path: root/cparser
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11 files changed, 331 insertions, 211 deletions
diff --git a/cparser/Bitfields.ml b/cparser/Bitfields.ml
index 99b93c25..570572fa 100644
--- a/cparser/Bitfields.ml
+++ b/cparser/Bitfields.ml
@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@
(* Elimination of bit fields in structs *)
-(* Assumes: unblocked code.
- Preserves: unblocked code. *)
+(* Assumes: nothing. *)
open Printf
open Machine
@@ -46,6 +45,10 @@ type bitfield_info =
let bitfield_table =
(Hashtbl.create 57: (ident * string, bitfield_info) Hashtbl.t)
+let is_bitfield structid fieldname =
+ try Some (Hashtbl.find bitfield_table (structid, fieldname))
+ with Not_found -> None
(* Signedness issues *)
let unsigned_ikind_for_carrier nbits =
@@ -218,6 +221,78 @@ let bitfield_assign env bf carrier newval =
and oldval_masked = ebinint env Oand carrier notmsk in
ebinint env Oor oldval_masked newval_masked
+(* Initialize a bitfield *)
+(* Reference C code:
+unsigned int bitfield_init(int ofs, int sz, unsigned int y)
+ unsigned int mask = (1U << sz) - 1;
+ return (y & mask) << ofs;
+let bitfield_initializer bf i =
+ match i with
+ | Init_single e ->
+ let m = Int64.pred (Int64.shift_left 1L bf.bf_size) in
+ let e_mask =
+ {edesc = EConst(CInt(m, IUInt, sprintf "0x%LXU" m));
+ etyp = TInt(IUInt, [])} in
+ let e_and =
+ {edesc = EBinop(Oand, e, e_mask, TInt(IUInt,[]));
+ etyp = TInt(IUInt,[])} in
+ {edesc = EBinop(Oshl, e_and, intconst (Int64.of_int bf.bf_pos) IInt,
+ TInt(IUInt, []));
+ etyp = TInt(IUInt, [])}
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+(* Associate to the left so that it prints more nicely *)
+let or_expr_list = function
+ | [] -> intconst 0L IUInt
+ | [e] -> e
+ | e1 :: el ->
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun accu e ->
+ {edesc = EBinop(Oor, accu, e, TInt(IUInt,[]));
+ etyp = TInt(IUInt,[])})
+ e1 el
+(* Initialize the carrier for consecutive bitfields *)
+let rec pack_bitfield_init id carrier fld_init_list =
+ match fld_init_list with
+ | [] -> ([], [])
+ | (fld, i) :: rem ->
+ match is_bitfield id fld.fld_name with
+ | None ->
+ ([], fld_init_list)
+ | Some bf ->
+ if bf.bf_carrier <> carrier then
+ ([], fld_init_list)
+ else begin
+ let (el, rem') = pack_bitfield_init id carrier rem in
+ (bitfield_initializer bf i :: el, rem')
+ end
+let rec transf_struct_init id fld_init_list =
+ match fld_init_list with
+ | [] -> []
+ | (fld, i) :: rem ->
+ match is_bitfield id fld.fld_name with
+ | None ->
+ (fld, i) :: transf_struct_init id rem
+ | Some bf ->
+ let (el, rem') =
+ pack_bitfield_init id bf.bf_carrier fld_init_list in
+ ({fld_name = bf.bf_carrier; fld_typ = bf.bf_carrier_typ;
+ fld_bitfield = None},
+ Init_single {edesc = ECast(bf.bf_carrier_typ, or_expr_list el);
+ etyp = bf.bf_carrier_typ})
+ :: transf_struct_init id rem'
(* Check whether a field access (e.f or e->f) is a bitfield access.
If so, return carrier expression (e and *e, respectively)
and bitfield_info *)
@@ -246,194 +321,134 @@ let rec is_bitfield_access env e =
(* Expressions *)
-let transf_expr env ctx e =
- let rec texp ctx e =
- match e.edesc with
- | EConst _ -> e
- | ESizeof _ -> e
- | EAlignof _ -> e
- | EVar _ -> e
- | EUnop(Odot s, e1) ->
- begin match is_bitfield_access env e with
- | None ->
- {edesc = EUnop(Odot s, texp Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
- | Some(ex, bf) ->
- transf_read ex bf
- end
- | EUnop(Oarrow s, e1) ->
- begin match is_bitfield_access env e with
- | None ->
- {edesc = EUnop(Oarrow s, texp Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
- | Some(ex, bf) ->
- transf_read ex bf
- end
- | EUnop((Opreincr|Opredecr) as op, e1) ->
- begin match is_bitfield_access env e1 with
- | None ->
- {edesc = EUnop(op, texp Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
- | Some(ex, bf) ->
- transf_pre ctx (op_for_incr_decr op) ex bf e1.etyp
- end
- | EUnop((Opostincr|Opostdecr) as op, e1) ->
- begin match is_bitfield_access env e1 with
- | None ->
- {edesc = EUnop(op, texp Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
- | Some(ex, bf) ->
- transf_post ctx (op_for_incr_decr op) ex bf e1.etyp
- end
- | EUnop(op, e1) ->
- {edesc = EUnop(op, texp Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
- | EBinop(Oassign, e1, e2, ty) ->
- begin match is_bitfield_access env e1 with
- | None ->
- {edesc = EBinop(Oassign, texp Val e1, texp Val e2, ty);
- etyp = e.etyp}
- | Some(ex, bf) ->
- transf_assign ctx ex bf e2
+let rec transf_exp env ctx e =
+ match e.edesc with
+ | EConst _ -> e
+ | ESizeof _ -> e
+ | EAlignof _ -> e
+ | EVar _ -> e
+ | EUnop(Odot s, e1) ->
+ begin match is_bitfield_access env e with
+ | None ->
+ {edesc = EUnop(Odot s, transf_exp env Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
+ | Some(ex, bf) ->
+ transf_read env ex bf
+ end
+ | EUnop(Oarrow s, e1) ->
+ begin match is_bitfield_access env e with
+ | None ->
+ {edesc = EUnop(Oarrow s, transf_exp env Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
+ | Some(ex, bf) ->
+ transf_read env ex bf
- | EBinop((Oadd_assign|Osub_assign|Omul_assign|Odiv_assign
- |Omod_assign|Oand_assign|Oor_assign|Oxor_assign
- |Oshl_assign|Oshr_assign) as op,
- e1, e2, ty) ->
- begin match is_bitfield_access env e1 with
- | None ->
- {edesc = EBinop(op, texp Val e1, texp Val e2, ty); etyp = e.etyp}
- | Some(ex, bf) ->
- transf_assignop ctx (op_for_assignop op) ex bf e2 ty
+ | EUnop((Opreincr|Opredecr) as op, e1) ->
+ begin match is_bitfield_access env e1 with
+ | None ->
+ {edesc = EUnop(op, transf_exp env Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
+ | Some(ex, bf) ->
+ transf_pre env ctx (op_for_incr_decr op) ex bf e1.etyp
- | EBinop(Ocomma, e1, e2, ty) ->
- {edesc = EBinop(Ocomma, texp Effects e1, texp Val e2, ty);
- etyp = e.etyp}
- | EBinop(op, e1, e2, ty) ->
- {edesc = EBinop(op, texp Val e1, texp Val e2, ty); etyp = e.etyp}
- | EConditional(e1, e2, e3) ->
- {edesc = EConditional(texp Val e1, texp ctx e2, texp ctx e3);
- etyp = e.etyp}
- | ECast(ty, e1) ->
- {edesc = ECast(ty, texp Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
- | ECompound _ ->
- assert false (* does not occur in unblocked code *)
- | ECall(e1, el) ->
- {edesc = ECall(texp Val e1, List.map (texp Val) el); etyp = e.etyp}
- and transf_read e bf =
- bitfield_extract env bf
- {edesc = EUnop(Odot bf.bf_carrier, texp Val e); etyp = bf.bf_carrier_typ}
- and transf_assign ctx e1 bf e2 =
- bind_lvalue env (texp Val e1) (fun base ->
- let carrier =
- {edesc = EUnop(Odot bf.bf_carrier, base); etyp = bf.bf_carrier_typ} in
- let asg =
- eassign carrier (bitfield_assign env bf carrier (texp Val e2)) in
- if ctx = Val then ecomma asg (bitfield_extract env bf carrier) else asg)
- and transf_assignop ctx op e1 bf e2 tyres =
- bind_lvalue env (texp Val e1) (fun base ->
+ | EUnop((Opostincr|Opostdecr) as op, e1) ->
+ begin match is_bitfield_access env e1 with
+ | None ->
+ {edesc = EUnop(op, transf_exp env Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
+ | Some(ex, bf) ->
+ transf_post env ctx (op_for_incr_decr op) ex bf e1.etyp
+ end
+ | EUnop(op, e1) ->
+ {edesc = EUnop(op, transf_exp env Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
+ | EBinop(Oassign, e1, e2, ty) ->
+ begin match is_bitfield_access env e1 with
+ | None ->
+ {edesc = EBinop(Oassign, transf_exp env Val e1,
+ transf_exp env Val e2, ty);
+ etyp = e.etyp}
+ | Some(ex, bf) ->
+ transf_assign env ctx ex bf e2
+ end
+ | EBinop((Oadd_assign|Osub_assign|Omul_assign|Odiv_assign
+ |Omod_assign|Oand_assign|Oor_assign|Oxor_assign
+ |Oshl_assign|Oshr_assign) as op,
+ e1, e2, ty) ->
+ begin match is_bitfield_access env e1 with
+ | None ->
+ {edesc = EBinop(op, transf_exp env Val e1,
+ transf_exp env Val e2, ty); etyp = e.etyp}
+ | Some(ex, bf) ->
+ transf_assignop env ctx (op_for_assignop op) ex bf e2 ty
+ end
+ | EBinop(Ocomma, e1, e2, ty) ->
+ {edesc = EBinop(Ocomma, transf_exp env Effects e1,
+ transf_exp env Val e2, ty);
+ etyp = e.etyp}
+ | EBinop(op, e1, e2, ty) ->
+ {edesc = EBinop(op, transf_exp env Val e1, transf_exp env Val e2, ty);
+ etyp = e.etyp}
+ | EConditional(e1, e2, e3) ->
+ {edesc = EConditional(transf_exp env Val e1,
+ transf_exp env ctx e2, transf_exp env ctx e3);
+ etyp = e.etyp}
+ | ECast(ty, e1) ->
+ {edesc = ECast(ty, transf_exp env Val e1); etyp = e.etyp}
+ | ECompound(ty, i) ->
+ {edesc = ECompound(ty, transf_init env i); etyp = e.etyp}
+ | ECall(e1, el) ->
+ {edesc = ECall(transf_exp env Val e1, List.map (transf_exp env Val) el);
+ etyp = e.etyp}
+and transf_read env e bf =
+ bitfield_extract env bf
+ {edesc = EUnop(Odot bf.bf_carrier, transf_exp env Val e);
+ etyp = bf.bf_carrier_typ}
+and transf_assign env ctx e1 bf e2 =
+ bind_lvalue env (transf_exp env Val e1) (fun base ->
+ let carrier =
+ {edesc = EUnop(Odot bf.bf_carrier, base); etyp = bf.bf_carrier_typ} in
+ let asg =
+ eassign carrier (bitfield_assign env bf carrier (transf_exp env Val e2)) in
+ if ctx = Val then ecomma asg (bitfield_extract env bf carrier) else asg)
+and transf_assignop env ctx op e1 bf e2 tyres =
+ bind_lvalue env (transf_exp env Val e1) (fun base ->
+ let carrier =
+ {edesc = EUnop(Odot bf.bf_carrier, base); etyp = bf.bf_carrier_typ} in
+ let rhs =
+ {edesc = EBinop(op, bitfield_extract env bf carrier, transf_exp env Val e2, tyres);
+ etyp = tyres} in
+ let asg =
+ eassign carrier (bitfield_assign env bf carrier rhs) in
+ if ctx = Val then ecomma asg (bitfield_extract env bf carrier) else asg)
+and transf_pre env ctx op e1 bf tyfield =
+ transf_assignop env ctx op e1 bf (intconst 1L IInt)
+ (unary_conversion env tyfield)
+and transf_post env ctx op e1 bf tyfield =
+ if ctx = Effects then
+ transf_pre env ctx op e1 bf tyfield
+ else begin
+ bind_lvalue env (transf_exp env Val e1) (fun base ->
let carrier =
{edesc = EUnop(Odot bf.bf_carrier, base); etyp = bf.bf_carrier_typ} in
+ let temp = mk_temp env tyfield in
+ let tyres = unary_conversion env tyfield in
+ let settemp = eassign temp (bitfield_extract env bf carrier) in
let rhs =
- {edesc = EBinop(op, bitfield_extract env bf carrier, texp Val e2, tyres);
- etyp = tyres} in
+ {edesc = EBinop(op, temp, intconst 1L IInt, tyres); etyp = tyres} in
let asg =
eassign carrier (bitfield_assign env bf carrier rhs) in
- if ctx = Val then ecomma asg (bitfield_extract env bf carrier) else asg)
- and transf_pre ctx op e1 bf tyfield =
- transf_assignop ctx op e1 bf (intconst 1L IInt)
- (unary_conversion env tyfield)
- and transf_post ctx op e1 bf tyfield =
- if ctx = Effects then
- transf_pre ctx op e1 bf tyfield
- else begin
- bind_lvalue env (texp Val e1) (fun base ->
- let carrier =
- {edesc = EUnop(Odot bf.bf_carrier, base); etyp = bf.bf_carrier_typ} in
- let temp = mk_temp env tyfield in
- let tyres = unary_conversion env tyfield in
- let settemp = eassign temp (bitfield_extract env bf carrier) in
- let rhs =
- {edesc = EBinop(op, temp, intconst 1L IInt, tyres); etyp = tyres} in
- let asg =
- eassign carrier (bitfield_assign env bf carrier rhs) in
- ecomma (ecomma settemp asg) temp)
- end
- in texp ctx e
-(* Statements *)
-let transf_stmt env s =
- Transform.stmt (fun loc env ctx e -> transf_expr env ctx e) env s
-(* Functions *)
-let transf_fundef env f =
- Transform.fundef transf_stmt env f
+ ecomma (ecomma settemp asg) temp)
+ end
(* Initializers *)
-let bitfield_initializer bf i =
- match i with
- | Init_single e ->
- let m = Int64.pred (Int64.shift_left 1L bf.bf_size) in
- let e_mask =
- {edesc = EConst(CInt(m, IUInt, sprintf "0x%LXU" m));
- etyp = TInt(IUInt, [])} in
- let e_and =
- {edesc = EBinop(Oand, e, e_mask, TInt(IUInt,[]));
- etyp = TInt(IUInt,[])} in
- {edesc = EBinop(Oshl, e_and, intconst (Int64.of_int bf.bf_pos) IInt,
- TInt(IUInt, []));
- etyp = TInt(IUInt, [])}
- | _ -> assert false
-let rec pack_bitfield_init id carrier fld_init_list =
- match fld_init_list with
- | [] -> ([], [])
- | (fld, i) :: rem ->
- try
- let bf = Hashtbl.find bitfield_table (id, fld.fld_name) in
- if bf.bf_carrier <> carrier then
- ([], fld_init_list)
- else begin
- let (el, rem') = pack_bitfield_init id carrier rem in
- (bitfield_initializer bf i :: el, rem')
- end
- with Not_found ->
- ([], fld_init_list)
-let rec or_expr_list = function
- | [] -> assert false
- | [e] -> e
- | e1 :: el ->
- {edesc = EBinop(Oor, e1, or_expr_list el, TInt(IUInt,[]));
- etyp = TInt(IUInt,[])}
-let rec transf_struct_init id fld_init_list =
- match fld_init_list with
- | [] -> []
- | (fld, i) :: rem ->
- try
- let bf = Hashtbl.find bitfield_table (id, fld.fld_name) in
- let (el, rem') =
- pack_bitfield_init id bf.bf_carrier fld_init_list in
- ({fld_name = bf.bf_carrier; fld_typ = bf.bf_carrier_typ;
- fld_bitfield = None},
- Init_single {edesc = ECast(bf.bf_carrier_typ, or_expr_list el);
- etyp = bf.bf_carrier_typ})
- :: transf_struct_init id rem'
- with Not_found ->
- (fld, i) :: transf_struct_init id rem
-let rec transf_init env i =
+and transf_init env i =
match i with
- | Init_single e -> Init_single (transf_expr env Val e)
+ | Init_single e -> Init_single (transf_exp env Val e)
| Init_array il -> Init_array (List.map (transf_init env) il)
| Init_struct(id, fld_init_list) ->
let fld_init_list' =
@@ -441,10 +456,25 @@ let rec transf_init env i =
Init_struct(id, transf_struct_init id fld_init_list')
| Init_union(id, fld, i) -> Init_union(id, fld, transf_init env i)
+(* Declarations *)
let transf_decl env (sto, id, ty, init_opt) =
(sto, id, ty,
match init_opt with None -> None | Some i -> Some(transf_init env i))
+(* Statements *)
+let transf_stmt env s =
+ Transform.stmt
+ ~expr:(fun loc env ctx e -> transf_exp env ctx e)
+ ~decl:transf_decl
+ env s
+(* Functions *)
+let transf_fundef env f =
+ Transform.fundef transf_stmt env f
(* Programs *)
let program p =
diff --git a/cparser/Cutil.ml b/cparser/Cutil.ml
index 4d6d2137..221bd7cc 100644
--- a/cparser/Cutil.ml
+++ b/cparser/Cutil.ml
@@ -574,6 +574,19 @@ let is_function_type env t =
| TFun _ -> true
| _ -> false
+(* Find the info for a field access *)
+let field_of_dot_access env t m =
+ match unroll env t with
+ | TStruct(id, _) -> Env.find_struct_member env (id, m)
+ | TUnion(id, _) -> Env.find_union_member env (id, m)
+ | _ -> assert false
+let field_of_arrow_access env t m =
+ match unroll env t with
+ | TPtr(t, _) | TArray(t, _, _) -> field_of_dot_access env t m
+ | _ -> assert false
(* Ranking of integer kinds *)
let integer_rank = function
@@ -964,8 +977,7 @@ let rec subst_stmt phi s =
| Sskip
| Sbreak
| Scontinue
- | Sgoto _
- | Sasm _ -> s.sdesc
+ | Sgoto _ -> s.sdesc
| Sdo e -> Sdo (subst_expr phi e)
| Sseq(s1, s2) -> Sseq (subst_stmt phi s1, subst_stmt phi s2)
| Sif(e, s1, s2) ->
@@ -981,6 +993,13 @@ let rec subst_stmt phi s =
| Sreturn (Some e) -> Sreturn (Some (subst_expr phi e))
| Sblock sl -> Sblock (List.map (subst_stmt phi) sl)
| Sdecl d -> Sdecl (subst_decl phi d)
+ | Sasm(attr, template, outputs, inputs, clob) ->
+ let subst_asm_operand (lbl, cstr, e) =
+ (lbl, cstr, subst_expr phi e) in
+ Sasm(attr, template,
+ List.map subst_asm_operand outputs,
+ List.map subst_asm_operand inputs,
+ clob)
diff --git a/cparser/Cutil.mli b/cparser/Cutil.mli
index 9d41f8fa..b1f77944 100644
--- a/cparser/Cutil.mli
+++ b/cparser/Cutil.mli
@@ -195,6 +195,10 @@ val fundef_typ: fundef -> typ
val int_representable: int64 -> int -> bool -> bool
(* Is the given int64 representable with the given number of bits and
signedness? *)
+val field_of_dot_access: Env.t -> typ -> string -> field
+ (* Return the field info for a [x.field] access *)
+val field_of_arrow_access: Env.t -> typ -> string -> field
+ (* Return the field info for a [x->field] access *)
(* Constructors *)
diff --git a/cparser/Elab.ml b/cparser/Elab.ml
index a1dd552b..bcf90f5e 100644
--- a/cparser/Elab.ml
+++ b/cparser/Elab.ml
@@ -365,6 +365,14 @@ let typespec_rank = function (* Don't change this *)
let typespec_order t1 t2 = compare (typespec_rank t1) (typespec_rank t2)
+(* Is a specifier an anonymous struct/union in the sense of ISO C2011? *)
+let is_anonymous_composite spec =
+ List.exists
+ (function SpecType(Tstruct_union(_, None, Some _, _)) -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ spec
(* Elaboration of a type specifier. Returns 5-tuple:
(storage class, "inline" flag, "typedef" flag, elaborated type, new env)
Optional argument "only" is true if this is a standalone
@@ -617,6 +625,7 @@ and elab_init_name_group loc env (spec, namelist) =
(* Elaboration of a field group *)
and elab_field_group env (Field_group (spec, fieldlist, loc)) =
let fieldlist = List.map (
| (None, x) -> (Name ("", JUSTBASE, [], cabslu), x)
@@ -629,6 +638,11 @@ and elab_field_group env (Field_group (spec, fieldlist, loc)) =
if sto <> Storage_default then
error loc "non-default storage in struct or union";
+ if fieldlist = [] then
+ if is_anonymous_composite spec then
+ error loc "ISO C99 does not support anonymous structs/unions"
+ else
+ warning loc "declaration does not declare any members";
let elab_bitfield (Name (_, _, _, loc), optbitsize) (id, ty) =
let optbitsize' =
@@ -764,7 +778,9 @@ and elab_enum_item env ((s, exp), loc) nextval =
"value of enumerator '%s' is not a compile-time constant" s;
(nextval, Some exp') in
if redef Env.lookup_ident env s then
- error loc "redefinition of enumerator '%s'" s;
+ error loc "redefinition of identifier '%s'" s;
+ if redef Env.lookup_typedef env s then
+ error loc "redefinition of typedef '%s' as different kind of symbol" s;
if not (int_representable v (8 * sizeof_ikind enum_ikind) (is_signed_ikind enum_ikind)) then
warning loc "the value of '%s' is not representable with type %a"
s Cprint.typ (TInt(enum_ikind, []));
@@ -1406,6 +1422,23 @@ let elab_expr loc env a =
let b1 = elab a1 in
if not (is_lvalue b1 || is_function_type env b1.etyp) then
err "argument of '&' is not an l-value";
+ begin match b1.edesc with
+ | EVar id ->
+ begin match wrap Env.find_ident loc env id with
+ | Env.II_ident(Storage_register, _) ->
+ err "address of register variable '%s' requested" id.name
+ | _ -> ()
+ end
+ | EUnop(Odot f, b2) ->
+ let fld = wrap2 field_of_dot_access loc env b2.etyp f in
+ if fld.fld_bitfield <> None then
+ err "address of bit-field '%s' requested" f
+ | EUnop(Oarrow f, b2) ->
+ let fld = wrap2 field_of_arrow_access loc env b2.etyp f in
+ if fld.fld_bitfield <> None then
+ err "address of bit-field '%s' requested" f
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
{ edesc = EUnop(Oaddrof, b1); etyp = TPtr(b1.etyp, []) }
| UNARY(MEMOF, a1) ->
@@ -1753,11 +1786,15 @@ let enter_typedefs loc env sto dl =
error loc "initializer in typedef";
if redef Env.lookup_typedef env s then
error loc "redefinition of typedef '%s'" s;
+ if redef Env.lookup_ident env s then
+ error loc "redefinition of identifier '%s' as different kind of symbol" s;
let (id, env') = Env.enter_typedef env s ty in
emit_elab loc (Gtypedef(id, ty));
env') env dl
let enter_or_refine_ident local loc env s sto ty =
+ if redef Env.lookup_typedef env s then
+ error loc "redefinition of typedef '%s' as different kind of symbol" s;
match previous_def Env.lookup_ident env s with
| Some(id, II_ident(old_sto, old_ty))
when sto = Storage_extern || Env.in_current_scope env id ->
@@ -1770,15 +1807,23 @@ let enter_or_refine_ident local loc env s sto ty =
| None ->
warning loc "redefinition of '%s' with incompatible type" s; ty in
let new_sto =
- if old_sto = Storage_extern then sto else
- if sto = Storage_extern then old_sto else
- if old_sto = sto then sto else begin
- warning loc "redefinition of '%s' with incompatible storage class" s;
- sto
- end in
+ (* The only case not allowed is removing static *)
+ match old_sto,sto with
+ | Storage_static,Storage_static
+ | Storage_extern,Storage_extern
+ | Storage_register,Storage_register
+ | Storage_default,Storage_default -> sto
+ | _,Storage_static ->
+ error loc "static redefinition of '%s' after non-static definition" s; sto
+ | Storage_static,_ -> Storage_static (* Static stays static *)
+ | Storage_extern,_ -> sto
+ | _,Storage_extern -> old_sto
+ | _,Storage_register
+ | Storage_register,_ -> Storage_register
+ in
(id, new_sto, Env.add_ident env id new_sto new_ty)
| Some(id, II_enum v) when Env.in_current_scope env id ->
- error loc "illegal redefinition of enumerator '%s'" s;
+ error loc "redefinition of enumerator '%s'" s;
(id, sto, Env.add_ident env id sto ty)
| _ ->
let (id, env') = Env.enter_ident env s sto ty in (id, sto, env')
@@ -1823,7 +1868,7 @@ let enter_decdefs local loc env sto dl =
let elab_fundef env spec name body loc =
let (s, sto, inline, ty, env1) = elab_name env spec name in
if sto = Storage_register then
- error loc "a function definition cannot have 'register' storage class";
+ fatal_error loc "a function definition cannot have 'register' storage class";
(* Fix up the type. We can have params = None but only for an
old-style parameterless function "int f() {...}" *)
let ty =
diff --git a/cparser/ExtendedAsm.ml b/cparser/ExtendedAsm.ml
index 94d23102..fbf8d569 100644
--- a/cparser/ExtendedAsm.ml
+++ b/cparser/ExtendedAsm.ml
@@ -161,9 +161,10 @@ let transf_outputs loc env = function
let check_clobbers loc clob =
(fun c ->
- if Machregsaux.register_by_name c <> None
- || List.mem c Machregsaux.scratch_register_names
- || c = "memory" || c = "cc"
+ let c' = String.uppercase c in
+ if Machregsaux.register_by_name c' <> None
+ || List.mem c' Machregsaux.scratch_register_names
+ || c' = "MEMORY" || c' = "CC"
then ()
else error "%aError: unrecognized asm register clobber '%s'"
formatloc loc c)
diff --git a/cparser/PackedStructs.ml b/cparser/PackedStructs.ml
index 1f602fc1..ca6c9da5 100644
--- a/cparser/PackedStructs.ml
+++ b/cparser/PackedStructs.ml
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ let transf_expr loc env ctx e =
(* Statements *)
let transf_stmt env s =
- Transform.stmt transf_expr env s
+ Transform.stmt ~expr:transf_expr env s
(* Functions *)
diff --git a/cparser/Parse.ml b/cparser/Parse.ml
index 645465c3..317847a7 100644
--- a/cparser/Parse.ml
+++ b/cparser/Parse.ml
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ let transform_program t p name =
let run_pass pass flag p = if CharSet.mem flag t then pass p else p in
let p1 = (run_pass StructReturn.program 's'
(run_pass PackedStructs.program 'p'
- (run_pass Bitfields.program 'f'
(run_pass Unblock.program 'b'
+ (run_pass Bitfields.program 'f'
p)))) in
let debug =
if !Clflags.option_g && Configuration.advanced_debug then
diff --git a/cparser/StructReturn.ml b/cparser/StructReturn.ml
index 8bfc6954..660f1d9b 100644
--- a/cparser/StructReturn.ml
+++ b/cparser/StructReturn.ml
@@ -423,6 +423,7 @@ let transf_decl env (sto, id, ty, init) =
let transf_funbody env body optres =
let transf_expr ctx e = transf_expr env ctx e in
+let transf_asm_operand (lbl, cstr, e) = (lbl, cstr, transf_expr Val e) in
(* Function returns:
return kind scalar -> return e
@@ -484,7 +485,10 @@ let rec transf_stmt s =
{s with sdesc = Sblock(List.map transf_stmt sl)}
| Sdecl d ->
{s with sdesc = Sdecl(transf_decl env d)}
- | Sasm _ -> s
+ | Sasm(attr, template, outputs, inputs, clob) ->
+ {s with sdesc = Sasm(attr, template,
+ List.map transf_asm_operand outputs,
+ List.map transf_asm_operand inputs, clob)}
transf_stmt body
diff --git a/cparser/Transform.ml b/cparser/Transform.ml
index 3b6f10f6..6cdd8a6b 100644
--- a/cparser/Transform.ml
+++ b/cparser/Transform.ml
@@ -138,37 +138,46 @@ let expand_postincrdecr ~read ~write env ctx op l =
ecomma (eassign tmp (read l)) (ecomma (write l newval) tmp))
(* Generic transformation of a statement, transforming expressions within
- and preserving the statement structure. Applies only to unblocked code. *)
+ and preserving the statement structure.
+ If [decl] is not given, it applies only to unblocked code. *)
-let stmt trexpr env s =
+let stmt ~expr ?(decl = fun env decl -> assert false) env s =
let rec stm s =
match s.sdesc with
| Sskip -> s
| Sdo e ->
- {s with sdesc = Sdo(trexpr s.sloc env Effects e)}
+ {s with sdesc = Sdo(expr s.sloc env Effects e)}
| Sseq(s1, s2) ->
{s with sdesc = Sseq(stm s1, stm s2)}
| Sif(e, s1, s2) ->
- {s with sdesc = Sif(trexpr s.sloc env Val e, stm s1, stm s2)}
+ {s with sdesc = Sif(expr s.sloc env Val e, stm s1, stm s2)}
| Swhile(e, s1) ->
- {s with sdesc = Swhile(trexpr s.sloc env Val e, stm s1)}
+ {s with sdesc = Swhile(expr s.sloc env Val e, stm s1)}
| Sdowhile(s1, e) ->
- {s with sdesc = Sdowhile(stm s1, trexpr s.sloc env Val e)}
+ {s with sdesc = Sdowhile(stm s1, expr s.sloc env Val e)}
| Sfor(s1, e, s2, s3) ->
- {s with sdesc = Sfor(stm s1, trexpr s.sloc env Val e, stm s2, stm s3)}
+ {s with sdesc = Sfor(stm s1, expr s.sloc env Val e, stm s2, stm s3)}
| Sbreak -> s
| Scontinue -> s
| Sswitch(e, s1) ->
- {s with sdesc = Sswitch(trexpr s.sloc env Val e, stm s1)}
+ {s with sdesc = Sswitch(expr s.sloc env Val e, stm s1)}
| Slabeled(lbl, s) ->
{s with sdesc = Slabeled(lbl, stm s)}
| Sgoto lbl -> s
| Sreturn None -> s
| Sreturn (Some e) ->
- {s with sdesc = Sreturn(Some(trexpr s.sloc env Val e))}
- | Sasm _ -> s
- | Sblock _ | Sdecl _ ->
- assert false (* should not occur in unblocked code *)
+ {s with sdesc = Sreturn(Some(expr s.sloc env Val e))}
+ | Sasm(attr, template, outputs, inputs, clob) ->
+ let asm_operand (lbl, cstr, e) =
+ (lbl, cstr, expr s.sloc env Val e) in
+ {s with sdesc = Sasm(attr, template,
+ List.map asm_operand outputs,
+ List.map asm_operand inputs, clob)}
+ | Sblock sl ->
+ {s with sdesc = Sblock (List.map stm sl)}
+ | Sdecl d ->
+ {s with sdesc = Sdecl (decl env d)}
in stm s
(* Generic transformation of a function definition *)
diff --git a/cparser/Transform.mli b/cparser/Transform.mli
index 718a2f9c..57a4737b 100644
--- a/cparser/Transform.mli
+++ b/cparser/Transform.mli
@@ -50,8 +50,10 @@ val expand_postincrdecr :
(** Generic transformation of a statement *)
-val stmt : (C.location -> Env.t -> context -> C.exp -> C.exp) ->
- Env.t -> C.stmt -> C.stmt
+val stmt :
+ expr: (C.location -> Env.t -> context -> C.exp -> C.exp) ->
+ ?decl: (Env.t -> C.decl -> C.decl) ->
+ Env.t -> C.stmt -> C.stmt
(** Generic transformation of a function definition *)
diff --git a/cparser/Unblock.ml b/cparser/Unblock.ml
index 4013db9b..91f50552 100644
--- a/cparser/Unblock.ml
+++ b/cparser/Unblock.ml
@@ -225,7 +225,13 @@ let rec unblock_stmt env s =
{s with sdesc = Sreturn(Some (expand_expr true env e))}
| Sblock sl -> unblock_block env sl
| Sdecl d -> assert false
- | Sasm _ -> s
+ | Sasm(attr, template, outputs, inputs, clob) ->
+ let expand_asm_operand (lbl, cstr, e) =
+ (lbl, cstr, expand_expr true env e) in
+ {s with sdesc = Sasm(attr, template,
+ List.map expand_asm_operand outputs,
+ List.map expand_asm_operand inputs, clob)}
and unblock_block env = function
| [] -> sskip