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authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2023-02-22 23:23:55 +0000
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2023-02-22 23:23:55 +0000
commit76c1ea086f828a4488f4d4ed1f5df441e56fc969 (patch)
parent6179fd8a581a38ae7a0ee83d64f8ac4ec1747d70 (diff)
Work on proof of norm_expression
3 files changed, 261 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/src/hls/Abstr.v b/src/hls/Abstr.v
index ec45007..f332905 100644
--- a/src/hls/Abstr.v
+++ b/src/hls/Abstr.v
@@ -753,7 +753,12 @@ Definition beq_pred_expr_once (pe1 pe2: pred_expr) : bool :=
let (p2, h') := HN.encode_expression 1%positive pe2 h in
equiv_check p1 p2.
+Definition pred_eexpr_eqb: forall pe1 pe2: pred_eexpr,
+ {pe1 = pe2} + {pe1 <> pe2}.
Definition beq_pred_eexpr (pe1 pe2: pred_eexpr) : bool :=
+ if pred_eexpr_eqb pe1 pe2 then true else
let (p1, h) := EHN.encode_expression 1%positive pe1 (PTree.empty _) in
let (p2, h') := EHN.encode_expression 1%positive pe2 h in
equiv_check p1 p2.
@@ -912,13 +917,23 @@ Lemma norm_expression_sem_pred2 :
sem_pred_expr sem ctx pe v.
Proof. Admitted.*)
+Definition pred_expr_eqb: forall pe1 pe2: pred_expr,
+ {pe1 = pe2} + {pe1 <> pe2}.
Definition beq_pred_expr (pe1 pe2: pred_expr) : bool :=
+ if pred_expr_eqb pe1 pe2 then true else
let (np1, h) := HN.norm_expression 1 pe1 (PTree.empty _) in
let (np2, h') := HN.norm_expression 1 pe2 h in
forall_ptree (tree_equiv_check_el np2) np1
&& forall_ptree (tree_equiv_check_None_el np1) np2.
+Definition pred_pexpr_eqb: forall pe1 pe2: pred_pexpr,
+ {pe1 = pe2} + {pe1 <> pe2}.
Definition beq_pred_pexpr (pe1 pe2: pred_pexpr): bool :=
+ if pred_pexpr_eqb pe1 pe2 then true else
let (np1, h) := hash_predicate 1 pe1 (PTree.empty _) in
let (np2, h') := hash_predicate 1 pe2 h in
equiv_check np1 np2.
@@ -1535,3 +1550,166 @@ Lemma forest_pred_gso2 :
r <> w ->
(forest_preds (f #p w <- p)) ! r = (forest_preds f) ! r.
Proof. intros. unfold set_forest_p. simpl. now rewrite PTree.gso by auto. Qed.
+Inductive state_lessdef : instr_state -> instr_state -> Prop :=
+ state_lessdef_intro :
+ forall rs1 rs2 ps1 ps2 m1,
+ (forall x, rs1 !! x = rs2 !! x) ->
+ (forall x, ps1 !! x = ps2 !! x) ->
+ state_lessdef (mk_instr_state rs1 ps1 m1) (mk_instr_state rs2 ps2 m1).
+Lemma state_lessdef_refl x : state_lessdef x x.
+Proof. destruct x; constructor; auto. Qed.
+Lemma state_lessdef_symm x y : state_lessdef x y -> state_lessdef y x.
+Proof. destruct x; destruct y; inversion 1; subst; simplify; constructor; auto. Qed.
+Lemma state_lessdef_trans :
+ forall a b c,
+ state_lessdef a b ->
+ state_lessdef b c ->
+ state_lessdef a c.
+ inversion 1; inversion 1; subst; simplify.
+ constructor; eauto; intros. rewrite H0. auto.
+#[global] Instance Equivalence_state_lessdef : Equivalence state_lessdef :=
+ { Equivalence_Reflexive := state_lessdef_refl;
+ Equivalence_Symmetric := state_lessdef_symm;
+ Equivalence_Transitive := state_lessdef_trans;
+ }.
+Section CORRECT.
+Context (prog: GibleSeq.program) (tprog : GiblePar.program).
+Context (sp: val).
+Let ge : GibleSeq.genv := Globalenvs.Genv.globalenv prog.
+Let tge : GiblePar.genv := Globalenvs.Genv.globalenv tprog.
+Definition mkctx a := mk_ctx a sp ge.
+Lemma sem_pred_exec_beq_correct :
+ forall A B (sem: ctx -> A -> B -> Prop) a b i p r,
+ PTree.beq beq_pred_pexpr a b = true ->
+ sem_pred_expr a sem (mkctx i) p r ->
+ sem_pred_expr b sem (mkctx i) p r.
+Proof. Admitted.
+Lemma sem_pred_exec_beq_correct2 :
+ forall A B (sem: ctx -> A -> B -> Prop) a i ti p r,
+ state_lessdef i ti ->
+ sem_pred_expr a sem (mkctx i) p r ->
+ sem_pred_expr a sem (mkctx ti) p r.
+Proof. Admitted.
+Lemma sem_expr_beq_correct :
+ forall pt i a b v,
+ beq_pred_expr a b = true ->
+ sem_pred_expr pt sem_value (mkctx i) a v ->
+ sem_pred_expr pt sem_value (mkctx i) b v.
+ induction a.
+ - intros. inv H0.
+ unfold beq_pred_expr; intros. destruct_match; subst; auto.
+ repeat destruct_match. simplify. clear Heqs. clear n.
+ inv H0.
+Lemma sem_expr_beq_correct_mem :
+ forall pt i a b v,
+ beq_pred_expr a b = true ->
+ sem_pred_expr pt sem_mem (mkctx i) a v ->
+ sem_pred_expr pt sem_mem (mkctx i) b v.
+Proof. Admitted.
+Lemma sem_expr_beq_correct_exit :
+ forall pt i a b v,
+ beq_pred_eexpr a b = true ->
+ sem_pred_expr pt sem_exit (mkctx i) a v ->
+ sem_pred_expr pt sem_exit (mkctx i) b v.
+Proof. Admitted.
+Lemma sem_eexpr_beq_correct :
+ forall pt i a b v,
+ beq_pred_eexpr a b = true ->
+ sem_pred_expr pt sem_exit (mkctx i) a v ->
+ sem_pred_expr pt sem_exit (mkctx i) b v.
+Proof. Admitted.
+Lemma sem_pexpr_state_lessdef :
+ forall i i' a v,
+ state_lessdef i i' ->
+ sem_pexpr (mkctx i) a v ->
+ sem_pexpr (mkctx i') a v.
+Proof. Admitted.
+Lemma sem_pexpr_beq_correct :
+ forall i p1 p2 b,
+ beq_pred_pexpr p1 p2 = true ->
+ sem_pexpr (mkctx i) p1 b ->
+ sem_pexpr (mkctx i) p2 b.
+Proof. Admitted.
+Lemma tree_beq_pred_pexpr :
+ forall a b x,
+ RTree.beq beq_pred_pexpr (forest_preds a) (forest_preds b) = true ->
+ beq_pred_pexpr a #p x b #p x = true.
+ intros. unfold "#p". unfold get_forest_p'.
+ apply PTree.beq_correct with (x := x) in H.
+ destruct_match; destruct_match; auto.
+ unfold beq_pred_pexpr. destruct_match; auto.
+Lemma tree_beq_pred_expr :
+ forall a b x,
+ RTree.beq beq_pred_expr (forest_regs a) (forest_regs b) = true ->
+ beq_pred_expr a #r x b #r x = true.
+ intros. unfold "#r".
+ apply PTree.beq_correct with (x := (R_indexed.index x)) in H.
+ unfold RTree.get in *.
+ destruct_match; destruct_match; auto.
+ unfold beq_pred_expr. destruct_match; auto.
+Lemma abstr_check_correct :
+ forall i i' a b cf ti,
+ check a b = true ->
+ sem (mkctx i) a (i', cf) ->
+ state_lessdef i ti ->
+ exists ti', sem (mkctx ti) b (ti', cf) /\ state_lessdef i' ti'.
+ intros. unfold check in H. simplify.
+ inv H0. inv H6. inv H7.
+ eexists. split. {
+ constructor.
+ - constructor. intros.
+ eapply sem_pred_exec_beq_correct; eauto.
+ eapply sem_pred_exec_beq_correct2; eauto.
+ eapply sem_expr_beq_correct. eapply tree_beq_pred_expr; eauto.
+ eauto.
+ - constructor. intros. apply sem_pexpr_beq_correct with (p1 := a #p x).
+ apply tree_beq_pred_pexpr; auto.
+ apply sem_pexpr_state_lessdef with (i := i); auto.
+ - eapply sem_pred_exec_beq_correct; eauto.
+ eapply sem_pred_exec_beq_correct2; eauto.
+ eapply sem_expr_beq_correct_mem. eapply tree_beq_pred_expr; eauto.
+ eauto.
+ - eapply sem_pred_exec_beq_correct; eauto.
+ eapply sem_pred_exec_beq_correct2; eauto.
+ eapply sem_expr_beq_correct_exit; eauto.
+ }
+ constructor; auto.
+Proof Sketch:
+Two abstract states can be equivalent, without it being obvious that they can
+actually both be executed assuming one can be executed. One will therefore have
+to add a few more assumptions to makes it possible to execute the other.
diff --git a/src/hls/GiblePargenproof.v b/src/hls/GiblePargenproof.v
index 8c494e0..9c85d54 100644
--- a/src/hls/GiblePargenproof.v
+++ b/src/hls/GiblePargenproof.v
@@ -165,35 +165,6 @@ Proof.
- rewrite forest_pred_gso2 in H1 by auto; eauto.
-Inductive state_lessdef : instr_state -> instr_state -> Prop :=
- state_lessdef_intro :
- forall rs1 rs2 ps1 ps2 m1,
- (forall x, rs1 !! x = rs2 !! x) ->
- (forall x, ps1 !! x = ps2 !! x) ->
- state_lessdef (mk_instr_state rs1 ps1 m1) (mk_instr_state rs2 ps2 m1).
-Lemma state_lessdef_refl x : state_lessdef x x.
-Proof. destruct x; constructor; auto. Qed.
-Lemma state_lessdef_symm x y : state_lessdef x y -> state_lessdef y x.
-Proof. destruct x; destruct y; inversion 1; subst; simplify; constructor; auto. Qed.
-Lemma state_lessdef_trans :
- forall a b c,
- state_lessdef a b ->
- state_lessdef b c ->
- state_lessdef a c.
- inversion 1; inversion 1; subst; simplify.
- constructor; eauto; intros. rewrite H0. auto.
-#[global] Instance Equivalence_state_lessdef : Equivalence state_lessdef :=
- { Equivalence_Reflexive := state_lessdef_refl;
- Equivalence_Symmetric := state_lessdef_symm;
- Equivalence_Transitive := state_lessdef_trans;
- }.
Definition check_dest i r' :=
match i with
| RBop p op rl r => (r =? r')%positive
@@ -2449,25 +2420,6 @@ execution, the values in the register map do not continue to change.
exists x0. auto.
- Lemma abstr_check_correct :
- forall sp i i' a b cf ti,
- check a b = true ->
- sem (mk_ctx i sp ge) a (i', cf) ->
- state_lessdef i ti ->
- exists ti', sem (mk_ctx ti sp ge) b (ti', cf)
- /\ state_lessdef i' ti'.
- Proof.
-Proof Sketch:
-Two abstract states can be equivalent, without it being obvious that they can
-actually both be executed assuming one can be executed. One will therefore have
-to add a few more assumptions to makes it possible to execute the other.
- Admitted.
Lemma abstr_seq_reverse_correct :
forall sp x i i' ti cf x',
abstract_sequence x = Some x' ->
diff --git a/src/hls/HashTree.v b/src/hls/HashTree.v
index 86bc598..7387401 100644
--- a/src/hls/HashTree.v
+++ b/src/hls/HashTree.v
@@ -163,6 +163,33 @@ Module HashTree(H: Hashable).
(nkey, PTree.set nkey e h)
+ Definition hash_value2 (max: hash) (e: t * t) (h: hash_tree): (hash * hash) * hash_tree :=
+ let (e1, e2) := e in
+ let (v1, h1) := hash_value max e1 h in
+ let (v2, h2) := hash_value max e2 h1 in
+ ((v1, v2), h2).
+ Definition hash_value3 (max: hash) (e: t * t * t) (h: hash_tree): (hash * hash * hash) * hash_tree :=
+ let '(e1, e2, e3) := e in
+ let (v1, h1) := hash_value max e1 h in
+ let (v2, h2) := hash_value max e2 h1 in
+ let (v3, h3) := hash_value max e3 h2 in
+ ((v1, v2, v3), h3).
+ Definition hash_value4 (max: hash) (e: t * t * t * t) (h: hash_tree): (hash * hash * hash * hash) * hash_tree :=
+ let '(e1, e2, e3, e4) := e in
+ let (v1, h1) := hash_value max e1 h in
+ let (v2, h2) := hash_value max e2 h1 in
+ let (v3, h3) := hash_value max e3 h2 in
+ let (v4, h4) := hash_value max e4 h3 in
+ ((v1, v2, v3, v4), h4).
+ Definition hash_list (max: hash) (e: list t) (h: hash_tree): list hash * hash_tree :=
+ fold_left (fun s e =>
+ let (i, h') := hash_value max e (snd s) in
+ (fst s ++ i::nil, h')
+ ) e (nil, h).
Definition wf_hash_table h_tree :=
forall x c, h_tree ! x = Some c -> find_tree c h_tree = Some x.
@@ -458,14 +485,28 @@ Module HashTree(H: Hashable).
Module HashMonad := Statemonad(HashState).
-End HashTree.
-Definition gt_1 {A} h :=
- forall x (y: A), h ! x = Some y -> 1 < x.
-Module HashTreeProperties (Import H: Hashable).
- Module Import HT := HashTree(H).
+ Definition gt_1 h :=
+ forall x (y: t), h ! x = Some y -> 1 < x.
+ Definition match_one (f: PTree.t t) lf :=
+ forall y z, lf ! y = Some z -> f ! y = Some z.
+ Definition match_all (f: PTree.t t) lf :=
+ Forall (match_one f) lf.
+ Lemma match_one_refl :
+ forall x, match_one x x.
+ Proof. unfold match_one; auto. Qed.
+ Instance match_one_Reflexive : Reflexive match_one.
+ Proof. unfold Reflexive. auto using match_one_refl. Qed.
+ Lemma match_one_trans :
+ forall x y z, match_one x y -> match_one y z -> match_one x z.
+ Proof. unfold match_one; auto. Qed.
+ Instance match_one_Transitive : Transitive match_one.
+ Proof. unfold Transitive. eauto using match_one_trans. Qed.
Lemma hash_value_gt :
forall max v h,
@@ -478,4 +519,37 @@ Module HashTreeProperties (Import H: Hashable).
cbn [snd] in *. rewrite PTree.gso in H0; eauto.
-End HashTreeProperties.
+ Lemma hash_value_in :
+ forall max f ht h ht',
+ hash_value max f ht = (h, ht') ->
+ ht' ! h = Some f.
+ Proof.
+ unfold hash_value. intros.
+ destruct_match.
+ - inv H. eapply find_tree_correct; eauto.
+ - inv H. rewrite PTree.gss. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma match_one_hash_value :
+ forall max x h h' y y',
+ hash_value max y h = (y', h') ->
+ match_one x h' ->
+ match_one x h.
+ Proof.
+ unfold match_one.
+ intros.
+ eapply H0; eauto.
+ eapply hash_constant; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma hash_value_eq :
+ forall h v ht h',
+ wf_hash_table ht ->
+ ht ! h' = Some v ->
+ hash_value h v ht = (h', ht).
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold hash_value. unfold wf_hash_table in *. apply H in H0.
+ rewrite H0; auto.
+ Qed.
+End HashTree.