path: root/src/trace
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/trace')
20 files changed, 1020 insertions, 676 deletions
diff --git a/src/trace/coqInterface.ml b/src/trace/coqInterface.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81a22c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/trace/coqInterface.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+(* *)
+(* SMTCoq *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2021 *)
+(* *)
+(* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *)
+(* *)
+open Entries
+(* Constr generation and manipulation *)
+type id = Names.variable
+let mkId = Names.Id.of_string
+type name = Names.Name.t
+let name_of_id i = Names.Name i
+let mkName s =
+ let id = mkId s in
+ name_of_id id
+let string_of_name = function
+ Names.Name id -> Names.Id.to_string id
+ | _ -> failwith "unnamed rel"
+type constr = Constr.t
+type types = Constr.types
+let eq_constr = Constr.equal
+let hash_constr = Constr.hash
+let mkProp = Constr.mkProp
+let mkConst = Constr.mkConst
+let mkVar = Constr.mkVar
+let mkRel = Constr.mkRel
+let isRel = Constr.isRel
+let destRel = Constr.destRel
+let lift = Vars.lift
+let mkApp = Constr.mkApp
+let decompose_app = Constr.decompose_app
+let mkLambda (n, t, c) = Constr.mkLambda (Context.make_annot n Sorts.Relevant, t, c)
+let mkProd (n, t, c) = Constr.mkProd (Context.make_annot n Sorts.Relevant, t, c)
+let mkLetIn (n, c1, t, c2) = Constr.mkLetIn (Context.make_annot n Sorts.Relevant, c1, t, c2)
+let mkArrow a b = Term.mkArrow a Sorts.Relevant b
+let pr_constr_env env = Printer.pr_constr_env env Evd.empty
+let pr_constr = pr_constr_env Environ.empty_env
+let mkUConst : Constr.t -> Safe_typing.private_constants Entries.definition_entry = fun c ->
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let evd = Evd.from_env env in
+ let evd, ty = Typing.type_of env evd (EConstr.of_constr c) in
+ { Entries.const_entry_body = Future.from_val ((c, Univ.ContextSet.empty),
+ Safe_typing.empty_private_constants);
+ const_entry_secctx = None;
+ const_entry_feedback = None;
+ const_entry_type = Some (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr ty); (* Cannot contain evars since it comes from a Constr.t *)
+ const_entry_universes = Evd.univ_entry ~poly:false evd;
+ const_entry_opaque = false;
+ const_entry_inline_code = false }
+let mkTConst c noc ty =
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let evd = Evd.from_env env in
+ let evd, _ = Typing.type_of env evd (EConstr.of_constr noc) in
+ { const_entry_body = Future.from_val ((c, Univ.ContextSet.empty),
+ Safe_typing.empty_private_constants);
+ const_entry_secctx = None;
+ const_entry_feedback = None;
+ const_entry_type = Some ty;
+ const_entry_universes = Evd.univ_entry ~poly:false evd;
+ const_entry_opaque = false;
+ const_entry_inline_code = false }
+(* TODO : Set -> Type *)
+let declare_new_type t =
+ let _ = ComAssumption.declare_assumption ~pstate:None false (Decl_kinds.Discharge, false, Decl_kinds.Definitional) (Constr.mkSet, Entries.Monomorphic_entry Univ.ContextSet.empty) UnivNames.empty_binders [] false Declaremods.NoInline (CAst.make t) in
+ Constr.mkVar t
+let declare_new_variable v constr_t =
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let evd = Evd.from_env env in
+ let evd, _ = Typing.type_of env evd (EConstr.of_constr constr_t) in
+ let _ = ComAssumption.declare_assumption ~pstate:None false (Decl_kinds.Discharge, false, Decl_kinds.Definitional) (constr_t, Evd.univ_entry ~poly:false evd) UnivNames.empty_binders [] false Declaremods.NoInline (CAst.make v) in
+ Constr.mkVar v
+let declare_constant n c =
+ Declare.declare_constant n (DefinitionEntry c, Decl_kinds.IsDefinition Decl_kinds.Definition)
+type cast_kind = Constr.cast_kind
+let vmcast = Constr.VMcast
+let mkCast = Constr.mkCast
+(* EConstr *)
+type econstr = EConstr.t
+let econstr_of_constr = EConstr.of_constr
+(* Modules *)
+let gen_constant_in_modules s m n =
+ (* UnivGen.constr_of_monomorphic_global will crash on universe polymorphic constants *)
+ UnivGen.constr_of_monomorphic_global @@ Coqlib.gen_reference_in_modules s m n
+let gen_constant modules constant = lazy (gen_constant_in_modules "SMT" modules constant)
+let init_modules = Coqlib.init_modules
+(* Int63 *)
+let int63_module = [["Coq";"Numbers";"Cyclic";"Int63";"Int63"]]
+let mkInt : int -> Constr.constr =
+ fun i -> Constr.mkInt (Uint63.of_int i)
+let cint = gen_constant int63_module "int"
+(* PArray *)
+let parray_modules = [["SMTCoq";"PArray";"PArray"]]
+let cmake = gen_constant parray_modules "make"
+let cset = gen_constant parray_modules "set"
+let max_array_size : int = 4194302
+let mkArray : Constr.types * Constr.t array -> Constr.t =
+ fun (ty, a) ->
+ let l = (Array.length a) - 1 in
+ snd (Array.fold_left (fun (i,acc) c ->
+ let acc' =
+ if i = l then
+ acc
+ else
+ mkApp (Lazy.force cset, [|ty; acc; mkInt i; c|]) in
+ (i+1,acc')
+ ) (0, mkApp (Lazy.force cmake, [|ty; mkInt l; a.(l)|])) a)
+(* Traces *)
+(* WARNING: side effect on r! *)
+let mkTrace step_to_coq next _ clist cnil ccons cpair size step def_step r =
+ let rec mkTrace s =
+ if s = size then
+ mkApp (Lazy.force cnil, [|step|])
+ else (
+ r := next !r;
+ let st = step_to_coq !r in
+ mkApp (Lazy.force ccons, [|step; st; mkTrace (s+1)|])
+ ) in
+ mkApp (Lazy.force cpair, [|mkApp (Lazy.force clist, [|step|]); step; mkTrace 0; def_step|])
+(* Micromega *)
+module Micromega_plugin_Micromega = Micromega_plugin.Micromega
+module Micromega_plugin_Certificate = Micromega_plugin.Certificate
+let micromega_coq_proofTerm =
+ (* Cannot contain evars *)
+ lazy (gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega" [["Coq"; "micromega";"ZMicromega"]] "ZArithProof")
+let micromega_dump_proof_term p =
+ (* Cannot contain evars *)
+ EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (Micromega_plugin.Coq_micromega.dump_proof_term p)
+(* Tactics *)
+type tactic = unit Proofview.tactic
+let tclTHEN = Tacticals.New.tclTHEN
+let tclTHENLAST = Tacticals.New.tclTHENLAST
+let assert_before n c = Tactics.assert_before n (EConstr.of_constr c)
+let vm_cast_no_check c = Tactics.vm_cast_no_check (EConstr.of_constr c)
+let mk_tactic tac =
+ Proofview.Goal.enter (fun gl ->
+ let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in
+ let sigma = Tacmach.New.project gl in
+ let t = Proofview.Goal.concl gl in
+ let t = EConstr.to_constr sigma t in (* The goal should not contain uninstanciated evars *)
+ tac env sigma t
+ )
+let set_evars_tac noc =
+ mk_tactic (
+ fun env sigma _ ->
+ let sigma, _ = Typing.type_of env sigma (EConstr.of_constr noc) in
+ Proofview.Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma)
+(* Other differences between the two versions of Coq *)
+type constr_expr = Constrexpr.constr_expr
+let error s = CErrors.user_err (Pp.str s)
+let warning n s = CWarnings.create ~name:n ~category:"SMTCoq plugin" Pp.str s
+let extern_constr c = Constrextern.extern_constr true Environ.empty_env Evd.empty (EConstr.of_constr c)
+let destruct_rel_decl r = Context.Rel.Declaration.get_name r,
+ Context.Rel.Declaration.get_type r
+(* Cannot contain evars since it comes from a Constr.t *)
+let interp_constr env sigma t = Constrintern.interp_constr env sigma t |> fst |> EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr
+let ppconstr_lsimpleconstr = Ppconstr.lsimpleconstr
+let constrextern_extern_constr c =
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ Constrextern.extern_constr false env (Evd.from_env env) (EConstr.of_constr c)
+let get_rel_dec_name = function
+ | Context.Rel.Declaration.LocalAssum (n, _) | Context.Rel.Declaration.LocalDef (n, _, _) ->
+ Context.binder_name n
+let retyping_get_type_of env sigma c =
+ (* Cannot contain evars since it comes from a Constr.t *)
+ EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (Retyping.get_type_of env sigma (EConstr.of_constr c))
+let vm_conv = Vconv.vm_conv
+(* Cannot contain evars since it comes from a Constr.t *)
+let cbv_vm env c t = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (Vnorm.cbv_vm env Evd.empty (EConstr.of_constr c) (EConstr.of_constr t))
diff --git a/src/trace/coqInterface.mli b/src/trace/coqInterface.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38d78d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/trace/coqInterface.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+(* *)
+(* SMTCoq *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2021 *)
+(* *)
+(* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *)
+(* *)
+(* WARNING: currently, we map all the econstr into constr: we suppose
+ that the goal does not contain existencial variables *)
+(* Constr generation and manipulation *)
+type id = Names.variable
+val mkId : string -> id
+type name
+val name_of_id : id -> name
+val mkName : string -> name
+val string_of_name : name -> string
+type constr = Constr.t
+type types = constr
+val eq_constr : constr -> constr -> bool
+val hash_constr : constr -> int
+val mkProp : types
+val mkConst : Names.Constant.t -> constr
+val mkVar : id -> constr
+val mkRel : int -> constr
+val isRel : constr -> bool
+val destRel : constr -> int
+val lift : int -> constr -> constr
+val mkApp : constr * constr array -> constr
+val decompose_app : constr -> constr * constr list
+val mkLambda : name * types * constr -> constr
+val mkProd : name * types * types -> types
+val mkLetIn : name * constr * types * constr -> constr
+val mkArrow : types -> types -> constr
+val pr_constr_env : Environ.env -> constr -> Pp.t
+val pr_constr : constr -> Pp.t
+val mkUConst : constr -> Safe_typing.private_constants Entries.definition_entry
+val mkTConst : constr -> constr -> types -> Safe_typing.private_constants Entries.definition_entry
+val declare_new_type : id -> types
+val declare_new_variable : id -> types -> constr
+val declare_constant : id -> Safe_typing.private_constants Entries.definition_entry -> Names.Constant.t
+type cast_kind
+val vmcast : cast_kind
+val mkCast : constr * cast_kind * constr -> constr
+(* EConstr *)
+type econstr = EConstr.t
+val econstr_of_constr : constr -> econstr
+(* Modules *)
+val gen_constant : string list list -> string -> constr lazy_t
+val init_modules : string list list
+(* Int63 *)
+val int63_module : string list list
+val mkInt : int -> constr
+val cint : constr lazy_t
+(* PArray *)
+val parray_modules : string list list
+val max_array_size : int
+val mkArray : types * constr array -> constr
+(* Traces *)
+val mkTrace :
+ ('a -> constr) ->
+ ('a -> 'a) ->
+ 'b ->
+ constr Lazy.t ->
+ constr Lazy.t ->
+ constr Lazy.t ->
+ constr Lazy.t ->
+ int -> constr -> constr -> 'a ref -> constr
+(* Micromega *)
+module Micromega_plugin_Micromega = Micromega_plugin.Micromega
+module Micromega_plugin_Certificate = Micromega_plugin.Certificate
+val micromega_coq_proofTerm : constr lazy_t
+val micromega_dump_proof_term : Micromega_plugin_Micromega.zArithProof -> constr
+(* Tactics *)
+type tactic = unit Proofview.tactic
+val tclTHEN : tactic -> tactic -> tactic
+val tclTHENLAST : tactic -> tactic -> tactic
+val assert_before : name -> types -> tactic
+val vm_cast_no_check : constr -> tactic
+val mk_tactic : (Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> constr -> tactic) -> tactic
+val set_evars_tac : constr -> tactic
+(* Other differences between the two versions of Coq *)
+type constr_expr = Constrexpr.constr_expr
+val error : string -> 'a
+val warning : string -> string -> unit
+val extern_constr : constr -> constr_expr
+val destruct_rel_decl : (constr, types) Context.Rel.Declaration.pt -> name * types
+val interp_constr : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> constr_expr -> constr
+val ppconstr_lsimpleconstr : Notation_gram.tolerability
+val constrextern_extern_constr : constr -> constr_expr
+val get_rel_dec_name : (constr, types) Context.Rel.Declaration.pt -> name
+val retyping_get_type_of : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> constr -> constr
+val vm_conv : Reduction.conv_pb -> types Reduction.kernel_conversion_function
+val cbv_vm : Environ.env -> constr -> types -> constr
diff --git a/src/trace/coqTerms.ml b/src/trace/coqTerms.ml
index 65995b5..67392bb 100644
--- a/src/trace/coqTerms.ml
+++ b/src/trace/coqTerms.ml
@@ -10,27 +10,26 @@
-open Coqlib
open SmtMisc
-let gen_constant = Structures.gen_constant
+let gen_constant = CoqInterface.gen_constant
(* Int63 *)
-let cint = Structures.cint
-let ceq63 = gen_constant Structures.int63_modules "eqb"
+let cint = CoqInterface.cint
+let ceq63 = gen_constant CoqInterface.int63_module "eqb"
(* PArray *)
-let carray = gen_constant Structures.parray_modules "array"
+let carray = gen_constant CoqInterface.parray_modules "array"
(* is_true *)
-let cis_true = gen_constant init_modules "is_true"
+let cis_true = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "is_true"
(* nat *)
-let cnat = gen_constant init_modules "nat"
-let cO = gen_constant init_modules "O"
-let cS = gen_constant init_modules "S"
+let cnat = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "nat"
+let cO = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "O"
+let cS = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "S"
(* Positive *)
let positive_modules = [["Coq";"Numbers";"BinNums"];
@@ -75,49 +74,49 @@ let ceqbZ = gen_constant z_modules "eqb"
(* Booleans *)
let bool_modules = [["Coq";"Bool";"Bool"]]
-let cbool = gen_constant init_modules "bool"
-let ctrue = gen_constant init_modules "true"
-let cfalse = gen_constant init_modules "false"
-let candb = gen_constant init_modules "andb"
-let corb = gen_constant init_modules "orb"
-let cxorb = gen_constant init_modules "xorb"
-let cnegb = gen_constant init_modules "negb"
-let cimplb = gen_constant init_modules "implb"
+let cbool = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "bool"
+let ctrue = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "true"
+let cfalse = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "false"
+let candb = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "andb"
+let corb = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "orb"
+let cxorb = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "xorb"
+let cnegb = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "negb"
+let cimplb = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "implb"
let ceqb = gen_constant bool_modules "eqb"
let cifb = gen_constant bool_modules "ifb"
-let ciff = gen_constant init_modules "iff"
+let ciff = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "iff"
let creflect = gen_constant bool_modules "reflect"
(* Lists *)
-let clist = gen_constant init_modules "list"
-let cnil = gen_constant init_modules "nil"
-let ccons = gen_constant init_modules "cons"
-let clength = gen_constant init_modules "length"
+let clist = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "list"
+let cnil = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "nil"
+let ccons = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "cons"
+let clength = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "length"
(* Option *)
-let coption = gen_constant init_modules "option"
-let cSome = gen_constant init_modules "Some"
-let cNone = gen_constant init_modules "None"
+let coption = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "option"
+let cSome = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "Some"
+let cNone = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "None"
(* Pairs *)
-let cpair = gen_constant init_modules "pair"
-let cprod = gen_constant init_modules "prod"
+let cpair = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "pair"
+let cprod = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "prod"
(* Dependent pairs *)
-let csigT = gen_constant init_modules "sigT"
-(* let cprojT1 = gen_constant init_modules "projT1" *)
-(* let cprojT2 = gen_constant init_modules "projT2" *)
-(* let cprojT3 = gen_constant init_modules "projT3" *)
+let csigT = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "sigT"
+(* let cprojT1 = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "projT1" *)
+(* let cprojT2 = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "projT2" *)
+(* let cprojT3 = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "projT3" *)
-(* let csigT2 = gen_constant init_modules "sigT2" *)
-(* let csigT_of_sigT2 = gen_constant init_modules "sigT_of_sigT2" *)
+(* let csigT2 = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "sigT2" *)
+(* let csigT_of_sigT2 = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "sigT_of_sigT2" *)
(* Logical Operators *)
-let cnot = gen_constant init_modules "not"
-let ceq = gen_constant init_modules "eq"
-let crefl_equal = gen_constant init_modules "eq_refl"
-let cconj = gen_constant init_modules "conj"
-let cand = gen_constant init_modules "and"
+let cnot = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "not"
+let ceq = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "eq"
+let crefl_equal = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "eq_refl"
+let cconj = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "conj"
+let cand = gen_constant CoqInterface.init_modules "and"
(* Bit vectors *)
let bv_modules = [["SMTCoq";"bva";"BVList";"BITVECTOR_LIST"]]
@@ -307,8 +306,8 @@ let ceq_refl_true =
let eq_refl_true () = Lazy.force ceq_refl_true
let vm_cast_true_no_check t =
- Structures.mkCast(eq_refl_true (),
- Structures.vmcast,
+ CoqInterface.mkCast(eq_refl_true (),
+ CoqInterface.vmcast,
mklApp ceq [|Lazy.force cbool; t; Lazy.force ctrue|])
(* This version checks convertibility right away instead of delaying it at
@@ -316,13 +315,13 @@ let vm_cast_true_no_check t =
SMTCoq's tactics. *)
let vm_cast_true env t =
- Structures.vm_conv Reduction.CUMUL env
+ CoqInterface.vm_conv Reduction.CUMUL env
(mklApp ceq
[|Lazy.force cbool; Lazy.force ctrue; Lazy.force ctrue|])
(mklApp ceq [|Lazy.force cbool; t; Lazy.force ctrue|]);
vm_cast_true_no_check t
with Reduction.NotConvertible ->
- Structures.error ("SMTCoq was not able to check the proof certificate.")
+ CoqInterface.error ("SMTCoq was not able to check the proof certificate.")
(* Compute a nat *)
@@ -356,39 +355,39 @@ let rec mk_bv_list = function
(* Reification *)
let mk_bool b =
- let c, args = Structures.decompose_app b in
- if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force ctrue) then true
- else if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cfalse) then false
+ let c, args = CoqInterface.decompose_app b in
+ if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force ctrue) then true
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cfalse) then false
else assert false
let rec mk_bool_list bs =
- let c, args = Structures.decompose_app bs in
- if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cnil) then []
- else if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force ccons) then
+ let c, args = CoqInterface.decompose_app bs in
+ if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cnil) then []
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force ccons) then
match args with
| [_; b; bs] -> mk_bool b :: mk_bool_list bs
| _ -> assert false
else assert false
let rec mk_nat n =
- let c, args = Structures.decompose_app n in
- if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cO) then
+ let c, args = CoqInterface.decompose_app n in
+ if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cO) then
- else if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cS) then
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cS) then
match args with
| [n] -> (mk_nat n) + 1
| _ -> assert false
else assert false
let rec mk_positive n =
- let c, args = Structures.decompose_app n in
- if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cxH) then
+ let c, args = CoqInterface.decompose_app n in
+ if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cxH) then
- else if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cxO) then
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cxO) then
match args with
| [n] -> 2 * (mk_positive n)
| _ -> assert false
- else if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cxI) then
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cxI) then
match args with
| [n] -> 2 * (mk_positive n) + 1
| _ -> assert false
@@ -396,10 +395,10 @@ let rec mk_positive n =
let mk_N n =
- let c, args = Structures.decompose_app n in
- if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cN0) then
+ let c, args = CoqInterface.decompose_app n in
+ if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cN0) then
- else if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cNpos) then
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cNpos) then
match args with
| [n] -> mk_positive n
| _ -> assert false
@@ -407,13 +406,13 @@ let mk_N n =
let mk_Z n =
- let c, args = Structures.decompose_app n in
- if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cZ0) then 0
- else if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cZpos) then
+ let c, args = CoqInterface.decompose_app n in
+ if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cZ0) then 0
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cZpos) then
match args with
| [n] -> mk_positive n
| _ -> assert false
- else if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cZneg) then
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cZneg) then
match args with
| [n] -> - mk_positive n
| _ -> assert false
@@ -422,12 +421,12 @@ let mk_Z n =
(* size of bivectors are either N.of_nat (length l) or an N *)
let mk_bvsize n =
- let c, args = Structures.decompose_app n in
- if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cof_nat) then
+ let c, args = CoqInterface.decompose_app n in
+ if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cof_nat) then
match args with
| [nl] ->
- let c, args = Structures.decompose_app nl in
- if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force clength) then
+ let c, args = CoqInterface.decompose_app nl in
+ if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force clength) then
match args with
| [_; l] -> List.length (mk_bool_list l)
| _ -> assert false
@@ -438,7 +437,7 @@ let mk_bvsize n =
(** Switches between constr and OCaml *)
(* Transform a option constr into a constr option *)
let option_of_constr_option co =
- let c, args = Structures.decompose_app co in
+ let c, args = CoqInterface.decompose_app co in
if c = Lazy.force cSome then
match args with
| [_;c] -> Some c
@@ -449,7 +448,7 @@ let option_of_constr_option co =
(* Transform a tuple of constr into a (reversed) list of constr *)
let list_of_constr_tuple =
let rec list_of_constr_tuple acc t =
- let c, args = Structures.decompose_app t in
+ let c, args = CoqInterface.decompose_app t in
if c = Lazy.force cpair then
match args with
| [_;_;t1;t2] ->
diff --git a/src/trace/coqTerms.mli b/src/trace/coqTerms.mli
index 282f8f6..92acbb6 100644
--- a/src/trace/coqTerms.mli
+++ b/src/trace/coqTerms.mli
@@ -10,258 +10,258 @@
-val gen_constant : string list list -> string -> Structures.constr lazy_t
+val gen_constant : string list list -> string -> CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
(* Int63 *)
-val cint : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val ceq63 : Structures.constr lazy_t
+val cint : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val ceq63 : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
(* PArray *)
-val carray : Structures.constr lazy_t
+val carray : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
(* nat *)
-val cnat : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cO : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cS : Structures.constr lazy_t
+val cnat : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cO : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cS : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
(* Positive *)
-val cpositive : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cxI : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cxO : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cxH : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val ceqbP : Structures.constr lazy_t
+val cpositive : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cxI : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cxO : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cxH : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val ceqbP : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
(* N *)
-val cN : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cN0 : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cNpos : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cof_nat : Structures.constr lazy_t
+val cN : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cN0 : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cNpos : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cof_nat : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
(* Z *)
-val cZ : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cZ0 : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cZpos : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cZneg : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val copp : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cadd : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val csub : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cmul : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cltb : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cleb : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cgeb : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cgtb : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val ceqbZ : Structures.constr lazy_t
+val cZ : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cZ0 : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cZpos : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cZneg : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val copp : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cadd : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val csub : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cmul : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cltb : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cleb : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cgeb : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cgtb : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val ceqbZ : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
(* Booleans *)
-val cbool : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val ctrue : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cfalse : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val candb : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val corb : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cxorb : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cnegb : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cimplb : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val ceqb : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cifb : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val ciff : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val creflect : Structures.constr lazy_t
+val cbool : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val ctrue : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cfalse : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val candb : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val corb : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cxorb : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cnegb : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cimplb : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val ceqb : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cifb : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val ciff : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val creflect : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
(* Lists *)
-val clist : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cnil : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val ccons : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val clength : Structures.constr lazy_t
+val clist : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cnil : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val ccons : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val clength : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
(* Option *)
-val coption : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cSome : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cNone : Structures.constr lazy_t
+val coption : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cSome : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cNone : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
(* Pairs *)
-val cpair : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cprod : Structures.constr lazy_t
+val cpair : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cprod : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
(* Dependent pairs *)
-val csigT : Structures.constr lazy_t
+val csigT : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
(* Logical Operators *)
-val cnot : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val ceq : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val crefl_equal : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cconj : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cand : Structures.constr lazy_t
+val cnot : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val ceq : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val crefl_equal : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cconj : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cand : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
(* Bit vectors *)
-val cbitvector : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cof_bits : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cbitOf : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cbv_eq : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cbv_not : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cbv_neg : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cbv_and : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cbv_or : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cbv_xor : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cbv_add : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cbv_mult : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cbv_ult : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cbv_slt : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cbv_concat : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cbv_extr : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cbv_zextn : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cbv_sextn : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cbv_shl : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cbv_shr : Structures.constr lazy_t
+val cbitvector : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cof_bits : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cbitOf : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cbv_eq : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cbv_not : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cbv_neg : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cbv_and : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cbv_or : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cbv_xor : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cbv_add : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cbv_mult : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cbv_ult : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cbv_slt : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cbv_concat : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cbv_extr : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cbv_zextn : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cbv_sextn : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cbv_shl : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cbv_shr : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
(* Arrays *)
-val cfarray : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cselect : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cstore : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cdiff : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cequalarray : Structures.constr lazy_t
+val cfarray : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cselect : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cstore : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cdiff : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cequalarray : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
(* OrderedType *)
(* SMT_terms *)
-val cState_C_t : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cState_S_t : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cdistinct : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val ctype : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cTZ : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cTbool : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cTpositive : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cTBV : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cTFArray : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cTindex : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cinterp_t : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cdec_interp : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cord_interp : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val ccomp_interp : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cinh_interp : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cinterp_eqb : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val ctyp_compdec : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cTyp_compdec : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cunit_typ_compdec : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cte_carrier : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cte_compdec : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val ceqb_of_compdec : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cCompDec : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cbool_compdec : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cZ_compdec : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cPositive_compdec : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBV_compdec : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cFArray_compdec : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val ctval : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cTval : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cCO_xH : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cCO_Z0 : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cCO_BV : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cUO_xO : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cUO_xI : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cUO_Zpos : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cUO_Zneg : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cUO_Zopp : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cUO_BVbitOf : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cUO_BVnot : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cUO_BVneg : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cUO_BVextr : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cUO_BVzextn : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cUO_BVsextn : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_Zplus : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_Zminus : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_Zmult : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_Zlt : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_Zle : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_Zge : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_Zgt : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_eq : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_BVand : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_BVor : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_BVxor : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_BVadd : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_BVmult : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_BVult : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_BVslt : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_BVconcat : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_BVshl : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_BVshr : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_select : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cBO_diffarray : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cTO_store : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cNO_distinct : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val catom : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cAcop : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cAuop : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cAbop : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cAtop : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cAnop : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cAapp : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cform : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cFatom : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cFtrue : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cFfalse : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cFnot2 : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cFand : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cFor : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cFxor : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cFimp : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cFiff : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cFite : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cFbbT : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cis_true : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cvalid_sat_checker : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val cinterp_var_sat_checker : Structures.constr lazy_t
+val cState_C_t : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cState_S_t : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cdistinct : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val ctype : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cTZ : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cTbool : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cTpositive : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cTBV : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cTFArray : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cTindex : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cinterp_t : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cdec_interp : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cord_interp : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val ccomp_interp : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cinh_interp : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cinterp_eqb : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val ctyp_compdec : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cTyp_compdec : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cunit_typ_compdec : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cte_carrier : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cte_compdec : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val ceqb_of_compdec : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cCompDec : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cbool_compdec : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cZ_compdec : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cPositive_compdec : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBV_compdec : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cFArray_compdec : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val ctval : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cTval : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cCO_xH : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cCO_Z0 : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cCO_BV : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cUO_xO : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cUO_xI : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cUO_Zpos : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cUO_Zneg : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cUO_Zopp : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cUO_BVbitOf : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cUO_BVnot : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cUO_BVneg : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cUO_BVextr : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cUO_BVzextn : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cUO_BVsextn : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_Zplus : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_Zminus : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_Zmult : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_Zlt : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_Zle : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_Zge : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_Zgt : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_eq : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_BVand : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_BVor : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_BVxor : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_BVadd : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_BVmult : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_BVult : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_BVslt : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_BVconcat : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_BVshl : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_BVshr : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_select : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cBO_diffarray : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cTO_store : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cNO_distinct : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val catom : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cAcop : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cAuop : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cAbop : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cAtop : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cAnop : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cAapp : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cform : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cFatom : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cFtrue : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cFfalse : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cFnot2 : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cFand : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cFor : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cFxor : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cFimp : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cFiff : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cFite : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cFbbT : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cis_true : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cvalid_sat_checker : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val cinterp_var_sat_checker : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
val make_certif_ops :
string list list ->
- Structures.constr array option ->
- Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t *
- Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t *
- Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t *
- Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t *
- Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t *
- Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t *
- Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t *
- Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t *
- Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t *
- Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t *
- Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t *
- Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t *
- Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t *
- Structures.constr lazy_t * Structures.constr lazy_t
+ CoqInterface.constr array option ->
+ CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t *
+ CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t *
+ CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t *
+ CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t *
+ CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t *
+ CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t *
+ CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t *
+ CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t *
+ CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t *
+ CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t *
+ CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t *
+ CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t *
+ CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t *
+ CoqInterface.constr lazy_t * CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
(* Some constructions *)
-val ceq_refl_true : Structures.constr lazy_t
-val eq_refl_true : unit -> Structures.constr
-val vm_cast_true_no_check : Structures.constr -> Structures.constr
-val vm_cast_true : Environ.env -> Structures.constr -> Structures.constr
-val mkNat : int -> Structures.constr
-val mkN : int -> Structures.constr
-val mk_bv_list : bool list -> Structures.constr
+val ceq_refl_true : CoqInterface.constr lazy_t
+val eq_refl_true : unit -> CoqInterface.constr
+val vm_cast_true_no_check : CoqInterface.constr -> CoqInterface.constr
+val vm_cast_true : Environ.env -> CoqInterface.constr -> CoqInterface.constr
+val mkNat : int -> CoqInterface.constr
+val mkN : int -> CoqInterface.constr
+val mk_bv_list : bool list -> CoqInterface.constr
(* Reification *)
-val mk_bool : Structures.constr -> bool
-val mk_bool_list : Structures.constr -> bool list
-val mk_nat : Structures.constr -> int
-val mk_N : Structures.constr -> int
-val mk_Z : Structures.constr -> int
-val mk_bvsize : Structures.constr -> int
+val mk_bool : CoqInterface.constr -> bool
+val mk_bool_list : CoqInterface.constr -> bool list
+val mk_nat : CoqInterface.constr -> int
+val mk_N : CoqInterface.constr -> int
+val mk_Z : CoqInterface.constr -> int
+val mk_bvsize : CoqInterface.constr -> int
(* Switches between constr and OCaml *)
-val option_of_constr_option : Structures.constr -> Structures.constr option
-val list_of_constr_tuple : Structures.constr -> Structures.constr list
+val option_of_constr_option : CoqInterface.constr -> CoqInterface.constr option
+val list_of_constr_tuple : CoqInterface.constr -> CoqInterface.constr list
diff --git a/src/trace/satAtom.ml b/src/trace/satAtom.ml
index 6ffd752..0296c88 100644
--- a/src/trace/satAtom.ml
+++ b/src/trace/satAtom.ml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module Atom =
type reify_tbl =
{ mutable count : int;
- tbl : (Structures.constr, int) Hashtbl.t
+ tbl : (CoqInterface.constr, int) Hashtbl.t
let create () =
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ module Atom =
let interp_tbl reify =
- Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force cbool, atom_tbl reify)
+ CoqInterface.mkArray (Lazy.force cbool, atom_tbl reify)
let logic _ = SL.empty
diff --git a/src/trace/satAtom.mli b/src/trace/satAtom.mli
index b6a8dea..311b147 100644
--- a/src/trace/satAtom.mli
+++ b/src/trace/satAtom.mli
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ module Atom : sig
type reify_tbl = {
mutable count : int;
- tbl : (Structures.constr, t) Hashtbl.t;
+ tbl : (CoqInterface.constr, t) Hashtbl.t;
val create : unit -> reify_tbl
- val declare : reify_tbl -> Structures.constr -> t
- val get : reify_tbl -> Structures.constr -> t
- val atom_tbl : reify_tbl -> Structures.constr array
- val interp_tbl : reify_tbl -> Structures.constr
+ val declare : reify_tbl -> CoqInterface.constr -> t
+ val get : reify_tbl -> CoqInterface.constr -> t
+ val atom_tbl : reify_tbl -> CoqInterface.constr array
+ val interp_tbl : reify_tbl -> CoqInterface.constr
diff --git a/src/trace/smtAtom.ml b/src/trace/smtAtom.ml
index 2710eb2..78f2eee 100644
--- a/src/trace/smtAtom.ml
+++ b/src/trace/smtAtom.ml
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ type nop =
type op_def = {
tparams : SmtBtype.btype array;
tres : SmtBtype.btype;
- op_val : Structures.constr }
+ op_val : CoqInterface.constr }
type index = Index of int
| Rel_name of string
@@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ let destruct s (i, hval) = match i with
| Rel_name _ -> failwith s
let dummy_indexed_op i dom codom =
- (i, {tparams = dom; tres = codom; op_val = Structures.mkProp})
+ (i, {tparams = dom; tres = codom; op_val = CoqInterface.mkProp})
let indexed_op_index i =
let index, _ = destruct "destruct on a Rel: called by indexed_op_index" i in
let debruijn_indexed_op i ty =
- (Index i, {tparams = [||]; tres = ty; op_val = Structures.mkRel i})
+ (Index i, {tparams = [||]; tres = ty; op_val = CoqInterface.mkRel i})
module Op =
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ module Op =
(* reify table *)
type reify_tbl =
{ mutable count : int;
- tbl : (Structures.constr, indexed_op) Hashtbl.t
+ tbl : (CoqInterface.constr, indexed_op) Hashtbl.t
let create () =
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ module Op =
let index, hval = destruct "destruct on a Rel: called by set in interp_tbl" op in
t.(index) <- mk_Tval hval.tparams hval.tres hval.op_val in
Hashtbl.iter set reify.tbl;
- Structures.mkArray (tval, t)
+ CoqInterface.mkArray (tval, t)
let to_list reify =
let set _ op acc =
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ module Atom =
to_smt_atom (atom h)
and to_smt_atom = function
- | Acop (CO_BV bv) -> if List.length bv = 0 then Structures.error "Empty bit-vectors are not valid in SMT" else Format.fprintf fmt "#b%a" bv_to_smt bv
+ | Acop (CO_BV bv) -> if List.length bv = 0 then CoqInterface.error "Empty bit-vectors are not valid in SMT" else Format.fprintf fmt "#b%a" bv_to_smt bv
| Acop _ as a -> to_smt_int fmt (compute_int a)
| Auop (op,h) -> to_smt_uop op h
| Abop (op,h1,h2) -> to_smt_bop op h1 h2
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ module Atom =
Array.iter (fun bt -> SmtBtype.to_smt fmt bt; Format.fprintf fmt " ") bta;
Format.fprintf fmt ") ( ";
SmtBtype.to_smt fmt bt;
- Format.fprintf fmt " ) ( %s )]" (Pp.string_of_ppcmds (Structures.pr_constr t))
+ Format.fprintf fmt " ) ( %s )]" (Pp.string_of_ppcmds (CoqInterface.pr_constr t))
and to_smt_uop op h =
match op with
@@ -1107,8 +1107,8 @@ module Atom =
else CCunknown_deps (gobble_of_coq_cst cc)
with Not_found -> CCunknown
- let rec mk_hatom (h : Structures.constr) =
- let c, args = Structures.decompose_app h in
+ let rec mk_hatom (h : CoqInterface.constr) =
+ let c, args = CoqInterface.decompose_app h in
match get_cst c with
| CCxH -> mk_cop CCxH args
| CCZ0 -> mk_cop CCZ0 args
@@ -1150,9 +1150,9 @@ module Atom =
| CCselect -> mk_bop_select args
| CCdiff -> mk_bop_diff args
| CCstore -> mk_top_store args
- | CCunknown -> mk_unknown c args (Structures.retyping_get_type_of env sigma h)
+ | CCunknown -> mk_unknown c args (CoqInterface.retyping_get_type_of env sigma h)
| CCunknown_deps gobble ->
- mk_unknown_deps c args (Structures.retyping_get_type_of env sigma h) gobble
+ mk_unknown_deps c args (CoqInterface.retyping_get_type_of env sigma h) gobble
and mk_cop op args = match op, args with
@@ -1343,10 +1343,10 @@ module Atom =
let rec collect_types = function
| [] -> ([],[])
| x::xs as l ->
- let ty = Structures.retyping_get_type_of env sigma x in
+ let ty = CoqInterface.retyping_get_type_of env sigma x in
if Constr.iskind ty ||
- let c, _ = Structures.decompose_app ty in
- Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cCompDec)
+ let c, _ = CoqInterface.decompose_app ty in
+ CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cCompDec)
let (l1, l2) = collect_types xs in
(x::l1, l2)
@@ -1365,10 +1365,10 @@ module Atom =
with | Not_found ->
let targs = Array.map type_of hargs in
let tres = SmtBtype.of_coq rt known_logic ty in
- let os = if Structures.isRel c then
- let i = Structures.destRel c in
- let n, _ = Structures.destruct_rel_decl (Environ.lookup_rel i env) in
- Some (Structures.string_of_name n)
+ let os = if CoqInterface.isRel c then
+ let i = CoqInterface.destRel c in
+ let n, _ = CoqInterface.destruct_rel_decl (Environ.lookup_rel i env) in
+ Some (CoqInterface.string_of_name n)
else if Vars.closed0 c then
@@ -1391,7 +1391,7 @@ module Atom =
[gobble] *)
and mk_unknown_deps c args ty gobble =
let deps, args = split_list_at gobble args in
- let c = Structures.mkApp (c, Array.of_list deps) in
+ let c = CoqInterface.mkApp (c, Array.of_list deps) in
mk_unknown c args ty
@@ -1432,7 +1432,7 @@ module Atom =
let interp_tbl reify =
let t = to_array reify (Lazy.force dft_atom) a_to_coq in
- Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force catom, t)
+ CoqInterface.mkArray (Lazy.force catom, t)
(** Producing a Coq term corresponding to the interpretation of an atom *)
@@ -1444,12 +1444,12 @@ module Atom =
let pc =
match atom a with
| Acop c -> Op.interp_cop c
- | Auop (op,h) -> Structures.mkApp (Op.interp_uop op, [|interp_atom h|])
+ | Auop (op,h) -> CoqInterface.mkApp (Op.interp_uop op, [|interp_atom h|])
| Abop (op,h1,h2) ->
- Structures.mkApp (Op.interp_bop t_i op,
+ CoqInterface.mkApp (Op.interp_bop t_i op,
[|interp_atom h1; interp_atom h2|])
| Atop (op,h1,h2,h3) ->
- Structures.mkApp (Op.interp_top t_i op,
+ CoqInterface.mkApp (Op.interp_top t_i op,
[|interp_atom h1; interp_atom h2; interp_atom h3|])
| Anop (NO_distinct ty as op,ha) ->
let cop = Op.interp_nop t_i op in
@@ -1457,9 +1457,9 @@ module Atom =
let cargs = Array.fold_right (fun h l ->
mklApp ccons [|typ; interp_atom h; l|])
ha (mklApp cnil [|typ|]) in
- Structures.mkApp (cop,[|cargs|])
+ CoqInterface.mkApp (cop,[|cargs|])
| Aapp (op,t) ->
- Structures.mkApp ((snd op).op_val, Array.map interp_atom t) in
+ CoqInterface.mkApp ((snd op).op_val, Array.map interp_atom t) in
Hashtbl.add atom_tbl l pc;
pc in
interp_atom a
diff --git a/src/trace/smtAtom.mli b/src/trace/smtAtom.mli
index 645a638..27737ff 100644
--- a/src/trace/smtAtom.mli
+++ b/src/trace/smtAtom.mli
@@ -76,14 +76,14 @@ module Op :
val create : unit -> reify_tbl
- val declare : reify_tbl -> Structures.constr -> btype array ->
+ val declare : reify_tbl -> CoqInterface.constr -> btype array ->
btype -> string option -> indexed_op
- val of_coq : reify_tbl -> Structures.constr -> indexed_op
+ val of_coq : reify_tbl -> CoqInterface.constr -> indexed_op
- val interp_tbl : Structures.constr ->
- (btype array -> btype -> Structures.constr -> Structures.constr) ->
- reify_tbl -> Structures.constr
+ val interp_tbl : CoqInterface.constr ->
+ (btype array -> btype -> CoqInterface.constr -> CoqInterface.constr) ->
+ reify_tbl -> CoqInterface.constr
val to_list : reify_tbl -> (int * (btype array) * btype * indexed_op) list
@@ -142,18 +142,18 @@ module Atom :
(** Given a coq term, build the corresponding atom *)
exception UnknownUnderForall
val of_coq : ?eqsym:bool -> SmtBtype.reify_tbl -> Op.reify_tbl ->
- reify_tbl -> SmtMisc.logic -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> Structures.constr -> t
+ reify_tbl -> SmtMisc.logic -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> CoqInterface.constr -> t
- val get_coq_term_op : int -> Structures.constr
+ val get_coq_term_op : int -> CoqInterface.constr
- val to_coq : t -> Structures.constr
+ val to_coq : t -> CoqInterface.constr
val to_array : reify_tbl -> 'a -> (atom -> 'a) -> 'a array
- val interp_tbl : reify_tbl -> Structures.constr
+ val interp_tbl : reify_tbl -> CoqInterface.constr
- val interp_to_coq : Structures.constr -> (int, Structures.constr) Hashtbl.t ->
- t -> Structures.constr
+ val interp_to_coq : CoqInterface.constr -> (int, CoqInterface.constr) Hashtbl.t ->
+ t -> CoqInterface.constr
val logic : t -> SmtMisc.logic
@@ -201,5 +201,5 @@ module Trace : sig
-val make_t_i : SmtBtype.reify_tbl -> Structures.constr
-val make_t_func : Op.reify_tbl -> Structures.constr -> Structures.constr
+val make_t_i : SmtBtype.reify_tbl -> CoqInterface.constr
+val make_t_func : Op.reify_tbl -> CoqInterface.constr -> CoqInterface.constr
diff --git a/src/trace/smtBtype.ml b/src/trace/smtBtype.ml
index 3b6d107..d091758 100644
--- a/src/trace/smtBtype.ml
+++ b/src/trace/smtBtype.ml
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ type uninterpreted_type =
(* Uninterpreted type for which a CompDec is already known
The constr is of type typ_compdec
- | CompDec of Structures.constr
+ | CompDec of CoqInterface.constr
(* Uninterpreted type for which the knowledge of a CompDec is delayed
until either:
- one is used
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ type uninterpreted_type =
via a cut
The constr is of type Type
- | Delayed of Structures.constr
+ | Delayed of CoqInterface.constr
type indexed_type = uninterpreted_type gen_hashed
-let dummy_indexed_type i = {index = i; hval = Delayed (Structures.mkProp)}
+let dummy_indexed_type i = {index = i; hval = Delayed (CoqInterface.mkProp)}
let indexed_type_index i = i.index
let indexed_type_compdec i =
match i.hval with
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ let index_tbl = Hashtbl.create 17
let index_to_coq i =
try Hashtbl.find index_tbl i
with Not_found ->
- let interp = mklApp cTindex [|mkInt i|] in
+ let interp = mklApp cTindex [|mkN i|] in
Hashtbl.add index_tbl i interp;
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ let rec logic = function
(* reify table *)
type reify_tbl =
{ mutable count : int;
- tbl : (Structures.constr, btype) Hashtbl.t;
- mutable cuts : (Structures.id * Structures.types) list;
+ tbl : (CoqInterface.constr, btype) Hashtbl.t;
+ mutable cuts : (CoqInterface.id * CoqInterface.types) list;
unsup_tbl : (btype, btype) Hashtbl.t;
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ let interp_tbl reify =
| CompDec compdec -> t.(it.index) <- compdec; Some bt
| Delayed ty ->
let n = string_of_int (List.length reify.cuts) in
- let compdec_name = Structures.mkId ("CompDec"^n) in
- let compdec_var = Structures.mkVar compdec_name in
+ let compdec_name = CoqInterface.mkId ("CompDec"^n) in
+ let compdec_var = CoqInterface.mkVar compdec_name in
let compdec_type = mklApp cCompDec [| ty |] in
reify.cuts <- (compdec_name, compdec_type) :: reify.cuts;
let ce = mklApp cTyp_compdec [|ty; compdec_var|] in
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ let interp_tbl reify =
| _ -> Some bt
Hashtbl.filter_map_inplace set reify.tbl;
- Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force ctyp_compdec, t)
+ CoqInterface.mkArray (Lazy.force ctyp_compdec, t)
let to_list reify =
@@ -241,8 +241,8 @@ let rec compdec_btype reify = function
| Tindex i ->
(match i.hval with
| CompDec compdec ->
- let c, args = Structures.decompose_app compdec in
- if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cTyp_compdec) then
+ let c, args = CoqInterface.decompose_app compdec in
+ if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cTyp_compdec) then
match args with
| [_; tic] -> tic
| _ -> assert false
@@ -264,22 +264,22 @@ let declare_and_compdec reify t ty =
let rec of_coq reify known_logic t =
- let c, args = Structures.decompose_app t in
- if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cbool) ||
- Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cTbool) then Tbool
- else if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cZ) ||
- Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cTZ) then
+ let c, args = CoqInterface.decompose_app t in
+ if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cbool) ||
+ CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cTbool) then Tbool
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cZ) ||
+ CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cTZ) then
check_known TZ known_logic
- else if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cpositive) ||
- Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cTpositive) then
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cpositive) ||
+ CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cTpositive) then
check_known Tpositive known_logic
- else if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cbitvector) ||
- Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cTBV) then
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cbitvector) ||
+ CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cTBV) then
match args with
| [s] -> check_known (TBV (mk_bvsize s)) known_logic
| _ -> assert false
- else if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cfarray) ||
- Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cTFArray) then
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cfarray) ||
+ CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cTFArray) then
match args with
| ti :: te :: _ ->
let ty = TFArray (of_coq reify known_logic ti,
diff --git a/src/trace/smtBtype.mli b/src/trace/smtBtype.mli
index ec73d21..7060ab6 100644
--- a/src/trace/smtBtype.mli
+++ b/src/trace/smtBtype.mli
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ type indexed_type
val dummy_indexed_type: int -> indexed_type
val indexed_type_index : indexed_type -> int
-val indexed_type_compdec : indexed_type -> Structures.constr
+val indexed_type_compdec : indexed_type -> CoqInterface.constr
type btype =
| TZ
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ val indexed_type_of_int : int -> indexed_type
module HashedBtype : Hashtbl.HashedType with type t = btype
-val to_coq : btype -> Structures.constr
+val to_coq : btype -> CoqInterface.constr
val to_smt : Format.formatter -> btype -> unit
@@ -40,25 +40,25 @@ type reify_tbl
val create : unit -> reify_tbl
val copy : reify_tbl -> reify_tbl
-val of_coq : reify_tbl -> logic -> Structures.constr -> btype
-val of_coq_compdec : reify_tbl -> Structures.constr -> Structures.constr -> btype
+val of_coq : reify_tbl -> logic -> CoqInterface.constr -> btype
+val of_coq_compdec : reify_tbl -> CoqInterface.constr -> CoqInterface.constr -> btype
-val get_coq_type_op : int -> Structures.constr
+val get_coq_type_op : int -> CoqInterface.constr
-val interp_tbl : reify_tbl -> Structures.constr
+val interp_tbl : reify_tbl -> CoqInterface.constr
val to_list : reify_tbl -> (int * indexed_type) list
-val make_t_i : reify_tbl -> Structures.constr
+val make_t_i : reify_tbl -> CoqInterface.constr
-val dec_interp : Structures.constr -> btype -> Structures.constr
-val ord_interp : Structures.constr -> btype -> Structures.constr
-val comp_interp : Structures.constr -> btype -> Structures.constr
-val inh_interp : Structures.constr -> btype -> Structures.constr
-val interp : Structures.constr -> btype -> Structures.constr
+val dec_interp : CoqInterface.constr -> btype -> CoqInterface.constr
+val ord_interp : CoqInterface.constr -> btype -> CoqInterface.constr
+val comp_interp : CoqInterface.constr -> btype -> CoqInterface.constr
+val inh_interp : CoqInterface.constr -> btype -> CoqInterface.constr
+val interp : CoqInterface.constr -> btype -> CoqInterface.constr
-val interp_to_coq : reify_tbl -> btype -> Structures.constr
+val interp_to_coq : reify_tbl -> btype -> CoqInterface.constr
-val get_cuts : reify_tbl -> (Structures.id * Structures.types) list
+val get_cuts : reify_tbl -> (CoqInterface.id * CoqInterface.types) list
val logic : btype -> logic
diff --git a/src/trace/smtCertif.ml b/src/trace/smtCertif.ml
index 2ea4ca8..24cdf78 100644
--- a/src/trace/smtCertif.ml
+++ b/src/trace/smtCertif.ml
@@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ type 'hform rule =
(* Linear arithmetic *)
- | LiaMicromega of 'hform list * Structures.Micromega_plugin_Certificate.Mc.zArithProof list
+ | LiaMicromega of 'hform list * CoqInterface.Micromega_plugin_Certificate.Mc.zArithProof list
| LiaDiseq of 'hform
(* Arithmetic simplifications *)
- | SplArith of 'hform clause * 'hform * Structures.Micromega_plugin_Certificate.Mc.zArithProof list
+ | SplArith of 'hform clause * 'hform * CoqInterface.Micromega_plugin_Certificate.Mc.zArithProof list
(* Elimination of operators *)
| SplDistinctElim of 'hform clause * 'hform
diff --git a/src/trace/smtCertif.mli b/src/trace/smtCertif.mli
index 7da3097..bc2da38 100644
--- a/src/trace/smtCertif.mli
+++ b/src/trace/smtCertif.mli
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ type 'hform rule =
(* Linear arithmetic *)
- | LiaMicromega of 'hform list * Structures.Micromega_plugin_Certificate.Mc.zArithProof list
+ | LiaMicromega of 'hform list * CoqInterface.Micromega_plugin_Certificate.Mc.zArithProof list
| LiaDiseq of 'hform
(* Arithmetic simplifications *)
- | SplArith of 'hform clause * 'hform * Structures.Micromega_plugin_Certificate.Mc.zArithProof list
+ | SplArith of 'hform clause * 'hform * CoqInterface.Micromega_plugin_Certificate.Mc.zArithProof list
(* Elimination of operators *)
| SplDistinctElim of 'hform clause * 'hform
diff --git a/src/trace/smtCommands.ml b/src/trace/smtCommands.ml
index 9cfc7c4..e655a9d 100644
--- a/src/trace/smtCommands.ml
+++ b/src/trace/smtCommands.ml
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ let interp_conseq_uf t_i (prem, concl) =
let tf = Hashtbl.create 17 in
let rec interp = function
| [] -> mklApp cis_true [|interp_uf t_i ta tf concl|]
- | c::prem -> Term.mkArrow (mklApp cis_true [|interp_uf t_i ta tf c|]) (interp prem) in
+ | c::prem -> CoqInterface.mkArrow (mklApp cis_true [|interp_uf t_i ta tf c|]) (interp prem) in
interp prem
@@ -127,26 +127,26 @@ let print_assm ty =
let parse_certif t_i t_func t_atom t_form root used_root trace (rt, ro, ra, rf, roots, max_id, confl) =
let t_i' = make_t_i rt in
- let ce5 = Structures.mkUConst t_i' in
- let ct_i = Structures.mkConst (Structures.declare_constant t_i ce5) in
+ let ce5 = CoqInterface.mkUConst t_i' in
+ let ct_i = CoqInterface.mkConst (CoqInterface.declare_constant t_i ce5) in
let t_func' = make_t_func ro ct_i in
- let ce6 = Structures.mkUConst t_func' in
- let ct_func = Structures.mkConst (Structures.declare_constant t_func ce6) in
+ let ce6 = CoqInterface.mkUConst t_func' in
+ let ct_func = CoqInterface.mkConst (CoqInterface.declare_constant t_func ce6) in
let t_atom' = Atom.interp_tbl ra in
- let ce1 = Structures.mkUConst t_atom' in
- let ct_atom = Structures.mkConst (Structures.declare_constant t_atom ce1) in
+ let ce1 = CoqInterface.mkUConst t_atom' in
+ let ct_atom = CoqInterface.mkConst (CoqInterface.declare_constant t_atom ce1) in
let t_form' = snd (Form.interp_tbl rf) in
- let ce2 = Structures.mkUConst t_form' in
- let ct_form = Structures.mkConst (Structures.declare_constant t_form ce2) in
+ let ce2 = CoqInterface.mkUConst t_form' in
+ let ct_form = CoqInterface.mkConst (CoqInterface.declare_constant t_form ce2) in
let (tres, last_root, cuts) = SmtTrace.to_coq (fun i -> mkInt (Form.to_lit i))
(interp_conseq_uf ct_i) (certif_ops (Some [|ct_i; ct_func; ct_atom; ct_form|])) confl None in
List.iter (fun (v,ty) ->
- let _ = Structures.declare_new_variable v ty in
+ let _ = CoqInterface.declare_new_variable v ty in
print_assm ty
) cuts;
@@ -155,22 +155,22 @@ let parse_certif t_i t_func t_atom t_form root used_root trace (rt, ro, ra, rf,
let res = Array.make (List.length roots + 1) (mkInt 0) in
let i = ref 0 in
List.iter (fun j -> res.(!i) <- mkInt (Form.to_lit j); incr i) roots;
- Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res) in
+ CoqInterface.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res) in
let used_roots =
let l = List.length used_roots in
let res = Array.make (l + 1) (mkInt 0) in
let i = ref (l-1) in
List.iter (fun j -> res.(!i) <- mkInt j; decr i) used_roots;
- mklApp cSome [|mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|]; Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res)|] in
- let ce3 = Structures.mkUConst roots in
- let _ = Structures.declare_constant root ce3 in
- let ce3' = Structures.mkUConst used_roots in
- let _ = Structures.declare_constant used_root ce3' in
+ mklApp cSome [|mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|]; CoqInterface.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res)|] in
+ let ce3 = CoqInterface.mkUConst roots in
+ let _ = CoqInterface.declare_constant root ce3 in
+ let ce3' = CoqInterface.mkUConst used_roots in
+ let _ = CoqInterface.declare_constant used_root ce3' in
let certif =
mklApp cCertif [|ct_i; ct_func; ct_atom; ct_form; mkInt (max_id + 1); tres;mkInt (get_pos confl)|] in
- let ce4 = Structures.mkUConst certif in
- let _ = Structures.declare_constant trace ce4 in
+ let ce4 = CoqInterface.mkUConst certif in
+ let _ = CoqInterface.declare_constant trace ce4 in
@@ -184,15 +184,15 @@ let interp_roots t_i roots =
| f::roots -> List.fold_left (fun acc f -> mklApp candb [|acc; interp f|]) (interp f) roots
let theorem name (rt, ro, ra, rf, roots, max_id, confl) =
- let nti = Structures.mkName "t_i" in
- let ntfunc = Structures.mkName "t_func" in
- let ntatom = Structures.mkName "t_atom" in
- let ntform = Structures.mkName "t_form" in
- let nc = Structures.mkName "c" in
- let nused_roots = Structures.mkName "used_roots" in
- let nd = Structures.mkName "d" in
+ let nti = CoqInterface.mkName "t_i" in
+ let ntfunc = CoqInterface.mkName "t_func" in
+ let ntatom = CoqInterface.mkName "t_atom" in
+ let ntform = CoqInterface.mkName "t_form" in
+ let nc = CoqInterface.mkName "c" in
+ let nused_roots = CoqInterface.mkName "used_roots" in
+ let nd = CoqInterface.mkName "d" in
- let v = Structures.mkRel in
+ let v = CoqInterface.mkRel in
let t_i = make_t_i rt in
let t_func = make_t_func ro (v 1 (*t_i*)) in
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ let theorem name (rt, ro, ra, rf, roots, max_id, confl) =
(interp_conseq_uf t_i)
(certif_ops (Some [|v 4(*t_i*); v 3(*t_func*); v 2(*t_atom*); v 1(* t_form *)|])) confl None in
List.iter (fun (v,ty) ->
- let _ = Structures.declare_new_variable v ty in
+ let _ = CoqInterface.declare_new_variable v ty in
print_assm ty
) cuts;
@@ -217,59 +217,59 @@ let theorem name (rt, ro, ra, rf, roots, max_id, confl) =
let res = Array.make (l + 1) (mkInt 0) in
let i = ref (l-1) in
List.iter (fun j -> res.(!i) <- mkInt j; decr i) used_roots;
- mklApp cSome [|mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|]; Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res)|] in
+ mklApp cSome [|mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|]; CoqInterface.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res)|] in
let rootsCstr =
let res = Array.make (List.length roots + 1) (mkInt 0) in
let i = ref 0 in
List.iter (fun j -> res.(!i) <- mkInt (Form.to_lit j); incr i) roots;
- Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res) in
+ CoqInterface.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res) in
let theorem_concl = mklApp cnot [|mklApp cis_true [|interp_roots t_i roots|]|] in
let theorem_proof_cast =
- Structures.mkCast (
- Structures.mkLetIn (nti, t_i, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force ctyp_compdec|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (ntfunc, t_func, mklApp carray [|mklApp ctval [|v 1(* t_i *)|]|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (ntatom, t_atom, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force catom|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (ntform, t_form, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cform|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (nc, certif, mklApp ccertif [|v 4 (*t_i*); v 3 (*t_func*); v 2 (*t_atom*); v 1 (*t_form*)|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (nused_roots, used_rootsCstr, mklApp coption [|mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|]|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (nd, rootsCstr, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|],
+ CoqInterface.mkCast (
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nti, t_i, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force ctyp_compdec|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (ntfunc, t_func, mklApp carray [|mklApp ctval [|v 1(* t_i *)|]|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (ntatom, t_atom, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force catom|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (ntform, t_form, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cform|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nc, certif, mklApp ccertif [|v 4 (*t_i*); v 3 (*t_func*); v 2 (*t_atom*); v 1 (*t_form*)|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nused_roots, used_rootsCstr, mklApp coption [|mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|]|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nd, rootsCstr, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|],
mklApp cchecker_correct
[|v 7 (*t_i*); v 6 (*t_func*); v 5 (*t_atom*); v 4 (*t_form*); v 1 (*d*); v 2 (*used_roots*); v 3 (*c*);
(mklApp cchecker [|v 7 (*t_i*); v 6 (*t_func*); v 5 (*t_atom*); v 4 (*t_form*); v 1 (*d*); v 2 (*used_roots*); v 3 (*c*)|])|]))))))),
- Structures.vmcast,
+ CoqInterface.vmcast,
let theorem_proof_nocast =
- Structures.mkLetIn (nti, t_i, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force ctyp_compdec|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (ntfunc, t_func, mklApp carray [|mklApp ctval [|v 1(* t_i *)|]|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (ntatom, t_atom, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force catom|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (ntform, t_form, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cform|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (nc, certif, mklApp ccertif [|v 4 (*t_i*); v 3 (*t_func*); v 2 (*t_atom*); v 1 (*t_form*)|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (nused_roots, used_rootsCstr, mklApp coption [|mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|]|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (nd, rootsCstr, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nti, t_i, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force ctyp_compdec|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (ntfunc, t_func, mklApp carray [|mklApp ctval [|v 1(* t_i *)|]|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (ntatom, t_atom, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force catom|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (ntform, t_form, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cform|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nc, certif, mklApp ccertif [|v 4 (*t_i*); v 3 (*t_func*); v 2 (*t_atom*); v 1 (*t_form*)|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nused_roots, used_rootsCstr, mklApp coption [|mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|]|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nd, rootsCstr, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|],
mklApp cchecker_correct
[|v 7 (*t_i*); v 6 (*t_func*); v 5 (*t_atom*); v 4 (*t_form*); v 1 (*d*); v 2 (*used_roots*); v 3 (*c*)|])))))))
- let ce = Structures.mkTConst theorem_proof_cast theorem_proof_nocast theorem_concl in
- let _ = Structures.declare_constant name ce in
+ let ce = CoqInterface.mkTConst theorem_proof_cast theorem_proof_nocast theorem_concl in
+ let _ = CoqInterface.declare_constant name ce in
(* Given an SMT-LIB2 file and a certif, call the checker *)
let checker (rt, ro, ra, rf, roots, max_id, confl) =
- let nti = Structures.mkName "t_i" in
- let ntfunc = Structures.mkName "t_func" in
- let ntatom = Structures.mkName "t_atom" in
- let ntform = Structures.mkName "t_form" in
- let nc = Structures.mkName "c" in
- let nused_roots = Structures.mkName "used_roots" in
- let nd = Structures.mkName "d" in
+ let nti = CoqInterface.mkName "t_i" in
+ let ntfunc = CoqInterface.mkName "t_func" in
+ let ntatom = CoqInterface.mkName "t_atom" in
+ let ntform = CoqInterface.mkName "t_form" in
+ let nc = CoqInterface.mkName "c" in
+ let nused_roots = CoqInterface.mkName "used_roots" in
+ let nd = CoqInterface.mkName "d" in
- let v = Structures.mkRel in
+ let v = CoqInterface.mkRel in
let t_i = make_t_i rt in
let t_func = make_t_func ro (v 1 (*t_i*)) in
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ let checker (rt, ro, ra, rf, roots, max_id, confl) =
(interp_conseq_uf t_i)
(certif_ops (Some [|v 4(*t_i*); v 3(*t_func*); v 2(*t_atom*); v 1(* t_form *)|])) confl None in
List.iter (fun (v,ty) ->
- let _ = Structures.declare_new_variable v ty in
+ let _ = CoqInterface.declare_new_variable v ty in
print_assm ty
) cuts;
@@ -294,26 +294,26 @@ let checker (rt, ro, ra, rf, roots, max_id, confl) =
let res = Array.make (l + 1) (mkInt 0) in
let i = ref (l-1) in
List.iter (fun j -> res.(!i) <- mkInt j; decr i) used_roots;
- mklApp cSome [|mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|]; Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res)|] in
+ mklApp cSome [|mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|]; CoqInterface.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res)|] in
let rootsCstr =
let res = Array.make (List.length roots + 1) (mkInt 0) in
let i = ref 0 in
List.iter (fun j -> res.(!i) <- mkInt (Form.to_lit j); incr i) roots;
- Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res) in
+ CoqInterface.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res) in
let tm =
- Structures.mkLetIn (nti, t_i, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force ctyp_compdec|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (ntfunc, t_func, mklApp carray [|mklApp ctval [|v 1(* t_i *)|]|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (ntatom, t_atom, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force catom|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (ntform, t_form, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cform|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (nc, certif, mklApp ccertif [|v 4 (*t_i*); v 3 (*t_func*); v 2 (*t_atom*); v 1 (*t_form*)|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (nused_roots, used_rootsCstr, mklApp coption [|mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|]|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (nd, rootsCstr, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nti, t_i, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force ctyp_compdec|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (ntfunc, t_func, mklApp carray [|mklApp ctval [|v 1(* t_i *)|]|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (ntatom, t_atom, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force catom|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (ntform, t_form, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cform|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nc, certif, mklApp ccertif [|v 4 (*t_i*); v 3 (*t_func*); v 2 (*t_atom*); v 1 (*t_form*)|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nused_roots, used_rootsCstr, mklApp coption [|mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|]|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nd, rootsCstr, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|],
mklApp cchecker [|v 7 (*t_i*); v 6 (*t_func*); v 5 (*t_atom*); v 4 (*t_form*); v 1 (*d*); v 2 (*used_roots*); v 3 (*c*)|]))))))) in
- let res = Structures.cbv_vm (Global.env ()) tm (Lazy.force CoqTerms.cbool) in
+ let res = CoqInterface.cbv_vm (Global.env ()) tm (Lazy.force CoqTerms.cbool) in
Format.eprintf " = %s\n : bool@."
- (if Structures.eq_constr res (Lazy.force CoqTerms.ctrue) then
+ (if CoqInterface.eq_constr res (Lazy.force CoqTerms.ctrue) then
"true" else "false")
let count_used confl =
@@ -329,15 +329,15 @@ let count_used confl =
let checker_debug (rt, ro, ra, rf, roots, max_id, confl) =
- let nti = Structures.mkName "t_i" in
- let ntfunc = Structures.mkName "t_func" in
- let ntatom = Structures.mkName "t_atom" in
- let ntform = Structures.mkName "t_form" in
- let nc = Structures.mkName "c" in
- let nused_roots = Structures.mkName "used_roots" in
- let nd = Structures.mkName "d" in
+ let nti = CoqInterface.mkName "t_i" in
+ let ntfunc = CoqInterface.mkName "t_func" in
+ let ntatom = CoqInterface.mkName "t_atom" in
+ let ntform = CoqInterface.mkName "t_form" in
+ let nc = CoqInterface.mkName "c" in
+ let nused_roots = CoqInterface.mkName "used_roots" in
+ let nd = CoqInterface.mkName "d" in
- let v = Structures.mkRel in
+ let v = CoqInterface.mkRel in
let t_i = make_t_i rt in
let t_func = make_t_func ro (v 1 (*t_i*)) in
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ let checker_debug (rt, ro, ra, rf, roots, max_id, confl) =
(certif_ops (Some [|v 4(*t_i*); v 3(*t_func*);
v 2(*t_atom*); v 1(* t_form *)|])) confl None in
List.iter (fun (v,ty) ->
- let _ = Structures.declare_new_variable v ty in
+ let _ = CoqInterface.declare_new_variable v ty in
print_assm ty
) cuts;
@@ -364,84 +364,84 @@ let checker_debug (rt, ro, ra, rf, roots, max_id, confl) =
let i = ref (l-1) in
List.iter (fun j -> res.(!i) <- mkInt j; decr i) used_roots;
mklApp cSome [|mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|];
- Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res)|] in
+ CoqInterface.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res)|] in
let rootsCstr =
let res = Array.make (List.length roots + 1) (mkInt 0) in
let i = ref 0 in
List.iter (fun j -> res.(!i) <- mkInt (Form.to_lit j); incr i) roots;
- Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res) in
+ CoqInterface.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res) in
let tm =
- Structures.mkLetIn (nti, t_i, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force ctyp_compdec|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (ntfunc, t_func,
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nti, t_i, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force ctyp_compdec|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (ntfunc, t_func,
mklApp carray [|mklApp ctval [|v 1(* t_i *)|]|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (ntatom, t_atom, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force catom|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (ntform, t_form, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cform|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (nc, certif, mklApp ccertif [|v 4 (*t_i*); v 3 (*t_func*);
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (ntatom, t_atom, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force catom|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (ntform, t_form, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cform|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nc, certif, mklApp ccertif [|v 4 (*t_i*); v 3 (*t_func*);
v 2 (*t_atom*); v 1 (*t_form*)|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (nused_roots, used_rootsCstr,
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nused_roots, used_rootsCstr,
mklApp coption [|mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|]|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (nd, rootsCstr, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nd, rootsCstr, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|],
mklApp cchecker_debug [|v 7 (*t_i*); v 6 (*t_func*); v 5 (*t_atom*);
v 4 (*t_form*); v 1 (*d*); v 2 (*used_roots*); v 3 (*c*)|]))))))) in
- let res = Structures.cbv_vm (Global.env ()) tm
+ let res = CoqInterface.cbv_vm (Global.env ()) tm
(mklApp coption
[|mklApp cprod
[|Lazy.force cnat; Lazy.force cname_step|]|]) in
- match Structures.decompose_app res with
- | c, _ when Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cNone) ->
- Structures.error ("Debug checker is only meant to be used for certificates \
+ match CoqInterface.decompose_app res with
+ | c, _ when CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cNone) ->
+ CoqInterface.error ("Debug checker is only meant to be used for certificates \
that fail to be checked by SMTCoq.")
- | c, [_; n] when Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cSome) ->
- (match Structures.decompose_app n with
- | c, [_; _; cnb; cn] when Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cpair) ->
- let n = fst (Structures.decompose_app cn) in
+ | c, [_; n] when CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cSome) ->
+ (match CoqInterface.decompose_app n with
+ | c, [_; _; cnb; cn] when CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cpair) ->
+ let n = fst (CoqInterface.decompose_app cn) in
let name =
- if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_Res ) then "Res"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_Weaken) then "Weaken"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_ImmFlatten) then "ImmFlatten"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_CTrue) then "CTrue"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_CFalse ) then "CFalse"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BuildDef) then "BuildDef"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BuildDef2) then "BuildDef2"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BuildProj ) then "BuildProj"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_ImmBuildDef) then "ImmBuildDef"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_ImmBuildDef2) then "ImmBuildDef2"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_ImmBuildProj ) then "ImmBuildProj"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_EqTr ) then "EqTr"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_EqCgr ) then "EqCgr"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_EqCgrP) then "EqCgrP"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_LiaMicromega ) then "LiaMicromega"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_LiaDiseq) then "LiaDiseq"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_SplArith) then "SplArith"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_SplDistinctElim ) then "SplDistinctElim"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBVar) then "BBVar"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBConst) then "BBConst"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBOp) then "BBOp"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBNot) then "BBNot"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBNeg) then "BBNeg"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBAdd) then "BBAdd"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBConcat) then "BBConcat"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBMul) then "BBMul"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBUlt) then "BBUlt"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBSlt) then "BBSlt"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBEq) then "BBEq"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBDiseq) then "BBDiseq"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBExtract) then "BBExtract"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBZextend) then "BBZextend"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBSextend) then "BBSextend"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBShl) then "BBShl"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBShr) then "BBShr"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_RowEq) then "RowEq"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_RowNeq) then "RowNeq"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_Ext) then "Ext"
- else if Structures.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_Hole) then "Hole"
+ if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_Res ) then "Res"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_Weaken) then "Weaken"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_ImmFlatten) then "ImmFlatten"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_CTrue) then "CTrue"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_CFalse ) then "CFalse"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BuildDef) then "BuildDef"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BuildDef2) then "BuildDef2"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BuildProj ) then "BuildProj"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_ImmBuildDef) then "ImmBuildDef"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_ImmBuildDef2) then "ImmBuildDef2"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_ImmBuildProj ) then "ImmBuildProj"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_EqTr ) then "EqTr"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_EqCgr ) then "EqCgr"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_EqCgrP) then "EqCgrP"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_LiaMicromega ) then "LiaMicromega"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_LiaDiseq) then "LiaDiseq"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_SplArith) then "SplArith"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_SplDistinctElim ) then "SplDistinctElim"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBVar) then "BBVar"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBConst) then "BBConst"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBOp) then "BBOp"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBNot) then "BBNot"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBNeg) then "BBNeg"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBAdd) then "BBAdd"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBConcat) then "BBConcat"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBMul) then "BBMul"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBUlt) then "BBUlt"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBSlt) then "BBSlt"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBEq) then "BBEq"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBDiseq) then "BBDiseq"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBExtract) then "BBExtract"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBZextend) then "BBZextend"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBSextend) then "BBSextend"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBShl) then "BBShl"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_BBShr) then "BBShr"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_RowEq) then "RowEq"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_RowNeq) then "RowNeq"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_Ext) then "Ext"
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr n (Lazy.force cName_Hole) then "Hole"
else string_coq_constr n
let nb = mk_nat cnb + List.length roots + (confl.id + 1 - count_used confl) in
- Structures.error ("Step number " ^ string_of_int nb ^
+ CoqInterface.error ("Step number " ^ string_of_int nb ^
" (" ^ name ^ ") of the certificate likely failed.")
| _ -> assert false
@@ -450,9 +450,9 @@ let checker_debug (rt, ro, ra, rf, roots, max_id, confl) =
(* let rec of_coq_list cl =
- * match Structures.decompose_app cl with
- * | c, _ when Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cnil) -> []
- * | c, [_; x; cr] when Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force ccons) ->
+ * match CoqInterface.decompose_app cl with
+ * | c, _ when CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cnil) -> []
+ * | c, [_; x; cr] when CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force ccons) ->
* x :: of_coq_list cr
* | _ -> assert false *)
@@ -461,29 +461,29 @@ let checker_debug (rt, ro, ra, rf, roots, max_id, confl) =
* (rt, ro, ra, rf, roots, max_id, confl) =
* let t_i' = make_t_i rt in
- * let ce5 = Structures.mkUConst t_i' in
- * let ct_i = Structures.mkConst (Structures.declare_constant t_i ce5) in
+ * let ce5 = CoqInterface.mkUConst t_i' in
+ * let ct_i = CoqInterface.mkConst (CoqInterface.declare_constant t_i ce5) in
* let t_func' = make_t_func ro ct_i in
- * let ce6 = Structures.mkUConst t_func' in
+ * let ce6 = CoqInterface.mkUConst t_func' in
* let ct_func =
- * Structures.mkConst (Structures.declare_constant t_func ce6) in
+ * CoqInterface.mkConst (CoqInterface.declare_constant t_func ce6) in
* let t_atom' = Atom.interp_tbl ra in
- * let ce1 = Structures.mkUConst t_atom' in
+ * let ce1 = CoqInterface.mkUConst t_atom' in
* let ct_atom =
- * Structures.mkConst (Structures.declare_constant t_atom ce1) in
+ * CoqInterface.mkConst (CoqInterface.declare_constant t_atom ce1) in
* let t_form' = snd (Form.interp_tbl rf) in
- * let ce2 = Structures.mkUConst t_form' in
+ * let ce2 = CoqInterface.mkUConst t_form' in
* let ct_form =
- * Structures.mkConst (Structures.declare_constant t_form ce2) in
+ * CoqInterface.mkConst (CoqInterface.declare_constant t_form ce2) in
* let (tres, last_root, cuts) = SmtTrace.to_coq (fun i -> mkInt (Form.to_lit i))
* (interp_conseq_uf ct_i)
* (certif_ops (Some [|ct_i; ct_func; ct_atom; ct_form|])) confl None in
* List.iter (fun (v,ty) ->
- * let _ = Structures.declare_new_variable v ty in
+ * let _ = CoqInterface.declare_new_variable v ty in
* print_assm ty
* ) cuts;
@@ -492,37 +492,37 @@ let checker_debug (rt, ro, ra, rf, roots, max_id, confl) =
* let res = Array.make (List.length roots + 1) (mkInt 0) in
* let i = ref 0 in
* List.iter (fun j -> res.(!i) <- mkInt (Form.to_lit j); incr i) roots;
- * Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res) in
+ * CoqInterface.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res) in
* let cused_roots =
* let l = List.length used_roots in
* let res = Array.make (l + 1) (mkInt 0) in
* let i = ref (l-1) in
* List.iter (fun j -> res.(!i) <- mkInt j; decr i) used_roots;
* mklApp cSome [|mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|];
- * Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res)|] in
- * let ce3 = Structures.mkUConst croots in
- * let _ = Structures.declare_constant root ce3 in
- * let ce3' = Structures.mkUConst cused_roots in
- * let _ = Structures.declare_constant used_root ce3' in
+ * CoqInterface.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res)|] in
+ * let ce3 = CoqInterface.mkUConst croots in
+ * let _ = CoqInterface.declare_constant root ce3 in
+ * let ce3' = CoqInterface.mkUConst cused_roots in
+ * let _ = CoqInterface.declare_constant used_root ce3' in
* let certif =
* mklApp cCertif [|ct_i; ct_func; ct_atom; ct_form; mkInt (max_id + 1);
* tres;mkInt (get_pos confl)|] in
- * let ce4 = Structures.mkUConst certif in
- * let _ = Structures.declare_constant trace ce4 in
+ * let ce4 = CoqInterface.mkUConst certif in
+ * let _ = CoqInterface.declare_constant trace ce4 in
* let setup =
* mklApp csetup_checker_step_debug
* [| ct_i; ct_func; ct_atom; ct_form; croots; cused_roots; certif |] in
- * let setup = Structures.cbv_vm (Global.env ()) setup
+ * let setup = CoqInterface.cbv_vm (Global.env ()) setup
* (mklApp cprod
* [|Lazy.force cState_S_t;
* mklApp clist [|mklApp cstep
* [|ct_i; ct_func; ct_atom; ct_form|]|]|]) in
- * let s, steps = match Structures.decompose_app setup with
- * | c, [_; _; s; csteps] when Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cpair) ->
+ * let s, steps = match CoqInterface.decompose_app setup with
+ * | c, [_; _; s; csteps] when CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cpair) ->
* s, of_coq_list csteps
* | _ -> assert false
* in
@@ -536,22 +536,22 @@ let checker_debug (rt, ro, ra, rf, roots, max_id, confl) =
* [| ct_i; ct_func; ct_atom; ct_form; s; step |] in
* let res =
- * Structures.cbv_vm (Global.env ()) tm
+ * CoqInterface.cbv_vm (Global.env ()) tm
* (mklApp cprod [|Lazy.force cState_S_t; Lazy.force cbool|]) in
- * match Structures.decompose_app res with
- * | c, [_; _; s; cbad] when Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cpair) ->
+ * match CoqInterface.decompose_app res with
+ * | c, [_; _; s; cbad] when CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cpair) ->
* if not (mk_bool cbad) then s
- * else Structures.error ("Step number " ^ string_of_int !cpt ^
+ * else CoqInterface.error ("Step number " ^ string_of_int !cpt ^
* " (" ^ string_coq_constr
- * (fst (Structures.decompose_app step)) ^ ")" ^
+ * (fst (CoqInterface.decompose_app step)) ^ ")" ^
* " of the certificate likely failed." )
* | _ -> assert false
* in
* List.fold_left debug_step s steps |> ignore;
- * Structures.error ("Debug checker is only meant to be used for certificates \
+ * CoqInterface.error ("Debug checker is only meant to be used for certificates \
* that fail to be checked by SMTCoq.") *)
@@ -559,16 +559,16 @@ let checker_debug (rt, ro, ra, rf, roots, max_id, confl) =
(* Tactic *)
let build_body rt ro ra rf l b (max_id, confl) vm_cast find =
- let nti = Structures.mkName "t_i" in
- let ntfunc = Structures.mkName "t_func" in
- let ntatom = Structures.mkName "t_atom" in
- let ntform = Structures.mkName "t_form" in
- let nc = Structures.mkName "c" in
+ let nti = CoqInterface.mkName "t_i" in
+ let ntfunc = CoqInterface.mkName "t_func" in
+ let ntatom = CoqInterface.mkName "t_atom" in
+ let ntform = CoqInterface.mkName "t_form" in
+ let nc = CoqInterface.mkName "c" in
- let v = Structures.mkRel in
+ let v = CoqInterface.mkRel in
let t_i = make_t_i rt in
- let t_func = Structures.lift 1 (make_t_func ro (v 0 (*t_i - 1*))) in
+ let t_func = CoqInterface.lift 1 (make_t_func ro (v 0 (*t_i - 1*))) in
let t_atom = Atom.interp_tbl ra in
let t_form = snd (Form.interp_tbl rf) in
let (tres,_,cuts) = SmtTrace.to_coq Form.to_coq
@@ -583,11 +583,11 @@ let build_body rt ro ra rf l b (max_id, confl) vm_cast find =
mkInt (max_id + 1); tres;mkInt (get_pos confl)|] in
let add_lets t =
- Structures.mkLetIn (nti, t_i, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force ctyp_compdec|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (ntfunc, t_func, mklApp carray [|mklApp ctval [|v 1(*t_i*)|]|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (ntatom, t_atom, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force catom|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (ntform, t_form, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cform|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (nc, certif, mklApp ccertif
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nti, t_i, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force ctyp_compdec|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (ntfunc, t_func, mklApp carray [|mklApp ctval [|v 1(*t_i*)|]|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (ntatom, t_atom, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force catom|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (ntform, t_form, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cform|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nc, certif, mklApp ccertif
[|v 4 (*t_i*); v 3 (*t_func*); v 2 (*t_atom*); v 1 (*t_form*)|],
t))))) in
@@ -614,16 +614,16 @@ let build_body rt ro ra rf l b (max_id, confl) vm_cast find =
let build_body_eq rt ro ra rf l1 l2 l (max_id, confl) vm_cast find =
- let nti = Structures.mkName "t_i" in
- let ntfunc = Structures.mkName "t_func" in
- let ntatom = Structures.mkName "t_atom" in
- let ntform = Structures.mkName "t_form" in
- let nc = Structures.mkName "c" in
+ let nti = CoqInterface.mkName "t_i" in
+ let ntfunc = CoqInterface.mkName "t_func" in
+ let ntatom = CoqInterface.mkName "t_atom" in
+ let ntform = CoqInterface.mkName "t_form" in
+ let nc = CoqInterface.mkName "c" in
- let v = Structures.mkRel in
+ let v = CoqInterface.mkRel in
let t_i = make_t_i rt in
- let t_func = Structures.lift 1 (make_t_func ro (v 0 (*t_i*))) in
+ let t_func = CoqInterface.lift 1 (make_t_func ro (v 0 (*t_i*))) in
let t_atom = Atom.interp_tbl ra in
let t_form = snd (Form.interp_tbl rf) in
let (tres,_,cuts) = SmtTrace.to_coq Form.to_coq
@@ -633,11 +633,11 @@ let build_body_eq rt ro ra rf l1 l2 l (max_id, confl) vm_cast find =
mklApp cCertif [|v 4 (*t_i*); v 3 (*t_func*); v 2 (*t_atom*); v 1 (*t_form*); mkInt (max_id + 1); tres;mkInt (get_pos confl)|] in
let add_lets t =
- Structures.mkLetIn (nti, t_i, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force ctyp_compdec|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (ntfunc, t_func, mklApp carray [|mklApp ctval [|v 1(*t_i*)|]|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (ntatom, t_atom, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force catom|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (ntform, t_form, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cform|],
- Structures.mkLetIn (nc, certif, mklApp ccertif
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nti, t_i, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force ctyp_compdec|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (ntfunc, t_func, mklApp carray [|mklApp ctval [|v 1(*t_i*)|]|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (ntatom, t_atom, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force catom|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (ntform, t_form, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cform|],
+ CoqInterface.mkLetIn (nc, certif, mklApp ccertif
[|v 4 (*t_i*); v 3 (*t_func*); v 2 (*t_atom*); v 1 (*t_form*)|],
t))))) in
@@ -665,10 +665,10 @@ let build_body_eq rt ro ra rf l1 l2 l (max_id, confl) vm_cast find =
let get_arguments concl =
- let f, args = Structures.decompose_app concl in
+ let f, args = CoqInterface.decompose_app concl in
match args with
- | [ty;a;b] when (Structures.eq_constr f (Lazy.force ceq)) && (Structures.eq_constr ty (Lazy.force cbool)) -> a, b
- | [a] when (Structures.eq_constr f (Lazy.force cis_true)) -> a, Lazy.force ctrue
+ | [ty;a;b] when (CoqInterface.eq_constr f (Lazy.force ceq)) && (CoqInterface.eq_constr ty (Lazy.force cbool)) -> a, b
+ | [a] when (CoqInterface.eq_constr f (Lazy.force cis_true)) -> a, Lazy.force ctrue
| _ -> failwith ("Verit.tactic: can only deal with equality over bool")
@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ let gen_rel_name =
let of_coq_lemma rt ro ra_quant rf_quant env sigma solver_logic clemma =
let warn () =
- Structures.warning "Lemma" ("Discarding the following lemma (unsupported): "^(Pp.string_of_ppcmds (Ppconstr.pr_constr_expr (Structures.extern_constr clemma))));
+ CoqInterface.warning "Lemma" ("Discarding the following lemma (unsupported): "^(Pp.string_of_ppcmds (Ppconstr.pr_constr_expr Environ.empty_env Evd.empty (CoqInterface.extern_constr clemma))));
@@ -698,16 +698,16 @@ let of_coq_lemma rt ro ra_quant rf_quant env sigma solver_logic clemma =
let rel_context = List.map (fun rel -> Context.Rel.Declaration.set_name (Names.Name.mk_name (Names.Id.of_string (gen_rel_name ()))) rel) rel_context in
let env_lemma = Environ.push_rel_context rel_context env in
- let f, args = Structures.decompose_app qf_lemma in
+ let f, args = CoqInterface.decompose_app qf_lemma in
let core_f =
- if Structures.eq_constr f (Lazy.force cis_true) then
+ if CoqInterface.eq_constr f (Lazy.force cis_true) then
match args with
| [a] -> Some a
| _ -> warn ()
- else if Structures.eq_constr f (Lazy.force ceq) then
+ else if CoqInterface.eq_constr f (Lazy.force ceq) then
match args with
- | [ty; arg1; arg2] when Structures.eq_constr ty (Lazy.force cbool) &&
- Structures.eq_constr arg2 (Lazy.force ctrue) ->
+ | [ty; arg1; arg2] when CoqInterface.eq_constr ty (Lazy.force cbool) &&
+ CoqInterface.eq_constr arg2 (Lazy.force ctrue) ->
Some arg1
| _ -> warn ()
else warn () in
@@ -722,8 +722,8 @@ let of_coq_lemma rt ro ra_quant rf_quant env sigma solver_logic clemma =
| None -> None
let forall_args =
- let fmap r = let n, t = Structures.destruct_rel_decl r in
- Structures.string_of_name n, SmtBtype.of_coq rt solver_logic t in
+ let fmap r = let n, t = CoqInterface.destruct_rel_decl r in
+ CoqInterface.string_of_name n, SmtBtype.of_coq rt solver_logic t in
List.map fmap rel_context
match forall_args with
@@ -736,11 +736,11 @@ let of_coq_lemma rt ro ra_quant rf_quant env sigma solver_logic clemma =
let core_tactic call_solver solver_logic rt ro ra rf ra_quant rf_quant vm_cast lcpl lcepl env sigma concl =
let a, b = get_arguments concl in
- let tlcepl = List.map (Structures.interp_constr env sigma) lcepl in
+ let tlcepl = List.map (CoqInterface.interp_constr env sigma) lcepl in
let lcpl = lcpl @ tlcepl in
let create_lemma l =
- let cl = Structures.retyping_get_type_of env sigma l in
+ let cl = CoqInterface.retyping_get_type_of env sigma l in
match of_coq_lemma rt ro ra_quant rf_quant env sigma solver_logic cl with
| Some smt -> Some ((cl, l), smt)
| None -> None
@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ let core_tactic call_solver solver_logic rt ro ra rf ra_quant rf_quant vm_cast l
let l_pl_ls = SmtMisc.filter_map create_lemma lcpl in
let lsmt = List.map snd l_pl_ls in
- let lem_tbl : (int, Structures.constr * Structures.constr) Hashtbl.t =
+ let lem_tbl : (int, CoqInterface.constr * CoqInterface.constr) Hashtbl.t =
Hashtbl.create 100 in
let new_ref ((l, pl), ls) =
Hashtbl.add lem_tbl (Form.index ls) (l, pl) in
@@ -770,11 +770,11 @@ let core_tactic call_solver solver_logic rt ro ra rf ra_quant rf_quant vm_cast l
| _ -> failwith "unexpected form of root" in
let (body_cast, body_nocast, cuts) =
- if ((Structures.eq_constr b (Lazy.force ctrue)) ||
- (Structures.eq_constr b (Lazy.force cfalse))) then (
+ if ((CoqInterface.eq_constr b (Lazy.force ctrue)) ||
+ (CoqInterface.eq_constr b (Lazy.force cfalse))) then (
let l = Form.of_coq (Atom.of_coq rt ro ra solver_logic env sigma) rf a in
let _ = Form.of_coq (Atom.of_coq ~eqsym:true rt ro ra_quant solver_logic env sigma) rf_quant a in
- let nl = if (Structures.eq_constr b (Lazy.force ctrue)) then Form.neg l else l in
+ let nl = if (CoqInterface.eq_constr b (Lazy.force ctrue)) then Form.neg l else l in
let lsmt = Form.flatten rf nl :: lsmt in
let max_id_confl = make_proof call_solver env rt ro ra_quant rf_quant nl lsmt in
build_body rt ro ra rf (Form.to_coq l) b max_id_confl (vm_cast env) (Some find_lemma)
@@ -793,19 +793,19 @@ let core_tactic call_solver solver_logic rt ro ra rf ra_quant rf_quant vm_cast l
let cuts = (SmtBtype.get_cuts rt) @ cuts in
List.fold_right (fun (eqn, eqt) tac ->
- Structures.tclTHENLAST
- (Structures.assert_before (Structures.name_of_id eqn) eqt)
+ CoqInterface.tclTHENLAST
+ (CoqInterface.assert_before (CoqInterface.name_of_id eqn) eqt)
) cuts
- (Structures.tclTHEN
- (Structures.set_evars_tac body_nocast)
- (Structures.vm_cast_no_check body_cast))
+ (CoqInterface.tclTHEN
+ (CoqInterface.set_evars_tac body_nocast)
+ (CoqInterface.vm_cast_no_check body_cast))
let tactic call_solver solver_logic rt ro ra rf ra_quant rf_quant vm_cast lcpl lcepl =
- Structures.tclTHEN
+ CoqInterface.tclTHEN
- (Structures.mk_tactic (core_tactic call_solver solver_logic rt ro ra rf ra_quant rf_quant vm_cast lcpl lcepl))
+ (CoqInterface.mk_tactic (core_tactic call_solver solver_logic rt ro ra rf ra_quant rf_quant vm_cast lcpl lcepl))
@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ let string_index_of_constr env i cf =
let s = string_coq_constr cf in
let nc = Environ.named_context env in
- let nd = Environ.lookup_named (Structures.mkId s) env in
+ let nd = Environ.lookup_named (CoqInterface.mkId s) env in
let cpt = ref 0 in
(try List.iter (fun n -> incr cpt; if n == nd then raise Exit) nc
with Exit -> ());
@@ -832,11 +832,11 @@ let string_index_of_constr env i cf =
let vstring_i env i =
let cf = SmtAtom.Atom.get_coq_term_op i in
- if Structures.isRel cf then
- let dbi = Structures.destRel cf in
+ if CoqInterface.isRel cf then
+ let dbi = CoqInterface.destRel cf in
let s =
Environ.lookup_rel dbi env
- |> Structures.get_rel_dec_name
+ |> CoqInterface.get_rel_dec_name
|> SmtMisc.string_of_name_def "?"
s, dbi
@@ -977,14 +977,14 @@ let model_item env rt ro ra rf =
* let outf = Format.formatter_of_out_channel out in
* SExpr.print outf l; pp_print_flush outf ();
* close_out out; *)
- Structures.error ("Could not reconstruct model")
+ CoqInterface.error ("Could not reconstruct model")
let model env rt ro ra rf = function
| List (Atom "model" :: l) ->
List.fold_left (fun acc m -> match model_item env rt ro ra rf m with Fun m -> m::acc | Sort -> acc) [] l
|> List.sort (fun ((_ ,i1), _) ((_, i2), _) -> i2 - i1)
- | _ -> Structures.error ("No model")
+ | _ -> CoqInterface.error ("No model")
let model_string env rt ro ra rf s =
diff --git a/src/trace/smtCommands.mli b/src/trace/smtCommands.mli
index b643594..e885028 100644
--- a/src/trace/smtCommands.mli
+++ b/src/trace/smtCommands.mli
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
val parse_certif :
- Structures.id ->
- Structures.id ->
- Structures.id ->
- Structures.id ->
- Structures.id ->
- Structures.id ->
- Structures.id ->
+ CoqInterface.id ->
+ CoqInterface.id ->
+ CoqInterface.id ->
+ CoqInterface.id ->
+ CoqInterface.id ->
+ CoqInterface.id ->
+ CoqInterface.id ->
SmtBtype.reify_tbl * SmtAtom.Op.reify_tbl *
SmtAtom.Atom.reify_tbl * SmtAtom.Form.reify *
SmtAtom.Form.t list * int * SmtAtom.Form.t SmtCertif.clause ->
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ val checker_debug :
SmtAtom.Form.t list * int * SmtAtom.Form.t SmtCertif.clause -> 'a
val theorem :
- Structures.id ->
+ CoqInterface.id ->
SmtBtype.reify_tbl * SmtAtom.Op.reify_tbl *
SmtAtom.Atom.reify_tbl * SmtAtom.Form.reify *
SmtAtom.Form.t list * int * SmtAtom.Form.t SmtCertif.clause ->
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ val tactic :
SmtAtom.Form.reify ->
SmtAtom.Atom.reify_tbl ->
SmtAtom.Form.reify ->
- (Environ.env -> Structures.constr -> Structures.constr) ->
- Structures.constr list ->
- Structures.constr_expr list -> Structures.tactic
+ (Environ.env -> CoqInterface.constr -> CoqInterface.constr) ->
+ CoqInterface.constr list ->
+ CoqInterface.constr_expr list -> CoqInterface.tactic
val model_string : Environ.env -> SmtBtype.reify_tbl -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> SExpr.t -> string
diff --git a/src/trace/smtForm.ml b/src/trace/smtForm.ml
index a86fe8a..0a7d859 100644
--- a/src/trace/smtForm.ml
+++ b/src/trace/smtForm.ml
@@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ module type FORM =
val clear : reify -> unit
val get : ?declare:bool -> reify -> pform -> t
- (** Give a coq term, build the corresponding formula *)
- val of_coq : (Structures.constr -> hatom) -> reify -> Structures.constr -> t
+ (** Given a coq term, build the corresponding formula *)
+ val of_coq : (CoqInterface.constr -> hatom) -> reify -> CoqInterface.constr -> t
val hash_hform : (hatom -> hatom) -> reify -> t -> t
- (** Flattening of [Fand] and [For], removing of [Fnot2] *)
+ (* Flattening of [Fand] and [For], removing of [Fnot2] *)
val flatten : reify -> t -> t
(** Turn n-ary [Fand] and [For] into their right-associative
@@ -93,20 +93,20 @@ module type FORM =
(** Producing Coq terms *)
- val to_coq : t -> Structures.constr
+ val to_coq : t -> CoqInterface.constr
val pform_tbl : reify -> pform array
val to_array : reify -> 'a -> (pform -> 'a) -> int * 'a array
- val interp_tbl : reify -> Structures.constr * Structures.constr
+ val interp_tbl : reify -> CoqInterface.constr * CoqInterface.constr
val nvars : reify -> int
- (** Producing a Coq term corresponding to the interpretation
- of a formula *)
- (** [interp_atom] map [hatom] to coq term, it is better if it produce
- shared terms. *)
+ (* Producing a Coq term corresponding to the interpretation
+ of a formula *)
+ (* [interp_atom] map [hatom] to coq term, it is better if it produce
+ shared terms. *)
val interp_to_coq :
- (hatom -> Structures.constr) -> (int, Structures.constr) Hashtbl.t ->
- t -> Structures.constr
+ (hatom -> CoqInterface.constr) -> (int, CoqInterface.constr) Hashtbl.t ->
+ t -> CoqInterface.constr
(* Unstratified terms *)
type atom_form_lit =
@@ -368,9 +368,9 @@ module Make (Atom:ATOM) =
| CCunknown
module ConstrHash = struct
- type t = Structures.constr
- let equal = Structures.eq_constr
- let hash = Structures.hash_constr
+ type t = CoqInterface.constr
+ let equal = CoqInterface.eq_constr
+ let hash = CoqInterface.hash_constr
module ConstrHashtbl = Hashtbl.Make(ConstrHash)
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ module Make (Atom:ATOM) =
let get_cst c =
try ConstrHashtbl.find op_tbl c with Not_found -> CCunknown in
let rec mk_hform h =
- let c, args = Structures.decompose_app h in
+ let c, args = CoqInterface.decompose_app h in
match get_cst c with
| CCtrue -> get reify (Fapp(Ftrue,empty_args))
| CCfalse -> get reify (Fapp(Ffalse,empty_args))
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ module Make (Atom:ATOM) =
let l1 = mk_hform b1 in
let l2 = mk_hform b2 in
get reify (Fapp (Fimp, [|l1;l2|]))
- | _ -> Structures.error "SmtForm.Form.of_coq: wrong number of arguments for implb")
+ | _ -> CoqInterface.error "SmtForm.Form.of_coq: wrong number of arguments for implb")
| CCifb ->
(* We should also be able to reify if then else *)
begin match args with
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ module Make (Atom:ATOM) =
let l2 = mk_hform b2 in
let l3 = mk_hform b3 in
get reify (Fapp (Fite, [|l1;l2;l3|]))
- | _ -> Structures.error "SmtForm.Form.of_coq: wrong number of arguments for ifb"
+ | _ -> CoqInterface.error "SmtForm.Form.of_coq: wrong number of arguments for ifb"
| _ ->
let a = atom_of_coq h in
@@ -429,13 +429,13 @@ module Make (Atom:ATOM) =
let l1 = mk_hform b1 in
let l2 = mk_hform b2 in
get reify (f [|l1; l2|])
- | _ -> Structures.error "SmtForm.Form.of_coq: wrong number of arguments"
+ | _ -> CoqInterface.error "SmtForm.Form.of_coq: wrong number of arguments"
and mk_fnot i args =
match args with
| [t] ->
- let c,args = Structures.decompose_app t in
- if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cnegb) then
+ let c,args = CoqInterface.decompose_app t in
+ if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cnegb) then
mk_fnot (i+1) args
let q,r = i lsr 1 , i land 1 in
@@ -443,31 +443,31 @@ module Make (Atom:ATOM) =
let l = if r = 0 then l else neg l in
if q = 0 then l
else get reify (Fapp(Fnot2 q, [|l|]))
- | _ -> Structures.error "SmtForm.Form.mk_hform: wrong number of arguments for negb"
+ | _ -> CoqInterface.error "SmtForm.Form.mk_hform: wrong number of arguments for negb"
and mk_fand acc args =
match args with
| [t1;t2] ->
let l2 = mk_hform t2 in
- let c, args = Structures.decompose_app t1 in
- if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force candb) then
+ let c, args = CoqInterface.decompose_app t1 in
+ if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force candb) then
mk_fand (l2::acc) args
let l1 = mk_hform t1 in
get reify (Fapp(Fand, Array.of_list (l1::l2::acc)))
- | _ -> Structures.error "SmtForm.Form.mk_hform: wrong number of arguments for andb"
+ | _ -> CoqInterface.error "SmtForm.Form.mk_hform: wrong number of arguments for andb"
and mk_for acc args =
match args with
| [t1;t2] ->
let l2 = mk_hform t2 in
- let c, args = Structures.decompose_app t1 in
- if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force corb) then
+ let c, args = CoqInterface.decompose_app t1 in
+ if CoqInterface.eq_constr c (Lazy.force corb) then
mk_for (l2::acc) args
let l1 = mk_hform t1 in
get reify (Fapp(For, Array.of_list (l1::l2::acc)))
- | _ -> Structures.error "SmtForm.Form.mk_hform: wrong number of arguments for orb" in
+ | _ -> CoqInterface.error "SmtForm.Form.mk_hform: wrong number of arguments for orb" in
mk_hform c
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ module Make (Atom:ATOM) =
let args_to_coq args =
let cargs = Array.make (Array.length args + 1) (mkInt 0) in
Array.iteri (fun i hf -> cargs.(i) <- to_coq hf) args;
- Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, cargs)
+ CoqInterface.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, cargs)
let pf_to_coq = function
| Fatom a -> mklApp cFatom [|mkInt (Atom.index a)|]
@@ -586,12 +586,12 @@ module Make (Atom:ATOM) =
let interp_tbl reify =
let (i,t) = to_array reify (Lazy.force cFtrue) pf_to_coq in
- (mkInt i, Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force cform, t))
+ (mkInt i, CoqInterface.mkArray (Lazy.force cform, t))
let nvars reify = reify.count
- (** Producing a Coq term corresponding to the interpretation of a formula *)
- (** [interp_atom] map [Atom.t] to coq term, it is better if it produce
- shared terms. *)
+ (* Producing a Coq term corresponding to the interpretation of a formula *)
+ (* [interp_atom] map [Atom.t] to coq term, it is better if it produce
+ shared terms. *)
let interp_to_coq interp_atom form_tbl f =
let rec interp_form f =
let l = to_lit f in
diff --git a/src/trace/smtForm.mli b/src/trace/smtForm.mli
index e3c3859..47b4123 100644
--- a/src/trace/smtForm.mli
+++ b/src/trace/smtForm.mli
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ module type FORM =
val get : ?declare:bool -> reify -> pform -> t
(** Given a coq term, build the corresponding formula *)
- val of_coq : (Structures.constr -> hatom) -> reify -> Structures.constr -> t
+ val of_coq : (CoqInterface.constr -> hatom) -> reify -> CoqInterface.constr -> t
val hash_hform : (hatom -> hatom) -> reify -> t -> t
@@ -90,20 +90,20 @@ module type FORM =
(** Producing Coq terms *)
- val to_coq : t -> Structures.constr
+ val to_coq : t -> CoqInterface.constr
val pform_tbl : reify -> pform array
val to_array : reify -> 'a -> (pform -> 'a) -> int * 'a array
- val interp_tbl : reify -> Structures.constr * Structures.constr
+ val interp_tbl : reify -> CoqInterface.constr * CoqInterface.constr
val nvars : reify -> int
- (** Producing a Coq term corresponding to the interpretation
- of a formula *)
- (** [interp_atom] map [hatom] to coq term, it is better if it produce
- shared terms. *)
+ (* Producing a Coq term corresponding to the interpretation
+ of a formula *)
+ (* [interp_atom] map [hatom] to coq term, it is better if it produce
+ shared terms. *)
val interp_to_coq :
- (hatom -> Structures.constr) -> (int, Structures.constr) Hashtbl.t ->
- t -> Structures.constr
+ (hatom -> CoqInterface.constr) -> (int, CoqInterface.constr) Hashtbl.t ->
+ t -> CoqInterface.constr
(* Unstratified terms *)
type atom_form_lit =
diff --git a/src/trace/smtMisc.ml b/src/trace/smtMisc.ml
index 2080a64..165814b 100644
--- a/src/trace/smtMisc.ml
+++ b/src/trace/smtMisc.ml
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ let cInt_tbl = Hashtbl.create 17
let mkInt i =
try Hashtbl.find cInt_tbl i
with Not_found ->
- let ci = Structures.mkInt i in
+ let ci = CoqInterface.mkInt i in
Hashtbl.add cInt_tbl i ci;
@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ type 'a gen_hashed = { index : int; hval : 'a }
(** Functions over constr *)
-let mklApp f args = Structures.mkApp (Lazy.force f, args)
+let mklApp f args = CoqInterface.mkApp (Lazy.force f, args)
-let string_of_name_def d n = try Structures.string_of_name n with | _ -> d
+let string_of_name_def d n = try CoqInterface.string_of_name n with | _ -> d
let string_coq_constr t =
let rec fix rf x = rf (fix rf) x in
let pr = fix
- Ppconstr.modular_constr_pr Pp.mt Structures.ppconstr_lsimpleconstr in
- Pp.string_of_ppcmds (pr (Structures.constrextern_extern_constr t))
+ Ppconstr.modular_constr_pr Pp.mt CoqInterface.ppconstr_lsimpleconstr in
+ Pp.string_of_ppcmds (pr (CoqInterface.constrextern_extern_constr t))
(** Logics *)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ type logic_item =
module SL = Set.Make (struct
type t = logic_item
- let compare = Pervasives.compare
+ let compare = Stdlib.compare
type logic = SL.t
diff --git a/src/trace/smtMisc.mli b/src/trace/smtMisc.mli
index a6f5db8..5359c15 100644
--- a/src/trace/smtMisc.mli
+++ b/src/trace/smtMisc.mli
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
-val cInt_tbl : (int, Structures.constr) Hashtbl.t
-val mkInt : int -> Structures.constr
+val cInt_tbl : (int, CoqInterface.constr) Hashtbl.t
+val mkInt : int -> CoqInterface.constr
type 'a gen_hashed = { index : int; hval : 'a; }
-val mklApp : Structures.constr Lazy.t -> Structures.constr array -> Structures.constr
-val string_of_name_def : string -> Structures.name -> string
-val string_coq_constr : Structures.constr -> string
+val mklApp : CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t -> CoqInterface.constr array -> CoqInterface.constr
+val string_of_name_def : string -> CoqInterface.name -> string
+val string_coq_constr : CoqInterface.constr -> string
type logic_item = LUF | LLia | LBitvectors | LArrays
module SL : Set.S with type elt = logic_item
type logic = SL.t
diff --git a/src/trace/smtTrace.ml b/src/trace/smtTrace.ml
index 876e420..7b68a26 100644
--- a/src/trace/smtTrace.ml
+++ b/src/trace/smtTrace.ml
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ let order_roots init_index first =
r := n
| _ -> failwith "root value has unexpected form" end
- let _, lr = List.sort (fun (i1, _) (i2, _) -> Pervasives.compare i1 i2) !acc
+ let _, lr = List.sort (fun (i1, _) (i2, _) -> Stdlib.compare i1 i2) !acc
|> List.split in
let link_to c1 c2 =
let curr_id = c2.id -1 in
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ let to_coq to_lit interp (cstep,
l := tl
| _ -> assert false
- mklApp cRes [|mkInt (get_pos c); Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, args)|]
+ mklApp cRes [|mkInt (get_pos c); CoqInterface.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, args)|]
| Other other ->
begin match other with
| Weaken (c',l') ->
@@ -412,12 +412,12 @@ let to_coq to_lit interp (cstep,
mklApp cEqCgrP [|out_c c; out_f f1; out_f f2; res|]
| LiaMicromega (cl,d) ->
let cl' = List.fold_right (fun f l -> mklApp ccons [|Lazy.force cint; out_f f; l|]) cl (mklApp cnil [|Lazy.force cint|]) in
- let c' = List.fold_right (fun f l -> mklApp ccons [|Lazy.force Structures.micromega_coq_proofTerm; Structures.micromega_dump_proof_term f; l|]) d (mklApp cnil [|Lazy.force Structures.micromega_coq_proofTerm|]) in
+ let c' = List.fold_right (fun f l -> mklApp ccons [|Lazy.force CoqInterface.micromega_coq_proofTerm; CoqInterface.micromega_dump_proof_term f; l|]) d (mklApp cnil [|Lazy.force CoqInterface.micromega_coq_proofTerm|]) in
mklApp cLiaMicromega [|out_c c; cl'; c'|]
| LiaDiseq l -> mklApp cLiaDiseq [|out_c c; out_f l|]
| SplArith (orig,res,l) ->
let res' = out_f res in
- let l' = List.fold_right (fun f l -> mklApp ccons [|Lazy.force Structures.micromega_coq_proofTerm; Structures.micromega_dump_proof_term f; l|]) l (mklApp cnil [|Lazy.force Structures.micromega_coq_proofTerm|]) in
+ let l' = List.fold_right (fun f l -> mklApp ccons [|Lazy.force CoqInterface.micromega_coq_proofTerm; CoqInterface.micromega_dump_proof_term f; l|]) l (mklApp cnil [|Lazy.force CoqInterface.micromega_coq_proofTerm|]) in
mklApp cSplArith [|out_c c; out_c orig; res'; l'|]
| SplDistinctElim (c',f) -> mklApp cSplDistinctElim [|out_c c;out_c c'; out_f f|]
| BBVar res -> mklApp cBBVar [|out_c c; out_f res|]
@@ -461,10 +461,10 @@ let to_coq to_lit interp (cstep,
| Ext (res) -> mklApp cExt [|out_c c; out_f res|]
| Hole (prem_id, concl) ->
let prem = List.map (fun cl -> match cl.value with Some l -> l | None -> assert false) prem_id in
- let ass_name = Structures.mkId ("ass"^(string_of_int (Hashtbl.hash concl))) in
+ let ass_name = CoqInterface.mkId ("ass"^(string_of_int (Hashtbl.hash concl))) in
let ass_ty = interp (prem, concl) in
cuts := (ass_name, ass_ty)::!cuts;
- let ass_var = Structures.mkVar ass_name in
+ let ass_var = CoqInterface.mkVar ass_name in
let prem_id' = List.fold_right (fun c l -> mklApp ccons [|Lazy.force cint; out_c c; l|]) prem_id (mklApp cnil [|Lazy.force cint|]) in
let prem' = List.fold_right (fun cl l -> mklApp ccons [|Lazy.force cState_C_t; out_cl cl; l|]) prem (mklApp cnil [|Lazy.force cState_C_t|]) in
let concl' = out_cl concl in
@@ -474,23 +474,23 @@ let to_coq to_lit interp (cstep,
| Some find -> find cl
| None -> assert false in
let concl' = out_cl [concl] in
- let app_name = Structures.mkId ("app" ^ (string_of_int (Hashtbl.hash concl))) in
- let app_var = Structures.mkVar app_name in
- let app_ty = Term.mkArrow clemma (interp ([], [concl])) in
+ let app_name = CoqInterface.mkId ("app" ^ (string_of_int (Hashtbl.hash concl))) in
+ let app_var = CoqInterface.mkVar app_name in
+ let app_ty = CoqInterface.mkArrow clemma (interp ([], [concl])) in
cuts := (app_name, app_ty)::!cuts;
mklApp cForallInst [|out_c c; clemma; cplemma; concl'; app_var|]
| _ -> assert false in
let step = Lazy.force cstep in
let def_step =
- mklApp cRes [|mkInt 0; Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, [|mkInt 0|]) |] in
+ mklApp cRes [|mkInt 0; CoqInterface.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, [|mkInt 0|]) |] in
let r = ref confl in
let nc = ref 0 in
while not (isRoot !r.kind) do r := prev !r; incr nc done;
let last_root = !r in
(* Be careful, step_to_coq makes a side effect on cuts so it needs to be called first *)
let res =
- Structures.mkTrace step_to_coq next carray clist cnil ccons cpair !nc step def_step r
+ CoqInterface.mkTrace step_to_coq next carray clist cnil ccons cpair !nc step def_step r
(res, last_root, !cuts)
diff --git a/src/trace/smtTrace.mli b/src/trace/smtTrace.mli
index 2c70bbc..e79ce20 100644
--- a/src/trace/smtTrace.mli
+++ b/src/trace/smtTrace.mli
@@ -48,26 +48,26 @@ val alloc : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> int
val naive_alloc : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> int
val build_certif : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> 'b SmtCertif.clause -> int
val to_coq :
- ('a -> Structures.constr) ->
- ('a list list * 'a list -> Structures.types) ->
- Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t *
- Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t *
- Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t *
- Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t *
- Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t *
- Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t *
- Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t *
- Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t *
- Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t *
- Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t *
- Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t *
- Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t *
- Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t *
- Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t ->
+ ('a -> CoqInterface.constr) ->
+ ('a list list * 'a list -> CoqInterface.types) ->
+ CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t *
+ CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t *
+ CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t *
+ CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t *
+ CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t *
+ CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t *
+ CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t *
+ CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t *
+ CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t *
+ CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t *
+ CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t *
+ CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t *
+ CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t *
+ CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t * CoqInterface.constr Lazy.t ->
'a SmtCertif.clause ->
- ('a SmtCertif.clause -> Structures.types * Structures.constr) option ->
- Structures.constr * 'a SmtCertif.clause *
- (Structures.id * Structures.types) list
+ ('a SmtCertif.clause -> CoqInterface.types * CoqInterface.constr) option ->
+ CoqInterface.constr * 'a SmtCertif.clause *
+ (CoqInterface.id * CoqInterface.types) list
module MakeOpt :