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diff --git a/verilog.tex b/verilog.tex
index 756d717..36e6c32 100644
--- a/verilog.tex
+++ b/verilog.tex
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ This semantics is quite practical as it is restricted to a small subset of Veril
The semantics of Verilog differs from regular programming languages, as it is used to describe hardware directly, which is inherently parallel, rather than an algorithm, which is usually sequential. The main construct in Verilog is the always block \JW{consider `always-block' as it's easier to parse}. \JWcouldcut{which is a construct that contains statements.}
A module can contain multiple always blocks, all of which run in parallel. These always blocks further contain statements such as if-statements or assignments to variables. Each always block also contains a list of events at which it should trigger, which could either contain signals that are assigned to other signals in that always block, or a different signal such as a clock which will trigger the always block periodically, only the latter are actually supported in our target semantics. \JW{That sentence is a bit wordy. Can you just say something like: `We support only \emph{synchronous} logic, which means that the always block is triggered on (and only on) the rising edge of a clock signal.'?}
-\NR{We should mention that variables cannot be driven by multiple \alwaysblock{}s, since one might get confused with data races when relating to concurrent processes in software.} \JW{Perhaps we could say that if the same register is written multiple times in the same clock cycle (e.g. in two differ}
+\NR{We should mention that variables cannot be driven by multiple \alwaysblock{}s, since one might get confused with data races when relating to concurrent processes in software.} \JW{Perhaps we could say that if the same register is written multiple times in the same clock cycle (e.g. in two different always-blocks, }
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ As hardware designs normally describe events that will be executed periodically
\noindent which shows that assuming the statement $s$ in the always block runs with state $\Sigma$ and produces the new state $\Sigma'$, the always block will result in the same final state. As only clocked always blocks are supported, and one step in the semantics correspond to one clock cycle, it means that this rule is run once per clock cycle \NRcouldcut{which is what it is defined to do}.
\NR{The mention about small steps being one cycle and 'only clocked/synchronous \alwaysblock{} are supported' can move earlier.}
-Two types of assignments are supported in always blocks: nonblocking and blocking assignment. Nonblocking assignment modifies the signal at the end of the timestep and atomically. Blocking assignment, on the other hand, assigns the variable \NRreplace{directly}{instantaneously?} in the always block for later signals to pick up. To model both these assignments, the state $\Sigma$ has to be split into two \NRreplace{parts}{sets?}: $\Gamma$, containing the current values of all variables, and $\Delta$, containing the values that will be assigned to the variables at the end of the clock cycle, we can therefore say that $\Sigma = (\Gamma, \Delta)$.~\NR{Can we say that $\Gamma$ contains instantaneous (ephemeral) updates for the current cycle and $\Delta$ contains periodical updates for the next cycle? Will be good to distinguish those two updates with the same terms across the paper, which can tie in with small-step and big-step distinction aybe asynchronous vs synchronous updates. } The nonblocking assignment can therefore be expressed as the following:
+Two types of assignments are supported in always blocks: nonblocking and blocking assignment. Nonblocking assignment modifies the signal at the end of the timestep and atomically. Blocking assignment, on the other hand, assigns the variable \NRreplace{directly}{instantaneously?} in the always block for later signals to pick up. To model both these assignments, the state $\Sigma$ has to be split into two \NRreplace{parts}{sets?}: $\Gamma$, containing the current values of all variables, and $\Delta$, containing the values that will be assigned to the variables at the end of the clock cycle, we can therefore say that $\Sigma = (\Gamma, \Delta)$.~\NR{Can we say that $\Gamma$ contains instantaneous (ephemeral) updates for the current cycle and $\Delta$ contains periodical updates for the next cycle? Will be good to distinguish those two updates with the same terms across the paper, which can tie in with small-step and big-step distinction maybe asynchronous vs synchronous updates. } The nonblocking assignment can therefore be expressed as the following:
\inferrule[Nonblocking Reg]{\yhkeyword{name}\ d = \yhkeyword{OK}\ n \\ (\Gamma, e) \longrightarrow_{\text{expr}} v}{((\Gamma, \Delta), d\ \yhkeyword{ <= } e) \longrightarrow_{\text{stmnt}} (\Gamma, \Delta [n \mapsto v])}\\