path: root/driver
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'driver')
3 files changed, 250 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/driver/Commandline.ml b/driver/Commandline.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc095af6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver/Commandline.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
+(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
+(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* Parsing of command-line flags and arguments *)
+open Printf
+type pattern =
+ | Exact of string
+ | Prefix of string
+ | Suffix of string
+ | Regexp of Str.regexp
+let _Regexp re = Regexp (Str.regexp re)
+type action =
+ | Set of bool ref
+ | Unset of bool ref
+ | Self of (string -> unit)
+ | String of (string -> unit)
+ | Integer of (int -> unit)
+let match_pattern text = function
+ | Exact s ->
+ text = s
+ | Prefix pref ->
+ let lpref = String.length pref and ltext = String.length text in
+ lpref < ltext && String.sub text 0 lpref = pref
+ (* strict prefix: no match if pref = text. See below. *)
+ | Suffix suff ->
+ let lsuff = String.length suff and ltext = String.length text in
+ lsuff < ltext && String.sub text (ltext - lsuff) lsuff = suff
+ (* strict suffix: no match if suff = text, so that e.g. ".c"
+ causes an error rather than being treated as a C source file. *)
+ | Regexp re ->
+ Str.string_match re text 0
+let rec find_action text = function
+ | [] -> None
+ | (pat, act) :: rem ->
+ if match_pattern text pat then Some act else find_action text rem
+let parse_array spec usage argv first last =
+ (* Split the spec into Exact patterns (in a hashtable) and other patterns *)
+ let exact_cases = (Hashtbl.create 29 : (string, action) Hashtbl.t) in
+ let rec split_spec = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (Exact s, act) :: rem -> Hashtbl.add exact_cases s act; split_spec rem
+ | (pat, act) :: rem -> (pat, act) :: split_spec rem in
+ let inexact_cases = split_spec spec in
+ (* Parse the vector of arguments *)
+ let rec parse i =
+ if i <= last then begin
+ let s = argv.(i) in
+ let optact =
+ try Some (Hashtbl.find exact_cases s)
+ with Not_found -> find_action s inexact_cases in
+ match optact with
+ | None ->
+ if s <> "-help" && s <> "--help"
+ then eprintf "Unknown argument `%s'\n" s
+ else printf "%s" usage;
+ exit 2
+ | Some(Set r) ->
+ r := true; parse (i+1)
+ | Some(Unset r) ->
+ r := false; parse (i+1)
+ | Some(Self fn) ->
+ fn s; parse (i+1)
+ | Some(String fn) ->
+ if i + 1 <= last then begin
+ fn argv.(i+1); parse (i+2)
+ end else begin
+ eprintf "Option `%s' expects an argument\n" s; exit 2
+ end
+ | Some(Integer fn) ->
+ if i + 1 <= last then begin
+ let n =
+ try
+ int_of_string argv.(i+1)
+ with Failure _ ->
+ eprintf "Argument to option `%s' must be an integer\n" s;
+ exit 2
+ in
+ fn n; parse (i+2)
+ end else begin
+ eprintf "Option `%s' expects an argument\n" s; exit 2
+ end
+ end
+ in parse first
+let parse_cmdline spec usage =
+ parse_array spec usage Sys.argv 1 (Array.length Sys.argv - 1)
diff --git a/driver/Commandline.mli b/driver/Commandline.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a18905f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver/Commandline.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
+(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
+(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* Parsing of command-line flags and arguments *)
+(* A command-line specification is a list of pairs (pattern, action).
+ Command-line words are matched against the patterns, and the
+ corresponding actions are invoked. *)
+type pattern =
+ | Exact of string (** exactly this string *)
+ | Prefix of string (** any string starting with this prefix *)
+ | Suffix of string (** any string ending with this suffix *)
+ | Regexp of Str.regexp (** any string matching this anchored regexp *)
+val _Regexp: string -> pattern (** text of an [Str] regexp *)
+type action =
+ | Set of bool ref (** set the given ref to true *)
+ | Unset of bool ref (** set the given ref to false *)
+ | Self of (string -> unit) (** call the function with the matched string *)
+ | String of (string -> unit) (** read next arg as a string, call function *)
+ | Integer of (int -> unit) (** read next arg as an int, call function *)
+val parse_cmdline:
+ (pattern * action) list -> string (* usage string *) -> unit
+(* Note on precedence: [Exact] patterns are tried first, then the other
+ patterns are tried in the order in which they appear in the list. *)
diff --git a/driver/Driver.ml b/driver/Driver.ml
index 18005302..602b01be 100644
--- a/driver/Driver.ml
+++ b/driver/Driver.ml
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
(* *********************************************************************)
open Printf
+open Commandline
open Camlcoq
open Clflags
open Timing
@@ -89,7 +90,6 @@ let parse_c_file sourcename ifile =
(* Simplification options *)
let simplifs =
"b" (* blocks: mandatory *)
-(* ^ (if !option_flonglong then "l" else "") *)
^ (if !option_fstruct_return then "s" else "")
^ (if !option_fbitfields then "f" else "")
^ (if !option_fpacked_structs then "p" else "")
@@ -170,6 +170,14 @@ let compile_c_file sourcename ifile ofile =
(* From Cminor to asm *)
let compile_cminor_file ifile ofile =
+ (* Prepare to dump RTL, Mach, etc, if requested *)
+ let set_dest dst opt ext =
+ dst := if !opt then Some (output_filename ifile ".cm" ext)
+ else None in
+ set_dest PrintRTL.destination option_drtl ".rtl";
+ set_dest Regalloc.destination_alloctrace option_dalloctrace ".alloctrace";
+ set_dest PrintLTL.destination option_dltl ".ltl";
+ set_dest PrintMach.destination option_dmach ".mach";
let ic = open_in ifile in
let lb = Lexing.from_channel ic in
@@ -292,7 +300,7 @@ let process_cminor_file sourcename =
then output_filename sourcename ".cm" ".s"
else Filename.temp_file "compcert" ".s" in
compile_cminor_file sourcename asmname;
- let objname = output_filename ~final: !option_c sourcename ".c" ".o" in
+ let objname = output_filename ~final: !option_c sourcename ".cm" ".o" in
assemble asmname objname;
if not !option_dasm then safe_remove asmname;
@@ -318,6 +326,17 @@ let process_S_file sourcename =
+(* Processing of .h files *)
+let process_h_file sourcename =
+ if !option_E then begin
+ preprocess sourcename (output_filename_default "-");
+ ""
+ end else begin
+ eprintf "Error: input file %s ignored (not in -E mode)\n" sourcename;
+ exit 2
+ end
(* Record actions to be performed after parsing the command line *)
let actions : ((string -> string) * string) list ref = ref []
@@ -341,57 +360,6 @@ let explode_comma_option s =
| [] -> assert false
| hd :: tl -> tl
-type action =
- | Set of bool ref
- | Unset of bool ref
- | Self of (string -> unit)
- | String of (string -> unit)
- | Integer of (int -> unit)
-let rec find_action s = function
- | [] -> None
- | (re, act) :: rem ->
- if Str.string_match re s 0 then Some act else find_action s rem
-let parse_cmdline spec usage =
- let acts = List.map (fun (pat, act) -> (Str.regexp pat, act)) spec in
- let rec parse i =
- if i < Array.length Sys.argv then begin
- let s = Sys.argv.(i) in
- match find_action s acts with
- | None ->
- if s <> "-help" && s <> "--help"
- then eprintf "Unknown argument `%s'\n" s
- else printf "%s" usage;
- exit 2
- | Some(Set r) ->
- r := true; parse (i+1)
- | Some(Unset r) ->
- r := false; parse (i+1)
- | Some(Self fn) ->
- fn s; parse (i+1)
- | Some(String fn) ->
- if i + 1 < Array.length Sys.argv then begin
- fn Sys.argv.(i+1); parse (i+2)
- end else begin
- eprintf "Option `%s' expects an argument\n" s; exit 2
- end
- | Some(Integer fn) ->
- if i + 1 < Array.length Sys.argv then begin
- let n =
- try
- int_of_string Sys.argv.(i+1)
- with Failure _ ->
- eprintf "Argument to option `%s' must be an integer\n" s;
- exit 2
- in
- fn n; parse (i+2)
- end else begin
- eprintf "Option `%s' expects an argument\n" s; exit 2
- end
- end
- in parse 1
let usage_string =
"The CompCert C verified compiler, version " ^ Configuration.version ^ "
Usage: ccomp [options] <source files>
@@ -478,75 +446,91 @@ let num_source_files = ref 0
let cmdline_actions =
let f_opt name ref =
- ["-f" ^ name ^ "$", Set ref; "-fno-" ^ name ^ "$", Unset ref] in
+ [Exact("-f" ^ name), Set ref; Exact("-fno-" ^ name), Unset ref] in
- "-I$", String(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: "-I" :: !prepro_options);
- "-D$", String(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: "-D" :: !prepro_options);
- "-U$", String(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: "-U" :: !prepro_options);
- "-[IDU].", Self(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: !prepro_options);
- "-[lL].", Self(fun s -> push_linker_arg s);
- "-o$", String(fun s -> option_o := Some s);
- "-E$", Set option_E;
- "-S$", Set option_S;
- "-c$", Set option_c;
- "-v$", Set option_v;
- "-g$", Self (fun s -> option_g := true; push_linker_arg s);
- "-stdlib$", String(fun s -> stdlib_path := s);
- "-dparse$", Set option_dparse;
- "-dc$", Set option_dcmedium;
- "-dclight$", Set option_dclight;
- "-dcminor", Set option_dcminor;
- "-drtl$", Set option_drtl;
- "-dltl$", Set option_dltl;
- "-dalloctrace$", Set option_dalloctrace;
- "-dmach$", Set option_dmach;
- "-dasm$", Set option_dasm;
- "-sdump$", Set option_sdump;
- "-interp$", Set option_interp;
- "-quiet$", Self (fun _ -> Interp.trace := 0);
- "-trace$", Self (fun _ -> Interp.trace := 2);
- "-random$", Self (fun _ -> Interp.mode := Interp.Random);
- "-all$", Self (fun _ -> Interp.mode := Interp.All);
- ".*\\.c$", Self (fun s ->
- push_action process_c_file s;
- incr num_source_files);
- ".*\\.[ip]$", Self (fun s ->
- push_action process_i_file s;
- incr num_source_files);
- ".*\\.cm$", Self (fun s ->
- push_action process_cminor_file s;
- incr num_source_files);
- ".*\\.s$", Self (fun s ->
- push_action process_s_file s;
- incr num_source_files);
- ".*\\.S$", Self (fun s ->
- push_action process_S_file s;
- incr num_source_files);
- ".*\\.[oa]$", Self (fun s ->
- push_linker_arg s);
- "-Wp,", Self (fun s ->
- prepro_options := List.rev_append (explode_comma_option s) !prepro_options);
- "-Wa,", Self (fun s ->
- assembler_options := s :: !assembler_options);
- "-Wl,", Self (fun s ->
- push_linker_arg s);
- "-Os$", Set option_Osize;
- "-O$", Unset option_Osize;
- "-timings$", Set option_timings;
- "-mthumb$", Set option_mthumb;
- "-marm$", Unset option_mthumb;
- "-fsmall-data$", Integer(fun n -> option_small_data := n);
- "-fsmall-const$", Integer(fun n -> option_small_const := n);
- "-ffloat-const-prop$", Integer(fun n -> option_ffloatconstprop := n);
- "-falign-functions$", Integer(fun n -> option_falignfunctions := Some n);
- "-falign-branch-targets", Integer(fun n -> option_falignbranchtargets := n);
- "-falign-cond-branches", Integer(fun n -> option_faligncondbranchs := n);
- "-fall$", Self (fun _ ->
+(* File arguments *)
+ Suffix ".c", Self (fun s ->
+ push_action process_c_file s; incr num_source_files);
+ Suffix ".i", Self (fun s ->
+ push_action process_i_file s; incr num_source_files);
+ Suffix ".p", Self (fun s ->
+ push_action process_i_file s; incr num_source_files);
+ Suffix ".cm", Self (fun s ->
+ push_action process_cminor_file s; incr num_source_files);
+ Suffix ".s", Self (fun s ->
+ push_action process_s_file s; incr num_source_files);
+ Suffix ".S", Self (fun s ->
+ push_action process_S_file s; incr num_source_files);
+ Suffix ".o", Self push_linker_arg;
+ Suffix ".a", Self push_linker_arg;
+ (* GCC compatibility: .o.ext files are also object files *)
+ _Regexp ".*\\.o\\.", Self push_linker_arg;
+ (* GCC compatibility: .h files can be preprocessed with -E *)
+ Suffix ".h", Self (fun s ->
+ push_action process_h_file s; incr num_source_files);
+(* Processing options *)
+ Exact "-c", Set option_c;
+ Exact "-E", Set option_E;
+ Exact "-S", Set option_S;
+ Exact "-o", String(fun s -> option_o := Some s);
+(* Preprocessing options *)
+ Exact "-I", String(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: "-I" :: !prepro_options);
+ Prefix "-I", Self(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: !prepro_options);
+ Exact "-D", String(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: "-D" :: !prepro_options);
+ Prefix "-D", Self(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: !prepro_options);
+ Exact "-U", String(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: "-U" :: !prepro_options);
+ Prefix "-U", Self(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: !prepro_options);
+ Prefix "-Wp,", Self (fun s ->
+ prepro_options := List.rev_append (explode_comma_option s) !prepro_options);
+(* Language support options -- more below *)
+ Exact "-fall", Self (fun _ ->
List.iter (fun r -> r := true) language_support_options);
- "-fnone$", Self (fun _ ->
+ Exact "-fnone", Self (fun _ ->
List.iter (fun r -> r := false) language_support_options);
+(* Debugging options *)
+ Exact "-g", Self (fun s -> option_g := true; push_linker_arg s);
+(* Code generation options -- more below *)
+ Exact "-Os", Set option_Osize;
+ Exact "-O", Unset option_Osize;
+ Exact "-fsmall-data", Integer(fun n -> option_small_data := n);
+ Exact "-fsmall-const", Integer(fun n -> option_small_const := n);
+ Exact "-ffloat-const-prop", Integer(fun n -> option_ffloatconstprop := n);
+ Exact "-falign-functions", Integer(fun n -> option_falignfunctions := Some n);
+ Exact "-falign-branch-targets", Integer(fun n -> option_falignbranchtargets := n);
+ Exact "-falign-cond-branches", Integer(fun n -> option_faligncondbranchs := n);
+(* Target processor options *)
+ Exact "-mthumb", Set option_mthumb;
+ Exact "-marm", Unset option_mthumb;
+(* Assembling options *)
+ Prefix "-Wa,", Self (fun s -> assembler_options := s :: !assembler_options);
+(* Linking options *)
+ Prefix "-l", Self push_linker_arg;
+ Prefix "-L", Self push_linker_arg;
+ Prefix "-Wl,", Self push_linker_arg;
+(* Tracing options *)
+ Exact "-dparse", Set option_dparse;
+ Exact "-dc", Set option_dcmedium;
+ Exact "-dclight", Set option_dclight;
+ Exact "-dcminor", Set option_dcminor;
+ Exact "-drtl", Set option_drtl;
+ Exact "-dltl", Set option_dltl;
+ Exact "-dalloctrace", Set option_dalloctrace;
+ Exact "-dmach", Set option_dmach;
+ Exact "-dasm", Set option_dasm;
+ Exact "-sdump", Set option_sdump;
+(* General options *)
+ Exact "-v", Set option_v;
+ Exact "-stdlib", String(fun s -> stdlib_path := s);
+ Exact "-timings", Set option_timings;
+(* Interpreter mode *)
+ Exact "-interp", Set option_interp;
+ Exact "-quiet", Self (fun _ -> Interp.trace := 0);
+ Exact "-trace", Self (fun _ -> Interp.trace := 2);
+ Exact "-random", Self (fun _ -> Interp.mode := Interp.Random);
+ Exact "-all", Self (fun _ -> Interp.mode := Interp.All)
- @ f_opt "tailcalls" option_ftailcalls
+(* -f options: come in -f and -fno- variants *)
+(* Language support options *)
@ f_opt "longdouble" option_flongdouble
@ f_opt "struct-return" option_fstruct_return
@ f_opt "bitfields" option_fbitfields
@@ -554,6 +538,8 @@ let cmdline_actions =
@ f_opt "unprototyped" option_funprototyped
@ f_opt "packed-structs" option_fpacked_structs
@ f_opt "inline-asm" option_finline_asm
+(* Code generation options *)
+ @ f_opt "tailcalls" option_ftailcalls
@ f_opt "fpu" option_ffpu
@ f_opt "sse" option_ffpu (* backward compatibility *)