forall ofs n bytes, Mem.loadbytes m' b ofs n = Some bytes -> n >= 0 -> Mem.loadbytes m b ofs n = Some bytes) ->
+ smatch m' b p.
+ intros. destruct H. split; intros.
+ eapply H; eauto. eapply loadbytes_load_ext; eauto.
+ eapply H1; eauto. apply H0; eauto. omega.
+Lemma smatch_inv:
+ forall m b p m',
+ smatch m b p ->
+ (forall ofs n, n >= 0 -> Mem.loadbytes m' b ofs n = Mem.loadbytes m b ofs n) ->
+ smatch m' b p.
+ intros. eapply smatch_ext; eauto.
+ intros. rewrite <- H0; eauto.
+Lemma smatch_ge:
+ forall m b p q, smatch m b p -> pge q p -> smatch m b q.
+ intros. destruct H as [A B]. split; intros.
+ apply vmatch_ge with (Ifptr p); eauto with va.
+ apply pmatch_ge with p; eauto with va.
+Lemma In_loadbytes:
+ forall m b byte n ofs bytes,
+ Mem.loadbytes m b ofs n = Some bytes ->
+ In byte bytes ->
+ exists ofs', ofs <= ofs' < ofs + n /\ Mem.loadbytes m b ofs' 1 = Some(byte :: nil).
+ intros until n. pattern n.
+ apply well_founded_ind with (R := Zwf 0).
+- apply Zwf_well_founded.
+- intros sz REC ofs bytes LOAD IN.
+ destruct (zle sz 0).
+ + rewrite (Mem.loadbytes_empty m b ofs sz) in LOAD by auto.
+ inv LOAD. contradiction.
+ + exploit (Mem.loadbytes_split m b ofs 1 (sz - 1) bytes).
+ replace (1 + (sz - 1)) with sz by omega. auto.
+ omega.
+ omega.
+ intros (bytes1 & bytes2 & LOAD1 & LOAD2 & CONCAT).
+ subst bytes.
+ exploit Mem.loadbytes_length. eexact LOAD1. change (nat_of_Z 1) with 1%nat. intros LENGTH1.
+ rewrite in_app_iff in IN. destruct IN.
+ * destruct bytes1; try discriminate. destruct bytes1; try discriminate.
+ simpl in H. destruct H; try contradiction. subst m0.
+ exists ofs; split. omega. auto.
+ * exploit (REC (sz - 1)). red; omega. eexact LOAD2. auto.
+ intros (ofs' & A & B).
+ exists ofs'; split. omega. auto.
+Lemma smatch_loadbytes:
+ forall m b p b' ofs' i n ofs bytes,
+ Mem.loadbytes m b ofs n = Some bytes ->
+ smatch m b p ->
+ In (Pointer b' ofs' i) bytes ->
+ pmatch b' ofs' p.
+ intros. exploit In_loadbytes; eauto. intros (ofs1 & A & B).
+ eapply H0; eauto.
+Lemma loadbytes_provenance:
+ forall m b ofs' byte n ofs bytes,
+ Mem.loadbytes m b ofs n = Some bytes ->
+ Mem.loadbytes m b ofs' 1 = Some (byte :: nil) ->
+ ofs <= ofs' < ofs + n ->
+ In byte bytes.
+ intros until n. pattern n.
+ apply well_founded_ind with (R := Zwf 0).
+- apply Zwf_well_founded.
+- intros sz REC ofs bytes LOAD LOAD1 IN.
+ exploit (Mem.loadbytes_split m b ofs 1 (sz - 1) bytes).
+ replace (1 + (sz - 1)) with sz by omega. auto.
+ omega.
+ omega.
+ intros (bytes1 & bytes2 & LOAD3 & LOAD4 & CONCAT). subst bytes. rewrite in_app_iff.
+ destruct (zeq ofs ofs').
++ subst ofs'. rewrite LOAD1 in LOAD3; inv LOAD3. left; simpl; auto.
++ right. eapply (REC (sz - 1)). red; omega. eexact LOAD4. auto. omega.
+Lemma storebytes_provenance:
+ forall m b ofs bytes m' b' ofs' b'' ofs'' i,
+ Mem.storebytes m b ofs bytes = Some m' ->
+ Mem.loadbytes m' b' ofs' 1 = Some (Pointer b'' ofs'' i :: nil) ->
+ In (Pointer b'' ofs'' i) bytes
+ \/ Mem.loadbytes m b' ofs' 1 = Some (Pointer b'' ofs'' i :: nil).
+ intros.
+ assert (EITHER:
+ (b' <> b \/ ofs' + 1 <= ofs \/ ofs + Z.of_nat (length bytes) <= ofs')
+ \/ (b' = b /\ ofs <= ofs' < ofs + Z.of_nat (length bytes))).
+ {
+ destruct (eq_block b' b); auto.
+ destruct (zle (ofs' + 1) ofs); auto.
+ destruct (zle (ofs + Z.of_nat (length bytes)) ofs'); auto.
+ right. split. auto. omega.
+ }
+ destruct EITHER as [A | (A & B)].
+- right. rewrite <- H0. symmetry. eapply Mem.loadbytes_storebytes_other; eauto. omega.
+- subst b'. left.
+ eapply loadbytes_provenance; eauto.
+ eapply Mem.loadbytes_storebytes_same; eauto.
+Lemma store_provenance:
+ forall chunk m b ofs v m' b' ofs' b'' ofs'' i,
+ Mem.store chunk m b ofs v = Some m' ->
+ Mem.loadbytes m' b' ofs' 1 = Some (Pointer b'' ofs'' i :: nil) ->
+ v = Vptr b'' ofs'' /\ chunk = Mint32
+ \/ Mem.loadbytes m b' ofs' 1 = Some (Pointer b'' ofs'' i :: nil).
+ intros. exploit storebytes_provenance; eauto. eapply Mem.store_storebytes; eauto.
+ intros [A|A]; auto. left.
+ assert (IN_ENC_BYTES: forall bl, ~In (Pointer b'' ofs'' i) (inj_bytes bl)).
+ {
+ induction bl; simpl. tauto. red; intros; elim IHbl. destruct H1. congruence. auto.
+ }
+ assert (IN_REP_UNDEF: forall n, ~In (Pointer b'' ofs'' i) (list_repeat n Undef)).
+ {
+ intros; red; intros. exploit in_list_repeat; eauto. congruence.
+ }
+ unfold encode_val in A; destruct chunk, v;
+ try (eelim IN_ENC_BYTES; eassumption);
+ try (eelim IN_REP_UNDEF; eassumption).
+ simpl in A. split; auto. intuition congruence.
+Lemma smatch_store:
+ forall chunk m b ofs v m' b' p av,
+ Mem.store chunk m b ofs v = Some m' ->
+ smatch m b' p ->
+ vmatch v av ->
+ smatch m' b' (vplub av p).
+ intros. destruct H0 as [A B]. split.
+- intros chunk' ofs' v' LOAD. destruct v'; auto with va.
+ exploit Mem.load_pointer_store; eauto.
+ intros [(P & Q & R & S & T) | DISJ].
++ subst. apply vmatch_vplub_l. auto.
++ apply vmatch_vplub_r. apply A with (chunk := chunk') (ofs := ofs').
+ rewrite <- LOAD. symmetry. eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto.
+- intros. exploit store_provenance; eauto. intros [[P Q] | P].
++ subst.
+ assert (V: vmatch (Vptr b'0 ofs') (Ifptr (vplub av p))).
+ {
+ apply vmatch_vplub_l. auto.
+ }
+ inv V; auto.
++ apply pmatch_vplub. eapply B; eauto.
+Lemma smatch_storebytes:
+ forall m b ofs bytes m' b' p p',
+ Mem.storebytes m b ofs bytes = Some m' ->
+ smatch m b' p ->
+ (forall b' ofs' i, In (Pointer b' ofs' i) bytes -> pmatch b' ofs' p') ->
+ smatch m' b' (plub p' p).
+ intros. destruct H0 as [A B]. split.
+- intros. apply vmatch_ifptr. intros bx ofsx EQ; subst v.
+ exploit Mem.load_loadbytes; eauto. intros (bytes' & P & Q).
+ exploit decode_val_pointer_inv; eauto. intros [U V].
+ subst chunk bytes'.
+ exploit In_loadbytes; eauto.
+ instantiate (1 := Pointer bx ofsx 3%nat). simpl; auto.
+ intros (ofs' & X & Y).
+ exploit storebytes_provenance; eauto. intros [Z | Z].
+ apply pmatch_lub_l. eauto.
+ apply pmatch_lub_r. eauto.
+- intros. exploit storebytes_provenance; eauto. intros [Z | Z].
+ apply pmatch_lub_l. eauto.
+ apply pmatch_lub_r. eauto.
+Definition bmatch (m: mem) (b: block) (ab: ablock) : Prop :=
+ smatch m b ab.(ab_summary) /\
+ forall chunk ofs v, Mem.load chunk m b ofs = Some v -> vmatch v (ablock_load chunk ab ofs).
+Lemma bmatch_ext:
+ forall m b ab m',
+ bmatch m b ab ->
+ (forall ofs n bytes, Mem.loadbytes m' b ofs n = Some bytes -> n >= 0 -> Mem.loadbytes m b ofs n = Some bytes) ->
+ bmatch m' b ab.
+ intros. destruct H as [A B]. split; intros.
+ apply smatch_ext with m; auto.
+ eapply B; eauto. eapply loadbytes_load_ext; eauto.
+Lemma bmatch_inv:
+ forall m b ab m',
+ bmatch m b ab ->
+ (forall ofs n, n >= 0 -> Mem.loadbytes m' b ofs n = Mem.loadbytes m b ofs n) ->
+ bmatch m' b ab.
+ intros. eapply bmatch_ext; eauto.
+ intros. rewrite <- H0; eauto.
+Lemma ablock_load_sound:
+ forall chunk m b ofs v ab,
+ Mem.load chunk m b ofs = Some v ->
+ bmatch m b ab ->
+ vmatch v (ablock_load chunk ab ofs).
+ intros. destruct H0. eauto.
+Lemma ablock_load_anywhere_sound:
+ forall chunk m b ofs v ab,
+ Mem.load chunk m b ofs = Some v ->
+ bmatch m b ab ->
+ vmatch v (ablock_load_anywhere chunk ab).
+ intros. destruct H0. destruct H0. unfold ablock_load_anywhere.
+ eapply vnormalize_cast; eauto.
+Lemma ablock_init_sound:
+ forall m b p, smatch m b p -> bmatch m b (ablock_init p).
+ intros; split; auto; intros.
+ unfold ablock_load, ablock_init; simpl. rewrite ZMap.gi.
+ eapply vnormalize_cast; eauto. eapply H; eauto.
+Lemma ablock_store_anywhere_sound:
+ forall chunk m b ofs v m' b' ab av,
+ Mem.store chunk m b ofs v = Some m' ->
+ bmatch m b' ab ->
+ vmatch v av ->
+ bmatch m' b' (ablock_store_anywhere chunk ab av).
+ intros. destruct H0 as [A B]. unfold ablock_store_anywhere.
+ apply ablock_init_sound. eapply smatch_store; eauto.
+Remark inval_after_outside:
+ forall i lo hi c, i < lo \/ i > hi -> (inval_after lo hi c)##i = c##i.
+ intros until c. functional induction (inval_after lo hi c); intros.
+ rewrite IHt by omega. apply ZMap.gso. unfold ZIndexed.t; omega.
+ auto.
+Remark inval_after_contents:
+ forall chunk av i lo hi c,
+ (inval_after lo hi c)##i = ACval chunk av ->
+ c##i = ACval chunk av /\ (i < lo \/ i > hi).
+ intros until c. functional induction (inval_after lo hi c); intros.
+ destruct (zeq i hi).
+ subst i. rewrite inval_after_outside in H by omega. rewrite ZMap.gss in H. discriminate.
+ exploit IHt; eauto. intros [A B]. rewrite ZMap.gso in A by auto. split. auto. omega.
+ split. auto. omega.
+Remark inval_before_outside:
+ forall i hi lo c, i < lo \/ i >= hi -> (inval_before hi lo c)##i = c##i.
+ intros until c. functional induction (inval_before hi lo c); intros.
+ rewrite IHt by omega. unfold inval_if. destruct (c##lo); auto.
+ destruct (zle (lo + size_chunk chunk) hi); auto.
+ apply ZMap.gso. unfold ZIndexed.t; omega.
+ auto.
+Remark inval_before_contents_1:
+ forall i chunk av lo hi c,
+ lo <= i < hi -> (inval_before hi lo c)##i = ACval chunk av ->
+ c##i = ACval chunk av /\ i + size_chunk chunk <= hi.
+ intros until c. functional induction (inval_before hi lo c); intros.
+- destruct (zeq lo i).
++ subst i. rewrite inval_before_outside in H0 by omega.
+ unfold inval_if in H0. destruct (c##lo) eqn:C. congruence.
+ destruct (zle (lo + size_chunk chunk0) hi).
+ rewrite C in H0; inv H0. auto.
+ rewrite ZMap.gss in H0. congruence.
++ exploit IHt. omega. auto. intros [A B]; split; auto.
+ unfold inval_if in A. destruct (c##lo) eqn:C. auto.
+ destruct (zle (lo + size_chunk chunk0) hi); auto.
+ rewrite ZMap.gso in A; auto.
+- omegaContradiction.
+Lemma max_size_chunk: forall chunk, size_chunk chunk <= 8.
+ destruct chunk; simpl; omega.
+Remark inval_before_contents:
+ forall i c chunk' av' j,
+ (inval_before i (i - 7) c)##j = ACval chunk' av' ->
+ c##j = ACval chunk' av' /\ (j + size_chunk chunk' <= i \/ i <= j).
+ intros. destruct (zlt j (i - 7)).
+ rewrite inval_before_outside in H by omega.
+ split. auto. left. generalize (max_size_chunk chunk'); omega.
+ destruct (zlt j i).
+ exploit inval_before_contents_1; eauto. omega. tauto.
+ rewrite inval_before_outside in H by omega.
+ split. auto. omega.
+Lemma ablock_store_contents:
+ forall chunk ab i av j chunk' av',
+ (ablock_store chunk ab i av).(ab_contents)##j = ACval chunk' av' ->
+ (i = j /\ chunk' = chunk /\ av' = av)
+ \/ (ab.(ab_contents)##j = ACval chunk' av'
+ /\ (j + size_chunk chunk' <= i \/ i + size_chunk chunk <= j)).
+ unfold ablock_store; simpl; intros.
+ destruct (zeq i j).
+ subst j. rewrite ZMap.gss in H. inv H; auto.
+ right. rewrite ZMap.gso in H by auto.
+ exploit inval_before_contents; eauto. intros [A B].
+ exploit inval_after_contents; eauto. intros [C D].
+ split. auto. omega.
+Lemma chunk_compat_true:
+ forall c c',
+ chunk_compat c c' = true ->
+ size_chunk c = size_chunk c' /\ align_chunk c <= align_chunk c' /\ type_of_chunk c = type_of_chunk c'.
+ destruct c, c'; intros; try discriminate; simpl; auto with va.
+Lemma ablock_store_sound:
+ forall chunk m b ofs v m' ab av,
+ Mem.store chunk m b ofs v = Some m' ->
+ bmatch m b ab ->
+ vmatch v av ->
+ bmatch m' b (ablock_store chunk ab ofs av).
+ intros until av; intros STORE BIN VIN. destruct BIN as [BIN1 BIN2]. split.
+ eapply smatch_store; eauto.
+ intros chunk' ofs' v' LOAD.
+ assert (SUMMARY: vmatch v' (vnormalize chunk' (Ifptr (vplub av ab.(ab_summary))))).
+ { exploit smatch_store; eauto. intros [A B]. eapply vnormalize_cast; eauto. }
+ unfold ablock_load.
+ destruct ((ab_contents (ablock_store chunk ab ofs av)) ## ofs') as [ | chunk1 av1] eqn:C.
+ apply SUMMARY.
+ destruct (chunk_compat chunk' chunk1) eqn:COMPAT; auto.
+ exploit chunk_compat_true; eauto. intros (U & V & W).
+ exploit ablock_store_contents; eauto. intros [(P & Q & R) | (P & Q)].
+- (* same offset and compatible chunks *)
+ subst.
+ assert (v' = Val.load_result chunk' v).
+ { exploit Mem.load_store_similar_2; eauto. congruence. }
+ subst v'. apply vnormalize_sound; auto.
+- (* disjoint load/store *)
+ assert (Mem.load chunk' m b ofs' = Some v').
+ { rewrite <- LOAD. symmetry. eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto.
+ rewrite U. auto. }
+ exploit BIN2; eauto. unfold ablock_load. rewrite P. rewrite COMPAT. auto.
+Lemma ablock_loadbytes_sound:
+ forall m b ab b' ofs' i n ofs bytes,
+ Mem.loadbytes m b ofs n = Some bytes ->
+ bmatch m b ab ->
+ In (Pointer b' ofs' i) bytes ->
+ pmatch b' ofs' (ablock_loadbytes ab).
+ intros. destruct H0. eapply smatch_loadbytes; eauto.
+Lemma ablock_storebytes_anywhere_sound:
+ forall m b ofs bytes p m' b' ab,
+ Mem.storebytes m b ofs bytes = Some m' ->
+ (forall b' ofs' i, In (Pointer b' ofs' i) bytes -> pmatch b' ofs' p) ->
+ bmatch m b' ab ->
+ bmatch m' b' (ablock_storebytes_anywhere ab p).
+ intros. destruct H1 as [A B]. apply ablock_init_sound.
+ eapply smatch_storebytes; eauto.
+Lemma ablock_storebytes_contents:
+ forall ab p i sz j chunk' av',
+ (ablock_storebytes ab p i sz).(ab_contents)##j = ACval chunk' av' ->
+ ab.(ab_contents)##j = ACval chunk' av'
+ /\ (j + size_chunk chunk' <= i \/ i + Zmax sz 0 <= j).
+ unfold ablock_storebytes; simpl; intros.
+ exploit inval_before_contents; eauto. clear H. intros [A B].
+ exploit inval_after_contents; eauto. clear A. intros [C D].
+ split. auto. xomega.
+Lemma ablock_storebytes_sound:
+ forall m b ofs bytes m' p ab sz,
+ Mem.storebytes m b ofs bytes = Some m' ->
+ length bytes = nat_of_Z sz ->
+ (forall b' ofs' i, In (Pointer b' ofs' i) bytes -> pmatch b' ofs' p) ->
+ bmatch m b ab ->
+ bmatch m' b (ablock_storebytes ab p ofs sz).
+ intros until sz; intros STORE LENGTH CONTENTS BM. destruct BM as [BM1 BM2]. split.
+ eapply smatch_storebytes; eauto.
+ intros chunk' ofs' v' LOAD'.
+ assert (SUMMARY: vmatch v' (vnormalize chunk' (Ifptr (plub p ab.(ab_summary))))).
+ { exploit smatch_storebytes; eauto. intros [A B]. eapply vnormalize_cast; eauto. }
+ unfold ablock_load.
+ destruct (ab_contents (ablock_storebytes ab p ofs sz))##ofs' eqn:C.
+ exact SUMMARY.
+ destruct (chunk_compat chunk' chunk) eqn:COMPAT; auto.
+ exploit chunk_compat_true; eauto. intros (U & V & W).
+ exploit ablock_storebytes_contents; eauto. intros [A B].
+ assert (Mem.load chunk' m b ofs' = Some v').
+ { rewrite <- LOAD'; symmetry. eapply Mem.load_storebytes_other; eauto.
+ rewrite U. rewrite LENGTH. rewrite nat_of_Z_max. right; omega. }
+ exploit BM2; eauto. unfold ablock_load. rewrite A. rewrite COMPAT. auto.
+(** Boolean equality *)
+Definition bbeq (ab1 ab2: ablock) : bool :=
+ eq_aptr ab1.(ab_summary) ab2.(ab_summary) &&
+ PTree.beq (fun c1 c2 => proj_sumbool (eq_acontent c1 c2))
+ (snd ab1.(ab_contents)) (snd ab2.(ab_contents)).
+Lemma bbeq_load:
+ forall ab1 ab2,
+ bbeq ab1 ab2 = true ->
+ ab1.(ab_summary) = ab2.(ab_summary)
+ /\ (forall chunk i, ablock_load chunk ab1 i = ablock_load chunk ab2 i).
+ unfold bbeq; intros. InvBooleans. split.
+- unfold ablock_load_anywhere; intros; congruence.
+- rewrite PTree.beq_correct in H1.
+ assert (A: forall i, ZMap.get i (ab_contents ab1) = ZMap.get i (ab_contents ab2)).
+ {
+ intros. unfold ZMap.get, PMap.get. set (j := ZIndexed.index i).
+ specialize (H1 j).
+ destruct (snd (ab_contents ab1))!j; destruct (snd (ab_contents ab2))!j; try contradiction.
+ InvBooleans; auto.
+ rewrite ! ab_default. auto.
+ }
+ intros. unfold ablock_load. rewrite A, H.
+ destruct (ab_contents ab2)##i; auto.
+Lemma bbeq_sound:
+ forall ab1 ab2,
+ bbeq ab1 ab2 = true ->
+ forall m b, bmatch m b ab1 <-> bmatch m b ab2.
+ intros. exploit bbeq_load; eauto. intros [A B].
+ unfold bmatch. rewrite A. intuition. rewrite <- B; eauto. rewrite B; eauto.
+(** Least upper bound *)
+Definition combine_acontents_opt (c1 c2: option acontent) : option acontent :=
+ match c1, c2 with
+ | Some (ACval chunk1 v1), Some (ACval chunk2 v2) =>
+ if chunk_eq chunk1 chunk2 then Some(ACval chunk1 (vlub v1 v2)) else None
+ | _, _ =>
+ None
+ end.
+Definition combine_contentmaps (m1 m2: ZMap.t acontent) : ZMap.t acontent :=
+ (ACany, PTree.combine combine_acontents_opt (snd m1) (snd m2)).
+Definition blub (ab1 ab2: ablock) : ablock :=
+ {| ab_contents := combine_contentmaps ab1.(ab_contents) ab2.(ab_contents);
+ ab_summary := plub ab1.(ab_summary) ab2.(ab_summary);
+ ab_default := refl_equal _ |}.
+Definition combine_acontents (c1 c2: acontent) : acontent :=
+ match c1, c2 with
+ | ACval chunk1 v1, ACval chunk2 v2 =>
+ if chunk_eq chunk1 chunk2 then ACval chunk1 (vlub v1 v2) else ACany
+ | _, _ => ACany
+ end.
+Lemma get_combine_contentmaps:
+ forall m1 m2 i,
+ fst m1 = ACany -> fst m2 = ACany ->
+ ZMap.get i (combine_contentmaps m1 m2) = combine_acontents (ZMap.get i m1) (ZMap.get i m2).
+ intros. destruct m1 as [dfl1 pt1]. destruct m2 as [dfl2 pt2]; simpl in *.
+ subst dfl1 dfl2. unfold combine_contentmaps, ZMap.get, PMap.get, fst, snd.
+ set (j := ZIndexed.index i).
+ rewrite PTree.gcombine by auto.
+ destruct (pt1!j) as [[]|]; destruct (pt2!j) as [[]|]; simpl; auto.
+ destruct (chunk_eq chunk chunk0); auto.
+Lemma smatch_lub_l:
+ forall m b p q, smatch m b p -> smatch m b (plub p q).
+ intros. destruct H as [A B]. split; intros.
+ change (vmatch v (vlub (Ifptr p) (Ifptr q))). apply vmatch_lub_l. eapply A; eauto.
+ apply pmatch_lub_l. eapply B; eauto.
+Lemma smatch_lub_r:
+ forall m b p q, smatch m b q -> smatch m b (plub p q).
+ intros. destruct H as [A B]. split; intros.
+ change (vmatch v (vlub (Ifptr p) (Ifptr q))). apply vmatch_lub_r. eapply A; eauto.
+ apply pmatch_lub_r. eapply B; eauto.
+Lemma bmatch_lub_l:
+ forall m b x y, bmatch m b x -> bmatch m b (blub x y).
+ intros. destruct H as [BM1 BM2]. split; unfold blub; simpl.
+- apply smatch_lub_l; auto.
+- intros.
+ assert (SUMMARY: vmatch v (vnormalize chunk (Ifptr (plub (ab_summary x) (ab_summary y))))
+ { exploit smatch_lub_l; eauto. instantiate (1 := ab_summary y).
+ intros [SUMM _]. eapply vnormalize_cast; eauto. }
+ exploit BM2; eauto.
+ unfold ablock_load; simpl. rewrite get_combine_contentmaps by (apply ab_default).
+ unfold combine_acontents; destruct (ab_contents x)##ofs, (ab_contents y)##ofs; auto.
+ destruct (chunk_eq chunk0 chunk1); auto. subst chunk0.
+ destruct (chunk_compat chunk chunk1); auto.
+ intros. eapply vmatch_ge; eauto. apply vnormalize_monotone. apply vge_lub_l.
+Lemma bmatch_lub_r:
+ forall m b x y, bmatch m b y -> bmatch m b (blub x y).
+ intros. destruct H as [BM1 BM2]. split; unfold blub; simpl.
+- apply smatch_lub_r; auto.
+- intros.
+ assert (SUMMARY: vmatch v (vnormalize chunk (Ifptr (plub (ab_summary x) (ab_summary y))))
+ { exploit smatch_lub_r; eauto. instantiate (1 := ab_summary x).
+ intros [SUMM _]. eapply vnormalize_cast; eauto. }
+ exploit BM2; eauto.
+ unfold ablock_load; simpl. rewrite get_combine_contentmaps by (apply ab_default).
+ unfold combine_acontents; destruct (ab_contents x)##ofs, (ab_contents y)##ofs; auto.
+ destruct (chunk_eq chunk0 chunk1); auto. subst chunk0.
+ destruct (chunk_compat chunk chunk1); auto.
+ intros. eapply vmatch_ge; eauto. apply vnormalize_monotone. apply vge_lub_r.
+(** * Abstracting read-only global variables *)
+Definition romem := PTree.t ablock.
+Definition romatch (m: mem) (rm: romem) : Prop :=
+ forall b id ab,
+ bc b = BCglob id ->
+ rm!id = Some ab ->
+ pge Glob ab.(ab_summary)
+ /\ bmatch m b ab
+ /\ forall ofs, ~Mem.perm m b ofs Max Writable.
+Lemma romatch_store:
+ forall chunk m b ofs v m' rm,
+ Mem.store chunk m b ofs v = Some m' ->
+ romatch m rm ->
+ romatch m' rm.
+ intros; red; intros. exploit H0; eauto. intros (A & B & C). split; auto. split.
+- exploit Mem.store_valid_access_3; eauto. intros [P _].
+ apply bmatch_inv with m; auto.
++ intros. eapply Mem.loadbytes_store_other; eauto.
+ left. red; intros; subst b0. elim (C ofs). apply Mem.perm_cur_max.
+ apply P. generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk); omega.
+- intros; red; intros; elim (C ofs0). eauto with mem.
+Lemma romatch_storebytes:
+ forall m b ofs bytes m' rm,
+ Mem.storebytes m b ofs bytes = Some m' ->
+ bytes <> nil ->
+ romatch m rm ->
+ romatch m' rm.
+ intros; red; intros. exploit H1; eauto. intros (A & B & C). split; auto. split.
+- apply bmatch_inv with m; auto.
+ intros. eapply Mem.loadbytes_storebytes_other; eauto.
+ left. red; intros; subst b0. elim (C ofs). apply Mem.perm_cur_max.
+ eapply Mem.storebytes_range_perm; eauto.
+ destruct bytes. congruence. simpl length. rewrite inj_S. omega.
+- intros; red; intros; elim (C ofs0). eauto with mem.
+Lemma romatch_ext:
+ forall m rm m',
+ romatch m rm ->
+ (forall b id ofs n bytes, bc b = BCglob id -> Mem.loadbytes m' b ofs n = Some bytes -> Mem.loadbytes m b ofs n = Some bytes) ->
+ (forall b id ofs p, bc b = BCglob id -> Mem.perm m' b ofs Max p -> Mem.perm m b ofs Max p) ->
+ romatch m' rm.
+ intros; red; intros. exploit H; eauto. intros (A & B & C).
+ split. auto.
+ split. apply bmatch_ext with m; auto. intros. eapply H0; eauto.
+ intros; red; intros. elim (C ofs). eapply H1; eauto.
+Lemma romatch_free:
+ forall m b lo hi m' rm,
+ Mem.free m b lo hi = Some m' ->
+ romatch m rm ->
+ romatch m' rm.
+ intros. apply romatch_ext with m; auto.
+ intros. eapply Mem.loadbytes_free_2; eauto.
+ intros. eauto with mem.
+Lemma romatch_alloc:
+ forall m b lo hi m' rm,
+ Mem.alloc m lo hi = (m', b) ->
+ bc_below bc (Mem.nextblock m) ->
+ romatch m rm ->
+ romatch m' rm.
+ intros. apply romatch_ext with m; auto.
+ intros. rewrite <- H3; symmetry. eapply Mem.loadbytes_alloc_unchanged; eauto.
+ apply H0. congruence.
+ intros. eapply Mem.perm_alloc_4; eauto. apply Mem.valid_not_valid_diff with m; eauto with mem.
+ apply H0. congruence.
+(** * Abstracting memory states *)
+Record amem : Type := AMem {
+ am_stack: ablock;
+ am_glob: PTree.t ablock;
+ am_nonstack: aptr;
+ am_top: aptr
+Record mmatch (m: mem) (am: amem) : Prop := mk_mem_match {
+ mmatch_stack: forall b,
+ bc b = BCstack ->
+ bmatch m b am.(am_stack);
+ mmatch_glob: forall id ab b,
+ bc b = BCglob id ->
+ am.(am_glob)!id = Some ab ->
+ bmatch m b ab;
+ mmatch_nonstack: forall b,
+ bc b <> BCstack -> bc b <> BCinvalid ->
+ smatch m b am.(am_nonstack);
+ mmatch_top: forall b,
+ bc b <> BCinvalid ->
+ smatch m b am.(am_top);
+ mmatch_below:
+ bc_below bc (Mem.nextblock m)
+Definition minit (p: aptr) :=
+ {| am_stack := ablock_init p;
+ am_glob := PTree.empty _;
+ am_nonstack := p;
+ am_top := p |}.
+Definition mbot := minit Pbot.
+Definition mtop := minit Ptop.
+Definition load (chunk: memory_chunk) (rm: romem) (m: amem) (p: aptr) : aval :=
+ match p with
+ | Pbot => if strict then Vbot else Vtop
+ | Gl id ofs =>
+ match rm!id with
+ | Some ab => ablock_load chunk ab (Int.unsigned ofs)
+ | None =>
+ match m.(am_glob)!id with
+ | Some ab => ablock_load chunk ab (Int.unsigned ofs)
+ | None => vnormalize chunk (Ifptr m.(am_nonstack))
+ end
+ end
+ | Glo id =>
+ match rm!id with
+ | Some ab => ablock_load_anywhere chunk ab
+ | None =>
+ match m.(am_glob)!id with
+ | Some ab => ablock_load_anywhere chunk ab
+ | None => vnormalize chunk (Ifptr m.(am_nonstack))
+ end
+ end
+ | Stk ofs => ablock_load chunk m.(am_stack) (Int.unsigned ofs)
+ | Stack => ablock_load_anywhere chunk m.(am_stack)
+ | Glob | Nonstack => vnormalize chunk (Ifptr m.(am_nonstack))
+ | Ptop => vnormalize chunk (Ifptr m.(am_top))
+ end.
+Definition loadv (chunk: memory_chunk) (rm: romem) (m: amem) (addr: aval) : aval :=
+ load chunk rm m (aptr_of_aval addr).
+Definition store (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: amem) (p: aptr) (av: aval) : amem :=
+ {| am_stack :=
+ match p with
+ | Stk ofs => ablock_store chunk m.(am_stack) (Int.unsigned ofs) av
+ | Stack | Ptop => ablock_store_anywhere chunk m.(am_stack) av
+ | _ => m.(am_stack)
+ end;
+ am_glob :=
+ match p with
+ | Gl id ofs =>
+ let ab := match m.(am_glob)!id with Some ab => ab | None => ablock_init m.(am_nonstack) end in
+ PTree.set id (ablock_store chunk ab (Int.unsigned ofs) av) m.(am_glob)
+ | Glo id =>
+ let ab := match m.(am_glob)!id with Some ab => ab | None => ablock_init m.(am_nonstack) end in
+ PTree.set id (ablock_store_anywhere chunk ab av) m.(am_glob)
+ | Glob | Nonstack | Ptop => PTree.empty _
+ | _ => m.(am_glob)
+ end;
+ am_nonstack :=
+ match p with
+ | Gl _ _ | Glo _ | Glob | Nonstack | Ptop => vplub av m.(am_nonstack)
+ | _ => m.(am_nonstack)
+ end;
+ am_top := vplub av m.(am_top)
+ |}.
+Definition storev (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: amem) (addr: aval) (v: aval): amem :=
+ store chunk m (aptr_of_aval addr) v.
+Definition loadbytes (m: amem) (rm: romem) (p: aptr) : aptr :=
+ match p with
+ | Pbot => if strict then Pbot else Ptop
+ | Gl id _ | Glo id =>
+ match rm!id with
+ | Some ab => ablock_loadbytes ab
+ | None =>
+ match m.(am_glob)!id with
+ | Some ab => ablock_loadbytes ab
+ | None => m.(am_nonstack)
+ end
+ end
+ | Stk _ | Stack => ablock_loadbytes m.(am_stack)
+ | Glob | Nonstack => m.(am_nonstack)
+ | Ptop => m.(am_top)
+ end.
+Definition storebytes (m: amem) (dst: aptr) (sz: Z) (p: aptr) : amem :=
+ {| am_stack :=
+ match dst with
+ | Stk ofs => ablock_storebytes m.(am_stack) p (Int.unsigned ofs) sz
+ | Stack | Ptop => ablock_storebytes_anywhere m.(am_stack) p
+ | _ => m.(am_stack)
+ end;
+ am_glob :=
+ match dst with
+ | Gl id ofs =>
+ let ab := match m.(am_glob)!id with Some ab => ab | None => ablock_init m.(am_nonstack) end in
+ PTree.set id (ablock_storebytes ab p (Int.unsigned ofs) sz) m.(am_glob)
+ | Glo id =>
+ let ab := match m.(am_glob)!id with Some ab => ab | None => ablock_init m.(am_nonstack) end in
+ PTree.set id (ablock_storebytes_anywhere ab p) m.(am_glob)
+ | Glob | Nonstack | Ptop => PTree.empty _
+ | _ => m.(am_glob)
+ end;
+ am_nonstack :=
+ match dst with
+ | Gl _ _ | Glo _ | Glob | Nonstack | Ptop => plub p m.(am_nonstack)
+ | _ => m.(am_nonstack)
+ end;
+ am_top := plub p m.(am_top)
+ |}.
+Theorem load_sound:
+ forall chunk m b ofs v rm am p,
+ Mem.load chunk m b (Int.unsigned ofs) = Some v ->
+ romatch m rm ->
+ mmatch m am ->
+ pmatch b ofs p ->
+ vmatch v (load chunk rm am p).
+ intros. unfold load. inv H2.
+- (* Gl id ofs *)
+ destruct (rm!id) as [ab|] eqn:RM.
+ eapply ablock_load_sound; eauto. eapply H0; eauto.
+ destruct (am_glob am)!id as [ab|] eqn:AM.
+ eapply ablock_load_sound; eauto. eapply mmatch_glob; eauto.
+ eapply vnormalize_cast; eauto. eapply mmatch_nonstack; eauto; congruence.
+- (* Glo id *)
+ destruct (rm!id) as [ab|] eqn:RM.
+ eapply ablock_load_anywhere_sound; eauto. eapply H0; eauto.
+ destruct (am_glob am)!id as [ab|] eqn:AM.
+ eapply ablock_load_anywhere_sound; eauto. eapply mmatch_glob; eauto.
+ eapply vnormalize_cast; eauto. eapply mmatch_nonstack; eauto; congruence.
+- (* Glob *)
+ eapply vnormalize_cast; eauto. eapply mmatch_nonstack; eauto. congruence. congruence.
+- (* Stk ofs *)
+ eapply ablock_load_sound; eauto. eapply mmatch_stack; eauto.
+- (* Stack *)
+ eapply ablock_load_anywhere_sound; eauto. eapply mmatch_stack; eauto.
+- (* Nonstack *)
+ eapply vnormalize_cast; eauto. eapply mmatch_nonstack; eauto.
+- (* Top *)
+ eapply vnormalize_cast; eauto. eapply mmatch_top; eauto.
+Theorem loadv_sound:
+ forall chunk m addr v rm am aaddr,
+ Mem.loadv chunk m addr = Some v ->
+ romatch m rm ->
+ mmatch m am ->
+ vmatch addr aaddr ->
+ vmatch v (loadv chunk rm am aaddr).
+ intros. destruct addr; simpl in H; try discriminate.
+ eapply load_sound; eauto. apply match_aptr_of_aval; auto.
+Theorem store_sound:
+ forall chunk m b ofs v m' am p av,
+ Mem.store chunk m b (Int.unsigned ofs) v = Some m' ->
+ mmatch m am ->
+ pmatch b ofs p ->
+ vmatch v av ->
+ mmatch m' (store chunk am p av).
+ intros until av; intros STORE MM PM VM.
+ unfold store; constructor; simpl; intros.
+- (* Stack *)
+ assert (DFL: bc b <> BCstack -> bmatch m' b0 (am_stack am)).
+ { intros. apply bmatch_inv with m. eapply mmatch_stack; eauto.
+ intros. eapply Mem.loadbytes_store_other; eauto. left; congruence. }
+ inv PM; try (apply DFL; congruence).
+ + assert (b0 = b) by (eapply bc_stack; eauto). subst b0.
+ eapply ablock_store_sound; eauto. eapply mmatch_stack; eauto.
+ + assert (b0 = b) by (eapply bc_stack; eauto). subst b0.
+ eapply ablock_store_anywhere_sound; eauto. eapply mmatch_stack; eauto.
+ + eapply ablock_store_anywhere_sound; eauto. eapply mmatch_stack; eauto.
+- (* Globals *)
+ rename b0 into b'.
+ assert (DFL: bc b <> BCglob id -> (am_glob am)!id = Some ab ->
+ bmatch m' b' ab).
+ { intros. apply bmatch_inv with m. eapply mmatch_glob; eauto.
+ intros. eapply Mem.loadbytes_store_other; eauto. left; congruence. }
+ inv PM.
+ + rewrite PTree.gsspec in H0. destruct (peq id id0).
+ subst id0; inv H0.
+ assert (b' = b) by (eapply bc_glob; eauto). subst b'.
+ eapply ablock_store_sound; eauto.
+ destruct (am_glob am)!id as [ab0|] eqn:GL.
+ eapply mmatch_glob; eauto.
+ apply ablock_init_sound. eapply mmatch_nonstack; eauto; congruence.
+ eapply DFL; eauto. congruence.
+ + rewrite PTree.gsspec in H0. destruct (peq id id0).
+ subst id0; inv H0.
+ assert (b' = b) by (eapply bc_glob; eauto). subst b'.
+ eapply ablock_store_anywhere_sound; eauto.
+ destruct (am_glob am)!id as [ab0|] eqn:GL.
+ eapply mmatch_glob; eauto.
+ apply ablock_init_sound. eapply mmatch_nonstack; eauto; congruence.
+ eapply DFL; eauto. congruence.
+ + rewrite PTree.gempty in H0; congruence.
+ + eapply DFL; eauto. congruence.
+ + eapply DFL; eauto. congruence.
+ + rewrite PTree.gempty in H0; congruence.
+ + rewrite PTree.gempty in H0; congruence.
+- (* Nonstack *)
+ assert (DFL: smatch m' b0 (vplub av (am_nonstack am))).
+ { eapply smatch_store; eauto. eapply mmatch_nonstack; eauto. }
+ assert (STK: bc b = BCstack -> smatch m' b0 (am_nonstack am)).
+ { intros. apply smatch_inv with m. eapply mmatch_nonstack; eauto; congruence.
+ intros. eapply Mem.loadbytes_store_other; eauto. left. congruence.
+ }
+ inv PM; (apply DFL || apply STK; congruence).
+- (* Top *)
+ eapply smatch_store; eauto. eapply mmatch_top; eauto.
+- (* Below *)
+ erewrite Mem.nextblock_store by eauto. eapply mmatch_below; eauto.
+Theorem storev_sound:
+ forall chunk m addr v m' am aaddr av,
+ Mem.storev chunk m addr v = Some m' ->
+ mmatch m am ->
+ vmatch addr aaddr ->
+ vmatch v av ->
+ mmatch m' (storev chunk am aaddr av).
+ intros. destruct addr; simpl in H; try discriminate.
+ eapply store_sound; eauto. apply match_aptr_of_aval; auto.
+Theorem loadbytes_sound:
+ forall m b ofs sz bytes am rm p,
+ Mem.loadbytes m b (Int.unsigned ofs) sz = Some bytes ->
+ romatch m rm ->
+ mmatch m am ->
+ pmatch b ofs p ->
+ forall b' ofs' i, In (Pointer b' ofs' i) bytes -> pmatch b' ofs' (loadbytes am rm p).
+ intros. unfold loadbytes; inv H2.
+- (* Gl id ofs *)
+ destruct (rm!id) as [ab|] eqn:RM.
+ exploit H0; eauto. intros (A & B & C). eapply ablock_loadbytes_sound; eauto.
+ destruct (am_glob am)!id as [ab|] eqn:GL.
+ eapply ablock_loadbytes_sound; eauto. eapply mmatch_glob; eauto.
+ eapply smatch_loadbytes; eauto. eapply mmatch_nonstack; eauto with va.
+- (* Glo id *)
+ destruct (rm!id) as [ab|] eqn:RM.
+ exploit H0; eauto. intros (A & B & C). eapply ablock_loadbytes_sound; eauto.
+ destruct (am_glob am)!id as [ab|] eqn:GL.
+ eapply ablock_loadbytes_sound; eauto. eapply mmatch_glob; eauto.
+ eapply smatch_loadbytes; eauto. eapply mmatch_nonstack; eauto with va.
+- (* Glob *)
+ eapply smatch_loadbytes; eauto. eapply mmatch_nonstack; eauto with va.
+- (* Stk ofs *)
+ eapply ablock_loadbytes_sound; eauto. eapply mmatch_stack; eauto.
+- (* Stack *)
+ eapply ablock_loadbytes_sound; eauto. eapply mmatch_stack; eauto.
+- (* Nonstack *)
+ eapply smatch_loadbytes; eauto. eapply mmatch_nonstack; eauto with va.
+- (* Top *)
+ eapply smatch_loadbytes; eauto. eapply mmatch_top; eauto with va.
+Theorem storebytes_sound:
+ forall m b ofs bytes m' am p sz q,
+ Mem.storebytes m b (Int.unsigned ofs) bytes = Some m' ->
+ mmatch m am ->
+ pmatch b ofs p ->
+ length bytes = nat_of_Z sz ->
+ (forall b' ofs' i, In (Pointer b' ofs' i) bytes -> pmatch b' ofs' q) ->
+ mmatch m' (storebytes am p sz q).
+ intros until q; intros STORE MM PM LENGTH BYTES.
+ unfold storebytes; constructor; simpl; intros.
+- (* Stack *)
+ assert (DFL: bc b <> BCstack -> bmatch m' b0 (am_stack am)).
+ { intros. apply bmatch_inv with m. eapply mmatch_stack; eauto.
+ intros. eapply Mem.loadbytes_storebytes_other; eauto. left; congruence. }
+ inv PM; try (apply DFL; congruence).
+ + assert (b0 = b) by (eapply bc_stack; eauto). subst b0.
+ eapply ablock_storebytes_sound; eauto. eapply mmatch_stack; eauto.
+ + assert (b0 = b) by (eapply bc_stack; eauto). subst b0.
+ eapply ablock_storebytes_anywhere_sound; eauto. eapply mmatch_stack; eauto.
+ + eapply ablock_storebytes_anywhere_sound; eauto. eapply mmatch_stack; eauto.
+- (* Globals *)
+ rename b0 into b'.
+ assert (DFL: bc b <> BCglob id -> (am_glob am)!id = Some ab ->
+ bmatch m' b' ab).
+ { intros. apply bmatch_inv with m. eapply mmatch_glob; eauto.
+ intros. eapply Mem.loadbytes_storebytes_other; eauto. left; congruence. }
+ inv PM.
+ + rewrite PTree.gsspec in H0. destruct (peq id id0).
+ subst id0; inv H0.
+ assert (b' = b) by (eapply bc_glob; eauto). subst b'.
+ eapply ablock_storebytes_sound; eauto.
+ destruct (am_glob am)!id as [ab0|] eqn:GL.
+ eapply mmatch_glob; eauto.
+ apply ablock_init_sound. eapply mmatch_nonstack; eauto; congruence.
+ eapply DFL; eauto. congruence.
+ + rewrite PTree.gsspec in H0. destruct (peq id id0).
+ subst id0; inv H0.
+ assert (b' = b) by (eapply bc_glob; eauto). subst b'.
+ eapply ablock_storebytes_anywhere_sound; eauto.
+ destruct (am_glob am)!id as [ab0|] eqn:GL.
+ eapply mmatch_glob; eauto.
+ apply ablock_init_sound. eapply mmatch_nonstack; eauto; congruence.
+ eapply DFL; eauto. congruence.
+ + rewrite PTree.gempty in H0; congruence.
+ + eapply DFL; eauto. congruence.
+ + eapply DFL; eauto. congruence.
+ + rewrite PTree.gempty in H0; congruence.
+ + rewrite PTree.gempty in H0; congruence.
+- (* Nonstack *)
+ assert (DFL: smatch m' b0 (plub q (am_nonstack am))).
+ { eapply smatch_storebytes; eauto. eapply mmatch_nonstack; eauto. }
+ assert (STK: bc b = BCstack -> smatch m' b0 (am_nonstack am)).
+ { intros. apply smatch_inv with m. eapply mmatch_nonstack; eauto; congruence.
+ intros. eapply Mem.loadbytes_storebytes_other; eauto. left. congruence.
+ }
+ inv PM; (apply DFL || apply STK; congruence).
+- (* Top *)
+ eapply smatch_storebytes; eauto. eapply mmatch_top; eauto.
+- (* Below *)
+ erewrite Mem.nextblock_storebytes by eauto. eapply mmatch_below; eauto.
+Lemma mmatch_ext:
+ forall m am m',
+ mmatch m am ->
+ (forall b ofs n bytes, bc b <> BCinvalid -> n >= 0 -> Mem.loadbytes m' b ofs n = Some bytes -> Mem.loadbytes m b ofs n = Some bytes) ->
+ Ple (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock m') ->
+ mmatch m' am.
+ intros. inv H. constructor; intros.
+- apply bmatch_ext with m; auto with va.
+- apply bmatch_ext with m; eauto with va.
+- apply smatch_ext with m; auto with va.
+- apply smatch_ext with m; auto with va.
+- red; intros. exploit mmatch_below0; eauto. xomega.
+Lemma mmatch_free:
+ forall m b lo hi m' am,
+ Mem.free m b lo hi = Some m' ->
+ mmatch m am ->
+ mmatch m' am.
+ intros. apply mmatch_ext with m; auto.
+ intros. eapply Mem.loadbytes_free_2; eauto.
+ erewrite <- Mem.nextblock_free by eauto. xomega.
+Lemma mmatch_top':
+ forall m am, mmatch m am -> mmatch m mtop.
+ intros. constructor; simpl; intros.
+- apply ablock_init_sound. apply smatch_ge with (ab_summary (am_stack am)).
+ eapply mmatch_stack; eauto. constructor.
+- rewrite PTree.gempty in H1; discriminate.
+- eapply smatch_ge. eapply mmatch_nonstack; eauto. constructor.
+- eapply smatch_ge. eapply mmatch_top; eauto. constructor.
+- eapply mmatch_below; eauto.
+(** Boolean equality *)
+Definition mbeq (m1 m2: amem) : bool :=
+ eq_aptr m1.(am_top) m2.(am_top)
+ && eq_aptr m1.(am_nonstack) m2.(am_nonstack)
+ && bbeq m1.(am_stack) m2.(am_stack)
+ && PTree.beq bbeq m1.(am_glob) m2.(am_glob).
+Lemma mbeq_sound:
+ forall m1 m2, mbeq m1 m2 = true -> forall m, mmatch m m1 <-> mmatch m m2.
+ unfold mbeq; intros. InvBooleans. rewrite PTree.beq_correct in H1.
+ split; intros M; inv M; constructor; intros.
+- erewrite <- bbeq_sound; eauto.
+- specialize (H1 id). rewrite H4 in H1. destruct (am_glob m1)!id eqn:G; try contradiction.
+ erewrite <- bbeq_sound; eauto.
+- rewrite <- H; eauto.
+- rewrite <- H0; eauto.
+- auto.
+- erewrite bbeq_sound; eauto.
+- specialize (H1 id). rewrite H4 in H1. destruct (am_glob m2)!id eqn:G; try contradiction.
+ erewrite bbeq_sound; eauto.
+- rewrite H; eauto.
+- rewrite H0; eauto.
+- auto.
+(** Least upper bound *)
+Definition combine_ablock (ob1 ob2: option ablock) : option ablock :=
+ match ob1, ob2 with
+ | Some b1, Some b2 => Some (blub b1 b2)
+ | _, _ => None
+ end.
+Definition mlub (m1 m2: amem) : amem :=
+{| am_stack := blub m1.(am_stack) m2.(am_stack);
+ am_glob := PTree.combine combine_ablock m1.(am_glob) m2.(am_glob);
+ am_nonstack := plub m1.(am_nonstack) m2.(am_nonstack);
+ am_top := plub m1.(am_top) m2.(am_top) |}.
+Lemma mmatch_lub_l:
+ forall m x y, mmatch m x -> mmatch m (mlub x y).
+ intros. inv H. constructor; simpl; intros.
+- apply bmatch_lub_l; auto.
+- rewrite PTree.gcombine in H0 by auto. unfold combine_ablock in H0.
+ destruct (am_glob x)!id as [b1|] eqn:G1;
+ destruct (am_glob y)!id as [b2|] eqn:G2;
+ inv H0.
+ apply bmatch_lub_l; eauto.
+- apply smatch_lub_l; auto.
+- apply smatch_lub_l; auto.
+- auto.
+Lemma mmatch_lub_r:
+ forall m x y, mmatch m y -> mmatch m (mlub x y).
+ intros. inv H. constructor; simpl; intros.
+- apply bmatch_lub_r; auto.
+- rewrite PTree.gcombine in H0 by auto. unfold combine_ablock in H0.
+ destruct (am_glob x)!id as [b1|] eqn:G1;
+ destruct (am_glob y)!id as [b2|] eqn:G2;
+ inv H0.
+ apply bmatch_lub_r; eauto.
+- apply smatch_lub_r; auto.
+- apply smatch_lub_r; auto.
+- auto.
+(** * Monotonicity properties when the block classification changes. *)
+Lemma genv_match_exten:
+ forall ge (bc1 bc2: block_classification),
+ genv_match bc1 ge ->
+ (forall b id, bc1 b = BCglob id <-> bc2 b = BCglob id) ->
+ (forall b, bc1 b = BCother -> bc2 b = BCother) ->
+ genv_match bc2 ge.
+ intros. destruct H as [A B]. split; intros.
+- rewrite <- H0. eauto.
+- exploit B; eauto. destruct (bc1 b) eqn:BC1.
+ + intuition congruence.
+ + rewrite H0 in BC1. intuition congruence.
+ + intuition congruence.
+ + erewrite H1 by eauto. intuition congruence.
+Lemma romatch_exten:
+ forall (bc1 bc2: block_classification) m rm,
+ romatch bc1 m rm ->
+ (forall b id, bc2 b = BCglob id <-> bc1 b = BCglob id) ->
+ romatch bc2 m rm.
+ intros; red; intros. rewrite H0 in H1. exploit H; eauto. intros (A & B & C).
+ split; auto. split; auto.
+ assert (PM: forall b ofs p, pmatch bc1 b ofs p -> pmatch bc1 b ofs (ab_summary ab) -> pmatch bc2 b ofs p).
+ {
+ intros.
+ assert (pmatch bc1 b0 ofs Glob) by (eapply pmatch_ge; eauto).
+ inv H5.
+ assert (bc2 b0 = BCglob id0) by (rewrite H0; auto).
+ inv H3; econstructor; eauto with va.
+ }
+ assert (VM: forall v x, vmatch bc1 v x -> vmatch bc1 v (Ifptr (ab_summary ab)) -> vmatch bc2 v x).
+ {
+ intros. inv H3; constructor; auto; inv H4; eapply PM; eauto.
+ }
+ destruct B as [[B1 B2] B3]. split. split.
+- intros. apply VM; eauto.
+- intros. apply PM; eauto.
+- intros. apply VM; eauto.
+Definition bc_incr (bc1 bc2: block_classification) : Prop :=
+ forall b, bc1 b <> BCinvalid -> bc2 b = bc1 b.
+Section MATCH_INCR.
+Variables bc1 bc2: block_classification.
+Hypothesis INCR: bc_incr bc1 bc2.
+Lemma pmatch_incr: forall b ofs p, pmatch bc1 b ofs p -> pmatch bc2 b ofs p.
+ induction 1;
+ assert (bc2 b = bc1 b) by (apply INCR; congruence);
+ econstructor; eauto with va. rewrite H0; eauto.
+Lemma vmatch_incr: forall v x, vmatch bc1 v x -> vmatch bc2 v x.
+ induction 1; constructor; auto; apply pmatch_incr; auto.
+Lemma smatch_incr: forall m b p, smatch bc1 m b p -> smatch bc2 m b p.
+ intros. destruct H as [A B]. split; intros.
+ apply vmatch_incr; eauto.
+ apply pmatch_incr; eauto.
+Lemma bmatch_incr: forall m b ab, bmatch bc1 m b ab -> bmatch bc2 m b ab.
+ intros. destruct H as [B1 B2]. split.
+ apply smatch_incr; auto.
+ intros. apply vmatch_incr; eauto.
+(** * Matching and memory injections. *)
+Definition inj_of_bc (bc: block_classification) : meminj :=
+ fun b => match bc b with BCinvalid => None | _ => Some(b, 0) end.
+Lemma inj_of_bc_valid:
+ forall (bc: block_classification) b, bc b <> BCinvalid -> inj_of_bc bc b = Some(b, 0).
+ intros. unfold inj_of_bc. destruct (bc b); congruence.
+Lemma inj_of_bc_inv:
+ forall (bc: block_classification) b b' delta,
+ inj_of_bc bc b = Some(b', delta) -> bc b <> BCinvalid /\ b' = b /\ delta = 0.
+ unfold inj_of_bc; intros. destruct (bc b); intuition congruence.
+Lemma pmatch_inj:
+ forall bc b ofs p, pmatch bc b ofs p -> inj_of_bc bc b = Some(b, 0).
+ intros. apply inj_of_bc_valid. inv H; congruence.
+Lemma vmatch_inj:
+ forall bc v x, vmatch bc v x -> val_inject (inj_of_bc bc) v v.
+ induction 1; econstructor.
+ eapply pmatch_inj; eauto. rewrite Int.add_zero; auto.
+ eapply pmatch_inj; eauto. rewrite Int.add_zero; auto.
+Lemma vmatch_list_inj:
+ forall bc vl xl, list_forall2 (vmatch bc) vl xl -> val_list_inject (inj_of_bc bc) vl vl.
+ induction 1; constructor. eapply vmatch_inj; eauto. auto.
+Lemma mmatch_inj:
+ forall bc m am, mmatch bc m am -> bc_below bc (Mem.nextblock m) -> Mem.inject (inj_of_bc bc) m m.
+ intros. constructor. constructor.
+- (* perms *)
+ intros. exploit inj_of_bc_inv; eauto. intros (A & B & C); subst.
+ rewrite Zplus_0_r. auto.
+- (* alignment *)
+ intros. exploit inj_of_bc_inv; eauto. intros (A & B & C); subst.
+ apply Zdivide_0.
+- (* contents *)
+ intros. exploit inj_of_bc_inv; eauto. intros (A & B & C); subst.
+ rewrite Zplus_0_r.
+ set (mv := ZMap.get ofs (Mem.mem_contents m)#b1).
+ assert (Mem.loadbytes m b1 ofs 1 = Some (mv :: nil)).
+ {
+ Local Transparent Mem.loadbytes.
+ unfold Mem.loadbytes. rewrite pred_dec_true. reflexivity.
+ red; intros. replace ofs0 with ofs by omega. auto.
+ }
+ destruct mv; econstructor.
+ apply inj_of_bc_valid.
+ assert (PM: pmatch bc b i Ptop).
+ { exploit mmatch_top; eauto. intros [P Q].
+ eapply pmatch_top'. eapply Q; eauto. }
+ inv PM; auto.
+ rewrite Int.add_zero; auto.
+- (* free blocks *)
+ intros. unfold inj_of_bc. erewrite bc_below_invalid; eauto.
+- (* mapped blocks *)
+ intros. exploit inj_of_bc_inv; eauto. intros (A & B & C); subst.
+ apply H0; auto.
+- (* overlap *)
+ red; intros.
+ exploit inj_of_bc_inv. eexact H2. intros (A1 & B & C); subst.
+ exploit inj_of_bc_inv. eexact H3. intros (A2 & B & C); subst.
+ auto.
+- (* overflow *)
+ intros. exploit inj_of_bc_inv; eauto. intros (A & B & C); subst.
+ rewrite Zplus_0_r. split. omega. apply Int.unsigned_range_2.
+Lemma inj_of_bc_preserves_globals:
+ forall bc ge, genv_match bc ge -> meminj_preserves_globals ge (inj_of_bc bc).
+ intros. destruct H as [A B].
+ split. intros. apply inj_of_bc_valid. rewrite A in H. congruence.
+ split. intros. apply inj_of_bc_valid. apply B. eapply Genv.genv_vars_range; eauto.
+ intros. exploit inj_of_bc_inv; eauto. intros (P & Q & R). auto.
+Lemma pmatch_inj_top:
+ forall bc b b' delta ofs, inj_of_bc bc b = Some(b', delta) -> pmatch bc b ofs Ptop.
+ intros. exploit inj_of_bc_inv; eauto. intros (A & B & C). constructor; auto.
+Lemma vmatch_inj_top:
+ forall bc v v', val_inject (inj_of_bc bc) v v' -> vmatch bc v Vtop.
+ intros. inv H; constructor. eapply pmatch_inj_top; eauto.
+Lemma mmatch_inj_top:
+ forall bc m m', Mem.inject (inj_of_bc bc) m m' -> mmatch bc m mtop.
+ intros.
+ assert (SM: forall b, bc b <> BCinvalid -> smatch bc m b Ptop).
+ {
+ intros; split; intros.
+ - exploit Mem.load_inject. eauto. eauto. apply inj_of_bc_valid; auto.
+ intros (v' & A & B). eapply vmatch_inj_top; eauto.
+ - exploit Mem.loadbytes_inject. eauto. eauto. apply inj_of_bc_valid; auto.
+ intros (bytes' & A & B). inv B. inv H4. eapply pmatch_inj_top; eauto.
+ }
+ constructor; simpl; intros.
+ - apply ablock_init_sound. apply SM. congruence.
+ - rewrite PTree.gempty in H1; discriminate.
+ - apply SM; auto.
+ - apply SM; auto.
+ - red; intros. eapply Mem.valid_block_inject_1. eapply inj_of_bc_valid; eauto. eauto.
+(** * Abstracting RTL register environments *)
+ Definition t := aval.
+ Definition eq (x y: t) := (x = y).
+ Definition eq_refl: forall x, eq x x := (@refl_equal t).
+ Definition eq_sym: forall x y, eq x y -> eq y x := (@sym_equal t).
+ Definition eq_trans: forall x y z, eq x y -> eq y z -> eq x z := (@trans_equal t).
+ Definition beq (x y: t) : bool := proj_sumbool (eq_aval x y).
+ Lemma beq_correct: forall x y, beq x y = true -> eq x y.
+ Proof. unfold beq; intros. InvBooleans. auto. Qed.
+ Definition ge := vge.
+ Lemma ge_refl: forall x y, eq x y -> ge x y.
+ Proof. unfold eq, ge; intros. subst y. apply vge_refl. Qed.
+ Lemma ge_trans: forall x y z, ge x y -> ge y z -> ge x z.
+ Proof. unfold ge; intros. eapply vge_trans; eauto. Qed.
+ Definition bot : t := Vbot.
+ Lemma ge_bot: forall x, ge x bot.
+ Proof. intros. constructor. Qed.
+ Definition top : t := Vtop.
+ Lemma ge_top: forall x, ge top x.
+ Proof. intros. apply vge_top. Qed.
+ Definition lub := vlub.
+ Lemma ge_lub_left: forall x y, ge (lub x y) x.
+ Proof vge_lub_l.
+ Lemma ge_lub_right: forall x y, ge (lub x y) y.
+ Proof vge_lub_r.
+End AVal.
+Module AE := LPMap(AVal).
+Definition aenv := AE.t.
+Section MATCHENV.
+Variable bc: block_classification.
+Definition ematch (e: regset) (ae: aenv) : Prop :=
+ forall r, vmatch bc e#r (AE.get r ae).
+Lemma ematch_ge:
+ forall e ae1 ae2,
+ ematch e ae1 -> AE.ge ae2 ae1 -> ematch e ae2.
+ intros; red; intros. apply vmatch_ge with (AE.get r ae1); auto. apply H0.
+Lemma ematch_update:
+ forall e ae v av r,
+ ematch e ae -> vmatch bc v av -> ematch (e#r <- v) (AE.set r av ae).
+ intros; red; intros. rewrite AE.gsspec. rewrite PMap.gsspec.
+ destruct (peq r0 r); auto.
+ red; intros. specialize (H xH). subst ae. simpl in H. inv H.
+ unfold AVal.eq; red; intros. subst av. inv H0.
+Fixpoint einit_regs (rl: list reg) : aenv :=
+ match rl with
+ | r1 :: rs => AE.set r1 (Ifptr Nonstack) (einit_regs rs)
+ | nil => AE.top
+ end.
+Lemma ematch_init:
+ forall rl vl,
+ (forall v, In v vl -> vmatch bc v (Ifptr Nonstack)) ->
+ ematch (init_regs vl rl) (einit_regs rl).
+ induction rl; simpl; intros.
+- red; intros. rewrite Regmap.gi. simpl AE.get. rewrite PTree.gempty.
+ constructor.
+- destruct vl as [ | v1 vs ].
+ + assert (ematch (init_regs nil rl) (einit_regs rl)).
+ { apply IHrl. simpl; tauto. }
+ replace (init_regs nil rl) with (Regmap.init Vundef) in H0 by (destruct rl; auto).
+ red; intros. rewrite AE.gsspec. destruct (peq r a).
+ rewrite Regmap.gi. constructor.
+ apply H0.
+ red; intros EQ; rewrite EQ in H0. specialize (H0 xH). simpl in H0. inv H0.
+ unfold AVal.eq, AVal.bot. congruence.
+ + assert (ematch (init_regs vs rl) (einit_regs rl)).
+ { apply IHrl. eauto with coqlib. }
+ red; intros. rewrite Regmap.gsspec. rewrite AE.gsspec. destruct (peq r a).
+ auto with coqlib.
+ apply H0.
+ red; intros EQ; rewrite EQ in H0. specialize (H0 xH). simpl in H0. inv H0.
+ unfold AVal.eq, AVal.bot. congruence.
+Fixpoint eforget (rl: list reg) (ae: aenv) {struct rl} : aenv :=
+ match rl with
+ | nil => ae
+ | r1 :: rs => eforget rs (AE.set r1 Vtop ae)
+ end.
+Lemma eforget_ge:
+ forall rl ae, AE.ge (eforget rl ae) ae.
+ unfold AE.ge; intros. revert rl ae; induction rl; intros; simpl.
+ apply AVal.ge_refl. apply AVal.eq_refl.
+ destruct ae. unfold AE.get at 2. apply AVal.ge_bot.
+ eapply AVal.ge_trans. apply IHrl. rewrite AE.gsspec.
+ destruct (peq p a). apply AVal.ge_top. apply AVal.ge_refl. apply AVal.eq_refl.
+ congruence.
+ unfold AVal.eq, Vtop, AVal.bot. congruence.
+Lemma ematch_forget:
+ forall e rl ae, ematch e ae -> ematch e (eforget rl ae).
+ intros. eapply ematch_ge; eauto. apply eforget_ge.
+Lemma ematch_incr:
+ forall bc bc' e ae, ematch bc e ae -> bc_incr bc bc' -> ematch bc' e ae.
+ intros; red; intros. apply vmatch_incr with bc; auto.
+(** * Lattice for dataflow analysis *)
+ Inductive t' := Bot | State (ae: aenv) (am: amem).
+ Definition t := t'.
+ Definition eq (x y: t) :=
+ match x, y with
+ | Bot, Bot => True
+ | State ae1 am1, State ae2 am2 =>
+ AE.eq ae1 ae2 /\ forall bc m, mmatch bc m am1 <-> mmatch bc m am2
+ | _, _ => False
+ end.
+ Lemma eq_refl: forall x, eq x x.
+ Proof.
+ destruct x; simpl. auto. split. apply AE.eq_refl. tauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_sym: forall x y, eq x y -> eq y x.
+ Proof.
+ destruct x, y; simpl; auto. intros [A B].
+ split. apply AE.eq_sym; auto. intros. rewrite B. tauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_trans: forall x y z, eq x y -> eq y z -> eq x z.
+ Proof.
+ destruct x, y, z; simpl; try tauto. intros [A B] [C D]; split.
+ eapply AE.eq_trans; eauto.
+ intros. rewrite B; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition beq (x y: t) : bool :=
+ match x, y with
+ | Bot, Bot => true
+ | State ae1 am1, State ae2 am2 => AE.beq ae1 ae2 && mbeq am1 am2
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+ Lemma beq_correct: forall x y, beq x y = true -> eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ destruct x, y; simpl; intros.
+ auto.
+ congruence.
+ congruence.
+ InvBooleans; split.
+ apply AE.beq_correct; auto.
+ intros. apply mbeq_sound; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition ge (x y: t) : Prop :=
+ match x, y with
+ | _, Bot => True
+ | Bot, _ => False
+ | State ae1 am1, State ae2 am2 => AE.ge ae1 ae2 /\ forall bc m, mmatch bc m am2 -> mmatch bc m am1
+ end.
+ Lemma ge_refl: forall x y, eq x y -> ge x y.
+ Proof.
+ destruct x, y; simpl; try tauto. intros [A B]; split.
+ apply AE.ge_refl; auto.
+ intros. rewrite B; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma ge_trans: forall x y z, ge x y -> ge y z -> ge x z.
+ Proof.
+ destruct x, y, z; simpl; try tauto. intros [A B] [C D]; split.
+ eapply AE.ge_trans; eauto.
+ eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition bot : t := Bot.
+ Lemma ge_bot: forall x, ge x bot.
+ Proof.
+ destruct x; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition lub (x y: t) : t :=
+ match x, y with
+ | Bot, _ => y
+ | _, Bot => x
+ | State ae1 am1, State ae2 am2 => State (AE.lub ae1 ae2) (mlub am1 am2)
+ end.
+ Lemma ge_lub_left: forall x y, ge (lub x y) x.
+ Proof.
+ destruct x, y.
+ apply ge_refl; apply eq_refl.
+ simpl. auto.
+ apply ge_refl; apply eq_refl.
+ simpl. split. apply AE.ge_lub_left. intros; apply mmatch_lub_l; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma ge_lub_right: forall x y, ge (lub x y) y.
+ Proof.
+ destruct x, y.
+ apply ge_refl; apply eq_refl.
+ apply ge_refl; apply eq_refl.
+ simpl. auto.
+ simpl. split. apply AE.ge_lub_right. intros; apply mmatch_lub_r; auto.
+ Qed.
+End VA.
+Hint Constructors cmatch : va.
+Hint Constructors pmatch: va.
+Hint Constructors vmatch : va.
+Hint Resolve cnot_sound symbol_address_sound
+ shl_sound shru_sound shr_sound
+ and_sound or_sound xor_sound notint_sound
+ ror_sound rolm_sound
+ neg_sound add_sound sub_sound
+ mul_sound mulhs_sound mulhu_sound
+ divs_sound divu_sound mods_sound modu_sound shrx_sound
+ negf_sound absf_sound
+ addf_sound subf_sound mulf_sound divf_sound
+ zero_ext_sound sign_ext_sound singleoffloat_sound
+ intoffloat_sound intuoffloat_sound floatofint_sound floatofintu_sound
+ longofwords_sound loword_sound hiword_sound
+ cmpu_bool_sound cmp_bool_sound cmpf_bool_sound maskzero_sound : va.