path: root/src/trace/smtAtom.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/trace/smtAtom.ml')
1 files changed, 748 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/trace/smtAtom.ml b/src/trace/smtAtom.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3164692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/trace/smtAtom.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+(* *)
+(* SMTCoq *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 *)
+(* *)
+(* Michaël Armand *)
+(* Benjamin Grégoire *)
+(* Chantal Keller *)
+(* *)
+(* Inria - École Polytechnique - MSR-Inria Joint Lab *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *)
+(* *)
+open SmtMisc
+open CoqTerms
+(** Syntaxified version of Coq type *)
+type indexed_type = Term.constr gen_hashed
+let dummy_indexed_type i = {index = i; hval = Term.mkProp}
+let indexed_type_index i = i.index
+type btype =
+ | TZ
+ | Tbool
+ | Tpositive
+ | Tindex of indexed_type
+module Btype =
+ struct
+ let index_tbl = Hashtbl.create 17
+ let index_to_coq i =
+ let i = i.index in
+ try Hashtbl.find index_tbl i
+ with Not_found ->
+ let interp = mklApp cTindex [|mkInt i|] in
+ Hashtbl.add index_tbl i interp;
+ interp
+ let equal t1 t2 =
+ match t1,t2 with
+ | Tindex i, Tindex j -> i.index == j.index
+ | _ -> t1 == t2
+ let to_coq = function
+ | TZ -> Lazy.force cTZ
+ | Tbool -> Lazy.force cTbool
+ | Tpositive -> Lazy.force cTpositive
+ | Tindex i -> index_to_coq i
+ let to_smt fmt = function
+ | TZ -> Format.fprintf fmt "Int"
+ | Tbool -> Format.fprintf fmt "Bool"
+ | Tpositive -> Format.fprintf fmt "Int"
+ | Tindex i -> Format.fprintf fmt "Tindex_%i" i.index
+ (* reify table *)
+ type reify_tbl =
+ { mutable count : int;
+ tbl : (Term.constr, btype) Hashtbl.t
+ }
+ let create () =
+ let htbl = Hashtbl.create 17 in
+ Hashtbl.add htbl (Lazy.force cZ) TZ;
+ Hashtbl.add htbl (Lazy.force cbool) Tbool;
+ (* Hashtbl.add htbl (Lazy.force cpositive) Tpositive; *)
+ { count = 0;
+ tbl = htbl }
+ let declare reify t typ_eqb =
+ (* TODO: allows to have only typ_eqb *)
+ assert (not (Hashtbl.mem reify.tbl t));
+ let res = Tindex {index = reify.count; hval = typ_eqb} in
+ Hashtbl.add reify.tbl t res;
+ reify.count <- reify.count + 1;
+ res
+ let of_coq reify t =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find reify.tbl t
+ with | Not_found ->
+ let eq_t = declare_new_variable (Names.id_of_string "eq") (Term.mkArrow t (Term.mkArrow t (Lazy.force cbool))) in
+ let x = mkName "x" in
+ let y = mkName "y" in
+ let rx = Term.mkRel 2 in
+ let ry = Term.mkRel 1 in
+ let eq_refl = Term.mkProd (x,t,Term.mkProd (y,t,mklApp creflect [|mklApp ceq [|t;rx;ry|];mklApp (lazy eq_t) [|rx;ry|]|])) in
+ let eq_refl_v = declare_new_variable (Names.id_of_string ("eq_refl")) eq_refl in
+ let ce = mklApp cTyp_eqb [|t;eq_t;eq_refl_v|] in
+ declare reify t ce
+ let interp_tbl reify =
+ let t = Array.make (reify.count + 1) (Lazy.force cunit_typ_eqb) in
+ let set _ = function
+ | Tindex it -> t.(it.index) <- it.hval
+ | _ -> () in
+ Hashtbl.iter set reify.tbl;
+ Term.mkArray (Lazy.force ctyp_eqb, t)
+ let to_list reify =
+ let set _ t acc = match t with
+ | Tindex it -> (it.index,it)::acc
+ | _ -> acc in
+ Hashtbl.fold set reify.tbl []
+ let interp_to_coq reify = function
+ | TZ -> Lazy.force cZ
+ | Tbool -> Lazy.force cbool
+ | Tpositive -> Lazy.force cpositive
+ | Tindex c -> mklApp cte_carrier [|c.hval|]
+ end
+(** Operators *)
+type cop =
+ | CO_xH
+ | CO_Z0
+type uop =
+ | UO_xO
+ | UO_xI
+ | UO_Zpos
+ | UO_Zneg
+ | UO_Zopp
+type bop =
+ | BO_Zplus
+ | BO_Zminus
+ | BO_Zmult
+ | BO_Zlt
+ | BO_Zle
+ | BO_Zge
+ | BO_Zgt
+ | BO_eq of btype
+type nop =
+ | NO_distinct of btype
+type op_def = {
+ tparams : btype array;
+ tres : btype;
+ op_val : Term.constr }
+type indexed_op = op_def gen_hashed
+let dummy_indexed_op i dom codom = {index = i; hval = {tparams = dom; tres = codom; op_val = Term.mkProp}}
+let indexed_op_index op = op.index
+type op =
+ | Cop of cop
+ | Uop of uop
+ | Bop of bop
+ | Nop of nop
+ | Iop of indexed_op
+module Op =
+ struct
+ let c_to_coq = function
+ | CO_xH -> Lazy.force cCO_xH
+ | CO_Z0 -> Lazy.force cCO_Z0
+ let c_type_of = function
+ | CO_xH -> Tpositive
+ | CO_Z0 -> TZ
+ let interp_cop = function
+ | CO_xH -> Lazy.force cxH
+ | CO_Z0 -> Lazy.force cZ0
+ let u_to_coq = function
+ | UO_xO -> Lazy.force cUO_xO
+ | UO_xI -> Lazy.force cUO_xI
+ | UO_Zpos -> Lazy.force cUO_Zpos
+ | UO_Zneg -> Lazy.force cUO_Zneg
+ | UO_Zopp -> Lazy.force cUO_Zopp
+ let u_type_of = function
+ | UO_xO | UO_xI -> Tpositive
+ | UO_Zpos | UO_Zneg | UO_Zopp -> TZ
+ let u_type_arg = function
+ | UO_xO | UO_xI | UO_Zpos | UO_Zneg -> Tpositive
+ | UO_Zopp -> TZ
+ let interp_uop = function
+ | UO_xO -> Lazy.force cxO
+ | UO_xI -> Lazy.force cxI
+ | UO_Zpos -> Lazy.force cZpos
+ | UO_Zneg -> Lazy.force cZneg
+ | UO_Zopp -> Lazy.force copp
+ let eq_tbl = Hashtbl.create 17
+ let eq_to_coq t =
+ try Hashtbl.find eq_tbl t
+ with Not_found ->
+ let op = mklApp cBO_eq [|Btype.to_coq t|] in
+ Hashtbl.add eq_tbl t op;
+ op
+ let b_to_coq = function
+ | BO_Zplus -> Lazy.force cBO_Zplus
+ | BO_Zminus -> Lazy.force cBO_Zminus
+ | BO_Zmult -> Lazy.force cBO_Zmult
+ | BO_Zlt -> Lazy.force cBO_Zlt
+ | BO_Zle -> Lazy.force cBO_Zle
+ | BO_Zge -> Lazy.force cBO_Zge
+ | BO_Zgt -> Lazy.force cBO_Zgt
+ | BO_eq t -> eq_to_coq t
+ let b_type_of = function
+ | BO_Zplus | BO_Zminus | BO_Zmult -> TZ
+ | BO_Zlt | BO_Zle | BO_Zge | BO_Zgt | BO_eq _ -> Tbool
+ let b_type_args = function
+ | BO_Zplus | BO_Zminus | BO_Zmult
+ | BO_Zlt | BO_Zle | BO_Zge | BO_Zgt -> (TZ,TZ)
+ | BO_eq t -> (t,t)
+ let interp_eq = function
+ | TZ -> Lazy.force ceqbZ
+ | Tbool -> Lazy.force ceqb
+ | Tpositive -> Lazy.force ceqbP
+ | Tindex i -> mklApp cte_eqb [|i.hval|]
+ let interp_bop = function
+ | BO_Zplus -> Lazy.force cadd
+ | BO_Zminus -> Lazy.force csub
+ | BO_Zmult -> Lazy.force cmul
+ | BO_Zlt -> Lazy.force cltb
+ | BO_Zle -> Lazy.force cleb
+ | BO_Zge -> Lazy.force cgeb
+ | BO_Zgt -> Lazy.force cgtb
+ | BO_eq t -> interp_eq t
+ let n_to_coq = function
+ | NO_distinct t -> mklApp cNO_distinct [|Btype.to_coq t|]
+ let n_type_of = function
+ | NO_distinct _ -> Tbool
+ let n_type_args = function
+ | NO_distinct ty -> ty
+ let interp_distinct = function
+ | TZ -> Lazy.force cZ
+ | Tbool -> Lazy.force cbool
+ | Tpositive -> Lazy.force cpositive
+ | Tindex i -> mklApp cte_carrier [|i.hval|]
+ let interp_nop = function
+ | NO_distinct ty -> mklApp cdistinct [|interp_distinct ty;interp_eq ty|]
+ let i_to_coq i = mkInt i.index
+ let i_type_of i = i.hval.tres
+ let i_type_args i = i.hval.tparams
+ (* reify table *)
+ type reify_tbl =
+ { mutable count : int;
+ tbl : (Term.constr, indexed_op) Hashtbl.t
+ }
+ let create () =
+ { count = 0;
+ tbl = Hashtbl.create 17 }
+ let declare reify op tparams tres =
+ assert (not (Hashtbl.mem reify.tbl op));
+ let v = { tparams = tparams; tres = tres; op_val = op } in
+ let res = {index = reify.count; hval = v } in
+ Hashtbl.add reify.tbl op res;
+ reify.count <- reify.count + 1;
+ res
+ let of_coq reify op =
+ Hashtbl.find reify.tbl op
+ let interp_tbl tval mk_Tval reify =
+ let t = Array.make (reify.count + 1)
+ (mk_Tval [||] Tbool (Lazy.force ctrue)) in
+ let set _ v =
+ t.(v.index) <- mk_Tval v.hval.tparams v.hval.tres v.hval.op_val in
+ Hashtbl.iter set reify.tbl;
+ Term.mkArray (tval, t)
+ let to_list reify =
+ let set _ op acc =
+ let value = op.hval in
+ (op.index,value.tparams,value.tres,op)::acc in
+ Hashtbl.fold set reify.tbl []
+ let c_equal op1 op2 = op1 == op2
+ let u_equal op1 op2 = op1 == op2
+ let b_equal op1 op2 =
+ match op1,op2 with
+ | BO_eq t1, BO_eq t2 -> Btype.equal t1 t2
+ | _ -> op1 == op2
+ let n_equal op1 op2 =
+ match op1,op2 with
+ | NO_distinct t1, NO_distinct t2 -> Btype.equal t1 t2
+ let i_equal op1 op2 = op1.index == op2.index
+ end
+(** Definition of atoms *)
+type atom =
+ | Acop of cop
+ | Auop of uop * hatom
+ | Abop of bop * hatom * hatom
+ | Anop of nop * hatom array
+ | Aapp of indexed_op * hatom array
+and hatom = atom gen_hashed
+(* let pp_acop = function *)
+(* | CO_xH -> "CO_xH" *)
+(* | CO_Z0 -> "CO_Z0" *)
+(* let pp_auop = function *)
+(* | UO_xO -> "UO_xO" *)
+(* | UO_xI -> "UO_xI" *)
+(* | UO_Zpos -> "UO_Zpos" *)
+(* | UO_Zneg -> "UO_Zneg" *)
+(* | UO_Zopp -> "UO_Zopp" *)
+(* let pp_abop = function *)
+(* | BO_Zplus -> "BO_Zplus" *)
+(* | BO_Zminus -> "BO_Zminus" *)
+(* | BO_Zmult -> "BO_Zmult" *)
+(* | BO_Zlt -> "BO_Zlt" *)
+(* | BO_Zle -> "BO_Zle" *)
+(* | BO_Zge -> "BO_Zge" *)
+(* | BO_Zgt -> "BO_Zgt" *)
+(* | BO_eq _ -> "(BO_eq ??)" *)
+(* let rec pp_atom = function *)
+(* | Acop c -> "(Acop "^(pp_acop c)^")" *)
+(* | Auop (u,b) -> "(Auop "^(pp_auop u)^" "^(pp_atom b.hval)^")" *)
+(* | Abop (b,c,d) -> "(Abop "^(pp_abop b)^" "^(pp_atom c.hval)^" "^(pp_atom d.hval)^")" *)
+(* | Aapp (op,a) -> "(Aapp "^(string_of_int op.index)^" ("^(Array.fold_left (fun acc h -> acc^" "^(pp_atom h.hval)) "" a)^"))" *)
+module HashedAtom =
+ struct
+ type t = atom
+ let equal a b =
+ match a, b with
+ | Acop opa, Acop opb -> Op.c_equal opa opb
+ | Auop(opa,ha), Auop(opb,hb) -> Op.u_equal opa opb && ha.index == hb.index
+ | Abop(opa,ha1,ha2), Abop(opb,hb1,hb2) ->
+ Op.b_equal opa opb && ha1.index == hb1.index && ha2.index == hb2.index
+ | Anop (opa,ha), Anop (opb,hb) ->
+ let na = Array.length ha in
+ let nb = Array.length hb in
+ let i = ref (-1) in
+ Op.n_equal opa opb && na == nb && Array.fold_left (fun b h -> incr i; b && h.index == hb.(!i).index) true ha
+ | Aapp (va,ha), Aapp (vb,hb) ->
+ let na = Array.length ha in
+ let nb = Array.length hb in
+ let i = ref (-1) in
+ Op.i_equal va vb && na == nb && Array.fold_left (fun b h -> incr i; b && h.index == hb.(!i).index) true ha
+ | _, _ -> false
+ let hash = function
+ | Acop op -> ((Hashtbl.hash op) lsl 3) lxor 1
+ | Auop (op,h) ->
+ (( (h.index lsl 3) + (Hashtbl.hash op)) lsl 3) lxor 2
+ | Abop (op,h1,h2) ->
+ (((( (h1.index lsl 2) + h2.index) lsl 3) + Hashtbl.hash op) lsl 3) lxor 3
+ | Anop (op, args) ->
+ let hash_args =
+ match Array.length args with
+ | 0 -> 0
+ | 1 -> args.(0).index
+ | 2 -> args.(1).index lsl 2 + args.(0).index
+ | _ -> args.(2).index lsl 4 + args.(1).index lsl 2 + args.(0).index in
+ (hash_args lsl 5 + (Hashtbl.hash op) lsl 3) lxor 4
+ | Aapp (op, args) ->
+ let hash_args =
+ match Array.length args with
+ | 0 -> 0
+ | 1 -> args.(0).index
+ | 2 -> args.(1).index lsl 2 + args.(0).index
+ | _ -> args.(2).index lsl 4 + args.(1).index lsl 2 + args.(0).index in
+ (hash_args lsl 5 + op.index lsl 3) lxor 4
+ end
+module HashAtom = Hashtbl.Make(HashedAtom)
+module Atom =
+ struct
+ type t = hatom
+ let atom h = h.hval
+ let index h = h.index
+ let equal h1 h2 = h1.index == h2.index
+ let type_of h =
+ match h.hval with
+ | Acop op -> Op.c_type_of op
+ | Auop (op,_) -> Op.u_type_of op
+ | Abop (op,_,_) -> Op.b_type_of op
+ | Anop (op,_) -> Op.n_type_of op
+ | Aapp (op,_) -> Op.i_type_of op
+ let is_bool_type h = Btype.equal (type_of h) Tbool
+ let rec compute_int = function
+ | Acop c ->
+ (match c with
+ | CO_xH -> 1
+ | CO_Z0 -> 0)
+ | Auop (op,h) ->
+ (match op with
+ | UO_xO -> 2*(compute_hint h)
+ | UO_xI -> 2*(compute_hint h) + 1
+ | UO_Zpos -> compute_hint h
+ | UO_Zneg -> - (compute_hint h)
+ | UO_Zopp -> assert false)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ and compute_hint h = compute_int (atom h)
+ let to_smt_int fmt i =
+ let s1 = if i < 0 then "(- " else "" in
+ let s2 = if i < 0 then ")" else "" in
+ let j = if i < 0 then -i else i in
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%s%i%s" s1 j s2
+ let rec to_smt fmt h = to_smt_atom fmt (atom h)
+ and to_smt_atom fmt = function
+ | Acop _ as a -> to_smt_int fmt (compute_int a)
+ | Auop (UO_Zopp,h) ->
+ Format.fprintf fmt "(- ";
+ to_smt fmt h;
+ Format.fprintf fmt ")"
+ | Auop _ as a -> to_smt_int fmt (compute_int a)
+ | Abop (op,h1,h2) -> to_smt_bop fmt op h1 h2
+ | Anop (op,a) -> to_smt_nop fmt op a
+ | Aapp (op,a) ->
+ if Array.length a = 0 then (
+ Format.fprintf fmt "op_%i" op.index;
+ ) else (
+ Format.fprintf fmt "(op_%i" op.index;
+ Array.iter (fun h -> Format.fprintf fmt " "; to_smt fmt h) a;
+ Format.fprintf fmt ")"
+ )
+ and to_smt_bop fmt op h1 h2 =
+ let s = match op with
+ | BO_Zplus -> "+"
+ | BO_Zminus -> "-"
+ | BO_Zmult -> "*"
+ | BO_Zlt -> "<"
+ | BO_Zle -> "<="
+ | BO_Zge -> ">="
+ | BO_Zgt -> ">"
+ | BO_eq _ -> "=" in
+ Format.fprintf fmt "(%s " s;
+ to_smt fmt h1;
+ Format.fprintf fmt " ";
+ to_smt fmt h2;
+ Format.fprintf fmt ")"
+ and to_smt_nop fmt op a =
+ let s = match op with
+ | NO_distinct _ -> "distinct" in
+ Format.fprintf fmt "(%s" s;
+ Array.iter (fun h -> Format.fprintf fmt " "; to_smt fmt h) a;
+ Format.fprintf fmt ")"
+ exception NotWellTyped of atom
+ let check a =
+ match a with
+ | Acop _ -> ()
+ | Auop(op,h) ->
+ if not (Btype.equal (Op.u_type_arg op) (type_of h)) then
+ raise (NotWellTyped a)
+ | Abop(op,h1,h2) ->
+ let (t1,t2) = Op.b_type_args op in
+ if not (Btype.equal t1 (type_of h1) && Btype.equal t2 (type_of h2))
+ then raise (NotWellTyped a)
+ | Anop(op,ha) ->
+ let ty = Op.n_type_args op in
+ Array.iter (fun h -> if not (Btype.equal ty (type_of h)) then raise (NotWellTyped a)) ha
+ | Aapp(op,args) ->
+ let tparams = Op.i_type_args op in
+ Array.iteri (fun i t ->
+ if not (Btype.equal t (type_of args.(i))) then
+ raise (NotWellTyped a)) tparams
+ type reify_tbl =
+ { mutable count : int;
+ tbl : hatom HashAtom.t
+ }
+ let create () =
+ { count = 0;
+ tbl = HashAtom.create 17 }
+ let clear reify =
+ reify.count <- 0;
+ HashAtom.clear reify.tbl
+ let declare reify a =
+ check a;
+ let res = {index = reify.count; hval = a} in
+ HashAtom.add reify.tbl a res;
+ reify.count <- reify.count + 1;
+ res
+ let get reify a =
+ try HashAtom.find reify.tbl a
+ with Not_found -> declare reify a
+ (** Given a coq term, build the corresponding atom *)
+ type coq_cst =
+ | CCxH
+ | CCZ0
+ | CCxO
+ | CCxI
+ | CCZpos
+ | CCZneg
+ | CCZopp
+ | CCZplus
+ | CCZminus
+ | CCZmult
+ | CCZlt
+ | CCZle
+ | CCZge
+ | CCZgt
+ | CCeqb
+ | CCeqbP
+ | CCeqbZ
+ | CCunknown
+ let op_tbl () =
+ let tbl = Hashtbl.create 29 in
+ let add (c1,c2) = Hashtbl.add tbl (Lazy.force c1) c2 in
+ List.iter add
+ [ cxH,CCxH; cZ0,CCZ0;
+ cxO,CCxO; cxI,CCxI; cZpos,CCZpos; cZneg,CCZneg; copp,CCZopp;
+ cadd,CCZplus; csub,CCZminus; cmul,CCZmult; cltb,CCZlt;
+ cleb,CCZle; cgeb,CCZge; cgtb,CCZgt; ceqb,CCeqb; ceqbP,CCeqbP;
+ ceqbZ, CCeqbZ
+ ];
+ tbl
+ let op_tbl = lazy (op_tbl ())
+ let of_coq rt ro reify env sigma c =
+ let op_tbl = Lazy.force op_tbl in
+ let get_cst c =
+ try Hashtbl.find op_tbl c with Not_found -> CCunknown in
+ let mk_cop op = get reify (Acop op) in
+ let rec mk_hatom h =
+ let c, args = Term.decompose_app h in
+ match get_cst c with
+ | CCxH -> mk_cop CO_xH
+ | CCZ0 -> mk_cop CO_Z0
+ | CCxO -> mk_uop UO_xO args
+ | CCxI -> mk_uop UO_xI args
+ | CCZpos -> mk_uop UO_Zpos args
+ | CCZneg -> mk_uop UO_Zneg args
+ | CCZopp -> mk_uop UO_Zopp args
+ | CCZplus -> mk_bop BO_Zplus args
+ | CCZminus -> mk_bop BO_Zminus args
+ | CCZmult -> mk_bop BO_Zmult args
+ | CCZlt -> mk_bop BO_Zlt args
+ | CCZle -> mk_bop BO_Zle args
+ | CCZge -> mk_bop BO_Zge args
+ | CCZgt -> mk_bop BO_Zgt args
+ | CCeqb -> mk_bop (BO_eq Tbool) args
+ | CCeqbP -> mk_bop (BO_eq Tpositive) args
+ | CCeqbZ -> mk_bop (BO_eq TZ) args
+ | CCunknown -> mk_unknown c args (Retyping.get_type_of env sigma h)
+ and mk_uop op = function
+ | [a] -> let h = mk_hatom a in get reify (Auop (op,h))
+ | _ -> assert false
+ and mk_bop op = function
+ | [a1;a2] ->
+ let h1 = mk_hatom a1 in
+ let h2 = mk_hatom a2 in
+ get reify (Abop (op,h1,h2))
+ | _ -> assert false
+ and mk_unknown c args ty =
+ let hargs = Array.of_list (List.map mk_hatom args) in
+ let op =
+ try Op.of_coq ro c
+ with | Not_found ->
+ let targs = Array.map type_of hargs in
+ let tres = Btype.of_coq rt ty in
+ Op.declare ro c targs tres in
+ get reify (Aapp (op,hargs)) in
+ mk_hatom c
+ let to_coq h = mkInt h.index
+ let a_to_coq a =
+ match a with
+ | Acop op -> mklApp cAcop [|Op.c_to_coq op|]
+ | Auop (op,h) -> mklApp cAuop [|Op.u_to_coq op; to_coq h|]
+ | Abop (op,h1,h2) ->
+ mklApp cAbop [|Op.b_to_coq op;to_coq h1; to_coq h2|]
+ | Anop (op,ha) ->
+ let cop = Op.n_to_coq op in
+ let cargs = Array.fold_right (fun h l -> mklApp ccons [|Lazy.force cint; to_coq h; l|]) ha (mklApp cnil [|Lazy.force cint|]) in
+ mklApp cAnop [|cop; cargs|]
+ | Aapp (op,args) ->
+ let cop = Op.i_to_coq op in
+ let cargs = Array.fold_right (fun h l -> mklApp ccons [|Lazy.force cint; to_coq h; l|]) args (mklApp cnil [|Lazy.force cint|]) in
+ mklApp cAapp [|cop; cargs|]
+ let dft_atom = lazy (mklApp cAcop [| Lazy.force cCO_xH |])
+ let to_array reify dft f =
+ let t = Array.make (reify.count + 1) dft in
+ let set _ h = t.(h.index) <- f h.hval in
+ HashAtom.iter set reify.tbl;
+ t
+ let interp_tbl reify =
+ let t = to_array reify (Lazy.force dft_atom) a_to_coq in
+ Term.mkArray (Lazy.force catom, t)
+ (** Producing a Coq term corresponding to the interpretation of an atom *)
+ let interp_to_coq atom_tbl a =
+ let rec interp_atom a =
+ let l = index a in
+ try Hashtbl.find atom_tbl l
+ with Not_found ->
+ let pc =
+ match atom a with
+ | Acop c -> Op.interp_cop c
+ | Auop (op,h) -> Term.mkApp (Op.interp_uop op, [|interp_atom h|])
+ | Abop (op,h1,h2) -> Term.mkApp (Op.interp_bop op, [|interp_atom h1; interp_atom h2|])
+ | Anop (NO_distinct ty as op,ha) ->
+ let cop = Op.interp_nop op in
+ let typ = Op.interp_distinct ty in
+ let cargs = Array.fold_right (fun h l -> mklApp ccons [|typ; interp_atom h; l|]) ha (mklApp cnil [|typ|]) in
+ Term.mkApp (cop,[|cargs|])
+ | Aapp (op,t) -> Term.mkApp (op.hval.op_val, Array.map interp_atom t) in
+ Hashtbl.add atom_tbl l pc;
+ pc in
+ interp_atom a
+ (* Generation of atoms *)
+ let mk_nop op reify a = get reify (Anop (op,a))
+ let mk_binop op reify h1 h2 = get reify (Abop (op, h1, h2))
+ let mk_unop op reify h = get reify (Auop (op, h))
+ let rec hatom_pos_of_int reify i =
+ if i <= 1 then
+ get reify (Acop CO_xH)
+ else
+ if i land 1 = 0
+ then mk_unop UO_xO reify (hatom_pos_of_int reify (i lsr 1))
+ else mk_unop UO_xI reify (hatom_pos_of_int reify (i lsr 1))
+ let hatom_Z_of_int reify i =
+ if i = 0 then
+ get reify (Acop CO_Z0)
+ else
+ if i > 0
+ then mk_unop UO_Zpos reify (hatom_pos_of_int reify i)
+ else mk_unop UO_Zneg reify (hatom_pos_of_int reify (-i))
+ let rec hatom_pos_of_bigint reify i =
+ if Big_int.le_big_int i Big_int.unit_big_int then
+ get reify (Acop CO_xH)
+ else
+ let (q,r) = Big_int.quomod_big_int i (Big_int.big_int_of_int 2) in
+ if Big_int.eq_big_int r Big_int.zero_big_int then
+ mk_unop UO_xO reify (hatom_pos_of_bigint reify q)
+ else
+ mk_unop UO_xI reify (hatom_pos_of_bigint reify q)
+ let hatom_Z_of_bigint reify i =
+ if Big_int.eq_big_int i Big_int.zero_big_int then
+ get reify (Acop CO_Z0)
+ else
+ if Big_int.gt_big_int i Big_int.zero_big_int then
+ mk_unop UO_Zpos reify (hatom_pos_of_bigint reify i)
+ else
+ mk_unop UO_Zneg reify (hatom_pos_of_bigint reify (Big_int.minus_big_int i))
+ let mk_eq reify ty h1 h2 =
+ let op = BO_eq ty in
+ try
+ HashAtom.find reify.tbl (Abop (op, h1, h2))
+ with
+ | Not_found ->
+ try
+ HashAtom.find reify.tbl (Abop (op, h2, h1))
+ with
+ | Not_found ->
+ declare reify (Abop (op, h1, h2))
+ let mk_lt = mk_binop BO_Zlt
+ let mk_le = mk_binop BO_Zle
+ let mk_gt = mk_binop BO_Zgt
+ let mk_ge = mk_binop BO_Zge
+ let mk_plus = mk_binop BO_Zplus
+ let mk_minus = mk_binop BO_Zminus
+ let mk_mult = mk_binop BO_Zmult
+ let mk_opp = mk_unop UO_Zopp
+ let mk_distinct reify ty = mk_nop (NO_distinct ty) reify
+ end
+module Form = SmtForm.Make(Atom)
+module Trace = SmtTrace.MakeOpt(Form)