path: root/common/Sections.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'common/Sections.ml')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/common/Sections.ml b/common/Sections.ml
index f37144a6..3ee36e85 100644
--- a/common/Sections.ml
+++ b/common/Sections.ml
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
open Camlcoq
open Cparser
-module StringMap = Map.Make(String)
(* Handling of linker sections *)
type section_name =
@@ -92,40 +90,28 @@ let builtin_sections = [
sec_near_access = false}
-let default_section_table =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (s, i) t -> StringMap.add s i t)
- builtin_sections StringMap.empty
(* The current mapping from section names to section info *)
-let current_section_table : (section_info StringMap.t) ref =
- ref StringMap.empty
+let current_section_table : (string, section_info) Hashtbl.t =
+ Hashtbl.create 17
-(* The section to use for each global symbol: either explicitly
- assigned using a "use_section" pragma, or inferred at definition
- time. *)
+(* The section assigned to a global symbol using a "use_section" pragma *)
let use_section_table : (AST.ident, section_info) Hashtbl.t =
Hashtbl.create 51
-(* For each global symbol, the mapping sect name -> sect info
- current at the time it was defined *)
-let section_table_at_def : (AST.ident, section_info StringMap.t) Hashtbl.t =
- Hashtbl.create 51
let initialize () =
- current_section_table := default_section_table;
- Hashtbl.clear use_section_table;
- Hashtbl.clear section_table_at_def
+ Hashtbl.clear current_section_table;
+ List.iter
+ (fun (s, i) -> Hashtbl.add current_section_table s i)
+ builtin_sections;
+ Hashtbl.clear use_section_table
(* Define or update a given section. *)
let define_section name ?iname ?uname ?writable ?executable ?near () =
let si =
- try StringMap.find name !current_section_table
+ try Hashtbl.find current_section_table name
with Not_found -> default_section_info in
let writable =
match writable with Some b -> b | None -> si.sec_writable
@@ -145,98 +131,91 @@ let define_section name ?iname ?uname ?writable ?executable ?near () =
sec_writable = writable;
sec_executable = executable;
sec_near_access = near } in
- current_section_table := StringMap.add name new_si !current_section_table
+ Hashtbl.replace current_section_table name new_si
(* Explicitly associate a section to a global symbol *)
let use_section_for id name =
- let si = StringMap.find name !current_section_table in
+ let si = Hashtbl.find current_section_table name in
Hashtbl.add use_section_table id si;
with Not_found ->
-(* Default association of a section to a global symbol *)
-let default_use_section id name =
- Hashtbl.add section_table_at_def id !current_section_table;
- if not (Hashtbl.mem use_section_table id) then begin
- let ok = use_section_for id name in
- assert ok
- end
+(* Undeclared section attached to a global variable, GCC-style *)
-(* Associate an undeclared section to a global symbol, GCC-style *)
-let use_gcc_section id name readonly exec =
- Hashtbl.add section_table_at_def id !current_section_table;
+let gcc_section name readonly exec =
let sn = Section_user(name, not readonly, exec) in
- let si = { sec_name_init = sn; sec_name_uninit = sn;
- sec_writable = not readonly; sec_executable = exec;
- sec_near_access = false } in
- Hashtbl.add use_section_table id si
+ { sec_name_init = sn; sec_name_uninit = sn;
+ sec_writable = not readonly; sec_executable = exec;
+ sec_near_access = false }
-(* Record sections for a variable definition *)
+(* Determine section for a variable definition *)
-let define_variable env id ty =
+let for_variable env id ty init =
let attr = Cutil.attributes_of_type env ty in
let readonly = List.mem C.AConst attr && not(List.mem C.AVolatile attr) in
- (* Check for a GCC-style "section" attribute *)
- match Cutil.find_custom_attributes ["section"; "__section__"] attr with
- | [[C.AString name]] ->
- (* Use gcc-style section *)
- use_gcc_section id name readonly false
- | _ ->
- (* Use default section appropriate for size and const-ness *)
- let size = match Cutil.sizeof env ty with Some sz -> sz | None -> max_int in
- default_use_section id
- (if readonly
- then if size <= !Clflags.option_small_const then "SCONST" else "CONST"
- else if size <= !Clflags.option_small_data then "SDATA" else "DATA")
-(* Record sections for a function definition *)
-let define_function env id ty_res =
+ let si =
+ try
+ (* 1- Section explicitly associated with #use_section *)
+ Hashtbl.find use_section_table id
+ with Not_found ->
+ match Cutil.find_custom_attributes ["section"; "__section__"] attr with
+ | [[C.AString name]] ->
+ (* 2- Section given as an attribute, gcc-style *)
+ gcc_section name readonly false
+ | _ ->
+ (* 3- Default section appropriate for size and const-ness *)
+ let size =
+ match Cutil.sizeof env ty with Some sz -> sz | None -> max_int in
+ let name =
+ if readonly
+ then if size <= !Clflags.option_small_const then "SCONST" else "CONST"
+ else if size <= !Clflags.option_small_data then "SDATA" else "DATA" in
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find current_section_table name
+ with Not_found ->
+ assert false in
+ ((if init then si.sec_name_init else si.sec_name_uninit), si.sec_near_access)
+(* Determine sections for a function definition *)
+let for_function env id ty_res =
let attr = Cutil.attributes_of_type env ty_res in
- match Cutil.find_custom_attributes ["section"; "__section__"] attr with
- | [[C.AString name]] ->
- use_gcc_section id name true true
- | _ ->
- default_use_section id "CODE"
-(* Record sections for a string literal *)
-let define_stringlit id =
- default_use_section id "STRING"
-(* Determine section to use for a variable *)
-let section_for_variable a initialized =
- try
- let si = Hashtbl.find use_section_table a in
- if initialized then si.sec_name_init else si.sec_name_uninit
- with Not_found ->
- Section_data initialized
-(* Determine (text, literal, jumptable) sections to use for a function *)
-let sections_for_function a =
- let s_text =
- try (Hashtbl.find use_section_table a).sec_name_init
- with Not_found -> Section_text in
- let s_table =
- try Hashtbl.find section_table_at_def a
- with Not_found -> default_section_table in
- let s_literal =
- try (StringMap.find "LITERAL" s_table).sec_name_init
- with Not_found -> Section_literal in
- let s_jumptable =
- try (StringMap.find "JUMPTABLE" s_table).sec_name_init
- with Not_found -> Section_jumptable in
- (s_text, s_literal, s_jumptable)
-(* Say if an atom is in a small data area *)
-let atom_is_small_data a ofs =
- try (Hashtbl.find use_section_table a).sec_near_access
- with Not_found -> false
+ let si_code =
+ try
+ (* 1- Section explicitly associated with #use_section *)
+ Hashtbl.find use_section_table id
+ with Not_found ->
+ match Cutil.find_custom_attributes ["section"; "__section__"] attr with
+ | [[C.AString name]] ->
+ (* 2- Section given as an attribute, gcc-style *)
+ gcc_section name true true
+ | _ ->
+ (* 3- Default section *)
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find current_section_table "CODE"
+ with Not_found ->
+ assert false in
+ let si_literal =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find current_section_table "LITERAL"
+ with Not_found ->
+ assert false in
+ let si_jumptbl =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find current_section_table "JUMPTABLE"
+ with Not_found ->
+ assert false in
+ [si_code.sec_name_init; si_literal.sec_name_init; si_jumptbl.sec_name_init]
+(* Determine section for a string literal *)
+let for_stringlit() =
+ let si =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find current_section_table "STRING"
+ with Not_found ->
+ assert false in
+ si.sec_name_init