path: root/cparser/Env.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cparser/Env.ml')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cparser/Env.ml b/cparser/Env.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43ba4c38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cparser/Env.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
+(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
+(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* Typing environment *)
+open C
+type error =
+ | Unbound_identifier of string
+ | Unbound_tag of string * string
+ | Tag_mismatch of string * string * string
+ | Unbound_typedef of string
+ | No_member of string * string * string
+exception Error of error
+(* Maps over ident, accessible both by name or by name + stamp *)
+module StringMap = Map.Make(String)
+module IdentMap = struct
+ type 'a t = (ident * 'a) list StringMap.t
+ let empty : 'a t = StringMap.empty
+ (* Search by name and return topmost binding *)
+ let lookup s m =
+ match StringMap.find s m with
+ | id_data :: _ -> id_data
+ | [] -> assert false
+ (* Search by identifier and return associated binding *)
+ let find id m =
+ let rec lookup_in = function
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (id', data) :: rem ->
+ if id'.stamp = id.stamp then data else lookup_in rem in
+ lookup_in (StringMap.find id.name m)
+ (* Insert by identifier *)
+ let add id data m =
+ let l = try StringMap.find id.name m with Not_found -> [] in
+ StringMap.add id.name ((id, data) :: l) m
+let gensym = ref 0
+let fresh_ident s = incr gensym; { name = s; stamp = !gensym }
+(* Infos associated with structs or unions *)
+type composite_info = {
+ ci_kind: struct_or_union;
+ ci_incomplete: bool; (* incompletely defined? *)
+ ci_members: field list (* members, in order *)
+(* Infos associated with an ordinary identifier *)
+type ident_info =
+ | II_ident of storage * typ
+ | II_enum of int64 (* value of the enum *)
+(* Infos associated with a typedef *)
+type typedef_info = typ
+(* Environments *)
+type t = {
+ env_scope: int;
+ env_ident: ident_info IdentMap.t;
+ env_tag: composite_info IdentMap.t;
+ env_typedef: typedef_info IdentMap.t
+let empty = {
+ env_scope = 0;
+ env_ident = IdentMap.empty;
+ env_tag = IdentMap.empty;
+ env_typedef = IdentMap.empty
+(* Enter a new scope. *)
+let new_scope env =
+ { env with env_scope = !gensym + 1 }
+let in_current_scope env id = id.stamp >= env.env_scope
+(* Looking up things by source name *)
+let lookup_ident env s =
+ try
+ IdentMap.lookup s env.env_ident
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise(Error(Unbound_identifier s))
+let lookup_tag env s =
+ try
+ IdentMap.lookup s env.env_tag
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise(Error(Unbound_tag(s, "tag")))
+let lookup_struct env s =
+ try
+ let (id, ci as res) = IdentMap.lookup s env.env_tag in
+ if ci.ci_kind <> Struct then
+ raise(Error(Tag_mismatch(s, "struct", "union")));
+ res
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise(Error(Unbound_tag(s, "struct")))
+let lookup_union env s =
+ try
+ let (id, ci as res) = IdentMap.lookup s env.env_tag in
+ if ci.ci_kind <> Union then
+ raise(Error(Tag_mismatch(s, "union", "struct")));
+ res
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise(Error(Unbound_tag(s, "union")))
+let lookup_composite env s =
+ try Some (IdentMap.lookup s env.env_tag)
+ with Not_found -> None
+let lookup_typedef env s =
+ try
+ IdentMap.lookup s env.env_typedef
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise(Error(Unbound_typedef s))
+(* Checking if a source name is bound *)
+let ident_is_bound env s = StringMap.mem s env.env_ident
+(* Finding things by translated identifier *)
+let find_ident env id =
+ try IdentMap.find id env.env_ident
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise(Error(Unbound_identifier(id.name)))
+let find_tag env id =
+ try IdentMap.find id env.env_tag
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise(Error(Unbound_tag(id.name, "tag")))
+let find_struct env id =
+ try
+ let ci = IdentMap.find id env.env_tag in
+ if ci.ci_kind <> Struct then
+ raise(Error(Tag_mismatch(id.name, "struct", "union")));
+ ci
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise(Error(Unbound_tag(id.name, "struct")))
+let find_union env id =
+ try
+ let ci = IdentMap.find id env.env_tag in
+ if ci.ci_kind <> Union then
+ raise(Error(Tag_mismatch(id.name, "union", "struct")));
+ ci
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise(Error(Unbound_tag(id.name, "union")))
+let find_member ci m =
+ List.find (fun f -> f.fld_name = m) ci
+let find_struct_member env (id, m) =
+ try
+ let ci = find_struct env id in
+ find_member ci.ci_members m
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise(Error(No_member(id.name, "struct", m)))
+let find_union_member env (id, m) =
+ try
+ let ci = find_union env id in
+ find_member ci.ci_members m
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise(Error(No_member(id.name, "union", m)))
+let find_typedef env id =
+ try
+ IdentMap.find id env.env_typedef
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise(Error(Unbound_typedef(id.name)))
+(* Inserting things by source name, with generation of a translated name *)
+let enter_ident env s sto ty =
+ let id = fresh_ident s in
+ (id,
+ { env with env_ident = IdentMap.add id (II_ident(sto, ty)) env.env_ident })
+let enter_composite env s ci =
+ let id = fresh_ident s in
+ (id, { env with env_tag = IdentMap.add id ci env.env_tag })
+let enter_enum_item env s v =
+ let id = fresh_ident s in
+ (id, { env with env_ident = IdentMap.add id (II_enum v) env.env_ident })
+let enter_typedef env s info =
+ let id = fresh_ident s in
+ (id, { env with env_typedef = IdentMap.add id info env.env_typedef })
+(* Inserting things by translated name *)
+let add_ident env id sto ty =
+ { env with env_ident = IdentMap.add id (II_ident(sto, ty)) env.env_ident }
+let add_composite env id ci =
+ { env with env_tag = IdentMap.add id ci env.env_tag }
+let add_typedef env id info =
+ { env with env_typedef = IdentMap.add id info env.env_typedef }
+(* Error reporting *)
+open Printf
+let error_message = function
+ | Unbound_identifier name ->
+ sprintf "Unbound identifier '%s'" name
+ | Unbound_tag(name, kind) ->
+ sprintf "Unbound %s '%s'" kind name
+ | Tag_mismatch(name, expected, actual) ->
+ sprintf "'%s' was declared as a %s but is used as a %s"
+ name actual expected
+ | Unbound_typedef name ->
+ sprintf "Unbound typedef '%s'" name
+ | No_member(compname, compkind, memname) ->
+ sprintf "%s '%s' has no member named '%s'"
+ compkind compname memname