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diff --git a/src/euf/Euf.v b/src/euf/Euf.v
index 7818246..5b4fa93 100644
--- a/src/euf/Euf.v
+++ b/src/euf/Euf.v
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ Section certif.
apply C.interp_true.
destruct (Form.check_form_correct interp_form_hatom interp_form_hatom_bv _ ch_form);trivial.
- Hint Resolve valid_C_true.
+ Hint Resolve valid_C_true : smtcoq_euf.
Local Notation interp := (Atom.interp t_i t_func t_atom).
@@ -210,9 +210,9 @@ Section certif.
C.interp rho (get_eq (Lit.blit l) f).
intros l f Hf;unfold get_eq.
- case_eq (t_form.[Lit.blit l]);trivial;intros.
- case_eq (t_atom.[i]);trivial;intros.
- destruct b;trivial.
+ case_eq (t_form.[Lit.blit l]);trivial with smtcoq_euf;intros.
+ case_eq (t_atom.[i]);trivial with smtcoq_euf;intros.
+ destruct b;trivial with smtcoq_euf.
generalize wt_t_atom;unfold Atom.wt;unfold is_true;
rewrite PArray.forallbi_spec;intros.
assert (i < length t_atom).
@@ -279,48 +279,48 @@ Section certif.
C.interp rho (check_trans_aux t1 t2 eqs res c).
induction eqs;simpl;intros.
- apply get_eq_interp;intros.
+ - apply get_eq_interp;intros.
match goal with |- context [if ?b then _ else _] => case_eq b end;
- intros;trivial.
+ intros;trivial with smtcoq_euf.
simpl;rewrite Lit.interp_lit;unfold Var.interp.
- destruct H1;[ | rewrite H1,orb_true_r;auto].
+ destruct H1;[ | rewrite H1,orb_true_r;auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core].
rewrite orb_true_iff, !andb_true_iff in H7;destruct H7 as
[[H7 H8] | [H7 H8]].
rewrite eqb_spec in H7. rewrite eqb_spec in H8. subst.
- tunicity. subst t. rewrite H4, H1;auto.
+ tunicity. subst t. rewrite H4, H1;auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
rewrite eqb_spec in H7. rewrite eqb_spec in H8. subst.
- tunicity. subst t;rewrite interp_binop_eqb_sym in H1;rewrite H4, H1;auto.
- apply get_eq_interp;intros.
+ tunicity. subst t;rewrite interp_binop_eqb_sym in H1;rewrite H4, H1;auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
+ - apply get_eq_interp;intros.
destruct (Int63Properties.reflect_eqb t2 b);subst;tunicity; try subst t.
- apply (IHeqs u);trivial.
+ + apply (IHeqs u);trivial.
simpl;unfold is_true;rewrite orb_true_iff.
rewrite Lit.interp_nlit;unfold Var.interp.
- (* Attention ici on utilise la decidabilit'e de l'egalit'e sur u *)
+ (* Warning: here, we use decidability of equality over u *)
case_eq (rho (Lit.blit a));[rewrite H4; intros | simpl;auto].
destruct H1;[left | auto].
apply interp_binop_eqb_trans with (4:= H1);trivial.
rewrite interp_binop_eqb_sym;trivial.
- destruct (Int63Properties.reflect_eqb t2 a0); subst;tunicity; try subst t.
- apply (IHeqs u);trivial.
+ + destruct (Int63Properties.reflect_eqb t2 a0); subst;tunicity; try subst t.
+ * apply (IHeqs u);trivial.
simpl;unfold is_true;rewrite orb_true_iff.
rewrite Lit.interp_nlit;unfold Var.interp.
- (* Attention ici on utilise la decidabilit'e de l'egalit'e sur u *)
+ (* Warning: here, we use decidability of equality over u *)
case_eq (rho (Lit.blit a));[rewrite H4; intros | simpl;auto].
destruct H1;[left | auto].
apply interp_binop_eqb_trans with (4:= H1);trivial.
- destruct (Int63Properties.reflect_eqb t1 b);subst;tunicity; try subst t.
- apply (IHeqs u);trivial.
+ * destruct (Int63Properties.reflect_eqb t1 b);subst;tunicity; try subst t.
+ -- apply (IHeqs u);trivial.
simpl;unfold is_true;rewrite orb_true_iff.
rewrite Lit.interp_nlit;unfold Var.interp.
- (* Attention ici on utilise la decidabilit'e de l'egalit'e sur u *)
+ (* Warning: here, we use decidability of equality over u *)
case_eq (rho (Lit.blit a));[rewrite H4; intros | simpl;auto].
destruct H1;[left | auto].
apply interp_binop_eqb_trans with (5:= H1);trivial.
- destruct (Int63Properties.reflect_eqb t1 a0);[subst;tunicity;try subst t|auto].
+ -- destruct (Int63Properties.reflect_eqb t1 a0);[subst;tunicity;try subst t|auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core].
apply (IHeqs u);trivial.
simpl;unfold is_true;rewrite orb_true_iff.
rewrite Lit.interp_nlit;unfold Var.interp.
- (* Attention ici on utilise la decidabilit'e de l'egalit'e sur u *)
+ (* Warning: here, we use decidability of equality over u *)
case_eq (rho (Lit.blit a));[rewrite H4; intros | simpl;auto].
destruct H1;[left | auto].
apply interp_binop_eqb_trans with (5:= H1);trivial.
@@ -332,9 +332,9 @@ Section certif.
C.interp rho (check_trans res eqs).
unfold check_trans;intros res [ | leq eqs].
- apply get_eq_interp;intros.
+ - apply get_eq_interp;intros.
destruct (Int63Properties.reflect_eqb a b).
- unfold C.interp; simpl; rewrite orb_false_r.
+ + unfold C.interp; simpl; rewrite orb_false_r.
unfold Lit.interp; simpl; rewrite Lit.is_pos_lit.
unfold Var.interp; simpl; rewrite Lit.blit_lit.
rewrite H1.
@@ -344,12 +344,12 @@ Section certif.
unfold Atom.interp_hatom.
rewrite HHb;simpl;rewrite Typ.cast_refl;simpl.
apply Typ.i_eqb_refl.
- auto.
- apply get_eq_interp;intros.
+ + auto with smtcoq_euf.
+ - apply get_eq_interp;intros.
apply check_trans_aux_correct with t;trivial.
simpl;rewrite Lit.interp_nlit;unfold Var.interp. rewrite <- H1.
(* Attention ici on utilise la decidabilit'e de l'egalit'e sur t *)
- destruct (rho (Lit.blit leq));auto.
+ destruct (rho (Lit.blit leq));auto with smtcoq_core.
Inductive Forall2 A B (P:A->B->Prop) : list A -> list B -> Prop :=
@@ -362,16 +362,16 @@ Section certif.
(Forall2 _ _ (fun a b => interp_hatom a = interp_hatom b) l r -> C.interp rho c) ->
C.interp rho (build_congr lp l r c).
- induction lp;destruct l;destruct r;simpl;trivial;intros.
+ induction lp;destruct l;destruct r;simpl;trivial with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core;intros.
apply H;constructor.
destruct a.
apply get_eq_interp;intros.
match goal with |- context [if ?x then _ else _] =>
- case_eq x;intros;auto end.
+ case_eq x;intros;auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core end.
apply IHlp;simpl;intros.
rewrite Lit.interp_nlit;unfold Var.interp.
- case_eq (rho (Lit.blit i1));intros;simpl;[ | auto].
- apply H;constructor;trivial.
+ case_eq (rho (Lit.blit i1));intros;simpl;[ | auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core].
+ apply H;constructor;trivial with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
generalize (Atom.check_aux_interp_hatom _ t_func _ wf_t_atom a), (Atom.check_aux_interp_hatom _ t_func _ wf_t_atom b). rewrite Typ.eqb_spec in H3. rewrite Typ.eqb_spec in H4. unfold Atom.get_type in H3, H4. rewrite H3,H4. intros [va HHa] [vb HHb].
revert H7;rewrite H2;unfold Atom.apply_binop; simpl.
unfold Atom.interp_hatom.
@@ -381,11 +381,11 @@ Section certif.
rewrite orb_true_iff, !andb_true_iff in H5;destruct H5 as
[ [H5 H7] | [H5 H7]].
rewrite eqb_spec in H5. rewrite eqb_spec in H7. subst.
- rewrite HHa, HHb;trivial.
+ rewrite HHa, HHb;trivial with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
rewrite eqb_spec in H5. rewrite eqb_spec in H7. subst.
- rewrite HHa, HHb;trivial.
- destruct (Int63Properties.reflect_eqb i i0);[subst | auto].
- apply IHlp;intros;apply H;constructor;auto.
+ rewrite HHa, HHb;trivial with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
+ destruct (Int63Properties.reflect_eqb i i0);[subst | auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core].
+ apply IHlp;intros;apply H;constructor;auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
Lemma valid_check_congr :
@@ -393,71 +393,71 @@ Section certif.
C.interp rho (check_congr leq eqs).
unfold check_congr;intros leq eqs;apply get_eq_interp;intros.
- case_eq (t_atom .[ a]);intros;auto;
- case_eq (t_atom .[ b]);intros;auto.
+ case_eq (t_atom .[ a]);intros;auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core;
+ case_eq (t_atom .[ b]);intros;auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
(* uop *)
- destruct (Atom.reflect_uop_eqb u u0);[subst | auto].
+ destruct (Atom.reflect_uop_eqb u u0);[subst | auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core].
apply build_congr_correct;intros.
simpl;rewrite Lit.interp_lit, orb_false_r;unfold Var.interp.
rewrite H1.
generalize (Atom.check_aux_interp_hatom _ t_func _ wf_t_atom a), (Atom.check_aux_interp_hatom _ t_func _ wf_t_atom b). rewrite Typ.eqb_spec in H2. rewrite Typ.eqb_spec in H3. unfold Atom.get_type in H2, H3. rewrite H2,H3. intros [va HHa] [vb HHb].
unfold Atom.apply_binop;unfold Atom.interp_hatom;simpl.
rewrite HHb, HHa. simpl.
- rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf in HHa; auto. rewrite H4 in HHa. simpl in HHa.
- rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf in HHb; auto. rewrite H5 in HHb. simpl in HHb.
+ rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf in HHa; auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core. rewrite H4 in HHa. simpl in HHa.
+ rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf in HHb; auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core. rewrite H5 in HHb. simpl in HHb.
rewrite Typ.cast_refl;simpl.
assert (Atom.Bval t_i t va = Atom.Bval t_i t vb).
inversion H6;subst.
unfold Atom.interp_hatom in H10.
- rewrite <- HHa; rewrite <- HHb, H10;trivial.
+ rewrite <- HHa; rewrite <- HHb, H10;trivial with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
inversion H7.
- apply Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec in H9;trivial.
+ apply Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec in H9;trivial with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
rewrite H9.
apply Typ.i_eqb_refl.
- intros x y;destruct (Typ.reflect_eqb x y);auto.
+ intros x y;destruct (Typ.reflect_eqb x y);auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
(* bop *)
- destruct (Atom.reflect_bop_eqb b0 b1);[subst | auto].
+ destruct (Atom.reflect_bop_eqb b0 b1);[subst | auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core].
apply build_congr_correct;intros.
simpl;rewrite Lit.interp_lit, orb_false_r;unfold Var.interp.
rewrite H1.
generalize (Atom.check_aux_interp_hatom _ t_func _ wf_t_atom a), (Atom.check_aux_interp_hatom _ t_func _ wf_t_atom b). rewrite Typ.eqb_spec in H2. rewrite Typ.eqb_spec in H3. unfold Atom.get_type in H2, H3. rewrite H2,H3. intros [va HHa] [vb HHb].
unfold Atom.apply_binop. unfold Atom.interp_hatom;simpl.
rewrite HHb, HHa;simpl.
- rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf in HHa; auto. rewrite H4 in HHa. simpl in HHa.
- rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf in HHb; auto. rewrite H5 in HHb. simpl in HHb.
+ rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf in HHa; auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core. rewrite H4 in HHa. simpl in HHa.
+ rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf in HHb; auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core. rewrite H5 in HHb. simpl in HHb.
rewrite Typ.cast_refl;simpl.
assert (Atom.Bval t_i t va = Atom.Bval t_i t vb).
inversion H6;clear H6;subst.
inversion H12;clear H12;subst.
unfold Atom.interp_hatom in H10, H8.
- rewrite <- HHa. rewrite <- HHb, H10, H8;trivial.
+ rewrite <- HHa. rewrite <- HHb, H10, H8;trivial with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
inversion H7.
- apply Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec in H9;trivial.
+ apply Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec in H9;trivial with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
rewrite H9.
apply Typ.i_eqb_refl.
- intros x y;destruct (Typ.reflect_eqb x y);auto.
+ intros x y;destruct (Typ.reflect_eqb x y);auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
(* op *)
- destruct (Int63Properties.reflect_eqb i i0);[subst | auto].
+ destruct (Int63Properties.reflect_eqb i i0);[subst | auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core].
apply build_congr_correct;intros.
simpl;rewrite Lit.interp_lit, orb_false_r;unfold Var.interp.
rewrite H1.
generalize (Atom.check_aux_interp_hatom _ t_func _ wf_t_atom a), (Atom.check_aux_interp_hatom _ t_func _ wf_t_atom b). rewrite Typ.eqb_spec in H2. rewrite Typ.eqb_spec in H3. unfold Atom.get_type in H2, H3. rewrite H2,H3. intros [va HHa] [vb HHb].
unfold Atom.apply_binop;unfold Atom.interp_hatom;simpl.
rewrite HHb, HHa;simpl.
- rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf in HHa; auto. rewrite H4 in HHa. simpl in HHa.
- rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf in HHb; auto. rewrite H5 in HHb. simpl in HHb.
+ rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf in HHa; auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core. rewrite H4 in HHa. simpl in HHa.
+ rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf in HHb; auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core. rewrite H5 in HHb. simpl in HHb.
rewrite Typ.cast_refl;simpl.
assert (Atom.Bval t_i t va = Atom.Bval t_i t vb).
rewrite <- HHa;rewrite <- HHb;destruct (t_func.[i0]).
apply f_equal;clear HHa HHb va vb H5 H4.
- induction H6;simpl;trivial.
+ induction H6;simpl;trivial with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
unfold Atom.interp_hatom in H4.
- rewrite IHForall2, H4;trivial.
+ rewrite IHForall2, H4;trivial with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
inversion H7.
- apply Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec in H9;trivial.
+ apply Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec in H9;trivial with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
rewrite H9.
apply Typ.i_eqb_refl.
- intros x y;destruct (Typ.reflect_eqb x y);auto.
+ intros x y;destruct (Typ.reflect_eqb x y);auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
Lemma valid_check_congr_pred :
@@ -465,11 +465,11 @@ Section certif.
C.interp rho (check_congr_pred lpa lpb eqs).
unfold check_congr_pred;intros.
- case_eq (t_form.[Lit.blit lpa]);auto.
- case_eq (t_form.[Lit.blit lpb]);auto;intros.
- case_eq (t_atom.[i0]);auto; case_eq (t_atom.[i]);auto;intros.
+ case_eq (t_form.[Lit.blit lpa]);auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
+ case_eq (t_form.[Lit.blit lpb]);auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core;intros.
+ case_eq (t_atom.[i0]);auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core; case_eq (t_atom.[i]);auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core;intros.
(* uop *)
- destruct (Atom.reflect_uop_eqb u0 u);[subst | auto].
+ destruct (Atom.reflect_uop_eqb u0 u);[subst | auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core].
apply build_congr_correct;simpl;intros.
rewrite orb_false_r, Lit.interp_lit, Lit.interp_nlit;unfold Var.interp.
replace (rho (Lit.blit lpb)) with (rho (Lit.blit lpa)).
@@ -485,12 +485,12 @@ Section certif.
rewrite H2, def_t_atom;discriminate.
apply H4 in H5;apply H4 in H6;clear H4.
unfold Atom.interp_form_hatom, Atom.interp_hatom;simpl.
- rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf, H1, H2;simpl;trivial.
+ rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf, H1, H2;simpl;trivial with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
apply f_equal;apply f_equal.
- inversion H3;clear H3;subst;trivial.
+ inversion H3;clear H3;subst;trivial with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
(* bop *)
- destruct (Atom.reflect_bop_eqb b0 b);[subst | auto].
+ destruct (Atom.reflect_bop_eqb b0 b);[subst | auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core].
apply build_congr_correct;simpl;intros.
rewrite orb_false_r, Lit.interp_lit, Lit.interp_nlit;unfold Var.interp.
replace (rho (Lit.blit lpb)) with (rho (Lit.blit lpa)).
@@ -506,13 +506,13 @@ Section certif.
rewrite H2, def_t_atom;discriminate.
apply H4 in H5;apply H4 in H6;clear H4.
unfold Atom.interp_form_hatom, Atom.interp_hatom;simpl.
- rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf, H1, H2;simpl;trivial.
+ rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf, H1, H2;simpl;trivial with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
inversion H3;clear H3;subst.
inversion H11;clear H11;subst.
- apply f_equal; apply f_equal2;trivial.
+ apply f_equal; apply f_equal2;trivial with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
(* op *)
- destruct (Int63Properties.reflect_eqb i2 i1);[subst | auto].
+ destruct (Int63Properties.reflect_eqb i2 i1);[subst | auto with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core].
apply build_congr_correct;simpl;intros.
rewrite orb_false_r, Lit.interp_lit, Lit.interp_nlit;unfold Var.interp.
replace (rho (Lit.blit lpb)) with (rho (Lit.blit lpa)).
@@ -528,11 +528,11 @@ Section certif.
rewrite H2, def_t_atom;discriminate.
apply H4 in H5;apply H4 in H6;clear H4.
unfold Atom.interp_form_hatom, Atom.interp_hatom;simpl.
- rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf, H1, H2;simpl;trivial.
+ rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf, H1, H2;simpl;trivial with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
apply f_equal;destruct (t_func.[i1]);apply f_equal.
clear H H0 H1 H2 H5 H6.
- induction H3;simpl;trivial.
- unfold Atom.interp_hatom in H;rewrite H, IHForall2;trivial.
+ induction H3;simpl;trivial with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
+ unfold Atom.interp_hatom in H;rewrite H, IHForall2;trivial with smtcoq_euf smtcoq_core.
End Proof.