path: root/evaluation.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'evaluation.tex')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/evaluation.tex b/evaluation.tex
index 8c74a2e..9236c98 100644
--- a/evaluation.tex
+++ b/evaluation.tex
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ We configured \polybench{}'s parameters so that only integer types are used, sin
- \newcommand\backgroundbar[1]{\draw[draw=none, fill=black!10] (axis cs:#1,0.8) rectangle (axis cs:1+#1,300);}
+ \newcommand\backgroundbar[2][5]{\draw[draw=none, fill=black!#1] (axis cs:#2,0.1) rectangle (axis cs:1+#2,300);}
group style={
@@ -45,8 +45,6 @@ We configured \polybench{}'s parameters so that only integer types are used, sin
- %ymode=log, %JW: normalised data ==> log scale
- %log ticks with fixed point,
/pgf/bar width=3pt,
@@ -54,7 +52,7 @@ We configured \polybench{}'s parameters so that only integer types are used, sin
log ticks with fixed point,
xticklabels from table={\divtimingtable}{benchmark},
legend style={nodes={scale=0.7, transform shape}},
- x tick label style={rotate=60,anchor=east,font=\footnotesize},
+ x tick label style={rotate=90,anchor=east,font=\footnotesize},
legend columns=-1,
enlarge x limits={abs=0.5},
@@ -62,24 +60,49 @@ We configured \polybench{}'s parameters so that only integer types are used, sin
xtick style={draw=none},
- \nextgroupplot[ymin=0.8,ylabel={Relative execution time to \legup{}}]
- \backgroundbar{0.5}
+ \nextgroupplot[ymin=0.8,ymax=300,ylabel={Execution time relative to \legup{}}]
+ % JW: sorry about the lack of loop below. \pgfplotsinvokeforeach is supposed to work but overleaf compilation hangs.
+ % oh, I had actually just tried to solve it, and this worked on mine: \pgfplotsinvokeforeach{0,...,13}{\draw[draw=none, fill=black!10] (axis cs:#1*2+0.5,0.01) rectangle (axis cs:#1*2+1.5,300);} (Locally though)
+ \backgroundbar{0.5}
+ \backgroundbar{10.5}
+ \backgroundbar{12.5}
+ \backgroundbar{14.5}
+ \backgroundbar{16.5}
+ \backgroundbar{18.5}
+ \backgroundbar{20.5}
+ \backgroundbar{22.5}
+ \backgroundbar[10]{24.5}
\addplot+[vericertcol] table [x expr=\coordindex,y=vericert,col sep=comma] from \divtimingtable;
\addplot+[legupnooptcol] table [x expr=\coordindex,y=legup noopt nochain,col sep=comma] from \divtimingtable;
\addplot+[legupnooptnochaincol] table [x expr=\coordindex,y=legup noopt,col sep=comma] from \divtimingtable;
\draw (axis cs:-1,1) -- (axis cs:26,1);
+ % JW: redraw axis border which has been partially covered by the grey bars
+ \draw (axis cs:-0.5,0.8) rectangle (axis cs:25.5,300);
- \nextgroupplot[ymin=0.3,ylabel={Relative area to \legup{}}]
+ \nextgroupplot[ymin=0.3,ymax=10,ylabel={Area relative to \legup{}}]
+ \backgroundbar{0.5}
+ \backgroundbar{2.5}
+ \backgroundbar{4.5}
+ \backgroundbar{6.5}
+ \backgroundbar{8.5}
+ \backgroundbar{10.5}
+ \backgroundbar{12.5}
+ \backgroundbar{14.5}
+ \backgroundbar{16.5}
+ \backgroundbar{18.5}
+ \backgroundbar{20.5}
+ \backgroundbar{22.5}
+ \backgroundbar[10]{24.5}
\addplot+[vericertcol] table [x expr=\coordindex,y=vericert,col sep=comma] from \divslicetable;
\addplot+[legupnooptcol] table [x expr=\coordindex,y=legup noopt nochain,col sep=comma] from \divslicetable;
\addplot+[legupnooptnochaincol] table [x expr=\coordindex,y=legup noopt,col sep=comma] from \divslicetable;
\draw (axis cs:-1,1) -- (axis cs:26,1);
+ % JW: redraw axis border which has been partially covered by the grey bars
+ \draw (axis cs:-0.5,0.3) rectangle (axis cs:25.5,10);
\legend{\vericert{},\legup{} w/o opt/chain,\legup{} w/o opt};
@@ -119,16 +142,20 @@ We configured \polybench{}'s parameters so that only integer types are used, sin
\nextgroupplot[ylabel={Relative execution time to \legup{}}]
+ \pgfplotsinvokeforeach{0,...,13}{\draw[draw=none, fill=black!10] (axis cs:#1*2+0.5,0.01) rectangle (axis cs:#1*2+1.5,300);}
\addplot+[vericertcol] table [x expr=\coordindex,y=vericert,col sep=comma] from \nodivtimingtable;
\addplot+[legupnooptcol] table [x expr=\coordindex,y=legup noopt nochain,col sep=comma] from \nodivtimingtable;
\addplot+[legupnooptnochaincol] table [x expr=\coordindex,y=legup noopt,col sep=comma] from \nodivtimingtable;
\draw (axis cs:-1,1) -- (axis cs:26,1);
+ \draw (axis cs:-0.5,0.3) rectangle (axis cs:26.5,10);
\nextgroupplot[ylabel={Relative area to \legup{}}]
+ \pgfplotsinvokeforeach{0,...,13}{\draw[draw=none, fill=black!10] (axis cs:#1*2+0.5,0.01) rectangle (axis cs:#1*2+1.5,300);}
\addplot+[vericertcol] table [x expr=\coordindex,y=vericert,col sep=comma] from \nodivslicetable;
\addplot+[legupnooptcol] table [x expr=\coordindex,y=legup noopt nochain,col sep=comma] from \nodivslicetable;
\addplot+[legupnooptnochaincol] table [x expr=\coordindex,y=legup noopt,col sep=comma] from \nodivslicetable;
\draw (axis cs:-1,1) -- (axis cs:26,1);
+ \draw (axis cs:-0.5,0.3) rectangle (axis cs:26.5,10);
\legend{\vericert{},\legup{} w/o opt/chain,\legup{} w/o opt};