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diff --git a/src/classes/SMT_classes.v b/src/classes/SMT_classes.v
index 5f79faf..f8d5b50 100644
--- a/src/classes/SMT_classes.v
+++ b/src/classes/SMT_classes.v
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Definition eqb_to_eq_dec :
-(** Types with a Boolean equality that reflects in Leibniz equality *)
+(** Types with a Boolean equality that reflects Leibniz equality *)
Class EqbType T := {
eqb : T -> T -> bool;
eqb_spec : forall x y, eqb x y = true <-> x = y
@@ -37,32 +37,65 @@ Class EqbType T := {
(** Types with a decidable equality *)
Class DecType T := {
- eq_refl : forall x : T, x = x;
- eq_sym : forall x y : T, x = y -> y = x;
- eq_trans : forall x y z : T, x = y -> y = z -> x = z;
eq_dec : forall x y : T, { x = y } + { x <> y }
-Hint Immediate eq_sym.
-Hint Resolve eq_refl eq_trans.
(** Types equipped with Boolean equality are decidable *)
-Instance EqbToDecType T `(EqbType T) : DecType T.
- destruct H.
- split; auto.
- intros; subst; auto.
- apply (eqb_to_eq_dec _ eqb0); auto.
+Section EqbToDecType.
+ Generalizable Variable T.
+ Context `{ET : EqbType T}.
+ Instance EqbToDecType : DecType T.
+ Proof.
+ destruct ET as [eqb0 Heqb0]. split.
+ apply (eqb_to_eq_dec _ eqb0); auto.
+ Defined.
+End EqbToDecType.
+(** Basic properties on types with Boolean equality *)
+Section EqbTypeProp.
+ Generalizable Variable T.
+ Context `{ET : EqbType T}.
+ Lemma eqb_refl x : eqb x x = true.
+ Proof. now rewrite eqb_spec. Qed.
+ Lemma eqb_sym x y : eqb x y = true -> eqb y x = true.
+ Proof. rewrite !eqb_spec. now intros ->. Qed.
+ Lemma eqb_trans x y z : eqb x y = true -> eqb y z = true -> eqb x z = true.
+ Proof. rewrite !eqb_spec. now intros ->. Qed.
+ Lemma eqb_spec_false x y : eqb x y = false <-> x <> y.
+ Proof.
+ split.
+ - intros H1 H2. subst y. rewrite eqb_refl in H1. inversion H1.
+ - intro H. case_eq (eqb x y); auto. intro H1. elim H. now rewrite <- eqb_spec.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma reflect_eqb x y : reflect (x = y) (eqb x y).
+ Proof.
+ case_eq (eqb x y); intro H; constructor.
+ - now rewrite eqb_spec in H.
+ - now rewrite eqb_spec_false in H.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eqb_sym2 x y : eqb x y = eqb y x.
+ Proof.
+ case_eq (eqb y x); intro H.
+ - now apply eqb_sym.
+ - rewrite eqb_spec_false in *. auto.
+ Qed.
+End EqbTypeProp.
(** Class of types with a partial order *)
Class OrdType T := {
lt: T -> T -> Prop;
lt_trans : forall x y z : T, lt x y -> lt y z -> lt x z;
- lt_not_eq : forall x y : T, lt x y -> ~ eq x y
- (* compare : forall x y : T, Compare lt eq x y *)
+ lt_not_eq : forall x y : T, lt x y -> x <> y
Hint Resolve lt_not_eq lt_trans.
@@ -84,6 +117,29 @@ Class Comparable T {ot:OrdType T} := {
+(* A Comparable type is also an EqbType *)
+Section Comparable2EqbType.
+ Generalizable Variable T.
+ Context `{OTT : OrdType T}.
+ Context `{CT : Comparable T}.
+ Definition compare2eqb (x y:T) : bool :=
+ match compare x y with
+ | EQ _ => true
+ | _ => false
+ end.
+ Lemma compare2eqb_spec x y : compare2eqb x y = true <-> x = y.
+ Proof.
+ unfold compare2eqb.
+ case_eq (compare x y); simpl; intros e He; split; try discriminate;
+ try (intros ->; elim (lt_not_eq _ _ e (eq_refl _))); auto.
+ Qed.
+ Instance Comparable2EqbType : EqbType T := Build_EqbType _ _ compare2eqb_spec.
+End Comparable2EqbType.
(** Class of inhabited types *)
Class Inhabited T := {
default_value : T
@@ -92,53 +148,44 @@ Class Inhabited T := {
(** * CompDec: Merging all previous classes *)
Class CompDec T := {
- ty := T;
- Eqb :> EqbType ty;
- Decidable := EqbToDecType ty Eqb;
- Ordered :> OrdType ty;
- Comp :> @Comparable ty Ordered;
- Inh :> Inhabited ty
+ Eqb :> EqbType T; (* This is redundant since implied by Comp, but it actually allows us to choose a specific equality function *)
+ Ordered :> OrdType T;
+ Comp :> @Comparable T Ordered;
+ Inh :> Inhabited T
-Instance ord_of_compdec t `{c: CompDec t} : (OrdType t) :=
- let (_, _, _, ord, _, _) := c in ord.
+Instance eqbtype_of_compdec t `{c: CompDec t} : (EqbType t) :=
+ let (eqb, _, _, _) := c in eqb.
-Instance inh_of_compdec t `{c: CompDec t} : (Inhabited t) :=
- let (_, _, _, _, _, inh) := c in inh.
+Instance ord_of_compdec t `{c: CompDec t} : (OrdType t) :=
+ let (_, ord, _, _) := c in ord.
+Instance inh_of_compdec t `{c: CompDec t} : (Inhabited t) :=
+ let (_, _, _, inh) := c in inh.
Instance comp_of_compdec t `{c: CompDec t} : @Comparable t (ord_of_compdec t).
-destruct c; trivial.
+ destruct c; trivial.
-Instance eqbtype_of_compdec t `{c: CompDec t} : EqbType t :=
- let (_, eqbtype, _, _, _, inh) := c in eqbtype.
-Instance dec_of_compdec t `{c: CompDec t} : DecType t :=
- let (_, _, dec, _, _, inh) := c in dec.
-Definition type_compdec {ty:Type} (cd : CompDec ty) := ty.
Definition eqb_of_compdec {t} (c : CompDec t) : t -> t -> bool :=
- match c with
- | {| ty := ty; Eqb := {| eqb := eqb |} |} => eqb
+ match eqbtype_of_compdec t with
+ | {| eqb := eqb |} => eqb
Lemma compdec_eq_eqb {T:Type} {c : CompDec T} : forall x y : T,
x = y <-> eqb_of_compdec c x y = true.
- destruct c. destruct Eqb0.
- simpl. intros. rewrite eqb_spec0. reflexivity.
+ intros x y. destruct c as [[E HE] O C I]. unfold eqb_of_compdec. simpl. now rewrite HE.
Hint Resolve
- eqbtype_of_compdec
- dec_of_compdec : typeclass_instances.
+ eqbtype_of_compdec : typeclass_instances.
Record typ_compdec : Type := Typ_compdec {
@@ -146,28 +193,30 @@ Record typ_compdec : Type := Typ_compdec {
te_compdec : CompDec te_carrier
Section CompDec_from.
Variable T : Type.
Variable eqb' : T -> T -> bool.
+ Variable eqb'_spec : forall x y, eqb' x y = true <-> x = y.
Variable lt' : T -> T -> Prop.
- Variable d : T.
+ Hypothesis lt'_trans : forall x y z : T, lt' x y -> lt' y z -> lt' x z.
+ Hypothesis lt'_neq : forall x y : T, lt' x y -> x <> y.
- Hypothesis eqb_spec' : forall x y : T, eqb' x y = true <-> x = y.
- Hypothesis lt_trans': forall x y z : T, lt' x y -> lt' y z -> lt' x z.
- Hypothesis lt_neq': forall x y : T, lt' x y -> x <> y.
Variable compare': forall x y : T, Compare lt' eq x y.
+ Variable d : T.
Program Instance CompDec_from : (CompDec T) := {|
- Eqb := {| eqb := eqb' |};
- Ordered := {| lt := lt'; lt_trans := lt_trans' |};
+ Eqb := {| eqb := eqb'; eqb_spec := eqb'_spec |};
+ Ordered := {| lt := lt'; lt_trans := lt'_trans |};
Comp := {| compare := compare' |};
Inh := {| default_value := d |}
Definition typ_compdec_from : typ_compdec :=
Typ_compdec T CompDec_from.
End CompDec_from.
diff --git a/src/classes/SMT_classes_instances.v b/src/classes/SMT_classes_instances.v
index 71318df..339d710 100644
--- a/src/classes/SMT_classes_instances.v
+++ b/src/classes/SMT_classes_instances.v
@@ -18,45 +18,37 @@ Require Export SMT_classes.
Section Unit.
Let eqb : unit -> unit -> bool := fun _ _ => true.
Let lt : unit -> unit -> Prop := fun _ _ => False.
- Instance unit_ord : OrdType unit.
+ Global Instance unit_ord : OrdType unit.
Proof. exists lt; unfold lt; trivial.
intros; contradict H; trivial.
- Instance unit_eqbtype : EqbType unit.
+ Global Instance unit_eqbtype : EqbType unit.
exists eqb. intros. destruct x, y. unfold eqb. split; trivial.
- Instance unit_comp : @Comparable unit unit_ord.
+ Global Instance unit_comp : @Comparable unit unit_ord.
split. intros. destruct x, y.
apply OrderedType.EQ; trivial.
- Instance unit_inh : Inhabited unit := {| default_value := tt |}.
- Instance unit_compdec : CompDec unit := {|
+ Global Instance unit_inh : Inhabited unit := {| default_value := tt |}.
+ Global Instance unit_compdec : CompDec unit := {|
Eqb := unit_eqbtype;
Ordered := unit_ord;
Comp := unit_comp;
Inh := unit_inh
Definition unit_typ_compdec := Typ_compdec unit unit_compdec.
- Lemma eqb_eq_unit : forall x y, eqb x y <-> x = y.
- Proof. intros. split; case x; case y; unfold eqb; intros; now auto.
- Qed.
End Unit.
@@ -65,23 +57,17 @@ Section Bool.
Definition ltb_bool x y := negb x && y.
Definition lt_bool x y := ltb_bool x y = true.
- Instance bool_ord : OrdType bool.
+ Global Instance bool_ord : OrdType bool.
exists lt_bool.
intros x y z.
- case x; case y; case z; intros; simpl; subst; auto.
+ case x; case y; case z; intros; simpl; subst; auto.
intros x y.
- case x; case y; intros; simpl in H; easy.
+ case x; case y; intros; simpl in H; easy.
- Instance bool_eqbtype : EqbType bool :=
- {| eqb := Bool.eqb; eqb_spec := eqb_true_iff |}.
- Instance bool_dec : DecType bool :=
- EqbToDecType _ bool_eqbtype.
- Instance bool_comp: Comparable bool.
+ Global Instance bool_comp: Comparable bool.
intros x y.
@@ -99,11 +85,16 @@ Section Bool.
case x in *; case y in *; auto.
- Instance bool_inh : Inhabited bool := {| default_value := false|}.
+ Global Instance bool_eqbtype : EqbType bool :=
+ {| eqb := Bool.eqb; eqb_spec := eqb_true_iff |}.
+ Global Instance bool_dec : DecType bool := EqbToDecType.
+ Global Instance bool_inh : Inhabited bool := {| default_value := false|}.
- Instance bool_compdec : CompDec bool := {|
- Eqb := bool_eqbtype;
- Ordered := bool_ord;
+ Global Instance bool_compdec : CompDec bool := {|
+ Eqb := bool_eqbtype;
+ Ordered := bool_ord;
Comp := bool_comp;
Inh := bool_inh
@@ -119,36 +110,32 @@ End Bool.
Section Z.
- Instance Z_ord : OrdType Z.
+ Global Instance Z_ord : OrdType Z.
exists Z_as_OT.lt.
exact Z_as_OT.lt_trans.
exact Z_as_OT.lt_not_eq.
- Instance Z_eqbtype : EqbType Z :=
- {| eqb := Z.eqb; eqb_spec := Z.eqb_eq |}.
- (* Instance Z_eqbtype : EqbType Z := *)
- (* {| eqb := Zeq_bool; eqb_spec := fun x y => symmetry (Zeq_is_eq_bool x y) |}. *)
- Instance Z_dec : DecType Z :=
- EqbToDecType _ Z_eqbtype.
- Instance Z_comp: Comparable Z.
+ Global Instance Z_comp: Comparable Z.
apply Z_as_OT.compare.
+ Global Instance Z_eqbtype : EqbType Z :=
+ {| eqb := Z.eqb; eqb_spec := Z.eqb_eq |}.
+ Global Instance Z_dec : DecType Z := @EqbToDecType _ Z_eqbtype.
+ Global Instance Z_inh : Inhabited Z := {| default_value := 0%Z |}.
- Instance Z_inh : Inhabited Z := {| default_value := 0%Z |}.
- Instance Z_compdec : CompDec Z := {|
- Eqb := Z_eqbtype;
- Ordered := Z_ord;
+ Global Instance Z_compdec : CompDec Z := {|
+ Eqb := Z_eqbtype;
+ Ordered := Z_ord;
Comp := Z_comp;
Inh := Z_inh
@@ -202,7 +189,7 @@ Section Z.
Lemma lt_Z_B2P': forall x y, ltP_Z x y <-> Z.lt x y.
Proof. intros x y; split; intro H.
- unfold ltP_Z in H.
+ unfold ltP_Z in H.
case_eq ((x <? y)%Z ); intros; rewrite H0 in H; try easy.
now apply Z.ltb_lt in H0.
apply lt_Z_B2P.
@@ -211,7 +198,7 @@ Section Z.
Lemma le_Z_B2P': forall x y, leP_Z x y <-> Z.le x y.
Proof. intros x y; split; intro H.
- unfold leP_Z in H.
+ unfold leP_Z in H.
case_eq ((x <=? y)%Z ); intros; rewrite H0 in H; try easy.
now apply Z.leb_le in H0.
apply le_Z_B2P.
@@ -220,7 +207,7 @@ Section Z.
Lemma gt_Z_B2P': forall x y, gtP_Z x y <-> Z.gt x y.
Proof. intros x y; split; intro H.
- unfold gtP_Z in H.
+ unfold gtP_Z in H.
case_eq ((x >? y)%Z ); intros; rewrite H0 in H; try easy.
now apply Zgt_is_gt_bool in H0.
apply gt_Z_B2P.
@@ -229,7 +216,7 @@ Section Z.
Lemma ge_Z_B2P': forall x y, geP_Z x y <-> Z.ge x y.
Proof. intros x y; split; intro H.
- unfold geP_Z in H.
+ unfold geP_Z in H.
case_eq ((x >=? y)%Z ); intros; rewrite H0 in H; try easy.
rewrite Z.geb_leb in H0. rewrite le_Z_B2P in H0.
apply le_Z_B2P' in H0. now apply Z.ge_le_iff.
@@ -250,34 +237,33 @@ End Z.
Section Nat.
- Instance Nat_ord : OrdType nat.
+ Global Instance Nat_ord : OrdType nat.
exists Nat_as_OT.lt.
exact Nat_as_OT.lt_trans.
exact Nat_as_OT.lt_not_eq.
- Instance Nat_eqbtype : EqbType nat :=
- {| eqb := Structures.nat_eqb; eqb_spec := Structures.nat_eqb_eq |}.
- Instance Nat_dec : DecType nat :=
- EqbToDecType _ Nat_eqbtype.
- Instance Nat_comp: Comparable nat.
+ Global Instance Nat_comp: Comparable nat.
apply Nat_as_OT.compare.
+ Global Instance Nat_eqbtype : EqbType nat :=
+ {| eqb := Structures.nat_eqb; eqb_spec := Structures.nat_eqb_eq |}.
+ Global Instance Nat_dec : DecType nat := EqbToDecType.
- Instance Nat_inh : Inhabited nat := {| default_value := O%nat |}.
+ Global Instance Nat_inh : Inhabited nat := {| default_value := O%nat |}.
- Instance Nat_compdec : CompDec nat := {|
- Eqb := Nat_eqbtype;
- Ordered := Nat_ord;
+ Global Instance Nat_compdec : CompDec nat := {|
+ Eqb := Nat_eqbtype;
+ Ordered := Nat_ord;
Comp := Nat_comp;
Inh := Nat_inh
@@ -287,30 +273,29 @@ End Nat.
Section Positive.
- Instance Positive_ord : OrdType positive.
+ Global Instance Positive_ord : OrdType positive.
exists Positive_as_OT.lt.
exact Positive_as_OT.lt_trans.
exact Positive_as_OT.lt_not_eq.
- Instance Positive_eqbtype : EqbType positive :=
- {| eqb := Pos.eqb; eqb_spec := Pos.eqb_eq |}.
- Instance Positive_dec : DecType positive :=
- EqbToDecType _ Positive_eqbtype.
- Instance Positive_comp: Comparable positive.
+ Global Instance Positive_comp: Comparable positive.
apply Positive_as_OT.compare.
- Instance Positive_inh : Inhabited positive := {| default_value := 1%positive |}.
+ Global Instance Positive_eqbtype : EqbType positive :=
+ {| eqb := Pos.eqb; eqb_spec := Pos.eqb_eq |}.
+ Global Instance Positive_dec : DecType positive := EqbToDecType.
- Instance Positive_compdec : CompDec positive := {|
- Eqb := Positive_eqbtype;
- Ordered := Positive_ord;
+ Global Instance Positive_inh : Inhabited positive := {| default_value := 1%positive |}.
+ Global Instance Positive_compdec : CompDec positive := {|
+ Eqb := Positive_eqbtype;
+ Ordered := Positive_ord;
Comp := Positive_comp;
Inh := Positive_inh
@@ -323,8 +308,8 @@ Section BV.
- Instance BV_ord n : OrdType (bitvector n).
+ Global Instance BV_ord n : OrdType (bitvector n).
exists (fun a b => (bv_ult a b)).
unfold bv_ult, RAWBITVECTOR_LIST.bv_ult.
@@ -342,15 +327,8 @@ Section BV.
apply H. easy.
- Instance BV_eqbtype n : EqbType (bitvector n) :=
- {| eqb := @bv_eq n;
- eqb_spec := @bv_eq_reflect n |}.
- Instance BV_dec n : DecType (bitvector n) :=
- EqbToDecType _ (BV_eqbtype n).
- Instance BV_comp n: Comparable (bitvector n).
+ Global Instance BV_comp n: Comparable (bitvector n).
intros x y.
@@ -388,13 +366,19 @@ Section BV.
now apply RAWBITVECTOR_LIST.rev_neq in H.
- Instance BV_inh n : Inhabited (bitvector n) :=
+ Global Instance BV_eqbtype n : EqbType (bitvector n) :=
+ {| eqb := @bv_eq n;
+ eqb_spec := @bv_eq_reflect n |}.
+ Global Instance BV_dec n : DecType (bitvector n) := EqbToDecType.
+ Global Instance BV_inh n : Inhabited (bitvector n) :=
{| default_value := zeros n |}.
- Instance BV_compdec n: CompDec (bitvector n) := {|
- Eqb := BV_eqbtype n;
- Ordered := BV_ord n;
+ Global Instance BV_compdec n: CompDec (bitvector n) := {|
+ Eqb := BV_eqbtype n;
+ Ordered := BV_ord n;
Comp := BV_comp n;
Inh := BV_inh n
@@ -405,10 +389,9 @@ End BV.
Section FArray.
- Instance FArray_ord key elt
+ Global Instance FArray_ord key elt
`{key_ord: OrdType key}
`{elt_ord: OrdType elt}
- `{elt_dec: DecType elt}
`{elt_inh: Inhabited elt}
`{key_comp: @Comparable key key_ord} : OrdType (farray key elt).
@@ -419,10 +402,30 @@ Section FArray.
apply lt_farray_not_eq in H.
apply H.
rewrite H0.
- apply eqfarray_refl. auto.
+ apply eqfarray_refl.
- Instance FArray_eqbtype key elt
+ Global Instance FArray_comp key elt
+ `{key_ord: OrdType key}
+ `{elt_ord: OrdType elt}
+ `{key_comp: @Comparable key key_ord}
+ `{elt_inh: Inhabited elt}
+ `{elt_comp: @Comparable elt elt_ord} : Comparable (farray key elt).
+ Proof.
+ constructor.
+ intros.
+ destruct (compare_farray key_comp elt_comp x y).
+ - apply OrderedType.LT. auto.
+ - apply OrderedType.EQ.
+ specialize (@eq_equal key elt key_ord key_comp elt_ord elt_comp elt_inh x y).
+ intros.
+ apply H in e.
+ now apply equal_eq in e.
+ - apply OrderedType.GT. auto.
+ Defined.
+ Global Instance FArray_eqbtype key elt
`{key_ord: OrdType key}
`{elt_ord: OrdType elt}
`{elt_eqbtype: EqbType elt}
@@ -436,88 +439,48 @@ Section FArray.
apply FArray.equal_eq.
intros. subst. apply eq_equal. apply eqfarray_refl.
- apply EqbToDecType. auto.
- Instance FArray_dec key elt
+ Global Instance FArray_dec key elt
`{key_ord: OrdType key}
`{elt_ord: OrdType elt}
`{elt_eqbtype: EqbType elt}
`{key_comp: @Comparable key key_ord}
`{elt_comp: @Comparable elt elt_ord}
`{elt_inh: Inhabited elt}
- : DecType (farray key elt) :=
- EqbToDecType _ (FArray_eqbtype key elt).
+ : DecType (farray key elt) := EqbToDecType.
- Instance FArray_comp key elt
- `{key_ord: OrdType key}
- `{elt_ord: OrdType elt}
- `{elt_eqbtype: EqbType elt}
- `{key_comp: @Comparable key key_ord}
- `{elt_inh: Inhabited elt}
- `{elt_comp: @Comparable elt elt_ord} : Comparable (farray key elt).
- Proof.
- constructor.
- intros.
- destruct (compare_farray key_comp (EqbToDecType _ elt_eqbtype) elt_comp x y).
- - apply OrderedType.LT. auto.
- - apply OrderedType.EQ.
- specialize (@eq_equal key elt key_ord key_comp elt_ord elt_comp elt_inh x y).
- intros.
- apply H in e.
- now apply equal_eq in e.
- - apply OrderedType.GT. auto.
- Defined.
- Instance FArray_inh key elt
+ Global Instance FArray_inh key elt
`{key_ord: OrdType key}
`{elt_inh: Inhabited elt} : Inhabited (farray key elt) :=
{| default_value := FArray.empty key_ord elt_inh |}.
- Program Instance FArray_compdec key elt
+ Global Instance FArray_compdec key elt
`{key_compdec: CompDec key}
`{elt_compdec: CompDec elt} :
CompDec (farray key elt) :=
Eqb := FArray_eqbtype key elt;
Ordered := FArray_ord key elt;
- (* Comp := FArray_comp key elt ; *)
+ Comp := FArray_comp key elt ;
Inh := FArray_inh key elt
- Next Obligation.
- constructor.
- destruct key_compdec, elt_compdec.
- simpl in *.
- unfold lt_farray.
- intros. simpl.
- unfold EqbToDecType. simpl.
- case_eq (compare x y); intros.
- apply OrderedType.LT.
- destruct (compare x y); try discriminate H; auto.
- apply OrderedType.EQ.
- destruct (compare x y); try discriminate H; auto.
- apply OrderedType.GT.
- destruct (compare y x); try discriminate H; auto; clear H.
- Defined.
End FArray.
Section Int63.
Local Open Scope int63_scope.
Let int_lt x y :=
if Int63Native.ltb x y then True else False.
- Instance int63_ord : OrdType int.
+ Global Instance int63_ord : OrdType int.
exists int_lt; unfold int_lt.
- - intros x y z.
+ - intros x y z.
case_eq (x < y); intro;
case_eq (y < z); intro;
case_eq (x < z); intro;
@@ -533,15 +496,9 @@ Section Int63.
rewrite <- Int63Properties.to_Z_eq.
exact (Z.lt_neq _ _ H).
- Instance int63_eqbtype : EqbType int :=
- {| eqb := Int63Native.eqb; eqb_spec := Int63Properties.eqb_spec |}.
- Instance int63_dec : DecType int :=
- EqbToDecType _ int63_eqbtype.
- Instance int63_comp: Comparable int.
+ Global Instance int63_comp: Comparable int.
intros x y.
@@ -566,16 +523,20 @@ Section Int63.
rewrite H0. auto.
+ Global Instance int63_eqbtype : EqbType int :=
+ {| eqb := Int63Native.eqb; eqb_spec := Int63Properties.eqb_spec |}.
+ Global Instance int63_dec : DecType int := EqbToDecType.
- Instance int63_inh : Inhabited int := {| default_value := 0 |}.
- Instance int63_compdec : CompDec int := {|
- Eqb := int63_eqbtype;
- Ordered := int63_ord;
+ Global Instance int63_inh : Inhabited int := {| default_value := 0 |}.
+ Global Instance int63_compdec : CompDec int := {|
+ Eqb := int63_eqbtype;
+ Ordered := int63_ord;
Comp := int63_comp;
Inh := int63_inh
End Int63.
@@ -586,25 +547,6 @@ Section option.
Context `{HA : CompDec A}.
- Definition option_eqb (x y : option A) : bool :=
- match x, y with
- | Some a, Some b => eqb a b
- | None, None => true
- | _, _ => false
- end.
- Lemma option_eqb_spec : forall (x y : option A), option_eqb x y = true <-> x = y.
- Proof.
- intros [a| ] [b| ]; simpl; split; try discriminate; auto.
- - intro H. rewrite eqb_spec in H. now subst b.
- - intros H. inversion H as [H1]. now rewrite eqb_spec.
- Qed.
- Instance option_eqbtype : EqbType (option A) := Build_EqbType _ _ option_eqb_spec.
Definition option_lt (x y : option A) : Prop :=
match x, y with
| Some a, Some b => lt a b
@@ -631,7 +573,7 @@ Section option.
- Instance option_ord : OrdType (option A) :=
+ Global Instance option_ord : OrdType (option A) :=
Build_OrdType _ _ option_lt_trans option_lt_not_eq.
@@ -647,15 +589,15 @@ Section option.
- now apply EQ.
+ Global Instance option_comp : Comparable (option A) := Build_Comparable _ _ option_compare.
- Instance option_comp : Comparable (option A) := Build_Comparable _ _ option_compare.
+ Global Instance option_eqbtype : EqbType (option A) := Comparable2EqbType.
- Instance option_inh : Inhabited (option A) := Build_Inhabited _ None.
+ Global Instance option_inh : Inhabited (option A) := Build_Inhabited _ None.
- Instance option_compdec : CompDec (option A) := {|
- Eqb := option_eqbtype;
+ Global Instance option_compdec : CompDec (option A) := {|
Ordered := option_ord;
Comp := option_comp;
Inh := option_inh
@@ -670,27 +612,6 @@ Section list.
Context `{HA : CompDec A}.
- Fixpoint list_eqb (xs ys : list A) : bool :=
- match xs, ys with
- | nil, nil => true
- | x::xs, y::ys => eqb x y && list_eqb xs ys
- | _, _ => false
- end.
- Lemma list_eqb_spec : forall (x y : list A), list_eqb x y = true <-> x = y.
- Proof.
- induction x as [ |x xs IHxs]; intros [ |y ys]; simpl; split; try discriminate; auto.
- - rewrite andb_true_iff. intros [H1 H2]. rewrite eqb_spec in H1. rewrite IHxs in H2. now subst.
- - intros H. inversion H as [H1]. rewrite andb_true_iff; split.
- + now rewrite eqb_spec.
- + subst ys. now rewrite IHxs.
- Qed.
- Instance list_eqbtype : EqbType (list A) := Build_EqbType _ _ list_eqb_spec.
Fixpoint list_lt (xs ys : list A) : Prop :=
match xs, ys with
| nil, nil => False
@@ -700,6 +621,22 @@ Section list.
+ Definition list_compare : forall (x y : list A), Compare list_lt Logic.eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ induction x as [ |x xs IHxs]; intros [ |y ys]; simpl.
+ - now apply EQ.
+ - now apply LT.
+ - now apply GT.
+ - case_eq (compare x y); intros l H.
+ + apply LT. simpl. now left.
+ + case_eq (IHxs ys); intros l1 H1.
+ * apply LT. simpl. right. split; auto. now apply eqb_spec.
+ * apply EQ. now rewrite l, l1.
+ * apply GT. simpl. right. split; auto. now apply eqb_spec.
+ + apply GT. simpl. now left.
+ Defined.
Lemma list_lt_trans : forall (x y z : list A),
list_lt x y -> list_lt y z -> list_lt x z.
@@ -720,39 +657,24 @@ Section list.
induction x as [ |x xs IHxs]; intros [ |y ys]; simpl; auto.
- discriminate.
- intros [H1|[H1 H2]]; intros H; inversion H; subst.
- + eapply lt_not_eq; eauto.
- + eapply IHxs; eauto.
+ + now apply (lt_not_eq _ _ H1).
+ + now apply (IHxs _ H2).
- Instance list_ord : OrdType (list A) :=
+ Global Instance list_ord : OrdType (list A) :=
Build_OrdType _ _ list_lt_trans list_lt_not_eq.
- Definition list_compare : forall (x y : list A), Compare list_lt Logic.eq x y.
- Proof.
- induction x as [ |x xs IHxs]; intros [ |y ys]; simpl.
- - now apply EQ.
- - now apply LT.
- - now apply GT.
- - case_eq (compare x y); intros l H.
- + apply LT. simpl. now left.
- + case_eq (IHxs ys); intros l1 H1.
- * apply LT. simpl. right. split; auto. now apply eqb_spec.
- * apply EQ. now rewrite l, l1.
- * apply GT. simpl. right. split; auto. now apply eqb_spec.
- + apply GT. simpl. now left.
- Defined.
+ Global Instance list_comp : Comparable (list A) := Build_Comparable _ _ list_compare.
- Instance list_comp : Comparable (list A) := Build_Comparable _ _ list_compare.
+ Global Instance list_eqbtype : EqbType (list A) := Comparable2EqbType.
- Instance list_inh : Inhabited (list A) := Build_Inhabited _ nil.
+ Global Instance list_inh : Inhabited (list A) := Build_Inhabited _ nil.
- Instance list_compdec : CompDec (list A) := {|
- Eqb := list_eqbtype;
+ Global Instance list_compdec : CompDec (list A) := {|
Ordered := list_ord;
Comp := list_comp;
Inh := list_inh