path: root/backend
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diff --git a/backend/Conventions.v b/backend/Conventions.v
index 6025c6b4..14ffb587 100644
--- a/backend/Conventions.v
+++ b/backend/Conventions.v
@@ -34,6 +34,73 @@ Proof.
apply IHpl; auto.
+(** ** Stack size of function arguments *)
+(** [size_arguments s] returns the number of [Outgoing] slots used
+ to call a function with signature [s]. *)
+Definition max_outgoing_1 (accu: Z) (l: loc) : Z :=
+ match l with
+ | S Outgoing ofs ty => Z.max accu (ofs + typesize ty)
+ | _ => accu
+ end.
+Definition max_outgoing_2 (accu: Z) (rl: rpair loc) : Z :=
+ match rl with
+ | One l => max_outgoing_1 accu l
+ | Twolong l1 l2 => max_outgoing_1 (max_outgoing_1 accu l1) l2
+ end.
+Definition size_arguments (s: signature) : Z :=
+ List.fold_left max_outgoing_2 (loc_arguments s) 0.
+(** The offsets of [Outgoing] arguments are below [size_arguments s]. *)
+Remark fold_max_outgoing_above:
+ forall l n, fold_left max_outgoing_2 l n >= n.
+ assert (A: forall n l, max_outgoing_1 n l >= n).
+ { intros; unfold max_outgoing_1. destruct l as [_ | []]; xomega. }
+ induction l; simpl; intros.
+ - omega.
+ - eapply Zge_trans. eauto.
+ destruct a; simpl. apply A. eapply Zge_trans; eauto.
+Lemma size_arguments_above:
+ forall s, size_arguments s >= 0.
+ intros. apply fold_max_outgoing_above.
+Lemma loc_arguments_bounded:
+ forall (s: signature) (ofs: Z) (ty: typ),
+ In (S Outgoing ofs ty) (regs_of_rpairs (loc_arguments s)) ->
+ ofs + typesize ty <= size_arguments s.
+ intros until ty.
+ assert (A: forall n l, n <= max_outgoing_1 n l).
+ { intros; unfold max_outgoing_1. destruct l as [_ | []]; xomega. }
+ assert (B: forall p n,
+ In (S Outgoing ofs ty) (regs_of_rpair p) ->
+ ofs + typesize ty <= max_outgoing_2 n p).
+ { intros. destruct p; simpl in H; intuition; subst; simpl.
+ - xomega.
+ - eapply Z.le_trans. 2: apply A. xomega.
+ - xomega. }
+ assert (C: forall l n,
+ In (S Outgoing ofs ty) (regs_of_rpairs l) ->
+ ofs + typesize ty <= fold_left max_outgoing_2 l n).
+ { induction l; simpl; intros.
+ - contradiction.
+ - rewrite in_app_iff in H. destruct H.
+ + eapply Z.le_trans. eapply B; eauto.
+ apply Z.ge_le. apply fold_max_outgoing_above.
+ + apply IHl; auto.
+ }
+ apply C.
(** ** Location of function parameters *)
(** A function finds the values of its parameter in the same locations