path: root/src/SoftwarePipelining/SPIMS.ml
diff options
authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2020-12-17 10:02:23 +0000
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2020-12-17 10:02:23 +0000
commit51e3a17d2e65b095861c243807f4e8d76c60ea0e (patch)
treee4870fc714b872835d3e04d10954cb4f74d42cac /src/SoftwarePipelining/SPIMS.ml
parent4f67aaa8ba8b2b51716896d9be896af385652bc9 (diff)
Add Software pipelining stage by tristan et al.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/SoftwarePipelining/SPIMS.ml')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/SoftwarePipelining/SPIMS.ml b/src/SoftwarePipelining/SPIMS.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a31f3d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SoftwarePipelining/SPIMS.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+(* *)
+(* Compcert Extensions *)
+(* *)
+(* Jean-Baptiste Tristan *)
+(* *)
+(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms *)
+(* described in file ../../LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+open Graph.Pack.Digraph
+open Basic
+module NI = Map.Make (struct type t = G.V.t let compare = compare end)
+let find key map def =
+ try NI.find key map
+ with
+ | Not_found -> def
+let unpack v =
+ match v with
+ | Some v -> v
+ | None -> failwith "unpack abusif"
+let dep_latency edge =
+ match edge_type edge with
+ | IntraRAW | InterRAW -> latency (G.E.src edge)
+ | _ -> 1
+let estart ddg schedule node ii =
+ let preds = G.pred_e ddg node in
+ let starts = List.map (fun edge ->
+ match find (G.E.src edge) schedule None with
+ | Some t ->
+ let start = t + dep_latency edge - ii * distance edge in
+ (*Printf.printf "start : %i \n" start;*)
+ if start < 0 then 0 else start
+ | None -> 0
+ ) preds in
+ List.fold_left (fun max e -> if max > e then max else e) 0 starts
+let resource_conflict time mrt ii =
+ match Array.get mrt (time mod ii) with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some v -> true
+let rec scan_time time maxtime mrt ii =
+ if time <= maxtime
+ then
+ begin
+ if resource_conflict time mrt ii
+ then scan_time (time + 1) maxtime mrt ii
+ else Some time
+ end
+ else None
+let finished ddg schedule =
+ let unscheduled = G.fold_vertex (fun node l ->
+ match find node schedule None with
+ | Some v -> l
+ | None -> node :: l
+ ) ddg [] in
+ (* Printf.printf "R %i R \n" (List.length unscheduled); *)
+ if List.length unscheduled = 0 then true else false
+let bad_successors ddg schedule node ii =
+ let succs = G.succ_e ddg node in (* Le succs_ddg initial *)
+(* let reftime = NI.find node schedule in *)
+(* let succs_sched = NI.fold (fun node time succs -> *)
+(* if time > reftime then node :: succs else succs *)
+(* ) schedule [] in *)
+(* let succs = List.filter (fun edge -> List.mem (G.E.dst edge) succs_sched) succs_ddg in*)
+ List.fold_right (fun edge bad ->
+ match find (G.E.dst edge) schedule None with
+ | Some t ->
+ if unpack (NI.find node schedule) + dep_latency edge - ii * distance edge > t
+ then (G.E.dst edge) :: bad
+ else bad
+ | None -> bad
+ ) succs []
+let get_condition ddg =
+ let cond = G.fold_vertex (fun node cond ->
+ if is_cond node then Some node else cond
+ ) ddg None in
+ match cond with
+ | Some cond -> cond
+ | None -> failwith "The loop does not contain a condition. Aborting\n"
+let modulo_schedule heightr ddg min_ii max_interval =
+ let ii = ref (min_ii - 1) in
+ let notfound = ref true in
+ let sched = ref NI.empty in
+ let cond = get_condition ddg in
+ while (!ii < max_interval && !notfound) do
+ (* Printf.printf "."; flush stdout; *)
+ ii := !ii + 1;
+ (* Printf.printf "NOUVEAU II %i \n" !ii; *)
+ let budget = ref (G.nb_vertex ddg * 10) in
+ let lasttime = ref NI.empty in
+ let schedtime = ref (NI.add cond (Some 0) NI.empty) in
+ let mrt = Array.make !ii None in
+ Array.set mrt 0 (Some cond);
+ while (!budget > 0 && not (finished ddg !schedtime)) do (* Pretty inefficient *)
+ budget := !budget - 1;
+ let h = heightr ddg !schedtime in
+ let mintime = estart ddg !schedtime h !ii in
+ (* Printf.printf "tmin (%s) = %i \n" (string_of_node h) mintime; *)
+ let maxtime = mintime + !ii -1 in
+ let time =
+ match scan_time mintime maxtime mrt !ii with
+ | Some t -> t
+ | None -> (*Printf.printf "backtrack" ; *)
+ if mintime = 0 then 1 + find h !lasttime 0
+ else max mintime (1 + find h !lasttime 0)
+ in
+ (* Printf.printf "Chosen time for %s : %i \n" (string_of_node h) time; *)
+ schedtime := NI.add h (Some time) !schedtime;
+ lasttime := NI.add h time !lasttime;
+ let killed = bad_successors ddg !schedtime h !ii in
+ List.iter (fun n -> (* Printf.printf "Killing %s" (string_of_node n) ; *)schedtime := NI.add n None !schedtime) killed;
+ begin
+ match Array.get mrt (time mod !ii) with
+ | None -> Array.set mrt (time mod !ii) (Some h)
+ | Some n ->
+ begin
+ (*Printf.printf "Deleting : %s \n" (string_of_node n); *)
+ (* Printf.printf "."; *)
+ schedtime := NI.add n None !schedtime;
+ Array.set mrt (time mod !ii) (Some h)
+ end
+ end;
+ (* if finished ddg !schedtime then Printf.printf "Fini ! \n" *)
+ done;
+ let success = G.fold_vertex (fun node b ->
+ b &&
+ match find node !schedtime None with
+ | Some _ -> true
+ | None -> false
+ ) ddg true in
+ if success then (notfound := false; sched := !schedtime);
+ done;
+ if (not !notfound)
+ then (!sched,!ii)
+ else failwith "IMS failure"
+let res_m_ii ddg =
+ G.nb_vertex ddg
+let pipeliner ddg heightr =
+ let mii = res_m_ii ddg in
+ let (schedule,ii) = modulo_schedule heightr ddg mii (10 * mii) in
+ (NI.fold (fun n v map ->
+ match v with
+ | Some v -> NI.add n v map
+ | None -> failwith "pipeliner: schedule unfinished"
+ ) schedule NI.empty,ii)
+let print_schedule sched =
+ NI.iter (fun node time ->
+ Printf.fprintf Debug.dc "%s |---> %i \n" (string_of_node node) time
+ ) sched