path: root/src/lfsc/ast.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lfsc/ast.ml')
1 files changed, 961 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lfsc/ast.ml b/src/lfsc/ast.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29a4afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lfsc/ast.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,961 @@
+(* *)
+(* SMTCoq *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *)
+(* *)
+(* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *)
+(* *)
+open Format
+exception CVC4Sat
+let debug =
+ (* true *)
+ false
+(* Type definitions for the AST *)
+type mpz = Big_int.big_int
+type mpq = Num.num
+type name = Name of Hstring.t | S_Hole of int
+type symbol = { sname : name; stype : term }
+and dterm =
+ | Type
+ | Kind
+ | Mpz
+ | Mpq
+ | Const of symbol
+ | App of term * term list
+ | Int of mpz
+ | Rat of mpq
+ | Pi of symbol * term
+ | Lambda of symbol * term
+ | Hole of int
+ | Ptr of term
+ | SideCond of Hstring.t * term list * term * term
+and term = { mutable value: dterm; ttype: term }
+(* TODO: remove type annotations in terms *)
+type command =
+ | Check of term
+ | Define of Hstring.t * term
+ | Declare of Hstring.t * term
+type proof = command list
+module H = struct
+ let holds = Hstring.make "holds"
+ let th_holds = Hstring.make "th_holds"
+ let mp_add = Hstring.make "mp_add"
+ let mp_mul = Hstring.make "mp_mul"
+ let uminus = Hstring.make "~"
+ let eq = Hstring.make "="
+let is_rule t =
+ match t.ttype.value with
+ | App ({value=Const{sname=Name n}}, _) -> n == H.holds || n == H.th_holds
+ | _ -> false
+let rec deref t = match t.value with
+ | Ptr t -> deref t
+ | _ -> t
+let value t = (deref t).value
+let ttype t = deref (deref t).ttype
+let rec name c = match value c with
+ | Const {sname=Name n} -> Some n
+ | _ -> None
+let rec app_name r = match value r with
+ | App ({value=Const{sname=Name n}}, args) -> Some (n, args)
+ | _ -> None
+(* Pretty printing *)
+let address_of (x:'a) : nativeint =
+ if Obj.is_block (Obj.repr x) then
+ Nativeint.shift_left (Nativeint.of_int (Obj.magic x)) 1 (* magic *)
+ else
+ invalid_arg "Can only find address of boxed values."
+let rec print_symbol fmt { sname } = match sname with
+ | Name n -> Hstring.print fmt n
+ | S_Hole i -> fprintf fmt "_s%d" i
+and print_tval pty fmt t = match t.value with
+ | Type -> fprintf fmt "type"
+ | Kind -> fprintf fmt "kind"
+ | Mpz -> fprintf fmt "mpz"
+ | Mpq -> fprintf fmt "mpz"
+ | Const s -> print_symbol fmt s
+ | App (f, args) when pty && is_rule t ->
+ let color = (Hashtbl.hash f.value mod 216) + 16 in
+ let op, cl = sprintf "\x1b[38;5;%dm" color, "\x1b[0m" in
+ fprintf fmt "@[@<0>%s(%a@<0>%s%a@<0>%s)@,@<0>%s@]"
+ op
+ (print_tval false) f
+ cl
+ (fun fmt -> List.iter (fprintf fmt "@ %a" (print_term pty))) args
+ op cl
+ | App (f, args) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(%a%a)@,@]"
+ (print_tval false) f
+ (fun fmt -> List.iter (fprintf fmt "@ %a" (print_term pty))) args
+ | Int n -> pp_print_string fmt (Big_int.string_of_big_int n)
+ | Rat q -> pp_print_string fmt (Num.string_of_num q)
+ | Pi (s, t) ->
+ fprintf fmt "(! %a@ %a@ %a)@,"
+ print_symbol s
+ (print_term false) s.stype
+ (print_term pty) t
+ | Lambda (s, t) ->
+ fprintf fmt "(%% %a@ %a@ %a)@," print_symbol s (print_term pty) s.stype
+ (print_term pty) t
+ | Hole i ->
+ if false && debug then
+ fprintf fmt "_%d[%nx]" i (address_of t)
+ else
+ fprintf fmt "_%d" i
+ | Ptr t when (* true || *) debug -> fprintf fmt "*%a" (print_term pty) t
+ | Ptr t -> print_term pty fmt t
+ | SideCond (name, args, expected, t) ->
+ fprintf fmt "(! _ (^ (%a%a)@ %a)@ %a)"
+ Hstring.print name
+ (fun fmt -> List.iter (fprintf fmt "@ %a" (print_term pty))) args
+ (print_term pty) expected
+ (print_term pty) t
+and print_term pty fmt t = match t with
+ | {value = Type | Kind | Ptr _ | Const _}
+ | {ttype = {value = Type | Kind | Const _ | Ptr _}} ->
+ print_tval pty fmt t
+ | _ when t.ttype == t ->
+ print_tval pty fmt t
+ (* | _ when pty -> *)
+ (* fprintf fmt "[@[%a:%a@]]" (print_tval pty) t (print_term pty) t.ttype *)
+ | _ when pty && is_rule t ->
+ let op, cl = "\x1b[30m", "\x1b[0m" in
+ fprintf fmt "@\n@[@<0>%s(: %a@<0>%s@\n%a@<0>%s)@<0>%s@,@]"
+ op (print_term false) t.ttype cl (print_tval pty) t op cl
+ (* | _ when pty -> *)
+ (* fprintf fmt "@[(:@ %a@ %a)@]" *)
+ (* (print_term false) t.ttype (print_tval pty) t *)
+ (* | _ when pty -> *)
+ (* fprintf fmt "@[%a\x1b[30m:%a\x1b[0m)@]" *)
+ (* (print_tval pty) t (print_term false) t.ttype *)
+ | _ ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[%a@]" (print_tval pty) t
+let print_term_type = print_term true
+let print_term = print_term false
+let print_command fmt = function
+ | Check t ->
+ fprintf fmt "(check@ (:@\n@\n %a@ @\n@\n%a))"
+ print_term t.ttype print_term_type t
+ | Define (s, t) ->
+ fprintf fmt "(define %a@ %a)" Hstring.print s print_term t
+ | Declare (s, t) ->
+ fprintf fmt "(declare %a@ %a)" Hstring.print s print_term t
+let print_proof fmt =
+ List.iter (fprintf fmt "@[<1>%a@]@\n@." print_command)
+let compare_symbol s1 s2 = match s1.sname, s2.sname with
+ | Name n1, Name n2 -> Hstring.compare n1 n2
+ | Name _, _ -> -1
+ | _, Name _ -> 1
+ | S_Hole i1, S_Hole i2 -> Pervasives.compare i1 i2
+let rec compare_term ?(mod_eq=false) t1 t2 = match t1.value, t2.value with
+ | Ptr t1, _ -> compare_term ~mod_eq t1 t2
+ | _, Ptr t2 -> compare_term ~mod_eq t1 t2
+ | Type, Type | Kind, Kind | Mpz, Mpz | Mpq, Mpz -> 0
+ | Type, _ -> -1 | _, Type -> 1
+ | Kind, _ -> -1 | _, Kind -> 1
+ | Mpz, _ -> -1 | _, Mpz -> 1
+ | Mpq, _ -> -1 | _, Mpq -> 1
+ | Int n1, Int n2 -> Big_int.compare_big_int n1 n2
+ | Int _, _ -> -1 | _, Int _ -> 1
+ | Rat q1, Rat q2 -> Num.compare_num q1 q2
+ | Rat _, _ -> -1 | _, Rat _ -> 1
+ | Const s1, Const s2 -> compare_symbol s1 s2
+ | Const _, _ -> -1 | _, Const _ -> 1
+ | App ({value=Const{sname=Name n1}}, [ty1; a1; b1]),
+ App ({value=Const{sname=Name n2}}, [ty2; a2; b2])
+ when n1 == H.eq && n2 == H.eq && mod_eq ->
+ let c = compare_term ~mod_eq ty1 ty2 in
+ if c <> 0 then c
+ else
+ let ca1a2 = compare_term ~mod_eq a1 a2 in
+ let ca1b2 = compare_term ~mod_eq a1 b2 in
+ let cb1b2 = compare_term ~mod_eq b1 b2 in
+ let cb1a2 = compare_term ~mod_eq b1 a2 in
+ if ca1a2 = 0 && cb1b2 = 0 then 0
+ else if ca1b2 = 0 && cb1a2 = 0 then 0
+ else if ca1a2 <> 0 then ca1a2 else cb1b2
+ | App (f1, l1), App (f2, l2) ->
+ let c = compare_term ~mod_eq f1 f2 in
+ if c <> 0 then c else
+ compare_term_list ~mod_eq l1 l2
+ | App _, _ -> -1 | _, App _ -> 1
+ | Pi (s1, t1), Pi (s2, t2) ->
+ let c = compare_symbol s1 s2 in
+ if c <> 0 then c
+ else compare_term ~mod_eq t1 t2
+ | Pi _, _ -> -1 | _, Pi _ -> 1
+ | Lambda (s1, t1), Lambda (s2, t2) ->
+ let c = compare_symbol s1 s2 in
+ if c <> 0 then c
+ else compare_term ~mod_eq t1 t2
+ | Lambda _, _ -> -1 | _, Lambda _ -> 1
+ (* ignore side conditions *)
+ | SideCond (_, _, _, t), _ -> compare_term ~mod_eq t t2
+ | _, SideCond (_, _, _, t) -> compare_term ~mod_eq t1 t
+ | Hole i1, Hole i2 -> Pervasives.compare i1 i2
+and compare_term_list ?(mod_eq=false) l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with
+ | [], [] -> 0
+ | [], _ -> -1
+ | _, [] -> 1
+ | t1 :: r1, t2 :: r2 ->
+ let c = compare_term ~mod_eq t1 t2 in
+ if c <> 0 then c
+ else compare_term_list ~mod_eq r1 r2
+let rec hash_term t = match t.value with
+ | Ptr t -> hash_term t
+ | v -> Hashtbl.hash_param 100 500 v
+module Term = struct
+ type t = term
+ let compare = compare_term ~mod_eq:false
+ let equal x y = compare_term x y = 0
+ let hash t = Hashtbl.hash_param 10 100 t.value (* hash_term *)
+ (* let hasht = Hashtbl.hash *)
+ (* let rec hash = *)
+ (* let cpt = ref 0 in *)
+ (* fun hh t -> *)
+ (* incr cpt; *)
+ (* if !cpt > 10 then hh else *)
+ (* hh + *)
+ (* let v = t.value in *)
+ (* match v with *)
+ (* | Hole _ | Type | Kind | Mpz | Mpq | Int _ | Rat _ | Const _ -> hasht v *)
+ (* | SideCond (_, args, exp, t) -> *)
+ (* List.fold_left (fun acc t -> hash hh t + 31*acc) (hash hh t) args *)
+ (* | App (f, args) -> *)
+ (* List.fold_left (fun acc t -> hash hh t + 31*acc) (hash hh f) args *)
+ (* | Pi (s, x) -> ((Hashtbl.hash s) + 31*(hash hh x)) * 7 *)
+ (* | Lambda (s, x) -> ((Hashtbl.hash s) + 31*(hash hh x)) * 9 *)
+ (* | Ptr t' -> 0 *)
+ (* (\* t.value <- t'.value; *\) *)
+ (* (\* hash hh (deref t') *\) *)
+ (* let hash = hash 0 *)
+let rec holes_address acc t = match t.value with
+ | Hole i -> (i, t) :: acc
+ | Type | Kind | Mpz | Mpq | Int _ | Rat _ -> acc
+ | SideCond (name, args, exp, t) -> acc
+ | Const _ -> acc
+ | App (f, args) ->
+ List.fold_left holes_address acc args
+ | Pi (s, x) -> holes_address acc x
+ | Lambda (s, x) -> holes_address acc x
+ | Ptr t -> holes_address acc t
+let holes_address = holes_address []
+let check_holes_integrity where h1 h2 =
+ List.iter (fun (i, a) ->
+ List.iter (fun (j, b) ->
+ if j = i && a != b then
+ (
+ eprintf "\n%s: Hole _%d was at %nx, now at %nx\n@." where i
+ (address_of a) (address_of b);
+ (* eprintf "\n%s: Hole _%d has changed\n@." where i; *)
+ assert false)
+ ) h2
+ ) h1
+let check_term_integrity where t =
+ let h = holes_address t in
+ check_holes_integrity (where ^ "term has != _") h h
+let eq_name s1 s2 = match s1, s2 with
+ | S_Hole i1, S_Hole i2 -> i1 == i2
+ | Name n1, Name n2 -> n1 == n2
+ | _ -> false
+module HN = Hashtbl.Make (struct
+ type t = name
+ let equal = eq_name
+ let hash = function
+ | S_Hole i -> i * 7
+ | Name n -> Hstring.hash n * 9
+ end)
+let symbols = HN.create 21
+let register_symbol s = HN.add symbols s.sname s.stype
+let remove_symbol s = HN.remove symbols s.sname
+let definitions = HN.create 21
+let add_definition n t = HN.add definitions n t
+let remove_definition n = HN.remove definitions n
+exception TypingError of term * term
+(* Predefined terms/types *)
+let rec kind = { value = Kind; ttype = kind }
+let lfsc_type = { value = Type; ttype = kind }
+let mpz = { value = Mpz; ttype = lfsc_type }
+let mpq = { value = Mpq; ttype = lfsc_type }
+let mk_mpz n = { value = Int n; ttype = mpz }
+let mpz_of_int n = { value = Int (Big_int.big_int_of_int n); ttype = mpz }
+let mk_mpq n = { value = Rat n; ttype = mpq }
+let mk_symbol s stype =
+ { sname = Name (Hstring.make s) ; stype }
+ (* { sname = Name (String.concat "." (List.rev (n :: scope))) ; stype } *)
+let mk_symbol_hole =
+ let cpt = ref 0 in
+ fun stype ->
+ incr cpt;
+ { sname = S_Hole !cpt; stype }
+let is_hole = function { value = Hole _ } -> true | _ -> false
+let is_hole_symbol = function { sname = S_Hole _ } -> true | _ -> false
+let mk_hole =
+ let cpt = ref 0 in
+ fun ttype ->
+ incr cpt;
+ { value = Hole !cpt; ttype }
+(* let mk_rec_hole () = *)
+(* let rec h = { value = Hole !cpt; ttype = h } in *)
+(* h *)
+let mk_hole_hole () =
+ mk_hole (mk_hole lfsc_type)
+(* Side conditions callbacks *)
+let callbacks_table = Hstring.H.create 7
+let mp_add x y =
+ (* eprintf "mp_add %a %a@." print_term x print_term y; *)
+ match value x, value y with
+ | Int xi, Int yi -> mk_mpz (Big_int.add_big_int xi yi)
+ | _ -> assert false
+let mp_mul x y = match value x, value y with
+ | Int xi, Int yi -> mk_mpz (Big_int.mult_big_int xi yi)
+ | _ -> assert false
+let uminus x = match value x with
+ | Int xi -> mk_mpz (Big_int.minus_big_int xi)
+ | _ -> assert false
+let rec eval_arg x = match app_name x with
+ | Some (n, [x]) when n == H.uminus -> uminus (eval_arg x)
+ | Some (n, [x; y]) when n == H.mp_add -> mp_add (eval_arg x) (eval_arg y)
+ | Some (n, [x; y]) when n == H.mp_mul -> mp_mul (eval_arg x) (eval_arg y)
+ | _ -> x
+let callback name l =
+ try
+ let f = Hstring.H.find callbacks_table name in
+ (* eprintf "apply %s ... @." name; *)
+ let l = List.map eval_arg l in
+ f l
+ with Not_found ->
+ failwith ("No side condition for " ^ Hstring.view name)
+(* type sc_check = String * term list * term *)
+(* type sc_tree = *)
+(* | SCEmpty *)
+(* (\* | SCLeaf of sc_check *\) *)
+(* | SCBranches of sc_check * sc_tree list *)
+(* let sct = ref (SCEmpty) *)
+let sc_to_check = ref []
+(* Smart constructors for the AST *)
+module MSym = Map.Make (struct
+ type t = symbol
+ let compare = compare_symbol
+ end)
+let empty_subst = MSym.empty
+let fresh_alpha =
+ let cpt = ref 0 in
+ fun ty -> incr cpt;
+ mk_symbol ("'a"^string_of_int !cpt) ty
+let get_t ?(gen=true) sigma s =
+ try
+ let x = MSym.find s sigma in
+ if not gen && is_hole x then raise Not_found;
+ x
+ with Not_found -> try
+ HN.find definitions s.sname
+ with Not_found ->
+ { value = Const s; ttype = s.stype }
+type substres = T of term | V of dterm | Same
+let apply_subst_sym sigma s =
+ try
+ let x = MSym.find s sigma in
+ T x
+ with Not_found -> Same
+ (* try *)
+ (* T (Hashtbl.find definitions s) *)
+ (* with Not_found -> Same *)
+let print_subst fmt sigma =
+ fprintf fmt "@[<v 1>[";
+ MSym.iter (fun s t ->
+ fprintf fmt "@ %a -> %a;" print_symbol s print_term t) sigma;
+ fprintf fmt " ]@]"
+let rec apply_subst_val sigma tval = match tval with
+ | Type | Kind | Mpz | Mpq | Int _ | Rat _ | Hole _ -> Same
+ (* | Ptr t -> *)
+ (* V (Ptr (apply_subst sigma t)) *)
+ (* | Ptr t -> apply_subst_val sigma t.value *)
+ | Ptr t ->
+ T (apply_subst sigma t)
+ | Const s when is_hole_symbol s -> Same (* raise Exit *)
+ | Const s -> apply_subst_sym sigma s
+ | App (f, args) ->
+ let nf = apply_subst sigma f in
+ let nargs = List.rev_map (apply_subst sigma) args |> List.rev in
+ if nf == f && List.for_all2 (==) nargs args then (* V tval *) Same
+ else
+ V (App(nf, nargs))
+ | Pi (s, x) ->
+ let s = { s with stype = apply_subst sigma s.stype } in
+ let sigma = MSym.remove s sigma in
+ let newx = apply_subst sigma x in
+ if x == newx then (* V tval *) Same
+ else
+ V (Pi (s, newx))
+ | Lambda (s, x) ->
+ let s = { s with stype = apply_subst sigma s.stype } in
+ let sigma = MSym.remove s sigma in
+ let newx = apply_subst sigma x in
+ if x == newx then (* V tval *) Same
+ else
+ V (Lambda (s, newx))
+ | SideCond (name, args, exp, t) ->
+ let nt = apply_subst sigma t in
+ let nexp = apply_subst sigma exp in
+ let nargs = List.rev_map (apply_subst sigma) args |> List.rev in
+ if nt == t && nexp == exp && List.for_all2 (==) nargs args then (* V tval *) Same
+ else
+ V (SideCond (name, nargs, nexp, nt))
+and apply_subst sigma t =
+ match apply_subst_val sigma t.value with
+ | Same -> t
+ | T t -> t
+ | V value ->
+ let ttype = apply_subst sigma t.ttype in
+ if value == t.value && ttype == t.ttype then t
+ else { value; ttype }
+let get_real t = apply_subst MSym.empty t
+let rec flatten_term_value t = match t.value with
+ | Hole _ | Type | Kind | Mpz | Mpq | Int _ | Rat _ -> ()
+ | SideCond (_, args, exp, t) ->
+ List.iter flatten_term args;
+ flatten_term exp;
+ flatten_term t
+ | Const s -> flatten_term s.stype
+ | App (f, args) ->
+ flatten_term f;
+ List.iter flatten_term args
+ | Pi (s, x) | Lambda (s, x) ->
+ flatten_term s.stype;
+ flatten_term x
+ | Ptr t' ->
+ t.value <- (deref t').value
+ (* flatten_term t *)
+and flatten_term t =
+ flatten_term_value t
+ (* ; *)
+ (* match t.value with *)
+ (* | Type | Kind -> () *)
+ (* | _ -> flatten_term t.ttype *)
+let rec has_ptr_val t = match t.value with
+ | Hole _ | Type | Kind | Mpz | Mpq | Int _ | Rat _ -> false
+ | SideCond (_, args, exp, t) ->
+ List.exists has_ptr args || has_ptr exp || has_ptr t
+ | Const s -> has_ptr s.stype
+ | App (f, args) -> has_ptr f || List.exists has_ptr args
+ | Pi (s, x) | Lambda (s, x) -> has_ptr s.stype || has_ptr x
+ | Ptr _ -> true
+and has_ptr t =
+ has_ptr_val t ||
+ match t.value with
+ | Type | Kind -> false
+ | _ -> has_ptr t.ttype
+let add_subst x v sigma = MSym.add x v sigma
+ (* let sigma = List.rev_map (fun (y, w) -> y, apply_subst [x,v] w) sigma |> List.rev in *)
+ (* (x, apply_subst sigma v) :: sigma *)
+let rec occur_check subt t =
+ compare_term t subt = 0
+ ||
+ match t.value with
+ | Type | Kind | Mpz | Mpq | Int _ | Rat _ | Hole _ | Const _ -> false
+ | Ptr t -> occur_check subt t
+ | App (f, args) ->
+ occur_check subt f ||
+ List.exists (occur_check subt) args
+ | Pi (s, x) -> occur_check subt x
+ | Lambda (s, x) -> occur_check subt x
+ | SideCond (name, args, exp, t) ->
+ occur_check subt exp ||
+ occur_check subt t ||
+ List.exists (occur_check subt) args
+let rec fill_hole sigma h t =
+ match h.value with
+ | Hole _ ->
+ if debug then
+ eprintf ">>>>> Fill hole @[%a@] with @[%a@]@."
+ print_term h print_term t;
+ let t' = apply_subst sigma t in
+ (* h.value <- t'.value; (\* KLUDGE *\) *)
+ if not (occur_check h t') then h.value <- Ptr (deref t');
+ if debug then
+ eprintf ">>>>>>>>> @[%a@]@." print_term_type h;
+ fill_hole sigma h.ttype t'.ttype;
+ (* (try compat_with sigma t'.ttype h.ttype with _ -> ()); *)
+ | _ -> ()
+(* Raise TypingError if t2 is not compatible with t1 *)
+(* apsub is false if we want to prevent application of substitutions *)
+and compat_with1 ?(apsub=true) sigma t1 t2 =
+ if debug then (
+ eprintf "compat_with(%b): @[<hov>%a@] and @[<hov>%a@]@."
+ apsub print_term t1 print_term t2;
+ eprintf " with sigma = %a@." print_subst sigma
+ );
+ match t1.value, t2.value with
+ | Type, Type
+ | Kind, Kind
+ | Mpz, Mpz
+ | Mpq, Mpz -> ()
+ | Int z1, Int z2 -> if not (Big_int.eq_big_int z1 z2) then raise Exit
+ | Rat q1, Rat q2 -> if not (Num.eq_num q1 q2) then raise Exit
+ | Ptr t, _ -> compat_with1 ~apsub sigma t t2
+ | _, Ptr t -> compat_with1 ~apsub sigma t1 t
+ | Const s1, Const s2 ->
+ if apsub then
+ let a2 = get_t sigma s2 in
+ let a1 = get_t ~gen:(not (is_hole a2)) sigma s1 in
+ compat_with1 sigma ~apsub:false a1 a2
+ else
+ if not (eq_name s1.sname s2.sname) then raise Exit
+ | App (f1, args1), App (f2, args2) ->
+ compat_with1 sigma f1 f2;
+ List.iter2 (compat_with sigma) args1 args2
+ | Pi (s1, t1), Pi (s2, t2) ->
+ compat_with1 sigma s1.stype s2.stype;
+ let a = s2 in
+ let ta = { value = Const a; ttype = a.stype } in
+ compat_with1 (add_subst s1 ta sigma) t1 t2;
+ | Lambda (s1, t1), Lambda (s2, t2) ->
+ compat_with sigma s1.stype s2.stype;
+ let a = s2 in
+ let ta = { value = Const a; ttype = a.stype } in
+ compat_with1 (add_subst s1 ta sigma) t1 t2;
+ | SideCond (name, args, expected, t1), _ ->
+ check_side_condition name
+ (List.rev_map (apply_subst sigma) args |> List.rev)
+ (apply_subst sigma expected);
+ compat_with1 sigma t1 t2
+ (* ignore side conditions on the right *)
+ | _, SideCond (name, args, expected, t2) ->
+ compat_with1 sigma t1 t2
+ | Hole i, Hole j when i = j -> ()
+ (* failwith ("Cannot infer type of holes, too many holes.") *)
+ | _, Hole _ -> fill_hole sigma t2 t1
+ | Hole _, _ -> fill_hole sigma t1 t2
+ | Const s, _ ->
+ if apsub then
+ let a = get_t sigma s in
+ compat_with1 sigma ~apsub:false a t2
+ else
+ raise Exit
+ | _, Const s ->
+ if apsub then
+ let a = get_t sigma s in
+ compat_with1 sigma ~apsub:false a t1
+ else
+ raise Exit
+ | _ -> raise Exit
+and compat_with sigma t1 t2 =
+ try compat_with1 sigma t1 t2
+ with Exit ->
+ raise (TypingError (apply_subst sigma t1, apply_subst sigma t2))
+and term_equal t1 t2 =
+ try
+ compat_with empty_subst t1 t2;
+ true
+ with
+ | TypingError _ | Failure _ -> false
+and check_side_condition name l expected =
+ if debug then
+ eprintf "Adding side condition : (%a%a) =?= %a@."
+ Hstring.print name
+ (fun fmt -> List.iter (fprintf fmt "@ %a" print_term)) l
+ print_term expected;
+ (* if not (term_equal (callback name l) expected) then *)
+ (* failwith ("Side condition " ^ name ^ " failed"); *)
+ sc_to_check := (name, l, expected) :: !sc_to_check
+let rec ty_of_app sigma ty args = match ty.value, args with
+ | Pi (s, t), a :: rargs ->
+ let sigma = add_subst s a sigma in
+ compat_with sigma s.stype a.ttype;
+ ty_of_app sigma t rargs
+ | SideCond (name, scargs, expected, t), args ->
+ check_side_condition name
+ (List.rev_map (apply_subst sigma) scargs |> List.rev)
+ (apply_subst sigma expected);
+ ty_of_app sigma t args
+ | _, [] -> apply_subst sigma ty
+ | _ -> failwith ("Type of function not a pi-type.")
+let mk_const x =
+ if debug then eprintf "mk_const %s@." x;
+ try
+ let stype = HN.find symbols (Name (Hstring.make x)) in
+ let s = mk_symbol x stype in
+ try
+ HN.find definitions s.sname
+ with Not_found -> { value = Const s; ttype = stype }
+ with Not_found -> failwith ("Symbol " ^ x ^ " is not declared.")
+let symbol_to_const s = { value = Const s; ttype = s.stype }
+let rec mk_app ?(lookup=true) sigma f args =
+ if debug then
+ eprintf "mk_App : %a@." (print_tval false)
+ { value = App (f, args); ttype = lfsc_type } ;
+ match f.value, args with
+ | Lambda (x, r), a :: rargs ->
+ let sigma = MSym.remove x sigma in
+ mk_app (add_subst x a sigma) r rargs
+ (* | Const {sname = Name "mp_add"}, [x; y] -> mp_add x y *)
+ (* | Const {sname = Name "mp_mul"}, [x; y] -> mp_mul x y *)
+ | Const s, _ when lookup ->
+ (* find the definition if it has one *)
+ let f = get_t sigma s in
+ mk_app ~lookup:false sigma f args
+ | x, [] ->
+ (* Delayed beta-reduction *)
+ apply_subst sigma f
+ | _ ->
+ (* TODO: check if empty_subst or sigma *)
+ { value = App (f, args); ttype = ty_of_app empty_subst f.ttype args }
+let mk_app = mk_app empty_subst
+let rec hole_nbs acc t = match value t with
+ | Hole nb -> nb :: acc
+ | App (f, args) -> List.fold_left hole_nbs (hole_nbs acc f) args
+ | Pi (s, x) | Lambda (s, x) -> hole_nbs acc x
+ | Ptr t -> hole_nbs acc t
+ | _ -> acc
+let rec min_hole acc t = match value t with
+ | Hole nb ->
+ (match acc with Some n when nb < n -> Some nb | None -> Some nb | _ -> acc)
+ | App (f, args) -> List.fold_left min_hole (min_hole acc f) args
+ | Pi (s, x) | Lambda (s, x) -> min_hole acc x
+ | Ptr t -> min_hole acc t
+ | _ -> acc
+let compare_int_opt m1 m2 = match m1, m2 with
+ | None, None -> 0
+ | Some _, None -> -1
+ | None, Some _ -> 1
+ | Some n1, Some n2 -> compare n1 n2
+let compare_sc_checks (_, args1, exp1) (_, args2, exp2) =
+ let el1 = hole_nbs [] exp1 in
+ let el2 = hole_nbs [] exp2 in
+ let al1 = List.fold_left hole_nbs [] args1 in
+ let al2 = List.fold_left hole_nbs [] args2 in
+ if List.exists (fun n -> List.mem n al1) el2 then 1
+ else if List.exists (fun n -> List.mem n al2) el1 then -1
+ else if el1 = [] then 1
+ else if el2 = [] then -1
+ else compare el1 el2
+let sort_sc_checks l = List.fast_sort compare_sc_checks l
+let run_side_conditions () =
+ (* List.iter (fun (name, l, expected) -> *)
+ (* eprintf "\nSorted side condition : (%s%a) =?= %a@." *)
+ (* name *)
+ (* (fun fmt -> List.iter (fprintf fmt "@ %a" print_term)) l *)
+ (* print_term expected; *)
+ (* ) (List.flatten !all_scs |> sort_sc_checks); *)
+ List.iter (fun (name, l, expected) ->
+ let res = callback name l in
+ if not (term_equal res expected) then
+ failwith (asprintf "Side condition %a failed: Got %a, expected %a"
+ Hstring.print name print_term res print_term expected);
+ ) (sort_sc_checks !sc_to_check);
+ sc_to_check := [];
+ ()
+let mk_pi s t =
+ (* let s = if is_hole_symbol s then fresh_alpha s.stype else s in *)
+ { value = Pi (s, t); ttype = lfsc_type }
+let mk_lambda s t =
+ (* sc_to_check := List.rev !sc_to_check; *)
+ (* run_side_conditions (); *)
+ (* let s = if is_hole_symbol s then fresh_alpha s.stype else s in *)
+ { value = Lambda (s, t);
+ ttype = mk_pi s t.ttype }
+let mk_ascr ty t =
+ if debug then
+ eprintf "\nMK ASCR:: should have type %a, has type %a\n@."
+ print_term ty print_term t.ttype;
+ compat_with empty_subst ty t.ttype; t
+ (* { t with ttype = ty } *)
+let add_sc name args expected t =
+ { value = SideCond (Hstring.make name, args, expected, t);
+ ttype = t.ttype }
+let mk_declare n ty =
+ let s = mk_symbol n ty in
+ register_symbol s
+let mk_define n t =
+ let s = mk_symbol n t.ttype in
+ register_symbol s;
+ add_definition s.sname t
+let mk_check t = run_side_conditions ()
+let clear_sc () = sc_to_check := []
+let rec hash_term_mod_eq p = match p.value with
+ | App ({value=Const{sname=Name n}} as f, [ty; a; b])
+ when n == H.eq &&
+ compare_term ~mod_eq:true a b > 0 ->
+ Term.hash (mk_app f [ty; b; a])
+ | App (f, args) ->
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc t -> 7*(acc + hash_term_mod_eq f)) 1 (f:: args)
+ | Pi (s, x) ->
+ (Hashtbl.hash_param 100 500 s + hash_term_mod_eq x) * 11
+ | Lambda (s, x) ->
+ (Hashtbl.hash_param 100 500 s + hash_term_mod_eq x) * 13
+ | _ -> Hashtbl.hash_param 100 500 p
+module Term_modeq = struct
+ type t = term
+ let compare = compare_term ~mod_eq:true
+ let equal x y = compare_term ~mod_eq:true x y = 0
+ let hash t =
+ (* eprintf "HASH: %a@." print_term t; *)
+ hash_term_mod_eq t
+ Local Variables:
+ compile-command: "make"
+ indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ End: