path: root/src/spl
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1 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/spl/Assumptions.v b/src/spl/Assumptions.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c04cb35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/spl/Assumptions.v
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+(* *)
+(* SMTCoq *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2016 *)
+(* *)
+(* Michaël Armand *)
+(* Benjamin Grégoire *)
+(* Chantal Keller *)
+(* *)
+(* Inria - École Polytechnique - Université Paris-Sud *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *)
+(* *)
+Require Import State SMT_terms.
+Require Import List Bool PArray Int63.
+Local Open Scope list_scope.
+Local Open Scope bool_scope.
+Local Open Scope int63_scope.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+(* User-friendly interpretation of clauses and of consequences *)
+Section Interp_UF.
+ Fixpoint interp_uf (rho:Valuation.t) (c:C.t) :=
+ match c with
+ | nil => false
+ | l::nil => Lit.interp rho l
+ | l::c => (Lit.interp rho l) || (interp_uf rho c)
+ end.
+ Lemma interp_equiv rho c : C.interp rho c = interp_uf rho c.
+ Proof.
+ induction c as [ |l c IHc]; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite IHc. destruct c as [ |l' c]; simpl; auto.
+ now rewrite orb_false_r.
+ Qed.
+ Fixpoint interp_conseq_uf (rho:Valuation.t) (prem:list C.t) (concl:C.t) :=
+ match prem with
+ | nil => is_true (interp_uf rho concl)
+ | c::prem => is_true (interp_uf rho c) -> interp_conseq_uf rho prem concl
+ end.
+End Interp_UF.
+(* Small checker for assumptions *)
+Section Checker.
+ Section Forallb2.
+ Variables A B : Type.
+ Variable P : A -> B -> bool.
+ Fixpoint forallb2 (xs: list A) (ys:list B) {struct xs} : bool :=
+ match xs, ys with
+ | nil, nil => true
+ | x::xs, y::ys => (P x y) && (forallb2 xs ys)
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+ End Forallb2.
+ Definition check_hole (s:S.t) (prem_id:list clause_id) (prem:list C.t) (concl:C.t) :=
+ if forallb2 (fun id c => forallb2 (fun i j => i == j) (S.get s id) (S.sort_uniq c)) prem_id prem
+ then concl
+ else C._true.
+End Checker.
+Section Checker_correct.
+ Variable t_i : array typ_eqb.
+ Variable t_func : array (Atom.tval t_i).
+ Variable t_atom : array Atom.atom.
+ Variable t_form : array Form.form.
+ Local Notation rho := (Form.interp_state_var (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom) t_form).
+ (* H1 : Form.check_form t_form *)
+ (* H2 : Atom.check_atom t_atom *)
+ (* H10 : Atom.wt t_i t_func t_atom *)
+ Variable s : S.t.
+ Hypothesis Hs : S.valid rho s.
+ (* Ht1 : default t_form = Form.Ftrue *)
+ (* Ht2 : Form.wf t_form *)
+ (* Ht3 : Valuation.wf *)
+ (* (Form.interp_state_var (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom) *)
+ (* t_form) *)
+ (* Ha1 : Atom.wf t_atom *)
+ (* Ha2 : default t_atom = Atom.Acop Atom.CO_xH *)
+ Variable pos : int.
+ Variable prem_id : list int.
+ Variable prem : list C.t.
+ Variable concl : C.t.
+ Hypothesis p : interp_conseq_uf
+ (Form.interp_state_var (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom)
+ t_form) prem concl.
+ Lemma valid_check_hole: C.valid rho (check_hole s prem_id prem concl).
+ (* TODO *)
+ Admitted.
+End Checker_correct.
+Unset Implicit Arguments.