diff options
authorChantal Keller <Chantal.Keller@inria.fr>2020-08-28 20:14:34 +0200
committerChantal Keller <Chantal.Keller@inria.fr>2020-08-28 20:14:34 +0200
commitebaa36df2855a94c4db5a4d4f0222cd77c34f993 (patch)
parent2dea67ed5a22708e222936f66a1412ab15a0c72c (diff)
parent3d11e77273cfb6e10758ad242035e106f502fda8 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:smtcoq/smtcoq into coq-8.11
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ci/smtcoq.docker b/ci/smtcoq.docker
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aee7d0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/smtcoq.docker
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Dockerfile to build SMTCoq docker image
+# Based on the debian image
+# Build with `docker build -t smtcoq -f smtcoq.docker .`
+# Run with `docker run -ti --rm -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0 smtcoq bash`
+# or `docker run --net=host --env="DISPLAY" --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/home/coq/.Xauthority:rw" smtcoq coqide`
+# Warning:
+# To build the container, dockers needs more that 2GB of memory (8GB is enough).
+# On Mac, see: https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/#advanced.
+FROM coqorg/base:4.09.1-flambda
+USER coq
+##################### PREREQUISITES ########################
+RUN sudo apt-get -y update && \
+ sudo apt-get -y install wget atool bison flex
+################# INSTALL Coq and SMTCoq ###################
+WORKDIR /home/coq
+RUN opam repo add coq-released https://coq.inria.fr/opam/released && \
+ opam repo add coq-extra-dev https://coq.inria.fr/opam/extra-dev && \
+ opam depext -y coq-smtcoq coqide && \
+ opam install -y coq-smtcoq coqide
+###################### COMPILE ZChaff ######################
+WORKDIR /home/coq
+RUN wget http://www.princeton.edu/~chaff/zchaff/zchaff.2008.10.12.zip && \
+ aunpack zchaff.2008.10.12.zip && \
+ cd zchaff && \
+ sed -i -re 's/\/\/ #define VERIFY_ON/#define VERIFY_ON/' zchaff_solver.cpp && \
+ make
+###################### COMPILE veriT #######################
+WORKDIR /home/coq
+RUN wget https://www.lri.fr/~keller/Documents-recherche/Smtcoq/veriT9f48a98.tar.gz && \
+ aunpack veriT9f48a98.tar.gz && \
+ cd veriT9f48a98 && \
+ autoconf && \
+ ./configure && \
+ make
+###################### DOWNLOAD CVC4 #######################
+WORKDIR /home/coq
+RUN wget http://cvc4.cs.stanford.edu/downloads/builds/x86_64-linux-opt/cvc4-1.6-x86_64-linux-opt && \
+ chmod ugo+x cvc4-1.6-x86_64-linux-opt
+##################### LFSC SIGNATURES ######################
+WORKDIR /home/coq
+RUN git clone https://github.com/smtcoq/smtcoq.git
+ENV LFSCSIGS="/home/coq/smtcoq/src/lfsc/tests/signatures/"
+######################### BINARIES #########################
+WORKDIR /home/coq/bin
+RUN ln -s /home/coq/zchaff/zchaff && \
+ ln -s /home/coq/veriT9f48a98/veriT && \
+ ln -s /home/coq/cvc4-1.6-x86_64-linux-opt cvc4
+ENV PATH="/home/coq/bin:${PATH}"