path: root/cparser/StructAssign.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'cparser/StructAssign.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 165 deletions
diff --git a/cparser/StructAssign.ml b/cparser/StructAssign.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index d9ad8f57..00000000
--- a/cparser/StructAssign.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* Expand assignments between structs and between unions *)
-(* Assumes: unblocked code.
- Preserves: unblocked code *)
-open C
-open Machine
-open Cutil
-open Env
-open Errors
-open Transform
-(* Finding appropriate memcpy functions *)
-let memcpy_decl = ref (None : ident option)
-let memcpy_type =
- TFun(TPtr(TVoid [], []),
- Some [(Env.fresh_ident "", TPtr(TVoid [], []));
- (Env.fresh_ident "", TPtr(TVoid [AConst], []));
- (Env.fresh_ident "", TInt(size_t_ikind, []))],
- false, [])
-let lookup_function env name =
- match Env.lookup_ident env name with
- | (id, II_ident(sto, ty)) -> (id, ty)
- | (id, II_enum _) -> raise (Env.Error(Env.Unbound_identifier name))
-let default_memcpy () =
- match !memcpy_decl with
- | Some id ->
- (id, memcpy_type)
- | None ->
- let id = Env.fresh_ident "memcpy" in
- memcpy_decl := Some id;
- (id, memcpy_type)
-let find_memcpy env =
- try
- (lookup_function env "__builtin_memcpy_aligned", true)
- with Env.Error _ ->
- try
- (lookup_function env "__builtin_memcpy", false)
- with Env.Error _ ->
- try
- (lookup_function env "memcpy", false)
- with Env.Error _ ->
- (default_memcpy(), false)
-(* Smart constructor that "bubble up" sequence expressions *)
-let rec edot f e ty =
- match e.edesc with
- | EBinop(Ocomma, e1, e2, _) -> ecomma e1 (edot f e2 ty)
- | _ -> { edesc = EUnop(Odot f, e); etyp = ty }
-(* Translate an assignment [lhs = rhs] between composite types.
- [lhs] and [rhs] must be l-values. *)
-let transf_assign env lhs rhs =
- let al =
- match Cutil.alignof env lhs.etyp with Some al -> al | None -> 1 in
- let ((ident, ty), four_args) = find_memcpy env in
- let memcpy = {edesc = EVar(ident); etyp = ty} in
- let e_lhs = eaddrof lhs
- and e_rhs = eaddrof rhs
- and e_size = {edesc = ESizeof(lhs.etyp); etyp = TInt(size_t_ikind, [])}
- and e_align = intconst (Int64.of_int al) size_t_ikind in
- let args =
- if four_args
- then [e_lhs; e_rhs; e_size; e_align]
- else [e_lhs; e_rhs; e_size] in
- {edesc = ECall(memcpy, args); etyp = TVoid[]}
-(* Transformation of expressions. *)
-let transf_expr loc env ctx e =
- let rec texp ctx e =
- match e.edesc with
- | EBinop(Oassign, lhs, rhs, _) when is_composite_type env lhs.etyp ->
- let lhs' = texp Val lhs in
- let rhs' = texp Val rhs in
- begin match ctx with
- | Effects ->
- transf_assign env lhs' rhs'
- | Val ->
- bind_lvalue env lhs' (fun l -> ecomma (transf_assign env l rhs') l)
- end
- | EConst c -> e
- | ESizeof ty -> e
- | EVar x ->
- if ctx = Effects && is_composite_type env e.etyp
- then nullconst
- else e
- | EUnop(Oaddrof, e1) ->
- eaddrof (texp Val e1)
- | EUnop(Oderef, e1) ->
- if ctx = Effects && is_composite_type env e.etyp
- then texp Effects e1
- else {edesc = EUnop(Oderef, texp Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
- | EUnop(Odot f, e1) ->
- if ctx = Effects && is_composite_type env e.etyp
- then texp Effects e1
- else edot f (texp Val e1) e.etyp
- | EUnop(Oarrow f, e1) ->
- if ctx = Effects && is_composite_type env e.etyp
- then texp Effects e1
- else {edesc = EUnop(Oarrow f, texp Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
- | EUnop(op, e1) ->
- {edesc = EUnop(op, texp Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
- | EBinop(Oindex, e1, e2, ty) ->
- if ctx = Effects && is_composite_type env e.etyp
- then ecomma (texp Effects e1) (texp Effects e2)
- else {edesc = EBinop(Oindex, texp Val e1, texp Val e2, ty); etyp = e.etyp}
- | EBinop(Ocomma, e1, e2, ty) ->
- ecomma (texp Effects e1) (texp ctx e2)
- | EBinop(op, e1, e2, ty) ->
- {edesc = EBinop(op, texp Val e1, texp Val e2, ty);
- etyp = e.etyp}
- | EConditional(e1, e2, e3) ->
- {edesc = EConditional(texp Val e1, texp ctx e2, texp ctx e3);
- etyp = e.etyp}
- | ECast(ty, e1) ->
- {edesc = ECast(ty, texp Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
- | ECall(e1, el) ->
- {edesc = ECall(texp Val e1,
- List.map (texp Val) el);
- etyp = e.etyp}
- in texp ctx e
-(* Transformation of statements *)
-let transf_stmt env s =
- Transform.stmt transf_expr env s
-(* Transformation of function definitions *)
-let transf_fundef env f =
- Transform.fundef transf_stmt env f
-(* Transformation of programs *)
-let program p =
- memcpy_decl := None;
- let p' = Transform.program ~fundef:transf_fundef p in
- match !memcpy_decl with
- | None -> p'
- | Some id ->
- {gdesc = Gdecl(Storage_extern, id, memcpy_type, None); gloc = no_loc}
- :: p'