path: root/checklink/Fuzz.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'checklink/Fuzz.ml')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/checklink/Fuzz.ml b/checklink/Fuzz.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2fe29b0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/checklink/Fuzz.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+open Check
+open ELF_parsers
+open ELF_types
+open Frameworks
+open Library
+let string_of_byte = Printf.sprintf "0x%02x"
+let full_range_of_byte elfmap byte =
+ let byte = int_int32 byte in
+ List.find (fun (a, b, _, _) -> a <= byte && byte <= b) elfmap
+let range_of_byte elfmap byte =
+ let (_, _, _, r) = full_range_of_byte elfmap byte in
+ r
+let fuzz_check elfmap bs byte old sdumps =
+ let (str, _, _) = bs in
+ try (
+ let elf = read_elf_bs bs in
+ try (
+ let efw = check_elf elf sdumps in
+ try (
+ let _ = List.find (function ERROR(s) -> true | _ -> false) efw.log in
+ ()
+ ) with
+ | Not_found ->
+ print_endline (
+ string_of_int32 (int_int32 byte) ^ " <- " ^
+ string_of_byte (Char.code str.[byte]) ^ " (was " ^
+ string_of_byte (Char.code old) ^ ") - " ^
+ string_of_byte_chunk_desc (range_of_byte elfmap byte)
+ )
+ ) with
+ | e -> ()
+ ) with
+ | e -> ()
+let ok_fuzz elfmap str byte fuzz =
+ let (a, b, _, r) = full_range_of_byte elfmap byte in
+ let a = int32_int a in
+ let b = int32_int b in
+ let old = Char.code str.[byte] in
+ let fuz = Char.code fuzz in
+ match r with
+ | ELF_header ->
+ not (List.mem byte
+ [
+ 0x18; 0x19; 0x1a; 0x1b; (* e_entry *)
+ 0x1c; 0x1d; 0x1e; 0x1f; (* e_phoff *)
+ 0x24; 0x25; 0x26; 0x27; (* e_flags *)
+ 0x2c; 0x2d (* e_phnum *)
+ ]
+ )
+ | ELF_progtab -> false
+ | ELF_shtab -> false
+ | ELF_section_strtab -> false
+ | ELF_symbol_strtab -> false
+ | Symtab_data(_) ->
+ (* False positive: switching from/to STT_NOTYPE *)
+ not (byte = a + 12
+ && ((old land 0xf = 0) || (fuz land 0xf = 0))
+ )
+ | Symtab_function(_) -> true
+ | Data_symbol(_) ->
+ (* False positive: 0. becomes -0. *)
+ not (
+ (byte + 7 <= b)
+ && (fuz = 0x80)
+ && (Char.code str.[byte + 0] = 0x00)
+ && (Char.code str.[byte + 1] = 0x00)
+ && (Char.code str.[byte + 2] = 0x00)
+ && (Char.code str.[byte + 3] = 0x00)
+ && (Char.code str.[byte + 4] = 0x00)
+ && (Char.code str.[byte + 5] = 0x00)
+ && (Char.code str.[byte + 6] = 0x00)
+ && (Char.code str.[byte + 7] = 0x00)
+ )
+ | Function_symbol(_) ->
+ let opcode = Char.code str.[byte - 3] in
+ (* False positive: rlwinm with bitmask 0 31 = bitmask n (n - 1) *)
+ not (0x54 <= opcode && opcode <= 0x57 && old = 0x3E
+ && (fuz = 0x40 || fuz = 0x82 || fuz = 0xc4))
+ | Zero_symbol -> false
+ | Stub(_) -> true
+ | Jumptable -> true
+ | Float_literal(_) ->
+ (* False positive: 0. becomes -0. *)
+ not (
+ (byte = a)
+ && (fuz = 0x80)
+ && (Char.code str.[byte + 0] = 0x00)
+ && (Char.code str.[byte + 1] = 0x00)
+ && (Char.code str.[byte + 2] = 0x00)
+ && (Char.code str.[byte + 3] = 0x00)
+ && (Char.code str.[byte + 4] = 0x00)
+ && (Char.code str.[byte + 5] = 0x00)
+ && (Char.code str.[byte + 6] = 0x00)
+ && (Char.code str.[byte + 7] = 0x00)
+ )
+ | Padding -> false (* padding may be non-null *)
+ | Unknown(_) -> false
+let fuzz_byte str byte_ndx =
+ let rand = Char.chr (Random.int 255) in (* [0 - 254] *)
+ if rand = str.[byte_ndx] (* if we picked a byte equal to the current *)
+ then Char.chr 255 (* then replace with byte 255 *)
+ else rand (* else replace with the byte we picked *)
+let rec find_byte_to_fuzz elfmap str byterange =
+ let byte = Random.int byterange in
+ let fuzz = fuzz_byte str byte in
+ if ok_fuzz elfmap str byte fuzz
+ then (byte, fuzz)
+ else find_byte_to_fuzz elfmap str byterange
+let get_elfmap elffilename =
+ let ic = open_in (elffilename ^ ".elfmap") in
+ let elfmap = input_value ic in
+ close_in ic;
+ elfmap
+let fuzz_loop elffilename sdumps =
+ let elfmap = get_elfmap elffilename in
+ let (str, ofs, len) = Bitstring.bitstring_of_file elffilename in
+ let rec fuzz_loop_aux () =
+ let (byte, fuzz) = find_byte_to_fuzz elfmap str (len/8) in
+ let str' = String.copy str in
+ str'.[byte] <- fuzz;
+ fuzz_check elfmap (str', ofs, len) byte str.[byte] sdumps;
+ fuzz_loop_aux ()
+ in fuzz_loop_aux ()
+ let fuzz_all elffilename sdumps =
+ let elfmap = get_elfmap elffilename in
+ let (str, ofs, len) = Bitstring.bitstring_of_file elffilename in
+ let rec fuzz_all_aux current limit =
+ if current = limit
+ then ()
+ else (
+ if ok_fuzz elfmap current
+ then (
+ let str' = String.copy str in
+ fuzz_byte str' current;
+ let msg = string_of_int32 (int_int32 current) ^ " <- " ^
+ string_of_byte (Char.code str'.[current]) ^ " (was " ^
+ string_of_byte (Char.code str.[current]) ^ ") - " ^
+ string_of_elf_range (range_of_byte elfmap current)
+ in
+ fuzz_check msg (str', ofs, len) sdumps
+ );
+ fuzz_all_aux (current + 1) limit
+ )
+ in fuzz_all_aux 0 (len/8)