path: root/cparser
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Diffstat (limited to 'cparser')
3 files changed, 175 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/cparser/Bitfields.ml b/cparser/Bitfields.ml
index cae56f00..d064f4b1 100644
--- a/cparser/Bitfields.ml
+++ b/cparser/Bitfields.ml
@@ -111,16 +111,16 @@ let pack_bitfields env sid ml =
in pack [] 0 ml
-let rec transf_members env id count = function
+let rec transf_struct_members env id count = function
| [] -> []
| m :: ms as ml ->
if m.fld_bitfield = None then
- m :: transf_members env id count ms
+ m :: transf_struct_members env id count ms
else begin
let (nbits, bitfields, ml') = pack_bitfields env id ml in
if nbits = 0 then
(* Lone zero-size bitfield: just ignore *)
- transf_members env id count ml'
+ transf_struct_members env id count ml'
else begin
(* Create integer field of sufficient size for this bitfield group *)
let carrier = sprintf "__bf%d" count in
@@ -144,14 +144,49 @@ let rec transf_members env id count = function
{ fld_name = carrier; fld_typ = carrier_typ; fld_bitfield = None}
- :: transf_members env id (count + 1) ml'
+ :: transf_struct_members env id (count + 1) ml'
+let rec transf_union_members env id count = function
+ [] -> []
+ | m :: ms ->
+ (match m.fld_bitfield with
+ | None -> m::transf_union_members env id count ms
+ | Some nbits ->
+ let carrier = sprintf "__bf%d" count in
+ let carrier_ikind = unsigned_ikind_for_carrier nbits in
+ let carrier_typ = TInt(carrier_ikind, []) in
+ let signed =
+ match unroll env m.fld_typ with
+ | TInt(ik, _) -> is_signed_ikind ik
+ | TEnum(eid, _) -> is_signed_enum_bitfield env id m.fld_name eid nbits
+ | _ -> assert false (* should never happen, checked in Elab *) in
+ let signed2 =
+ match unroll env (type_of_member env m) with
+ | TInt(ik, _) -> is_signed_ikind ik
+ | _ -> assert false (* should never happen, checked in Elab *) in
+ let pos' =
+ if !config.bitfields_msb_first
+ then sizeof_ikind carrier_ikind * 8 - nbits
+ else 0 in
+ let is_bool =
+ match unroll env m.fld_typ with
+ | TInt(IBool, _) -> true
+ | _ -> false in
+ Hashtbl.add bitfield_table
+ (id, m.fld_name)
+ {bf_carrier = carrier; bf_carrier_typ = carrier_typ;
+ bf_pos = pos'; bf_size = nbits;
+ bf_signed = signed; bf_signed_res = signed2;
+ bf_bool = is_bool};
+ { fld_name = carrier; fld_typ = carrier_typ; fld_bitfield = None}
+ :: transf_struct_members env id (count + 1) ms)
let transf_composite env su id attr ml =
match su with
- | Struct -> (attr, transf_members env id 1 ml)
- | Union -> (attr, ml)
+ | Struct -> (attr, transf_struct_members env id 1 ml)
+ | Union -> (attr, transf_union_members env id 1 ml)
(* Bitfield manipulation expressions *)
@@ -318,6 +353,7 @@ let rec is_bitfield_access env e =
match e.edesc with
| EUnop(Odot fieldname, e1) ->
begin match unroll env e1.etyp with
+ | TUnion (id,_)
| TStruct(id, _) ->
(try Some(e1, Hashtbl.find bitfield_table (id, fieldname))
with Not_found -> None)
diff --git a/cparser/Elab.ml b/cparser/Elab.ml
index e802085d..021dc512 100644
--- a/cparser/Elab.ml
+++ b/cparser/Elab.ml
@@ -1839,7 +1839,7 @@ let enter_or_refine_ident local loc env s sto ty =
let enter_decdefs local loc env sto dl =
(* Sanity checks on storage class *)
if sto = Storage_register && not local then
- error loc "'register' on global declaration";
+ fatal_error loc "'register' on global declaration";
if sto <> Storage_default && dl = [] then
warning loc "Storage class specifier on empty declaration";
let rec enter_decdef (decls, env) (s, ty, init) =
diff --git a/cparser/Unblock.ml b/cparser/Unblock.ml
index 91f50552..b5f945d4 100644
--- a/cparser/Unblock.ml
+++ b/cparser/Unblock.ml
@@ -177,74 +177,173 @@ and expand_init islocal env i =
expand i
+(* Insertion of debug annotation, for -g mode *)
+let debug_id = Env.fresh_ident "__builtin_debug"
+let debug_ty =
+ TFun(TVoid [], Some [Env.fresh_ident "kind", TInt(IInt, [])], true, [])
+let debug_annot kind args =
+ { sloc = no_loc;
+ sdesc = Sdo {
+ etyp = TVoid [];
+ edesc = ECall({edesc = EVar debug_id; etyp = debug_ty},
+ intconst kind IInt :: args)
+ }
+ }
+let string_const str =
+ let c = CStr str in { edesc = EConst c; etyp = type_of_constant c }
+let integer_const n =
+ intconst (Int64.of_int n) IInt
+(* Line number annotation:
+ __builtin_debug(1, "#line:filename:lineno", scope1, ..., scopeN) *)
+(* TODO: consider
+ __builtin_debug(1, "filename", lineno, scope1, ..., scopeN)
+ instead. *)
+let debug_lineno ctx (filename, lineno) =
+ debug_annot 1L
+ (string_const (Printf.sprintf "#line:%s:%d" filename lineno) ::
+ List.rev_map integer_const ctx)
+let add_lineno ctx prev_loc this_loc s =
+ if !Clflags.option_g && this_loc <> prev_loc && this_loc <> no_loc
+ then sseq no_loc (debug_lineno ctx this_loc) s
+ else s
+(* Variable declaration annotation:
+ __builtin_debug(6, var, scope) *)
+let debug_var_decl ctx id ty =
+ let scope = match ctx with [] -> 0 | sc :: _ -> sc in
+ debug_annot 6L
+ [ {edesc = EVar id; etyp = ty}; integer_const scope ]
+let add_var_decl ctx id ty s =
+ if !Clflags.option_g
+ then sseq no_loc (debug_var_decl ctx id ty) s
+ else s
+let add_param_decls params body =
+ if !Clflags.option_g then
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (id, ty) s -> sseq no_loc (debug_var_decl [] id ty) s)
+ params body
+ else body
+(* Generate fresh scope identifiers, for blocks that contain at least
+ one declaration *)
+let block_contains_decl sl =
+ List.exists
+ (function {sdesc = Sdecl _} -> true | _ -> false)
+ sl
+let next_scope_id = ref 0
+let new_scope_id () =
+ incr next_scope_id; !next_scope_id
(* Process a block-scoped variable declaration.
The variable is entered in [local_variables].
The initializer, if any, is converted into assignments and
prepended to [k]. *)
-let process_decl loc env (sto, id, ty, optinit) k =
+let process_decl loc env ctx (sto, id, ty, optinit) k =
let ty' = remove_const env ty in
local_variables := (sto, id, ty', None) :: !local_variables;
- match optinit with
- | None -> k
- | Some init ->
- let init' = expand_init true env init in
- let l = local_initializer env { edesc = EVar id; etyp = ty' } init' [] in
- add_inits_stmt loc l k
+ add_var_decl ctx id ty
+ (match optinit with
+ | None ->
+ k
+ | Some init ->
+ let init' = expand_init true env init in
+ let l = local_initializer env { edesc = EVar id; etyp = ty' } init' [] in
+ add_inits_stmt loc l k)
(* Simplification of blocks within a statement *)
-let rec unblock_stmt env s =
+let rec unblock_stmt env ctx ploc s =
match s.sdesc with
| Sskip -> s
| Sdo e ->
- {s with sdesc = Sdo(expand_expr true env e)}
+ add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc
+ {s with sdesc = Sdo(expand_expr true env e)}
| Sseq(s1, s2) ->
- {s with sdesc = Sseq(unblock_stmt env s1, unblock_stmt env s2)}
+ {s with sdesc = Sseq(unblock_stmt env ctx ploc s1,
+ unblock_stmt env ctx s1.sloc s2)}
| Sif(e, s1, s2) ->
- {s with sdesc = Sif(expand_expr true env e,
- unblock_stmt env s1, unblock_stmt env s2)}
+ add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc
+ {s with sdesc = Sif(expand_expr true env e,
+ unblock_stmt env ctx s.sloc s1,
+ unblock_stmt env ctx s.sloc s2)}
| Swhile(e, s1) ->
- {s with sdesc = Swhile(expand_expr true env e, unblock_stmt env s1)}
+ add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc
+ {s with sdesc = Swhile(expand_expr true env e,
+ unblock_stmt env ctx s.sloc s1)}
| Sdowhile(s1, e) ->
- {s with sdesc = Sdowhile(unblock_stmt env s1, expand_expr true env e)}
+ add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc
+ {s with sdesc = Sdowhile(unblock_stmt env ctx s.sloc s1,
+ expand_expr true env e)}
| Sfor(s1, e, s2, s3) ->
- {s with sdesc = Sfor(unblock_stmt env s1,
- expand_expr true env e,
- unblock_stmt env s2,
- unblock_stmt env s3)}
+ add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc
+ {s with sdesc = Sfor(unblock_stmt env ctx s.sloc s1,
+ expand_expr true env e,
+ unblock_stmt env ctx s.sloc s2,
+ unblock_stmt env ctx s.sloc s3)}
| Sbreak -> s
| Scontinue -> s
| Sswitch(e, s1) ->
- {s with sdesc = Sswitch(expand_expr true env e, unblock_stmt env s1)}
+ add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc
+ {s with sdesc = Sswitch(expand_expr true env e,
+ unblock_stmt env ctx s.sloc s1)}
| Slabeled(lbl, s1) ->
- {s with sdesc = Slabeled(lbl, unblock_stmt env s1)}
- | Sgoto lbl -> s
- | Sreturn None -> s
+ add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc
+ {s with sdesc = Slabeled(lbl, unblock_stmt env ctx s.sloc s1)}
+ | Sgoto lbl ->
+ add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc s
+ | Sreturn None ->
+ add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc s
| Sreturn (Some e) ->
- {s with sdesc = Sreturn(Some (expand_expr true env e))}
- | Sblock sl -> unblock_block env sl
- | Sdecl d -> assert false
+ add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc
+ {s with sdesc = Sreturn(Some (expand_expr true env e))}
+ | Sblock sl ->
+ let ctx' =
+ if block_contains_decl sl
+ then new_scope_id () :: ctx
+ else ctx in
+ unblock_block env ctx' ploc sl
+ | Sdecl d ->
+ assert false
| Sasm(attr, template, outputs, inputs, clob) ->
let expand_asm_operand (lbl, cstr, e) =
(lbl, cstr, expand_expr true env e) in
- {s with sdesc = Sasm(attr, template,
- List.map expand_asm_operand outputs,
- List.map expand_asm_operand inputs, clob)}
+ add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc
+ {s with sdesc = Sasm(attr, template,
+ List.map expand_asm_operand outputs,
+ List.map expand_asm_operand inputs, clob)}
-and unblock_block env = function
+and unblock_block env ctx ploc = function
| [] -> sskip
| {sdesc = Sdecl d; sloc = loc} :: sl ->
- process_decl loc env d (unblock_block env sl)
+ add_lineno ctx ploc loc
+ (process_decl loc env ctx d
+ (unblock_block env ctx loc sl))
| s :: sl ->
- sseq s.sloc (unblock_stmt env s) (unblock_block env sl)
+ sseq s.sloc (unblock_stmt env ctx ploc s)
+ (unblock_block env ctx s.sloc sl)
(* Simplification of blocks and compound literals within a function *)
let unblock_fundef env f =
local_variables := [];
- let body = unblock_stmt env f.fd_body in
+ next_scope_id := 0;
+ let body =
+ add_param_decls f.fd_params (unblock_stmt env [] no_loc f.fd_body) in
let decls = !local_variables in
local_variables := [];
{ f with fd_locals = f.fd_locals @ decls; fd_body = body }
@@ -299,4 +398,5 @@ let rec unblock_glob env accu = function
(* Entry point *)
let program p =
+ {gloc = no_loc; gdesc = Gdecl(Storage_extern, debug_id, debug_ty, None)} ::
unblock_glob (Builtins.environment()) [] p