path: root/zsh/.zsh/minimal.zsh
diff options
authorYann Herklotz <ymherklotz@gmail.com>2018-02-28 19:49:47 +0000
committerYann Herklotz <ymherklotz@gmail.com>2018-02-28 19:49:47 +0000
commita54125ec2d5a43a6f3e578681f0862114c3b8745 (patch)
tree75d4a3ec8e426d6ca4779384f1f08c538a7c3aa5 /zsh/.zsh/minimal.zsh
parentd0943595971d8d03583fbe760f118846637a2de4 (diff)
Adding tmux, zsh and X config
Diffstat (limited to 'zsh/.zsh/minimal.zsh')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zsh/.zsh/minimal.zsh b/zsh/.zsh/minimal.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb814bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zsh/.zsh/minimal.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# Switches
+# Parameters
+# check if function exists
+function _isfn {
+ type -w "$1" | grep -wq function
+# Extensions
+if ! _isfn minimal_magic_output; then
+ function minimal_magic_output {
+ minimal_magic_output_base
+ }
+if ! _isfn minimal_vcs; then
+ function minimal_vcs {
+ # git
+ local statc="%{\e[0;3${MINIMAL_OK_COLOR}m%}" # assumes is clean
+ local bname="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null)"
+ if [ -n "$bname" ]; then
+ [ -n "$(git status --porcelain 2> /dev/null)" ] &&\
+ statc="%{\e[0;31m%}"
+ echo -n " $statc$bname%{\e[0m%}"
+ fi
+ }
+if ! _isfn minimal_env; then
+ function minimal_env {
+ # python virtual env
+ if [ -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ]; then
+ _venv="$(basename $VIRTUAL_ENV)"
+ echo -n "${_venv%%.*} "
+ fi
+ }
+# Setup
+autoload -U colors && colors
+setopt prompt_subst
+# Left Prompt
+function minimal_lprompt {
+ local user_status="%{\e[%(1j.4.0);3%(0?.$MINIMAL_OK_COLOR.1)m%}\
+ local kmstatus="$MINIMAL_INSERT_CHAR"
+ [ "$KEYMAP" = 'vicmd' ] && kmstatus="$MINIMAL_NORMAL_CHAR"
+ echo -n "$user_status%{\e[0m%} $kmstatus"
+function minimal_ps2 {
+ local kmstatus="$MINIMAL_INSERT_CHAR"
+ local offset="$((${#_venv} + 2))"
+ [ "$KEYMAP" = 'vicmd' ] && kmstatus="$MINIMAL_NORMAL_CHAR"
+ printf " %.0s" {1..$offset}
+ echo -n "$kmstatus"
+# Right Prompt
+function minimal_path {
+ local w="%{\e[0m%}"
+ local cwd="%${MINIMAL_PWD_LEN}~"
+ local pi=""
+ local len="$MINIMAL_PWD_CHAR_LEN"
+ [ "$len" -lt 4 ] && len=4
+ local hlen=$((len / 2 - 1))
+ cwd="${(%)cwd}"
+ cwd=("${(@s:/:)cwd}")
+ for i in {1..${#cwd}}; do
+ pi="$cwd[$i]"
+ [ "${#pi}" -gt "$len" ] && cwd[$i]="${pi:0:$hlen}$w..$_greyp${pi: -$hlen}"
+ done
+ echo -n "$_greyp${(j:/:)cwd//\//$w/$_greyp}$w"
+# Magic Enter
+function minimal_infoline {
+ local last_err="$1"
+ local w="\e[0m"
+ local rn="\e[0;31m"
+ local rb="\e[1;31m"
+ local user_host_pwd="$_grey%n$w@$_grey%m$w:$_grey%~$w"
+ user_host_pwd="${${(%)user_host_pwd}//\//$w/$_grey}"
+ local v_files="$(ls -1 | sed -n '$=')"
+ local h_files="$(ls -1A | sed -n '$=')"
+ local job_n="$(jobs | sed -n '$=')"
+ local iline="[$user_host_pwd] [$_grey${v_files:-0}$w ($_grey${h_files:-0}$w)]"
+ [ "$job_n" -gt 0 ] && iline="$iline [$_grey$job_n$w&]"
+ if [ "$last_err" != "0" ]; then
+ iline="$iline \e[1;31m[\e[0;31m$last_err\e[1;31m]$w"
+ fi
+ echo "$iline"
+function minimal_magic_output_base {
+ local margin="${#MINIMAL_MAGIC_ENTER_MARGIN}"
+ if [ "$(dirs -p | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]; then
+ local stack="$(dirs)"
+ echo "[${_grey}dirs\e[0m - ${_grey}${stack//\//\e[0m/$_grey}\e[0m]"
+ fi
+ if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ] && ! ls --version &> /dev/null; then
+ else
+ ls -C --color="always" -w $((COLUMNS - margin))
+ fi
+ git -c color.status=always status -sb 2> /dev/null
+function minimal_wrap_output {
+ local output="$1"
+ local output_len="$(echo "$output" | sed -n '$=')"
+ if [ -n "$output" ]; then
+ if [ "$output_len" -gt "$((LINES - 2))" -a -n "$PAGER" ]; then
+ printf "$output\n" | "$PAGER" -R
+ else
+ printf "$output\n" | sed "s/^/$MINIMAL_MAGIC_ENTER_MARGIN/"
+ fi
+ fi
+function minimal_magic_enter {
+ local last_err="$?" # I need to capture this ASAP
+ if [ -z "$BUFFER" ]; then
+ minimal_infoline $last_err
+ minimal_wrap_output "$(minimal_magic_output)"
+ zle redisplay
+ else
+ zle accept-line
+ fi
+# Apply Switches
+if [ "$MINIMAL_PROMPT" = "yes" ]; then
+ # prompt redraw on vimode change
+ function reset_prompt {
+ zle reset-prompt
+ }
+ zle -N zle-line-init reset_prompt
+ zle -N zle-keymap-select reset_prompt
+ PROMPT='$(minimal_env)$(minimal_lprompt) '
+ PS2='$(minimal_ps2) '
+ [ "$MINIMAL_RPROMPT" = "yes" ] && RPROMPT='$(minimal_path)$(minimal_vcs)'
+if [ "$MINIMAL_MAGIC_ENTER" = "yes" ]; then
+ zle -N minimal-magic-enter minimal_magic_enter
+ bindkey -M main "^M" minimal-magic-enter
+ bindkey -M vicmd "^M" minimal-magic-enter