diff options
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/emacs/loader.org b/emacs/loader.org
index 96b9a66..452a7a1 100644
--- a/emacs/loader.org
+++ b/emacs/loader.org
@@ -201,6 +201,43 @@ Set the undo correctly
(define-key global-map (kbd "C-\\") 'undo-only)
+**** Keybindings
+Setting up my keybindings
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+ (defun y/swap-windows ()
+ "Swaps two windows and leaves the cursor in the original one"
+ (interactive)
+ (ace-swap-window)
+ (aw-flip-window))
+ (defun y/exit-emacs-client ()
+ "consistent exit emacsclient. If not in emacs client, echo a
+ message in minibuffer, don't exit emacs. If in server mode and
+ editing file, do C-x # server-edit else do C-x 5 0
+ delete-frame"
+ (interactive)
+ (if server-buffer-clients
+ (server-edit)
+ (delete-frame)))
+ (defun y/beautify-json ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((b (if mark-active (min (point) (mark)) (point-min)))
+ (e (if mark-active (max (point) (mark)) (point-max))))
+ (shell-command-on-region b e
+ "python -m json.tool" (current-buffer) t)))
+ (define-prefix-command 'y-map)
+ (global-set-key (kbd "C-c y") 'y-map)
+ (global-set-key (kbd "C-c q") 'y/exit-emacs-client)
+ (define-key y-map (kbd "s") 'y/swap-windows)
+ (define-key y-map (kbd "j") 'y/beautify-json)
*** Font
Set the font to Hack, which is an opensource monospace font designed for
programming and looking at source code.
@@ -568,7 +605,7 @@ Agenda setup for org mode, pointing to the write files.
(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
(setq org-directory (expand-file-name "~/Dropbox/org"))
(setq org-default-notes-file
- (concat org-directory "/notes.org"))
+ (concat org-directory "/inbox.org"))
(setq org-image-actual-width nil
org-format-latex-options (plist-put org-format-latex-options :scale 1.5))
@@ -615,6 +652,19 @@ Exporting to html needs htmlize.
+Add md backend
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+ (require 'ox-md)
+*** Templates
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+ (setq org-capture-templates
+ '(("t" "todo" entry (file+headline "~/Dropbox/org/inbox.org" "Tasks")
+ "* TODO %?\n\n%i\n%a\n\n")))
*** Agenda
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@@ -628,13 +678,7 @@ Exporting to html needs htmlize.
org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAITING(w)" "|" "DONE(d)" "CANCELLED(c)")))
-Setting org templates.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (setq org-capture-templates
- '(("t" "todo" entry (file+headline "~/Dropbox/org/inbox.org" "Tasks")
- "* TODO %?\n\n%i\n%a\n\n")))
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
'(("w" "At work" tags-todo "@work"
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Work")))
@@ -644,11 +688,19 @@ Setting org templates.
((org-agenda-overriding-header "University")))))
-Removing binding
+*** Remove Binding
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-,") nil)
+*** Registers
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+ (set-register ?l (cons 'file "~/.emacs.d/loader.org"))
+ (set-register ?m (cons 'file "~/Dropbox/org/main.org"))
+ (set-register ?i (cons 'file "~/Dropbox/org/inbox.org"))
** PDF Tools
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package pdf-tools
@@ -779,11 +831,7 @@ Adding hook to clojure mode to enable strict parentheses mode.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package elm-mode
- :mode ("\\.elm\\'")
- :config
- (add-hook 'elm-mode-hook
- (lambda ()
- (setq elm-indent-offset 2))))
+ :mode ("\\.elm\\'"))
*** Emacs Lisp
@@ -798,7 +846,14 @@ F# mode for uni work.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package fsharp-mode
- :commands fsharp-mode)
+ :commands fsharp-mode
+ :config
+ (defun y/fsharp-reload-file ()
+ "Reloads the whole file when in fsharp mode."
+ (interactive)
+ (fsharp-eval-region (point-min) (point-max)))
+ (add-hook 'fsharp-mode-hook
+ (lambda () (local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-c") #'y/fsharp-reload-file))))
*** Haskell
@@ -891,28 +946,44 @@ Enabling global flycheck support.
* Look and Feel
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (defadvice load-theme
- (before theme-dont-propagate activate)
- (mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes))
- ;; (use-package color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow)
- ;; (use-package leuven-theme)
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+ (defun y/set-theme (theme)
+ (load-theme theme t)
+ (toggle-scroll-bar -1))
- ;; (use-package zenburn-theme)
+ (defun y/sanityinc-tomorrow-bright ()
+ (interactive)
+ (y/set-theme 'sanityinc-tomorrow-bright))
- ;; (use-package gruvbox-theme)
+ (defun y/zenburn ()
+ (interactive)
+ (y/set-theme 'zenburn))
- ;; (use-package material-theme)
+ (defun y/solarized-light ()
+ (interactive)
+ (y/set-theme 'solarized-light))
- ;; (use-package monokai-theme)
+ (defun y/gruvbox ()
+ (interactive)
+ (y/set-theme 'gruvbox))
- ;; (use-package plan9-theme)
+ (defun y/sanityinc-tomorrow-bright ()
+ (interactive)
+ (y/set-theme 'sanityinc-tomorrow-bright))
- ;; (use-package gruvbox-theme)
+ (define-key y-map (kbd "1") 'y/sanityinc-tomorrow-bright)
+ (define-key y-map (kbd "2") 'y/zenburn)
+ (define-key y-map (kbd "3") 'y/solarized-light)
+ (define-key y-map (kbd "4") 'y/gruvbox)
- ;; (use-package dracula-theme)
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+ (defadvice load-theme
+ (before theme-dont-propagate activate)
+ (mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes))
(use-package solarized-theme
@@ -928,78 +999,6 @@ Enabling global flycheck support.
(toggle-scroll-bar -1)))
-* My Code
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (defun y/swap-windows ()
- "Swaps two windows and leaves the cursor in the original one"
- (interactive)
- (ace-swap-window)
- (aw-flip-window))
- (defun y/fsharp-reload-file ()
- "Reloads the whole file when in fsharp mode."
- (interactive)
- (fsharp-eval-region (point-min) (point-max)))
- (defun y/exit-emacs-client ()
- "consistent exit emacsclient. If not in emacs client, echo a
- message in minibuffer, don't exit emacs. If in server mode and
- editing file, do C-x # server-edit else do C-x 5 0
- delete-frame"
- (interactive)
- (if server-buffer-clients
- (server-edit)
- (delete-frame)))
- (defun y/beautify-json ()
- (interactive)
- (let ((b (if mark-active (min (point) (mark)) (point-min)))
- (e (if mark-active (max (point) (mark)) (point-max))))
- (shell-command-on-region b e
- "python -m json.tool" (current-buffer) t)))
- (defun y/set-theme (theme)
- (load-theme theme t)
- (toggle-scroll-bar -1)
- (powerline-reset))
-Setting up my keybindings
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (define-prefix-command 'y-map)
- (global-set-key (kbd "C-c y") 'y-map)
- (global-set-key (kbd "C-c q") 'y/exit-emacs-client)
- (define-key y-map (kbd "s") 'y/swap-windows)
- (define-key y-map (kbd "j") 'y/beautify-json)
- (define-key y-map (kbd "1") (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (y/set-theme 'sanityinc-tomorrow-bright)))
- (define-key y-map (kbd "2") (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (y/set-theme 'zenburn)))
- (define-key y-map (kbd "3") (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (y/set-theme 'leuven)))
- (define-key y-map (kbd "4") (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (y/set-theme 'ample)))
- (define-key y-map (kbd "5") (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (y/set-theme 'ample-flat)))
- (add-hook 'fsharp-mode-hook
- (lambda () (local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-c") #'y/fsharp-reload-file)))
-** Registers
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (set-register ?l (cons 'file "~/.emacs.d/loader.org"))
- (set-register ?m (cons 'file "~/Dropbox/org/main.org"))
- (set-register ?i (cons 'file "~/Dropbox/org/inbox.org"))
* Conclusion
Setting the gc-cons threshold back to what it was at the beginning.