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+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
+(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
+(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(** A persistent union-find data structure. *)
+Require Import Wf.
+Require Recdef.
+Require Setoid.
+Require Coq.Program.Wf.
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Open Scope nat_scope.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Module Type MAP.
+ Variable elt: Type.
+ Variable elt_eq: forall (x y: elt), {x=y} + {x<>y}.
+ Variable t: Type -> Type.
+ Variable empty: forall (A: Type), t A.
+ Variable get: forall (A: Type), elt -> t A -> option A.
+ Variable set: forall (A: Type), elt -> A -> t A -> t A.
+ Hypothesis gempty: forall (A: Type) (x: elt), get x (empty A) = None.
+ Hypothesis gsspec: forall (A: Type) (x y: elt) (v: A) (m: t A),
+ get x (set y v m) = if elt_eq x y then Some v else get x m.
+End MAP.
+Unset Implicit Arguments.
+Module Type UNIONFIND.
+ Variable elt: Type.
+ Variable elt_eq: forall (x y: elt), {x=y} + {x<>y}.
+ Variable t: Type.
+ Variable repr: t -> elt -> elt.
+ Hypothesis repr_canonical: forall uf a, repr uf (repr uf a) = repr uf a.
+ Definition sameclass (uf: t) (a b: elt) : Prop := repr uf a = repr uf b.
+ Hypothesis sameclass_refl:
+ forall uf a, sameclass uf a a.
+ Hypothesis sameclass_sym:
+ forall uf a b, sameclass uf a b -> sameclass uf b a.
+ Hypothesis sameclass_trans:
+ forall uf a b c,
+ sameclass uf a b -> sameclass uf b c -> sameclass uf a c.
+ Hypothesis sameclass_repr:
+ forall uf a, sameclass uf a (repr uf a).
+ Variable empty: t.
+ Hypothesis repr_empty:
+ forall a, repr empty a = a.
+ Hypothesis sameclass_empty:
+ forall a b, sameclass empty a b -> a = b.
+ Variable find: t -> elt -> elt * t.
+ Hypothesis find_repr:
+ forall uf a, fst (find uf a) = repr uf a.
+ Hypothesis find_unchanged:
+ forall uf a x, repr (snd (find uf a)) x = repr uf x.
+ Hypothesis sameclass_find_1:
+ forall uf a x y, sameclass (snd (find uf a)) x y <-> sameclass uf x y.
+ Hypothesis sameclass_find_2:
+ forall uf a, sameclass uf a (fst (find uf a)).
+ Hypothesis sameclass_find_3:
+ forall uf a, sameclass (snd (find uf a)) a (fst (find uf a)).
+ Variable union: t -> elt -> elt -> t.
+ Hypothesis repr_union_1:
+ forall uf a b x, repr uf x <> repr uf a -> repr (union uf a b) x = repr uf x.
+ Hypothesis repr_union_2:
+ forall uf a b x, repr uf x = repr uf a -> repr (union uf a b) x = repr uf b.
+ Hypothesis repr_union_3:
+ forall uf a b, repr (union uf a b) b = repr uf b.
+ Hypothesis sameclass_union_1:
+ forall uf a b, sameclass (union uf a b) a b.
+ Hypothesis sameclass_union_2:
+ forall uf a b x y, sameclass uf x y -> sameclass (union uf a b) x y.
+ Hypothesis sameclass_union_3:
+ forall uf a b x y,
+ sameclass (union uf a b) x y ->
+ sameclass uf x y
+ \/ sameclass uf x a /\ sameclass uf y b
+ \/ sameclass uf x b /\ sameclass uf y a.
+ Variable merge: t -> elt -> elt -> t.
+ Hypothesis repr_merge:
+ forall uf a b x, repr (merge uf a b) x = repr (union uf a b) x.
+ Hypothesis sameclass_merge:
+ forall uf a b x y, sameclass (merge uf a b) x y <-> sameclass (union uf a b) x y.
+ Variable path_ord: t -> elt -> elt -> Prop.
+ Hypothesis path_ord_wellfounded:
+ forall uf, well_founded (path_ord uf).
+ Hypothesis path_ord_canonical:
+ forall uf x y, repr uf x = x -> ~path_ord uf y x.
+ Hypothesis path_ord_merge_1:
+ forall uf a b x y,
+ path_ord uf x y -> path_ord (merge uf a b) x y.
+ Hypothesis path_ord_merge_2:
+ forall uf a b,
+ repr uf a <> repr uf b -> path_ord (merge uf a b) b (repr uf a).
+ Variable pathlen: t -> elt -> nat.
+ Hypothesis pathlen_zero:
+ forall uf a, repr uf a = a <-> pathlen uf a = O.
+ Hypothesis pathlen_merge:
+ forall uf a b x,
+ pathlen (merge uf a b) x =
+ if elt_eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b) then
+ pathlen uf x
+ else if elt_eq (repr uf x) (repr uf a) then
+ pathlen uf x + pathlen uf b + 1
+ else
+ pathlen uf x.
+ Hypothesis pathlen_gt_merge:
+ forall uf a b x y,
+ repr uf x = repr uf y ->
+ pathlen uf x > pathlen uf y ->
+ pathlen (merge uf a b) x > pathlen (merge uf a b) y.
+Module UF (M: MAP) : UNIONFIND with Definition elt := M.elt.
+Definition elt := M.elt.
+Definition elt_eq := M.elt_eq.
+(* A set of equivalence classes over elt is represented by a map m.
+ M.get a m = Some a' means that a is in the same class as a'.
+ M.get a m = None means that a is the canonical representative
+ for its equivalence class. *)
+(* The ordering over elt induced by such a map.
+ repr_order m a a' iff M.get a' m = Some a.
+ This ordering must be well founded. *)
+Definition order (m: M.t elt) (a a': elt) : Prop :=
+ M.get a' m = Some a.
+Record unionfind : Type := mk { m: M.t elt; mwf: well_founded (order m) }.
+Definition t := unionfind.
+(* The canonical representative of an element *)
+Section REPR.
+Variable uf: t.
+Function repr (a: elt) {wf (order uf.(m)) a} : elt :=
+ match M.get a uf.(m) with
+ | Some a' => repr a'
+ | None => a
+ end.
+ intros. auto.
+ apply mwf.
+Lemma repr_none:
+ forall a,
+ M.get a uf.(m) = None ->
+ repr a = a.
+ intros.
+ functional induction (repr a). congruence. auto.
+Lemma repr_some:
+ forall a a',
+ M.get a uf.(m) = Some a' ->
+ repr a = repr a'.
+ intros.
+ functional induction (repr a). congruence. congruence.
+Lemma repr_res_none:
+ forall (a: elt), M.get (repr a) uf.(m) = None.
+ intros. functional induction (repr a). auto. auto.
+Lemma repr_canonical:
+ forall (a: elt), repr (repr a) = repr a.
+ intros. apply repr_none. apply repr_res_none.
+Lemma repr_some_diff:
+ forall a a', M.get a uf.(m) = Some a' -> a <> repr a'.
+ intros; red; intros.
+ assert (repr a = a). rewrite (repr_some a a'); auto.
+ assert (M.get a uf.(m) = None). rewrite <- H1. apply repr_res_none.
+ congruence.
+End REPR.
+Definition sameclass (uf: t) (a b: elt) : Prop :=
+ repr uf a = repr uf b.
+Lemma sameclass_refl:
+ forall uf a, sameclass uf a a.
+ intros. red. auto.
+Lemma sameclass_sym:
+ forall uf a b, sameclass uf a b -> sameclass uf b a.
+ intros. red. symmetry. exact H.
+Lemma sameclass_trans:
+ forall uf a b c,
+ sameclass uf a b -> sameclass uf b c -> sameclass uf a c.
+ intros. red. transitivity (repr uf b). exact H. exact H0.
+Lemma sameclass_repr:
+ forall uf a, sameclass uf a (repr uf a).
+ intros. red. symmetry. rewrite repr_canonical. auto.
+(* The empty unionfind structure (each element in its own class) *)
+Lemma wf_empty:
+ well_founded (order (M.empty elt)).
+ red. intros. apply Acc_intro. intros b RO. red in RO.
+ rewrite M.gempty in RO. discriminate.
+Definition empty : t := mk (M.empty elt) wf_empty.
+Lemma repr_empty:
+ forall a, repr empty a = a.
+ intros. apply repr_none. simpl. apply M.gempty.
+Lemma sameclass_empty:
+ forall a b, sameclass empty a b -> a = b.
+ intros. red in H. repeat rewrite repr_empty in H. auto.
+(* Merging two equivalence classes *)
+Section IDENTIFY.
+Variable uf: t.
+Variables a b: elt.
+Hypothesis a_canon: M.get a uf.(m) = None.
+Hypothesis not_same_class: repr uf b <> a.
+Lemma identify_order:
+ forall x y,
+ order (M.set a b uf.(m)) y x <->
+ order uf.(m) y x \/ (x = a /\ y = b).
+ intros until y. unfold order. rewrite M.gsspec.
+ destruct (M.elt_eq x a). intuition congruence. intuition congruence.
+Remark identify_Acc_b:
+ forall x,
+ Acc (order uf.(m)) x -> repr uf x <> a -> Acc (order (M.set a b uf.(m))) x.
+ induction 1; intros. constructor; intros.
+ rewrite identify_order in H2. destruct H2 as [A | [A B]].
+ apply H0; auto. rewrite <- (repr_some uf _ _ A). auto.
+ subst. elim H1. apply repr_none. auto.
+Remark identify_Acc:
+ forall x,
+ Acc (order uf.(m)) x -> Acc (order (M.set a b uf.(m))) x.
+ induction 1. constructor; intros.
+ rewrite identify_order in H1. destruct H1 as [A | [A B]].
+ auto.
+ subst. apply identify_Acc_b; auto. apply uf.(mwf).
+Lemma identify_wf:
+ well_founded (order (M.set a b uf.(m))).
+ red; intros. apply identify_Acc. apply uf.(mwf).
+Definition identify := mk (M.set a b uf.(m)) identify_wf.
+Lemma repr_identify_1:
+ forall x, repr uf x <> a -> repr identify x = repr uf x.
+ intros. functional induction (repr uf x).
+ rewrite <- IHe; auto. apply repr_some. simpl. rewrite M.gsspec.
+ destruct (M.elt_eq a0 a). congruence. auto.
+ apply repr_none. simpl. rewrite M.gsspec. rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.
+Lemma repr_identify_2:
+ forall x, repr uf x = a -> repr identify x = repr uf b.
+ intros. functional induction (repr uf x).
+ rewrite <- IHe; auto. apply repr_some. simpl. rewrite M.gsspec.
+ rewrite dec_eq_false; auto. congruence.
+ transitivity (repr identify b). apply repr_some. simpl.
+ rewrite M.gsspec. apply dec_eq_true.
+ apply repr_identify_1. auto.
+(* Union *)
+Remark union_not_same_class:
+ forall uf a b, repr uf a <> repr uf b -> repr uf (repr uf b) <> repr uf a.
+ intros. rewrite repr_canonical. auto.
+Definition union (uf: t) (a b: elt) : t :=
+ let a' := repr uf a in
+ let b' := repr uf b in
+ match M.elt_eq a' b' with
+ | left EQ => uf
+ | right NEQ => identify uf a' b' (repr_res_none uf a) (union_not_same_class uf a b NEQ)
+ end.
+Lemma repr_union_1:
+ forall uf a b x, repr uf x <> repr uf a -> repr (union uf a b) x = repr uf x.
+ intros. unfold union. destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b)).
+ auto.
+ apply repr_identify_1. auto.
+Lemma repr_union_2:
+ forall uf a b x, repr uf x = repr uf a -> repr (union uf a b) x = repr uf b.
+ intros. unfold union. destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b)).
+ congruence.
+ rewrite <- (repr_canonical uf b). apply repr_identify_2. auto.
+Lemma repr_union_3:
+ forall uf a b, repr (union uf a b) b = repr uf b.
+ intros. unfold union. destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b)).
+ auto. apply repr_identify_1. auto.
+Lemma sameclass_union_1:
+ forall uf a b, sameclass (union uf a b) a b.
+ intros; red. rewrite repr_union_2; auto. rewrite repr_union_3. auto.
+Lemma sameclass_union_2:
+ forall uf a b x y, sameclass uf x y -> sameclass (union uf a b) x y.
+ unfold sameclass; intros.
+ destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf x) (repr uf a));
+ destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf y) (repr uf a)).
+ repeat rewrite repr_union_2; auto.
+ congruence. congruence.
+ repeat rewrite repr_union_1; auto.
+Lemma sameclass_union_3:
+ forall uf a b x y,
+ sameclass (union uf a b) x y ->
+ sameclass uf x y
+ \/ sameclass uf x a /\ sameclass uf y b
+ \/ sameclass uf x b /\ sameclass uf y a.
+ intros until y. unfold sameclass.
+ destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf x) (repr uf a));
+ destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf y) (repr uf a)).
+ intro. left. congruence.
+ rewrite repr_union_2; auto. rewrite repr_union_1; auto.
+ rewrite repr_union_1; auto. rewrite repr_union_2; auto.
+ repeat rewrite repr_union_1; auto.
+(* Merge *)
+Definition merge (uf: t) (a b: elt) : t :=
+ let a' := repr uf a in
+ let b' := repr uf b in
+ match M.elt_eq a' b' with
+ | left EQ => uf
+ | right NEQ => identify uf a' b (repr_res_none uf a) (sym_not_equal NEQ)
+ end.
+Lemma repr_merge:
+ forall uf a b x, repr (merge uf a b) x = repr (union uf a b) x.
+ intros. unfold merge, union. destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b)).
+ auto.
+ destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf x) (repr uf a)).
+ repeat rewrite repr_identify_2; auto. rewrite repr_canonical; auto.
+ repeat rewrite repr_identify_1; auto.
+Lemma sameclass_merge:
+ forall uf a b x y, sameclass (merge uf a b) x y <-> sameclass (union uf a b) x y.
+ unfold sameclass; intros. repeat rewrite repr_merge. tauto.
+(* Path order and merge *)
+Definition path_ord (uf: t) : elt -> elt -> Prop := order uf.(m).
+Lemma path_ord_wellfounded:
+ forall uf, well_founded (path_ord uf).
+ intros. apply mwf.
+Lemma path_ord_canonical:
+ forall uf x y, repr uf x = x -> ~path_ord uf y x.
+ intros; red; intros. hnf in H0.
+ assert (M.get x (m uf) = None). rewrite <- H. apply repr_res_none.
+ congruence.
+Lemma path_ord_merge_1:
+ forall uf a b x y,
+ path_ord uf x y -> path_ord (merge uf a b) x y.
+ intros. unfold merge.
+ destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b)).
+ auto.
+ red. simpl. red. rewrite M.gsspec. rewrite dec_eq_false. apply H.
+ red; intros. hnf in H. generalize (repr_res_none uf a). congruence.
+Lemma path_ord_merge_2:
+ forall uf a b,
+ repr uf a <> repr uf b -> path_ord (merge uf a b) b (repr uf a).
+ intros. unfold merge.
+ destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b)).
+ congruence.
+ red. simpl. red. rewrite M.gsspec. rewrite dec_eq_true; auto.
+(* Path length and merge *)
+Section PATHLEN.
+Variable uf: t.
+Function pathlen (a: elt) {wf (order uf.(m)) a} : nat :=
+ match M.get a uf.(m) with
+ | Some a' => S (pathlen a')
+ | None => O
+ end.
+ intros. auto.
+ apply mwf.
+Lemma pathlen_none:
+ forall a,
+ M.get a uf.(m) = None ->
+ pathlen a = 0.
+ intros.
+ functional induction (pathlen a). congruence. auto.
+Lemma pathlen_some:
+ forall a a',
+ M.get a uf.(m) = Some a' ->
+ pathlen a = S (pathlen a').
+ intros.
+ functional induction (pathlen a). congruence. congruence.
+Lemma pathlen_zero:
+ forall a, repr uf a = a <-> pathlen a = O.
+ intros; split; intros.
+ apply pathlen_none. rewrite <- H. apply repr_res_none.
+ functional induction (pathlen a).
+ congruence.
+ apply repr_none. auto.
+(* Path length and merge *)
+Lemma pathlen_merge:
+ forall uf a b x,
+ pathlen (merge uf a b) x =
+ if M.elt_eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b) then
+ pathlen uf x
+ else if M.elt_eq (repr uf x) (repr uf a) then
+ pathlen uf x + pathlen uf b + 1
+ else
+ pathlen uf x.
+ intros. unfold merge.
+ destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b)).
+ auto.
+ functional induction (pathlen (identify uf (repr uf a) b (repr_res_none uf a) (sym_not_equal n)) x).
+ simpl in e. rewrite M.gsspec in e.
+ destruct (M.elt_eq a0 (repr uf a)).
+ inversion e; subst a'; clear e.
+ replace (repr uf a0) with (repr uf a). rewrite dec_eq_true.
+ rewrite IHn0. rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.
+ rewrite (pathlen_none uf a0). omega. subst a0. apply repr_res_none.
+ subst a0. rewrite repr_canonical; auto.
+ rewrite (pathlen_some uf a0 a'); auto.
+ rewrite IHn0.
+ replace (repr uf a0) with (repr uf a').
+ destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf a') (repr uf a)); omega.
+ symmetry. apply repr_some; auto.
+ simpl in e. rewrite M.gsspec in e. destruct (M.elt_eq a0 (repr uf a)).
+ congruence. rewrite (repr_none uf a0); auto.
+ rewrite dec_eq_false; auto. symmetry. apply pathlen_none; auto.
+Lemma pathlen_gt_merge:
+ forall uf a b x y,
+ repr uf x = repr uf y ->
+ pathlen uf x > pathlen uf y ->
+ pathlen (merge uf a b) x > pathlen (merge uf a b) y.
+ intros. repeat rewrite pathlen_merge.
+ destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b)). auto.
+ rewrite H. destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf y) (repr uf a)).
+ omega. auto.
+(* Path compression *)
+Section COMPRESS.
+Variable uf: t.
+Variable a b: elt.
+Hypothesis a_diff_b: a <> b.
+Hypothesis a_repr_b: repr uf a = b.
+Lemma compress_order:
+ forall x y,
+ order (M.set a b uf.(m)) y x ->
+ order uf.(m) y x \/ (x = a /\ y = b).
+ intros until y. unfold order. rewrite M.gsspec.
+ destruct (M.elt_eq x a).
+ intuition congruence.
+ auto.
+Remark compress_Acc:
+ forall x,
+ Acc (order uf.(m)) x -> Acc (order (M.set a b uf.(m))) x.
+ induction 1. constructor; intros.
+ destruct (compress_order _ _ H1) as [A | [A B]].
+ auto.
+ subst x y. constructor; intros.
+ destruct (compress_order _ _ H2) as [A | [A B]].
+ red in A. generalize (repr_res_none uf a). congruence.
+ congruence.
+Lemma compress_wf:
+ well_founded (order (M.set a b uf.(m))).
+ red; intros. apply compress_Acc. apply uf.(mwf).
+Definition compress := mk (M.set a b uf.(m)) compress_wf.
+Lemma repr_compress:
+ forall x, repr compress x = repr uf x.
+ intros. functional induction (repr compress x).
+ simpl in e. rewrite M.gsspec in e. destruct (M.elt_eq a0 a).
+ subst a0. injection e; intros. subst a'. rewrite IHe. rewrite <- a_repr_b.
+ apply repr_canonical.
+ rewrite IHe. symmetry. apply repr_some; auto.
+ simpl in e. rewrite M.gsspec in e. destruct (M.elt_eq a0 a).
+ congruence. symmetry. apply repr_none. auto.
+(* Find with path compression *)
+Section FIND.
+Variable uf: t.
+Program Fixpoint find_x (a: elt) {wf (order uf.(m)) a} :
+ { r: elt * t | fst r = repr uf a /\ forall x, repr (snd r) x = repr uf x } :=
+ match M.get a uf.(m) with
+ | Some a' =>
+ match find_x a' with
+ | pair b uf' => (b, compress uf' a b _ _)
+ end
+ | None => (a, uf)
+ end.
+Next Obligation.
+ red. auto.
+Next Obligation.
+ destruct (find_x (exist (fun a' : elt => order (m uf) a' a) a'
+ (find_x_obligation_1 a find_x a' Heq_anonymous)))
+ as [[b' uf''] [A B]]. simpl in *. inv Heq_anonymous0.
+ apply repr_some_diff. auto.
+Next Obligation.
+ destruct (find_x (exist (fun a' : elt => order (m uf) a' a) a'
+ (find_x_obligation_1 a find_x a' Heq_anonymous)))
+ as [[b' uf''] [A B]]. simpl in *. inv Heq_anonymous0.
+ rewrite B. apply repr_some. auto.
+Next Obligation.
+ split.
+ destruct (find_x (exist (fun a' : elt => order (m uf) a' a) a'
+ (find_x_obligation_1 a find_x a' Heq_anonymous)))
+ as [[b' uf''] [A B]]. simpl in *. inv Heq_anonymous0.
+ symmetry. apply repr_some. auto.
+ intros. rewrite repr_compress.
+ destruct (find_x (exist (fun a' : elt => order (m uf) a' a) a'
+ (find_x_obligation_1 a find_x a' Heq_anonymous)))
+ as [[b' uf''] [A B]]. simpl in *. inv Heq_anonymous0. auto.
+Next Obligation.
+ split; auto. symmetry. apply repr_none. auto.
+Next Obligation.
+ apply mwf.
+Definition find (a: elt) : elt * t := proj1_sig (find_x a).
+Lemma find_repr:
+ forall a, fst (find a) = repr uf a.
+ unfold find; intros. destruct (find_x a) as [[b uf'] [A B]]. simpl. auto.
+Lemma find_unchanged:
+ forall a x, repr (snd (find a)) x = repr uf x.
+ unfold find; intros. destruct (find_x a) as [[b uf'] [A B]]. simpl. auto.
+Lemma sameclass_find_1:
+ forall a x y, sameclass (snd (find a)) x y <-> sameclass uf x y.
+ unfold sameclass; intros. repeat rewrite find_unchanged. tauto.
+Lemma sameclass_find_2:
+ forall a, sameclass uf a (fst (find a)).
+ intros. rewrite find_repr. apply sameclass_repr.
+Lemma sameclass_find_3:
+ forall a, sameclass (snd (find a)) a (fst (find a)).
+ intros. rewrite sameclass_find_1. apply sameclass_find_2.
+End FIND.
+End UF.