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6 files changed, 215 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Camlcoq.ml b/lib/Camlcoq.ml
index 00c21030..442766d8 100644
--- a/lib/Camlcoq.ml
+++ b/lib/Camlcoq.ml
@@ -16,75 +16,206 @@
(* Library of useful Caml <-> Coq conversions *)
open Datatypes
-open BinPos
+open BinNums
open BinInt
+open BinPos
open Floats
-(* Integers *)
+(* Coq's [nat] type and some of its operations *)
-let rec camlint_of_positive = function
- | Coq_xI p -> Int32.add (Int32.shift_left (camlint_of_positive p) 1) 1l
- | Coq_xO p -> Int32.shift_left (camlint_of_positive p) 1
- | Coq_xH -> 1l
+module Nat = struct
-let camlint_of_z = function
- | Z0 -> 0l
- | Zpos p -> camlint_of_positive p
- | Zneg p -> Int32.neg (camlint_of_positive p)
+ type t = nat = O | S of t
+ let rec to_int = function
+ | O -> 0
+ | S n -> succ (to_int n)
+ let rec to_int32 = function
+ | O -> 0l
+ | S n -> Int32.succ(to_int32 n)
+ let rec of_int n =
+ assert (n >= 0);
+ if n = 0 then O else S (of_int (pred n))
+ let rec of_int32 n =
+ assert (n >= 0l);
+ if n = 0l then O else S (of_int32 (Int32.pred n))
+(* Coq's [positive] type and some of its operations *)
-let camlint_of_coqint : Integers.Int.int -> int32 = camlint_of_z
+module P = struct
-let rec camlint64_of_positive = function
- | Coq_xI p -> Int64.add (Int64.shift_left (camlint64_of_positive p) 1) 1L
- | Coq_xO p -> Int64.shift_left (camlint64_of_positive p) 1
+ type t = positive = Coq_xI of t | Coq_xO of t | Coq_xH
+ let one = Coq_xH
+ let succ = Pos.succ
+ let pred = Pos.pred
+ let add = Pos.add
+ let sub = Pos.sub
+ let eq x y = (Pos.compare x y = Eq)
+ let lt x y = (Pos.compare x y = Lt)
+ let gt x y = (Pos.compare x y = Gt)
+ let le x y = (Pos.compare x y <> Gt)
+ let ge x y = (Pos.compare x y <> Lt)
+ let rec to_int = function
+ | Coq_xI p -> (to_int p lsl 1) + 1
+ | Coq_xO p -> to_int p lsl 1
+ | Coq_xH -> 1
+ let rec of_int n =
+ if n = 0 then assert false else
+ if n = 1 then Coq_xH else
+ if n land 1 = 0
+ then Coq_xO (of_int (n lsr 1))
+ else Coq_xI (of_int (n lsr 1))
+ let rec to_int32 = function
+ | Coq_xI p -> Int32.add (Int32.shift_left (to_int32 p) 1) 1l
+ | Coq_xO p -> Int32.shift_left (to_int32 p) 1
+ | Coq_xH -> 1l
+ let rec of_int32 n =
+ if n = 0l then assert false else
+ if n = 1l then Coq_xH else
+ if Int32.logand n 1l = 0l
+ then Coq_xO (of_int32 (Int32.shift_right_logical n 1))
+ else Coq_xI (of_int32 (Int32.shift_right_logical n 1))
+ let rec to_int64 = function
+ | Coq_xI p -> Int64.add (Int64.shift_left (to_int64 p) 1) 1L
+ | Coq_xO p -> Int64.shift_left (to_int64 p) 1
| Coq_xH -> 1L
-let camlint64_of_z = function
- | Z0 -> 0L
- | Zpos p -> camlint64_of_positive p
- | Zneg p -> Int64.neg (camlint64_of_positive p)
+ let rec of_int64 n =
+ if n = 0L then assert false else
+ if n = 1L then Coq_xH else
+ if Int64.logand n 1L = 0L
+ then Coq_xO (of_int64 (Int64.shift_right_logical n 1))
+ else Coq_xI (of_int64 (Int64.shift_right_logical n 1))
+ let (+) = add
+ let (-) = sub
+ let (=) = eq
+ let (<) = lt
+ let (<=) = le
+ let (>) = gt
+ let (>=) = ge
+(* Coq's [Z] type and some of its operations *)
+module Z = struct
+ type t = coq_Z = Z0 | Zpos of positive | Zneg of positive
+ let zero = Z0
+ let one = Zpos Coq_xH
+ let mone = Zneg Coq_xH
+ let succ = Z.succ
+ let pred = Z.pred
+ let neg = Z.opp
+ let add = Z.add
+ let sub = Z.sub
+ let mul = Z.mul
+ let eq x y = (Z.compare x y = Eq)
+ let lt x y = (Z.compare x y = Lt)
+ let gt x y = (Z.compare x y = Gt)
+ let le x y = (Z.compare x y <> Gt)
+ let ge x y = (Z.compare x y <> Lt)
+ let to_int = function
+ | Z0 -> 0
+ | Zpos p -> P.to_int p
+ | Zneg p -> - (P.to_int p)
+ let of_sint n =
+ if n = 0 then Z0 else
+ if n > 0 then Zpos (P.of_int n)
+ else Zneg (P.of_int (-n))
+ let of_uint n =
+ if n = 0 then Z0 else Zpos (P.of_int n)
+ let to_int32 = function
+ | Z0 -> 0l
+ | Zpos p -> P.to_int32 p
+ | Zneg p -> Int32.neg (P.to_int32 p)
-let camlint64_of_coqint : Integers.Int64.int -> int64 = camlint64_of_z
+ let of_sint32 n =
+ if n = 0l then Z0 else
+ if n > 0l then Zpos (P.of_int32 n)
+ else Zneg (P.of_int32 (Int32.neg n))
-let rec camlint_of_nat = function
- | O -> 0
- | S n -> camlint_of_nat n + 1
-let rec nat_of_camlint n =
- assert (n >= 0l);
- if n = 0l then O else S (nat_of_camlint (Int32.sub n 1l))
-let rec positive_of_camlint n =
- if n = 0l then assert false else
- if n = 1l then Coq_xH else
- if Int32.logand n 1l = 0l
- then Coq_xO (positive_of_camlint (Int32.shift_right_logical n 1))
- else Coq_xI (positive_of_camlint (Int32.shift_right_logical n 1))
-let z_of_camlint n =
- if n = 0l then Z0 else
- if n > 0l then Zpos (positive_of_camlint n)
- else Zneg (positive_of_camlint (Int32.neg n))
-let coqint_of_camlint (n: int32) : Integers.Int.int =
- (* Interpret n as unsigned so that resulting Z is in range *)
- if n = 0l then Z0 else Zpos (positive_of_camlint n)
-let rec positive_of_camlint64 n =
- if n = 0L then assert false else
- if n = 1L then Coq_xH else
- if Int64.logand n 1L = 0L
- then Coq_xO (positive_of_camlint64 (Int64.shift_right_logical n 1))
- else Coq_xI (positive_of_camlint64 (Int64.shift_right_logical n 1))
-let z_of_camlint64 n =
- if n = 0L then Z0 else
- if n > 0L then Zpos (positive_of_camlint64 n)
- else Zneg (positive_of_camlint64 (Int64.neg n))
-let coqint_of_camlint64 (n: int64) : Integers.Int64.int =
- (* Interpret n as unsigned so that resulting Z is in range *)
- if n = 0L then Z0 else Zpos (positive_of_camlint64 n)
+ let of_uint32 n =
+ if n = 0l then Z0 else Zpos (P.of_int32 n)
+ let to_int64 = function
+ | Z0 -> 0L
+ | Zpos p -> P.to_int64 p
+ | Zneg p -> Int64.neg (P.to_int64 p)
+ let of_sint64 n =
+ if n = 0L then Z0 else
+ if n > 0L then Zpos (P.of_int64 n)
+ else Zneg (P.of_int64 (Int64.neg n))
+ let of_uint64 n =
+ if n = 0L then Z0 else Zpos (P.of_int64 n)
+ let rec to_string_rec base buff x =
+ if x = Z0 then () else begin
+ let (q, r) = Z.div_eucl x base in
+ to_string_rec base buff q;
+ let q' = to_int q in
+ Buffer.add_char buff (Char.chr
+ (if q' < 10 then Char.code '0' + q'
+ else Char.code 'A' + q' - 10))
+ end
+ let to_string_aux base x =
+ match x with
+ | Z0 -> "0"
+ | Zpos _ ->
+ let buff = Buffer.create 10 in
+ to_string_rec base buff x;
+ Buffer.contents buff
+ | Zneg p ->
+ let buff = Buffer.create 10 in
+ Buffer.add_char buff '-';
+ to_string_rec base buff (Zpos p);
+ Buffer.contents buff
+ let dec = to_string_aux (of_uint 10)
+ let hex = to_string_aux (of_uint 16)
+ let to_string = dec
+ let (+) = add
+ let (-) = sub
+ let ( * ) = mul
+ let (=) = eq
+ let (<) = lt
+ let (<=) = le
+ let (>) = gt
+ let (>=) = ge
+(* Alternate names *)
+let camlint_of_coqint : Integers.Int.int -> int32 = Z.to_int32
+let coqint_of_camlint : int32 -> Integers.Int.int = Z.of_uint32
+ (* interpret the int32 as unsigned so that result Z is in range for int *)
+let camlint64_of_coqint : Integers.Int64.int -> int64 = Z.to_int64
+let coqint_of_camlint64 : int64 -> Integers.Int64.int = Z.of_uint64
+ (* interpret the int64 as unsigned so that result Z is in range for int *)
(* Atoms (positive integers representing strings) *)
@@ -97,7 +228,7 @@ let intern_string s =
Hashtbl.find atom_of_string s
with Not_found ->
let a = !next_atom in
- next_atom := coq_Psucc !next_atom;
+ next_atom := Pos.succ !next_atom;
Hashtbl.add atom_of_string s a;
Hashtbl.add string_of_atom a s;
@@ -106,7 +237,7 @@ let extern_atom a =
Hashtbl.find string_of_atom a
with Not_found ->
- Printf.sprintf "$%ld" (camlint_of_positive a)
+ Printf.sprintf "$%d" (P.to_int a)
let first_unused_ident () = !next_atom
diff --git a/lib/Coqlib.v b/lib/Coqlib.v
index 3d5df259..676aa0a5 100644
--- a/lib/Coqlib.v
+++ b/lib/Coqlib.v
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Ltac caseEq name :=
generalize (refl_equal name); pattern name at -1 in |- *; case name.
Ltac destructEq name :=
- destruct name as []_eqn.
+ destruct name eqn:?.
Ltac decEq :=
match goal with
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma Zmin_spec:
forall x y, Zmin x y = if zlt x y then x else y.
- intros. case (zlt x y); unfold Zlt, Zge; intros.
+ intros. case (zlt x y); unfold Zlt, Zge; intro z.
unfold Zmin. rewrite z. auto.
unfold Zmin. caseEq (x ?= y); intro.
apply Zcompare_Eq_eq. auto.
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma Zmax_spec:
forall x y, Zmax x y = if zlt y x then x else y.
- intros. case (zlt y x); unfold Zlt, Zge; intros.
+ intros. case (zlt y x); unfold Zlt, Zge; intro z.
unfold Zmax. rewrite <- (Zcompare_antisym y x).
rewrite z. simpl. auto.
unfold Zmax. rewrite <- (Zcompare_antisym y x).
@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma Zdivides_trans:
forall x y z, (x | y) -> (y | z) -> (x | z).
- intros. inv H. inv H0. exists (q0 * q). ring.
+ intros x y z [a A] [b B]; subst. exists (a*b); ring.
Definition Zdivide_dec:
diff --git a/lib/Floats.v b/lib/Floats.v
index aae26468..711fd61c 100644
--- a/lib/Floats.v
+++ b/lib/Floats.v
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ Proof.
destruct c, x, y; simpl; try destruct b; try destruct b0; try reflexivity;
rewrite <- (Zcompare_antisym e e1); destruct (e ?= e1); try reflexivity;
change Eq with (CompOpp Eq); rewrite <- (Pcompare_antisym m m0 Eq);
- simpl; destruct ((m ?= m0)%positive Eq); try reflexivity.
+ simpl; destruct (Pcompare m m0 Eq); reflexivity.
Theorem cmp_ne_eq:
@@ -524,6 +524,7 @@ Proof.
destruct (binary_normalize64_exact (Int.unsigned x)); [now smart_omega|].
match goal with [|- _ _ _ ?f = _] => destruct f end; intuition.
exfalso; simpl in H2; change 0%R with (Z2R 0) in H2; apply eq_Z2R in H2; omega.
+ try (change (53 ?= 1024) with Lt in H1). (* for Coq 8.4 *)
simpl Zcompare in *.
match goal with [|- _ _ _ ?f = _] => destruct f end; intuition.
exfalso; simpl in H0; change 0%R with (Z2R 0) in H0; apply eq_Z2R in H0; omega.
@@ -718,6 +719,8 @@ Proof.
rewrite (Ztrunc_floor (B2R _ _ x)), <- Zfloor_minus, <- Ztrunc_floor;
[f_equal; assumption|apply Rle_0_minus; left; assumption|].
left; eapply Rlt_trans; [|now apply H2]; apply (Z2R_lt 0); reflexivity.
+ try (change (0 ?= 53) with Lt in H6,H8). (* for Coq 8.4 *)
+ try (change (53 ?= 1024) with Lt in H6,H8). (* for Coq 8.4 *)
exfalso; simpl Zcompare in H6, H8; rewrite H6, H8 in H9.
destruct H9 as [|[]]; [discriminate|..].
eapply Rle_trans in H9; [|apply Rle_0_minus; left; assumption]; apply (le_Z2R 0) in H9; apply H9; reflexivity.
@@ -761,7 +764,7 @@ unfold Int64.or, Int64.bitwise_binop in H0.
rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr, Int64.bits_of_Z_of_bits in H0.
rewrite orb_false_intro in H0; [discriminate|reflexivity|].
rewrite Int64.sign_bit_of_Z.
-match goal with [|- ((if ?c then _ else _) = _)] => destruct c end.
+match goal with [|- ((if ?c then _ else _) = _)] => destruct c as [z0|z0] end.
rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr in z0; [exfalso|]; now smart_omega.
vm_compute; split; congruence.
@@ -793,7 +796,7 @@ Proof.
intros; unfold from_words, double_of_bits, b64_of_bits, binary_float_of_bits.
rewrite B2R_FF2B; unfold is_finite; rewrite match_FF2B;
unfold binary_float_of_bits_aux; rewrite split_bits_or; simpl; pose proof (Int.unsigned_range x).
- destruct (Int.unsigned x + Zpower_pos 2 52) as []_eqn.
+ destruct (Int.unsigned x + Zpower_pos 2 52) eqn:?.
exfalso; now smart_omega.
simpl; rewrite <- Heqz; unfold F2R; simpl.
rewrite <- (Z2R_plus 4503599627370496), Rmult_1_r.
@@ -822,6 +825,7 @@ Proof.
rewrite round_exact in H3 by smart_omega.
match goal with [H3:if Rlt_bool ?x ?y then _ else _ |- _] =>
pose proof (Rlt_bool_spec x y); destruct (Rlt_bool x y) end; destruct H3.
+ try (change (53 ?= 1024) with Lt in H3,H5). (* for Coq 8.4 *)
simpl Zcompare in *; apply B2R_inj;
try match goal with [H':B2R _ _ ?f = _ , H'':is_finite _ _ ?f = true |- is_finite_strict _ _ ?f = true] =>
destruct f; [
@@ -869,6 +873,8 @@ Proof.
rewrite round_exact in H3 by smart_omega.
match goal with [H3:if Rlt_bool ?x ?y then _ else _ |- _] =>
pose proof (Rlt_bool_spec x y); destruct (Rlt_bool x y) end; destruct H3.
+ try (change (0 ?= 53) with Lt in H3,H5). (* for Coq 8.4 *)
+ try (change (53 ?= 1024) with Lt in H3,H5). (* for Coq 8.4 *)
simpl Zcompare in *; apply B2R_inj;
try match goal with [H':B2R _ _ ?f = _ , H'':is_finite _ _ ?f = true |- is_finite_strict _ _ ?f = true] =>
destruct f; [
diff --git a/lib/Integers.v b/lib/Integers.v
index 7d5f016f..9844ed1e 100644
--- a/lib/Integers.v
+++ b/lib/Integers.v
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ Lemma Z_mod_two_p_range:
induction n; simpl; intros.
rewrite two_power_nat_O. omega.
- rewrite two_power_nat_S. destruct (Z_bin_decomp x) as [b y]_eqn.
+ rewrite two_power_nat_S. destruct (Z_bin_decomp x) as [b y] eqn:?.
rewrite Z_bin_comp_eq. generalize (IHn y). destruct b; omega.
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ Proof.
induction n; simpl; intros.
rewrite two_power_nat_O. exists x. ring.
rewrite two_power_nat_S.
- destruct (Z_bin_decomp x) as [b y]_eqn.
+ destruct (Z_bin_decomp x) as [b y] eqn:?.
destruct (IHn y) as [z EQ].
exists z. rewrite (Z_bin_comp_decomp2 _ _ _ Heqp).
repeat rewrite Z_bin_comp_eq. rewrite EQ at 1. ring.
@@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ Proof.
Z_of_bits n (bits_of_Z n x) 0 = k * two_power_nat n + x).
induction n; intros; simpl.
rewrite two_power_nat_O. exists (-x). omega.
- rewrite two_power_nat_S. destruct (Z_bin_decomp x) as [b y]_eqn.
+ rewrite two_power_nat_S. destruct (Z_bin_decomp x) as [b y] eqn:?.
rewrite zeq_true. destruct (IHn y) as [k EQ].
replace (Z_of_bits n (fun i => if zeq i 0 then b else bits_of_Z n y (i - 1)) 1)
with (Z_of_bits n (bits_of_Z n y) 0).
@@ -1302,7 +1302,7 @@ Proof.
destruct (zlt i 0). apply bits_of_Z_below. auto.
- destruct (Z_bin_decomp x) as [b x1]_eqn.
+ destruct (Z_bin_decomp x) as [b x1] eqn:?.
destruct (zeq i 0).
subst i. simpl in H. assert (x = 0) by omega. subst x. simpl in Heqp. congruence.
apply IHn.
@@ -2199,7 +2199,7 @@ Proof.
simpl. rewrite two_power_nat_O in H0.
assert (x = 0). omega. subst x. omega.
rewrite two_power_nat_S in H0. simpl Z_one_bits.
- destruct (Z_bin_decomp x) as [b y]_eqn.
+ destruct (Z_bin_decomp x) as [b y] eqn:?.
rewrite (Z_bin_comp_decomp2 _ _ _ Heqp).
assert (EQ: y * two_p (i + 1) = powerserie (Z_one_bits n y (i + 1))).
apply IHn. omega.
diff --git a/lib/Iteration.v b/lib/Iteration.v
index 235b6502..1c3c9cc2 100644
--- a/lib/Iteration.v
+++ b/lib/Iteration.v
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ Proof.
intros. unfold iter in H1. rewrite unroll_Fix in H1. unfold iter_step in H1.
destruct (peq x 1). discriminate.
specialize (step_prop a H0).
- destruct (step a) as [b'|a']_eqn.
+ destruct (step a) as [b'|a'] eqn:?.
inv H1. auto.
apply H with (Ppred x) a'. apply Ppred_Plt; auto. auto. auto.
diff --git a/lib/Postorder.v b/lib/Postorder.v
index 3a76b0de..4a83ea50 100644
--- a/lib/Postorder.v
+++ b/lib/Postorder.v
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ Proof.
constructor; intros.
caseEq (s.(map)!root); intros. congruence. exploit GREY; eauto. intros [? ?]; contradiction.
- destruct (s.(map)!x) as []_eqn; try congruence.
- destruct (s.(map)!y) as []_eqn; try congruence.
+ destruct (s.(map)!x) eqn:?; try congruence.
+ destruct (s.(map)!y) eqn:?; try congruence.
exploit COLOR; eauto. intros. exploit GREY; eauto. intros [? ?]; contradiction.
(* not finished *)
destruct succ_x as [ | y succ_x ].
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ Proof.
exists l'; auto.
(* children y needs traversing *)
- destruct ((gr s)!y) as [ succs_y | ]_eqn.
+ destruct ((gr s)!y) as [ succs_y | ] eqn:?.
(* y has children *)
constructor; simpl; intros.
(* sub *)
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma initial_state_spec:
invariant (init_state ginit root).
- unfold init_state. destruct (ginit!root) as [succs|]_eqn.
+ unfold init_state. destruct (ginit!root) as [succs|] eqn:?.
(* root has succs *)
constructor; simpl; intros.
(* sub *)
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ Proof.
destruct succs as [ | y succs ].
inv H. simpl. apply lex_ord_right. omega.
- destruct ((gr s)!y) as [succs'|]_eqn.
+ destruct ((gr s)!y) as [succs'|] eqn:?.
inv H. simpl. apply lex_ord_left. eapply PTree_Properties.cardinal_remove; eauto.
inv H. simpl. apply lex_ord_right. omega.