path: root/examples
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples')
5 files changed, 139 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/examples/Example.v b/examples/Example.v
index 2f3ca73..60d1a2b 100644
--- a/examples/Example.v
+++ b/examples/Example.v
@@ -53,23 +53,21 @@ Qed.
Goal forall (a b : Z) (P : Z -> bool) (f : Z -> Z),
- (negb (Zeq_bool (f a) b)) || (negb (P (f a))) || (P b).
+ negb (f a =? b) || negb (P (f a)) || (P b).
Goal forall b1 b2 x1 x2,
(ifb b1
- (ifb b2 (Zeq_bool (2*x1+1) (2*x2+1)) (Zeq_bool (2*x1+1) (2*x2)))
- (ifb b2 (Zeq_bool (2*x1) (2*x2+1)) (Zeq_bool (2*x1) (2*x2))))
- ((implb b1 b2) && (implb b2 b1) && (Zeq_bool x1 x2)).
+ (ifb b2 (2*x1+1 =? 2*x2+1) (2*x1+1 =? 2*x2))
+ (ifb b2 (2*x1 =? 2*x2+1) (2*x1 =? 2*x2)))
+ ((implb b1 b2) && (implb b2 b1) && (x1 =? x2)).
(* Examples of using the conversion tactics *)
Local Open Scope positive_scope.
@@ -137,4 +135,80 @@ nat_convert.
-Local Close Scope nat_scope. \ No newline at end of file
+Local Close Scope nat_scope.
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+(* Some examples of using verit with lemmas. Use <verit_base H1 .. Hn; vauto>
+ to temporarily add the lemmas H1 .. Hn to the verit environment. *)
+Lemma const_fun_is_eq_val_0 :
+ forall f : Z -> Z,
+ (forall a b, f a =? f b) ->
+ forall x, f x =? f 0.
+ intros f Hf.
+ verit_base Hf; vauto.
+Section Without_lemmas.
+ Lemma fSS:
+ forall (f : Z -> Z) (k : Z) (x : Z),
+ implb (f (x+1) =? f x + k)
+ (implb (f (x+2) =? f (x+1) + k)
+ (f (x+2) =? f x + 2 * k)).
+ Proof. verit. Qed.
+End Without_lemmas.
+Section With_lemmas.
+ Variable f : Z -> Z.
+ Variable k : Z.
+ Hypothesis f_k_linear : forall x, f (x + 1) =? f x + k.
+ Lemma fSS2:
+ forall x, f (x + 2) =? f x + 2 * k.
+ Proof. verit_base f_k_linear; vauto. Qed.
+End With_lemmas.
+(* You can use <Add_lemmas H1 .. Hn> to permanently add the lemmas H1 .. Hn to
+ the environment. If you did so in a section then, at the end of the section,
+ you should use <Clear_lemmas> to empty the globally added lemmas because
+ those lemmas won't be available outside of the section. *)
+Section mult3.
+ Variable mult3 : Z -> Z.
+ Hypothesis mult3_0 : mult3 0 =? 0.
+ Hypothesis mult3_Sn : forall n, mult3 (n+1) =? mult3 n + 3.
+ Add_lemmas mult3_0 mult3_Sn.
+ Lemma mult3_21 : mult3 7 =? 21.
+ Proof. verit. Qed.
+ Clear_lemmas.
+End mult3.
+Section group.
+ Variable op : Z -> Z -> Z.
+ Variable inv : Z -> Z.
+ Variable e : Z.
+ Hypothesis associative :
+ forall a b c : Z, op a (op b c) =? op (op a b) c.
+ Hypothesis identity :
+ forall a : Z, (op e a =? a) && (op a e =? a).
+ Hypothesis inverse :
+ forall a : Z, (op a (inv a) =? e) && (op (inv a) a =? e).
+ Add_lemmas associative identity inverse.
+ Lemma unique_identity e':
+ (forall z, op e' z =? z) -> e' =? e.
+ Proof. intros pe'. verit_base pe'; vauto. Qed.
+ Lemma simplification_right x1 x2 y:
+ op x1 y =? op x2 y -> x1 =? x2.
+ Proof. intro H. verit_base H; vauto. Qed.
+ Lemma simplification_left x1 x2 y:
+ op y x1 =? op y x2 -> x1 =? x2.
+ Proof. intro H. verit_base H; vauto. Qed.
+ Clear_lemmas.
+End group.
diff --git a/examples/Non_terminating.v b/examples/Non_terminating.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..087301a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/Non_terminating.v
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Require Import SMTCoq.
+Parameter g : Z -> Z.
+Axiom g_2_linear : forall x, Zeq_bool (g (x + 1)) ((g x) + 2).
+Lemma apply_lemma_multiple :
+ forall x y, Zeq_bool (g (x + y)) ((g x) + y * 2).
+ verit g_2_linear.
diff --git a/examples/one_equality_switch.v b/examples/one_equality_switch.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3473d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/one_equality_switch.v
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Require Import SMTCoq.
+Require Import Bool.
+Local Open Scope int63_scope.
+Parameter f : Z -> Z.
+Lemma sym_zeq_bool x y :
+ Zeq_bool x y = Zeq_bool y x.
+ case_eq (Zeq_bool x y).
+ rewrite <- Zeq_is_eq_bool. intro H. symmetry. now rewrite <- Zeq_is_eq_bool.
+ symmetry. apply not_true_is_false.
+ intro H1. rewrite <- Zeq_is_eq_bool in H1.
+ symmetry in H1. rewrite Zeq_is_eq_bool in H1.
+ rewrite H in H1. discriminate H1.
+Axiom f_spec : forall x, (f (x+1) =? f x + 1) && (f 0 =? 0).
+Lemma f_1 : f 1 =? 1.
+ verit_base f_spec; vauto; rewrite Z.eqb_sym; auto.
diff --git a/examples/switching_input.v b/examples/switching_input.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52261d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/switching_input.v
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Require Import SMTCoq.
+Require Import Bool.
+Local Open Scope int63_scope.
+Parameter m : Z -> Z.
+Axiom m_0 : m 0 =? 5.
+Lemma cinq_m_0 :
+ m 0 =? 5.
+Proof. verit_base m_0; vauto. Qed.
diff --git a/examples/sym_zeq.v b/examples/sym_zeq.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b940490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/sym_zeq.v
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Require Import SMTCoq.
+Require Import Bool.
+Local Open Scope int63_scope.
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+Parameter h : Z -> Z -> Z.
+Axiom h_Sm_n : forall x y, h (x+1) y =? h x y.
+Lemma h_1_0 :
+ h 1 0 =? h 0 0.
+Proof. verit_base h_Sm_n; vauto. Qed.