path: root/src/verilog
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/verilog')
7 files changed, 610 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/src/verilog/Array.v b/src/verilog/Array.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be06541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/verilog/Array.v
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Require Import Lia.
+Require Import Coquplib.
+From Coq Require Import Lists.List Datatypes.
+Import ListNotations.
+Local Open Scope nat_scope.
+Record Array (A : Type) : Type :=
+ mk_array
+ { arr_contents : list A
+ ; arr_length : nat
+ ; arr_wf : length arr_contents = arr_length
+ }.
+Definition make_array {A : Type} (l : list A) : Array A :=
+ @mk_array A l (length l) eq_refl.
+Fixpoint list_set {A : Type} (i : nat) (x : A) (l : list A) {struct l} : list A :=
+ match i, l with
+ | _, nil => nil
+ | S n, h :: t => h :: list_set n x t
+ | O, h :: t => x :: t
+ end.
+Lemma list_set_spec1 {A : Type} :
+ forall l i (x : A),
+ i < length l -> nth_error (list_set i x l) i = Some x.
+ induction l; intros; destruct i; crush; firstorder.
+Hint Resolve list_set_spec1 : array.
+Lemma list_set_spec2 {A : Type} :
+ forall l i (x : A) d,
+ i < length l -> nth i (list_set i x l) d = x.
+ induction l; intros; destruct i; crush; firstorder.
+Hint Resolve list_set_spec2 : array.
+Lemma list_set_spec3 {A : Type} :
+ forall l i1 i2 (x : A),
+ i1 <> i2 ->
+ nth_error (list_set i1 x l) i2 = nth_error l i2.
+ induction l; intros; destruct i1; destruct i2; crush; firstorder.
+Hint Resolve list_set_spec3 : array.
+Lemma array_set_wf {A : Type} :
+ forall l ln i (x : A),
+ length l = ln -> length (list_set i x l) = ln.
+ induction l; intros; destruct i; auto.
+ invert H; crush; auto.
+Definition array_set {A : Type} (i : nat) (x : A) (a : Array A) :=
+ let l := a.(arr_contents) in
+ let ln := a.(arr_length) in
+ let WF := a.(arr_wf) in
+ @mk_array A (list_set i x l) ln (@array_set_wf A l ln i x WF).
+Lemma array_set_spec1 {A : Type} :
+ forall a i (x : A),
+ i < a.(arr_length) -> nth_error ((array_set i x a).(arr_contents)) i = Some x.
+ intros.
+ rewrite <- a.(arr_wf) in H.
+ unfold array_set. crush.
+ eauto with array.
+Hint Resolve array_set_spec1 : array.
+Lemma array_set_spec2 {A : Type} :
+ forall a i (x : A) d,
+ i < a.(arr_length) -> nth i ((array_set i x a).(arr_contents)) d = x.
+ intros.
+ rewrite <- a.(arr_wf) in H.
+ unfold array_set. crush.
+ eauto with array.
+Hint Resolve array_set_spec2 : array.
+Lemma array_set_len {A : Type} :
+ forall a i (x : A),
+ a.(arr_length) = (array_set i x a).(arr_length).
+ unfold array_set. crush.
+Definition array_get_error {A : Type} (i : nat) (a : Array A) : option A :=
+ nth_error a.(arr_contents) i.
+Lemma array_get_error_equal {A : Type} :
+ forall (a b : Array A) i,
+ a.(arr_contents) = b.(arr_contents) ->
+ array_get_error i a = array_get_error i b.
+ unfold array_get_error. crush.
+Lemma array_get_error_bound {A : Type} :
+ forall (a : Array A) i,
+ i < a.(arr_length) -> exists x, array_get_error i a = Some x.
+ intros.
+ rewrite <- a.(arr_wf) in H.
+ assert (~ length (arr_contents a) <= i) by lia.
+ pose proof (nth_error_None a.(arr_contents) i).
+ apply not_iff_compat in H1.
+ apply <- H1 in H0.
+ destruct (nth_error (arr_contents a) i) eqn:EQ; try contradiction; eauto.
+Lemma array_get_error_set_bound {A : Type} :
+ forall (a : Array A) i x,
+ i < a.(arr_length) -> array_get_error i (array_set i x a) = Some x.
+ intros.
+ unfold array_get_error.
+ eauto with array.
+Lemma array_gso {A : Type} :
+ forall (a : Array A) i1 i2 x,
+ i1 <> i2 ->
+ array_get_error i2 (array_set i1 x a) = array_get_error i2 a.
+ intros.
+ unfold array_get_error.
+ unfold array_set.
+ crush.
+ eauto with array.
+Definition array_get {A : Type} (i : nat) (x : A) (a : Array A) : A :=
+ nth i a.(arr_contents) x.
+Lemma array_get_set_bound {A : Type} :
+ forall (a : Array A) i x d,
+ i < a.(arr_length) -> array_get i d (array_set i x a) = x.
+ intros.
+ unfold array_get.
+ info_eauto with array.
+Lemma array_get_get_error {A : Type} :
+ forall (a : Array A) i x d,
+ array_get_error i a = Some x ->
+ array_get i d a = x.
+ intros.
+ unfold array_get.
+ unfold array_get_error in H.
+ auto using nth_error_nth.
+(** Tail recursive version of standard library function. *)
+Fixpoint list_repeat' {A : Type} (acc : list A) (a : A) (n : nat) : list A :=
+ match n with
+ | O => acc
+ | S n => list_repeat' (a::acc) a n
+ end.
+Lemma list_repeat'_len {A : Type} : forall (a : A) n l,
+ length (list_repeat' l a n) = (n + Datatypes.length l)%nat.
+ induction n; intros; crush; try reflexivity.
+ specialize (IHn (a :: l)).
+ rewrite IHn.
+ crush.
+Lemma list_repeat'_app {A : Type} : forall (a : A) n l,
+ list_repeat' l a n = list_repeat' [] a n ++ l.
+ induction n; intros; crush; try reflexivity.
+ pose proof IHn.
+ specialize (H (a :: l)).
+ rewrite H. clear H.
+ specialize (IHn (a :: nil)).
+ rewrite IHn. clear IHn.
+ remember (list_repeat' [] a n) as l0.
+ rewrite <- app_assoc.
+ f_equal.
+Lemma list_repeat'_head_tail {A : Type} : forall n (a : A),
+ a :: list_repeat' [] a n = list_repeat' [] a n ++ [a].
+ induction n; intros; crush; try reflexivity.
+ rewrite list_repeat'_app.
+ replace (a :: list_repeat' [] a n ++ [a]) with (list_repeat' [] a n ++ [a] ++ [a]).
+ 2: { rewrite app_comm_cons. rewrite IHn; auto.
+ rewrite app_assoc. reflexivity. }
+ rewrite app_assoc. reflexivity.
+Lemma list_repeat'_cons {A : Type} : forall (a : A) n,
+ list_repeat' [a] a n = a :: list_repeat' [] a n.
+ intros.
+ rewrite list_repeat'_head_tail; auto.
+ apply list_repeat'_app.
+Definition list_repeat {A : Type} : A -> nat -> list A := list_repeat' nil.
+Lemma list_repeat_len {A : Type} : forall n (a : A), length (list_repeat a n) = n.
+ intros.
+ unfold list_repeat.
+ rewrite list_repeat'_len.
+ crush.
+Lemma dec_list_repeat_spec {A : Type} : forall n (a : A) a',
+ (forall x x' : A, {x' = x} + {~ x' = x}) ->
+ In a' (list_repeat a n) -> a' = a.
+ induction n; intros; crush.
+ unfold list_repeat in *.
+ crush.
+ rewrite list_repeat'_app in H.
+ pose proof (X a a').
+ destruct H0; auto.
+ (* This is actually a degenerate case, not an unprovable goal. *)
+ pose proof (in_app_or (list_repeat' [] a n) ([a])).
+ apply H0 in H. invert H.
+ - eapply IHn in X; eassumption.
+ - invert H1; contradiction.
+Lemma list_repeat_head_tail {A : Type} : forall n (a : A),
+ a :: list_repeat a n = list_repeat a n ++ [a].
+ unfold list_repeat. apply list_repeat'_head_tail.
+Lemma list_repeat_cons {A : Type} : forall n (a : A),
+ list_repeat a (S n) = a :: list_repeat a n.
+ intros.
+ unfold list_repeat.
+ apply list_repeat'_cons.
+Lemma list_repeat_lookup {A : Type} :
+ forall n i (a : A),
+ i < n ->
+ nth_error (list_repeat a n) i = Some a.
+ induction n; intros.
+ destruct i; crush.
+ rewrite list_repeat_cons.
+ destruct i; crush; firstorder.
+Definition arr_repeat {A : Type} (a : A) (n : nat) : Array A := make_array (list_repeat a n).
+Lemma arr_repeat_length {A : Type} : forall n (a : A), arr_length (arr_repeat a n) = n.
+ unfold list_repeat. crush. apply list_repeat_len.
+Fixpoint list_combine {A B C : Type} (f : A -> B -> C) (x : list A) (y : list B) : list C :=
+ match x, y with
+ | a :: t, b :: t' => f a b :: list_combine f t t'
+ | _, _ => nil
+ end.
+Lemma list_combine_length {A B C : Type} (f : A -> B -> C) : forall (x : list A) (y : list B),
+ length (list_combine f x y) = min (length x) (length y).
+ induction x; intros; crush.
+ destruct y; crush; auto.
+Definition combine {A B C : Type} (f : A -> B -> C) (x : Array A) (y : Array B) : Array C :=
+ make_array (list_combine f x.(arr_contents) y.(arr_contents)).
+Lemma combine_length {A B C: Type} : forall x y (f : A -> B -> C),
+ x.(arr_length) = y.(arr_length) -> arr_length (combine f x y) = x.(arr_length).
+ intros.
+ unfold combine.
+ unfold make_array.
+ crush.
+ rewrite <- (arr_wf x) in *.
+ rewrite <- (arr_wf y) in *.
+ destruct (arr_contents x); destruct (arr_contents y); crush.
+ rewrite list_combine_length.
+ destruct (Min.min_dec (length l) (length l0)); congruence.
+Ltac array :=
+ try match goal with
+ | [ |- context[arr_length (combine _ _ _)] ] =>
+ rewrite combine_length
+ | [ |- context[length (list_repeat _ _)] ] =>
+ rewrite list_repeat_len
+ | |- context[array_get_error _ (arr_repeat ?x _) = Some ?x] =>
+ unfold array_get_error, arr_repeat
+ | |- context[nth_error (list_repeat ?x _) _ = Some ?x] =>
+ apply list_repeat_lookup
+ end.
diff --git a/src/verilog/HTL.v b/src/verilog/HTL.v
index c07d672..a3623f0 100644
--- a/src/verilog/HTL.v
+++ b/src/verilog/HTL.v
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
From Coq Require Import FSets.FMapPositive.
-From coqup Require Import Coquplib Value AssocMap.
+From coqup Require Import Coquplib Value AssocMap Array.
From coqup Require Verilog.
From compcert Require Events Globalenvs Smallstep Integers Values.
From compcert Require Import Maps.
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ Record module: Type :=
mod_entrypoint : node;
mod_st : reg;
mod_stk : reg;
+ mod_stk_len : nat;
mod_finish : reg;
mod_return : reg;
mod_start : reg;
@@ -65,6 +66,9 @@ Fixpoint init_regs (vl : list value) (rl : list reg) {struct rl} :=
| _, _ => empty_assocmap
+Definition empty_stack (m : module) : Verilog.assocmap_arr :=
+ (AssocMap.set m.(mod_stk) (Array.arr_repeat None m.(mod_stk_len)) (AssocMap.empty Verilog.arr)).
(** * Operational Semantics *)
Definition genv := Globalenvs.Genv.t fundef unit.
@@ -74,7 +78,8 @@ Inductive stackframe : Type :=
forall (res : reg)
(m : module)
(pc : node)
- (assoc : assocmap),
+ (reg_assoc : Verilog.assocmap_reg)
+ (arr_assoc : Verilog.assocmap_arr),
Inductive state : Type :=
@@ -82,8 +87,8 @@ Inductive state : Type :=
forall (stack : list stackframe)
(m : module)
(st : node)
- (reg_assoc : assocmap)
- (arr_assoc : AssocMap.t (list value)), state
+ (reg_assoc : Verilog.assocmap_reg)
+ (arr_assoc : Verilog.assocmap_arr), state
| Returnstate :
forall (res : list stackframe)
(v : value), state
@@ -94,17 +99,19 @@ Inductive state : Type :=
Inductive step : genv -> state -> Events.trace -> state -> Prop :=
| step_module :
- forall g m st sf ctrl data
+ forall g m st sf ctrl data ist
asr asa
basr1 basa1 nasr1 nasa1
basr2 basa2 nasr2 nasa2
asr' asa'
f stval pstval,
+ asr!(m.(mod_st)) = Some ist ->
+ valueToPos ist = st ->
m.(mod_controllogic)!st = Some ctrl ->
m.(mod_datapath)!st = Some data ->
Verilog.stmnt_runp f
(Verilog.mkassociations asr empty_assocmap)
- (Verilog.mkassociations asa (AssocMap.empty (list value)))
+ (Verilog.mkassociations asa (empty_stack m))
(Verilog.mkassociations basr1 nasr1)
(Verilog.mkassociations basa1 nasa1) ->
@@ -114,8 +121,8 @@ Inductive step : genv -> state -> Events.trace -> state -> Prop :=
(Verilog.mkassociations basr2 nasr2)
(Verilog.mkassociations basa2 nasa2) ->
- asr' = merge_assocmap nasr2 basr2 ->
- asa' = AssocMapExt.merge (list value) nasa2 basa2 ->
+ asr' = Verilog.merge_regs nasr2 basr2 ->
+ asa' = Verilog.merge_arrs nasa2 basa2 ->
asr'!(m.(mod_st)) = Some stval ->
valueToPos stval = pstval ->
step g (State sf m st asr asa) Events.E0 (State sf m pstval asr' asa')
@@ -130,13 +137,12 @@ Inductive step : genv -> state -> Events.trace -> state -> Prop :=
(State res m m.(mod_entrypoint)
(AssocMap.set (mod_st m) (posToValue 32 m.(mod_entrypoint))
(init_regs args m.(mod_params)))
- (AssocMap.empty (list value)))
+ (empty_stack m))
| step_return :
- forall g m asr i r sf pc mst,
+ forall g m asr asa i r sf pc mst,
mst = mod_st m ->
- step g (Returnstate (Stackframe r m pc asr :: sf) i) Events.E0
- (State sf m pc ((asr # mst <- (posToValue 32 pc)) # r <- i)
- (AssocMap.empty (list value))).
+ step g (Returnstate (Stackframe r m pc asr asa :: sf) i) Events.E0
+ (State sf m pc ((asr # mst <- (posToValue 32 pc)) # r <- i) asa).
Hint Constructors step : htl.
Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
diff --git a/src/verilog/PrintHTL.ml b/src/verilog/PrintHTL.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bdba51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/verilog/PrintHTL.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+(* -*- mode: tuareg -*-
+ * CoqUp: Verified high-level synthesis.
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Yann Herklotz <yann@yannherklotz.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *)
+open Value
+open Datatypes
+open Camlcoq
+open AST
+open Clflags
+open Printf
+open Maps
+open AST
+open HTL
+open PrintAST
+open PrintVerilog
+open CoqupClflags
+let pstr pp = fprintf pp "%s"
+let reg pp r =
+ fprintf pp "x%d" (P.to_int r)
+let rec regs pp = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [r] -> reg pp r
+ | r1::rl -> fprintf pp "%a, %a" reg r1 regs rl
+let print_instruction pp (pc, i) =
+ fprintf pp "%5d:\t%s" pc (pprint_stmnt 0 i)
+let print_module pp id f =
+ fprintf pp "%s(%a) {\n" (extern_atom id) regs f.mod_params;
+ let datapath =
+ List.sort
+ (fun (pc1, _) (pc2, _) -> compare pc2 pc1)
+ (List.rev_map
+ (fun (pc, i) -> (P.to_int pc, i))
+ (PTree.elements f.mod_datapath)) in
+ let controllogic =
+ List.sort
+ (fun (pc1, _) (pc2, _) -> compare pc2 pc1)
+ (List.rev_map
+ (fun (pc, i) -> (P.to_int pc, i))
+ (PTree.elements f.mod_controllogic)) in
+ fprintf pp " datapath {\n";
+ List.iter (print_instruction pp) datapath;
+ fprintf pp " }\n\n controllogic {\n";
+ List.iter (print_instruction pp) controllogic;
+ fprintf pp " }\n}\n\n"
+let print_globdef pp (id, gd) =
+ match gd with
+ | Gfun(Internal f) -> print_module pp id f
+ | _ -> ()
+let print_program pp prog =
+ List.iter (print_globdef pp) prog.prog_defs
+let destination : string option ref = ref None
+let print_if prog =
+ match !destination with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some f ->
+ let oc = open_out f in
+ print_program oc prog;
+ close_out oc
diff --git a/src/verilog/PrintVerilog.ml b/src/verilog/PrintVerilog.ml
index 5dc0386..5265c97 100644
--- a/src/verilog/PrintVerilog.ml
+++ b/src/verilog/PrintVerilog.ml
@@ -22,9 +22,12 @@ open Datatypes
open Camlcoq
open AST
+open Clflags
open Printf
+open CoqupClflags
let concat = String.concat ""
let indent i = String.make (2 * i) ' '
@@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ let rec pprint_expr = function
| Vvari (s, i) -> concat [register s; "["; pprint_expr i; "]"]
| Vinputvar s -> register s
| Vunop (u, e) -> concat ["("; unop u; pprint_expr e; ")"]
- | Vbinop (op, a, b) -> concat ["("; pprint_binop (pprint_expr a) (pprint_expr b) op; ")"]
+ | Vbinop (op, a, b) -> concat [pprint_binop (pprint_expr a) (pprint_expr b) op]
| Vternary (c, t, f) -> concat ["("; pprint_expr c; " ? "; pprint_expr t; " : "; pprint_expr f; ")"]
let rec pprint_stmnt i =
@@ -187,6 +190,12 @@ let debug_always i clk state = concat [
indent i; "end\n"
+let print_initial i n stk = concat [
+ indent i; "integer i;\n";
+ indent i; "initial for(i = 0; i < "; sprintf "%d" n; "; i++)\n";
+ indent (i+1); register stk; "[i] = 0;\n"
+ ]
let pprint_module debug i n m =
if (extern_atom n) = "main" then
let inputs = m.mod_start :: m.mod_reset :: m.mod_clk :: m.mod_args in
@@ -194,6 +203,7 @@ let pprint_module debug i n m =
concat [ indent i; "module "; (extern_atom n);
"("; concat (intersperse ", " (List.map register (inputs @ outputs))); ");\n";
fold_map (pprint_module_item (i+1)) m.mod_body;
+ if !option_initial then print_initial i (Nat.to_int m.mod_stk_len) m.mod_stk else "";
if debug then debug_always i m.mod_clk m.mod_st else "";
indent i; "endmodule\n\n"
diff --git a/src/verilog/PrintVerilog.mli b/src/verilog/PrintVerilog.mli
index 6544e52..62bf63f 100644
--- a/src/verilog/PrintVerilog.mli
+++ b/src/verilog/PrintVerilog.mli
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+val pprint_stmnt : int -> Verilog.stmnt -> string
val print_value : out_channel -> Value.value -> unit
val print_program : bool -> out_channel -> Verilog.program -> unit
diff --git a/src/verilog/Value.v b/src/verilog/Value.v
index d527b15..8ba5138 100644
--- a/src/verilog/Value.v
+++ b/src/verilog/Value.v
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
(* begin hide *)
From bbv Require Import Word.
From bbv Require HexNotation WordScope.
-From Coq Require Import ZArith.ZArith FSets.FMapPositive.
+From Coq Require Import ZArith.ZArith FSets.FMapPositive Lia.
From compcert Require Import lib.Integers common.Values.
(* end hide *)
@@ -108,6 +108,11 @@ Definition boolToValue (sz : nat) (b : bool) : value :=
Definition unify_word (sz1 sz2 : nat) (w1 : word sz2): sz1 = sz2 -> word sz1.
intros; subst; assumption. Defined.
+Lemma unify_word_unfold :
+ forall sz w,
+ unify_word sz sz w eq_refl = w.
+Proof. auto. Qed.
Definition value_eq_size:
forall v1 v2 : value, { vsize v1 = vsize v2 } + { True }.
@@ -294,8 +299,18 @@ Inductive val_value_lessdef: val -> value -> Prop :=
forall i v',
i = valueToInt v' ->
val_value_lessdef (Vint i) v'
+| val_value_lessdef_ptr:
+ forall b off v',
+ off = Ptrofs.repr (valueToZ v') ->
+ (Z.modulo (valueToZ v') 4) = 0%Z ->
+ val_value_lessdef (Vptr b off) v'
| lessdef_undef: forall v, val_value_lessdef Vundef v.
+Inductive opt_val_value_lessdef: option val -> value -> Prop :=
+| opt_lessdef_some:
+ forall v v', val_value_lessdef v v' -> opt_val_value_lessdef (Some v) v'
+| opt_lessdef_none: forall v, opt_val_value_lessdef None v.
Lemma valueToZ_ZToValue :
forall n z,
(- Z.of_nat (2 ^ n) <= z < Z.of_nat (2 ^ n))%Z ->
@@ -314,6 +329,12 @@ Proof.
auto using uwordToZ_ZToWord.
+Lemma uvalueToZ_ZToValue_full :
+ forall sz : nat,
+ (0 < sz)%nat ->
+ forall z : Z, uvalueToZ (ZToValue sz z) = (z mod 2 ^ Z.of_nat sz)%Z.
+Proof. unfold uvalueToZ, ZToValue. simpl. auto using uwordToZ_ZToWord_full. Qed.
Lemma ZToValue_uvalueToZ :
forall v,
ZToValue (vsize v) (uvalueToZ v) = v.
@@ -330,7 +351,19 @@ Proof.
rewrite uvalueToZ_ZToValue. auto. rewrite positive_nat_Z.
split. apply Zle_0_pos.
- assert (p < 2 ^ (Pos.size p))%positive. apply Pos.size_gt.
+ assert (p < 2 ^ (Pos.size p))%positive by apply Pos.size_gt.
+ inversion H. rewrite <- Z.compare_lt_iff. rewrite <- H1.
+ simpl. rewrite <- Pos2Z.inj_pow_pos. trivial.
+Lemma valueToPos_posToValue :
+ forall p, valueToPos (posToValueAuto p) = p.
+ intros. unfold valueToPos, posToValueAuto.
+ rewrite uvalueToZ_ZToValue. auto. rewrite positive_nat_Z.
+ split. apply Zle_0_pos.
+ assert (p < 2 ^ (Pos.size p))%positive by apply Pos.size_gt.
inversion H. rewrite <- Z.compare_lt_iff. rewrite <- H1.
simpl. rewrite <- Pos2Z.inj_pow_pos. trivial.
@@ -360,4 +393,76 @@ Qed.
Lemma boolToValue_ValueToBool :
forall b,
valueToBool (boolToValue 32 b) = b.
-Proof. destruct b; unfold valueToBool, boolToValue; simpl; trivial. Qed.
+Proof. destruct b; auto. Qed.
+Local Open Scope Z.
+Ltac word_op_value H :=
+ intros; unfold uvalueToZ, ZToValue; simpl; rewrite unify_word_unfold;
+ rewrite <- H; rewrite uwordToZ_ZToWord_full; auto; omega.
+Lemma zadd_vplus :
+ forall sz z1 z2,
+ (sz > 0)%nat ->
+ uvalueToZ (vplus (ZToValue sz z1) (ZToValue sz z2) eq_refl) = (z1 + z2) mod 2 ^ Z.of_nat sz.
+Proof. word_op_value ZToWord_plus. Qed.
+Lemma zadd_vplus2 :
+ forall z1 z2,
+ vplus (ZToValue 32 z1) (ZToValue 32 z2) eq_refl = ZToValue 32 (z1 + z2).
+ intros. unfold vplus, ZToValue, map_word2. rewrite unify_word_unfold. simpl.
+ rewrite ZToWord_plus; auto.
+Lemma wordsize_32 :
+ Int.wordsize = 32%nat.
+Proof. auto. Qed.
+Lemma intadd_vplus :
+ forall i1 i2,
+ valueToInt (vplus (intToValue i1) (intToValue i2) eq_refl) = Int.add i1 i2.
+ intros. unfold Int.add, valueToInt, intToValue. rewrite zadd_vplus.
+ rewrite <- Int.unsigned_repr_eq.
+ rewrite Int.repr_unsigned. auto. rewrite wordsize_32. omega.
+Lemma zsub_vminus :
+ forall sz z1 z2,
+ (sz > 0)%nat ->
+ uvalueToZ (vminus (ZToValue sz z1) (ZToValue sz z2) eq_refl) = (z1 - z2) mod 2 ^ Z.of_nat sz.
+Proof. word_op_value ZToWord_minus. Qed.
+Lemma zmul_vmul :
+ forall sz z1 z2,
+ (sz > 0)%nat ->
+ uvalueToZ (vmul (ZToValue sz z1) (ZToValue sz z2) eq_refl) = (z1 * z2) mod 2 ^ Z.of_nat sz.
+Proof. word_op_value ZToWord_mult. Qed.
+Local Open Scope N.
+Lemma zdiv_vdiv :
+ forall n1 n2,
+ n1 < 2 ^ 32 ->
+ n2 < 2 ^ 32 ->
+ n1 / n2 < 2 ^ 32 ->
+ valueToN (vdiv (NToValue 32 n1) (NToValue 32 n2) eq_refl) = n1 / n2.
+ intros; unfold valueToN, NToValue; simpl; rewrite unify_word_unfold. unfold wdiv.
+ unfold wordBin. repeat (rewrite wordToN_NToWord_2); auto.
+(*Lemma ZToValue_valueToNat :
+ forall x sz,
+ sz > 0 ->
+ (x < 2^(Z.of_nat sz))%Z ->
+ valueToNat (ZToValue sz x) = Z.to_nat x.
+ destruct x; intros; unfold ZToValue, valueToNat; simpl.
+ - rewrite wzero'_def. apply wordToNat_wzero.
+ - rewrite posToWord_nat. rewrite wordToNat_natToWord_2. trivial.
+ unfold Z.of_nat in *. destruct sz eqn:?. omega. simpl in H0.
+ rewrite <- Pos2Z.inj_pow_pos in H0. Search (Z.pos _ < Z.pos _)%Z.
+ Search Pos.to_nat (_ < _). (* Pos2Nat.inj_lt *)
+ Search "inj" positive nat.
diff --git a/src/verilog/Verilog.v b/src/verilog/Verilog.v
index b80678e..555ddbd 100644
--- a/src/verilog/Verilog.v
+++ b/src/verilog/Verilog.v
@@ -25,9 +25,11 @@ From Coq Require Import
+Require Import Lia.
Import ListNotations.
-From coqup Require Import common.Coquplib common.Show verilog.Value AssocMap.
+From coqup Require Import common.Coquplib common.Show verilog.Value AssocMap Array.
From compcert Require Integers Events.
From compcert Require Import Errors Smallstep Globalenvs.
@@ -47,39 +49,51 @@ Record associations (A : Type) : Type :=
assoc_nonblocking : AssocMap.t A
+Definition arr := (Array (option value)).
Definition reg_associations := associations value.
-Definition arr_associations := associations (list value).
+Definition arr_associations := associations arr.
-Definition assocmap_arr := AssocMap.t (list value).
+Definition assocmap_reg := AssocMap.t value.
+Definition assocmap_arr := AssocMap.t arr.
-Definition merge_associations {A : Type} (assoc : associations A) :=
- mkassociations (AssocMapExt.merge A assoc.(assoc_nonblocking) assoc.(assoc_blocking))
- (AssocMap.empty A).
+Definition merge_regs (new : assocmap_reg) (old : assocmap_reg) : assocmap_reg :=
+ AssocMapExt.merge value new old.
+Definition merge_cell (new : option value) (old : option value) : option value :=
+ match new, old with
+ | Some _, _ => new
+ | _, _ => old
+ end.
+Definition merge_arr (new : option arr) (old : option arr) : option arr :=
+ match new, old with
+ | Some new', Some old' => Some (combine merge_cell new' old')
+ | Some new', None => Some new'
+ | None, Some old' => Some old'
+ | None, None => None
+ end.
+Definition merge_arrs (new : assocmap_arr) (old : assocmap_arr) : assocmap_arr :=
+ AssocMap.combine merge_arr new old.
Definition arr_assocmap_lookup (a : assocmap_arr) (r : reg) (i : nat) : option value :=
match a ! r with
| None => None
- | Some arr => nth_error arr i
- end.
-Fixpoint list_set {A : Type} (i : nat) (x : A) (l : list A) : list A :=
- match i, l with
- | _, nil => nil
- | S n, h :: t => h :: list_set n x t
- | O, h :: t => x :: t
+ | Some arr => Some (Option.default (NToValue 32 0) (Option.join (array_get_error i arr)))
-Definition assocmap_l_set (r : reg) (i : nat) (v : value) (a : assocmap_arr) : assocmap_arr :=
+Definition arr_assocmap_set (r : reg) (i : nat) (v : value) (a : assocmap_arr) : assocmap_arr :=
match a ! r with
| None => a
- | Some arr => AssocMap.set r (list_set i v arr) a
+ | Some arr => a # r <- (array_set i (Some v) arr)
Definition block_arr (r : reg) (i : nat) (asa : arr_associations) (v : value) : arr_associations :=
- mkassociations (assocmap_l_set r i v asa.(assoc_blocking)) asa.(assoc_nonblocking).
+ mkassociations (arr_assocmap_set r i v asa.(assoc_blocking)) asa.(assoc_nonblocking).
Definition nonblock_arr (r : reg) (i : nat) (asa : arr_associations) (v : value) : arr_associations :=
- mkassociations asa.(assoc_blocking) (assocmap_l_set r i v asa.(assoc_nonblocking)).
+ mkassociations asa.(assoc_blocking) (arr_assocmap_set r i v asa.(assoc_nonblocking)).
Definition block_reg (r : reg) (asr : reg_associations) (v : value) :=
mkassociations (AssocMap.set r v asr.(assoc_blocking)) asr.(assoc_nonblocking).
@@ -87,8 +101,8 @@ Definition block_reg (r : reg) (asr : reg_associations) (v : value) :=
Definition nonblock_reg (r : reg) (asr : reg_associations) (v : value) :=
mkassociations asr.(assoc_blocking) (AssocMap.set r v asr.(assoc_nonblocking)).
-Inductive scl_decl : Type := Scalar (sz : nat).
-Inductive arr_decl : Type := Array (sz : nat) (ln : nat).
+Inductive scl_decl : Type := VScalar (sz : nat).
+Inductive arr_decl : Type := VArray (sz : nat) (ln : nat).
(** * Verilog AST
@@ -218,6 +232,7 @@ Record module : Type := mkmodule {
mod_return : reg;
mod_st : reg; (**r Variable that defines the current state, it should be internal. *)
mod_stk : reg;
+ mod_stk_len : nat;
mod_args : list reg;
mod_body : list module_item;
mod_entrypoint : node;
@@ -235,7 +250,7 @@ Definition posToLit (p : positive) : expr :=
Coercion Vlit : value >-> expr.
Coercion Vvar : reg >-> expr.
-Definition fext := AssocMap.t value.
+Definition fext := assocmap.
Definition fextclk := nat -> fext.
(** ** State
@@ -264,7 +279,8 @@ Inductive stackframe : Type :=
forall (res : reg)
(m : module)
(pc : node)
- (assoc : assocmap),
+ (reg_assoc : assocmap_reg)
+ (arr_assoc : assocmap_arr),
Inductive state : Type :=
@@ -272,8 +288,8 @@ Inductive state : Type :=
forall (stack : list stackframe)
(m : module)
(st : node)
- (reg_assoc : assocmap)
- (arr_assoc : AssocMap.t (list value)), state
+ (reg_assoc : assocmap_reg)
+ (arr_assoc : assocmap_arr), state
| Returnstate :
forall (res : list stackframe)
(v : value), state
@@ -691,17 +707,21 @@ Fixpoint init_params (vl : list value) (rl : list reg) {struct rl} :=
Definition genv := Globalenvs.Genv.t fundef unit.
+Definition empty_stack (m : module) : assocmap_arr :=
+ (AssocMap.set m.(mod_stk) (Array.arr_repeat None m.(mod_stk_len)) (AssocMap.empty arr)).
Inductive step : genv -> state -> Events.trace -> state -> Prop :=
| step_module :
- forall asr asa asr' asa' basr1 nasr1 basa1 nasa1 f stval pstval m sf st g,
+ forall asr asa asr' asa' basr1 nasr1 basa1 nasa1 f stval pstval m sf st g ist,
+ asr!(m.(mod_st)) = Some ist ->
+ valueToPos ist = st ->
mis_stepp f (mkassociations asr empty_assocmap)
- (mkassociations asa (AssocMap.empty (list value)))
+ (mkassociations asa (empty_stack m))
(mkassociations basr1 nasr1)
(mkassociations basa1 nasa1)->
- asr' = merge_assocmap nasr1 basr1 ->
- asa' = AssocMapExt.merge (list value) nasa1 basa1 ->
+ asr' = merge_regs nasr1 basr1 ->
+ asa' = merge_arrs nasa1 basa1 ->
asr'!(m.(mod_st)) = Some stval ->
valueToPos stval = pstval ->
step g (State sf m st asr asa) Events.E0 (State sf m pstval asr' asa')
@@ -716,13 +736,13 @@ Inductive step : genv -> state -> Events.trace -> state -> Prop :=
(State res m m.(mod_entrypoint)
(AssocMap.set m.(mod_st) (posToValue 32 m.(mod_entrypoint))
(init_params args m.(mod_args)))
- (AssocMap.empty (list value)))
+ (empty_stack m))
| step_return :
- forall g m asr i r sf pc mst,
+ forall g m asr i r sf pc mst asa,
mst = mod_st m ->
- step g (Returnstate (Stackframe r m pc asr :: sf) i) Events.E0
+ step g (Returnstate (Stackframe r m pc asr asa :: sf) i) Events.E0
(State sf m pc ((asr # mst <- (posToValue 32 pc)) # r <- i)
- (AssocMap.empty (list value))).
+ (empty_stack m)).
Hint Constructors step : verilog.
Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=