diff options
authorMichalis Pardalos <m.pardalos@gmail.com>2020-11-20 16:40:45 +0000
committerMichalis Pardalos <m.pardalos@gmail.com>2020-11-20 19:21:43 +0000
commit982e6c69a52e8ec4e677147004cc5472f8a80d6d (patch)
parent9b87637d3e4d6a75dee1221b017e3ccf6632642e (diff)
Translate instantiations from HTL to verilog
3 files changed, 7 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/translation/Veriloggen.v b/src/translation/Veriloggen.v
index a0be0fa..772dc89 100644
--- a/src/translation/Veriloggen.v
+++ b/src/translation/Veriloggen.v
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ Definition arr_to_Vdeclarr_fun (a : reg * (option io * arr_decl)) :=
Definition arr_to_Vdeclarr arrdecl := map arr_to_Vdeclarr_fun arrdecl.
+Definition inst_to_Vdecl := map (fun (a: positive * instantiation) => match a with (_, decl) => Vinstancedecl decl end).
Definition transl_module (m : HTL.module) : Verilog.module :=
let case_el_ctrl := transl_list (PTree.elements m.(mod_controllogic)) in
let case_el_data := transl_list (PTree.elements m.(mod_datapath)) in
@@ -46,7 +48,8 @@ Definition transl_module (m : HTL.module) : Verilog.module :=
(Vcase (Vvar m.(mod_st)) case_el_ctrl (Some Vskip)))
:: Valways (Vposedge m.(mod_clk)) (Vcase (Vvar m.(mod_st)) case_el_data (Some Vskip))
:: List.map Vdeclaration (arr_to_Vdeclarr (AssocMap.elements m.(mod_arrdecls))
- ++ scl_to_Vdecl (AssocMap.elements m.(mod_scldecls))) in
+ ++ scl_to_Vdecl (AssocMap.elements m.(mod_scldecls))
+ ++ inst_to_Vdecl (AssocMap.elements m.(mod_insts))) in
Verilog.mkmodule m.(mod_start)
diff --git a/src/verilog/PrintVerilog.ml b/src/verilog/PrintVerilog.ml
index da4dd5d..a2fd78f 100644
--- a/src/verilog/PrintVerilog.ml
+++ b/src/verilog/PrintVerilog.ml
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ let print_io = function
let decl i = function
| Vdecl (io, r, sz) -> concat [indent i; declare (print_io io) (r, sz)]
| Vdeclarr (io, r, sz, ln) -> concat [indent i; declarearr (print_io io) (r, sz, ln)]
+ | Vinstancedecl inst -> concat [indent i; pprint_instantiation inst]
(* TODO Fix always blocks, as they currently always print the same. *)
let pprint_module_item i = function
diff --git a/src/verilog/Verilog.v b/src/verilog/Verilog.v
index 8847615..4f5c838 100644
--- a/src/verilog/Verilog.v
+++ b/src/verilog/Verilog.v
@@ -208,7 +208,8 @@ Inductive io : Type :=
Inductive declaration : Type :=
| Vdecl : option io -> reg -> nat -> declaration
-| Vdeclarr : option io -> reg -> nat -> nat -> declaration.
+| Vdeclarr : option io -> reg -> nat -> nat -> declaration
+| Vinstancedecl : instantiation -> declaration.
Inductive module_item : Type :=
| Vdeclaration : declaration -> module_item