path: root/src/hls/Schedule.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/hls/Schedule.ml')
1 files changed, 610 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/hls/Schedule.ml b/src/hls/Schedule.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..982aa0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hls/Schedule.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+ * Vericert: Verified high-level synthesis.
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Yann Herklotz <yann@yannherklotz.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *)
+open Printf
+open Clflags
+open Camlcoq
+open Datatypes
+open Coqlib
+open Maps
+open AST
+open Kildall
+open Op
+open RTLBlock
+open HTL
+open Verilog
+open HTLgen
+open HTLMonad
+open HTLMonadExtra
+module IMap = Map.Make (struct
+ type t = int
+ let compare = compare
+type dfg = { nodes : instruction list; edges : (int * int) list }
+(** The DFG type defines a list of instructions with their data dependencies as [edges], which are
+ the pairs of integers that represent the index of the instruction in the [nodes]. The edges
+ always point from left to right. *)
+let print_list f out_chan a =
+ fprintf out_chan "[ ";
+ List.iter (fprintf out_chan "%a " f) a;
+ fprintf out_chan "]"
+let print_tuple out_chan a =
+ let l, r = a in
+ fprintf out_chan "(%d,%d)" l r
+let print_dfg out_chan dfg =
+ fprintf out_chan "{ nodes = %a, edges = %a }"
+ (print_list PrintRTLBlock.print_bblock_body)
+ dfg.nodes (print_list print_tuple) dfg.edges
+let read_process command =
+ let buffer_size = 2048 in
+ let buffer = Buffer.create buffer_size in
+ let string = Bytes.create buffer_size in
+ let in_channel = Unix.open_process_in command in
+ let chars_read = ref 1 in
+ while !chars_read <> 0 do
+ chars_read := input in_channel string 0 buffer_size;
+ Buffer.add_substring buffer (Bytes.to_string string) 0 !chars_read
+ done;
+ ignore (Unix.close_process_in in_channel);
+ Buffer.contents buffer
+(** Add a dependency if it uses a register that was written to previously. *)
+let add_dep i tree deps curr =
+ match PTree.get curr tree with None -> deps | Some ip -> (ip, i) :: deps
+(** This function calculates the dependencies of each instruction. The nodes correspond to previous
+ register that were allocated and show which instruction caused it.
+ This function only gathers the RAW constraints, and will therefore only be active for operations
+ that modify registers, which is this case only affects loads and operations. *)
+let accumulate_RAW_deps dfg curr =
+ let i, dst_map, { edges; nodes } = dfg in
+ let acc_dep_instruction rs dst =
+ ( i + 1,
+ PTree.set dst i dst_map,
+ {
+ nodes;
+ edges = List.append (List.fold_left (add_dep i dst_map) [] rs) edges;
+ } )
+ in
+ let acc_dep_instruction_nodst rs =
+ ( i + 1,
+ dst_map,
+ {
+ nodes;
+ edges = List.append (List.fold_left (add_dep i dst_map) [] rs) edges;
+ } )
+ in
+ match curr with
+ | RBop (_, rs, dst) -> acc_dep_instruction rs dst
+ | RBload (_mem, _addr, rs, dst) -> acc_dep_instruction rs dst
+ | RBstore (_mem, _addr, rs, src) -> acc_dep_instruction_nodst (src :: rs)
+ | _ -> (i + 1, dst_map, { edges; nodes })
+(** Finds the next write to the [dst] register. This is a small optimisation so that only one
+ dependency is generated for a data dependency. *)
+let rec find_next_dst_write i dst i' curr =
+ let check_dst dst' curr' =
+ if dst = dst' then Some (i, i')
+ else find_next_dst_write i dst (i' + 1) curr'
+ in
+ match curr with
+ | [] -> None
+ | RBop (_, _, dst') :: curr' -> check_dst dst' curr'
+ | RBload (_, _, _, dst') :: curr' -> check_dst dst' curr'
+ | _ :: curr' -> find_next_dst_write i dst (i' + 1) curr'
+let rec find_all_next_dst_read i dst i' curr =
+ let check_dst rs curr' =
+ if List.exists (fun x -> x = dst) rs
+ then (i, i') :: find_all_next_dst_read i dst (i' + 1) curr'
+ else find_all_next_dst_read i dst (i' + 1) curr'
+ in
+ match curr with
+ | [] -> []
+ | RBop (_, rs, _) :: curr' -> check_dst rs curr'
+ | RBload (_, _, rs, _) :: curr' -> check_dst rs curr'
+ | RBstore (_, _, rs, src) :: curr' -> check_dst (src :: rs) curr'
+ | RBnop :: curr' -> find_all_next_dst_read i dst (i' + 1) curr'
+let drop i lst =
+ let rec drop' i' lst' =
+ match lst' with
+ | _ :: ls -> if i' = i then ls else drop' (i' + 1) ls
+ | [] -> []
+ in
+ if i = 0 then lst else drop' 1 lst
+let take i lst =
+ let rec take' i' lst' =
+ match lst' with
+ | l :: ls -> if i' = i then [ l ] else l :: take' (i' + 1) ls
+ | [] -> []
+ in
+ if i = 0 then [] else take' 1 lst
+let rec next_store i = function
+ | [] -> None
+ | RBstore (_, _, _, _) :: _ -> Some i
+ | _ :: rst -> next_store (i + 1) rst
+let rec next_load i = function
+ | [] -> None
+ | RBload (_, _, _, _) :: _ -> Some i
+ | _ :: rst -> next_load (i + 1) rst
+let accumulate_RAW_mem_deps dfg curr =
+ let i, { nodes; edges } = dfg in
+ match curr with
+ | RBload (_, _, _, _) -> (
+ match next_store 0 (take i nodes |> List.rev) with
+ | None -> (i + 1, { nodes; edges })
+ | Some d -> (i + 1, { nodes; edges = (i - d - 1, i) :: edges }) )
+ | _ -> (i + 1, { nodes; edges })
+let accumulate_WAR_mem_deps dfg curr =
+ let i, { nodes; edges } = dfg in
+ match curr with
+ | RBstore (_, _, _, _) -> (
+ match next_load 0 (take i nodes |> List.rev) with
+ | None -> (i + 1, { nodes; edges })
+ | Some d -> (i + 1, { nodes; edges = (i - d - 1, i) :: edges }) )
+ | _ -> (i + 1, { nodes; edges })
+let accumulate_WAW_mem_deps dfg curr =
+ let i, { nodes; edges } = dfg in
+ match curr with
+ | RBstore (_, _, _, _) -> (
+ match next_store 0 (take i nodes |> List.rev) with
+ | None -> (i + 1, { nodes; edges })
+ | Some d -> (i + 1, { nodes; edges = (i - d - 1, i) :: edges }) )
+ | _ -> (i + 1, { nodes; edges })
+(** This function calculates the WAW dependencies, which happen when two writes are ordered one
+ after another and therefore have to be kept in that order. This accumulation might be redundant
+ if register renaming is done before hand, because then these dependencies can be avoided. *)
+let accumulate_WAW_deps dfg curr =
+ let i, { edges; nodes } = dfg in
+ let dst_dep dst =
+ match find_next_dst_write i dst (i + 1) (drop (i + 1) nodes) with
+ | Some d -> (i + 1, { nodes; edges = d :: edges })
+ | _ -> (i + 1, { nodes; edges })
+ in
+ match curr with
+ | RBop (_, _, dst) -> dst_dep dst
+ | RBload (_, _, _, dst) -> dst_dep dst
+ | RBstore (_, _, _, _) -> (
+ match next_store (i + 1) (drop (i + 1) nodes) with
+ | None -> (i + 1, { nodes; edges })
+ | Some i' -> (i + 1, { nodes; edges = (i, i') :: edges }) )
+ | _ -> (i + 1, { nodes; edges })
+let accumulate_WAR_deps dfg curr =
+ let i, { edges; nodes } = dfg in
+ let dst_dep dst =
+ let dep_list = find_all_next_dst_read i dst 0 (take i nodes |> List.rev)
+ |> List.map (function (d, d') -> (i - d' - 1, d))
+ in
+ (i + 1, { nodes; edges = List.append dep_list edges })
+ in
+ match curr with
+ | RBop (_, _, dst) -> dst_dep dst
+ | RBload (_, _, _, dst) -> dst_dep dst
+ | _ -> (i + 1, { nodes; edges })
+let assigned_vars vars = function
+ | RBnop -> vars
+ | RBop (_, _, dst) -> dst :: vars
+ | RBload (_, _, _, dst) -> dst :: vars
+ | RBstore (_, _, _, _) -> vars
+(** All the nodes in the DFG have to come after the source of the basic block, and should terminate
+ before the sink of the basic block. After that, there should be constraints for data
+ dependencies between nodes. *)
+let gather_bb_constraints debug bb =
+ let _, _, dfg =
+ List.fold_left accumulate_RAW_deps
+ (0, PTree.empty, { nodes = bb.bb_body; edges = [] })
+ bb.bb_body
+ in
+ if debug then printf "DFG : %a\n" print_dfg dfg else ();
+ let _, dfg' = List.fold_left accumulate_WAW_deps (0, dfg) bb.bb_body in
+ if debug then printf "DFG': %a\n" print_dfg dfg' else ();
+ let _, dfg'' = List.fold_left accumulate_WAR_deps (0, dfg') bb.bb_body in
+ if debug then printf "DFG'': %a\n" print_dfg dfg'' else ();
+ let _, dfg''' =
+ List.fold_left accumulate_RAW_mem_deps (0, dfg'') bb.bb_body
+ in
+ if debug then printf "DFG''': %a\n" print_dfg dfg''' else ();
+ let _, dfg'''' =
+ List.fold_left accumulate_WAR_mem_deps (0, dfg''') bb.bb_body
+ in
+ if debug then printf "DFG'''': %a\n" print_dfg dfg'''' else ();
+ let _, dfg''''' =
+ List.fold_left accumulate_WAW_mem_deps (0, dfg'''') bb.bb_body
+ in
+ if debug then printf "DFG''''': %a\n" print_dfg dfg''''' else ();
+ match bb.bb_exit with
+ | None -> assert false
+ | Some e -> (List.length bb.bb_body, dfg''''', successors_instr e)
+let gen_bb_name s i = sprintf "bb%d%s" (P.to_int i) s
+let gen_bb_name_ssrc = gen_bb_name "ssrc"
+let gen_bb_name_ssnk = gen_bb_name "ssnk"
+let gen_var_name s c i = sprintf "v%d%s_%d" (P.to_int i) s c
+let gen_var_name_b = gen_var_name "b"
+let gen_var_name_e = gen_var_name "e"
+let print_lt0 = sprintf "%s - %s <= 0;\n"
+let print_bb_order i c = if P.to_int c < P.to_int i then
+ print_lt0 (gen_bb_name_ssnk i) (gen_bb_name_ssrc c) else
+ ""
+let print_src_order i c =
+ print_lt0 (gen_bb_name_ssrc i) (gen_var_name_b c i)
+ ^ print_lt0 (gen_var_name_e c i) (gen_bb_name_ssnk i)
+ ^ sprintf "%s - %s = 1;\n" (gen_var_name_e c i) (gen_var_name_b c i)
+let print_src_type i c =
+ sprintf "int %s;\n" (gen_var_name_e c i)
+ ^ sprintf "int %s;\n" (gen_var_name_b c i)
+let print_data_dep_order c (i, j) =
+ print_lt0 (gen_var_name_e i c) (gen_var_name_b j c)
+let rec gather_cfg_constraints (completed, (bvars, constraints, types)) c curr =
+ if List.exists (fun x -> P.eq x curr) completed then
+ (completed, (bvars, constraints, types))
+ else
+ match PTree.get curr c with
+ | None -> assert false
+ | Some (num_iters, dfg, next) ->
+ let constraints' =
+ constraints
+ ^ String.concat "" (List.map (print_bb_order curr) next)
+ ^ String.concat ""
+ (List.map (print_src_order curr)
+ (List.init num_iters (fun x -> x)))
+ ^ String.concat "" (List.map (print_data_dep_order curr) dfg.edges)
+ in
+ let types' =
+ types
+ ^ String.concat ""
+ (List.map (print_src_type curr)
+ (List.init num_iters (fun x -> x)))
+ ^ sprintf "int %s;\n" (gen_bb_name_ssrc curr)
+ ^ sprintf "int %s;\n" (gen_bb_name_ssnk curr)
+ in
+ let bvars' =
+ List.append
+ (List.map
+ (fun x -> gen_var_name_b x curr)
+ (List.init num_iters (fun x -> x)))
+ bvars
+ in
+ let next' = List.filter (fun x -> P.lt x curr) next in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun compl curr' -> gather_cfg_constraints compl c curr')
+ (curr :: completed, (bvars', constraints', types'))
+ next'
+let rec intersperse s = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | [ a ] -> [ a ]
+ | x :: xs -> x :: s :: intersperse s xs
+let update_schedule v = function Some l -> Some (v :: l) | None -> Some [ v ]
+let parse_soln tree s =
+ let r = Str.regexp "v\([0-9]+\)b_\([0-9]+\)[ ]+\([0-9]+\)" in
+ if Str.string_match r s 0 then
+ IMap.update
+ (Str.matched_group 1 s |> int_of_string)
+ (update_schedule
+ ( Str.matched_group 2 s |> int_of_string,
+ Str.matched_group 3 s |> int_of_string ))
+ tree
+ else tree
+let solve_constraints vars constraints types =
+ let oc = open_out "lpsolve.txt" in
+ fprintf oc "min: ";
+ List.iter (fprintf oc "%s") (intersperse " + " vars);
+ fprintf oc ";\n";
+ fprintf oc "%s" constraints;
+ fprintf oc "%s" types;
+ close_out oc;
+ Str.split (Str.regexp_string "\n") (read_process "lp_solve lpsolve.txt")
+ |> drop 3
+ |> List.fold_left parse_soln IMap.empty
+let find_min = function
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | l :: ls ->
+ let rec find_min' current = function
+ | [] -> current
+ | l' :: ls' ->
+ if snd l' < current then find_min' (snd l') ls'
+ else find_min' current ls'
+ in
+ find_min' (snd l) ls
+let find_max = function
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | l :: ls ->
+ let rec find_max' current = function
+ | [] -> current
+ | l' :: ls' ->
+ if snd l' > current then find_max' (snd l') ls'
+ else find_max' current ls'
+ in
+ find_max' (snd l) ls
+type registers = { reg_finish : reg; reg_return : reg; reg_stk : reg }
+let ( >>= ) = bind
+let translate_control_flow r curr_st instr =
+ match instr with
+ | RBgoto n ->
+ fun state ->
+ OK
+ ( (),
+ {
+ state with
+ st_controllogic =
+ PTree.set curr_st (state_goto state.st_st n)
+ state.st_controllogic;
+ } )
+ | RBcond (c, rs, n1, n2) ->
+ translate_condition c rs >>= fun ce state ->
+ OK
+ ( (),
+ {
+ state with
+ st_controllogic =
+ PTree.set curr_st
+ (state_cond state.st_st ce n1 n2)
+ state.st_controllogic;
+ } )
+ | RBreturn ret -> (
+ let new_state state = state.st_freshstate in
+ match ret with
+ | None ->
+ let fin =
+ Vseq
+ ( HTLgen.block r.reg_finish
+ (Vlit (ValueInt.coq_ZToValue (Z.of_uint 1))),
+ HTLgen.block r.reg_return
+ (Vlit (ValueInt.coq_ZToValue (Z.of_uint 0))) )
+ in
+ fun state ->
+ OK
+ ( (),
+ {
+ state with
+ st_datapath =
+ PTree.set (new_state state) fin state.st_datapath;
+ st_controllogic =
+ PTree.set curr_st
+ (state_goto state.st_st (new_state state))
+ state.st_controllogic;
+ st_freshstate = P.succ state.st_freshstate;
+ } )
+ | Some ret' ->
+ let fin =
+ Vseq
+ ( HTLgen.block r.reg_finish
+ (Vlit (ValueInt.coq_ZToValue (Z.of_uint 1))),
+ HTLgen.block r.reg_return (Vvar ret') )
+ in
+ fun state ->
+ OK
+ ( (),
+ {
+ state with
+ st_datapath =
+ PTree.set (new_state state) fin state.st_datapath;
+ st_controllogic =
+ PTree.set curr_st
+ (state_goto state.st_st (new_state state))
+ state.st_controllogic;
+ st_freshstate = P.succ state.st_freshstate;
+ } ) )
+ | RBjumptable (r, tbl) ->
+ fun state ->
+ OK ( (),
+ {
+ state with
+ st_controllogic = PTree.set curr_st (Vcase (Vvar r, HTLgen.tbl_to_case_expr state.st_st tbl, Some Vskip)) state.st_controllogic
+ })
+ | _ ->
+ error
+ (Errors.msg
+ (coqstring_of_camlstring
+ "Control flow instructions not implemented."))
+let translate_instr r curr_st instr =
+ let prev_instr state =
+ match PTree.get curr_st state.st_datapath with None -> Vskip | Some v -> v
+ in
+ match instr with
+ | RBnop ->
+ fun state ->
+ OK
+ ( (),
+ {
+ state with
+ st_datapath =
+ PTree.set curr_st (prev_instr state) state.st_datapath;
+ } )
+ | RBop (op, rs, dst) ->
+ translate_instr op rs >>= fun instr ->
+ declare_reg None dst (Nat.of_int 32) >>= fun _ state ->
+ let stmnt = Vseq (prev_instr state, nonblock dst instr) in
+ OK
+ ( (),
+ { state with st_datapath = PTree.set curr_st stmnt state.st_datapath }
+ )
+ | RBload (mem, addr, rs, dst) ->
+ translate_arr_access mem addr rs r.reg_stk >>= fun src ->
+ declare_reg None dst (Nat.of_int 32) >>= fun _ state ->
+ let stmnt = Vseq (prev_instr state, nonblock dst src) in
+ OK
+ ( (),
+ { state with st_datapath = PTree.set curr_st stmnt state.st_datapath }
+ )
+ | RBstore (mem, addr, rs, src) ->
+ translate_arr_access mem addr rs r.reg_stk >>= fun dst state ->
+ OK
+ ( (),
+ {
+ state with
+ st_datapath =
+ PTree.set curr_st
+ (Vseq (prev_instr state, Vnonblock (dst, Vvar src)))
+ state.st_datapath;
+ } )
+let combine_bb_schedule schedule s =
+ let i, st = s in
+ IMap.update st (update_schedule i) schedule
+let add_schedules r bb_body min_sched curr ischedule =
+ let i, schedule = ischedule in
+ let curr_state = curr - i + min_sched in
+ let instrs = List.map (List.nth bb_body) schedule in
+ if curr_state = 20 then printf "HII: curr_state: %d : curr: %d\n" curr_state curr;
+ collectlist (translate_instr r (P.of_int curr_state)) instrs >>= fun _ ->
+ translate_control_flow r (P.of_int curr_state)
+ (RBgoto (curr_state - 1 |> P.of_int))
+(** Should generate the [HTL] code based on the input [RTLBlock] description. *)
+let transf_htl r c (schedule : (int * int) list IMap.t) =
+ let f bbs =
+ let i, bb = bbs in
+ match bb with
+ | { bb_body = []; bb_exit = Some c } -> translate_control_flow r i c
+ | { bb_body = bb_body'; bb_exit = Some ctrl_flow } ->
+ let i_sched =
+ try IMap.find (P.to_int i) schedule
+ with Not_found -> (
+ printf "Could not find %d\n" (P.to_int i);
+ IMap.iter
+ (fun d -> printf "%d: %a\n" d (print_list print_tuple))
+ schedule;
+ assert false
+ )
+ in
+ let min_state = find_min i_sched in
+ let max_state = find_max i_sched in
+ let i_sched_tree =
+ List.fold_left combine_bb_schedule IMap.empty i_sched
+ in
+ collectlist
+ (add_schedules r bb_body' min_state (P.to_int i))
+ (IMap.to_seq i_sched_tree |> List.of_seq)
+ >>= fun _ ->
+ printf "--------------- curr: %d, max: %d, min: %d, next: %d\n" (P.to_int i) max_state min_state (P.to_int i - max_state + min_state - 1);
+ printf "HIIIII: %d orig: %d\n" (P.to_int i - max_state + min_state - 1) (P.to_int i);
+ (match ctrl_flow with
+ | RBgoto _ ->
+ translate_control_flow r (P.of_int (P.to_int i - max_state + min_state)) ctrl_flow
+ | _ ->
+ translate_control_flow r (P.of_int (P.to_int i - max_state + min_state - 1)) ctrl_flow)
+ | _ ->
+ coqstring_of_camlstring "Illegal state reached in scheduler"
+ |> Errors.msg |> error
+ in
+ collectlist f c
+let second = function (_, a, _) -> a
+let schedule entry r (c : code) =
+ let debug = true in
+ let c' = PTree.map1 (gather_bb_constraints false) c in
+ let _ = if debug then PTree.map (fun r o -> printf "##### %d #####\n%a\n\n" (P.to_int r) print_dfg (second o)) c' else PTree.empty in
+ let _, (vars, constraints, types) =
+ gather_cfg_constraints ([], ([], "", "")) c' entry
+ in
+ let schedule' = solve_constraints vars constraints types in
+ IMap.iter (fun a b -> printf "##### %d #####\n%a\n\n" a (print_list print_tuple) b) schedule';
+ (*printf "Schedule: %a\n" (fun a x -> IMap.iter (fun d -> fprintf a "%d: %a\n" d (print_list print_tuple)) x) schedule';*)
+ transf_htl r (PTree.elements c) schedule'
+let transl_module' (f : RTLBlock.coq_function) : HTL.coq_module mon =
+ create_reg (Some Voutput) (Nat.of_int 1) >>= fun fin ->
+ create_reg (Some Voutput) (Nat.of_int 32) >>= fun rtrn ->
+ create_arr None (Nat.of_int 32) (Nat.of_int (Z.to_int f.fn_stacksize / 4))
+ >>= fun stack_var ->
+ let stack, stack_len = stack_var in
+ schedule f.fn_entrypoint
+ { reg_finish = fin; reg_return = rtrn; reg_stk = stack }
+ f.fn_code
+ >>= fun _ ->
+ collectlist (fun r -> declare_reg (Some Vinput) r (Nat.of_int 32)) f.fn_params
+ >>= fun _ ->
+ create_reg (Some Vinput) (Nat.of_int 1) >>= fun start ->
+ create_reg (Some Vinput) (Nat.of_int 1) >>= fun rst ->
+ create_reg (Some Vinput) (Nat.of_int 1) >>= fun clk current_state ->
+ let m =
+ {
+ HTL.mod_params = f.fn_params;
+ HTL.mod_datapath = current_state.st_datapath;
+ HTL.mod_controllogic = current_state.st_controllogic;
+ HTL.mod_entrypoint = f.fn_entrypoint;
+ HTL.mod_st = current_state.st_st;
+ HTL.mod_stk = stack;
+ HTL.mod_stk_len = stack_len;
+ HTL.mod_finish = fin;
+ HTL.mod_return = rtrn;
+ HTL.mod_start = start;
+ HTL.mod_reset = rst;
+ HTL.mod_clk = clk;
+ HTL.mod_scldecls = current_state.st_scldecls;
+ HTL.mod_arrdecls = current_state.st_arrdecls;
+ }
+ in
+ OK (m, current_state)
+let max_state f =
+ let st = P.of_int 10000 in
+ {
+ (init_state st) with
+ st_st = st;
+ st_freshreg = P.succ st;
+ st_freshstate = P.of_int 10000;
+ st_scldecls =
+ AssocMap.AssocMap.set st (None, Nat.of_int 32) (init_state st).st_scldecls;
+ }
+let transl_module (f : RTLBlock.coq_function) : HTL.coq_module Errors.res =
+ run_mon (max_state f) (transl_module' f)