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1 files changed, 254 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/src/Misc.v b/src/Misc.v
index f5bce95..5ea1d14 100644
--- a/src/Misc.v
+++ b/src/Misc.v
@@ -353,35 +353,270 @@ Proof.
rewrite leb_spec, sub_spec, Z.mod_small; lia.
-Definition foldi {A : Type} (f : int -> A -> A) (from to : int) (a : A) : A :=
- let fix foldi_rec (n : nat) (a : A) : A :=
- match n with
- | O => a
- | S m => foldi_rec m (f (to - of_Z (Z.of_nat n)) a)
- end in
- foldi_rec (Z.to_nat (to_Z to) - Z.to_nat (to_Z from))%nat a.
+Lemma bit_sub1_0 : forall i, bit (i - 1) 0 = negb (bit i 0).
+intro i.
+cut (b2i (bit (i - 1) 0) = b2i (negb (bit i 0))).
+generalize (bit (i - 1) 0) (negb (bit i 0)); intros b1 b2.
+destruct b1; destruct b2; simpl; rewrite <- eqb_spec; trivial; discriminate.
+replace (b2i (negb (bit i 0))) with (1 - bit i 0); [ | destruct (bit i 0); reflexivity ].
+rewrite <- to_Z_eq.
+rewrite sub_spec, to_Z_1.
+rewrite 2!bit_0_spec.
+rewrite sub_spec, to_Z_1.
+case_eq (i == 0).
+rewrite eqb_spec; intro Hi; rewrite Hi; reflexivity.
+rewrite <- not_true_iff_false, eqb_spec, <- to_Z_eq, to_Z_0.
+generalize (to_Z_bounded i).
+intros Hi1 Hi2.
+rewrite (Zmod_small _ wB); [ | lia ].
+assert (0 <= to_Z i mod 2 < 2)%Z.
+apply Z_mod_lt; lia.
+rewrite (Zmod_small _ wB); [ | lia ].
+rewrite 2!Zmod_even.
+rewrite Z.even_sub.
+case (Z.even (to_Z i)).
+Lemma sub1_lsr : forall i, i <> 0 -> (i - 1) >> 1 = if bit i 0 then i >> 1 else i >> 1 - 1.
+intro i.
+rewrite <- to_Z_eq, to_Z_0; intro Hi0.
+assert (Hi : (0 < to_Z i < wB)%Z).
+generalize (to_Z_bounded i); lia.
+clear Hi0.
+rewrite <- to_Z_eq.
+rewrite lsr_spec, to_Z_sub_1_0, to_Z_1; [ | lia ].
+case_eq (bit i 0); intro Hibit.
+rewrite lsr_spec, to_Z_1.
+change (2 ^ 1)%Z with 2%Z.
+rewrite to_Z_split.
+rewrite Hibit.
+rewrite <- Z.add_sub_assoc.
+change (to_Z true) with 1%Z.
+replace (1 - 1)%Z with 0%Z by ring.
+rewrite 2!Z.div_add_l; [ reflexivity | lia | lia ].
+rewrite to_Z_sub_1_0.
+rewrite lsr_spec, to_Z_1.
+change (2 ^ 1)%Z with 2%Z.
+rewrite to_Z_split.
+rewrite Hibit.
+rewrite <- Z.add_sub_assoc.
+change (to_Z false) with 0%Z.
+rewrite 2!Z.div_add_l; [ | lia | lia ].
+rewrite <- Z.add_sub_assoc; reflexivity.
+rewrite lsr_spec.
+change (2 ^ to_Z 1)%Z with 2%Z.
+apply Z.div_str_pos.
+split; [ lia | ].
+cut (to_Z i <> 1)%Z; [ lia | ].
+change 1%Z with (to_Z 1).
+rewrite to_Z_eq.
+intro H; rewrite H in Hibit; discriminate.
+Lemma pow2_lsr : forall i n,
+ (to_Z i < 2 ^ Z.of_nat (S n))%Z -> (to_Z (i >> 1) < 2 ^ Z.of_nat n)%Z.
+intros i n Hi.
+rewrite lsr_spec.
+change (2 ^ to_Z 1)%Z with 2%Z.
+apply (Zmult_lt_reg_r _ _ 2); [ lia | ].
+rewrite Zmult_comm.
+apply (Z.le_lt_trans _ (to_Z i)).
+apply Z.mul_div_le; lia.
+rewrite <- two_power_nat_equiv in *.
+rewrite two_power_nat_S in Hi.
+rewrite Zmult_comm; assumption.
+Lemma pow2_size : forall i, (to_Z i < 2 ^ Z.of_nat size)%Z.
+intro i.
+change (2 ^ Z.of_nat size)%Z with wB.
+generalize (to_Z_bounded i); lia.
+Fixpoint iter_int63_aux (n : nat) (i : int) (A : Type) (f : A -> A) : A -> A :=
+ match n with
+ | O => fun x => x
+ | S n =>
+ if i == 0 then fun x => x
+ else let g := iter_int63_aux n (i >> 1) A f in
+ fun x => if bit i 0 then f (g (g x)) else g (g x)
+ end.
+Definition iter_int63 := iter_int63_aux size.
+Lemma iter_int63_aux_comm : forall n i A f a,
+ (to_Z i < 2 ^ Z.of_nat n)%Z ->
+ iter_int63_aux n i A f (f a) = f (iter_int63_aux n i A f a).
+intros n i A f; revert i; induction n.
+intros i a Hi.
+assert (i = 0).
+rewrite <- to_Z_eq, to_Z_0.
+generalize (to_Z_bounded i); lia.
+intros i a Hi; simpl.
+case (i == 0); [ reflexivity | ].
+rewrite IHn; [ | apply pow2_lsr; assumption].
+rewrite IHn; [ | apply pow2_lsr; assumption].
+case (bit i 0); reflexivity.
+Lemma iter_int63_comm : forall i A f a,
+ iter_int63 i A f (f a) = f (iter_int63 i A f a).
+intros i A f a.
+unfold iter_int63.
+apply iter_int63_aux_comm.
+apply pow2_size.
+Lemma iter_int63_aux_S : forall n i A f a,
+ (0 < to_Z i < 2 ^ Z.of_nat n)%Z ->
+ iter_int63_aux n i A f a = f (iter_int63_aux n (i - 1) A f a).
+intros n i A f; revert i; induction n; intros i a Hi.
+ lia.
+replace (i == 0) with false.
+ rewrite bit_sub1_0, sub1_lsr.
+ {
+ case_eq (bit i 0); simpl.
+ {
+ intros _.
+ case_eq (i == 1).
+ {
+ rewrite eqb_spec; intro H; rewrite H in *; clear i H.
+ case n; reflexivity.
+ }
+ rewrite <- not_true_iff_false, eqb_spec, <- to_Z_eq, to_Z_1; intro Hi1.
+ replace (i - 1 == 0) with false.
+ {
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ symmetry.
+ rewrite <- not_true_iff_false, eqb_spec, <- to_Z_eq, to_Z_sub_1_0, to_Z_0; lia.
+ }
+ intro Hibit.
+ case_eq (i == 1).
+ {
+ rewrite eqb_spec; intro H; rewrite H in *; clear i H; discriminate.
+ }
+ rewrite <- not_true_iff_false, eqb_spec, <- to_Z_eq, to_Z_1; intro Hi1.
+ replace (i - 1 == 0) with false.
+ {
+ case_eq (i == 2).
+ {
+ rewrite eqb_spec; intro H; rewrite H in *; clear i H.
+ destruct n; [ lia | ].
+ case n; reflexivity.
+ }
+ rewrite <- not_true_iff_false, eqb_spec, <- to_Z_eq.
+ change (to_Z 2) with 2%Z; intro Hi2.
+ rewrite (IHn (i >> 1)).
+ {
+ rewrite (IHn (i >> 1)).
+ {
+ f_equal.
+ apply iter_int63_aux_comm.
+ replace (i >> 1 - 1) with ((i - 1) >> 1).
+ {
+ apply pow2_lsr.
+ rewrite to_Z_sub_1_0; lia.
+ }
+ rewrite sub1_lsr, Hibit; [ reflexivity | ].
+ rewrite <- to_Z_eq, to_Z_0; lia.
+ }
+ split.
+ {
+ rewrite lsr_spec, to_Z_1.
+ change (2 ^ 1)%Z with 2%Z.
+ apply Z.div_str_pos; lia.
+ }
+ apply pow2_lsr; lia.
+ }
+ split.
+ {
+ rewrite lsr_spec, to_Z_1.
+ change (2 ^ 1)%Z with 2%Z.
+ apply Z.div_str_pos; lia.
+ }
+ apply pow2_lsr; lia.
+ }
+ symmetry.
+ rewrite <- not_true_iff_false, eqb_spec, <- to_Z_eq, to_Z_sub_1_0, to_Z_0; lia.
+ }
+ rewrite <- to_Z_eq, to_Z_0; lia.
+rewrite <- not_true_iff_false, eqb_spec, <- to_Z_eq, to_Z_0; lia.
+Lemma iter_int63_S : forall i A f a, 0 < i = true -> iter_int63 i A f a = f (iter_int63 (i - 1) A f a).
+intros i A f a.
+rewrite ltb_spec, to_Z_0; intro Hi.
+unfold iter_int63.
+apply iter_int63_aux_S.
+split; [ lia | ].
+apply pow2_size.
+Definition foldi
+ {A : Type}
+ (f : int -> A -> A)
+ (from to : int)
+ (a : A)
+ : A :=
+ if to <= from then
+ a
+ else
+ let (_,r) := iter_int63 (to - from) _ (fun (jy: (int * A)%type) =>
+ let (j,y) := jy in (j + 1, f j y)
+ ) (from, a) in r.
Lemma foldi_ge : forall A f from to (a:A),
to <= from = true -> foldi f from to a = a.
intros A f from to a; unfold foldi.
- assert (Bfrom := to_Z_bounded from); assert (Bto := to_Z_bounded to).
- rewrite leb_spec, Z2Nat.inj_le by lia; intro Hle.
- replace (_ - _)%nat with O by lia; tauto.
+ intro H; rewrite H; reflexivity.
Lemma foldi_lt_l : forall A f from to (a:A),
from < to = true -> foldi f from to a = foldi f (from + 1) to (f from a).
- intros A f from to a; rewrite ltb_spec; intro Hlt; unfold foldi.
- assert (Bfrom := to_Z_bounded from); assert (Bto := to_Z_bounded to).
- rewrite <- Nat.sub_succ.
- rewrite Nat.sub_succ_l by (rewrite Nat.le_succ_l, <- Z2Nat.inj_lt; lia); f_equal.
- rewrite to_Z_add_1_wB, Z.add_1_r, Z2Nat.inj_succ by lia; reflexivity.
- f_equal.
- rewrite <- Nat.sub_succ_l by (rewrite Nat.le_succ_l, <- Z2Nat.inj_lt; lia).
- rewrite Nat.sub_succ, <- Z2Nat.inj_sub, Z2Nat.id by lia.
- apply to_Z_inj; rewrite sub_spec, of_Z_spec, <- 2!sub_spec; f_equal; ring.
+intros A f from to a Hfromto.
+pose proof (to_Z_bounded from) as Hfrom.
+pose proof (to_Z_bounded to) as Hto.
+unfold foldi.
+rewrite leb_negb_gtb.
+rewrite Hfromto; simpl.
+rewrite ltb_spec in Hfromto.
+case_eq (to <= from + 1).
+rewrite leb_spec, to_Z_add_1_wB; [ | lia ].
+intro Htofrom.
+assert (H : to = from + 1).
+rewrite <- to_Z_eq.
+rewrite to_Z_add_1_wB; lia.
+rewrite H; clear H.
+replace (from + 1 - from) with 1 by ring.
+rewrite iter_int63_S; [ | reflexivity ].
+change (1 - 1) with 0.
+replace (to - (from + 1)) with (to - from - 1) by ring.
+rewrite iter_int63_S.
+rewrite (iter_int63_comm _ _
+ (fun jy : int * A => let (j, y) := jy in (j + 1, f j y))
+ (from, a)).
+rewrite ltb_spec, to_Z_0, sub_spec, Zmod_small; lia.
Lemma foldi_lt_r : forall A f from to (a:A),