path: root/driver
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1 files changed, 51 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/driver/Interp.ml b/driver/Interp.ml
index 99f9f4f3..25d363cf 100644
--- a/driver/Interp.ml
+++ b/driver/Interp.ml
@@ -296,10 +296,13 @@ let extract_string m blk ofs =
(* Emulation of printf *)
-(* All ISO C 99 formats except size modifier [L] (long double) *)
+(* All ISO C 99 formats *)
-let re_conversion = Str.regexp
- "%[-+0# ]*[0-9]*\\(\\.[0-9]*\\)?\\([lhjzt]\\|hh\\|ll\\)?\\([aAcdeEfgGinopsuxX%]\\)"
+let re_conversion = Str.regexp (
+ "\\(%[-+0# ]*[0-9]*\\(\\.[0-9]*\\)?\\)" (* group 1: flags, width, precision *)
+^ "\\(\\|[lhjztL]\\|hh\\|ll\\)" (* group 3: length modifier *)
+^ "\\([aAcdeEfgGinopsuxX%]\\)" (* group 4: conversion specifier *)
external format_float: string -> float -> string
= "caml_format_float"
@@ -308,6 +311,36 @@ external format_int32: string -> int32 -> string
external format_int64: string -> int64 -> string
= "caml_int64_format"
+let format_value m flags length conv arg =
+ match conv.[0], length, arg with
+ | ('d'|'i'|'u'|'o'|'x'|'X'|'c'), (""|"h"|"hh"|"l"|"z"|"t"), Vint i ->
+ format_int32 (flags ^ conv) (camlint_of_coqint i)
+ | ('d'|'i'|'u'|'o'|'x'|'X'|'c'), (""|"h"|"hh"|"l"|"z"|"t"), _ ->
+ "<int argument expected>"
+ | ('d'|'i'|'u'|'o'|'x'|'X'), ("ll"|"j"), Vlong i ->
+ format_int64 (flags ^ conv) (camlint64_of_coqint i)
+ | ('d'|'i'|'u'|'o'|'x'|'X'), ("ll"|"j"), _ ->
+ "<long long argument expected"
+ | ('f'|'e'|'E'|'g'|'G'|'a'), "", Vfloat f ->
+ format_float (flags ^ conv) (camlfloat_of_coqfloat f)
+ | ('f'|'e'|'E'|'g'|'G'|'a'), "", _ ->
+ "<float argument expected"
+ | 's', "", Vptr(blk, ofs) ->
+ begin match extract_string m blk ofs with
+ | Some s -> s
+ | None -> "<bad string>"
+ end
+ | 's', "", _ ->
+ "<pointer argument expected>"
+ | 'p', "", Vptr(blk, ofs) ->
+ Printf.sprintf "<%ld%+ld>" (P.to_int32 blk) (camlint_of_coqint ofs)
+ | 'p', "", Vint i ->
+ format_int32 (flags ^ "x") (camlint_of_coqint i)
+ | 'p', "", _ ->
+ "<int or pointer argument expected>"
+ | _, _, _ ->
+ "<unrecognized format>"
let do_printf m fmt args =
let b = Buffer.create 80 in
@@ -324,38 +357,22 @@ let do_printf m fmt args =
Buffer.add_substring b fmt pos (len - pos)
| Some pos1 ->
Buffer.add_substring b fmt pos (pos1 - pos);
- let pat = Str.matched_string fmt
- and conv = Str.matched_group 3 fmt
+ let flags = Str.matched_group 1 fmt
+ and length = Str.matched_group 3 fmt
+ and conv = Str.matched_group 4 fmt
and pos' = Str.match_end() in
- match args, conv.[0] with
- | _, '%' ->
- Buffer.add_char b '%';
- scan pos' args
- | [], _ ->
- Buffer.add_string b "<missing argument>";
- scan pos' []
- | Vint i :: args', ('d'|'i'|'u'|'o'|'x'|'X'|'c') ->
- Buffer.add_string b (format_int32 pat (camlint_of_coqint i));
- scan pos' args'
- | Vfloat f :: args', ('f'|'e'|'E'|'g'|'G'|'a') ->
- Buffer.add_string b (format_float pat (camlfloat_of_coqfloat f));
- scan pos' args'
- | Vlong i :: args', ('d'|'i'|'u'|'o'|'x'|'X') ->
- let pat = Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "ll") "" pat in
- Buffer.add_string b (format_int64 pat (camlint64_of_coqint i));
- scan pos' args'
- | Vptr(blk, ofs) :: args', 's' ->
- Buffer.add_string b
- (match extract_string m blk ofs with
- | Some s -> s
- | None -> "<bad string>");
- scan pos' args'
- | Vptr(blk, ofs) :: args', 'p' ->
- Printf.bprintf b "<%ld%+ld>" (P.to_int32 blk) (camlint_of_coqint ofs);
- scan pos' args'
- | _ :: args', _ ->
- Buffer.add_string b "<formatting error>";
- scan pos' args'
+ if conv = "%" then begin
+ Buffer.add_char b '%';
+ scan pos' args
+ end else begin
+ match args with
+ | [] ->
+ Buffer.add_string b "<missing argument>";
+ scan pos' []
+ | arg :: args' ->
+ Buffer.add_string b (format_value m flags length conv arg);
+ scan pos' args'
+ end
in scan 0 args; Buffer.contents b