path: root/scripts
diff options
authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2023-08-10 11:17:39 +0100
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2023-08-11 17:15:39 +0100
commitc9d0a0bea2f547a9706e9524f20baf9778df805a (patch)
treedc8817796dbdbc91942195fbb27510fac9c9afd8 /scripts
parent6ad3f69cf04d0055b7987e6e4c858a64d3b1693c (diff)
Add Bambu synthesis and ClockRegisters
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
3 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/synth-bambu.sh b/scripts/synth-bambu.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..490190e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/synth-bambu.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -x
+scriptsdir=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$BASH_SOURCE")")
+if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
+ parallel=1
+ parallel=$1
+if [[ -z "$2" ]]; then
+ output=$(pwd)
+ output=$2
+if [[ -z "$3" ]]; then
+ source=$(pwd)
+ source=$3
+echo "copying directory structure from $source to $output"
+mkdir -p $output
+rsync -am --include '*/' --include '*.v' --exclude '*' $source/ $output/
+echo "executing $parallel runs in parallel"
+cat ./benchmark-list-master | \
+ xargs --max-procs=$parallel --replace=% \
+ $scriptsdir/synth-ssh-bambu.sh 0 % $output
diff --git a/scripts/synth-bambu.tcl b/scripts/synth-bambu.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82ce12e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/synth-bambu.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+proc dump_statistics { } {
+ set util_rpt [report_utilization -return_string]
+ set LUTFFPairs 0
+ set SliceRegisters 0
+ set Slice 0
+ set SliceLUTs 0
+ set SliceLUTs1 0
+ set BRAMFIFO36 0
+ set BRAMFIFO18 0
+ set BRAMFIFO36_star 0
+ set BRAMFIFO18_star 0
+ set BRAM18 0
+ set BRAMFIFO 0
+ set BIOB 0
+ set DSPs 0
+ set TotPower 0
+ set design_slack 0
+ set design_req 0
+ set design_delay 0
+ regexp -- {\s*LUT Flip Flop Pairs\s*\|\s*([^[:blank:]]+)} $util_rpt ignore LUTFFPairs
+ regexp -- {\s*Slice Registers\s*\|\s*([^[:blank:]]+)} $util_rpt ignore SliceRegisters
+ regexp -- {\s*Slice\s*\|\s*([^[:blank:]]+)} $util_rpt ignore Slice
+ regexp -- {\s*Slice LUTs\s*\|\s*([^[:blank:]]+)} $util_rpt ignore SliceLUTs
+ regexp -- {\s*Slice LUTs\*\s*\|\s*([^[:blank:]]+)} $util_rpt ignore SliceLUTs1
+ if { [expr {$LUTFFPairs == 0}] } {
+ set LUTFFPairs $SliceLUTs1
+ puts $SliceLUTs1
+ }
+ if { [expr {$SliceLUTs == 0}] } {
+ set SliceLUTs $SliceLUTs1
+ }
+ regexp -- {\s*RAMB36/FIFO36\s*\|\s*([^[:blank:]]+)} $util_rpt ignore BRAMFIFO36
+ regexp -- {\s*RAMB18/FIFO18\s*\|\s*([^[:blank:]]+)} $util_rpt ignore BRAMFIFO18
+ regexp -- {\s*RAMB36/FIFO\*\s*\|\s*([^[:blank:]]+)} $util_rpt ignore BRAMFIFO36_star
+ regexp -- {\s*RAMB18/FIFO\*\s*\|\s*([^[:blank:]]+)} $util_rpt ignore BRAMFIFO18_star
+ regexp -- {\s*RAMB18\s*\|\s*([^[:blank:]]+)} $util_rpt ignore BRAM18
+ set BRAMFIFO [expr {(2 *$BRAMFIFO36) + $BRAMFIFO18 + (2*$BRAMFIFO36_star) + $BRAMFIFO18_star + $BRAM18}]
+ regexp -- {\s*Bonded IOB\s*\|\s*([^[:blank:]]+)} $util_rpt ignore BIOB
+ regexp -- {\s*DSPs\s*\|\s*([^[:blank:]]+)} $util_rpt ignore DSPs
+ set power_rpt [report_power -return_string]
+ regexp -- {\s*Total On-Chip Power \(W\)\s*\|\s*([^[:blank:]]+)} $power_rpt ignore TotPower
+ set Timing_Paths [get_timing_paths -max_paths 1 -nworst 1 -setup]
+ if { [expr {$Timing_Paths == ""}] } {
+ set design_slack 0
+ set design_req 0
+ } else {
+ set design_slack [get_property SLACK $Timing_Paths]
+ set design_req [get_property REQUIREMENT $Timing_Paths]
+ }
+ if { [expr {$design_slack == ""}] } {
+ set design_slack 0
+ }
+ if { [expr {$design_req == ""}] } {
+ set design_req 0
+ }
+ set design_delay [expr {$design_req - $design_slack}]
+ file delete -force encode_report.xml
+ set ofile_report [open encode_report.xml w]
+ puts $ofile_report "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ puts $ofile_report "<document>"
+ puts $ofile_report " <application>"
+ puts $ofile_report " <section stringID=\"XILINX_SYNTHESIS_SUMMARY\">"
+ puts $ofile_report " <item stringID=\"XILINX_LUT_FLIP_FLOP_PAIRS_USED\" value=\"$LUTFFPairs\"/>"
+ puts $ofile_report " <item stringID=\"XILINX_SLICE\" value=\"$Slice\"/>"
+ puts $ofile_report " <item stringID=\"XILINX_SLICE_REGISTERS\" value=\"$SliceRegisters\"/>"
+ puts $ofile_report " <item stringID=\"XILINX_SLICE_LUTS\" value=\"$SliceLUTs\"/>"
+ puts $ofile_report " <item stringID=\"XILINX_BLOCK_RAMFIFO\" value=\"$BRAMFIFO\"/>"
+ puts $ofile_report " <item stringID=\"XILINX_IOPIN\" value=\"$BIOB\"/>"
+ puts $ofile_report " <item stringID=\"XILINX_DSPS\" value=\"$DSPs\"/>"
+ puts $ofile_report " <item stringID=\"XILINX_POWER\" value=\"$TotPower\"/>"
+ puts $ofile_report " <item stringID=\"XILINX_DESIGN_DELAY\" value=\"$design_delay\"/>"
+ puts $ofile_report " </section>"
+ puts $ofile_report " </application>"
+ puts $ofile_report "</document>"
+ close $ofile_report
+set outputDir .
+create_project -in_memory -part xc7z020clg484-1 -force
+read_verilog -sv main_top.v
+synth_design -mode out_of_context -no_iobuf -top main_top -part xc7z020clg484-1
+write_checkpoint -force $outputDir/post_synth.dcp
+report_timing_summary -file $outputDir/post_synth_timing_summary.rpt
+report_utilization -file $outputDir/post_synth_util.rpt
+create_clock -name clock -period 10.000 [get_ports clock]
+report_utilization -file $outputDir/post_opt_design_util.rpt
+place_design -directive Explore
+report_clock_utilization -file $outputDir/clock_util.rpt
+# Optionally run optimization if there are timing violations after placement
+if {[get_property SLACK [get_timing_paths -max_paths 1 -nworst 1 -setup]] < 0.5} {
+ puts "Found setup timing violations => running physical optimization"
+ phys_opt_design
+write_checkpoint -force $outputDir/post_place.dcp
+report_utilization -file $outputDir/post_place_util.rpt
+report_timing_summary -file $outputDir/post_place_timing_summary.rpt
+route_design -directive Explore
+write_checkpoint -force $outputDir/post_route.dcp
+report_route_status -file $outputDir/post_route_status.rpt
+report_timing_summary -file $outputDir/post_route_timing_summary.rpt
+report_power -file $outputDir/post_route_power.rpt
+report_drc -file $outputDir/post_imp_drc.rpt
+report_utilization -file $outputDir/post_route_util.rpt
diff --git a/scripts/synth-ssh-bambu.sh b/scripts/synth-ssh-bambu.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5bc1a4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/synth-ssh-bambu.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Assumes that the Verilog is passed on the command line, that the tcl file is in synth.tcl and
+# returns encode_report.xml.
+scriptsdir=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$BASH_SOURCE")")
+files="$scriptsdir/synth-bambu.tcl $output/$bench/main_top.v"
+date >$log
+temp=$(ssh $user@$machine "mktemp -d")
+>&2 echo "synthesising $bench $temp"
+rsync $files $user@$machine:$temp/ >>$log 2>&1
+ssh $user@$machine \
+ "bash -lc 'cd $temp && vivado -mode batch -source synth-bambu.tcl'" \
+ >>$log 2>&1
+rsync $user@$machine:$temp/encode_report.xml $output/${bench}_report.xml >>$log 2>&1
+# ssh $user@$machine "rm -rf '$temp'" >>$log 2>&1
+rm -f main.sv >>$log 2>&1
+>&2 echo "done $bench"