diff options
authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2020-05-03 17:13:56 +0100
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2020-05-03 17:13:56 +0100
commit0b118f8dca9068e0075e72f4d0c24cf707df44c7 (patch)
parentd2c3d5a4fdb35b861be9df0795ef83f9b83c7bb7 (diff)
Add code to debug execution of HLS
3 files changed, 137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debug/CoqupTest.ml b/debug/CoqupTest.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f961f64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debug/CoqupTest.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+open Coqup
+open Test
+open Camlcoq
+open FMapPositive
+let test_function_transf () =
+ print_endline "Testing transformation";
+ print_endline "TL PROGRAM: ";
+ PrintRTL.print_program stdout testinputprogram;
+ print_endline "VERILOG PROGRAM: ";
+ let v = match Veriloggen.transf_program testinputprogram with
+ | Errors.OK v -> v
+ | Errors.Error _ ->
+ raise (Failure "Error") in
+ PrintVerilog.print_program stdout v
+let cvalue n = Value.natToValue (Nat.of_int 32) (Nat.of_int n)
+let test_values () =
+ print_endline "Testing values";
+ let v1 = cvalue 138 in
+ let v2 = cvalue 12 in
+ let v3 = Value.natToValue (Nat.of_int 16) (Nat.of_int 21) in
+ PrintVerilog.print_value stdout v1;
+ print_newline();
+ PrintVerilog.print_value stdout v2;
+ print_newline();
+ PrintVerilog.print_value stdout v3;
+ print_newline();
+ print_string "Addition: ";
+ PrintVerilog.print_value stdout (Value.vplus v1 v2);
+ print_newline();
+ print_string "Wrong addition: ";
+ PrintVerilog.print_value stdout (Value.vplus v1 v3);
+ print_newline();
+ print_string "Opt addition: ";
+ match Value.vplus_opt v1 v2 with
+ | Some x -> begin
+ PrintVerilog.print_value stdout x;
+ print_endline "";
+ match Value.vplus_opt v1 v3 with
+ | Some x -> PrintVerilog.print_value stdout x; print_newline()
+ | None -> print_endline "Correctly failed in addition"
+ end
+ | None -> raise (Failure "Error")
+let simulate_test () =
+ print_endline "Simulation test";
+ let v =
+ match Veriloggen.transf_program testinputprogram with
+ | Errors.OK v -> v
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "HLS Error") in
+ match Verilog.module_run (Nat.of_int 10) v with
+ | Errors.OK lst -> PrintVerilog.print_result stdout (PositiveMap.elements lst)
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Simulation error")
+let () = test_function_transf ()
diff --git a/debug/dune b/debug/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f0c6a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debug/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+(include_subdirs no)
+ (name CoqupTest)
+ (libraries coqup))
diff --git a/src/verilog/Test.v b/src/verilog/Test.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a31865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/verilog/Test.v
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+From coqup Require Import Verilog Veriloggen Coquplib Value.
+From compcert Require Import AST Errors Maps Op Integers.
+From compcert Require RTL.
+From Coq Require Import FSets.FMapPositive.
+Import ListNotations.
+Import HexNotationValue.
+Local Open Scope word_scope.
+Definition test_module : module :=
+ let mods := [
+ Valways (Vposedge 3%positive) (Vseq (Vnonblock (Vvar 6%positive) (Vlit (ZToValue 32 5)))
+ (Vnonblock (Vvar 7%positive)
+ (Vvar 6%positive)))
+ ] in
+ mkmodule (1%positive, 1%nat)
+ (2%positive, 1%nat)
+ (3%positive, 1%nat)
+ (4%positive, 1%nat)
+ (5%positive, 32%nat)
+ (6%positive, 32%nat)
+ nil
+ mods.
+Definition test_input : RTL.function :=
+ let sig := mksignature nil Tvoid cc_default in
+ let params := nil in
+ let stacksize := 0 in
+ let entrypoint := 3%positive in
+ let code := PTree.set 1%positive (RTL.Ireturn (Some 1%positive))
+ (PTree.set 3%positive (RTL.Iop (Ointconst (Int.repr 5)) nil 1%positive 1%positive)
+ (PTree.empty RTL.instruction)) in
+ RTL.mkfunction sig params stacksize code entrypoint.
+Definition test_input_program : RTL.program :=
+ mkprogram [(1%positive, Gfun (Internal test_input))] nil 1%positive.
+Compute transf_program test_input_program.
+Definition test_output_module : module :=
+ {| mod_start := (4%positive, 1%nat);
+ mod_reset := (5%positive, 1%nat);
+ mod_clk := (6%positive, 1%nat);
+ mod_finish := (2%positive, 1%nat);
+ mod_return := (3%positive, 32%nat);
+ mod_state := (7%positive, 32%nat);
+ mod_args := [];
+ mod_body :=
+ [Valways_ff (Vposedge 6%positive)
+ (Vcond (Vbinop Veq (Vinputvar 5%positive) (1'h"1"))
+ (Vnonblock (Vvar 7%positive) (32'h"3"))
+ (Vcase (Vvar 7%positive)
+ [(Vlit (32'h"1"), Vnonblock (Vvar 7%positive) (32'h"1"));
+ (Vlit (32'h"3"), Vnonblock (Vvar 7%positive) (32'h"1"))]
+ (Some Vskip)));
+ Valways_ff (Vposedge 6%positive)
+ (Vcase (Vvar 7%positive)
+ [(Vlit (32'h"1"), Vseq (Vblock (Vvar 2%positive) (Vlit (1'h"1")))
+ (Vblock (Vvar 3%positive) (Vvar 1%positive)));
+ (Vlit (32'h"3"), Vblock (Vvar 1%positive) (Vlit (32'h"5")))]
+ (Some Vskip));
+ Vdecl 1%positive 32; Vdecl 7%positive 32] |}.
+Lemma valid_test_output :
+ transf_program test_input_program = OK test_output_module.
+Proof. trivial. Qed.
+Lemma manual_simulation :
+ forall f,
+ step (State test_output_module empty_assoclist
+ (initial_fextclk test_output_module)
+ 1%nat 1%positive)
+ (State test_output_module test_output_module (add_assoclist 7 (32'h"3") empty_assoclist)
+ 2%nat 3%positive).