path: root/cfrontend
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3 files changed, 693 insertions, 562 deletions
diff --git a/cfrontend/Clight.v b/cfrontend/Clight.v
index f95cbe6e..d1ab673a 100644
--- a/cfrontend/Clight.v
+++ b/cfrontend/Clight.v
@@ -673,557 +673,3 @@ Proof.
eapply external_call_trace_length; eauto.
-(** * Alternate big-step semantics *)
-Section BIGSTEP.
-Variable ge: genv.
-(** ** Big-step semantics for terminating statements and functions *)
-(** The execution of a statement produces an ``outcome'', indicating
- how the execution terminated: either normally or prematurely
- through the execution of a [break], [continue] or [return] statement. *)
-Inductive outcome: Type :=
- | Out_break: outcome (**r terminated by [break] *)
- | Out_continue: outcome (**r terminated by [continue] *)
- | Out_normal: outcome (**r terminated normally *)
- | Out_return: option (val * type) -> outcome. (**r terminated by [return] *)
-Inductive out_normal_or_continue : outcome -> Prop :=
- | Out_normal_or_continue_N: out_normal_or_continue Out_normal
- | Out_normal_or_continue_C: out_normal_or_continue Out_continue.
-Inductive out_break_or_return : outcome -> outcome -> Prop :=
- | Out_break_or_return_B: out_break_or_return Out_break Out_normal
- | Out_break_or_return_R: forall ov,
- out_break_or_return (Out_return ov) (Out_return ov).
-Definition outcome_switch (out: outcome) : outcome :=
- match out with
- | Out_break => Out_normal
- | o => o
- end.
-Definition outcome_result_value (out: outcome) (t: type) (v: val) : Prop :=
- match out, t with
- | Out_normal, Tvoid => v = Vundef
- | Out_return None, Tvoid => v = Vundef
- | Out_return (Some (v',t')), ty => ty <> Tvoid /\ sem_cast v' t' t = Some v
- | _, _ => False
- end.
-(** [exec_stmt ge e m1 s t m2 out] describes the execution of
- the statement [s]. [out] is the outcome for this execution.
- [m1] is the initial memory state, [m2] the final memory state.
- [t] is the trace of input/output events performed during this
- evaluation. *)
-Inductive exec_stmt: env -> temp_env -> mem -> statement -> trace -> temp_env -> mem -> outcome -> Prop :=
- | exec_Sskip: forall e le m,
- exec_stmt e le m Sskip
- E0 le m Out_normal
- | exec_Sassign: forall e le m a1 a2 loc ofs v2 v m',
- eval_lvalue ge e le m a1 loc ofs ->
- eval_expr ge e le m a2 v2 ->
- sem_cast v2 (typeof a2) (typeof a1) = Some v ->
- assign_loc (typeof a1) m loc ofs v m' ->
- exec_stmt e le m (Sassign a1 a2)
- E0 le m' Out_normal
- | exec_Sset: forall e le m id a v,
- eval_expr ge e le m a v ->
- exec_stmt e le m (Sset id a)
- E0 (PTree.set id v le) m Out_normal
- | exec_Scall: forall e le m optid a al tyargs tyres vf vargs f t m' vres,
- classify_fun (typeof a) = fun_case_f tyargs tyres ->
- eval_expr ge e le m a vf ->
- eval_exprlist ge e le m al tyargs vargs ->
- Genv.find_funct ge vf = Some f ->
- type_of_fundef f = Tfunction tyargs tyres ->
- eval_funcall m f vargs t m' vres ->
- exec_stmt e le m (Scall optid a al)
- t (set_opttemp optid vres le) m' Out_normal
- | exec_Sbuiltin: forall e le m optid ef al tyargs vargs t m' vres,
- eval_exprlist ge e le m al tyargs vargs ->
- external_call ef ge vargs m t vres m' ->
- exec_stmt e le m (Sbuiltin optid ef tyargs al)
- t (set_opttemp optid vres le) m' Out_normal
- | exec_Sseq_1: forall e le m s1 s2 t1 le1 m1 t2 le2 m2 out,
- exec_stmt e le m s1 t1 le1 m1 Out_normal ->
- exec_stmt e le1 m1 s2 t2 le2 m2 out ->
- exec_stmt e le m (Ssequence s1 s2)
- (t1 ** t2) le2 m2 out
- | exec_Sseq_2: forall e le m s1 s2 t1 le1 m1 out,
- exec_stmt e le m s1 t1 le1 m1 out ->
- out <> Out_normal ->
- exec_stmt e le m (Ssequence s1 s2)
- t1 le1 m1 out
- | exec_Sifthenelse: forall e le m a s1 s2 v1 b t le' m' out,
- eval_expr ge e le m a v1 ->
- bool_val v1 (typeof a) = Some b ->
- exec_stmt e le m (if b then s1 else s2) t le' m' out ->
- exec_stmt e le m (Sifthenelse a s1 s2)
- t le' m' out
- | exec_Sreturn_none: forall e le m,
- exec_stmt e le m (Sreturn None)
- E0 le m (Out_return None)
- | exec_Sreturn_some: forall e le m a v,
- eval_expr ge e le m a v ->
- exec_stmt e le m (Sreturn (Some a))
- E0 le m (Out_return (Some (v, typeof a)))
- | exec_Sbreak: forall e le m,
- exec_stmt e le m Sbreak
- E0 le m Out_break
- | exec_Scontinue: forall e le m,
- exec_stmt e le m Scontinue
- E0 le m Out_continue
- | exec_Sloop_stop1: forall e le m s1 s2 t le' m' out' out,
- exec_stmt e le m s1 t le' m' out' ->
- out_break_or_return out' out ->
- exec_stmt e le m (Sloop s1 s2)
- t le' m' out
- | exec_Sloop_stop2: forall e le m s1 s2 t1 le1 m1 out1 t2 le2 m2 out2 out,
- exec_stmt e le m s1 t1 le1 m1 out1 ->
- out_normal_or_continue out1 ->
- exec_stmt e le1 m1 s2 t2 le2 m2 out2 ->
- out_break_or_return out2 out ->
- exec_stmt e le m (Sloop s1 s2)
- (t1**t2) le2 m2 out
- | exec_Sloop_loop: forall e le m s1 s2 t1 le1 m1 out1 t2 le2 m2 t3 le3 m3 out,
- exec_stmt e le m s1 t1 le1 m1 out1 ->
- out_normal_or_continue out1 ->
- exec_stmt e le1 m1 s2 t2 le2 m2 Out_normal ->
- exec_stmt e le2 m2 (Sloop s1 s2) t3 le3 m3 out ->
- exec_stmt e le m (Sloop s1 s2)
- (t1**t2**t3) le3 m3 out
- | exec_Sswitch: forall e le m a t n sl le1 m1 out,
- eval_expr ge e le m a (Vint n) ->
- exec_stmt e le m (seq_of_labeled_statement (select_switch n sl)) t le1 m1 out ->
- exec_stmt e le m (Sswitch a sl)
- t le1 m1 (outcome_switch out)
-(** [eval_funcall m1 fd args t m2 res] describes the invocation of
- function [fd] with arguments [args]. [res] is the value returned
- by the call. *)
-with eval_funcall: mem -> fundef -> list val -> trace -> mem -> val -> Prop :=
- | eval_funcall_internal: forall le m f vargs t e m1 m2 m3 out vres m4,
- alloc_variables empty_env m (f.(fn_params) ++ f.(fn_vars)) e m1 ->
- list_norepet (var_names f.(fn_params) ++ var_names f.(fn_vars)) ->
- bind_parameters e m1 f.(fn_params) vargs m2 ->
- exec_stmt e (create_undef_temps f.(fn_temps)) m2 f.(fn_body) t le m3 out ->
- outcome_result_value out f.(fn_return) vres ->
- Mem.free_list m3 (blocks_of_env e) = Some m4 ->
- eval_funcall m (Internal f) vargs t m4 vres
- | eval_funcall_external: forall m ef targs tres vargs t vres m',
- external_call ef ge vargs m t vres m' ->
- eval_funcall m (External ef targs tres) vargs t m' vres.
-Scheme exec_stmt_ind2 := Minimality for exec_stmt Sort Prop
- with eval_funcall_ind2 := Minimality for eval_funcall Sort Prop.
-Combined Scheme exec_stmt_funcall_ind from exec_stmt_ind2, eval_funcall_ind2.
-(** ** Big-step semantics for diverging statements and functions *)
-(** Coinductive semantics for divergence.
- [execinf_stmt ge e m s t] holds if the execution of statement [s]
- diverges, i.e. loops infinitely. [t] is the possibly infinite
- trace of observable events performed during the execution. *)
-CoInductive execinf_stmt: env -> temp_env -> mem -> statement -> traceinf -> Prop :=
- | execinf_Scall: forall e le m optid a al vf tyargs tyres vargs f t,
- classify_fun (typeof a) = fun_case_f tyargs tyres ->
- eval_expr ge e le m a vf ->
- eval_exprlist ge e le m al tyargs vargs ->
- Genv.find_funct ge vf = Some f ->
- type_of_fundef f = Tfunction tyargs tyres ->
- evalinf_funcall m f vargs t ->
- execinf_stmt e le m (Scall optid a al) t
- | execinf_Sseq_1: forall e le m s1 s2 t,
- execinf_stmt e le m s1 t ->
- execinf_stmt e le m (Ssequence s1 s2) t
- | execinf_Sseq_2: forall e le m s1 s2 t1 le1 m1 t2,
- exec_stmt e le m s1 t1 le1 m1 Out_normal ->
- execinf_stmt e le1 m1 s2 t2 ->
- execinf_stmt e le m (Ssequence s1 s2) (t1 *** t2)
- | execinf_Sifthenelse: forall e le m a s1 s2 v1 b t,
- eval_expr ge e le m a v1 ->
- bool_val v1 (typeof a) = Some b ->
- execinf_stmt e le m (if b then s1 else s2) t ->
- execinf_stmt e le m (Sifthenelse a s1 s2) t
- | execinf_Sloop_body1: forall e le m s1 s2 t,
- execinf_stmt e le m s1 t ->
- execinf_stmt e le m (Sloop s1 s2) t
- | execinf_Sloop_body2: forall e le m s1 s2 t1 le1 m1 out1 t2,
- exec_stmt e le m s1 t1 le1 m1 out1 ->
- out_normal_or_continue out1 ->
- execinf_stmt e le1 m1 s2 t2 ->
- execinf_stmt e le m (Sloop s1 s2) (t1***t2)
- | execinf_Sloop_loop: forall e le m s1 s2 t1 le1 m1 out1 t2 le2 m2 t3,
- exec_stmt e le m s1 t1 le1 m1 out1 ->
- out_normal_or_continue out1 ->
- exec_stmt e le1 m1 s2 t2 le2 m2 Out_normal ->
- execinf_stmt e le2 m2 (Sloop s1 s2) t3 ->
- execinf_stmt e le m (Sloop s1 s2) (t1***t2***t3)
- | execinf_Sswitch: forall e le m a t n sl,
- eval_expr ge e le m a (Vint n) ->
- execinf_stmt e le m (seq_of_labeled_statement (select_switch n sl)) t ->
- execinf_stmt e le m (Sswitch a sl) t
-(** [evalinf_funcall ge m fd args t] holds if the invocation of function
- [fd] on arguments [args] diverges, with observable trace [t]. *)
-with evalinf_funcall: mem -> fundef -> list val -> traceinf -> Prop :=
- | evalinf_funcall_internal: forall m f vargs t e m1 m2,
- alloc_variables empty_env m (f.(fn_params) ++ f.(fn_vars)) e m1 ->
- list_norepet (var_names f.(fn_params) ++ var_names f.(fn_vars)) ->
- bind_parameters e m1 f.(fn_params) vargs m2 ->
- execinf_stmt e (create_undef_temps f.(fn_temps)) m2 f.(fn_body) t ->
- evalinf_funcall m (Internal f) vargs t.
-(** Big-step execution of a whole program. *)
-Inductive bigstep_program_terminates (p: program): trace -> int -> Prop :=
- | bigstep_program_terminates_intro: forall b f m0 m1 t r,
- let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
- Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
- Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
- Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
- type_of_fundef f = Tfunction Tnil type_int32s ->
- eval_funcall ge m0 f nil t m1 (Vint r) ->
- bigstep_program_terminates p t r.
-Inductive bigstep_program_diverges (p: program): traceinf -> Prop :=
- | bigstep_program_diverges_intro: forall b f m0 t,
- let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
- Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
- Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
- Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
- type_of_fundef f = Tfunction Tnil type_int32s ->
- evalinf_funcall ge m0 f nil t ->
- bigstep_program_diverges p t.
-Definition bigstep_semantics (p: program) :=
- Bigstep_semantics (bigstep_program_terminates p) (bigstep_program_diverges p).
-(** * Implication from big-step semantics to transition semantics *)
-Variable prog: program.
-Let ge : genv := Genv.globalenv prog.
-Inductive outcome_state_match
- (e: env) (le: temp_env) (m: mem) (f: function) (k: cont): outcome -> state -> Prop :=
- | osm_normal:
- outcome_state_match e le m f k Out_normal (State f Sskip k e le m)
- | osm_break:
- outcome_state_match e le m f k Out_break (State f Sbreak k e le m)
- | osm_continue:
- outcome_state_match e le m f k Out_continue (State f Scontinue k e le m)
- | osm_return_none: forall k',
- call_cont k' = call_cont k ->
- outcome_state_match e le m f k
- (Out_return None) (State f (Sreturn None) k' e le m)
- | osm_return_some: forall a v k',
- call_cont k' = call_cont k ->
- eval_expr ge e le m a v ->
- outcome_state_match e le m f k
- (Out_return (Some (v,typeof a))) (State f (Sreturn (Some a)) k' e le m).
-Lemma is_call_cont_call_cont:
- forall k, is_call_cont k -> call_cont k = k.
- destruct k; simpl; intros; contradiction || auto.
-Lemma exec_stmt_eval_funcall_steps:
- (forall e le m s t le' m' out,
- exec_stmt ge e le m s t le' m' out ->
- forall f k, exists S,
- star step ge (State f s k e le m) t S
- /\ outcome_state_match e le' m' f k out S)
- (forall m fd args t m' res,
- eval_funcall ge m fd args t m' res ->
- forall k,
- is_call_cont k ->
- star step ge (Callstate fd args k m) t (Returnstate res k m')).
- apply exec_stmt_funcall_ind; intros.
-(* skip *)
- econstructor; split. apply star_refl. constructor.
-(* assign *)
- econstructor; split. apply star_one. econstructor; eauto. constructor.
-(* set *)
- econstructor; split. apply star_one. econstructor; eauto. constructor.
-(* call *)
- econstructor; split.
- eapply star_left. econstructor; eauto.
- eapply star_right. apply H5. simpl; auto. econstructor. reflexivity. traceEq.
- constructor.
-(* builtin *)
- econstructor; split. apply star_one. econstructor; eauto. constructor.
-(* sequence 2 *)
- destruct (H0 f (Kseq s2 k)) as [S1 [A1 B1]]. inv B1.
- destruct (H2 f k) as [S2 [A2 B2]].
- econstructor; split.
- eapply star_left. econstructor.
- eapply star_trans. eexact A1.
- eapply star_left. constructor. eexact A2.
- reflexivity. reflexivity. traceEq.
- auto.
-(* sequence 1 *)
- destruct (H0 f (Kseq s2 k)) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
- set (S2 :=
- match out with
- | Out_break => State f Sbreak k e le1 m1
- | Out_continue => State f Scontinue k e le1 m1
- | _ => S1
- end).
- exists S2; split.
- eapply star_left. econstructor.
- eapply star_trans. eexact A1.
- unfold S2; inv B1.
- congruence.
- apply star_one. apply step_break_seq.
- apply star_one. apply step_continue_seq.
- apply star_refl.
- apply star_refl.
- reflexivity. traceEq.
- unfold S2; inv B1; congruence || econstructor; eauto.
-(* ifthenelse *)
- destruct (H2 f k) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
- exists S1; split.
- eapply star_left. 2: eexact A1. eapply step_ifthenelse; eauto. traceEq.
- auto.
-(* return none *)
- econstructor; split. apply star_refl. constructor. auto.
-(* return some *)
- econstructor; split. apply star_refl. econstructor; eauto.
-(* break *)
- econstructor; split. apply star_refl. constructor.
-(* continue *)
- econstructor; split. apply star_refl. constructor.
-(* loop stop 1 *)
- destruct (H0 f (Kloop1 s1 s2 k)) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
- set (S2 :=
- match out' with
- | Out_break => State f Sskip k e le' m'
- | _ => S1
- end).
- exists S2; split.
- eapply star_left. eapply step_loop.
- eapply star_trans. eexact A1.
- unfold S2. inversion H1; subst.
- inv B1. apply star_one. constructor.
- apply star_refl.
- reflexivity. traceEq.
- unfold S2. inversion H1; subst. constructor. inv B1; econstructor; eauto.
-(* loop stop 2 *)
- destruct (H0 f (Kloop1 s1 s2 k)) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
- destruct (H3 f (Kloop2 s1 s2 k)) as [S2 [A2 B2]].
- set (S3 :=
- match out2 with
- | Out_break => State f Sskip k e le2 m2
- | _ => S2
- end).
- exists S3; split.
- eapply star_left. eapply step_loop.
- eapply star_trans. eexact A1.
- eapply star_left with (s2 := State f s2 (Kloop2 s1 s2 k) e le1 m1).
- inv H1; inv B1; constructor; auto.
- eapply star_trans. eexact A2.
- unfold S3. inversion H4; subst.
- inv B2. apply star_one. constructor. apply star_refl.
- reflexivity. reflexivity. reflexivity. traceEq.
- unfold S3. inversion H4; subst. constructor. inv B2; econstructor; eauto.
-(* loop loop *)
- destruct (H0 f (Kloop1 s1 s2 k)) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
- destruct (H3 f (Kloop2 s1 s2 k)) as [S2 [A2 B2]].
- destruct (H5 f k) as [S3 [A3 B3]].
- exists S3; split.
- eapply star_left. eapply step_loop.
- eapply star_trans. eexact A1.
- eapply star_left with (s2 := State f s2 (Kloop2 s1 s2 k) e le1 m1).
- inv H1; inv B1; constructor; auto.
- eapply star_trans. eexact A2.
- eapply star_left with (s2 := State f (Sloop s1 s2) k e le2 m2).
- inversion H4; subst; inv B2; constructor; auto.
- eexact A3.
- reflexivity. reflexivity. reflexivity. reflexivity. traceEq.
- auto.
-(* switch *)
- destruct (H1 f (Kswitch k)) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
- set (S2 :=
- match out with
- | Out_normal => State f Sskip k e le1 m1
- | Out_break => State f Sskip k e le1 m1
- | Out_continue => State f Scontinue k e le1 m1
- | _ => S1
- end).
- exists S2; split.
- eapply star_left. eapply step_switch; eauto.
- eapply star_trans. eexact A1.
- unfold S2; inv B1.
- apply star_one. constructor. auto.
- apply star_one. constructor. auto.
- apply star_one. constructor.
- apply star_refl.
- apply star_refl.
- reflexivity. traceEq.
- unfold S2. inv B1; simpl; econstructor; eauto.
-(* call internal *)
- destruct (H3 f k) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
- eapply star_left. eapply step_internal_function; eauto.
- eapply star_right. eexact A1.
- inv B1; simpl in H4; try contradiction.
- (* Out_normal *)
- assert (fn_return f = Tvoid /\ vres = Vundef).
- destruct (fn_return f); auto || contradiction.
- destruct H7. subst vres. apply step_skip_call; auto.
- (* Out_return None *)
- assert (fn_return f = Tvoid /\ vres = Vundef).
- destruct (fn_return f); auto || contradiction.
- destruct H8. subst vres.
- rewrite <- (is_call_cont_call_cont k H6). rewrite <- H7.
- apply step_return_0; auto.
- (* Out_return Some *)
- destruct H4.
- rewrite <- (is_call_cont_call_cont k H6). rewrite <- H7.
- eapply step_return_1; eauto.
- reflexivity. traceEq.
-(* call external *)
- apply star_one. apply step_external_function; auto.
-Lemma exec_stmt_steps:
- forall e le m s t le' m' out,
- exec_stmt ge e le m s t le' m' out ->
- forall f k, exists S,
- star step ge (State f s k e le m) t S
- /\ outcome_state_match e le' m' f k out S.
-Proof (proj1 exec_stmt_eval_funcall_steps).
-Lemma eval_funcall_steps:
- forall m fd args t m' res,
- eval_funcall ge m fd args t m' res ->
- forall k,
- is_call_cont k ->
- star step ge (Callstate fd args k m) t (Returnstate res k m').
-Proof (proj2 exec_stmt_eval_funcall_steps).
-Definition order (x y: unit) := False.
-Lemma evalinf_funcall_forever:
- forall m fd args T k,
- evalinf_funcall ge m fd args T ->
- forever_N step order ge tt (Callstate fd args k m) T.
- cofix CIH_FUN.
- assert (forall e le m s T f k,
- execinf_stmt ge e le m s T ->
- forever_N step order ge tt (State f s k e le m) T).
- cofix CIH_STMT.
- intros. inv H.
-(* call *)
- eapply forever_N_plus.
- apply plus_one. eapply step_call; eauto.
- eapply CIH_FUN. eauto. traceEq.
-(* seq 1 *)
- eapply forever_N_plus.
- apply plus_one. econstructor.
- apply CIH_STMT; eauto. traceEq.
-(* seq 2 *)
- destruct (exec_stmt_steps _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 f (Kseq s2 k)) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
- inv B1.
- eapply forever_N_plus.
- eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. eexact A1.
- apply star_one. constructor. reflexivity. reflexivity.
- apply CIH_STMT; eauto. traceEq.
-(* ifthenelse *)
- eapply forever_N_plus.
- apply plus_one. eapply step_ifthenelse with (b := b); eauto.
- apply CIH_STMT; eauto. traceEq.
-(* loop body 1 *)
- eapply forever_N_plus.
- eapply plus_one. constructor.
- apply CIH_STMT; eauto. traceEq.
-(* loop body 2 *)
- destruct (exec_stmt_steps _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 f (Kloop1 s1 s2 k)) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
- eapply forever_N_plus with (s2 := State f s2 (Kloop2 s1 s2 k) e le1 m1).
- eapply plus_left. constructor.
- eapply star_right. eexact A1.
- inv H1; inv B1; constructor; auto.
- reflexivity. reflexivity.
- apply CIH_STMT; eauto. traceEq.
-(* loop loop *)
- destruct (exec_stmt_steps _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 f (Kloop1 s1 s2 k)) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
- destruct (exec_stmt_steps _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H2 f (Kloop2 s1 s2 k)) as [S2 [A2 B2]].
- eapply forever_N_plus with (s2 := State f (Sloop s1 s2) k e le2 m2).
- eapply plus_left. constructor.
- eapply star_trans. eexact A1.
- eapply star_left. inv H1; inv B1; constructor; auto.
- eapply star_right. eexact A2.
- inv B2. constructor.
- reflexivity. reflexivity. reflexivity. reflexivity.
- apply CIH_STMT; eauto. traceEq.
-(* switch *)
- eapply forever_N_plus.
- eapply plus_one. eapply step_switch; eauto.
- apply CIH_STMT; eauto.
- traceEq.
-(* call internal *)
- intros. inv H0.
- eapply forever_N_plus.
- eapply plus_one. econstructor; eauto.
- apply H; eauto.
- traceEq.
-Theorem bigstep_semantics_sound:
- bigstep_sound (bigstep_semantics prog) (semantics prog).
- constructor; simpl; intros.
-(* termination *)
- inv H. econstructor; econstructor.
- split. econstructor; eauto.
- split. eapply eval_funcall_steps. eauto. red; auto.
- econstructor.
-(* divergence *)
- inv H. econstructor.
- split. econstructor; eauto.
- eapply forever_N_forever with (order := order).
- red; intros. constructor; intros. red in H. elim H.
- eapply evalinf_funcall_forever; eauto.
diff --git a/cfrontend/ClightBigstep.v b/cfrontend/ClightBigstep.v
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index 00000000..7603b6b2
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+(* *********************************************************************)
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+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
+(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
+(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(** A big-step semantics for the Clight language. *)
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import Errors.
+Require Import Maps.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Floats.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Memory.
+Require Import Events.
+Require Import Globalenvs.
+Require Import Smallstep.
+Require Import Ctypes.
+Require Import Cop.
+Require Import Clight.
+Section BIGSTEP.
+Variable ge: genv.
+(** ** Big-step semantics for terminating statements and functions *)
+(** The execution of a statement produces an ``outcome'', indicating
+ how the execution terminated: either normally or prematurely
+ through the execution of a [break], [continue] or [return] statement. *)
+Inductive outcome: Type :=
+ | Out_break: outcome (**r terminated by [break] *)
+ | Out_continue: outcome (**r terminated by [continue] *)
+ | Out_normal: outcome (**r terminated normally *)
+ | Out_return: option (val * type) -> outcome. (**r terminated by [return] *)
+Inductive out_normal_or_continue : outcome -> Prop :=
+ | Out_normal_or_continue_N: out_normal_or_continue Out_normal
+ | Out_normal_or_continue_C: out_normal_or_continue Out_continue.
+Inductive out_break_or_return : outcome -> outcome -> Prop :=
+ | Out_break_or_return_B: out_break_or_return Out_break Out_normal
+ | Out_break_or_return_R: forall ov,
+ out_break_or_return (Out_return ov) (Out_return ov).
+Definition outcome_switch (out: outcome) : outcome :=
+ match out with
+ | Out_break => Out_normal
+ | o => o
+ end.
+Definition outcome_result_value (out: outcome) (t: type) (v: val) : Prop :=
+ match out, t with
+ | Out_normal, Tvoid => v = Vundef
+ | Out_return None, Tvoid => v = Vundef
+ | Out_return (Some (v',t')), ty => ty <> Tvoid /\ sem_cast v' t' t = Some v
+ | _, _ => False
+ end.
+(** [exec_stmt ge e m1 s t m2 out] describes the execution of
+ the statement [s]. [out] is the outcome for this execution.
+ [m1] is the initial memory state, [m2] the final memory state.
+ [t] is the trace of input/output events performed during this
+ evaluation. *)
+Inductive exec_stmt: env -> temp_env -> mem -> statement -> trace -> temp_env -> mem -> outcome -> Prop :=
+ | exec_Sskip: forall e le m,
+ exec_stmt e le m Sskip
+ E0 le m Out_normal
+ | exec_Sassign: forall e le m a1 a2 loc ofs v2 v m',
+ eval_lvalue ge e le m a1 loc ofs ->
+ eval_expr ge e le m a2 v2 ->
+ sem_cast v2 (typeof a2) (typeof a1) = Some v ->
+ assign_loc (typeof a1) m loc ofs v m' ->
+ exec_stmt e le m (Sassign a1 a2)
+ E0 le m' Out_normal
+ | exec_Sset: forall e le m id a v,
+ eval_expr ge e le m a v ->
+ exec_stmt e le m (Sset id a)
+ E0 (PTree.set id v le) m Out_normal
+ | exec_Scall: forall e le m optid a al tyargs tyres vf vargs f t m' vres,
+ classify_fun (typeof a) = fun_case_f tyargs tyres ->
+ eval_expr ge e le m a vf ->
+ eval_exprlist ge e le m al tyargs vargs ->
+ Genv.find_funct ge vf = Some f ->
+ type_of_fundef f = Tfunction tyargs tyres ->
+ eval_funcall m f vargs t m' vres ->
+ exec_stmt e le m (Scall optid a al)
+ t (set_opttemp optid vres le) m' Out_normal
+ | exec_Sbuiltin: forall e le m optid ef al tyargs vargs t m' vres,
+ eval_exprlist ge e le m al tyargs vargs ->
+ external_call ef ge vargs m t vres m' ->
+ exec_stmt e le m (Sbuiltin optid ef tyargs al)
+ t (set_opttemp optid vres le) m' Out_normal
+ | exec_Sseq_1: forall e le m s1 s2 t1 le1 m1 t2 le2 m2 out,
+ exec_stmt e le m s1 t1 le1 m1 Out_normal ->
+ exec_stmt e le1 m1 s2 t2 le2 m2 out ->
+ exec_stmt e le m (Ssequence s1 s2)
+ (t1 ** t2) le2 m2 out
+ | exec_Sseq_2: forall e le m s1 s2 t1 le1 m1 out,
+ exec_stmt e le m s1 t1 le1 m1 out ->
+ out <> Out_normal ->
+ exec_stmt e le m (Ssequence s1 s2)
+ t1 le1 m1 out
+ | exec_Sifthenelse: forall e le m a s1 s2 v1 b t le' m' out,
+ eval_expr ge e le m a v1 ->
+ bool_val v1 (typeof a) = Some b ->
+ exec_stmt e le m (if b then s1 else s2) t le' m' out ->
+ exec_stmt e le m (Sifthenelse a s1 s2)
+ t le' m' out
+ | exec_Sreturn_none: forall e le m,
+ exec_stmt e le m (Sreturn None)
+ E0 le m (Out_return None)
+ | exec_Sreturn_some: forall e le m a v,
+ eval_expr ge e le m a v ->
+ exec_stmt e le m (Sreturn (Some a))
+ E0 le m (Out_return (Some (v, typeof a)))
+ | exec_Sbreak: forall e le m,
+ exec_stmt e le m Sbreak
+ E0 le m Out_break
+ | exec_Scontinue: forall e le m,
+ exec_stmt e le m Scontinue
+ E0 le m Out_continue
+ | exec_Sloop_stop1: forall e le m s1 s2 t le' m' out' out,
+ exec_stmt e le m s1 t le' m' out' ->
+ out_break_or_return out' out ->
+ exec_stmt e le m (Sloop s1 s2)
+ t le' m' out
+ | exec_Sloop_stop2: forall e le m s1 s2 t1 le1 m1 out1 t2 le2 m2 out2 out,
+ exec_stmt e le m s1 t1 le1 m1 out1 ->
+ out_normal_or_continue out1 ->
+ exec_stmt e le1 m1 s2 t2 le2 m2 out2 ->
+ out_break_or_return out2 out ->
+ exec_stmt e le m (Sloop s1 s2)
+ (t1**t2) le2 m2 out
+ | exec_Sloop_loop: forall e le m s1 s2 t1 le1 m1 out1 t2 le2 m2 t3 le3 m3 out,
+ exec_stmt e le m s1 t1 le1 m1 out1 ->
+ out_normal_or_continue out1 ->
+ exec_stmt e le1 m1 s2 t2 le2 m2 Out_normal ->
+ exec_stmt e le2 m2 (Sloop s1 s2) t3 le3 m3 out ->
+ exec_stmt e le m (Sloop s1 s2)
+ (t1**t2**t3) le3 m3 out
+ | exec_Sswitch: forall e le m a t n sl le1 m1 out,
+ eval_expr ge e le m a (Vint n) ->
+ exec_stmt e le m (seq_of_labeled_statement (select_switch n sl)) t le1 m1 out ->
+ exec_stmt e le m (Sswitch a sl)
+ t le1 m1 (outcome_switch out)
+(** [eval_funcall m1 fd args t m2 res] describes the invocation of
+ function [fd] with arguments [args]. [res] is the value returned
+ by the call. *)
+with eval_funcall: mem -> fundef -> list val -> trace -> mem -> val -> Prop :=
+ | eval_funcall_internal: forall le m f vargs t e m1 m2 m3 out vres m4,
+ alloc_variables empty_env m (f.(fn_params) ++ f.(fn_vars)) e m1 ->
+ list_norepet (var_names f.(fn_params) ++ var_names f.(fn_vars)) ->
+ bind_parameters e m1 f.(fn_params) vargs m2 ->
+ exec_stmt e (create_undef_temps f.(fn_temps)) m2 f.(fn_body) t le m3 out ->
+ outcome_result_value out f.(fn_return) vres ->
+ Mem.free_list m3 (blocks_of_env e) = Some m4 ->
+ eval_funcall m (Internal f) vargs t m4 vres
+ | eval_funcall_external: forall m ef targs tres vargs t vres m',
+ external_call ef ge vargs m t vres m' ->
+ eval_funcall m (External ef targs tres) vargs t m' vres.
+Scheme exec_stmt_ind2 := Minimality for exec_stmt Sort Prop
+ with eval_funcall_ind2 := Minimality for eval_funcall Sort Prop.
+Combined Scheme exec_stmt_funcall_ind from exec_stmt_ind2, eval_funcall_ind2.
+(** ** Big-step semantics for diverging statements and functions *)
+(** Coinductive semantics for divergence.
+ [execinf_stmt ge e m s t] holds if the execution of statement [s]
+ diverges, i.e. loops infinitely. [t] is the possibly infinite
+ trace of observable events performed during the execution. *)
+CoInductive execinf_stmt: env -> temp_env -> mem -> statement -> traceinf -> Prop :=
+ | execinf_Scall: forall e le m optid a al vf tyargs tyres vargs f t,
+ classify_fun (typeof a) = fun_case_f tyargs tyres ->
+ eval_expr ge e le m a vf ->
+ eval_exprlist ge e le m al tyargs vargs ->
+ Genv.find_funct ge vf = Some f ->
+ type_of_fundef f = Tfunction tyargs tyres ->
+ evalinf_funcall m f vargs t ->
+ execinf_stmt e le m (Scall optid a al) t
+ | execinf_Sseq_1: forall e le m s1 s2 t,
+ execinf_stmt e le m s1 t ->
+ execinf_stmt e le m (Ssequence s1 s2) t
+ | execinf_Sseq_2: forall e le m s1 s2 t1 le1 m1 t2,
+ exec_stmt e le m s1 t1 le1 m1 Out_normal ->
+ execinf_stmt e le1 m1 s2 t2 ->
+ execinf_stmt e le m (Ssequence s1 s2) (t1 *** t2)
+ | execinf_Sifthenelse: forall e le m a s1 s2 v1 b t,
+ eval_expr ge e le m a v1 ->
+ bool_val v1 (typeof a) = Some b ->
+ execinf_stmt e le m (if b then s1 else s2) t ->
+ execinf_stmt e le m (Sifthenelse a s1 s2) t
+ | execinf_Sloop_body1: forall e le m s1 s2 t,
+ execinf_stmt e le m s1 t ->
+ execinf_stmt e le m (Sloop s1 s2) t
+ | execinf_Sloop_body2: forall e le m s1 s2 t1 le1 m1 out1 t2,
+ exec_stmt e le m s1 t1 le1 m1 out1 ->
+ out_normal_or_continue out1 ->
+ execinf_stmt e le1 m1 s2 t2 ->
+ execinf_stmt e le m (Sloop s1 s2) (t1***t2)
+ | execinf_Sloop_loop: forall e le m s1 s2 t1 le1 m1 out1 t2 le2 m2 t3,
+ exec_stmt e le m s1 t1 le1 m1 out1 ->
+ out_normal_or_continue out1 ->
+ exec_stmt e le1 m1 s2 t2 le2 m2 Out_normal ->
+ execinf_stmt e le2 m2 (Sloop s1 s2) t3 ->
+ execinf_stmt e le m (Sloop s1 s2) (t1***t2***t3)
+ | execinf_Sswitch: forall e le m a t n sl,
+ eval_expr ge e le m a (Vint n) ->
+ execinf_stmt e le m (seq_of_labeled_statement (select_switch n sl)) t ->
+ execinf_stmt e le m (Sswitch a sl) t
+(** [evalinf_funcall ge m fd args t] holds if the invocation of function
+ [fd] on arguments [args] diverges, with observable trace [t]. *)
+with evalinf_funcall: mem -> fundef -> list val -> traceinf -> Prop :=
+ | evalinf_funcall_internal: forall m f vargs t e m1 m2,
+ alloc_variables empty_env m (f.(fn_params) ++ f.(fn_vars)) e m1 ->
+ list_norepet (var_names f.(fn_params) ++ var_names f.(fn_vars)) ->
+ bind_parameters e m1 f.(fn_params) vargs m2 ->
+ execinf_stmt e (create_undef_temps f.(fn_temps)) m2 f.(fn_body) t ->
+ evalinf_funcall m (Internal f) vargs t.
+(** Big-step execution of a whole program. *)
+Inductive bigstep_program_terminates (p: program): trace -> int -> Prop :=
+ | bigstep_program_terminates_intro: forall b f m0 m1 t r,
+ let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
+ Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
+ Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
+ type_of_fundef f = Tfunction Tnil type_int32s ->
+ eval_funcall ge m0 f nil t m1 (Vint r) ->
+ bigstep_program_terminates p t r.
+Inductive bigstep_program_diverges (p: program): traceinf -> Prop :=
+ | bigstep_program_diverges_intro: forall b f m0 t,
+ let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
+ Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
+ Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
+ type_of_fundef f = Tfunction Tnil type_int32s ->
+ evalinf_funcall ge m0 f nil t ->
+ bigstep_program_diverges p t.
+Definition bigstep_semantics (p: program) :=
+ Bigstep_semantics (bigstep_program_terminates p) (bigstep_program_diverges p).
+(** * Implication from big-step semantics to transition semantics *)
+Variable prog: program.
+Let ge : genv := Genv.globalenv prog.
+Inductive outcome_state_match
+ (e: env) (le: temp_env) (m: mem) (f: function) (k: cont): outcome -> state -> Prop :=
+ | osm_normal:
+ outcome_state_match e le m f k Out_normal (State f Sskip k e le m)
+ | osm_break:
+ outcome_state_match e le m f k Out_break (State f Sbreak k e le m)
+ | osm_continue:
+ outcome_state_match e le m f k Out_continue (State f Scontinue k e le m)
+ | osm_return_none: forall k',
+ call_cont k' = call_cont k ->
+ outcome_state_match e le m f k
+ (Out_return None) (State f (Sreturn None) k' e le m)
+ | osm_return_some: forall a v k',
+ call_cont k' = call_cont k ->
+ eval_expr ge e le m a v ->
+ outcome_state_match e le m f k
+ (Out_return (Some (v,typeof a))) (State f (Sreturn (Some a)) k' e le m).
+Lemma is_call_cont_call_cont:
+ forall k, is_call_cont k -> call_cont k = k.
+ destruct k; simpl; intros; contradiction || auto.
+Lemma exec_stmt_eval_funcall_steps:
+ (forall e le m s t le' m' out,
+ exec_stmt ge e le m s t le' m' out ->
+ forall f k, exists S,
+ star step ge (State f s k e le m) t S
+ /\ outcome_state_match e le' m' f k out S)
+ (forall m fd args t m' res,
+ eval_funcall ge m fd args t m' res ->
+ forall k,
+ is_call_cont k ->
+ star step ge (Callstate fd args k m) t (Returnstate res k m')).
+ apply exec_stmt_funcall_ind; intros.
+(* skip *)
+ econstructor; split. apply star_refl. constructor.
+(* assign *)
+ econstructor; split. apply star_one. econstructor; eauto. constructor.
+(* set *)
+ econstructor; split. apply star_one. econstructor; eauto. constructor.
+(* call *)
+ econstructor; split.
+ eapply star_left. econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply star_right. apply H5. simpl; auto. econstructor. reflexivity. traceEq.
+ constructor.
+(* builtin *)
+ econstructor; split. apply star_one. econstructor; eauto. constructor.
+(* sequence 2 *)
+ destruct (H0 f (Kseq s2 k)) as [S1 [A1 B1]]. inv B1.
+ destruct (H2 f k) as [S2 [A2 B2]].
+ econstructor; split.
+ eapply star_left. econstructor.
+ eapply star_trans. eexact A1.
+ eapply star_left. constructor. eexact A2.
+ reflexivity. reflexivity. traceEq.
+ auto.
+(* sequence 1 *)
+ destruct (H0 f (Kseq s2 k)) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
+ set (S2 :=
+ match out with
+ | Out_break => State f Sbreak k e le1 m1
+ | Out_continue => State f Scontinue k e le1 m1
+ | _ => S1
+ end).
+ exists S2; split.
+ eapply star_left. econstructor.
+ eapply star_trans. eexact A1.
+ unfold S2; inv B1.
+ congruence.
+ apply star_one. apply step_break_seq.
+ apply star_one. apply step_continue_seq.
+ apply star_refl.
+ apply star_refl.
+ reflexivity. traceEq.
+ unfold S2; inv B1; congruence || econstructor; eauto.
+(* ifthenelse *)
+ destruct (H2 f k) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
+ exists S1; split.
+ eapply star_left. 2: eexact A1. eapply step_ifthenelse; eauto. traceEq.
+ auto.
+(* return none *)
+ econstructor; split. apply star_refl. constructor. auto.
+(* return some *)
+ econstructor; split. apply star_refl. econstructor; eauto.
+(* break *)
+ econstructor; split. apply star_refl. constructor.
+(* continue *)
+ econstructor; split. apply star_refl. constructor.
+(* loop stop 1 *)
+ destruct (H0 f (Kloop1 s1 s2 k)) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
+ set (S2 :=
+ match out' with
+ | Out_break => State f Sskip k e le' m'
+ | _ => S1
+ end).
+ exists S2; split.
+ eapply star_left. eapply step_loop.
+ eapply star_trans. eexact A1.
+ unfold S2. inversion H1; subst.
+ inv B1. apply star_one. constructor.
+ apply star_refl.
+ reflexivity. traceEq.
+ unfold S2. inversion H1; subst. constructor. inv B1; econstructor; eauto.
+(* loop stop 2 *)
+ destruct (H0 f (Kloop1 s1 s2 k)) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
+ destruct (H3 f (Kloop2 s1 s2 k)) as [S2 [A2 B2]].
+ set (S3 :=
+ match out2 with
+ | Out_break => State f Sskip k e le2 m2
+ | _ => S2
+ end).
+ exists S3; split.
+ eapply star_left. eapply step_loop.
+ eapply star_trans. eexact A1.
+ eapply star_left with (s2 := State f s2 (Kloop2 s1 s2 k) e le1 m1).
+ inv H1; inv B1; constructor; auto.
+ eapply star_trans. eexact A2.
+ unfold S3. inversion H4; subst.
+ inv B2. apply star_one. constructor. apply star_refl.
+ reflexivity. reflexivity. reflexivity. traceEq.
+ unfold S3. inversion H4; subst. constructor. inv B2; econstructor; eauto.
+(* loop loop *)
+ destruct (H0 f (Kloop1 s1 s2 k)) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
+ destruct (H3 f (Kloop2 s1 s2 k)) as [S2 [A2 B2]].
+ destruct (H5 f k) as [S3 [A3 B3]].
+ exists S3; split.
+ eapply star_left. eapply step_loop.
+ eapply star_trans. eexact A1.
+ eapply star_left with (s2 := State f s2 (Kloop2 s1 s2 k) e le1 m1).
+ inv H1; inv B1; constructor; auto.
+ eapply star_trans. eexact A2.
+ eapply star_left with (s2 := State f (Sloop s1 s2) k e le2 m2).
+ inversion H4; subst; inv B2; constructor; auto.
+ eexact A3.
+ reflexivity. reflexivity. reflexivity. reflexivity. traceEq.
+ auto.
+(* switch *)
+ destruct (H1 f (Kswitch k)) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
+ set (S2 :=
+ match out with
+ | Out_normal => State f Sskip k e le1 m1
+ | Out_break => State f Sskip k e le1 m1
+ | Out_continue => State f Scontinue k e le1 m1
+ | _ => S1
+ end).
+ exists S2; split.
+ eapply star_left. eapply step_switch; eauto.
+ eapply star_trans. eexact A1.
+ unfold S2; inv B1.
+ apply star_one. constructor. auto.
+ apply star_one. constructor. auto.
+ apply star_one. constructor.
+ apply star_refl.
+ apply star_refl.
+ reflexivity. traceEq.
+ unfold S2. inv B1; simpl; econstructor; eauto.
+(* call internal *)
+ destruct (H3 f k) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
+ eapply star_left. eapply step_internal_function; eauto.
+ eapply star_right. eexact A1.
+ inv B1; simpl in H4; try contradiction.
+ (* Out_normal *)
+ assert (fn_return f = Tvoid /\ vres = Vundef).
+ destruct (fn_return f); auto || contradiction.
+ destruct H7. subst vres. apply step_skip_call; auto.
+ (* Out_return None *)
+ assert (fn_return f = Tvoid /\ vres = Vundef).
+ destruct (fn_return f); auto || contradiction.
+ destruct H8. subst vres.
+ rewrite <- (is_call_cont_call_cont k H6). rewrite <- H7.
+ apply step_return_0; auto.
+ (* Out_return Some *)
+ destruct H4.
+ rewrite <- (is_call_cont_call_cont k H6). rewrite <- H7.
+ eapply step_return_1; eauto.
+ reflexivity. traceEq.
+(* call external *)
+ apply star_one. apply step_external_function; auto.
+Lemma exec_stmt_steps:
+ forall e le m s t le' m' out,
+ exec_stmt ge e le m s t le' m' out ->
+ forall f k, exists S,
+ star step ge (State f s k e le m) t S
+ /\ outcome_state_match e le' m' f k out S.
+Proof (proj1 exec_stmt_eval_funcall_steps).
+Lemma eval_funcall_steps:
+ forall m fd args t m' res,
+ eval_funcall ge m fd args t m' res ->
+ forall k,
+ is_call_cont k ->
+ star step ge (Callstate fd args k m) t (Returnstate res k m').
+Proof (proj2 exec_stmt_eval_funcall_steps).
+Definition order (x y: unit) := False.
+Lemma evalinf_funcall_forever:
+ forall m fd args T k,
+ evalinf_funcall ge m fd args T ->
+ forever_N step order ge tt (Callstate fd args k m) T.
+ cofix CIH_FUN.
+ assert (forall e le m s T f k,
+ execinf_stmt ge e le m s T ->
+ forever_N step order ge tt (State f s k e le m) T).
+ cofix CIH_STMT.
+ intros. inv H.
+(* call *)
+ eapply forever_N_plus.
+ apply plus_one. eapply step_call; eauto.
+ eapply CIH_FUN. eauto. traceEq.
+(* seq 1 *)
+ eapply forever_N_plus.
+ apply plus_one. econstructor.
+ apply CIH_STMT; eauto. traceEq.
+(* seq 2 *)
+ destruct (exec_stmt_steps _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 f (Kseq s2 k)) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
+ inv B1.
+ eapply forever_N_plus.
+ eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. eexact A1.
+ apply star_one. constructor. reflexivity. reflexivity.
+ apply CIH_STMT; eauto. traceEq.
+(* ifthenelse *)
+ eapply forever_N_plus.
+ apply plus_one. eapply step_ifthenelse with (b := b); eauto.
+ apply CIH_STMT; eauto. traceEq.
+(* loop body 1 *)
+ eapply forever_N_plus.
+ eapply plus_one. constructor.
+ apply CIH_STMT; eauto. traceEq.
+(* loop body 2 *)
+ destruct (exec_stmt_steps _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 f (Kloop1 s1 s2 k)) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
+ eapply forever_N_plus with (s2 := State f s2 (Kloop2 s1 s2 k) e le1 m1).
+ eapply plus_left. constructor.
+ eapply star_right. eexact A1.
+ inv H1; inv B1; constructor; auto.
+ reflexivity. reflexivity.
+ apply CIH_STMT; eauto. traceEq.
+(* loop loop *)
+ destruct (exec_stmt_steps _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 f (Kloop1 s1 s2 k)) as [S1 [A1 B1]].
+ destruct (exec_stmt_steps _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H2 f (Kloop2 s1 s2 k)) as [S2 [A2 B2]].
+ eapply forever_N_plus with (s2 := State f (Sloop s1 s2) k e le2 m2).
+ eapply plus_left. constructor.
+ eapply star_trans. eexact A1.
+ eapply star_left. inv H1; inv B1; constructor; auto.
+ eapply star_right. eexact A2.
+ inv B2. constructor.
+ reflexivity. reflexivity. reflexivity. reflexivity.
+ apply CIH_STMT; eauto. traceEq.
+(* switch *)
+ eapply forever_N_plus.
+ eapply plus_one. eapply step_switch; eauto.
+ apply CIH_STMT; eauto.
+ traceEq.
+(* call internal *)
+ intros. inv H0.
+ eapply forever_N_plus.
+ eapply plus_one. econstructor; eauto.
+ apply H; eauto.
+ traceEq.
+Theorem bigstep_semantics_sound:
+ bigstep_sound (bigstep_semantics prog) (semantics prog).
+ constructor; simpl; intros.
+(* termination *)
+ inv H. econstructor; econstructor.
+ split. econstructor; eauto.
+ split. eapply eval_funcall_steps. eauto. red; auto.
+ econstructor.
+(* divergence *)
+ inv H. econstructor.
+ split. econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply forever_N_forever with (order := order).
+ red; intros. constructor; intros. red in H. elim H.
+ eapply evalinf_funcall_forever; eauto.
diff --git a/cfrontend/Cstrategy.v b/cfrontend/Cstrategy.v
index 179361d0..0d2f2359 100644
--- a/cfrontend/Cstrategy.v
+++ b/cfrontend/Cstrategy.v
@@ -1607,9 +1607,7 @@ Proof.
intros. subst s1. exists s2'; split; auto. apply step_simulation; auto.
-(** * A big-step semantics implementing the reduction strategy. *)
-(** TODO: update with seqand / seqor *)
+(** * A big-step semantics for CompCert C implementing the reduction strategy. *)
Section BIGSTEP.
@@ -1692,8 +1690,29 @@ with eval_expr: env -> mem -> kind -> expr -> trace -> mem -> expr -> Prop :=
| eval_cast: forall e m a t m' a' ty,
eval_expr e m RV a t m' a' ->
eval_expr e m RV (Ecast a ty) t m' (Ecast a' ty)
+ | eval_seqand_true: forall e m a1 a2 ty t1 m' a1' v1 t2 m'' a2' v2 v' v,
+ eval_expr e m RV a1 t1 m' a1' -> eval_simple_rvalue ge e m' a1' v1 ->
+ bool_val v1 (typeof a1) = Some true ->
+ eval_expr e m' RV a2 t2 m'' a2' -> eval_simple_rvalue ge e m'' a2' v2 ->
+ sem_cast v2 (typeof a2) type_bool = Some v' ->
+ sem_cast v' type_bool ty = Some v ->
+ eval_expr e m RV (Eseqand a1 a2 ty) (t1**t2) m'' (Eval v ty)
+ | eval_seqand_false: forall e m a1 a2 ty t1 m' a1' v1,
+ eval_expr e m RV a1 t1 m' a1' -> eval_simple_rvalue ge e m' a1' v1 ->
+ bool_val v1 (typeof a1) = Some false ->
+ eval_expr e m RV (Eseqand a1 a2 ty) t1 m' (Eval (Vint Int.zero) ty)
+ | eval_seqor_false: forall e m a1 a2 ty t1 m' a1' v1 t2 m'' a2' v2 v' v,
+ eval_expr e m RV a1 t1 m' a1' -> eval_simple_rvalue ge e m' a1' v1 ->
+ bool_val v1 (typeof a1) = Some false ->
+ eval_expr e m' RV a2 t2 m'' a2' -> eval_simple_rvalue ge e m'' a2' v2 ->
+ sem_cast v2 (typeof a2) type_bool = Some v' ->
+ sem_cast v' type_bool ty = Some v ->
+ eval_expr e m RV (Eseqor a1 a2 ty) (t1**t2) m'' (Eval v ty)
+ | eval_seqor_true: forall e m a1 a2 ty t1 m' a1' v1,
+ eval_expr e m RV a1 t1 m' a1' -> eval_simple_rvalue ge e m' a1' v1 ->
+ bool_val v1 (typeof a1) = Some true ->
+ eval_expr e m RV (Eseqor a1 a2 ty) t1 m' (Eval (Vint Int.one) ty)
| eval_condition: forall e m a1 a2 a3 ty t1 m' a1' v1 t2 m'' a' v' b v,
- simple a2 = false \/ simple a3 = false ->
eval_expr e m RV a1 t1 m' a1' -> eval_simple_rvalue ge e m' a1' v1 ->
bool_val v1 (typeof a1) = Some b ->
eval_expr e m' RV (if b then a2 else a3) t2 m'' a' -> eval_simple_rvalue ge e m'' a' v' ->
@@ -1926,11 +1945,26 @@ CoInductive evalinf_expr: env -> mem -> kind -> expr -> traceinf -> Prop :=
| evalinf_cast: forall e m a t ty,
evalinf_expr e m RV a t ->
evalinf_expr e m RV (Ecast a ty) t
+ | evalinf_seqand: forall e m a1 a2 ty t1,
+ evalinf_expr e m RV a1 t1 ->
+ evalinf_expr e m RV (Eseqand a1 a2 ty) t1
+ | evalinf_seqand_2: forall e m a1 a2 ty t1 m' a1' v1 t2,
+ eval_expr e m RV a1 t1 m' a1' -> eval_simple_rvalue ge e m' a1' v1 ->
+ bool_val v1 (typeof a1) = Some true ->
+ evalinf_expr e m' RV a2 t2 ->
+ evalinf_expr e m RV (Eseqand a1 a2 ty) (t1***t2)
+ | evalinf_seqor: forall e m a1 a2 ty t1,
+ evalinf_expr e m RV a1 t1 ->
+ evalinf_expr e m RV (Eseqor a1 a2 ty) t1
+ | evalinf_seqor_2: forall e m a1 a2 ty t1 m' a1' v1 t2,
+ eval_expr e m RV a1 t1 m' a1' -> eval_simple_rvalue ge e m' a1' v1 ->
+ bool_val v1 (typeof a1) = Some false ->
+ evalinf_expr e m' RV a2 t2 ->
+ evalinf_expr e m RV (Eseqor a1 a2 ty) (t1***t2)
| evalinf_condition: forall e m a1 a2 a3 ty t1,
evalinf_expr e m RV a1 t1 ->
evalinf_expr e m RV (Econdition a1 a2 a3 ty) t1
| evalinf_condition_2: forall e m a1 a2 a3 ty t1 m' a1' v1 t2 b,
- simple a2 = false \/ simple a3 = false ->
eval_expr e m RV a1 t1 m' a1' -> eval_simple_rvalue ge e m' a1' v1 ->
bool_val v1 (typeof a1) = Some b ->
evalinf_expr e m' RV (if b then a2 else a3) t2 ->
@@ -2220,10 +2254,52 @@ Proof.
exploit (H0 (fun x => C(Ecast x ty))).
eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor. intros [A [B D]].
simpl; intuition; eauto.
+(* seqand true *)
+ exploit (H0 (fun x => C(Eseqand x a2 ty))).
+ eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor. intros [A [B D]].
+ exploit (H4 (fun x => C(Eparen (Eparen x type_bool) ty))).
+ eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor. intros [E [F G]].
+ simpl; intuition. eapply star_trans. eexact D.
+ eapply star_left. left; eapply step_seqand_true; eauto. rewrite B; auto.
+ eapply star_trans. eexact G.
+ set (C' := fun x => C (Eparen x ty)).
+ change (C (Eparen (Eparen a2' type_bool) ty)) with (C' (Eparen a2' type_bool)).
+ eapply star_two.
+ left; eapply step_paren; eauto. unfold C'; eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor.
+ rewrite F; eauto.
+ unfold C'. left; eapply step_paren; eauto. constructor.
+ eauto. eauto. eauto. traceEq.
+(* seqand false *)
+ exploit (H0 (fun x => C(Eseqand x a2 ty))).
+ eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor. intros [A [B D]].
+ simpl; intuition. eapply star_right. eexact D.
+ left; eapply step_seqand_false; eauto. rewrite B; auto.
+ traceEq.
+(* seqor false *)
+ exploit (H0 (fun x => C(Eseqor x a2 ty))).
+ eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor. intros [A [B D]].
+ exploit (H4 (fun x => C(Eparen (Eparen x type_bool) ty))).
+ eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor. intros [E [F G]].
+ simpl; intuition. eapply star_trans. eexact D.
+ eapply star_left. left; eapply step_seqor_false; eauto. rewrite B; auto.
+ eapply star_trans. eexact G.
+ set (C' := fun x => C (Eparen x ty)).
+ change (C (Eparen (Eparen a2' type_bool) ty)) with (C' (Eparen a2' type_bool)).
+ eapply star_two.
+ left; eapply step_paren; eauto. unfold C'; eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor.
+ rewrite F; eauto.
+ unfold C'. left; eapply step_paren; eauto. constructor.
+ eauto. eauto. eauto. traceEq.
+(* seqor true *)
+ exploit (H0 (fun x => C(Eseqor x a2 ty))).
+ eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor. intros [A [B D]].
+ simpl; intuition. eapply star_right. eexact D.
+ left; eapply step_seqor_true; eauto. rewrite B; auto.
+ traceEq.
(* condition *)
- exploit (H1 (fun x => C(Econdition x a2 a3 ty))).
+ exploit (H0 (fun x => C(Econdition x a2 a3 ty))).
eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor. intros [A [B D]].
- exploit (H5 (fun x => C(Eparen x ty))).
+ exploit (H4 (fun x => C(Eparen x ty))).
eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor. intros [E [F G]].
simpl. split; auto. split; auto.
eapply star_trans. eexact D.
@@ -2720,12 +2796,38 @@ Proof.
eapply forever_N_star with (a2 := (esize a0)). apply star_refl. simpl; omega.
eapply COE with (C := fun x => C(Ecast x ty)). eauto.
eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor. traceEq.
+(* seqand left *)
+ eapply forever_N_star with (a2 := (esize a1)). apply star_refl. simpl; omega.
+ eapply COE with (C := fun x => C(Eseqand x a2 ty)). eauto.
+ eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor. traceEq.
+(* seqand 2 *)
+ destruct (eval_expr_to_steps _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 (fun x => C(Eseqand x a2 ty)) f k)
+ as [P [Q R]].
+ eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor.
+ eapply forever_N_plus. eapply plus_right. eexact R.
+ left; eapply step_seqand_true; eauto. rewrite Q; eauto.
+ reflexivity.
+ eapply COE with (C := fun x => (C (Eparen (Eparen x type_bool) ty))). eauto.
+ eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor. traceEq.
+(* seqor left *)
+ eapply forever_N_star with (a2 := (esize a1)). apply star_refl. simpl; omega.
+ eapply COE with (C := fun x => C(Eseqor x a2 ty)). eauto.
+ eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor. traceEq.
+(* seqor 2 *)
+ destruct (eval_expr_to_steps _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 (fun x => C(Eseqor x a2 ty)) f k)
+ as [P [Q R]].
+ eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor.
+ eapply forever_N_plus. eapply plus_right. eexact R.
+ left; eapply step_seqor_false; eauto. rewrite Q; eauto.
+ reflexivity.
+ eapply COE with (C := fun x => (C (Eparen (Eparen x type_bool) ty))). eauto.
+ eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor. traceEq.
(* condition top *)
eapply forever_N_star with (a2 := (esize a1)). apply star_refl. simpl; omega.
eapply COE with (C := fun x => C(Econdition x a2 a3 ty)). eauto.
eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor. traceEq.
(* condition *)
- destruct (eval_expr_to_steps _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H2 (fun x => C(Econdition x a2 a3 ty)) f k)
+ destruct (eval_expr_to_steps _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 (fun x => C(Econdition x a2 a3 ty)) f k)
as [P [Q R]].
eapply leftcontext_compose; eauto. repeat constructor.
eapply forever_N_plus. eapply plus_right. eexact R.