path: root/cfrontend
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3 files changed, 205 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/cfrontend/C2C.ml b/cfrontend/C2C.ml
index 6b3426b2..8c7ec6d8 100644
--- a/cfrontend/C2C.ml
+++ b/cfrontend/C2C.ml
@@ -1108,16 +1108,16 @@ let rec convertInit env init =
| C.Init_single e ->
Init_single (convertExpr env e)
| C.Init_array il ->
- Init_array (convertInitList env il)
+ Init_array (convertInitList env (List.rev il) Init_nil)
| C.Init_struct(_, flds) ->
- Init_struct (convertInitList env (List.map snd flds))
+ Init_struct (convertInitList env (List.rev_map snd flds) Init_nil)
| C.Init_union(_, fld, i) ->
Init_union (intern_string fld.fld_name, convertInit env i)
-and convertInitList env il =
+and convertInitList env il accu =
match il with
- | [] -> Init_nil
- | i :: il' -> Init_cons(convertInit env i, convertInitList env il')
+ | [] -> accu
+ | i :: il' -> convertInitList env il' (Init_cons(convertInit env i, accu))
let convertInitializer env ty i =
match Initializers.transl_init
diff --git a/cfrontend/Initializers.v b/cfrontend/Initializers.v
index 7af4792a..b1a39c64 100644
--- a/cfrontend/Initializers.v
+++ b/cfrontend/Initializers.v
@@ -172,22 +172,26 @@ Definition transl_init_single (ce: composite_env) (ty: type) (a: expr) : res ini
(** Translate an initializer [i] for a variable of type [ty].
- Return the corresponding list of initialization data. *)
+ [transl_init ce ty i] returns the appropriate list of initialization data.
+ The intermediate functions [transl_init_rec], [transl_init_array]
+ and [transl_init_struct] append initialization data to the given
+ list [k], and build the list of initialization data in reverse order,
+ so as to remain tail-recursive. *)
-Definition padding (frm to: Z) : list init_data :=
- if zlt frm to then Init_space (to - frm) :: nil else nil.
+Definition padding (frm to: Z) (k: list init_data) : list init_data :=
+ if zlt frm to then Init_space (to - frm) :: k else k.
-Fixpoint transl_init (ce: composite_env) (ty: type) (i: initializer)
- {struct i} : res (list init_data) :=
+Fixpoint transl_init_rec (ce: composite_env) (ty: type) (i: initializer)
+ (k: list init_data) {struct i} : res (list init_data) :=
match i, ty with
| Init_single a, _ =>
- do d <- transl_init_single ce ty a; OK (d :: nil)
+ do d <- transl_init_single ce ty a; OK (d :: k)
| Init_array il, Tarray tyelt nelt _ =>
- transl_init_array ce tyelt il (Zmax 0 nelt)
+ transl_init_array ce tyelt il (Zmax 0 nelt) k
| Init_struct il, Tstruct id _ =>
do co <- lookup_composite ce id;
match co_su co with
- | Struct => transl_init_struct ce ty (co_members co) il 0
+ | Struct => transl_init_struct ce ty (co_members co) il 0 k
| Union => Error (MSG "struct/union mismatch on " :: CTX id :: nil)
| Init_union f i1, Tunion id _ =>
@@ -196,39 +200,40 @@ Fixpoint transl_init (ce: composite_env) (ty: type) (i: initializer)
| Struct => Error (MSG "union/struct mismatch on " :: CTX id :: nil)
| Union =>
do ty1 <- field_type f (co_members co);
- do d <- transl_init ce ty1 i1;
- OK (d ++ padding (sizeof ce ty1) (sizeof ce ty))
+ do k1 <- transl_init_rec ce ty1 i1 k;
+ OK (padding (sizeof ce ty1) (sizeof ce ty) k1)
| _, _ =>
Error (msg "wrong type for compound initializer")
with transl_init_array (ce: composite_env) (ty: type) (il: initializer_list) (sz: Z)
- {struct il} : res (list init_data) :=
+ (k: list init_data) {struct il} : res (list init_data) :=
match il with
| Init_nil =>
- if zeq sz 0 then OK nil
- else if zle 0 sz then OK (Init_space (sz * sizeof ce ty) :: nil)
+ if zeq sz 0 then OK k
+ else if zle 0 sz then OK (Init_space (sz * sizeof ce ty) :: k)
else Error (msg "wrong number of elements in array initializer")
| Init_cons i1 il' =>
- do d1 <- transl_init ce ty i1;
- do d2 <- transl_init_array ce ty il' (sz - 1);
- OK (d1 ++ d2)
+ do k1 <- transl_init_rec ce ty i1 k;
+ transl_init_array ce ty il' (sz - 1) k1
with transl_init_struct (ce: composite_env) (ty: type)
(fl: members) (il: initializer_list) (pos: Z)
+ (k: list init_data)
{struct il} : res (list init_data) :=
match il, fl with
| Init_nil, nil =>
- OK (padding pos (sizeof ce ty))
+ OK (padding pos (sizeof ce ty) k)
| Init_cons i1 il', (_, ty1) :: fl' =>
let pos1 := align pos (alignof ce ty1) in
- do d1 <- transl_init ce ty1 i1;
- do d2 <- transl_init_struct ce ty fl' il' (pos1 + sizeof ce ty1);
- OK (padding pos pos1 ++ d1 ++ d2)
+ do k1 <- transl_init_rec ce ty1 i1 (padding pos pos1 k);
+ transl_init_struct ce ty fl' il' (pos1 + sizeof ce ty1) k1
| _, _ =>
Error (msg "wrong number of elements in struct initializer")
+Definition transl_init (ce: composite_env) (ty: type) (i: initializer)
+ : res (list init_data) :=
+ do k <- transl_init_rec ce ty i nil; OK (List.rev' k).
diff --git a/cfrontend/Initializersproof.v b/cfrontend/Initializersproof.v
index 3a7b5593..9c662f5e 100644
--- a/cfrontend/Initializersproof.v
+++ b/cfrontend/Initializersproof.v
@@ -485,6 +485,118 @@ Proof.
intros [A [B C]]. intuition. eapply constval_rvalue; eauto.
+(** * Relational specification of the translation of initializers *)
+Definition tr_padding (frm to: Z) : list init_data :=
+ if zlt frm to then Init_space (to - frm) :: nil else nil.
+Inductive tr_init: type -> initializer -> list init_data -> Prop :=
+ | tr_init_sgl: forall ty a d,
+ transl_init_single ge ty a = OK d ->
+ tr_init ty (Init_single a) (d :: nil)
+ | tr_init_arr: forall tyelt nelt attr il d,
+ tr_init_array tyelt il (Zmax 0 nelt) d ->
+ tr_init (Tarray tyelt nelt attr) (Init_array il) d
+ | tr_init_str: forall id attr il co d,
+ lookup_composite ge id = OK co -> co_su co = Struct ->
+ tr_init_struct (Tstruct id attr) (co_members co) il 0 d ->
+ tr_init (Tstruct id attr) (Init_struct il) d
+ | tr_init_uni: forall id attr f i1 co ty1 d,
+ lookup_composite ge id = OK co -> co_su co = Union -> field_type f (co_members co) = OK ty1 ->
+ tr_init ty1 i1 d ->
+ tr_init (Tunion id attr) (Init_union f i1)
+ (d ++ tr_padding (sizeof ge ty1) (sizeof ge (Tunion id attr)))
+with tr_init_array: type -> initializer_list -> Z -> list init_data -> Prop :=
+ | tr_init_array_nil_0: forall ty,
+ tr_init_array ty Init_nil 0 nil
+ | tr_init_array_nil_pos: forall ty sz,
+ 0 < sz ->
+ tr_init_array ty Init_nil sz (Init_space (sz * sizeof ge ty) :: nil)
+ | tr_init_array_cons: forall ty i il sz d1 d2,
+ tr_init ty i d1 -> tr_init_array ty il (sz - 1) d2 ->
+ tr_init_array ty (Init_cons i il) sz (d1 ++ d2)
+with tr_init_struct: type -> members -> initializer_list -> Z -> list init_data -> Prop :=
+ | tr_init_struct_nil: forall ty pos,
+ tr_init_struct ty nil Init_nil pos (tr_padding pos (sizeof ge ty))
+ | tr_init_struct_cons: forall ty f1 ty1 fl i1 il pos d1 d2,
+ let pos1 := align pos (alignof ge ty1) in
+ tr_init ty1 i1 d1 ->
+ tr_init_struct ty fl il (pos1 + sizeof ge ty1) d2 ->
+ tr_init_struct ty ((f1, ty1) :: fl) (Init_cons i1 il)
+ pos (tr_padding pos pos1 ++ d1 ++ d2).
+Lemma transl_padding_spec:
+ forall frm to k, padding frm to k = rev (tr_padding frm to) ++ k.
+ unfold padding, tr_padding; intros.
+ destruct (zlt frm to); auto.
+Lemma transl_init_rec_spec:
+ forall i ty k res,
+ transl_init_rec ge ty i k = OK res ->
+ exists d, tr_init ty i d /\ res = rev d ++ k
+with transl_init_array_spec:
+ forall il ty sz k res,
+ transl_init_array ge ty il sz k = OK res ->
+ exists d, tr_init_array ty il sz d /\ res = rev d ++ k
+with transl_init_struct_spec:
+ forall il ty fl pos k res,
+ transl_init_struct ge ty fl il pos k = OK res ->
+ exists d, tr_init_struct ty fl il pos d /\ res = rev d ++ k.
+Local Opaque sizeof.
+- destruct i; intros until res; intros TR; simpl in TR.
++ monadInv TR. exists (x :: nil); split; auto. constructor; auto.
++ destruct ty; try discriminate.
+ destruct (transl_init_array_spec _ _ _ _ _ TR) as (d & A & B).
+ exists d; split; auto. constructor; auto.
++ destruct ty; try discriminate. monadInv TR. destruct (co_su x) eqn:SU; try discriminate.
+ destruct (transl_init_struct_spec _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ0) as (d & A & B).
+ exists d; split; auto. econstructor; eauto.
++ destruct ty; try discriminate.
+ monadInv TR. destruct (co_su x) eqn:SU; monadInv EQ0.
+ destruct (transl_init_rec_spec _ _ _ _ EQ0) as (d & A & B).
+ exists (d ++ tr_padding (sizeof ge x0) (sizeof ge (Tunion i0 a))); split.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ rewrite rev_app_distr, app_ass, B. apply transl_padding_spec.
+- destruct il; intros until res; intros TR; simpl in TR.
++ destruct (zeq sz 0).
+ inv TR. exists (@nil init_data); split; auto. constructor.
+ destruct (zle 0 sz).
+ inv TR. econstructor; split. constructor. omega. auto.
+ discriminate.
++ monadInv TR.
+ destruct (transl_init_rec_spec _ _ _ _ EQ) as (d1 & A1 & B1).
+ destruct (transl_init_array_spec _ _ _ _ _ EQ0) as (d2 & A2 & B2).
+ exists (d1 ++ d2); split. econstructor; eauto.
+ subst res x. rewrite rev_app_distr, app_ass. auto.
+- destruct il; intros until res; intros TR; simpl in TR.
++ destruct fl; inv TR. econstructor; split. constructor. apply transl_padding_spec.
++ destruct fl as [ | [f1 ty1] fl ]; monadInv TR.
+ destruct (transl_init_rec_spec _ _ _ _ EQ) as (d1 & A1 & B1).
+ destruct (transl_init_struct_spec _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ0) as (d2 & A2 & B2).
+ exists (tr_padding pos (align pos (alignof ge ty1)) ++ d1 ++ d2); split.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ rewrite ! rev_app_distr. subst res x. rewrite ! app_ass. rewrite transl_padding_spec. auto.
+Theorem transl_init_spec:
+ forall ty i d, transl_init ge ty i = OK d -> tr_init ty i d.
+ unfold transl_init; intros. monadInv H.
+ exploit transl_init_rec_spec; eauto. intros (d & A & B).
+ subst x. unfold rev'; rewrite <- rev_alt.
+ rewrite rev_app_distr; simpl. rewrite rev_involutive. auto.
(** * Soundness of the translation of initializers *)
(** Soundness for single initializers. *)
@@ -555,9 +667,9 @@ Qed.
Notation idlsize := Genv.init_data_list_size.
Remark padding_size:
- forall frm to, frm <= to -> idlsize (padding frm to) = to - frm.
+ forall frm to, frm <= to -> idlsize (tr_padding frm to) = to - frm.
- unfold padding; intros. destruct (zlt frm to).
+ unfold tr_padding; intros. destruct (zlt frm to).
simpl. xomega.
simpl. omega.
@@ -582,80 +694,55 @@ Qed.
Hypothesis ce_consistent: composite_env_consistent ge.
-Lemma transl_init_size:
+Lemma tr_init_size:
forall i ty data,
- transl_init ge ty i = OK data ->
+ tr_init ty i data ->
idlsize data = sizeof ge ty
-with transl_init_list_size:
- forall il,
- (forall ty sz data,
- transl_init_array ge ty il sz = OK data ->
- idlsize data = sizeof ge ty * sz)
- /\
- (forall ty fl pos data,
- transl_init_struct ge ty fl il pos = OK data ->
- sizeof_struct ge pos fl <= sizeof ge ty ->
- idlsize data + pos = sizeof ge ty).
+with tr_init_array_size:
+ forall ty il sz data,
+ tr_init_array ty il sz data ->
+ idlsize data = sizeof ge ty * sz
+with tr_init_struct_size:
+ forall ty fl il pos data,
+ tr_init_struct ty fl il pos data ->
+ sizeof_struct ge pos fl <= sizeof ge ty ->
+ idlsize data + pos = sizeof ge ty.
-- induction i; intros.
-+ (* single *)
- monadInv H. simpl. erewrite transl_init_single_size by eauto. omega.
-+ (* array *)
- simpl in H. destruct ty; try discriminate.
- simpl. eapply (proj1 (transl_init_list_size il)); eauto.
-+ (* struct *)
- simpl in H. destruct ty; try discriminate.
- monadInv H. destruct (co_su x) eqn:?; try discriminate.
- replace (idlsize data) with (idlsize data + 0) by omega.
- eapply (proj2 (transl_init_list_size il)). eauto.
- unfold lookup_composite in EQ. simpl. destruct (ge.(genv_cenv)!i) as [co|] eqn:?; inv EQ.
+- destruct 1; simpl.
++ erewrite transl_init_single_size by eauto. omega.
++ Local Transparent sizeof. simpl. eapply tr_init_array_size; eauto.
++ replace (idlsize d) with (idlsize d + 0) by omega.
+ eapply tr_init_struct_size; eauto. simpl.
+ unfold lookup_composite in H. destruct (ge.(genv_cenv)!id) as [co'|] eqn:?; inv H.
erewrite co_consistent_sizeof by (eapply ce_consistent; eauto).
- unfold sizeof_composite. rewrite Heqs. apply align_le.
- destruct (co_alignof_two_p x) as [n EQ]. rewrite EQ. apply two_power_nat_pos.
-+ (* union *)
- simpl in H. destruct ty; try discriminate.
- monadInv H. destruct (co_su x) eqn:?; try discriminate.
- monadInv EQ0.
- rewrite idlsize_app. rewrite (IHi _ _ EQ0).
- unfold lookup_composite in EQ. simpl. destruct (ge.(genv_cenv)!i0) as [co|] eqn:?; inv EQ.
- rewrite padding_size. omega.
- apply Zle_trans with (sizeof_union ge (co_members x)).
+ unfold sizeof_composite. rewrite H0. apply align_le.
+ destruct (co_alignof_two_p co) as [n EQ]. rewrite EQ. apply two_power_nat_pos.
++ rewrite idlsize_app, padding_size.
+ exploit tr_init_size; eauto. intros EQ; rewrite EQ. omega.
+ simpl. unfold lookup_composite in H. destruct (ge.(genv_cenv)!id) as [co'|] eqn:?; inv H.
+ apply Zle_trans with (sizeof_union ge (co_members co)).
eapply union_field_size; eauto.
erewrite co_consistent_sizeof by (eapply ce_consistent; eauto).
- unfold sizeof_composite. rewrite Heqs. apply align_le.
- destruct (co_alignof_two_p x) as [n EQ]. rewrite EQ. apply two_power_nat_pos.
-- induction il.
-+ (* base cases *)
- simpl. intuition auto.
-* (* arrays *)
- destruct (zeq sz 0). inv H. simpl; ring.
- destruct (zle 0 sz); inv H. simpl.
- rewrite Z.mul_comm.
+ unfold sizeof_composite. rewrite H0. apply align_le.
+ destruct (co_alignof_two_p co) as [n EQ]. rewrite EQ. apply two_power_nat_pos.
+- destruct 1; simpl.
++ omega.
++ rewrite Z.mul_comm.
assert (0 <= sizeof ge ty * sz).
{ apply Zmult_gt_0_le_0_compat. omega. generalize (sizeof_pos ge ty); omega. }
- zify; omega.
-* (* structs *)
- destruct fl; inv H.
- simpl in H0. rewrite padding_size by omega. omega.
-+ (* inductive cases *)
- destruct IHil as [A B]. split.
-* (* arrays *)
- intros. monadInv H.
- rewrite idlsize_app.
- rewrite (transl_init_size _ _ _ EQ).
- rewrite (A _ _ _ EQ1).
+ xomega.
++ rewrite idlsize_app.
+ erewrite tr_init_size by eauto.
+ erewrite tr_init_array_size by eauto.
-* (* structs *)
- intros. simpl in H. destruct fl as [|[i1 t1]]; monadInv H.
- rewrite ! idlsize_app.
- simpl in H0.
- rewrite padding_size.
- rewrite (transl_init_size _ _ _ EQ).
- rewrite <- (B _ _ _ _ EQ1). omega.
- auto. apply align_le. apply alignof_pos.
+- destruct 1; simpl; intros.
++ rewrite padding_size by auto. omega.
++ rewrite ! idlsize_app, padding_size.
+ erewrite tr_init_size by eauto.
+ rewrite <- (tr_init_struct_size _ _ _ _ _ H0 H1). omega.
+ unfold pos1. apply align_le. apply alignof_pos.
(** A semantics for general initializers *)
@@ -733,62 +820,57 @@ Qed.
Remark store_init_data_list_padding:
forall frm to b ofs m,
- Genv.store_init_data_list ge m b ofs (padding frm to) = Some m.
+ Genv.store_init_data_list ge m b ofs (tr_padding frm to) = Some m.
- intros. unfold padding. destruct (zlt frm to); auto.
+ intros. unfold tr_padding. destruct (zlt frm to); auto.
-Lemma transl_init_sound_gen:
+Lemma tr_init_sound:
(forall m b ofs ty i m', exec_init m b ofs ty i m' ->
- forall data, transl_init ge ty i = OK data ->
+ forall data, tr_init ty i data ->
Genv.store_init_data_list ge m b ofs data = Some m')
/\(forall m b ofs ty sz il m', exec_init_array m b ofs ty sz il m' ->
- forall data, transl_init_array ge ty il sz = OK data ->
+ forall data, tr_init_array ty il sz data ->
Genv.store_init_data_list ge m b ofs data = Some m')
/\(forall m b ofs l il m', exec_init_list m b ofs l il m' ->
forall ty fl data pos,
l = fields_of_struct fl pos ->
- transl_init_struct ge ty fl il pos = OK data ->
+ tr_init_struct ty fl il pos data ->
Genv.store_init_data_list ge m b (ofs + pos) data = Some m').
Local Opaque sizeof.
apply exec_init_scheme; simpl; intros.
- (* single *)
- monadInv H3. simpl. erewrite transl_init_single_steps by eauto. auto.
+ inv H3. simpl. erewrite transl_init_single_steps by eauto. auto.
- (* array *)
- replace (Z.max 0 sz) with sz in H1. eauto.
+ inv H1. replace (Z.max 0 sz) with sz in H7. eauto.
assert (sz >= 0) by (eapply exec_init_array_length; eauto). xomega.
- (* struct *)
- unfold lookup_composite in H3. rewrite H in H3. simpl in H3. rewrite H0 in H3.
+ inv H3. unfold lookup_composite in H7. rewrite H in H7. inv H7.
replace ofs with (ofs + 0) by omega. eauto.
- (* union *)
- unfold lookup_composite in H4. rewrite H in H4. simpl in H4. rewrite H0 in H4.
- monadInv H4. assert (x = ty) by congruence. subst x.
+ inv H4. unfold lookup_composite in H9. rewrite H in H9. inv H9. rewrite H1 in H12; inv H12.
eapply store_init_data_list_app. eauto.
apply store_init_data_list_padding.
- (* array, empty *)
- destruct (zeq sz 0).
- inv H0. auto.
- rewrite zle_true in H0 by omega. inv H0. auto.
+ inv H0; auto.
- (* array, nonempty *)
- monadInv H3.
+ inv H3.
eapply store_init_data_list_app.
- rewrite (transl_init_size _ _ _ EQ). eauto.
+ rewrite (tr_init_size _ _ _ H7). eauto.
- (* struct, empty *)
- destruct fl as [|[i t]]; simpl in H0; inv H0.
- apply store_init_data_list_padding.
+ inv H0. apply store_init_data_list_padding.
- (* struct, nonempty *)
- destruct fl as [|[i t]]; simpl in H4; monadInv H4.
- simpl in H3; inv H3.
+ inv H4. simpl in H3; inv H3.
eapply store_init_data_list_app. apply store_init_data_list_padding.
rewrite padding_size.
- replace (ofs + pos0 + (align pos0 (alignof ge t) - pos0))
- with (ofs + align pos0 (alignof ge t)) by omega.
+ replace (ofs + pos0 + (pos2 - pos0)) with (ofs + pos2) by omega.
eapply store_init_data_list_app.
- rewrite (transl_init_size _ _ _ EQ).
+ rewrite (tr_init_size _ _ _ H9).
rewrite <- Zplus_assoc. eapply H2. eauto. eauto.
apply align_le. apply alignof_pos.
@@ -804,7 +886,7 @@ Proof.
set (ge := globalenv p) in *.
change (prog_comp_env p) with (genv_cenv ge) in H0.
- destruct (transl_init_sound_gen ge) as (A & B & C).
+ destruct (tr_init_sound ge) as (A & B & C).
eapply build_composite_env_consistent. apply prog_comp_env_eq.
- eapply A; eauto.
+ eapply A; eauto. apply transl_init_spec; auto.