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authorChantal Keller <Chantal.Keller@lri.fr>2021-02-23 18:30:24 +0100
committerChantal Keller <Chantal.Keller@lri.fr>2021-02-23 18:30:24 +0100
commit3fc84368a0e957dac5574f699fb61fbe6bf049d7 (patch)
parentc05f39c2556725610840ec48b62243a10e2e098f (diff)
Example of groups in unit tests
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/unit-tests/Tests_lfsc_tactics.v b/unit-tests/Tests_lfsc_tactics.v
index feb1d7e..a948e06 100644
--- a/unit-tests/Tests_lfsc_tactics.v
+++ b/unit-tests/Tests_lfsc_tactics.v
@@ -727,32 +727,51 @@ End A_BV_EUF_LIA_PR.
(* Example of the webpage *)
-Section group.
- Variable e : Z.
- Variable inv : Z -> Z.
- Variable op : Z -> Z -> Z.
+Section Group.
+ Variable G : Type.
+ (* We suppose that G has a decidable equality *)
+ Variable HG : CompDec G.
+ Variable op : G -> G -> G.
+ Variable inv : G -> G.
+ Variable e : G.
+ Local Notation "a ==? b" := (@eqb_of_compdec G HG a b) (at level 60).
+ (* We can prove automatically that we have a group if we only have the
+ "left" versions of the axioms of a group *)
Hypothesis associative :
- forall a b c, op a (op b c) =? op (op a b) c.
- Hypothesis identity : forall a, (op e a =? a).
- Hypothesis inverse : forall a, (op (inv a) a =? e).
- Add_lemmas associative identity inverse.
+ forall a b c : G, op a (op b c) ==? op (op a b) c.
+ Hypothesis inverse :
+ forall a : G, op (inv a) a ==? e.
+ Hypothesis identity :
+ forall a : G, op e a ==? a.
+ Add_lemmas associative inverse identity.
+ (* The "right" version of inverse *)
Lemma inverse' :
- forall a : Z, (op a (inv a) =? e).
- Proof using associative identity inverse. smt. Qed.
+ forall a : G, op a (inv a) ==? e.
+ Proof. smt. Qed.
+ (* The "right" version of identity *)
Lemma identity' :
- forall a : Z, (op a e =? a).
- Proof using associative identity inverse. smt inverse'. Qed.
+ forall a : G, op a e ==? a.
+ Proof. smt inverse'. Qed.
+ (* Some other interesting facts about groups *)
Lemma unique_identity e':
- (forall z, op e' z =? z) -> e' =? e.
- Proof using associative identity inverse. intros pe'; smt pe'. Qed.
+ (forall z, op e' z ==? z) -> e' ==? e.
+ Proof. intros pe'; smt pe'. Qed.
+ Lemma simplification_right x1 x2 y:
+ op x1 y ==? op x2 y -> x1 ==? x2.
+ Proof. intro H. smt_no_check H inverse'. Qed.
+ Lemma simplification_left x1 x2 y:
+ op y x1 ==? op y x2 -> x1 ==? x2.
+ Proof. intro H. smt_no_check H inverse'. Qed.
-End group.
+End Group.
Section EqualityOnUninterpretedType1.