path: root/cparser/validator
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11 files changed, 0 insertions, 3167 deletions
diff --git a/cparser/validator/Alphabet.v b/cparser/validator/Alphabet.v
deleted file mode 100644
index a13f69b0..00000000
--- a/cparser/validator/Alphabet.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Jacques-Henri Jourdan, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-Require Import Int31.
-Require Import Cyclic31.
-Require Import Omega.
-Require Import List.
-Require Import Syntax.
-Require Import Relations.
-Require Import RelationClasses.
-Local Obligation Tactic := intros.
-(** A comparable type is equiped with a [compare] function, that define an order
- relation. **)
-Class Comparable (A:Type) := {
- compare : A -> A -> comparison;
- compare_antisym : forall x y, CompOpp (compare x y) = compare y x;
- compare_trans : forall x y z c,
- (compare x y) = c -> (compare y z) = c -> (compare x z) = c
-Theorem compare_refl {A:Type} (C: Comparable A) :
- forall x, compare x x = Eq.
-pose proof (compare_antisym x x).
-destruct (compare x x); intuition; try discriminate.
-(** The corresponding order is a strict order. **)
-Definition comparableLt {A:Type} (C: Comparable A) : relation A :=
- fun x y => compare x y = Lt.
-Instance ComparableLtStrictOrder {A:Type} (C: Comparable A) :
- StrictOrder (comparableLt C).
-apply Build_StrictOrder.
-unfold Irreflexive, Reflexive, complement, comparableLt.
-pose proof H.
-rewrite <- compare_antisym in H.
-rewrite H0 in H.
-discriminate H.
-unfold Transitive, comparableLt.
-intros x y z.
-apply compare_trans.
-(** nat is comparable. **)
-Program Instance natComparable : Comparable nat :=
- { compare := Nat.compare }.
-Next Obligation.
-destruct (Nat.compare x y) as [] eqn:?.
-rewrite Nat.compare_eq_iff in Heqc.
-destruct Heqc.
-rewrite Nat.compare_eq_iff.
-rewrite <- nat_compare_lt in *.
-rewrite <- nat_compare_gt in *.
-rewrite <- nat_compare_lt in *.
-rewrite <- nat_compare_gt in *.
-Next Obligation.
-destruct c.
-rewrite Nat.compare_eq_iff in *; destruct H; assumption.
-rewrite <- nat_compare_lt in *.
-apply (Nat.lt_trans _ _ _ H H0).
-rewrite <- nat_compare_gt in *.
-apply (gt_trans _ _ _ H H0).
-(** A pair of comparable is comparable. **)
-Program Instance PairComparable {A:Type} (CA:Comparable A) {B:Type} (CB:Comparable B) :
- Comparable (A*B) :=
- { compare := fun x y =>
- let (xa, xb) := x in let (ya, yb) := y in
- match compare xa ya return comparison with
- | Eq => compare xb yb
- | x => x
- end }.
-Next Obligation.
-destruct x, y.
-rewrite <- (compare_antisym a a0).
-rewrite <- (compare_antisym b b0).
-destruct (compare a a0); intuition.
-Next Obligation.
-destruct x, y, z.
-destruct (compare a a0) as [] eqn:?, (compare a0 a1) as [] eqn:?;
-try (rewrite <- H0 in H; discriminate);
-try (destruct (compare a a1) as [] eqn:?;
- try (rewrite <- compare_antisym in Heqc0;
- rewrite CompOpp_iff in Heqc0;
- rewrite (compare_trans _ _ _ _ Heqc0 Heqc2) in Heqc1;
- discriminate);
- try (rewrite <- compare_antisym in Heqc1;
- rewrite CompOpp_iff in Heqc1;
- rewrite (compare_trans _ _ _ _ Heqc2 Heqc1) in Heqc0;
- discriminate);
- assumption);
-rewrite (compare_trans _ _ _ _ Heqc0 Heqc1);
-try assumption.
-apply (compare_trans _ _ _ _ H H0).
-(** Special case of comparable, where equality is usual equality. **)
-Class ComparableUsualEq {A:Type} (C: Comparable A) :=
- compare_eq : forall x y, compare x y = Eq -> x = y.
-(** Boolean equality for a [Comparable]. **)
-Definition compare_eqb {A:Type} {C:Comparable A} (x y:A) :=
- match compare x y with
- | Eq => true
- | _ => false
- end.
-Theorem compare_eqb_iff {A:Type} {C:Comparable A} {U:ComparableUsualEq C} :
- forall x y, compare_eqb x y = true <-> x = y.
-unfold compare_eqb.
-apply compare_eq.
-destruct (compare x y); intuition; discriminate.
-destruct H.
-rewrite compare_refl; intuition.
-(** [Comparable] provides a decidable equality. **)
-Definition compare_eqdec {A:Type} {C:Comparable A} {U:ComparableUsualEq C} (x y:A):
- {x = y} + {x <> y}.
-destruct (compare x y) as [] eqn:?; [left; apply compare_eq; intuition | ..];
- right; intro; destruct H; rewrite compare_refl in Heqc; discriminate.
-Instance NComparableUsualEq : ComparableUsualEq natComparable := Nat.compare_eq.
-(** A pair of ComparableUsualEq is ComparableUsualEq **)
-Instance PairComparableUsualEq
- {A:Type} {CA:Comparable A} (UA:ComparableUsualEq CA)
- {B:Type} {CB:Comparable B} (UB:ComparableUsualEq CB) :
- ComparableUsualEq (PairComparable CA CB).
-intros x y; destruct x, y; simpl.
-pose proof (compare_eq a a0); pose proof (compare_eq b b0).
-destruct (compare a a0); try discriminate.
-destruct H2, H0.
-(** An [Finite] type is a type with the list of all elements. **)
-Class Finite (A:Type) := {
- all_list : list A;
- all_list_forall : forall x:A, In x all_list
-(** An alphabet is both [ComparableUsualEq] and [Finite]. **)
-Class Alphabet (A:Type) := {
- AlphabetComparable :> Comparable A;
- AlphabetComparableUsualEq :> ComparableUsualEq AlphabetComparable;
- AlphabetFinite :> Finite A
-(** The [Numbered] class provides a conveniant way to build [Alphabet] instances,
- with a good computationnal complexity. It is mainly a injection from it to
- [Int31] **)
-Class Numbered (A:Type) := {
- inj : A -> int31;
- surj : int31 -> A;
- surj_inj_compat : forall x, surj (inj x) = x;
- inj_bound : int31;
- inj_bound_spec : forall x, (phi (inj x) < phi inj_bound)%Z
-Program Instance NumberedAlphabet {A:Type} (N:Numbered A) : Alphabet A :=
- { AlphabetComparable :=
- {| compare := fun x y => compare31 (inj x) (inj y) |};
- AlphabetFinite :=
- {| all_list := fst (iter_int31 inj_bound _
- (fun p => (cons (surj (snd p)) (fst p), incr (snd p))) ([], 0%int31)) |} }.
-Next Obligation. apply Zcompare_antisym. Qed.
-Next Obligation.
-destruct c. unfold compare31 in *.
-rewrite Z.compare_eq_iff in *. congruence.
-eapply Zcompare_Lt_trans. apply H. apply H0.
-eapply Zcompare_Gt_trans. apply H. apply H0.
-Next Obligation.
-intros x y H. unfold compare, compare31 in H.
-rewrite Z.compare_eq_iff in *.
-rewrite <- surj_inj_compat, <- phi_inv_phi with (inj y), <- H.
-rewrite phi_inv_phi, surj_inj_compat; reflexivity.
-Next Obligation.
-rewrite iter_int31_iter_nat.
-pose proof (inj_bound_spec x).
-match goal with |- In x (fst ?p) => destruct p as [] eqn:? end.
-replace inj_bound with i in H.
-revert l i Heqp x H.
-induction (Z.abs_nat (phi inj_bound)); intros.
-inversion Heqp; clear Heqp; subst.
-rewrite spec_0 in H. pose proof (phi_bounded (inj x)). omega.
-simpl in Heqp.
-destruct nat_rect; specialize (IHn _ _ (eq_refl _) x); simpl in *.
-inversion Heqp. subst. clear Heqp.
-rewrite phi_incr in H.
-pose proof (phi_bounded i0).
-pose proof (phi_bounded (inj x)).
-destruct (Z_lt_le_dec (Z.succ (phi i0)) (2 ^ Z.of_nat size)%Z).
-rewrite Zmod_small in H by omega.
-apply Zlt_succ_le, Zle_lt_or_eq in H.
-destruct H; simpl; auto. left.
-rewrite <- surj_inj_compat, <- phi_inv_phi with (inj x), H, phi_inv_phi; reflexivity.
-replace (Z.succ (phi i0)) with (2 ^ Z.of_nat size)%Z in H by omega.
-rewrite Z_mod_same_full in H.
-exfalso; omega.
-rewrite <- phi_inv_phi with i, <- phi_inv_phi with inj_bound; f_equal.
-pose proof (phi_bounded inj_bound); pose proof (phi_bounded i).
-rewrite <- Z.abs_eq with (phi i), <- Z.abs_eq with (phi inj_bound) by omega.
-clear H H0 H1.
-do 2 rewrite <- Zabs2Nat.id_abs.
-revert l i Heqp.
-assert (Z.abs_nat (phi inj_bound) < Z.abs_nat (2^31)).
-apply Zabs_nat_lt, phi_bounded.
-induction (Z.abs_nat (phi inj_bound)); intros.
-inversion Heqp; reflexivity.
-inversion Heqp; clear H1 H2 Heqp.
-match goal with |- _ (_ (_ (snd ?p))) = _ => destruct p end.
-pose proof (phi_bounded i0).
-erewrite <- IHn, <- Zabs2Nat.inj_succ in H |- *; eauto; try omega.
-rewrite phi_incr, Zmod_small; intuition; try omega.
-apply inj_lt in H.
-pose proof Z.le_le_succ_r.
-do 2 rewrite Zabs2Nat.id_abs, Z.abs_eq in H; now eauto.
-(** Previous class instances for [option A] **)
-Program Instance OptionComparable {A:Type} (C:Comparable A) : Comparable (option A) :=
- { compare := fun x y =>
- match x, y return comparison with
- | None, None => Eq
- | None, Some _ => Lt
- | Some _, None => Gt
- | Some x, Some y => compare x y
- end }.
-Next Obligation.
-destruct x, y; intuition.
-apply compare_antisym.
-Next Obligation.
-destruct x, y, z; try now intuition;
-try (rewrite <- H in H0; discriminate).
-apply (compare_trans _ _ _ _ H H0).
-Instance OptionComparableUsualEq {A:Type} {C:Comparable A} (U:ComparableUsualEq C) :
- ComparableUsualEq (OptionComparable C).
-intros x y.
-destruct x, y; intuition; try discriminate.
-rewrite (compare_eq a a0); intuition.
-Program Instance OptionFinite {A:Type} (E:Finite A) : Finite (option A) :=
- { all_list := None :: map Some all_list }.
-Next Obligation.
-destruct x; intuition.
-apply in_map.
-apply all_list_forall.
-(** Definitions of [FSet]/[FMap] from [Comparable] **)
-Require Import OrderedTypeAlt.
-Require FSetAVL.
-Require FMapAVL.
-Import OrderedType.
-Module Type ComparableM.
- Parameter t : Type.
- Declare Instance tComparable : Comparable t.
-End ComparableM.
-Module OrderedTypeAlt_from_ComparableM (C:ComparableM) <: OrderedTypeAlt.
- Definition t := C.t.
- Definition compare : t -> t -> comparison := compare.
- Infix "?=" := compare (at level 70, no associativity).
- Lemma compare_sym x y : (y?=x) = CompOpp (x?=y).
- Proof. exact (Logic.eq_sym (compare_antisym x y)). Qed.
- Lemma compare_trans c x y z :
- (x?=y) = c -> (y?=z) = c -> (x?=z) = c.
- Proof.
- apply compare_trans.
- Qed.
-End OrderedTypeAlt_from_ComparableM.
-Module OrderedType_from_ComparableM (C:ComparableM) <: OrderedType.
- Module Alt := OrderedTypeAlt_from_ComparableM C.
- Include (OrderedType_from_Alt Alt).
-End OrderedType_from_ComparableM.
diff --git a/cparser/validator/Automaton.v b/cparser/validator/Automaton.v
deleted file mode 100644
index fc995298..00000000
--- a/cparser/validator/Automaton.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Jacques-Henri Jourdan, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-Require Grammar.
-Require Import Orders.
-Require Export Alphabet.
-Require Export List.
-Require Export Syntax.
-Module Type AutInit.
- (** The grammar of the automaton. **)
- Declare Module Gram:Grammar.T.
- Export Gram.
- (** The set of non initial state is considered as an alphabet. **)
- Parameter noninitstate : Type.
- Declare Instance NonInitStateAlph : Alphabet noninitstate.
- Parameter initstate : Type.
- Declare Instance InitStateAlph : Alphabet initstate.
- (** When we are at this state, we know that this symbol is the top of the
- stack. **)
- Parameter last_symb_of_non_init_state: noninitstate -> symbol.
-End AutInit.
-Module Types(Import Init:AutInit).
- (** In many ways, the behaviour of the initial state is different from the
- behaviour of the other states. So we have chosen to explicitaly separate
- them: the user has to provide the type of non initial states. **)
- Inductive state :=
- | Init: initstate -> state
- | Ninit: noninitstate -> state.
- Program Instance StateAlph : Alphabet state :=
- { AlphabetComparable := {| compare := fun x y =>
- match x, y return comparison with
- | Init _, Ninit _ => Lt
- | Init x, Init y => compare x y
- | Ninit _, Init _ => Gt
- | Ninit x, Ninit y => compare x y
- end |};
- AlphabetFinite := {| all_list := map Init all_list ++ map Ninit all_list |} }.
- Local Obligation Tactic := intros.
- Next Obligation.
- destruct x, y; intuition; apply compare_antisym.
- Qed.
- Next Obligation.
- destruct x, y, z; intuition.
- apply (compare_trans _ i0); intuition.
- congruence.
- congruence.
- apply (compare_trans _ n0); intuition.
- Qed.
- Next Obligation.
- intros x y.
- destruct x, y; intuition; try discriminate.
- rewrite (compare_eq i i0); intuition.
- rewrite (compare_eq n n0); intuition.
- Qed.
- Next Obligation.
- apply in_or_app; destruct x; intuition;
- [left|right]; apply in_map; apply all_list_forall.
- Qed.
- Coercion Ninit : noninitstate >-> state.
- Coercion Init : initstate >-> state.
- (** For an LR automaton, there are four kind of actions that can be done at a
- given state:
- - Shifting, that is reading a token and putting it into the stack,
- - Reducing a production, that is popping the right hand side of the
- production from the stack, and pushing the left hand side,
- - Failing
- - Accepting the word (special case of reduction)
- As in the menhir parser generator, we do not want our parser to read after
- the end of stream. That means that once the parser has read a word in the
- grammar language, it should stop without peeking the input stream. So, for
- the automaton to be complete, the grammar must be particular: if a word is
- in its language, then it is not a prefix of an other word of the language
- (otherwise, menhir reports an end of stream conflict).
- As a consequence of that, there is two notions of action: the first one is
- an action performed before having read the stream, the second one is after
- **)
- Inductive lookahead_action (term:terminal) :=
- | Shift_act: forall s:noninitstate,
- T term = last_symb_of_non_init_state s -> lookahead_action term
- | Reduce_act: production -> lookahead_action term
- | Fail_act: lookahead_action term.
- Arguments Shift_act [term].
- Arguments Reduce_act [term].
- Arguments Fail_act [term].
- Inductive action :=
- | Default_reduce_act: production -> action
- | Lookahead_act : (forall term:terminal, lookahead_action term) -> action.
- (** Types used for the annotations of the automaton. **)
- (** An item is a part of the annotations given to the validator.
- It is acually a set of LR(1) items sharing the same core. It is needed
- to validate completeness. **)
- Record item := {
- (** The pseudo-production of the item. **)
- prod_item: production;
- (** The position of the dot. **)
- dot_pos_item: nat;
- (** The lookahead symbol of the item. We are using a list, so we can store
- together multiple LR(1) items sharing the same core. **)
- lookaheads_item: list terminal
- }.
-End Types.
-Module Type T.
- Include AutInit <+ Types.
- Module Export GramDefs := Grammar.Defs Gram.
- (** For each initial state, the non terminal it recognizes. **)
- Parameter start_nt: initstate -> nonterminal.
- (** The action table maps a state to either a map terminal -> action. **)
- Parameter action_table:
- state -> action.
- (** The goto table of an LR(1) automaton. **)
- Parameter goto_table: state -> forall nt:nonterminal,
- option { s:noninitstate | NT nt = last_symb_of_non_init_state s }.
- (** Some annotations on the automaton to help the validation. **)
- (** When we are at this state, we know that these symbols are just below
- the top of the stack. The list is ordered such that the head correspond
- to the (almost) top of the stack. **)
- Parameter past_symb_of_non_init_state: noninitstate -> list symbol.
- (** When we are at this state, the (strictly) previous states verify these
- predicates. **)
- Parameter past_state_of_non_init_state: noninitstate -> list (state -> bool).
- (** The items of the state. **)
- Parameter items_of_state: state -> list item.
- (** The nullable predicate for non terminals :
- true if and only if the symbol produces the empty string **)
- Parameter nullable_nterm: nonterminal -> bool.
- (** The first predicates for non terminals, symbols or words of symbols. A
- terminal is in the returned list if, and only if the parameter produces a
- word that begins with the given terminal **)
- Parameter first_nterm: nonterminal -> list terminal.
-End T.
diff --git a/cparser/validator/Grammar.v b/cparser/validator/Grammar.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e427cd9..00000000
--- a/cparser/validator/Grammar.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Jacques-Henri Jourdan, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-Require Import List.
-Require Import Syntax.
-Require Import Alphabet.
-Require Import Orders.
-Require Tuples.
-(** The terminal non-terminal alphabets of the grammar. **)
-Module Type Alphs.
- Parameters terminal nonterminal : Type.
- Declare Instance TerminalAlph: Alphabet terminal.
- Declare Instance NonTerminalAlph: Alphabet nonterminal.
-End Alphs.
-(** Definition of the alphabet of symbols, given the alphabet of terminals
- and the alphabet of non terminals **)
-Module Symbol(Import A:Alphs).
- Inductive symbol :=
- | T: terminal -> symbol
- | NT: nonterminal -> symbol.
- Program Instance SymbolAlph : Alphabet symbol :=
- { AlphabetComparable := {| compare := fun x y =>
- match x, y return comparison with
- | T _, NT _ => Gt
- | NT _, T _ => Lt
- | T x, T y => compare x y
- | NT x, NT y => compare x y
- end |};
- AlphabetFinite := {| all_list :=
- map T all_list++map NT all_list |} }.
- Next Obligation.
- destruct x; destruct y; intuition; apply compare_antisym.
- Qed.
- Next Obligation.
- destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; intuition; try discriminate.
- apply (compare_trans _ t0); intuition.
- apply (compare_trans _ n0); intuition.
- Qed.
- Next Obligation.
- intros x y.
- destruct x; destruct y; try discriminate; intros.
- rewrite (compare_eq t t0); intuition.
- rewrite (compare_eq n n0); intuition.
- Qed.
- Next Obligation.
- rewrite in_app_iff.
- destruct x; [left | right]; apply in_map; apply all_list_forall.
- Qed.
-End Symbol.
-Module Type T.
- Export Tuples.
- Include Alphs <+ Symbol.
- (** [symbol_semantic_type] maps a symbols to the type of its semantic
- values. **)
- Parameter symbol_semantic_type: symbol -> Type.
- (** The type of productions identifiers **)
- Parameter production : Type.
- Declare Instance ProductionAlph : Alphabet production.
- (** Accessors for productions: left hand side, right hand side,
- and semantic action. The semantic actions are given in the form
- of curryfied functions, that take arguments in the reverse order. **)
- Parameter prod_lhs: production -> nonterminal.
- Parameter prod_rhs_rev: production -> list symbol.
- Parameter prod_action:
- forall p:production,
- arrows_left
- (map symbol_semantic_type (rev (prod_rhs_rev p)))
- (symbol_semantic_type (NT (prod_lhs p))).
-End T.
-Module Defs(Import G:T).
- (** A token is a terminal and a semantic value for this terminal. **)
- Definition token := {t:terminal & symbol_semantic_type (T t)}.
- (** A grammar creates a relation between word of tokens and semantic values.
- This relation is parametrized by the head symbol. It defines the
- "semantics" of the grammar. This relation is defined by a notion of
- parse tree. **)
- Inductive parse_tree:
- forall (head_symbol:symbol) (word:list token)
- (semantic_value:symbol_semantic_type head_symbol), Type :=
- (** A single token has its semantic value as semantic value, for the
- corresponding terminal as head symbol. **)
- | Terminal_pt:
- forall (t:terminal) (sem:symbol_semantic_type (T t)),
- parse_tree (T t)
- [existT (fun t => symbol_semantic_type (T t)) t sem] sem
- (** Given a production, if a word has a list of semantic values for the
- right hand side as head symbols, then this word has the semantic value
- given by the semantic action of the production for the left hand side
- as head symbol.**)
- | Non_terminal_pt:
- forall {p:production} {word:list token}
- {semantic_values:tuple (map symbol_semantic_type (rev (prod_rhs_rev p)))},
- parse_tree_list (rev (prod_rhs_rev p)) word semantic_values ->
- parse_tree (NT (prod_lhs p)) word (uncurry (prod_action p) semantic_values)
- (** Basically the same relation as before, but for list of head symbols (ie.
- We are building a forest of syntax trees. It is mutually recursive with the
- previous relation **)
- with parse_tree_list:
- forall (head_symbols:list symbol) (word:list token)
- (semantic_values:tuple (map symbol_semantic_type head_symbols)),
- Type :=
- (** The empty word has [()] as semantic for [[]] as head symbols list **)
- | Nil_ptl: parse_tree_list [] [] ()
- (** The cons of the semantic value for one head symbol and for a list of head
- symbols **)
- | Cons_ptl:
- (** The semantic for the head **)
- forall {head_symbolt:symbol} {wordt:list token}
- {semantic_valuet:symbol_semantic_type head_symbolt},
- parse_tree head_symbolt wordt semantic_valuet ->
- (** and the semantic for the tail **)
- forall {head_symbolsq:list symbol} {wordq:list token}
- {semantic_valuesq:tuple (map symbol_semantic_type head_symbolsq)},
- parse_tree_list head_symbolsq wordq semantic_valuesq ->
- (** give the semantic of the cons **)
- parse_tree_list
- (head_symbolt::head_symbolsq)
- (wordt++wordq)
- (semantic_valuet, semantic_valuesq).
- Fixpoint pt_size {head_symbol word sem} (tree:parse_tree head_symbol word sem) :=
- match tree with
- | Terminal_pt _ _ => 1
- | Non_terminal_pt l => S (ptl_size l)
- end
- with ptl_size {head_symbols word sems} (tree:parse_tree_list head_symbols word sems) :=
- match tree with
- | Nil_ptl => 0
- | Cons_ptl t q =>
- pt_size t + ptl_size q
- end.
-End Defs.
diff --git a/cparser/validator/Interpreter.v b/cparser/validator/Interpreter.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ac02693..00000000
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-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Jacques-Henri Jourdan, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-Require Import Streams.
-Require Import List.
-Require Import Syntax.
-Require Automaton.
-Require Import Alphabet.
-Module Make(Import A:Automaton.T).
-(** The error monad **)
-Inductive result (A:Type) :=
- | Err: result A
- | OK: A -> result A.
-Arguments Err [A].
-Arguments OK [A].
-Definition bind {A B: Type} (f: result A) (g: A -> result B): result B :=
- match f with
- | OK x => g x
- | Err => Err
- end.
-Definition bind2 {A B C: Type} (f: result (A * B)) (g: A -> B -> result C):
- result C :=
- match f with
- | OK (x, y) => g x y
- | Err => Err
- end.
-Notation "'do' X <- A ; B" := (bind A (fun X => B))
- (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).
-Notation "'do' ( X , Y ) <- A ; B" := (bind2 A (fun X Y => B))
- (at level 200, X ident, Y ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).
-(** Some operations on streams **)
-(** Concatenation of a list and a stream **)
-Fixpoint app_str {A:Type} (l:list A) (s:Stream A) :=
- match l with
- | nil => s
- | cons t q => Cons t (app_str q s)
- end.
-Infix "++" := app_str (right associativity, at level 60).
-Lemma app_str_app_assoc {A:Type} (l1 l2:list A) (s:Stream A) :
- l1 ++ (l2 ++ s) = (l1 ++ l2) ++ s.
-induction l1.
-rewrite IHl1.
-(** The type of a non initial state: the type of semantic values associated
- with the last symbol of this state. *)
-Definition noninitstate_type state :=
- symbol_semantic_type (last_symb_of_non_init_state state).
-(** The stack of the automaton : it can be either nil or contains a non
- initial state, a semantic value for the symbol associted with this state,
- and a nested stack. **)
-Definition stack := list (sigT noninitstate_type). (* eg. list {state & state_type state} *)
-Section Init.
-Variable init : initstate.
-(** The top state of a stack **)
-Definition state_of_stack (stack:stack): state :=
- match stack with
- | [] => init
- | existT _ s _::_ => s
- end.
-(** [pop] pops some symbols from the stack. It returns the popped semantic
- values using [sem_popped] as an accumulator and discards the popped
- states.**)
-Fixpoint pop (symbols_to_pop:list symbol) (stack_cur:stack):
- forall {A:Type} (action:arrows_right A (map symbol_semantic_type symbols_to_pop)),
- result (stack * A) :=
- match symbols_to_pop return forall {A:Type} (action:arrows_right A (map _ symbols_to_pop)), result (stack * A) with
- | [] => fun A action => OK (stack_cur, action)
- | t::q => fun A action =>
- match stack_cur with
- | existT _ state_cur sem::stack_rec =>
- match compare_eqdec (last_symb_of_non_init_state state_cur) t with
- | left e =>
- let sem_conv := eq_rect _ symbol_semantic_type sem _ e in
- pop q stack_rec (action sem_conv)
- | right _ => Err
- end
- | [] => Err
- end
- end.
-(** [step_result] represents the result of one step of the automaton : it can
- fail, accept or progress. [Fail_sr] means that the input is incorrect.
- [Accept_sr] means that this is the last step of the automaton, and it
- returns the semantic value of the input word. [Progress_sr] means that
- some progress has been made, but new steps are needed in order to accept
- a word.
- For [Accept_sr] and [Progress_sr], the result contains the new input buffer.
- [Fail_sr] means that the input word is rejected by the automaton. It is
- different to [Err] (from the error monad), which mean that the automaton is
- bogus and has perfomed a forbidden action. **)
-Inductive step_result :=
- | Fail_sr: step_result
- | Accept_sr: symbol_semantic_type (NT (start_nt init)) -> Stream token -> step_result
- | Progress_sr: stack -> Stream token -> step_result.
-Program Definition prod_action':
- forall p,
- arrows_right (symbol_semantic_type (NT (prod_lhs p)))
- (map symbol_semantic_type (prod_rhs_rev p)):=
- fun p =>
- eq_rect _ (fun x => x) (prod_action p) _ _.
-Next Obligation.
-unfold arrows_left, arrows_right; simpl.
-rewrite <- fold_left_rev_right, <- map_rev, rev_involutive.
-(** [reduce_step] does a reduce action :
- - pops some elements from the stack
- - execute the action of the production
- - follows the goto for the produced non terminal symbol **)
-Definition reduce_step stack_cur production buffer: result step_result :=
- do (stack_new, sem) <-
- pop (prod_rhs_rev production) stack_cur (prod_action' production);
- match goto_table (state_of_stack stack_new) (prod_lhs production) with
- | Some (exist _ state_new e) =>
- let sem := eq_rect _ _ sem _ e in
- OK (Progress_sr (existT noninitstate_type state_new sem::stack_new) buffer)
- | None =>
- match stack_new with
- | [] =>
- match compare_eqdec (prod_lhs production) (start_nt init) with
- | left e =>
- let sem := eq_rect _ (fun nt => symbol_semantic_type (NT nt)) sem _ e in
- OK (Accept_sr sem buffer)
- | right _ => Err
- end
- | _::_ => Err
- end
- end.
-(** One step of parsing. **)
-Definition step stack_cur buffer: result step_result :=
- match action_table (state_of_stack stack_cur) with
- | Default_reduce_act production =>
- reduce_step stack_cur production buffer
- | Lookahead_act awt =>
- match Streams.hd buffer with
- | existT _ term sem =>
- match awt term with
- | Shift_act state_new e =>
- let sem_conv := eq_rect _ symbol_semantic_type sem _ e in
- OK (Progress_sr (existT noninitstate_type state_new sem_conv::stack_cur)
- (Streams.tl buffer))
- | Reduce_act production =>
- reduce_step stack_cur production buffer
- | Fail_action =>
- OK Fail_sr
- end
- end
- end.
-(** The parsing use a [nat] parameter [n_steps], so that we do not have to prove
- terminaison, which is difficult. So the result of a parsing is either
- a failure (the automaton has rejected the input word), either a timeout
- (the automaton has spent all the given [n_steps]), either a parsed semantic
- value with a rest of the input buffer.
-Inductive parse_result :=
- | Fail_pr: parse_result
- | Timeout_pr: parse_result
- | Parsed_pr: symbol_semantic_type (NT (start_nt init)) -> Stream token -> parse_result.
-Fixpoint parse_fix stack_cur buffer n_steps: result parse_result:=
- match n_steps with
- | O => OK Timeout_pr
- | S it =>
- do r <- step stack_cur buffer;
- match r with
- | Fail_sr => OK Fail_pr
- | Accept_sr t buffer_new => OK (Parsed_pr t buffer_new)
- | Progress_sr s buffer_new => parse_fix s buffer_new it
- end
- end.
-Definition parse buffer n_steps: result parse_result :=
- parse_fix [] buffer n_steps.
-End Init.
-Arguments Fail_sr [init].
-Arguments Accept_sr [init] _ _.
-Arguments Progress_sr [init] _ _.
-Arguments Fail_pr [init].
-Arguments Timeout_pr [init].
-Arguments Parsed_pr [init] _ _.
-End Make.
-Module Type T(A:Automaton.T).
- Include (Make A).
-End T.
diff --git a/cparser/validator/Interpreter_complete.v b/cparser/validator/Interpreter_complete.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e64b8da..00000000
--- a/cparser/validator/Interpreter_complete.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,686 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Jacques-Henri Jourdan, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-Require Import Streams.
-Require Import ProofIrrelevance.
-Require Import Equality.
-Require Import List.
-Require Import Syntax.
-Require Import Alphabet.
-Require Import Arith.
-Require Grammar.
-Require Automaton.
-Require Interpreter.
-Require Validator_complete.
-Module Make(Import A:Automaton.T) (Import Inter:Interpreter.T A).
-Module Import Valid := Validator_complete.Make A.
-(** * Completeness Proof **)
-Section Completeness_Proof.
-Hypothesis complete: complete.
-Proposition nullable_stable: nullable_stable.
-Proof. pose proof complete; unfold Valid.complete in H; intuition. Qed.
-Proposition first_stable: first_stable.
-Proof. pose proof complete; unfold Valid.complete in H; intuition. Qed.
-Proposition start_future: start_future.
-Proof. pose proof complete; unfold Valid.complete in H; intuition. Qed.
-Proposition terminal_shift: terminal_shift.
-Proof. pose proof complete; unfold Valid.complete in H; intuition. Qed.
-Proposition end_reduce: end_reduce.
-Proof. pose proof complete; unfold Valid.complete in H; intuition. Qed.
-Proposition start_goto: start_goto.
-Proof. pose proof complete; unfold Valid.complete in H; intuition. Qed.
-Proposition non_terminal_goto: non_terminal_goto.
-Proof. pose proof complete; unfold Valid.complete in H; intuition. Qed.
-Proposition non_terminal_closed: non_terminal_closed.
-Proof. pose proof complete; unfold Valid.complete in H; intuition. Qed.
-(** If the nullable predicate has been validated, then it is correct. **)
-Lemma nullable_correct:
- forall head sem word, word = [] ->
- parse_tree head word sem -> nullable_symb head = true
-with nullable_correct_list:
- forall heads sems word, word = [] ->
- parse_tree_list heads word sems -> nullable_word heads = true.
-Proof with eauto.
-destruct X.
-apply nullable_stable...
-destruct X; simpl...
-apply andb_true_intro.
-apply app_eq_nil in H; destruct H; split...
-(** If the first predicate has been validated, then it is correct. **)
-Lemma first_correct:
- forall head sem word t q, word = t::q ->
- parse_tree head word sem ->
- TerminalSet.In (projT1 t) (first_symb_set head)
-with first_correct_list:
- forall heads sems word t q, word = t::q ->
- parse_tree_list heads word sems ->
- TerminalSet.In (projT1 t) (first_word_set heads).
-Proof with eauto.
-destruct X.
-inversion H; subst.
-apply TerminalSet.singleton_2, compare_refl...
-apply first_stable...
-destruct X.
-case_eq wordt; intros.
-erewrite nullable_correct...
-apply TerminalSet.union_3.
-rewrite H0 in *; inversion H; destruct H2.
-destruct (nullable_symb head_symbolt)...
-apply TerminalSet.union_2...
-Variable init: initstate.
-Variable full_word: list token.
-Variable buffer_end: Stream token.
-Variable full_sem: symbol_semantic_type (NT (start_nt init)).
-Inductive pt_zipper:
- forall (hole_symb:symbol) (hole_word:list token)
- (hole_sem:symbol_semantic_type hole_symb), Type :=
-| Top_ptz:
- pt_zipper (NT (start_nt init)) (full_word) (full_sem)
-| Cons_ptl_ptz:
- forall {head_symbolt:symbol}
- {wordt:list token}
- {semantic_valuet:symbol_semantic_type head_symbolt},
- forall {head_symbolsq:list symbol}
- {wordq:list token}
- {semantic_valuesq:tuple (map symbol_semantic_type head_symbolsq)},
- parse_tree_list head_symbolsq wordq semantic_valuesq ->
- ptl_zipper (head_symbolt::head_symbolsq) (wordt++wordq)
- (semantic_valuet,semantic_valuesq) ->
- pt_zipper head_symbolt wordt semantic_valuet
-with ptl_zipper:
- forall (hole_symbs:list symbol) (hole_word:list token)
- (hole_sems:tuple (map symbol_semantic_type hole_symbs)), Type :=
-| Non_terminal_pt_ptlz:
- forall {p:production} {word:list token}
- {semantic_values:tuple (map symbol_semantic_type (rev (prod_rhs_rev p)))},
- pt_zipper (NT (prod_lhs p)) word (uncurry (prod_action p) semantic_values) ->
- ptl_zipper (rev (prod_rhs_rev p)) word semantic_values
-| Cons_ptl_ptlz:
- forall {head_symbolt:symbol}
- {wordt:list token}
- {semantic_valuet:symbol_semantic_type head_symbolt},
- parse_tree head_symbolt wordt semantic_valuet ->
- forall {head_symbolsq:list symbol}
- {wordq:list token}
- {semantic_valuesq:tuple (map symbol_semantic_type head_symbolsq)},
- ptl_zipper (head_symbolt::head_symbolsq) (wordt++wordq)
- (semantic_valuet,semantic_valuesq) ->
- ptl_zipper head_symbolsq wordq semantic_valuesq.
-Fixpoint ptlz_cost {hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems}
- (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems) :=
- match ptlz with
- | Non_terminal_pt_ptlz ptz =>
- ptz_cost ptz
- | Cons_ptl_ptlz pt ptlz' =>
- ptlz_cost ptlz'
- end
-with ptz_cost {hole_symb hole_word hole_sem}
- (ptz:pt_zipper hole_symb hole_word hole_sem) :=
- match ptz with
- | Top_ptz => 0
- | Cons_ptl_ptz ptl ptlz' =>
- 1 + ptl_size ptl + ptlz_cost ptlz'
- end.
-Inductive pt_dot: Type :=
-| Reduce_ptd: ptl_zipper [] [] () -> pt_dot
-| Shift_ptd:
- forall (term:terminal) (sem: symbol_semantic_type (T term))
- {symbolsq wordq semsq},
- parse_tree_list symbolsq wordq semsq ->
- ptl_zipper (T term::symbolsq) (existT (fun t => symbol_semantic_type (T t)) term sem::wordq) (sem, semsq) ->
- pt_dot.
-Definition ptd_cost (ptd:pt_dot) :=
- match ptd with
- | Reduce_ptd ptlz => ptlz_cost ptlz
- | Shift_ptd _ _ ptl ptlz => 1 + ptl_size ptl + ptlz_cost ptlz
- end.
-Fixpoint ptlz_buffer {hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems}
- (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems): Stream token :=
- match ptlz with
- | Non_terminal_pt_ptlz ptz =>
- ptz_buffer ptz
- | Cons_ptl_ptlz _ ptlz' =>
- ptlz_buffer ptlz'
- end
-with ptz_buffer {hole_symb hole_word hole_sem}
- (ptz:pt_zipper hole_symb hole_word hole_sem): Stream token :=
- match ptz with
- | Top_ptz => buffer_end
- | @Cons_ptl_ptz _ _ _ _ wordq _ ptl ptlz' =>
- wordq++ptlz_buffer ptlz'
- end.
-Definition ptd_buffer (ptd:pt_dot) :=
- match ptd with
- | Reduce_ptd ptlz => ptlz_buffer ptlz
- | @Shift_ptd term sem _ wordq _ _ ptlz =>
- Cons (existT (fun t => symbol_semantic_type (T t)) term sem)
- (wordq ++ ptlz_buffer ptlz)
- end.
-Fixpoint ptlz_prod {hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems}
- (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems): production :=
- match ptlz with
- | @Non_terminal_pt_ptlz prod _ _ _ => prod
- | Cons_ptl_ptlz _ ptlz' =>
- ptlz_prod ptlz'
- end.
-Fixpoint ptlz_past {hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems}
- (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems): list symbol :=
- match ptlz with
- | Non_terminal_pt_ptlz _ => []
- | @Cons_ptl_ptlz s _ _ _ _ _ _ ptlz' => s::ptlz_past ptlz'
- end.
-Lemma ptlz_past_ptlz_prod:
- forall hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems
- (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems),
- rev_append hole_symbs (ptlz_past ptlz) = prod_rhs_rev (ptlz_prod ptlz).
-fix ptlz_past_ptlz_prod 4.
-destruct ptlz; simpl.
-rewrite <- rev_alt, rev_involutive; reflexivity.
-apply (ptlz_past_ptlz_prod _ _ _ ptlz).
-Definition ptlz_state_compat {hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems}
- (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems)
- (state:state): Prop :=
- state_has_future state (ptlz_prod ptlz) hole_symbs
- (projT1 (Streams.hd (ptlz_buffer ptlz))).
-Fixpoint ptlz_stack_compat {hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems}
- (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems)
- (stack:stack): Prop :=
- ptlz_state_compat ptlz (state_of_stack init stack) /\
- match ptlz with
- | Non_terminal_pt_ptlz ptz =>
- ptz_stack_compat ptz stack
- | @Cons_ptl_ptlz _ _ sem _ _ _ _ ptlz' =>
- match stack with
- | [] => False
- | existT _ _ sem'::stackq =>
- ptlz_stack_compat ptlz' stackq /\
- sem ~= sem'
- end
- end
-with ptz_stack_compat {hole_symb hole_word hole_sem}
- (ptz:pt_zipper hole_symb hole_word hole_sem)
- (stack:stack): Prop :=
- match ptz with
- | Top_ptz => stack = []
- | Cons_ptl_ptz _ ptlz' =>
- ptlz_stack_compat ptlz' stack
- end.
-Lemma ptlz_stack_compat_ptlz_state_compat:
- forall hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems
- (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems)
- (stack:stack),
- ptlz_stack_compat ptlz stack -> ptlz_state_compat ptlz (state_of_stack init stack).
-destruct ptlz; simpl; intuition.
-Definition ptd_stack_compat (ptd:pt_dot) (stack:stack): Prop :=
- match ptd with
- | Reduce_ptd ptlz => ptlz_stack_compat ptlz stack
- | Shift_ptd _ _ _ ptlz => ptlz_stack_compat ptlz stack
- end.
-Fixpoint build_pt_dot {hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems}
- (ptl:parse_tree_list hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems)
- (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems)
- :pt_dot :=
- match ptl in parse_tree_list hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems
- return ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems -> _
- with
- | Nil_ptl => fun ptlz =>
- Reduce_ptd ptlz
- | Cons_ptl pt ptl' =>
- match pt in parse_tree hole_symb hole_word hole_sem
- return ptl_zipper (hole_symb::_) (hole_word++_) (hole_sem,_) -> _
- with
- | Terminal_pt term sem => fun ptlz =>
- Shift_ptd term sem ptl' ptlz
- | Non_terminal_pt ptl'' => fun ptlz =>
- build_pt_dot ptl''
- (Non_terminal_pt_ptlz (Cons_ptl_ptz ptl' ptlz))
- end
- end ptlz.
-Lemma build_pt_dot_cost:
- forall hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems
- (ptl:parse_tree_list hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems)
- (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems),
- ptd_cost (build_pt_dot ptl ptlz) = ptl_size ptl + ptlz_cost ptlz.
-fix build_pt_dot_cost 4.
-destruct ptl; intros.
-destruct p.
-simpl; rewrite build_pt_dot_cost.
-simpl; rewrite <- plus_n_Sm, Nat.add_assoc; reflexivity.
-Lemma build_pt_dot_buffer:
- forall hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems
- (ptl:parse_tree_list hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems)
- (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems),
- ptd_buffer (build_pt_dot ptl ptlz) = hole_word ++ ptlz_buffer ptlz.
-fix build_pt_dot_buffer 4.
-destruct ptl; intros.
-destruct p.
-simpl; rewrite build_pt_dot_buffer.
-apply app_str_app_assoc.
-Lemma ptd_stack_compat_build_pt_dot:
- forall hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems
- (ptl:parse_tree_list hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems)
- (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems)
- (stack:stack),
- ptlz_stack_compat ptlz stack ->
- ptd_stack_compat (build_pt_dot ptl ptlz) stack.
-fix ptd_stack_compat_build_pt_dot 4.
-destruct ptl; intros.
-destruct p.
-apply ptd_stack_compat_build_pt_dot.
-apply ptlz_stack_compat_ptlz_state_compat, non_terminal_closed in H.
-apply H; clear H; eauto.
-destruct wordq.
-right; split.
-eapply nullable_correct_list; eauto.
-eapply first_correct_list; eauto.
-Program Fixpoint pop_ptlz {hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems}
- (ptl:parse_tree_list hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems)
- (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems):
- { word:_ & { sem:_ &
- (pt_zipper (NT (prod_lhs (ptlz_prod ptlz))) word sem *
- parse_tree (NT (prod_lhs (ptlz_prod ptlz))) word sem)%type } } :=
- match ptlz in ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems
- return parse_tree_list hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems ->
- { word:_ & { sem:_ &
- (pt_zipper (NT (prod_lhs (ptlz_prod ptlz))) word sem *
- parse_tree (NT (prod_lhs (ptlz_prod ptlz))) word sem)%type } }
- with
- | @Non_terminal_pt_ptlz prod word sem ptz => fun ptl =>
- let sem := uncurry (prod_action prod) sem in
- existT _ word (existT _ sem (ptz, Non_terminal_pt ptl))
- | Cons_ptl_ptlz pt ptlz' => fun ptl =>
- pop_ptlz (Cons_ptl pt ptl) ptlz'
- end ptl.
-Lemma pop_ptlz_cost:
- forall hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems
- (ptl:parse_tree_list hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems)
- (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems),
- let 'existT _ word (existT _ sem (ptz, pt)) := pop_ptlz ptl ptlz in
- ptlz_cost ptlz = ptz_cost ptz.
-fix pop_ptlz_cost 5.
-destruct ptlz.
-simpl; apply pop_ptlz_cost.
-Lemma pop_ptlz_buffer:
- forall hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems
- (ptl:parse_tree_list hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems)
- (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems),
- let 'existT _ word (existT _ sem (ptz, pt)) := pop_ptlz ptl ptlz in
- ptlz_buffer ptlz = ptz_buffer ptz.
-fix pop_ptlz_buffer 5.
-destruct ptlz.
-simpl; apply pop_ptlz_buffer.
-Lemma pop_ptlz_pop_stack_compat_converter:
- forall A hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems),
- arrows_left (map symbol_semantic_type (rev (prod_rhs_rev (ptlz_prod ptlz)))) A =
- arrows_left (map symbol_semantic_type hole_symbs)
- (arrows_right A (map symbol_semantic_type (ptlz_past ptlz))).
-rewrite <- ptlz_past_ptlz_prod.
-unfold arrows_right, arrows_left.
-rewrite rev_append_rev, map_rev, map_app, map_rev, <- fold_left_rev_right, rev_involutive, fold_right_app.
-rewrite fold_left_rev_right.
-Lemma pop_ptlz_pop_stack_compat:
- forall hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems
- (ptl:parse_tree_list hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems)
- (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word hole_sems)
- (stack:stack),
- ptlz_stack_compat ptlz stack ->
- let action' :=
- eq_rect _ (fun x=>x) (prod_action (ptlz_prod ptlz)) _
- (pop_ptlz_pop_stack_compat_converter _ _ _ _ _)
- in
- let 'existT _ word (existT _ sem (ptz, pt)) := pop_ptlz ptl ptlz in
- match pop (ptlz_past ptlz) stack (uncurry action' hole_sems) with
- | OK (stack', sem') =>
- ptz_stack_compat ptz stack' /\ sem = sem'
- | Err => True
- end.
-Opaque AlphabetComparable AlphabetComparableUsualEq.
-fix pop_ptlz_pop_stack_compat 5.
-destruct ptlz. intros; simpl.
-apply H.
-eapply (f_equal (fun X => uncurry X semantic_values)).
-apply JMeq_eq, JMeq_sym, JMeq_eqrect with (P:=fun x => x).
-simpl; intros; destruct stack0.
-destruct (proj2 H).
-simpl in H; destruct H.
-destruct s as (state, sem').
-destruct H0.
-specialize (pop_ptlz_pop_stack_compat _ _ _ (Cons_ptl p ptl) ptlz _ H0).
-destruct (pop_ptlz (Cons_ptl p ptl) ptlz) as [word [sem []]].
-destruct (compare_eqdec (last_symb_of_non_init_state state) head_symbolt); intuition.
-eapply JMeq_sym, JMeq_trans, JMeq_sym, JMeq_eq in H1; [|apply JMeq_eqrect with (e:=e)].
-rewrite <- H1.
-simpl in pop_ptlz_pop_stack_compat.
-erewrite proof_irrelevance with (p1:=pop_ptlz_pop_stack_compat_converter _ _ _ _ _).
-apply pop_ptlz_pop_stack_compat.
-Transparent AlphabetComparable AlphabetComparableUsualEq.
-Definition next_ptd (ptd:pt_dot): option pt_dot :=
- match ptd with
- | Shift_ptd term sem ptl ptlz =>
- Some (build_pt_dot ptl (Cons_ptl_ptlz (Terminal_pt term sem) ptlz))
- | Reduce_ptd ptlz =>
- let 'existT _ _ (existT _ _ (ptz, pt)) := pop_ptlz Nil_ptl ptlz in
- match ptz in pt_zipper sym _ _ return parse_tree sym _ _ -> _ with
- | Top_ptz => fun pt => None
- | Cons_ptl_ptz ptl ptlz' =>
- fun pt => Some (build_pt_dot ptl (Cons_ptl_ptlz pt ptlz'))
- end pt
- end.
-Lemma next_ptd_cost:
- forall ptd,
- match next_ptd ptd with
- | None => ptd_cost ptd = 0
- | Some ptd' => ptd_cost ptd = S (ptd_cost ptd')
- end.
-destruct ptd. unfold next_ptd.
-pose proof (pop_ptlz_cost _ _ _ Nil_ptl p).
-destruct (pop_ptlz Nil_ptl p) as [word[sem[[]]]].
-rewrite build_pt_dot_cost.
-simpl; rewrite build_pt_dot_cost; reflexivity.
-Lemma reduce_step_next_ptd:
- forall (ptlz:ptl_zipper [] [] ()) (stack:stack),
- ptlz_stack_compat ptlz stack ->
- match reduce_step init stack (ptlz_prod ptlz) (ptlz_buffer ptlz) with
- | OK Fail_sr =>
- False
- | OK (Accept_sr sem buffer) =>
- sem = full_sem /\ buffer = buffer_end /\ next_ptd (Reduce_ptd ptlz) = None
- | OK (Progress_sr stack buffer) =>
- match next_ptd (Reduce_ptd ptlz) with
- | None => False
- | Some ptd =>
- ptd_stack_compat ptd stack /\ buffer = ptd_buffer ptd
- end
- | Err =>
- True
- end.
-unfold reduce_step, next_ptd.
-apply pop_ptlz_pop_stack_compat with (ptl:=Nil_ptl) in H.
-pose proof (pop_ptlz_buffer _ _ _ Nil_ptl ptlz).
-destruct (pop_ptlz Nil_ptl ptlz) as [word [sem [ptz pt]]].
-rewrite H0; clear H0.
-revert H.
-match goal with
- |- match ?p1 with Err => _ | OK _ => _ end -> match bind2 ?p2 _ with Err => _ | OK _ => _ end =>
- replace p1 with p2; [destruct p2 as [|[]]; intros|]
-destruct H; subst.
-generalize dependent s0.
-generalize (prod_lhs (ptlz_prod ptlz)); clear ptlz stack0.
-dependent destruction ptz; intros.
-simpl in H; subst; simpl.
-pose proof start_goto; unfold Valid.start_goto in H; rewrite H.
-destruct (compare_eqdec (start_nt init) (start_nt init)); intuition.
-apply JMeq_eq, JMeq_eqrect with (P:=fun nt => symbol_semantic_type (NT nt)).
-pose proof (ptlz_stack_compat_ptlz_state_compat _ _ _ _ _ H).
-apply non_terminal_goto in H0.
-destruct (goto_table (state_of_stack init s) n) as [[]|]; intuition.
-apply ptd_stack_compat_build_pt_dot; simpl; intuition.
-symmetry; apply JMeq_eqrect with (P:=symbol_semantic_type).
-symmetry; apply build_pt_dot_buffer.
-destruct s; intuition.
-simpl in H; apply ptlz_stack_compat_ptlz_state_compat in H.
-destruct (H0 _ _ _ H eq_refl).
-generalize (pop_ptlz_pop_stack_compat_converter (symbol_semantic_type (NT (prod_lhs (ptlz_prod ptlz)))) _ _ _ ptlz).
-pose proof (ptlz_past_ptlz_prod _ _ _ ptlz); simpl in H.
-rewrite H; clear H.
-intro; f_equal; simpl.
-apply JMeq_eq.
-apply JMeq_eqrect with (P:=fun x => x).
-apply JMeq_eqrect with (P:=fun x => x).
-Lemma step_next_ptd:
- forall (ptd:pt_dot) (stack:stack),
- ptd_stack_compat ptd stack ->
- match step init stack (ptd_buffer ptd) with
- | OK Fail_sr =>
- False
- | OK (Accept_sr sem buffer) =>
- sem = full_sem /\ buffer = buffer_end /\ next_ptd ptd = None
- | OK (Progress_sr stack buffer) =>
- match next_ptd ptd with
- | None => False
- | Some ptd =>
- ptd_stack_compat ptd stack /\ buffer = ptd_buffer ptd
- end
- | Err =>
- True
- end.
-destruct ptd.
-pose proof (ptlz_stack_compat_ptlz_state_compat _ _ _ _ _ H).
-apply end_reduce in H0.
-unfold step.
-destruct (action_table (state_of_stack init stack0)).
-rewrite H0 by reflexivity.
-apply reduce_step_next_ptd; assumption.
-simpl; destruct (Streams.hd (ptlz_buffer p)); simpl in H0.
-destruct (l x); intuition; rewrite H1.
-apply reduce_step_next_ptd; assumption.
-pose proof (ptlz_stack_compat_ptlz_state_compat _ _ _ _ _ H).
-apply terminal_shift in H0.
-unfold step.
-destruct (action_table (state_of_stack init stack0)); intuition.
-simpl; destruct (Streams.hd (ptlz_buffer p0)) as [] eqn:?.
-destruct (l term); intuition.
-apply ptd_stack_compat_build_pt_dot; simpl; intuition.
-unfold ptlz_state_compat; simpl; destruct Heqt; assumption.
-symmetry; apply JMeq_eqrect with (P:=symbol_semantic_type).
-rewrite build_pt_dot_buffer; reflexivity.
-Lemma parse_fix_complete:
- forall (ptd:pt_dot) (stack:stack) (n_steps:nat),
- ptd_stack_compat ptd stack ->
- match parse_fix init stack (ptd_buffer ptd) n_steps with
- | OK (Parsed_pr sem_res buffer_end_res) =>
- sem_res = full_sem /\ buffer_end_res = buffer_end /\
- S (ptd_cost ptd) <= n_steps
- | OK Fail_pr => False
- | OK Timeout_pr => n_steps < S (ptd_cost ptd)
- | Err => True
- end.
-fix parse_fix_complete 3.
-destruct n_steps; intros; simpl.
-apply Nat.lt_0_succ.
-apply step_next_ptd in H.
-pose proof (next_ptd_cost ptd).
-destruct (step init stack0 (ptd_buffer ptd)) as [|[]]; simpl; intuition.
-rewrite H3 in H0; rewrite H0.
-apply le_n_S, Nat.le_0_l.
-destruct (next_ptd ptd); intuition; subst.
-eapply parse_fix_complete with (n_steps:=n_steps) in H1.
-rewrite H0.
-destruct (parse_fix init s (ptd_buffer p) n_steps) as [|[]]; try assumption.
-apply lt_n_S; assumption.
-destruct H1 as [H1 []]; split; [|split]; try assumption.
-apply le_n_S; assumption.
-Variable full_pt: parse_tree (NT (start_nt init)) full_word full_sem.
-Definition init_ptd :=
- match full_pt in parse_tree head full_word full_sem return
- pt_zipper head full_word full_sem ->
- match head return Type with | T _ => unit | NT _ => pt_dot end
- with
- | Terminal_pt _ _ => fun _ => ()
- | Non_terminal_pt ptl =>
- fun top => build_pt_dot ptl (Non_terminal_pt_ptlz top)
- end Top_ptz.
-Lemma init_ptd_compat:
- ptd_stack_compat init_ptd [].
-unfold init_ptd.
-assert (ptz_stack_compat Top_ptz []) by reflexivity.
-pose proof (start_future init); revert H0.
-generalize dependent Top_ptz.
-generalize dependent full_word.
-generalize full_sem.
-generalize (start_nt init).
-dependent destruction full_pt0.
-apply ptd_stack_compat_build_pt_dot; simpl; intuition.
-apply H0; reflexivity.
-Lemma init_ptd_cost:
- S (ptd_cost init_ptd) = pt_size full_pt.
-unfold init_ptd.
-assert (ptz_cost Top_ptz = 0) by reflexivity.
-generalize dependent Top_ptz.
-generalize dependent full_word.
-generalize full_sem.
-generalize (start_nt init).
-dependent destruction full_pt0.
-rewrite build_pt_dot_cost; simpl.
-rewrite H, Nat.add_0_r; reflexivity.
-Lemma init_ptd_buffer:
- ptd_buffer init_ptd = full_word ++ buffer_end.
-unfold init_ptd.
-assert (ptz_buffer Top_ptz = buffer_end) by reflexivity.
-generalize dependent Top_ptz.
-generalize dependent full_word.
-generalize full_sem.
-generalize (start_nt init).
-dependent destruction full_pt0.
-rewrite build_pt_dot_buffer; simpl.
-rewrite H; reflexivity.
-Theorem parse_complete n_steps:
- match parse init (full_word ++ buffer_end) n_steps with
- | OK (Parsed_pr sem_res buffer_end_res) =>
- sem_res = full_sem /\ buffer_end_res = buffer_end /\
- pt_size full_pt <= n_steps
- | OK Fail_pr => False
- | OK Timeout_pr => n_steps < pt_size full_pt
- | Err => True
- end.
-pose proof (parse_fix_complete init_ptd [] n_steps init_ptd_compat).
-rewrite init_ptd_buffer, init_ptd_cost in H.
-apply H.
-End Completeness_Proof.
-End Make.
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-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Jacques-Henri Jourdan, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-Require Import Streams.
-Require Import List.
-Require Import Syntax.
-Require Import Equality.
-Require Import Alphabet.
-Require Grammar.
-Require Automaton.
-Require Interpreter.
-Module Make(Import A:Automaton.T) (Import Inter:Interpreter.T A).
-(** * Correctness of the interpreter **)
-(** We prove that, in any case, if the interpreter accepts returning a
- semantic value, then this is a semantic value of the input **)
-Section Init.
-Variable init:initstate.
-(** [word_has_stack_semantics] relates a word with a state, stating that the
- word is a concatenation of words that have the semantic values stored in
- the stack. **)
-Inductive word_has_stack_semantics:
- forall (word:list token) (stack:stack), Prop :=
- | Nil_stack_whss: word_has_stack_semantics [] []
- | Cons_stack_whss:
- forall (wordq:list token) (stackq:stack),
- word_has_stack_semantics wordq stackq ->
- forall (wordt:list token) (s:noninitstate)
- (semantic_valuet:_),
- inhabited (parse_tree (last_symb_of_non_init_state s) wordt semantic_valuet) ->
- word_has_stack_semantics
- (wordq++wordt) (existT noninitstate_type s semantic_valuet::stackq).
-Lemma pop_invariant_converter:
- forall A symbols_to_pop symbols_popped,
- arrows_left (map symbol_semantic_type (rev_append symbols_to_pop symbols_popped)) A =
- arrows_left (map symbol_semantic_type symbols_popped)
- (arrows_right A (map symbol_semantic_type symbols_to_pop)).
-unfold arrows_right, arrows_left.
-rewrite rev_append_rev, map_app, map_rev, fold_left_app.
-apply f_equal.
-rewrite <- fold_left_rev_right, rev_involutive.
-(** [pop] preserves the invariant **)
-Lemma pop_invariant:
- forall (symbols_to_pop symbols_popped:list symbol)
- (stack_cur:stack)
- (A:Type)
- (action:arrows_left (map symbol_semantic_type (rev_append symbols_to_pop symbols_popped)) A),
- forall word_stack word_popped,
- forall sem_popped,
- word_has_stack_semantics word_stack stack_cur ->
- inhabited (parse_tree_list symbols_popped word_popped sem_popped) ->
- let action' := eq_rect _ (fun x=>x) action _ (pop_invariant_converter _ _ _) in
- match pop symbols_to_pop stack_cur (uncurry action' sem_popped) with
- | OK (stack_new, sem) =>
- exists word1res word2res sem_full,
- (word_stack = word1res ++ word2res)%list /\
- word_has_stack_semantics word1res stack_new /\
- sem = uncurry action sem_full /\
- inhabited (
- parse_tree_list (rev_append symbols_to_pop symbols_popped) (word2res++word_popped) sem_full)
- | Err => True
- end.
-induction symbols_to_pop; intros; unfold pop; fold pop.
-exists word_stack, ([]:list token), sem_popped; intuition.
-apply JMeq_eq, JMeq_eqrect with (P:=(fun x => x)).
-destruct stack_cur as [|[]]; eauto.
-destruct (compare_eqdec (last_symb_of_non_init_state x) a); eauto.
-destruct e; simpl.
-dependent destruction H.
-destruct H0, H1. apply (Cons_ptl X), inhabits in X0.
-specialize (IHsymbols_to_pop _ _ _ action0 _ _ _ H X0).
-match goal with
- IHsymbols_to_pop:match ?p1 with Err => _ | OK _ => _ end |- match ?p2 with Err => _ | OK _ => _ end =>
- replace p2 with p1; [destruct p1 as [|[]]|]; intuition
-destruct IHsymbols_to_pop as [word1res [word2res [sem_full []]]]; intuition; subst.
-exists word1res.
-exists sem_full.
-rewrite <- app_assoc; assumption.
-simpl; f_equal; f_equal.
-apply JMeq_eq.
-apply JMeq_eqrect with (P:=(fun x => x)).
-apply JMeq_eqrect with (P:=(fun x => x)).
-(** [reduce_step] preserves the invariant **)
-Lemma reduce_step_invariant (stack:stack) (prod:production):
- forall word buffer, word_has_stack_semantics word stack ->
- match reduce_step init stack prod buffer with
- | OK (Accept_sr sem buffer_new) =>
- buffer = buffer_new /\
- inhabited (parse_tree (NT (start_nt init)) word sem)
- | OK (Progress_sr stack_new buffer_new) =>
- buffer = buffer_new /\
- word_has_stack_semantics word stack_new
- | Err | OK Fail_sr => True
- end.
-Proof with eauto.
-unfold reduce_step.
-pose proof (pop_invariant (prod_rhs_rev prod) [] stack (symbol_semantic_type (NT (prod_lhs prod)))).
-revert H0.
-generalize (pop_invariant_converter (symbol_semantic_type (NT (prod_lhs prod))) (prod_rhs_rev prod) []).
-rewrite <- rev_alt.
-specialize (H0 (prod_action prod) _ [] () H (inhabits Nil_ptl)).
-match goal with H0:let action' := ?a in _ |- _ => replace a with (prod_action' prod) in H0 end.
-simpl in H0.
-destruct (pop (prod_rhs_rev prod) stack (prod_action' prod)) as [|[]]; intuition.
-destruct H0 as [word1res [word2res [sem_full]]]; intuition.
-destruct H4; apply Non_terminal_pt, inhabits in X.
-match goal with X:inhabited (parse_tree _ _ ?u) |- _ => replace u with s0 in X end.
-clear sem_full H2.
-simpl; destruct (goto_table (state_of_stack init s) (prod_lhs prod)) as [[]|]; intuition; subst.
-rewrite app_nil_r in X; revert s0 X; rewrite e0; intro; simpl.
-destruct s; intuition.
-destruct (compare_eqdec (prod_lhs prod) (start_nt init)); intuition.
-rewrite app_nil_r in X.
-rewrite <- e0.
-inversion H0.
-destruct X; constructor...
-apply JMeq_eq.
-apply JMeq_eqrect with (P:=(fun x => x)).
-apply JMeq_eqrect with (P:=(fun x => x)).
-(** [step] preserves the invariant **)
-Lemma step_invariant (stack:stack) (buffer:Stream token):
- forall buffer_tmp,
- (exists word_old,
- buffer = word_old ++ buffer_tmp /\
- word_has_stack_semantics word_old stack) ->
- match step init stack buffer_tmp with
- | OK (Accept_sr sem buffer_new) =>
- exists word_new,
- buffer = word_new ++ buffer_new /\
- inhabited (parse_tree (NT (start_nt init)) word_new sem)
- | OK (Progress_sr stack_new buffer_new) =>
- exists word_new,
- buffer = word_new ++ buffer_new /\
- word_has_stack_semantics word_new stack_new
- | Err | OK Fail_sr => True
- end.
-Proof with eauto.
-destruct H, H.
-unfold step.
-destruct (action_table (state_of_stack init stack)).
-pose proof (reduce_step_invariant stack p x buffer_tmp).
-destruct (reduce_step init stack p buffer_tmp) as [|[]]; intuition; subst...
-destruct buffer_tmp.
-unfold Streams.hd.
-destruct t.
-destruct (l x0); intuition.
-exists (x ++ [existT (fun t => symbol_semantic_type (T t)) x0 s])%list.
-now rewrite <- app_str_app_assoc; intuition.
-apply Cons_stack_whss; intuition.
-destruct e; simpl.
-now exact (inhabits (Terminal_pt _ _)).
-match goal with |- (match reduce_step init stack p ?buff with Err => _ | OK _ => _ end) =>
- pose proof (reduce_step_invariant stack p x buff);
- destruct (reduce_step init stack p buff) as [|[]]; intuition; subst
-(** The interpreter is correct : if it returns a semantic value, then the input
- word has this semantic value.
-Theorem parse_correct buffer n_steps:
- match parse init buffer n_steps with
- | OK (Parsed_pr sem buffer_new) =>
- exists word_new,
- buffer = word_new ++ buffer_new /\
- inhabited (parse_tree (NT (start_nt init)) word_new sem)
- | _ => True
- end.
-unfold parse.
-assert (exists w, buffer = w ++ buffer /\ word_has_stack_semantics w []).
-exists ([]:list token); intuition.
-now apply Nil_stack_whss.
-revert H.
-generalize ([]:stack), buffer at 2 3.
-induction n_steps; simpl; intuition.
-pose proof (step_invariant _ _ _ H).
-destruct (step init s buffer0); simpl; intuition.
-destruct s0; intuition.
-apply IHn_steps; intuition.
-End Init.
-End Make.
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-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Jacques-Henri Jourdan, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-Require Import Streams.
-Require Import Equality.
-Require Import List.
-Require Import Syntax.
-Require Import Alphabet.
-Require Grammar.
-Require Automaton.
-Require Validator_safe.
-Require Interpreter.
-Module Make(Import A:Automaton.T) (Import Inter:Interpreter.T A).
-Module Import Valid := Validator_safe.Make A.
-(** * A correct automaton does not crash **)
-Section Safety_proof.
-Hypothesis safe: safe.
-Proposition shift_head_symbs: shift_head_symbs.
-Proof. pose proof safe; unfold Valid.safe in H; intuition. Qed.
-Proposition goto_head_symbs: goto_head_symbs.
-Proof. pose proof safe; unfold Valid.safe in H; intuition. Qed.
-Proposition shift_past_state: shift_past_state.
-Proof. pose proof safe; unfold Valid.safe in H; intuition. Qed.
-Proposition goto_past_state: goto_past_state.
-Proof. pose proof safe; unfold Valid.safe in H; intuition. Qed.
-Proposition reduce_ok: reduce_ok.
-Proof. pose proof safe; unfold Valid.safe in H; intuition. Qed.
-(** We prove that a correct automaton won't crash : the interpreter will
- not return [Err] **)
-Variable init : initstate.
-(** The stack of states of an automaton stack **)
-Definition state_stack_of_stack (stack:stack) :=
- (List.map
- (fun cell:sigT noninitstate_type => singleton_state_pred (projT1 cell))
- stack ++ [singleton_state_pred init])%list.
-(** The stack of symbols of an automaton stack **)
-Definition symb_stack_of_stack (stack:stack) :=
- List.map
- (fun cell:sigT noninitstate_type => last_symb_of_non_init_state (projT1 cell))
- stack.
-(** The stack invariant : it basically states that the assumptions on the
- states are true. **)
-Inductive stack_invariant: stack -> Prop :=
- | stack_invariant_constr:
- forall stack,
- prefix (head_symbs_of_state (state_of_stack init stack))
- (symb_stack_of_stack stack) ->
- prefix_pred (head_states_of_state (state_of_stack init stack))
- (state_stack_of_stack stack) ->
- stack_invariant_next stack ->
- stack_invariant stack
-with stack_invariant_next: stack -> Prop :=
- | stack_invariant_next_nil:
- stack_invariant_next []
- | stack_invariant_next_cons:
- forall state_cur st stack_rec,
- stack_invariant stack_rec ->
- stack_invariant_next (existT _ state_cur st::stack_rec).
-(** [pop] conserves the stack invariant and does not crash
- under the assumption that we can pop at this place.
- Moreover, after a pop, the top state of the stack is allowed. **)
-Lemma pop_stack_invariant_conserved
- (symbols_to_pop:list symbol) (stack_cur:stack) A action:
- stack_invariant stack_cur ->
- prefix symbols_to_pop (head_symbs_of_state (state_of_stack init stack_cur)) ->
- match pop symbols_to_pop stack_cur (A:=A) action with
- | OK (stack_new, _) =>
- stack_invariant stack_new /\
- state_valid_after_pop
- (state_of_stack init stack_new) symbols_to_pop
- (head_states_of_state (state_of_stack init stack_cur))
- | Err => False
- end.
-Proof with eauto.
- intros.
- pose proof H.
- destruct H.
- revert H H0 H1 H2 H3.
- generalize (head_symbs_of_state (state_of_stack init stack0)).
- generalize (head_states_of_state (state_of_stack init stack0)).
- revert stack0 A action.
- induction symbols_to_pop; intros.
- - split...
- destruct l; constructor.
- inversion H2; subst.
- specialize (H7 (state_of_stack init stack0)).
- destruct (f2 (state_of_stack init stack0)) as [] eqn:? ...
- destruct stack0 as [|[]]; simpl in *.
- + inversion H6; subst.
- unfold singleton_state_pred in Heqb0.
- now rewrite compare_refl in Heqb0; discriminate.
- + inversion H6; subst.
- unfold singleton_state_pred in Heqb0.
- now rewrite compare_refl in Heqb0; discriminate.
- - destruct stack0 as [|[]]; unfold pop.
- + inversion H0; subst.
- now inversion H.
- + fold pop.
- destruct (compare_eqdec (last_symb_of_non_init_state x) a).
- * inversion H0; subst. clear H0.
- inversion H; subst. clear H.
- dependent destruction H3; simpl.
- assert (prefix_pred (List.tl l) (state_stack_of_stack stack0)).
- unfold tl; destruct l; [constructor | inversion H2]...
- pose proof H. destruct H3.
- specialize (IHsymbols_to_pop stack0 A (action0 n) _ _ H4 H7 H H0 H6).
- revert IHsymbols_to_pop.
- fold (noninitstate_type x); generalize (pop symbols_to_pop stack0 (action0 n)).
- destruct r as [|[]]; intuition...
- destruct l; constructor...
- * apply n0.
- inversion H0; subst.
- inversion H; subst...
-(** [prefix] is associative **)
-Lemma prefix_ass:
- forall (l1 l2 l3:list symbol), prefix l1 l2 -> prefix l2 l3 -> prefix l1 l3.
-induction l1; intros.
-inversion H; subst.
-inversion H0; subst.
-constructor; eauto.
-(** [prefix_pred] is associative **)
-Lemma prefix_pred_ass:
- forall (l1 l2 l3:list (state->bool)),
- prefix_pred l1 l2 -> prefix_pred l2 l3 -> prefix_pred l1 l3.
-induction l1; intros.
-inversion H; subst.
-inversion H0; subst.
-constructor; eauto.
-specialize (H3 x).
-specialize (H4 x).
-destruct (f0 x); simpl in *; intuition.
-rewrite H4 in H3; intuition.
-(** If we have the right to reduce at this state, then the stack invariant
- is conserved by [reduce_step] and [reduce_step] does not crash. **)
-Lemma reduce_step_stack_invariant_conserved stack prod buff:
- stack_invariant stack ->
- valid_for_reduce (state_of_stack init stack) prod ->
- match reduce_step init stack prod buff with
- | OK (Fail_sr | Accept_sr _ _) => True
- | OK (Progress_sr stack_new _) => stack_invariant stack_new
- | Err => False
- end.
-Proof with eauto.
-unfold valid_for_reduce.
-unfold reduce_step.
-pose proof (pop_stack_invariant_conserved (prod_rhs_rev prod) stack _ (prod_action' prod)).
-destruct (pop (prod_rhs_rev prod) stack (prod_action' prod)) as [|[]].
-apply H0...
-destruct H0...
-pose proof (goto_head_symbs (state_of_stack init s) (prod_lhs prod)).
-pose proof (goto_past_state (state_of_stack init s) (prod_lhs prod)).
-unfold bind2.
-destruct H0.
-specialize (H2 _ H3)...
-destruct (goto_table (state_of_stack init stack0) (prod_lhs prod)) as [[]|].
-eapply prefix_ass...
-unfold state_stack_of_stack; simpl; constructor.
-intro; destruct (singleton_state_pred x x0); reflexivity.
-eapply prefix_pred_ass...
-destruct stack0 as [|[]]...
-destruct (compare_eqdec (prod_lhs prod) (start_nt init))...
-apply n, H2, eq_refl.
-apply H2, eq_refl.
-(** If the automaton is safe, then the stack invariant is conserved by
- [step] and [step] does not crash. **)
-Lemma step_stack_invariant_conserved (stack:stack) buffer:
- stack_invariant stack ->
- match step init stack buffer with
- | OK (Fail_sr | Accept_sr _ _) => True
- | OK (Progress_sr stack_new _) => stack_invariant stack_new
- | Err => False
- end.
-Proof with eauto.
-unfold step.
-pose proof (shift_head_symbs (state_of_stack init stack)).
-pose proof (shift_past_state (state_of_stack init stack)).
-pose proof (reduce_ok (state_of_stack init stack)).
-destruct (action_table (state_of_stack init stack)).
-apply reduce_step_stack_invariant_conserved...
-destruct buffer as [[]]; simpl.
-specialize (H0 x); specialize (H1 x); specialize (H2 x).
-destruct (l x)...
-destruct H.
-unfold state_of_stack.
-eapply prefix_ass...
-unfold state_stack_of_stack; simpl; constructor.
-intro; destruct (singleton_state_pred s0 x0)...
-eapply prefix_pred_ass...
-apply reduce_step_stack_invariant_conserved...
-(** If the automaton is safe, then it does not crash **)
-Theorem parse_no_err buffer n_steps:
- parse init buffer n_steps <> Err.
-Proof with eauto.
-unfold parse.
-assert (stack_invariant []).
-unfold state_stack_of_stack; simpl; constructor.
-intro; destruct (singleton_state_pred init x)...
-revert H.
-generalize buffer ([]:stack).
-induction n_steps; simpl.
-now discriminate.
-pose proof (step_stack_invariant_conserved s buffer0 H).
-destruct (step init s buffer0) as [|[]]; simpl...
-(** A version of [parse] that uses safeness in order to return a
- [parse_result], and not a [result parse_result] : we have proven that
- parsing does not return [Err]. **)
-Definition parse_with_safe (buffer:Stream token) (n_steps:nat):
- parse_result init.
-Proof with eauto.
-pose proof (parse_no_err buffer n_steps).
-destruct (parse init buffer n_steps)...
-End Safety_proof.
-End Make.
diff --git a/cparser/validator/Main.v b/cparser/validator/Main.v
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index 1a17e988..00000000
--- a/cparser/validator/Main.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Jacques-Henri Jourdan, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-Require Grammar.
-Require Automaton.
-Require Interpreter_safe.
-Require Interpreter_correct.
-Require Interpreter_complete.
-Require Import Syntax.
-Module Make(Export Aut:Automaton.T).
-Export Aut.Gram.
-Export Aut.GramDefs.
-Module Import Inter := Interpreter.Make Aut.
-Module Safe := Interpreter_safe.Make Aut Inter.
-Module Correct := Interpreter_correct.Make Aut Inter.
-Module Complete := Interpreter_complete.Make Aut Inter.
-Definition complete_validator:unit->bool := Complete.Valid.is_complete.
-Definition safe_validator:unit->bool := Safe.Valid.is_safe.
-Definition parse (safe:safe_validator ()=true) init n_steps buffer : parse_result init:=
- Safe.parse_with_safe (Safe.Valid.is_safe_correct safe) init buffer n_steps.
-(** Correction theorem. **)
-Theorem parse_correct
- (safe:safe_validator ()= true) init n_steps buffer:
- match parse safe init n_steps buffer with
- | Parsed_pr sem buffer_new =>
- exists word,
- buffer = word ++ buffer_new /\ inhabited (parse_tree (NT (start_nt init)) word sem)
- | _ => True
- end.
-unfold parse, Safe.parse_with_safe.
-pose proof (Correct.parse_correct init buffer n_steps).
-generalize (Safe.parse_no_err (Safe.Valid.is_safe_correct safe) init buffer n_steps).
-destruct (Inter.parse init buffer n_steps); intros.
-now destruct (n (eq_refl _)).
-now destruct p; trivial.
-(** Completeness theorem. **)
-Theorem parse_complete
- (safe:safe_validator () = true) init n_steps word buffer_end sem:
- complete_validator () = true ->
- forall tree:parse_tree (NT (start_nt init)) word sem,
- match parse safe init n_steps (word ++ buffer_end) with
- | Fail_pr => False
- | Parsed_pr sem_res buffer_end_res =>
- sem_res = sem /\ buffer_end_res = buffer_end /\ pt_size tree <= n_steps
- | Timeout_pr => n_steps < pt_size tree
- end.
-unfold parse, Safe.parse_with_safe.
-pose proof (Complete.parse_complete (Complete.Valid.is_complete_correct H) init _ buffer_end _ tree n_steps).
-generalize (Safe.parse_no_err (Safe.Valid.is_safe_correct safe) init (word ++ buffer_end) n_steps).
-destruct (Inter.parse init (word ++ buffer_end) n_steps); intros.
-now destruct (n eq_refl).
-now exact H0.
-(** Unambiguity theorem. **)
-Theorem unambiguity:
- safe_validator () = true -> complete_validator () = true -> inhabited token ->
- forall init word,
- forall sem1 (tree1:parse_tree (NT (start_nt init)) word sem1),
- forall sem2 (tree2:parse_tree (NT (start_nt init)) word sem2),
- sem1 = sem2.
-destruct H1.
-pose proof (parse_complete H init (pt_size tree1) word (Streams.const X) sem1) H0 tree1.
-pose proof (parse_complete H init (pt_size tree1) word (Streams.const X) sem2) H0 tree2.
-destruct (parse H init (pt_size tree1) (word ++ Streams.const X)); intuition.
-rewrite <- H3, H1; reflexivity.
-End Make.
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@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Jacques-Henri Jourdan, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-Require Import List.
-Require Import Coq.Program.Syntax.
-Require Import Equality.
-(** A curryfied function with multiple parameters **)
-Definition arrows_left: list Type -> Type -> Type :=
- fold_left (fun A B => B -> A).
-(** A curryfied function with multiple parameters **)
-Definition arrows_right: Type -> list Type -> Type :=
- fold_right (fun A B => A -> B).
-(** A tuple is a heterogeneous list. For convenience, we use pairs. **)
-Fixpoint tuple (types : list Type) : Type :=
- match types with
- | nil => unit
- | t::q => prod t (tuple q)
- end.
-Fixpoint uncurry {args:list Type} {res:Type}:
- arrows_left args res -> tuple args -> res :=
- match args return forall res, arrows_left args res -> tuple args -> res with
- | [] => fun _ f _ => f
- | t::q => fun res f p => let (d, t) := p in
- (@uncurry q _ f t) d
- end res.
-Lemma JMeq_eqrect:
- forall (U:Type) (a b:U) (P:U -> Type) (x:P a) (e:a=b),
- eq_rect a P x b e ~= x.
-destruct e.
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,542 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Jacques-Henri Jourdan, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-Require Automaton.
-Require Import Alphabet.
-Require Import List.
-Require Import Syntax.
-Module Make(Import A:Automaton.T).
-(** We instantiate some sets/map. **)
-Module TerminalComparableM <: ComparableM.
- Definition t := terminal.
- Instance tComparable : Comparable t := _.
-End TerminalComparableM.
-Module TerminalOrderedType := OrderedType_from_ComparableM TerminalComparableM.
-Module StateProdPosComparableM <: ComparableM.
- Definition t := (state*production*nat)%type.
- Instance tComparable : Comparable t := _.
-End StateProdPosComparableM.
-Module StateProdPosOrderedType :=
- OrderedType_from_ComparableM StateProdPosComparableM.
-Module TerminalSet := FSetAVL.Make TerminalOrderedType.
-Module StateProdPosMap := FMapAVL.Make StateProdPosOrderedType.
-(** Nullable predicate for symbols and list of symbols. **)
-Definition nullable_symb (symbol:symbol) :=
- match symbol with
- | NT nt => nullable_nterm nt
- | _ => false
- end.
-Definition nullable_word (word:list symbol) :=
- forallb nullable_symb word.
-(** First predicate for non terminal, symbols and list of symbols, given as FSets. **)
-Definition first_nterm_set (nterm:nonterminal) :=
- fold_left (fun acc t => TerminalSet.add t acc)
- (first_nterm nterm) TerminalSet.empty.
-Definition first_symb_set (symbol:symbol) :=
- match symbol with
- | NT nt => first_nterm_set nt
- | T t => TerminalSet.singleton t
- end.
-Fixpoint first_word_set (word:list symbol) :=
- match word with
- | [] => TerminalSet.empty
- | t::q =>
- if nullable_symb t then
- TerminalSet.union (first_symb_set t) (first_word_set q)
- else
- first_symb_set t
- end.
-(** Small helper for finding the part of an item that is after the dot. **)
-Definition future_of_prod prod dot_pos : list symbol :=
- (fix loop n lst :=
- match n with
- | O => lst
- | S x => match loop x lst with [] => [] | _::q => q end
- end)
- dot_pos (rev' (prod_rhs_rev prod)).
-(** We build a fast map to store all the items of all the states. **)
-Definition items_map (_:unit): StateProdPosMap.t TerminalSet.t :=
- fold_left (fun acc state =>
- fold_left (fun acc item =>
- let key := (state, prod_item item, dot_pos_item item) in
- let data := fold_left (fun acc t => TerminalSet.add t acc)
- (lookaheads_item item) TerminalSet.empty
- in
- let old :=
- match StateProdPosMap.find key acc with
- | Some x => x | None => TerminalSet.empty
- end
- in
- StateProdPosMap.add key (TerminalSet.union data old) acc
- ) (items_of_state state) acc
- ) all_list (StateProdPosMap.empty TerminalSet.t).
-(** Accessor. **)
-Definition find_items_map items_map state prod dot_pos : TerminalSet.t :=
- match StateProdPosMap.find (state, prod, dot_pos) items_map with
- | None => TerminalSet.empty
- | Some x => x
- end.
-Definition state_has_future state prod (fut:list symbol) (lookahead:terminal) :=
- exists dot_pos:nat,
- fut = future_of_prod prod dot_pos /\
- TerminalSet.In lookahead (find_items_map (items_map ()) state prod dot_pos).
-(** Iterator over items. **)
-Definition forallb_items items_map (P:state -> production -> nat -> TerminalSet.t -> bool): bool:=
- StateProdPosMap.fold (fun key set acc =>
- match key with (st, p, pos) => (acc && P st p pos set)%bool end
- ) items_map true.
-Lemma forallb_items_spec :
- forall p, forallb_items (items_map ()) p = true ->
- forall st prod fut lookahead, state_has_future st prod fut lookahead ->
- forall P:state -> production -> list symbol -> terminal -> Prop,
- (forall st prod pos set lookahead,
- TerminalSet.In lookahead set -> p st prod pos set = true ->
- P st prod (future_of_prod prod pos) lookahead) ->
- P st prod fut lookahead.
-unfold forallb_items in H.
-rewrite StateProdPosMap.fold_1 in H.
-destruct H0; destruct H0.
-specialize (H1 st prod x _ _ H2).
-destruct H0.
-apply H1.
-unfold find_items_map in *.
-pose proof (@StateProdPosMap.find_2 _ (items_map ()) (st, prod, x)).
-destruct (StateProdPosMap.find (st, prod, x) (items_map ())); [ |destruct (TerminalSet.empty_1 H2)].
-specialize (H0 _ (eq_refl _)).
-pose proof (StateProdPosMap.elements_1 H0).
-revert H.
-generalize true at 1.
-induction H3.
-destruct H.
-destruct y.
-simpl in H3; destruct H3.
-pose proof (compare_eq (st, prod, x) k H).
-destruct H3.
-generalize (p st prod x t).
-induction l; simpl; intros.
-rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in H3.
-destruct a; destruct k; destruct p0.
-simpl in H3.
-replace (b0 && b && p s p0 n t0)%bool with (b0 && p s p0 n t0 && b)%bool in H3.
-apply (IHl _ _ H3).
-destruct b, b0, (p s p0 n t0); reflexivity.
-apply IHInA.
-(** * Validation for completeness **)
-(** The nullable predicate is a fixpoint : it is correct. **)
-Definition nullable_stable:=
- forall p:production,
- nullable_word (rev (prod_rhs_rev p)) = true ->
- nullable_nterm (prod_lhs p) = true.
-Definition is_nullable_stable (_:unit) :=
- forallb (fun p:production =>
- implb (nullable_word (rev' (prod_rhs_rev p))) (nullable_nterm (prod_lhs p)))
- all_list.
-Property is_nullable_stable_correct :
- is_nullable_stable () = true -> nullable_stable.
-unfold is_nullable_stable, nullable_stable.
-rewrite forallb_forall in H.
-specialize (H p (all_list_forall p)).
-unfold rev' in H; rewrite <- rev_alt in H.
-rewrite H0 in H; intuition.
-(** The first predicate is a fixpoint : it is correct. **)
-Definition first_stable:=
- forall (p:production),
- TerminalSet.Subset (first_word_set (rev (prod_rhs_rev p)))
- (first_nterm_set (prod_lhs p)).
-Definition is_first_stable (_:unit) :=
- forallb (fun p:production =>
- TerminalSet.subset (first_word_set (rev' (prod_rhs_rev p)))
- (first_nterm_set (prod_lhs p)))
- all_list.
-Property is_first_stable_correct :
- is_first_stable () = true -> first_stable.
-unfold is_first_stable, first_stable.
-rewrite forallb_forall in H.
-specialize (H p (all_list_forall p)).
-unfold rev' in H; rewrite <- rev_alt in H.
-apply TerminalSet.subset_2; intuition.
-(** The initial state has all the S=>.u items, where S is the start non-terminal **)
-Definition start_future :=
- forall (init:initstate) (t:terminal) (p:production),
- prod_lhs p = start_nt init ->
- state_has_future init p (rev (prod_rhs_rev p)) t.
-Definition is_start_future items_map :=
- forallb (fun init =>
- forallb (fun prod =>
- if compare_eqb (prod_lhs prod) (start_nt init) then
- let lookaheads := find_items_map items_map init prod 0 in
- forallb (fun t => TerminalSet.mem t lookaheads) all_list
- else
- true) all_list) all_list.
-Property is_start_future_correct :
- is_start_future (items_map ()) = true -> start_future.
-unfold is_start_future, start_future.
-rewrite forallb_forall in H.
-specialize (H init (all_list_forall _)).
-rewrite forallb_forall in H.
-specialize (H p (all_list_forall _)).
-rewrite <- compare_eqb_iff in H0.
-rewrite H0 in H.
-rewrite forallb_forall in H.
-specialize (H t (all_list_forall _)).
-exists 0.
-apply rev_alt.
-apply TerminalSet.mem_2; eauto.
-(** If a state contains an item of the form A->_.av[[b]], where a is a
- terminal, then reading an a does a [Shift_act], to a state containing
- an item of the form A->_.v[[b]]. **)
-Definition terminal_shift :=
- forall (s1:state) prod fut lookahead,
- state_has_future s1 prod fut lookahead ->
- match fut with
- | T t::q =>
- match action_table s1 with
- | Lookahead_act awp =>
- match awp t with
- | Shift_act s2 _ =>
- state_has_future s2 prod q lookahead
- | _ => False
- end
- | _ => False
- end
- | _ => True
- end.
-Definition is_terminal_shift items_map :=
- forallb_items items_map (fun s1 prod pos lset =>
- match future_of_prod prod pos with
- | T t::_ =>
- match action_table s1 with
- | Lookahead_act awp =>
- match awp t with
- | Shift_act s2 _ =>
- TerminalSet.subset lset (find_items_map items_map s2 prod (S pos))
- | _ => false
- end
- | _ => false
- end
- | _ => true
- end).
-Property is_terminal_shift_correct :
- is_terminal_shift (items_map ()) = true -> terminal_shift.
-unfold is_terminal_shift, terminal_shift.
-apply (forallb_items_spec _ H _ _ _ _ H0 (fun _ _ fut look => _)).
-destruct (future_of_prod prod0 pos) as [|[]] eqn:?; intuition.
-destruct (action_table st); intuition.
-destruct (l0 t); intuition.
-exists (S pos).
-unfold future_of_prod in *.
-rewrite Heql; reflexivity.
-apply (TerminalSet.subset_2 H2); intuition.
-(** If a state contains an item of the form A->_.[[a]], then either we do a
- [Default_reduce_act] of the corresponding production, either a is a
- terminal (ie. there is a lookahead terminal), and reading a does a
- [Reduce_act] of the corresponding production. **)
-Definition end_reduce :=
- forall (s:state) prod fut lookahead,
- state_has_future s prod fut lookahead ->
- fut = [] ->
- match action_table s with
- | Default_reduce_act p => p = prod
- | Lookahead_act awt =>
- match awt lookahead with
- | Reduce_act p => p = prod
- | _ => False
- end
- end.
-Definition is_end_reduce items_map :=
- forallb_items items_map (fun s prod pos lset =>
- match future_of_prod prod pos with
- | [] =>
- match action_table s with
- | Default_reduce_act p => compare_eqb p prod
- | Lookahead_act awt =>
- TerminalSet.fold (fun lookahead acc =>
- match awt lookahead with
- | Reduce_act p => (acc && compare_eqb p prod)%bool
- | _ => false
- end) lset true
- end
- | _ => true
- end).
-Property is_end_reduce_correct :
- is_end_reduce (items_map ()) = true -> end_reduce.
-unfold is_end_reduce, end_reduce.
-revert H1.
-apply (forallb_items_spec _ H _ _ _ _ H0 (fun st prod fut look => _ ->
- match action_table st with
- | Default_reduce_act p => p = prod
- | _ => _
- end)).
-rewrite H3 in H2.
-destruct (action_table st); intuition.
-apply compare_eqb_iff; intuition.
-rewrite TerminalSet.fold_1 in H2.
-revert H2.
-generalize true at 1.
-pose proof (TerminalSet.elements_1 H1).
-induction H2.
-pose proof (compare_eq _ _ H2).
-destruct H4.
-assert (fold_left
- (fun (a : bool) (e : TerminalSet.elt) =>
- match l e with
- | Shift_act _ _ => false
- | Reduce_act p => (a && compare_eqb p prod0)%bool
- | Fail_act => false
- end) l0 false = true -> False).
-induction l0; intuition.
-apply IHl0.
-simpl in H4.
-destruct (l a); intuition.
-destruct (l lookahead0); intuition.
-apply compare_eqb_iff.
-destruct (compare_eqb p prod0); intuition.
-destruct b; intuition.
-simpl; intros.
-eapply IHInA; eauto.
-(** If a state contains an item of the form A->_.Bv[[b]], where B is a
- non terminal, then the goto table says we have to go to a state containing
- an item of the form A->_.v[[b]]. **)
-Definition non_terminal_goto :=
- forall (s1:state) prod fut lookahead,
- state_has_future s1 prod fut lookahead ->
- match fut with
- | NT nt::q =>
- match goto_table s1 nt with
- | Some (exist _ s2 _) =>
- state_has_future s2 prod q lookahead
- | None =>
- forall prod fut lookahead,
- state_has_future s1 prod fut lookahead ->
- match fut with
- | NT nt'::_ => nt <> nt'
- | _ => True
- end
- end
- | _ => True
- end.
-Definition is_non_terminal_goto items_map :=
- forallb_items items_map (fun s1 prod pos lset =>
- match future_of_prod prod pos with
- | NT nt::_ =>
- match goto_table s1 nt with
- | Some (exist _ s2 _) =>
- TerminalSet.subset lset (find_items_map items_map s2 prod (S pos))
- | None => forallb_items items_map (fun s1' prod' pos' _ =>
- (implb (compare_eqb s1 s1')
- match future_of_prod prod' pos' with
- | NT nt' :: _ => negb (compare_eqb nt nt')
- | _ => true
- end)%bool)
- end
- | _ => true
- end).
-Property is_non_terminal_goto_correct :
- is_non_terminal_goto (items_map ()) = true -> non_terminal_goto.
-unfold is_non_terminal_goto, non_terminal_goto.
-apply (forallb_items_spec _ H _ _ _ _ H0 (fun st prod fut look =>
- match fut with
- | NT nt :: q =>
- match goto_table st nt with
- | Some _ => _
- | None =>
- forall p f l, state_has_future st p f l -> (_:Prop)
- end
- | _ => _
- end)).
-destruct (future_of_prod prod0 pos) as [|[]] eqn:?; intuition.
-destruct (goto_table st n) as [[]|].
-exists (S pos).
-unfold future_of_prod in *.
-rewrite Heql; reflexivity.
-apply (TerminalSet.subset_2 H2); intuition.
-remember st in H2; revert Heqs.
-apply (forallb_items_spec _ H2 _ _ _ _ H3 (fun st' prod fut look => s = st' -> match fut return Prop with [] => _ | _ => _ end)); intros.
-rewrite <- compare_eqb_iff in H6; rewrite H6 in H5.
-destruct (future_of_prod prod1 pos0) as [|[]]; intuition.
-rewrite <- compare_eqb_iff in H7; rewrite H7 in H5.
-Definition start_goto :=
- forall (init:initstate), goto_table init (start_nt init) = None.
-Definition is_start_goto (_:unit) :=
- forallb (fun (init:initstate) =>
- match goto_table init (start_nt init) with
- | Some _ => false
- | None => true
- end) all_list.
-Definition is_start_goto_correct:
- is_start_goto () = true -> start_goto.
-unfold is_start_goto, start_goto.
-rewrite forallb_forall.
-specialize (H init (all_list_forall _)).
-destruct (goto_table init (start_nt init)); congruence.
-(** Closure property of item sets : if a state contains an item of the form
- A->_.Bv[[b]], then for each production B->u and each terminal a of
- first(vb), the state contains an item of the form B->_.u[[a]] **)
-Definition non_terminal_closed :=
- forall (s1:state) prod fut lookahead,
- state_has_future s1 prod fut lookahead ->
- match fut with
- | NT nt::q =>
- forall (p:production) (lookahead2:terminal),
- prod_lhs p = nt ->
- TerminalSet.In lookahead2 (first_word_set q) \/
- lookahead2 = lookahead /\ nullable_word q = true ->
- state_has_future s1 p (rev (prod_rhs_rev p)) lookahead2
- | _ => True
- end.
-Definition is_non_terminal_closed items_map :=
- forallb_items items_map (fun s1 prod pos lset =>
- match future_of_prod prod pos with
- | NT nt::q =>
- forallb (fun p =>
- if compare_eqb (prod_lhs p) nt then
- let lookaheads := find_items_map items_map s1 p 0 in
- (implb (nullable_word q) (TerminalSet.subset lset lookaheads)) &&
- TerminalSet.subset (first_word_set q) lookaheads
- else true
- )%bool all_list
- | _ => true
- end).
-Property is_non_terminal_closed_correct:
- is_non_terminal_closed (items_map ()) = true -> non_terminal_closed.
-unfold is_non_terminal_closed, non_terminal_closed.
-apply (forallb_items_spec _ H _ _ _ _ H0 (fun st prod fut look =>
- match fut with
- | NT nt :: q => forall p l, _ -> _ -> state_has_future st _ _ _
- | _ => _
- end)).
-destruct (future_of_prod prod0 pos); intuition.
-destruct s; eauto; intros.
-rewrite forallb_forall in H2.
-specialize (H2 p (all_list_forall p)).
-rewrite <- compare_eqb_iff in H3.
-rewrite H3 in H2.
-rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in H2.
-destruct H2.
-exists 0.
-apply rev_alt.
-destruct H4 as [|[]]; subst.
-apply (TerminalSet.subset_2 H5); intuition.
-rewrite H6 in H2.
-apply (TerminalSet.subset_2 H2); intuition.
-(** The automaton is complete **)
-Definition complete :=
- nullable_stable /\ first_stable /\ start_future /\ terminal_shift
- /\ end_reduce /\ non_terminal_goto /\ start_goto /\ non_terminal_closed.
-Definition is_complete (_:unit) :=
- let items_map := items_map () in
- (is_nullable_stable () && is_first_stable () && is_start_future items_map &&
- is_terminal_shift items_map && is_end_reduce items_map && is_start_goto () &&
- is_non_terminal_goto items_map && is_non_terminal_closed items_map)%bool.
-Property is_complete_correct:
- is_complete () = true -> complete.
-unfold is_complete, complete.
-repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff.
-apply is_nullable_stable_correct; assumption.
-apply is_first_stable_correct; assumption.
-apply is_start_future_correct; assumption.
-apply is_terminal_shift_correct; assumption.
-apply is_end_reduce_correct; assumption.
-apply is_non_terminal_goto_correct; assumption.
-apply is_start_goto_correct; assumption.
-apply is_non_terminal_closed_correct; assumption.
-End Make.
diff --git a/cparser/validator/Validator_safe.v b/cparser/validator/Validator_safe.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 183d661b..00000000
--- a/cparser/validator/Validator_safe.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Jacques-Henri Jourdan, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-Require Automaton.
-Require Import Alphabet.
-Require Import List.
-Require Import Syntax.
-Module Make(Import A:Automaton.T).
-(** The singleton predicate for states **)
-Definition singleton_state_pred (state:state) :=
- (fun state' => match compare state state' with Eq => true |_ => false end).
-(** [past_state_of_non_init_state], extended for all states. **)
-Definition past_state_of_state (state:state) :=
- match state with
- | Init _ => []
- | Ninit nis => past_state_of_non_init_state nis
- end.
-(** Concatenations of last and past **)
-Definition head_symbs_of_state (state:state) :=
- match state with
- | Init _ => []
- | Ninit s =>
- last_symb_of_non_init_state s::past_symb_of_non_init_state s
- end.
-Definition head_states_of_state (state:state) :=
- singleton_state_pred state::past_state_of_state state.
-(** * Validation for correctness **)
-(** Prefix predicate between two lists of symbols. **)
-Inductive prefix: list symbol -> list symbol -> Prop :=
- | prefix_nil: forall l, prefix [] l
- | prefix_cons: forall l1 l2 x, prefix l1 l2 -> prefix (x::l1) (x::l2).
-Fixpoint is_prefix (l1 l2:list symbol):=
- match l1, l2 with
- | [], _ => true
- | t1::q1, t2::q2 => (compare_eqb t1 t2 && is_prefix q1 q2)%bool
- | _::_, [] => false
- end.
-Property is_prefix_correct (l1 l2:list symbol):
- is_prefix l1 l2 = true -> prefix l1 l2.
-revert l2.
-induction l1; intros.
-apply prefix_nil.
-unfold is_prefix in H.
-destruct l2; intuition; try discriminate.
-rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in H.
-destruct H.
-rewrite compare_eqb_iff in H.
-destruct H.
-apply prefix_cons.
-apply IHl1; intuition.
-(** If we shift, then the known top symbols of the destination state is
- a prefix of the known top symbols of the source state, with the new
- symbol added. **)
-Definition shift_head_symbs :=
- forall s,
- match action_table s with
- | Lookahead_act awp =>
- forall t, match awp t with
- | Shift_act s2 _ =>
- prefix (past_symb_of_non_init_state s2) (head_symbs_of_state s)
- | _ => True
- end
- | _ => True
- end.
-Definition is_shift_head_symbs (_:unit) :=
- forallb (fun s:state =>
- match action_table s with
- | Lookahead_act awp =>
- forallb (fun t =>
- match awp t with
- | Shift_act s2 _ =>
- is_prefix (past_symb_of_non_init_state s2) (head_symbs_of_state s)
- | _ => true
- end)
- all_list
- | _ => true
- end)
- all_list.
-Property is_shift_head_symbs_correct:
- is_shift_head_symbs () = true -> shift_head_symbs.
-unfold is_shift_head_symbs, shift_head_symbs.
-rewrite forallb_forall in H.
-specialize (H s (all_list_forall s)).
-destruct (action_table s); intuition.
-rewrite forallb_forall in H.
-specialize (H t (all_list_forall t)).
-destruct (l t); intuition.
-apply is_prefix_correct; intuition.
-(** When a goto happens, then the known top symbols of the destination state
- is a prefix of the known top symbols of the source state, with the new
- symbol added. **)
-Definition goto_head_symbs :=
- forall s nt,
- match goto_table s nt with
- | Some (exist _ s2 _) =>
- prefix (past_symb_of_non_init_state s2) (head_symbs_of_state s)
- | None => True
- end.
-Definition is_goto_head_symbs (_:unit) :=
- forallb (fun s:state =>
- forallb (fun nt =>
- match goto_table s nt with
- | Some (exist _ s2 _) =>
- is_prefix (past_symb_of_non_init_state s2) (head_symbs_of_state s)
- | None => true
- end)
- all_list)
- all_list.
-Property is_goto_head_symbs_correct:
- is_goto_head_symbs () = true -> goto_head_symbs.
-unfold is_goto_head_symbs, goto_head_symbs.
-rewrite forallb_forall in H.
-specialize (H s (all_list_forall s)).
-rewrite forallb_forall in H.
-specialize (H nt (all_list_forall nt)).
-destruct (goto_table s nt); intuition.
-destruct s0.
-apply is_prefix_correct; intuition.
-(** We have to say the same kind of checks for the assumptions about the
- states stack. However, theses assumptions are predicates. So we define
- a notion of "prefix" over predicates lists, that means, basically, that
- an assumption entails another **)
-Inductive prefix_pred: list (state->bool) -> list (state->bool) -> Prop :=
- | prefix_pred_nil: forall l, prefix_pred [] l
- | prefix_pred_cons: forall l1 l2 f1 f2,
- (forall x, implb (f2 x) (f1 x) = true) ->
- prefix_pred l1 l2 -> prefix_pred (f1::l1) (f2::l2).
-Fixpoint is_prefix_pred (l1 l2:list (state->bool)) :=
- match l1, l2 with
- | [], _ => true
- | f1::q1, f2::q2 =>
- (forallb (fun x => implb (f2 x) (f1 x)) all_list
- && is_prefix_pred q1 q2)%bool
- | _::_, [] => false
- end.
-Property is_prefix_pred_correct (l1 l2:list (state->bool)) :
- is_prefix_pred l1 l2 = true -> prefix_pred l1 l2.
-revert l2.
-induction l1.
-apply prefix_pred_nil.
-destruct l2; intuition; try discriminate.
-unfold is_prefix_pred in H.
-rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in H.
-rewrite forallb_forall in H.
-apply prefix_pred_cons; intuition.
-apply H0.
-apply all_list_forall.
-(** The assumptions about state stack is conserved when we shift **)
-Definition shift_past_state :=
- forall s,
- match action_table s with
- | Lookahead_act awp =>
- forall t, match awp t with
- | Shift_act s2 _ =>
- prefix_pred (past_state_of_non_init_state s2)
- (head_states_of_state s)
- | _ => True
- end
- | _ => True
- end.
-Definition is_shift_past_state (_:unit) :=
- forallb (fun s:state =>
- match action_table s with
- | Lookahead_act awp =>
- forallb (fun t =>
- match awp t with
- | Shift_act s2 _ =>
- is_prefix_pred
- (past_state_of_non_init_state s2) (head_states_of_state s)
- | _ => true
- end)
- all_list
- | _ => true
- end)
- all_list.
-Property is_shift_past_state_correct:
- is_shift_past_state () = true -> shift_past_state.
-unfold is_shift_past_state, shift_past_state.
-rewrite forallb_forall in H.
-specialize (H s (all_list_forall s)).
-destruct (action_table s); intuition.
-rewrite forallb_forall in H.
-specialize (H t (all_list_forall t)).
-destruct (l t); intuition.
-apply is_prefix_pred_correct; intuition.
-(** The assumptions about state stack is conserved when we do a goto **)
-Definition goto_past_state :=
- forall s nt,
- match goto_table s nt with
- | Some (exist _ s2 _) =>
- prefix_pred (past_state_of_non_init_state s2)
- (head_states_of_state s)
- | None => True
- end.
-Definition is_goto_past_state (_:unit) :=
- forallb (fun s:state =>
- forallb (fun nt =>
- match goto_table s nt with
- | Some (exist _ s2 _) =>
- is_prefix_pred
- (past_state_of_non_init_state s2) (head_states_of_state s)
- | None => true
- end)
- all_list)
- all_list.
-Property is_goto_past_state_correct :
- is_goto_past_state () = true -> goto_past_state.
-unfold is_goto_past_state, goto_past_state.
-rewrite forallb_forall in H.
-specialize (H s (all_list_forall s)).
-rewrite forallb_forall in H.
-specialize (H nt (all_list_forall nt)).
-destruct (goto_table s nt); intuition.
-destruct s0.
-apply is_prefix_pred_correct; intuition.
-(** What states are possible after having popped these symbols from the
- stack, given the annotation of the current state ? **)
-Inductive state_valid_after_pop (s:state):
- list symbol -> list (state -> bool) -> Prop :=
- | state_valid_after_pop_nil1:
- forall p pl, p s = true -> state_valid_after_pop s [] (p::pl)
- | state_valid_after_pop_nil2:
- forall sl, state_valid_after_pop s sl []
- | state_valid_after_pop_cons:
- forall st sq p pl, state_valid_after_pop s sq pl ->
- state_valid_after_pop s (st::sq) (p::pl).
-Fixpoint is_state_valid_after_pop
- (state:state) (to_pop:list symbol) annot :=
- match annot, to_pop with
- | [], _ => true
- | p::_, [] => p state
- | p::pl, s::sl => is_state_valid_after_pop state sl pl
- end.
-Property is_state_valid_after_pop_complete state sl pl :
- state_valid_after_pop state sl pl -> is_state_valid_after_pop state sl pl = true.
-induction H; intuition.
-destruct sl; intuition.
-(** A state is valid for reducing a production when :
- - The assumptions on the state are such that we will find the right hand
- side of the production on the stack.
- - We will be able to do a goto after having popped the right hand side.
-Definition valid_for_reduce (state:state) prod :=
- prefix (prod_rhs_rev prod) (head_symbs_of_state state) /\
- forall state_new,
- state_valid_after_pop state_new
- (prod_rhs_rev prod) (head_states_of_state state) ->
- goto_table state_new (prod_lhs prod) = None ->
- match state_new with
- | Init i => prod_lhs prod = start_nt i
- | Ninit _ => False
- end.
-Definition is_valid_for_reduce (state:state) prod:=
- (is_prefix (prod_rhs_rev prod) (head_symbs_of_state state) &&
- forallb (fun state_new =>
- if is_state_valid_after_pop state_new (prod_rhs_rev prod)
- (head_states_of_state state) then
- match goto_table state_new (prod_lhs prod) with
- | Some _ => true
- | None =>
- match state_new with
- | Init i => compare_eqb (prod_lhs prod) (start_nt i)
- | Ninit _ => false
- end
- end
- else
- true)
- all_list)%bool.
-Property is_valid_for_reduce_correct (state:state) prod:
- is_valid_for_reduce state prod = true -> valid_for_reduce state prod.
-unfold is_valid_for_reduce, valid_for_reduce.
-rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in H.
-apply is_prefix_correct.
-rewrite forallb_forall in H.
-destruct H.
-specialize (H2 state_new (all_list_forall state_new)).
-rewrite is_state_valid_after_pop_complete, H1 in H2.
-destruct state_new; intuition.
-rewrite compare_eqb_iff in H2; intuition.
-(** All the states that does a reduce are valid for reduction **)
-Definition reduce_ok :=
- forall s,
- match action_table s with
- | Lookahead_act awp =>
- forall t, match awp t with
- | Reduce_act p => valid_for_reduce s p
- | _ => True
- end
- | Default_reduce_act p => valid_for_reduce s p
- end.
-Definition is_reduce_ok (_:unit) :=
- forallb (fun s =>
- match action_table s with
- | Lookahead_act awp =>
- forallb (fun t =>
- match awp t with
- | Reduce_act p => is_valid_for_reduce s p
- | _ => true
- end)
- all_list
- | Default_reduce_act p => is_valid_for_reduce s p
- end)
- all_list.
-Property is_reduce_ok_correct :
- is_reduce_ok () = true -> reduce_ok.
-unfold is_reduce_ok, reduce_ok.
-rewrite forallb_forall in H.
-specialize (H s (all_list_forall s)).
-destruct (action_table s).
-apply is_valid_for_reduce_correct; intuition.
-rewrite forallb_forall in H.
-specialize (H t (all_list_forall t)).
-destruct (l t); intuition.
-apply is_valid_for_reduce_correct; intuition.
-(** The automaton is safe **)
-Definition safe :=
- shift_head_symbs /\ goto_head_symbs /\ shift_past_state /\
- goto_past_state /\ reduce_ok.
-Definition is_safe (_:unit) :=
- (is_shift_head_symbs () && is_goto_head_symbs () && is_shift_past_state () &&
- is_goto_past_state () && is_reduce_ok ())%bool.
-Property is_safe_correct:
- is_safe () = true -> safe.
-unfold safe, is_safe.
-repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff.
-apply is_shift_head_symbs_correct; assumption.
-apply is_goto_head_symbs_correct; assumption.
-apply is_shift_past_state_correct; assumption.
-apply is_goto_past_state_correct; assumption.
-apply is_reduce_ok_correct; assumption.
-End Make.