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authorJames Pollard <james@pollard.dev>2020-07-06 19:27:51 +0100
committerJames Pollard <james@pollard.dev>2020-07-06 19:27:51 +0100
commitea44bd696dcfb446f5f980f16d7df41b21357698 (patch)
parentec97745e4675b72cbabd2a3bd12d6efdd8bfa6d6 (diff)
Fix HTLgenspec.
2 files changed, 467 insertions, 476 deletions
diff --git a/src/translation/HTLgen.v b/src/translation/HTLgen.v
index 995977c..09af28a 100644
--- a/src/translation/HTLgen.v
+++ b/src/translation/HTLgen.v
@@ -414,21 +414,19 @@ Definition tbl_to_case_expr (st : reg) (ns : list node) : list (expr * stmnt) :=
(enumerate 0 ns).
-Definition add_single_cycle_load (n n' : node) (stack : reg) (addr : expr) (dst : reg) : mon unit :=
+Definition create_single_cycle_load (stack : reg) (addr : expr) (dst : reg) : stmnt :=
let l0 := Vnonblock (Vvarb0 dst) (Vvari stack addr) in
let l1 := Vnonblock (Vvarb1 dst) (Vvari stack $ Vbinop Vadd addr (Vlit $ ZToValue 1)) in
let l2 := Vnonblock (Vvarb2 dst) (Vvari stack $ Vbinop Vadd addr (Vlit $ ZToValue 2)) in
- let l3 := Vnonblock (Vvarb3 dst) (Vvari stack $ Vbinop Vadd addr (Vlit $ ZToValue 2)) in
- let instr := Vseq l0 $ Vseq l1 $ Vseq l2 $ l3
- in add_instr n n' instr.
+ let l3 := Vnonblock (Vvarb3 dst) (Vvari stack $ Vbinop Vadd addr (Vlit $ ZToValue 2))
+ in Vseq l0 $ Vseq l1 $ Vseq l2 $ l3.
-Definition add_single_cycle_store (n n' : node) (stack : reg) (addr : expr) (src : reg) : mon unit :=
+Definition create_single_cycle_store (stack : reg) (addr : expr) (src : reg) : stmnt :=
let l0 := Vnonblock (Vvari stack addr) (Vvarb0 src) in
let l1 := Vnonblock (Vvari stack $ Vbinop Vadd addr (Vlit $ ZToValue 1)) (Vvarb1 src) in
let l2 := Vnonblock (Vvari stack $ Vbinop Vadd addr (Vlit $ ZToValue 2)) (Vvarb2 src) in
- let l3 := Vnonblock (Vvari stack $ Vbinop Vadd addr (Vlit $ ZToValue 2)) (Vvarb3 src) in
- let instr := Vseq l0 $ Vseq l1 $ Vseq l2 $ l3
- in add_instr n n' instr.
+ let l3 := Vnonblock (Vvari stack $ Vbinop Vadd addr (Vlit $ ZToValue 2)) (Vvarb3 src)
+ in Vseq l0 $ Vseq l1 $ Vseq l2 $ l3.
Definition transf_instr (fin rtrn stack: reg) (ni: node * instruction) : mon unit :=
match ni with
@@ -442,10 +440,10 @@ Definition transf_instr (fin rtrn stack: reg) (ni: node * instruction) : mon uni
| Iload mem addr args dst n' =>
do addr' <- translate_eff_addressing addr args;
do _ <- declare_reg None dst 32;
- add_single_cycle_load n n' stack addr' dst
+ add_instr n n' $ create_single_cycle_load stack addr' dst
| Istore mem addr args src n' =>
do addr' <- translate_eff_addressing addr args;
- add_single_cycle_store n n' stack addr' src
+ add_instr n n' $ create_single_cycle_store stack addr' src
| Icall _ _ _ _ _ => error (Errors.msg "Calls are not implemented.")
| Itailcall _ _ _ => error (Errors.msg "Tailcalls are not implemented.")
| Ibuiltin _ _ _ _ => error (Errors.msg "Builtin functions not implemented.")
diff --git a/src/translation/HTLgenspec.v b/src/translation/HTLgenspec.v
index 4662cf4..bbcde14 100644
--- a/src/translation/HTLgenspec.v
+++ b/src/translation/HTLgenspec.v
@@ -134,476 +134,469 @@ Inductive tr_instr (fin rtrn st stk : reg) : RTL.instruction -> stmnt -> stmnt -
tr_instr fin rtrn st stk (RTL.Ireturn (Some r))
(Vseq (block fin (Vlit (ZToValue 1%Z))) (block rtrn (Vvar r))) Vskip
| tr_instr_Iload :
- forall mem addr args s s' i c dst n,
- translate_arr_access mem addr args stk s = OK c s' i ->
- tr_instr fin rtrn st stk (RTL.Iload mem addr args dst n) (nonblock dst c) (state_goto st n)
+ forall mem addr args s s' i e dst n,
+ translate_eff_addressing addr args s = OK e s' i ->
+ tr_instr fin rtrn st stk (RTL.Iload mem addr args dst n)
+ (create_single_cycle_load stk e dst) (state_goto st n)
| tr_instr_Istore :
- forall mem addr args s s' i c src n,
- translate_arr_access mem addr args stk s = OK c s' i ->
- tr_instr fin rtrn st stk (RTL.Istore mem addr args src n) (Vnonblock c (Vvar src))
- (state_goto st n)
+ forall mem addr args s s' i e src n,
+ translate_eff_addressing addr args s = OK e s' i ->
+ tr_instr fin rtrn st stk (RTL.Istore mem addr args src n)
+ (create_single_cycle_store stk e src) (state_goto st n)
| tr_instr_Ijumptable :
forall cexpr tbl r,
cexpr = tbl_to_case_expr st tbl ->
tr_instr fin rtrn st stk (RTL.Ijumptable r tbl) (Vskip) (Vcase (Vvar r) cexpr (Some Vskip)).
Hint Constructors tr_instr : htlspec.
-(* Inductive tr_code (c : RTL.code) (pc : RTL.node) (i : RTL.instruction) (stmnts trans : PTree.t stmnt) *)
-(* (fin rtrn st stk : reg) : Prop := *)
-(* tr_code_intro : *)
-(* forall s t, *)
-(* c!pc = Some i -> *)
-(* stmnts!pc = Some s -> *)
-(* trans!pc = Some t -> *)
-(* tr_instr fin rtrn st stk i s t -> *)
-(* tr_code c pc i stmnts trans fin rtrn st stk. *)
-(* Hint Constructors tr_code : htlspec. *)
-(* Inductive tr_module (f : RTL.function) : module -> Prop := *)
-(* tr_module_intro : *)
-(* forall data control fin rtrn st stk stk_len m start rst clk scldecls arrdecls wf, *)
-(* m = (mkmodule f.(RTL.fn_params) *)
-(* data *)
-(* control *)
-(* f.(RTL.fn_entrypoint) *)
-(* st stk stk_len fin rtrn start rst clk scldecls arrdecls wf) -> *)
-(* (forall pc i, Maps.PTree.get pc f.(RTL.fn_code) = Some i -> *)
-(* tr_code f.(RTL.fn_code) pc i data control fin rtrn st stk) -> *)
-(* stk_len = Z.to_nat (f.(RTL.fn_stacksize) / 4) -> *)
-(* Z.modulo (f.(RTL.fn_stacksize)) 4 = 0 -> *)
-(* 0 <= f.(RTL.fn_stacksize) < Integers.Ptrofs.modulus -> *)
-(* st = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 1)%positive -> *)
-(* fin = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 2)%positive -> *)
-(* rtrn = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 3)%positive -> *)
-(* stk = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 4)%positive -> *)
-(* start = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 5)%positive -> *)
-(* rst = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 6)%positive -> *)
-(* clk = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 7)%positive -> *)
-(* tr_module f m. *)
-(* Hint Constructors tr_module : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma create_reg_datapath_trans : *)
-(* forall sz s s' x i iop, *)
-(* create_reg iop sz s = OK x s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_datapath) = s'.(st_datapath). *)
-(* Proof. intros. monadInv H. trivial. Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve create_reg_datapath_trans : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma create_reg_controllogic_trans : *)
-(* forall sz s s' x i iop, *)
-(* create_reg iop sz s = OK x s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_controllogic) = s'.(st_controllogic). *)
-(* Proof. intros. monadInv H. trivial. Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve create_reg_controllogic_trans : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma declare_reg_datapath_trans : *)
-(* forall sz s s' x i iop r, *)
-(* declare_reg iop r sz s = OK x s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_datapath) = s'.(st_datapath). *)
-(* Proof. intros. monadInv H. trivial. Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve create_reg_datapath_trans : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma declare_reg_controllogic_trans : *)
-(* forall sz s s' x i iop r, *)
-(* declare_reg iop r sz s = OK x s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_controllogic) = s'.(st_controllogic). *)
-(* Proof. intros. monadInv H. trivial. Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve create_reg_controllogic_trans : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma declare_reg_freshreg_trans : *)
-(* forall sz s s' x i iop r, *)
-(* declare_reg iop r sz s = OK x s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg). *)
-(* Proof. inversion 1; auto. Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve declare_reg_freshreg_trans : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma create_arr_datapath_trans : *)
-(* forall sz ln s s' x i iop, *)
-(* create_arr iop sz ln s = OK x s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_datapath) = s'.(st_datapath). *)
-(* Proof. intros. monadInv H. trivial. Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve create_arr_datapath_trans : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma create_arr_controllogic_trans : *)
-(* forall sz ln s s' x i iop, *)
-(* create_arr iop sz ln s = OK x s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_controllogic) = s'.(st_controllogic). *)
-(* Proof. intros. monadInv H. trivial. Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve create_arr_controllogic_trans : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma get_refl_x : *)
-(* forall s s' x i, *)
-(* get s = OK x s' i -> *)
-(* s = x. *)
-(* Proof. inversion 1. trivial. Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve get_refl_x : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma get_refl_s : *)
-(* forall s s' x i, *)
-(* get s = OK x s' i -> *)
-(* s = s'. *)
-(* Proof. inversion 1. trivial. Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve get_refl_s : htlspec. *)
-(* Ltac inv_incr := *)
-(* repeat match goal with *)
-(* | [ H: create_reg _ _ ?s = OK _ ?s' _ |- _ ] => *)
-(* let H1 := fresh "H" in *)
-(* assert (H1 := H); eapply create_reg_datapath_trans in H; *)
-(* eapply create_reg_controllogic_trans in H1 *)
-(* | [ H: create_arr _ _ _ ?s = OK _ ?s' _ |- _ ] => *)
-(* let H1 := fresh "H" in *)
-(* assert (H1 := H); eapply create_arr_datapath_trans in H; *)
-(* eapply create_arr_controllogic_trans in H1 *)
-(* | [ H: get ?s = OK _ _ _ |- _ ] => *)
-(* let H1 := fresh "H" in *)
-(* assert (H1 := H); apply get_refl_x in H; apply get_refl_s in H1; *)
-(* subst *)
-(* | [ H: st_prop _ _ |- _ ] => unfold st_prop in H; destruct H *)
-(* | [ H: st_incr _ _ |- _ ] => destruct st_incr *)
-(* end. *)
-(* Lemma collect_controllogic_trans : *)
-(* forall A f l cs cs' ci, *)
-(* (forall s s' x i y, f y s = OK x s' i -> s.(st_controllogic) = s'.(st_controllogic)) -> *)
-(* @HTLMonadExtra.collectlist A f l cs = OK tt cs' ci -> cs.(st_controllogic) = cs'.(st_controllogic). *)
-(* Proof. *)
-(* induction l; intros; monadInv H0. *)
-(* - trivial. *)
-(* - apply H in EQ. rewrite EQ. eauto. *)
-(* Qed. *)
-(* Lemma collect_datapath_trans : *)
-(* forall A f l cs cs' ci, *)
-(* (forall s s' x i y, f y s = OK x s' i -> s.(st_datapath) = s'.(st_datapath)) -> *)
-(* @HTLMonadExtra.collectlist A f l cs = OK tt cs' ci -> cs.(st_datapath) = cs'.(st_datapath). *)
-(* Proof. *)
-(* induction l; intros; monadInv H0. *)
-(* - trivial. *)
-(* - apply H in EQ. rewrite EQ. eauto. *)
-(* Qed. *)
-(* Lemma collect_freshreg_trans : *)
-(* forall A f l cs cs' ci, *)
-(* (forall s s' x i y, f y s = OK x s' i -> s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg)) -> *)
-(* @HTLMonadExtra.collectlist A f l cs = OK tt cs' ci -> cs.(st_freshreg) = cs'.(st_freshreg). *)
-(* Proof. *)
-(* induction l; intros; monadInv H0. *)
-(* - trivial. *)
-(* - apply H in EQ. rewrite EQ. eauto. *)
-(* Qed. *)
-(* Lemma collect_declare_controllogic_trans : *)
-(* forall io n l s s' i, *)
-(* HTLMonadExtra.collectlist (fun r : reg => declare_reg io r n) l s = OK tt s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_controllogic) = s'.(st_controllogic). *)
-(* Proof. *)
-(* intros. eapply collect_controllogic_trans; try eassumption. *)
-(* intros. eapply declare_reg_controllogic_trans. simpl in H0. eassumption. *)
-(* Qed. *)
-(* Lemma collect_declare_datapath_trans : *)
-(* forall io n l s s' i, *)
-(* HTLMonadExtra.collectlist (fun r : reg => declare_reg io r n) l s = OK tt s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_datapath) = s'.(st_datapath). *)
-(* Proof. *)
-(* intros. eapply collect_datapath_trans; try eassumption. *)
-(* intros. eapply declare_reg_datapath_trans. simpl in H0. eassumption. *)
-(* Qed. *)
-(* Lemma collect_declare_freshreg_trans : *)
-(* forall io n l s s' i, *)
-(* HTLMonadExtra.collectlist (fun r : reg => declare_reg io r n) l s = OK tt s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg). *)
-(* Proof. *)
-(* intros. eapply collect_freshreg_trans; try eassumption. *)
-(* inversion 1. auto. *)
-(* Qed. *)
-(* Ltac unfold_match H := *)
-(* match type of H with *)
-(* | context[match ?g with _ => _ end] => destruct g eqn:?; try discriminate *)
-(* end. *)
-(* Lemma translate_eff_addressing_freshreg_trans : *)
-(* forall op args s r s' i, *)
-(* translate_eff_addressing op args s = OK r s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg). *)
-(* Proof. *)
-(* destruct op; intros; simpl in *; repeat (unfold_match H); inv H; auto. *)
-(* Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve translate_eff_addressing_freshreg_trans : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma translate_comparison_freshreg_trans : *)
-(* forall op args s r s' i, *)
-(* translate_comparison op args s = OK r s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg). *)
-(* Proof. *)
-(* destruct op; intros; simpl in *; repeat (unfold_match H); inv H; auto. *)
-(* Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve translate_comparison_freshreg_trans : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma translate_comparison_imm_freshreg_trans : *)
-(* forall op args s r s' i n, *)
-(* translate_comparison_imm op args n s = OK r s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg). *)
-(* Proof. *)
-(* destruct op; intros; simpl in *; repeat (unfold_match H); inv H; auto. *)
-(* Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve translate_comparison_imm_freshreg_trans : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma translate_condition_freshreg_trans : *)
-(* forall op args s r s' i, *)
-(* translate_condition op args s = OK r s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg). *)
-(* Proof. *)
-(* destruct op; intros; simpl in *; repeat (unfold_match H); inv H; eauto with htlspec. *)
-(* Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve translate_condition_freshreg_trans : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma translate_instr_freshreg_trans : *)
-(* forall op args s r s' i, *)
-(* translate_instr op args s = OK r s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg). *)
-(* Proof. *)
-(* destruct op; intros; simpl in *; repeat (unfold_match H); inv H; eauto with htlspec. *)
-(* monadInv H1. eauto with htlspec. *)
-(* Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve translate_instr_freshreg_trans : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma translate_arr_access_freshreg_trans : *)
-(* forall mem addr args st s r s' i, *)
-(* translate_arr_access mem addr args st s = OK r s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg). *)
-(* Proof. *)
-(* intros. unfold translate_arr_access in H. repeat (unfold_match H); inv H; eauto with htlspec. *)
-(* Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve translate_arr_access_freshreg_trans : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma add_instr_freshreg_trans : *)
-(* forall n n' st s r s' i, *)
-(* add_instr n n' st s = OK r s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg). *)
-(* Proof. intros. unfold add_instr in H. repeat (unfold_match H). inv H. auto. Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve add_instr_freshreg_trans : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma add_branch_instr_freshreg_trans : *)
-(* forall n n0 n1 e s r s' i, *)
-(* add_branch_instr e n n0 n1 s = OK r s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg). *)
-(* Proof. intros. unfold add_branch_instr in H. repeat (unfold_match H). inv H. auto. Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve add_branch_instr_freshreg_trans : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma add_node_skip_freshreg_trans : *)
-(* forall n1 n2 s r s' i, *)
-(* add_node_skip n1 n2 s = OK r s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg). *)
-(* Proof. intros. unfold add_node_skip in H. repeat (unfold_match H). inv H. auto. Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve add_node_skip_freshreg_trans : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma add_instr_skip_freshreg_trans : *)
-(* forall n1 n2 s r s' i, *)
-(* add_instr_skip n1 n2 s = OK r s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg). *)
-(* Proof. intros. unfold add_instr_skip in H. repeat (unfold_match H). inv H. auto. Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve add_instr_skip_freshreg_trans : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma transf_instr_freshreg_trans : *)
-(* forall fin ret st instr s v s' i, *)
-(* transf_instr fin ret st instr s = OK v s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg). *)
-(* Proof. *)
-(* intros. destruct instr eqn:?. subst. unfold transf_instr in H. *)
-(* destruct i0; try (monadInv H); try (unfold_match H); eauto with htlspec. *)
-(* - apply add_instr_freshreg_trans in EQ2. apply translate_instr_freshreg_trans in EQ. *)
-(* apply declare_reg_freshreg_trans in EQ1. congruence. *)
-(* - apply add_instr_freshreg_trans in EQ2. apply translate_arr_access_freshreg_trans in EQ. *)
-(* apply declare_reg_freshreg_trans in EQ1. congruence. *)
-(* - apply add_instr_freshreg_trans in EQ0. apply translate_arr_access_freshreg_trans in EQ. congruence. *)
-(* - apply translate_condition_freshreg_trans in EQ. apply add_branch_instr_freshreg_trans in EQ0. *)
-(* congruence. *)
-(* - inv EQ. apply add_node_skip_freshreg_trans in EQ0. congruence. *)
-(* Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve transf_instr_freshreg_trans : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma collect_trans_instr_freshreg_trans : *)
-(* forall fin ret st l s s' i, *)
-(* HTLMonadExtra.collectlist (transf_instr fin ret st) l s = OK tt s' i -> *)
-(* s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg). *)
-(* Proof. *)
-(* intros. eapply collect_freshreg_trans; try eassumption. *)
-(* eauto with htlspec. *)
-(* Qed. *)
-(* Ltac rewrite_states := *)
-(* match goal with *)
-(* | [ H: ?x ?s = ?x ?s' |- _ ] => *)
-(* let c1 := fresh "c" in *)
-(* let c2 := fresh "c" in *)
-(* remember (?x ?s) as c1; remember (?x ?s') as c2; try subst *)
-(* end. *)
-(* Ltac inv_add_instr' H := *)
-(* match type of H with *)
-(* | ?f _ _ _ = OK _ _ _ => unfold f in H *)
-(* | ?f _ _ _ _ = OK _ _ _ => unfold f in H *)
-(* | ?f _ _ _ _ _ = OK _ _ _ => unfold f in H *)
-(* end; repeat unfold_match H; inversion H. *)
-(* Ltac inv_add_instr := *)
-(* lazymatch goal with *)
-(* | H: context[add_instr_skip _ _ _] |- _ => *)
-(* inv_add_instr' H *)
-(* | H: context[add_instr_skip _ _] |- _ => *)
-(* monadInv H; inv_incr; inv_add_instr *)
-(* | H: context[add_instr _ _ _ _] |- _ => *)
-(* inv_add_instr' H *)
-(* | H: context[add_instr _ _ _] |- _ => *)
-(* monadInv H; inv_incr; inv_add_instr *)
-(* | H: context[add_branch_instr _ _ _ _ _] |- _ => *)
-(* inv_add_instr' H *)
-(* | H: context[add_branch_instr _ _ _ _] |- _ => *)
-(* monadInv H; inv_incr; inv_add_instr *)
-(* | H: context[add_node_skip _ _ _] |- _ => *)
-(* inv_add_instr' H *)
-(* | H: context[add_node_skip _ _] |- _ => *)
-(* monadInv H; inv_incr; inv_add_instr *)
-(* end. *)
-(* Ltac destruct_optional := *)
-(* match goal with H: option ?r |- _ => destruct H end. *)
-(* Lemma iter_expand_instr_spec : *)
-(* forall l fin rtrn stack s s' i x c, *)
-(* HTLMonadExtra.collectlist (transf_instr fin rtrn stack) l s = OK x s' i -> *)
-(* list_norepet (List.map fst l) -> *)
-(* (forall pc instr, In (pc, instr) l -> c!pc = Some instr) -> *)
-(* (forall pc instr, In (pc, instr) l -> *)
-(* c!pc = Some instr -> *)
-(* tr_code c pc instr s'.(st_datapath) s'.(st_controllogic) fin rtrn s'.(st_st) stack). *)
-(* Proof. *)
-(* induction l; simpl; intros; try contradiction. *)
-(* destruct a as [pc1 instr1]; simpl in *. inv H0. monadInv H. inv_incr. *)
-(* destruct (peq pc pc1). *)
-(* - subst. *)
-(* destruct instr1 eqn:?; try discriminate; *)
-(* try destruct_optional; inv_add_instr; econstructor; try assumption. *)
-(* + destruct o with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence. *)
-(* + destruct o0 with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence. *)
-(* + inversion H2. inversion H9. rewrite H. apply tr_instr_Inop. *)
-(* eapply in_map with (f := fst) in H9. contradiction. *)
-(* + destruct o with pc1; destruct H16; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H14; eauto; congruence. *)
-(* + destruct o0 with pc1; destruct H16; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H14; eauto; congruence. *)
-(* + inversion H2. inversion H14. unfold nonblock. replace (st_st s4) with (st_st s2) by congruence. *)
-(* econstructor. apply EQ1. eapply in_map with (f := fst) in H14. contradiction. *)
-(* + destruct o with pc1; destruct H16; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H14; eauto; congruence. *)
-(* + destruct o0 with pc1; destruct H16; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H14; eauto; congruence. *)
-(* + inversion H2. inversion H14. rewrite <- e2. replace (st_st s2) with (st_st s0) by congruence. *)
-(* econstructor. apply EQ1. eapply in_map with (f := fst) in H14. contradiction. *)
-(* + destruct o with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence. *)
-(* + destruct o0 with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence. *)
-(* + destruct H2. *)
-(* * inversion H2. *)
-(* replace (st_st s2) with (st_st s0) by congruence. *)
-(* eauto with htlspec. *)
-(* * apply in_map with (f := fst) in H2. contradiction. *)
-(* + destruct o with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence. *)
-(* + destruct o0 with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence. *)
-(* + destruct H2. *)
-(* * inversion H2. *)
-(* replace (st_st s2) with (st_st s0) by congruence. *)
-(* eauto with htlspec. *)
-(* * apply in_map with (f := fst) in H2. contradiction. *)
-(* + destruct o with pc1; destruct H16; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H14; eauto; congruence. *)
-(* + destruct o0 with pc1; destruct H16; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H14; eauto; congruence. *)
-(* + inversion H2. *)
-(* * inversion H14. constructor. congruence. *)
-(* * apply in_map with (f := fst) in H14. contradiction. *)
-(* + destruct o with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence. *)
-(* + destruct o0 with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence. *)
-(* + inversion H2. *)
-(* * inversion H9. *)
-(* replace (st_st s2) with (st_st s0) by congruence. *)
-(* eauto with htlspec. *)
-(* * apply in_map with (f := fst) in H9. contradiction. *)
-(* + destruct o with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence. *)
-(* + destruct o0 with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence. *)
-(* + inversion H2. *)
-(* * inversion H9. *)
-(* replace (st_st s2) with (st_st s0) by congruence. *)
-(* eauto with htlspec. *)
-(* * apply in_map with (f := fst) in H9. contradiction. *)
-(* - eapply IHl. apply EQ0. assumption. *)
-(* destruct H2. inversion H2. subst. contradiction. *)
-(* intros. specialize H1 with pc0 instr0. destruct H1. tauto. trivial. *)
-(* destruct H2. inv H2. contradiction. assumption. assumption. *)
-(* Qed. *)
-(* Hint Resolve iter_expand_instr_spec : htlspec. *)
-(* Lemma create_arr_inv : forall w x y z a b c d, *)
-(* create_arr w x y z = OK (a, b) c d -> *)
-(* y = b /\ a = z.(st_freshreg) /\ c.(st_freshreg) = Pos.succ (z.(st_freshreg)). *)
-(* Proof. *)
-(* inversion 1; split; auto. *)
-(* Qed. *)
-(* Lemma create_reg_inv : forall a b s r s' i, *)
-(* create_reg a b s = OK r s' i -> *)
-(* r = s.(st_freshreg) /\ s'.(st_freshreg) = Pos.succ (s.(st_freshreg)). *)
-(* Proof. *)
-(* inversion 1; auto. *)
-(* Qed. *)
-(* Theorem transl_module_correct : *)
-(* forall f m, *)
-(* transl_module f = Errors.OK m -> tr_module f m. *)
-(* Proof. *)
-(* intros until m. *)
-(* unfold transl_module. *)
-(* unfold run_mon. *)
-(* destruct (transf_module f (max_state f)) eqn:?; try discriminate. *)
-(* intros. inv H. *)
-(* inversion s; subst. *)
-(* unfold transf_module in *. *)
-(* unfold stack_correct in *. *)
-(* destruct (0 <=? RTL.fn_stacksize f) eqn:STACK_BOUND_LOW; *)
-(* destruct (RTL.fn_stacksize f <? Integers.Ptrofs.modulus) eqn:STACK_BOUND_HIGH; *)
-(* destruct (RTL.fn_stacksize f mod 4 =? 0) eqn:STACK_ALIGN; *)
-(* crush; *)
-(* monadInv Heqr. *)
-(* repeat unfold_match EQ9. monadInv EQ9. *)
-(* (* TODO: We should be able to fold this into the automation. *) *)
-(* pose proof (create_arr_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ0) as STK_LEN. inv STK_LEN. inv H5. *)
-(* pose proof (create_reg_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ) as FIN_VAL. inv FIN_VAL. *)
-(* pose proof (create_reg_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ1) as RET_VAL. inv RET_VAL. *)
-(* destruct x3. destruct x4. *)
-(* pose proof (collect_trans_instr_freshreg_trans _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ2) as TR_INSTR. *)
-(* pose proof (collect_declare_freshreg_trans _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ3) as TR_DEC. *)
-(* pose proof (create_reg_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ4) as START_VAL. inv START_VAL. *)
-(* pose proof (create_reg_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ5) as RESET_VAL. inv RESET_VAL. *)
-(* pose proof (create_reg_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ6) as CLK_VAL. inv CLK_VAL. *)
-(* rewrite H9 in *. rewrite H8 in *. replace (st_freshreg s4) with (st_freshreg s2) in * by congruence. *)
-(* rewrite H6 in *. rewrite H7 in *. rewrite H5 in *. simpl in *. *)
-(* inv_incr. *)
-(* econstructor; simpl; auto; try lia. *)
-(* intros. *)
-(* assert (EQ3D := EQ3). *)
-(* apply collect_declare_datapath_trans in EQ3. *)
-(* apply collect_declare_controllogic_trans in EQ3D. *)
-(* replace (st_controllogic s10) with (st_controllogic s3) by congruence. *)
-(* replace (st_datapath s10) with (st_datapath s3) by congruence. *)
-(* replace (st_st s10) with (st_st s3) by congruence. *)
-(* eapply iter_expand_instr_spec; eauto with htlspec. *)
-(* apply PTree.elements_complete. *)
-(* Qed. *)
+Inductive tr_code (c : RTL.code) (pc : RTL.node) (i : RTL.instruction) (stmnts trans : PTree.t stmnt)
+ (fin rtrn st stk : reg) : Prop :=
+ tr_code_intro :
+ forall s t,
+ c!pc = Some i ->
+ stmnts!pc = Some s ->
+ trans!pc = Some t ->
+ tr_instr fin rtrn st stk i s t ->
+ tr_code c pc i stmnts trans fin rtrn st stk.
+Hint Constructors tr_code : htlspec.
+Inductive tr_module (f : RTL.function) : module -> Prop :=
+ tr_module_intro :
+ forall data control fin rtrn st stk stk_len m start rst clk scldecls arrdecls wf,
+ m = (mkmodule f.(RTL.fn_params)
+ data
+ control
+ f.(RTL.fn_entrypoint)
+ st stk stk_len fin rtrn start rst clk scldecls arrdecls wf) ->
+ (forall pc i, Maps.PTree.get pc f.(RTL.fn_code) = Some i ->
+ tr_code f.(RTL.fn_code) pc i data control fin rtrn st stk) ->
+ stk_len = Z.to_nat f.(RTL.fn_stacksize) ->
+ Z.modulo (f.(RTL.fn_stacksize)) 4 = 0 ->
+ 0 <= f.(RTL.fn_stacksize) < Integers.Ptrofs.modulus ->
+ st = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 1)%positive ->
+ fin = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 2)%positive ->
+ rtrn = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 3)%positive ->
+ stk = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 4)%positive ->
+ start = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 5)%positive ->
+ rst = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 6)%positive ->
+ clk = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 7)%positive ->
+ tr_module f m.
+Hint Constructors tr_module : htlspec.
+Lemma create_reg_datapath_trans :
+ forall sz s s' x i iop,
+ create_reg iop sz s = OK x s' i ->
+ s.(st_datapath) = s'.(st_datapath).
+Proof. intros. monadInv H. trivial. Qed.
+Hint Resolve create_reg_datapath_trans : htlspec.
+Lemma create_reg_controllogic_trans :
+ forall sz s s' x i iop,
+ create_reg iop sz s = OK x s' i ->
+ s.(st_controllogic) = s'.(st_controllogic).
+Proof. intros. monadInv H. trivial. Qed.
+Hint Resolve create_reg_controllogic_trans : htlspec.
+Lemma declare_reg_datapath_trans :
+ forall sz s s' x i iop r,
+ declare_reg iop r sz s = OK x s' i ->
+ s.(st_datapath) = s'.(st_datapath).
+Proof. intros. monadInv H. trivial. Qed.
+Hint Resolve create_reg_datapath_trans : htlspec.
+Lemma declare_reg_controllogic_trans :
+ forall sz s s' x i iop r,
+ declare_reg iop r sz s = OK x s' i ->
+ s.(st_controllogic) = s'.(st_controllogic).
+Proof. intros. monadInv H. trivial. Qed.
+Hint Resolve create_reg_controllogic_trans : htlspec.
+Lemma declare_reg_freshreg_trans :
+ forall sz s s' x i iop r,
+ declare_reg iop r sz s = OK x s' i ->
+ s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg).
+Proof. inversion 1; auto. Qed.
+Hint Resolve declare_reg_freshreg_trans : htlspec.
+Lemma create_arr_datapath_trans :
+ forall sz ln s s' x i iop,
+ create_arr iop sz ln s = OK x s' i ->
+ s.(st_datapath) = s'.(st_datapath).
+Proof. intros. monadInv H. trivial. Qed.
+Hint Resolve create_arr_datapath_trans : htlspec.
+Lemma create_arr_controllogic_trans :
+ forall sz ln s s' x i iop,
+ create_arr iop sz ln s = OK x s' i ->
+ s.(st_controllogic) = s'.(st_controllogic).
+Proof. intros. monadInv H. trivial. Qed.
+Hint Resolve create_arr_controllogic_trans : htlspec.
+Lemma get_refl_x :
+ forall s s' x i,
+ get s = OK x s' i ->
+ s = x.
+Proof. inversion 1. trivial. Qed.
+Hint Resolve get_refl_x : htlspec.
+Lemma get_refl_s :
+ forall s s' x i,
+ get s = OK x s' i ->
+ s = s'.
+Proof. inversion 1. trivial. Qed.
+Hint Resolve get_refl_s : htlspec.
+Ltac inv_incr :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H: create_reg _ _ ?s = OK _ ?s' _ |- _ ] =>
+ let H1 := fresh "H" in
+ assert (H1 := H); eapply create_reg_datapath_trans in H;
+ eapply create_reg_controllogic_trans in H1
+ | [ H: create_arr _ _ _ ?s = OK _ ?s' _ |- _ ] =>
+ let H1 := fresh "H" in
+ assert (H1 := H); eapply create_arr_datapath_trans in H;
+ eapply create_arr_controllogic_trans in H1
+ | [ H: get ?s = OK _ _ _ |- _ ] =>
+ let H1 := fresh "H" in
+ assert (H1 := H); apply get_refl_x in H; apply get_refl_s in H1;
+ subst
+ | [ H: st_prop _ _ |- _ ] => unfold st_prop in H; destruct H
+ | [ H: st_incr _ _ |- _ ] => destruct st_incr
+ end.
+Lemma collect_controllogic_trans :
+ forall A f l cs cs' ci,
+ (forall s s' x i y, f y s = OK x s' i -> s.(st_controllogic) = s'.(st_controllogic)) ->
+ @HTLMonadExtra.collectlist A f l cs = OK tt cs' ci -> cs.(st_controllogic) = cs'.(st_controllogic).
+ induction l; intros; monadInv H0.
+ - trivial.
+ - apply H in EQ. rewrite EQ. eauto.
+Lemma collect_datapath_trans :
+ forall A f l cs cs' ci,
+ (forall s s' x i y, f y s = OK x s' i -> s.(st_datapath) = s'.(st_datapath)) ->
+ @HTLMonadExtra.collectlist A f l cs = OK tt cs' ci -> cs.(st_datapath) = cs'.(st_datapath).
+ induction l; intros; monadInv H0.
+ - trivial.
+ - apply H in EQ. rewrite EQ. eauto.
+Lemma collect_freshreg_trans :
+ forall A f l cs cs' ci,
+ (forall s s' x i y, f y s = OK x s' i -> s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg)) ->
+ @HTLMonadExtra.collectlist A f l cs = OK tt cs' ci -> cs.(st_freshreg) = cs'.(st_freshreg).
+ induction l; intros; monadInv H0.
+ - trivial.
+ - apply H in EQ. rewrite EQ. eauto.
+Lemma collect_declare_controllogic_trans :
+ forall io n l s s' i,
+ HTLMonadExtra.collectlist (fun r : reg => declare_reg io r n) l s = OK tt s' i ->
+ s.(st_controllogic) = s'.(st_controllogic).
+ intros. eapply collect_controllogic_trans; try eassumption.
+ intros. eapply declare_reg_controllogic_trans. simpl in H0. eassumption.
+Lemma collect_declare_datapath_trans :
+ forall io n l s s' i,
+ HTLMonadExtra.collectlist (fun r : reg => declare_reg io r n) l s = OK tt s' i ->
+ s.(st_datapath) = s'.(st_datapath).
+ intros. eapply collect_datapath_trans; try eassumption.
+ intros. eapply declare_reg_datapath_trans. simpl in H0. eassumption.
+Lemma collect_declare_freshreg_trans :
+ forall io n l s s' i,
+ HTLMonadExtra.collectlist (fun r : reg => declare_reg io r n) l s = OK tt s' i ->
+ s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg).
+ intros. eapply collect_freshreg_trans; try eassumption.
+ inversion 1. auto.
+Ltac unfold_match H :=
+ match type of H with
+ | context[match ?g with _ => _ end] => destruct g eqn:?; try discriminate
+ end.
+Lemma translate_eff_addressing_freshreg_trans :
+ forall op args s r s' i,
+ translate_eff_addressing op args s = OK r s' i ->
+ s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg).
+ destruct op; intros; simpl in *; repeat (unfold_match H); inv H; auto.
+Hint Resolve translate_eff_addressing_freshreg_trans : htlspec.
+Lemma translate_comparison_freshreg_trans :
+ forall op args s r s' i,
+ translate_comparison op args s = OK r s' i ->
+ s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg).
+ destruct op; intros; simpl in *; repeat (unfold_match H); inv H; auto.
+Hint Resolve translate_comparison_freshreg_trans : htlspec.
+Lemma translate_comparison_imm_freshreg_trans :
+ forall op args s r s' i n,
+ translate_comparison_imm op args n s = OK r s' i ->
+ s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg).
+ destruct op; intros; simpl in *; repeat (unfold_match H); inv H; auto.
+Hint Resolve translate_comparison_imm_freshreg_trans : htlspec.
+Lemma translate_condition_freshreg_trans :
+ forall op args s r s' i,
+ translate_condition op args s = OK r s' i ->
+ s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg).
+ destruct op; intros; simpl in *; repeat (unfold_match H); inv H; eauto with htlspec.
+Hint Resolve translate_condition_freshreg_trans : htlspec.
+Lemma translate_instr_freshreg_trans :
+ forall op args s r s' i,
+ translate_instr op args s = OK r s' i ->
+ s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg).
+ destruct op; intros; simpl in *; repeat (unfold_match H); inv H; eauto with htlspec.
+ monadInv H1. eauto with htlspec.
+Hint Resolve translate_instr_freshreg_trans : htlspec.
+Lemma add_instr_freshreg_trans :
+ forall n n' st s r s' i,
+ add_instr n n' st s = OK r s' i ->
+ s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg).
+Proof. intros. unfold add_instr in H. repeat (unfold_match H). inv H. auto. Qed.
+Hint Resolve add_instr_freshreg_trans : htlspec.
+Lemma add_branch_instr_freshreg_trans :
+ forall n n0 n1 e s r s' i,
+ add_branch_instr e n n0 n1 s = OK r s' i ->
+ s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg).
+Proof. intros. unfold add_branch_instr in H. repeat (unfold_match H). inv H. auto. Qed.
+Hint Resolve add_branch_instr_freshreg_trans : htlspec.
+Lemma add_node_skip_freshreg_trans :
+ forall n1 n2 s r s' i,
+ add_node_skip n1 n2 s = OK r s' i ->
+ s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg).
+Proof. intros. unfold add_node_skip in H. repeat (unfold_match H). inv H. auto. Qed.
+Hint Resolve add_node_skip_freshreg_trans : htlspec.
+Lemma add_instr_skip_freshreg_trans :
+ forall n1 n2 s r s' i,
+ add_instr_skip n1 n2 s = OK r s' i ->
+ s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg).
+Proof. intros. unfold add_instr_skip in H. repeat (unfold_match H). inv H. auto. Qed.
+Hint Resolve add_instr_skip_freshreg_trans : htlspec.
+Lemma transf_instr_freshreg_trans :
+ forall fin ret st instr s v s' i,
+ transf_instr fin ret st instr s = OK v s' i ->
+ s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg).
+ intros. destruct instr eqn:?. subst. unfold transf_instr in H.
+ destruct i0; try (monadInv H); try (unfold_match H); eauto with htlspec.
+ - apply add_instr_freshreg_trans in EQ2. apply translate_instr_freshreg_trans in EQ.
+ apply declare_reg_freshreg_trans in EQ1. congruence.
+ - apply add_instr_freshreg_trans in EQ2. apply translate_eff_addressing_freshreg_trans in EQ.
+ apply declare_reg_freshreg_trans in EQ1. congruence.
+ - apply add_instr_freshreg_trans in EQ0. apply translate_eff_addressing_freshreg_trans in EQ.
+ congruence.
+ - apply translate_condition_freshreg_trans in EQ. apply add_branch_instr_freshreg_trans in EQ0.
+ congruence.
+ - inv EQ. apply add_node_skip_freshreg_trans in EQ0. congruence.
+Hint Resolve transf_instr_freshreg_trans : htlspec.
+Lemma collect_trans_instr_freshreg_trans :
+ forall fin ret st l s s' i,
+ HTLMonadExtra.collectlist (transf_instr fin ret st) l s = OK tt s' i ->
+ s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg).
+ intros. eapply collect_freshreg_trans; try eassumption.
+ eauto with htlspec.
+Ltac rewrite_states :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ H: ?x ?s = ?x ?s' |- _ ] =>
+ let c1 := fresh "c" in
+ let c2 := fresh "c" in
+ remember (?x ?s) as c1; remember (?x ?s') as c2; try subst
+ end.
+Ltac inv_add_instr' H :=
+ match type of H with
+ | ?f _ _ _ = OK _ _ _ => unfold f in H
+ | ?f _ _ _ _ = OK _ _ _ => unfold f in H
+ | ?f _ _ _ _ _ = OK _ _ _ => unfold f in H
+ end; repeat unfold_match H; inversion H.
+Ltac inv_add_instr :=
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | H: context[add_instr_skip _ _ _] |- _ =>
+ inv_add_instr' H
+ | H: context[add_instr_skip _ _] |- _ =>
+ monadInv H; inv_incr; inv_add_instr
+ | H: context[add_instr _ _ _ _] |- _ =>
+ inv_add_instr' H
+ | H: context[add_instr _ _ _] |- _ =>
+ monadInv H; inv_incr; inv_add_instr
+ | H: context[add_branch_instr _ _ _ _ _] |- _ =>
+ inv_add_instr' H
+ | H: context[add_branch_instr _ _ _ _] |- _ =>
+ monadInv H; inv_incr; inv_add_instr
+ | H: context[add_node_skip _ _ _] |- _ =>
+ inv_add_instr' H
+ | H: context[add_node_skip _ _] |- _ =>
+ monadInv H; inv_incr; inv_add_instr
+ end.
+Ltac destruct_optional :=
+ match goal with H: option ?r |- _ => destruct H end.
+Lemma iter_expand_instr_spec :
+ forall l fin rtrn stack s s' i x c,
+ HTLMonadExtra.collectlist (transf_instr fin rtrn stack) l s = OK x s' i ->
+ list_norepet (List.map fst l) ->
+ (forall pc instr, In (pc, instr) l -> c!pc = Some instr) ->
+ (forall pc instr, In (pc, instr) l ->
+ c!pc = Some instr ->
+ tr_code c pc instr s'.(st_datapath) s'.(st_controllogic) fin rtrn s'.(st_st) stack).
+ induction l; simpl; intros; try contradiction.
+ destruct a as [pc1 instr1]; simpl in *. inv H0. monadInv H. inv_incr.
+ destruct (peq pc pc1).
+ - subst.
+ destruct instr1 eqn:?; try discriminate;
+ try destruct_optional; inv_add_instr; econstructor; try assumption.
+ + destruct o with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence.
+ + destruct o0 with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence.
+ + inversion H2. inversion H9. rewrite H. apply tr_instr_Inop.
+ eapply in_map with (f := fst) in H9. contradiction.
+ + destruct o with pc1; destruct H16; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H14; eauto; congruence.
+ + destruct o0 with pc1; destruct H16; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H14; eauto; congruence.
+ + inversion H2. inversion H14. unfold nonblock. replace (st_st s4) with (st_st s2) by congruence.
+ econstructor. apply EQ1. eapply in_map with (f := fst) in H14. contradiction.
+ + destruct o with pc1; destruct H16; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H14; eauto; congruence.
+ + destruct o0 with pc1; destruct H16; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H14; eauto; congruence.
+ + inversion H2. inversion H14. rewrite <- e2. replace (st_st s2) with (st_st s0) by congruence.
+ econstructor. apply EQ1. eapply in_map with (f := fst) in H14. contradiction.
+ + destruct o with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence.
+ + destruct o0 with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence.
+ + destruct H2.
+ * inversion H2.
+ replace (st_st s2) with (st_st s0) by congruence.
+ eauto with htlspec.
+ * apply in_map with (f := fst) in H2. contradiction.
+ + destruct o with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence.
+ + destruct o0 with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence.
+ + destruct H2.
+ * inversion H2.
+ replace (st_st s2) with (st_st s0) by congruence.
+ eauto with htlspec.
+ * apply in_map with (f := fst) in H2. contradiction.
+ + destruct o with pc1; destruct H16; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H14; eauto; congruence.
+ + destruct o0 with pc1; destruct H16; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H14; eauto; congruence.
+ + inversion H2.
+ * inversion H14. constructor. congruence.
+ * apply in_map with (f := fst) in H14. contradiction.
+ + destruct o with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence.
+ + destruct o0 with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence.
+ + inversion H2.
+ * inversion H9.
+ replace (st_st s2) with (st_st s0) by congruence.
+ eauto with htlspec.
+ * apply in_map with (f := fst) in H9. contradiction.
+ + destruct o with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence.
+ + destruct o0 with pc1; destruct H11; simpl in *; rewrite AssocMap.gss in H9; eauto; congruence.
+ + inversion H2.
+ * inversion H9.
+ replace (st_st s2) with (st_st s0) by congruence.
+ eauto with htlspec.
+ * apply in_map with (f := fst) in H9. contradiction.
+ - eapply IHl. apply EQ0. assumption.
+ destruct H2. inversion H2. subst. contradiction.
+ intros. specialize H1 with pc0 instr0. destruct H1. tauto. trivial.
+ destruct H2. inv H2. contradiction. assumption. assumption.
+Hint Resolve iter_expand_instr_spec : htlspec.
+Lemma create_arr_inv : forall w x y z a b c d,
+ create_arr w x y z = OK (a, b) c d ->
+ y = b /\ a = z.(st_freshreg) /\ c.(st_freshreg) = Pos.succ (z.(st_freshreg)).
+ inversion 1; split; auto.
+Lemma create_reg_inv : forall a b s r s' i,
+ create_reg a b s = OK r s' i ->
+ r = s.(st_freshreg) /\ s'.(st_freshreg) = Pos.succ (s.(st_freshreg)).
+ inversion 1; auto.
+Theorem transl_module_correct :
+ forall f m,
+ transl_module f = Errors.OK m -> tr_module f m.
+ intros until m.
+ unfold transl_module.
+ unfold run_mon.
+ destruct (transf_module f (max_state f)) eqn:?; try discriminate.
+ intros. inv H.
+ inversion s; subst.
+ unfold transf_module in *.
+ unfold stack_correct in *.
+ destruct (0 <=? RTL.fn_stacksize f) eqn:STACK_BOUND_LOW;
+ destruct (RTL.fn_stacksize f <? Integers.Ptrofs.modulus) eqn:STACK_BOUND_HIGH;
+ destruct (RTL.fn_stacksize f mod 4 =? 0) eqn:STACK_ALIGN;
+ crush;
+ monadInv Heqr.
+ repeat unfold_match EQ9. monadInv EQ9.
+ (* TODO: We should be able to fold this into the automation. *)
+ pose proof (create_arr_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ0) as STK_LEN. inv STK_LEN. inv H5.
+ pose proof (create_reg_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ) as FIN_VAL. inv FIN_VAL.
+ pose proof (create_reg_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ1) as RET_VAL. inv RET_VAL.
+ destruct x3. destruct x4.
+ pose proof (collect_trans_instr_freshreg_trans _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ2) as TR_INSTR.
+ pose proof (collect_declare_freshreg_trans _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ3) as TR_DEC.
+ pose proof (create_reg_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ4) as START_VAL. inv START_VAL.
+ pose proof (create_reg_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ5) as RESET_VAL. inv RESET_VAL.
+ pose proof (create_reg_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ6) as CLK_VAL. inv CLK_VAL.
+ rewrite H9 in *. rewrite H8 in *. replace (st_freshreg s4) with (st_freshreg s2) in * by congruence.
+ rewrite H6 in *. rewrite H7 in *. rewrite H5 in *. simpl in *.
+ inv_incr.
+ econstructor; simpl; auto; try lia.
+ intros.
+ assert (EQ3D := EQ3).
+ apply collect_declare_datapath_trans in EQ3.
+ apply collect_declare_controllogic_trans in EQ3D.
+ replace (st_controllogic s10) with (st_controllogic s3) by congruence.
+ replace (st_datapath s10) with (st_datapath s3) by congruence.
+ replace (st_st s10) with (st_st s3) by congruence.
+ eapply iter_expand_instr_spec; eauto with htlspec.
+ apply PTree.elements_complete.